Tongue twisters for diction: complex tongue twisters, the largest Liguria. Tongue twisters for adults

"The benefits of tongue twisters"

People composed tongue twisters for the sake of benefit and for fun at the same time. The kids competed to see who could pronounce a tricky combination of words faster and more clearly. And to make learning more interesting, tongue twisters were written about funny things, and most importantly, understandable to children. It is useful to learn tongue twisters at home with your children. First, teach your children simpler tongue twisters, with sounds that the child pronounces correctly.

Bull, blunt-lipped, blunt-lipped bull.

The bull's white lip was blunt.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field

A weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya's dress.

We ate and ate molts from the spruce...

They were barely finished at the spruce.

Over time, make the tongue twisters more complex, organize competitions to see who can say the tongue twister the most times without stuttering. Learn tongue twisters that contain several difficult sounds, for example, S and Sh, Z and Z - children very often confuse them in speech.

Sasha loves sushi, and Masha loves cheesecakes.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

Sasha knocked down the pine cones with a stick

A beetle is buzzing over the honeysuckle,

Green casing on the beetle.

And finally, when the child has all the sounds in his speech, you can select tongue twisters, in which a combination of several difficult sounds is practiced, including L and R. And the tongue twisters can be longer.

Forty mice walked, carrying forty pennies.

Two poorer mice lost their pennies.

Vryushka’s friend baked a cheesecake,

Varyushka sewed a pillow for her friend.

Pyotr Petrov, nicknamed Perov,

I bought a quail bird;

He carried it around the market - he asked for fifty dollars,

They gave me a nickel and he sold it anyway.

Forty forty stole peas

Forty crows drove away forty,

Forty eagles scared the crows,

Forty cows scattered the eagles.

You can come up with tongue twisters yourself with your children, then they will be even more willing to pronounce them. You can also “put tongue twisters on your fingers,” i.e. come up with simple movements for your fingers at first, then complicate these movements. First, try to pronounce the tongue twister clearly, slowly, with simultaneous movement hands, and then do this with your child. If at first the baby doesn’t succeed in something, take his hands in yours and together perform all the movements from start to finish.

Correct and clear speech allows you to achieve success in your career. Clear articulation is necessary for all people, but it is especially important for announcers, actors and public figures. Tongue twisters for the development of diction make speech understandable and articulation correct. How to choose the right tongue twisters?

A tongue twister is a naive and primitive text that combines confusing and difficult combinations syllables and words. They are often confused with proverbs. But proverbs and sayings carry within them worldly wisdom and experience. Tongue twisters are not so deep in meaning - they are intended to train diction and eliminate speech defects. Funny content allows you to quickly memorize tongue twisters - daily lessons will be fun.

Tongue twisters can be short and simple - they are used for activities with children. Announcers and public people you need to master long and complex difficult words. Children's and adult tongue twisters often differ only in meaning, since speech problems do not depend on age. The longest and complex tongue twisters designed to work on 3–5 complex sounds at once.

Before starting classes, you need to objectively assess problematic sounds in speech. Each tongue twister is designed to improve a specific combination of sounds. Therefore, after analyzing speech, you can focus your efforts on problematic sound combinations.

Using tongue twisters, they improve diction, articulation, and speech rate. People who naturally speak quickly should pronounce difficult words slowly, emphasizing each sound clearly.

The longest and most complex tongue twister is Liguria. This is a logical story made up of popular proverbs. It is used to set diction for announcers.

On Thursday the 4th, at 4 and a quarter o'clock, the Ligurian traffic controller was regulating in Liguria, but 33 ships tacked, tacked, but never managed, and then the protocol about the protocol was recorded by the protocol, as the interviewed Ligurian traffic controller was eloquent, but not clear reported, and so reported about the wet weather that, so that the incident did not become a candidate for a judicial precedent, the Ligurian traffic controller acclimatized in unconstitutional Constantinople, where the tufted laughter laughed and shouted to the Turk, who was blackly stoned with a pipe: don’t smoke, Turk, pipe, better buy a pile peak, it’s better to buy a pile of peak, otherwise a bombardier from Brandeburg will come and bombard him with bombs because some black-snouted guy dug up half his yard with his snout, dug up and dug up; but in fact the Turk was not in the business, and Klara the King was sneaking to the stall at that time, while Karl was stealing corals from Klara, for which Klara stole the clarinet from Karl, and then in the yard of the tar widow Varvara, 2 of these thieves stole firewood; but it’s a sin - not laughter - not to put it in a nut: about Clara and Karl in the darkness, all the crayfish were noisy in a fight - so the thieves had no time for the bombardier, but also not the tar widow, and not the tar children; but the angry widow put the firewood in the barn: once firewood, 2 firewood, 3 firewood - all the firewood could not fit, and 2 woodcutters, 2 woodcutters, for the emotional Varvara, expelled the firewood across the width of the yard back to the wood yard, where the heron withered, the heron withered, the heron died; the heron's chick clung tenaciously to the chain; well done against the sheep, and against the well done the sheep itself, to which Senya carries the hay in a sleigh, then Senka carries Sonya and Sanka on a sled: the sled hops, Senka sideways, Sonya head on, everything into a snowdrift, and from there only a head of bumps knocked him down, then Sasha went along the highway, Sasha found the sachet on the highway; Sonya - Sashka’s friend was walking along the highway and sucking a dryer, and besides, Sonya the turntable also had 3 cheesecakes in her mouth - exactly like a honey cake, but she had no time for a honey cake - Sonya, with the cheesecakes in her mouth, would over-mix the sexton, - over-mix: it buzzes like ground beetle, buzzing and spinning: was at Frol's - Frol lied about Lavra, will go to the Lavra at Frol Lavra will lie that - the sergeant with the sergeant, the captain with the captain, the snake has a snake, the hedgehog has a hedgehog, and a high-ranking guest has taken away from him a cane, and soon again 5 guys ate 5 honey mushrooms and a half-quarter of a quadruple of lentils without a wormhole, and 1666 pies with cottage cheese from whey from yogurt - about all of that, the bells were ringing with groans, so much so that even Konstantin - a Salzburg unpromising man from - under an armored personnel carrier he stated: just as all the bells cannot be re-ringed, all the tongue twisters cannot be repeated, all the tongue twisters cannot be re-spoken; but trying is not torture.

