Nature of the East European Plain presentation. Presentation on geography on the topic "East European (Russian) Plain"

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Lesson Topic: Russian (East European) Plain. Lesson author: Bayyr-ool A.K. Place of work: MBOU Secondary School named after. N.S. Kongara s. Bai-Tal. Position: teacher of geography and biology

Lesson objectives: 1.Create an image of the Russian Plain, the largest physical and geographical country in Russia; show its uniqueness, specificity, provide a geographical perception of it through the emotional sphere using works of fine art, poetry, and songs of Russian poets and composers. 2.Develop speech activity, the ability to independently obtain knowledge from various sources of information. 3. To foster patriotism, a sense of beauty, and love of nature.

Equipment: physical map of Russia, photographs of houses in the city of Gorodets, slides, student reports. multimedia projector, table on the board. Note: students were given advanced tasks: 1) prepare a report on the topic “Handicrafts of the inhabitants of Central Russia” 2) memorize poems about the Russian Plain and the Volga River.

Each physical-geographical country or region is unique and inimitable. In this lesson we will study the features of the nature and population of the Russian Plain. The science of geography is closely connected with both literature and painting. Nature was described not only by scientists, but also by poets, writers and artists. And I would like to create not only a scientific, but also an artistic image of the nature and population of the Russian Plain.

The Russian Plain is the land where the Russian state was born. Among the forests, the fortress walls of rare and small cities once rose here. Years passed. Conquerors invaded the Russian Plain. The Russian Plain has seen a lot. Many writers turned to her, many artists depicted her beauty on canvas, and poets dedicated lines to her

Climate features: There is a lot of precipitation (the western transport of Atlantic air masses has a great influence). Due to the warm Atlantic air masses, winters here are mild and summers are warm. The abundance of precipitation in the north-west of the plain contributes to the widespread occurrence of swamps and full-flowing rivers and lakes. The climate is very diverse. From north to south, climate zones change from the tundra to deserts in the south. In general, the climate here is favorable.

The Volga is one of the main riches and decorations of the Russian Plain. Starting from a small swamp on the Valdai Hills, the river carries its waters into the Caspian Sea. It has collected the waters of hundreds of rivers and streams flowing from the Ural Mountains and emerging on the plain. The main sources of nutrition for the Volga are snow (60%) and groundwater (30%). In winter the river freezes.

The poet Nikolai Palkin in his poem “About the Volga” devotes the following lines to the great Russian river. It’s from here, it’s from here that from the depths of the river spring flows a blue miracle - a Russian lowland river, a bright house like a girl’s light, a warm evening, a gloomy spruce. Stop, people! The Volga was born here! This is her home and her cradle!

Filling out tables in notebooks. Russian Plain: relief climate rivers lakes

Population. 80% of the country's population lives on the Russian Plain. The Russian Plain is the main arena where the events of Russian history took place, where statehood took shape and the Russian nation was formed. The largest cities in Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg, are located on the Russian Plain.

Folk crafts. The Russian Plain is rich in forests. This predetermined the dominant role of wood as a building material, easily processed and easily accessible. Khokhloma painting - In the old days, among the wooden utensils that filled the house, Khokhloma products were especially loved. This is still the case. Khokhloma craft - painting wooden utensils and furniture - is one of the most famous in Russia. The greatest wealth of a peasant family in Rus' was a solid, beautifully carved house. Pine was used to build the house. Perhaps nowhere in Russia were peasant huts decorated so richly with carvings as in the Nizhny Novgorod Trans-Volga region. Each such house was distinguished by its individuality and is a work of art. Student's report about handicrafts of the inhabitants of Central Russia.

Beauty of Nature: Nature enchants with its beauty. It gives a person spiritual and physical strength, calms, and restores health. The unique charm of nature of the mighty Volga River is sung by Lyudmila Zykina, People's Artist of Russia.

Song "The Volga River Flows".

Conclusion: The Russian Plain is the largest physical and geographical country in Russia. The Russian plain is the soul, the heart of Russia.


“West Siberian Plain” - The length of the Irtysh on Kazakhstan territory is 1400 km. A lot of minerals are found in the West Siberian Plain. The location of the ridge is from west to east. A mining and processing plant operates in the city of Rudny. In winter the river freezes. The climate of the West Siberian Plain is continental and quite harsh.

“Soils of Russia” - Soil types. Soil-forming factors. V.V. Dokuchaev. 1. 2. 3. 4. Lesson topic: Soils of Russia. Alternation of soils on the territory of Russia when moving from north to south. Soil profile. Soil characteristics according to plan.

“Russian Plain” - Why don’t trees grow in the tundra? Average temperature, July: +37, January: -4; -16. Precipitation amount 750mm. Why is the tundra strip on the Russian Plain narrow? What impact has human intervention had on the nature of forest-steppes and steppes? Noticeable differences are in January temperature and annual precipitation.

“Natural zones of the cold zone” - Tundra zone. Steppes. Temperate forests. Taiga mixed broadleaf forests. Taiga. Deserts. Mixed and broad-leaved forests. Natural zones of the cold zone. Tundra ecosystem. Semi-desert steppes. Arid temperate zones. Natural areas of the earth. Power circuits. In the direction from the pole to the equator, natural zones replace each other in a certain order. cold moderate hot moderate cold.

Presentation on the topic "East European (Russian) Plain" on geography for schoolchildren. Contains twenty-six slides. The presentation includes tests that will allow you to control the consolidation of the material.

Text fragments from the presentation:

Atabiev Ibragim Adrahmanovich, geography teacher, Secondary School No. 1 named after. Hero of the Soviet Union M.M. Ummaev village. Upper Balkaria, Cherek municipal district of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

  1. Geographical position
  2. Geological structure
  3. Relief
  4. Climatic conditions
  5. Inland waters

Geographical position

  • What is the area of ​​the Russian Plain?
  • What natural areas does the Russian Plain border with?
  • What is the extent of the plain from north to south and from west to east?

What seas wash the Russian Plain?

  1. White
  2. Karskoe
  3. Caspian
  4. Azovskoe
  5. Baltic

Which bays are indicated by numbers?

  1. Kandalaksha
  2. Onega
  3. Finnish
  4. Taganrog
Uniqueness of the Russian Plain:
  • The most developed territory of the Russian Federation.
  • More than 50% of the country's population lives.
  • The largest plain in area in the Russian Federation (about 3 million km ).
  • The most complete set of software. The largest number of nature reserves.
  • The largest area of ​​glaciation. The largest glacial lakes in our country

Geological structure

Let's remember:
  • Platform -…
  • Shield - …

Shield - a section of the earth's crust where rocks of the crystalline basement of the platform emerge on the surface

  1. On the East European Platform.
  2. In the northwestern part of the plain is the Baltic Shield.
  3. The maximum height of the plain is 1,191 m (Khibiny).
  4. The minimum height of the plain is (-28 m) (Caspian lowland).
  1. On what platform is the plain located?
  2. In what part of the plain is the Baltic Shield located?
  3. Maximum height of the plain?
  4. Minimum height of the plain?


  1. Khibiny
  2. Timan Ridge
  3. Valdai Upland
  4. Smolensk-Moscow airway
  5. Central Russian Upland
  6. Volga Upland
  7. Northern Uvaly
  8. Bolshezemelskaya tundra
  9. Oka-Don Plain
  10. Caspian lowland
Slides of relief types:
  • Khibiny
  • Timan Ridge
  • Valdai Upland
  • Smolensk-Moscow Upland
  • Central Russian Upland
  • Volga Upland
  • Northern Uvaly
  • Bolshezemelskaya tundra
  • Oka-Don Plain
  • Caspian lowland

Central Russian Upland

Climatic conditions

Describe the climate of the plain according to plan:
  1. In what climate zones is it located?
  2. How does temperature change from northwest to southeast?
  3. How does precipitation change from northwest to southeast?
  4. Which VMs predominate and their direction?
Draw a conclusion

Inland waters

Show the rivers belonging to the basin:
  1. Arctic Ocean
  2. Atlantic
  3. Internal drain
Inland waters:
  1. Timan Ridge, Valdai Upland, Central Russian Upland.
  2. Rivers with spring floods, mixed feeding with a predominance of snow.
  3. On northern rivers, because floods begin from the upper reaches of the rivers.
  1. What landforms are watersheds?
  2. What is the regime and nutrition of all the rivers of the Russian Plain?
  3. On which rivers is high water dangerous for flooding?
Find the lakes on the map:
  • Chudskoye
  • Onega
  • Ladoga
  • Seliger
  • Ilmen
  • Elton
  • Baskunchak
What is the origin of their lake basins?

Test on the topic “Russian Plain”

1. In terms of size, the Russian Plain:
  1. First in the world
  2. Second in the world
  3. Third in the world
  4. Fourth in the world
2. The flatness of the territory is due primarily to the fact that ...
  1. The relief was formed under the influence of external forces
  2. Subjected to repeated glaciations
  3. At its base lies an ancient Precambrian platform
3. The folded foundation within the plain reaches the surface...
  1. On the Valdai Hills
  2. On the Kola Peninsula and Karelia
  3. On the Timan Ridge
  4. On Northern Uvaly
4. Which area of ​​the plain experienced repeated influence of Quaternary glaciation
  1. South
  2. Northern
  3. Western
  4. Eastern
5. What landforms are located on the plain:
  1. Central Russian Upland
  2. Vasyugan Plain
  3. Khibiny
  4. Valdai Upland
  5. Sibirskie Uvaly
  6. Oka-Don Plain
6. What type of climate is in most of the plain?
  1. Temperate continental
  2. Moderate monsoon
  3. Sharply continental
  4. Marine temperate
7. Select rivers belonging to the Atlantic Ocean basin:
  1. Volga
  2. Pechora
  3. S. Dvina
  4. Mezen
8. Which lakes are of glacial-tectonic origin?
  1. Elton
  2. Ladoga
  3. Baskunchak
  4. Onega
  5. Chudskoye

Features of the geographical location: The East European Plain is one of the largest plains on our planet (the second largest after the Amazon Plain in Western America). It is located in the eastern part of Europe. Since most of it is located within the borders of the Russian Federation, the East European Plain is sometimes called the Russian Plain. In the northwestern part it is limited by the mountains of Scandinavia, in the southwestern part by the Sudetes and other mountains of central Europe, in the southeastern part by the Caucasus, and in the east by the Urals. From the north, the Russian Plain is washed by the waters of the White and Barents Seas, and from the south by the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas. The length of the plain from north to south is more than 2.5 thousand kilometers, and from west to east - 1 thousand kilometers. The majority of Russia's population and most of the country's large cities are concentrated within the territory of the East European Plain. It was here that the Russian state was formed many centuries ago, which later became the largest country in the world by its territory. A significant part of Russia's natural resources is also concentrated here.

Factors that influenced the formation of the relief: The East European Plain almost completely coincides with the East European Platform. Small hilly areas arose as a result of faults and other complex tectonic processes. The height of some hills and plateaus reaches meters. The Baltic shield of the East European Platform was at the center of glaciation. On the territory of the Russian Plain, platform deposits lie almost horizontally. Where the folded foundation protrudes to the surface, hills and ridges are formed (for example, the Central Russian Upland and the Timan Ridge). On average, the height of the Russian Plain is about 170 meters above sea level. The lowest areas are on the Caspian coast (its level is approximately 30 meters below the level of the World Ocean). Glaciation left its mark on the formation of the relief of the East European Plain.

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