Articulation gymnastics

Articulation teaches you how to position your tongue and lips correctly and direct the air flow. Gymnastics prepares articulatory apparatus to pronounce complex tongue twisters.

You need to exercise daily for 3-5 minutes. Perform exercises while sitting, back straight, muscles relaxed. Carry out gymnastics in front of a mirror to control the correctness of the exercises. Perform each exercise to a slight tension facial muscles.

Basic exercises:

  • Smile widely, expose your upper and lower teeth, hold the position for 10 seconds.
  • Pull your lips forward, blowing on the invisible fluff.
  • Alternate the first and second exercises at a fast and slow pace. The lower jaw should remain motionless.
  • Open and close your mouth in a wide smile.
  • Smile, open your mouth slightly, put your wide tongue on lower lip.
  • Open your mouth, stick out your tongue, stretch out the tip - the tongue becomes narrow.
  • Alternate wide and narrow tongue at a slow and fast pace.
  • Raise the tip of the tongue by the upper front teeth.
  • Fix the tongue behind the lower front teeth.
  • Move your tongue up and down and hold it behind the upper and lower teeth for 2 seconds.
  • Lower the tip of your tongue and move it deeper into your mouth. Alternately bring the tongue closer to the right and left front incisors.

This kind of gymnastics is the most best practice to master the basic correct positions of the lips and tongue.

Articulation exercises

Tongue twisters are aimed at improving the pronunciation of consonant sounds. But learning to speak tongue twisters correctly is impossible without knowing the basics of articulation of vowel sounds. These rules will teach you to pronounce sounds clearly, which will make it easier to pronounce complex sound combinations in difficult words.

Rules for the articulation of vowel sounds:

  • The sound "a". Open your mouth in the form of a wide ring, place 2 fingers folded on top of each other between your teeth. Cover the lower teeth with your lip, the upper teeth are open. Inhale - hold your breath - while exhaling, make a sound very quietly.
  • The "u" sound. Pull your lips forward with your proboscis. As you exhale, pronounce the sound for as long as possible.
  • The "o" sound. The lips are folded into a ring, slightly extended forward and stretched. Place between teeth thumb. The air should pass into the gap between the teeth and not rest against the palate and teeth.
  • The sound is "y". Place your little finger between your teeth, lips stretched, lower jaw slightly forward. Air passes clearly between the teeth.
  • The "i" sound. Place the tip of your little finger between your teeth. As you exhale, make a sound. Air should pass clearly between the teeth, in otherwise whistling will be heard.

How to practice

For the results of the training to be noticeable, you must follow following rules:

  • recite tongue twisters regularly - daily 2-5 times for 10 minutes;
  • reminders – print out 3–5 tongue twisters on a sheet of paper, hang them in visible places;
  • changes - tongue twisters should be changed every 10 days to prevent the articulation apparatus from becoming accustomed.

You should not immediately try to pronounce the tongue twister quickly. You need to pronounce each word slowly and rhythmically, to understand the meaning of the difficult phrase. Increase the pace gradually, trying to pronounce the phrase in one breath. Special attention pay attention to clear pronunciation of endings - activate consonant sounds, not make them heavier.

Before starting classes, do a light warm-up. Say the sound “g” and “k” three times. Then, with your mouth half open, pronounce the vowels “a”, “o”, “e” - each sound 3 times. Rinse your mouth with air to relax your muscles.

A mirror and a voice recorder will help you improve your diction. You should silently pronounce the tongue twister in front of the mirror, watching your articulation. Then pronounce the difficult phrase in a whisper, while all sounds should be understandable and audible.

Each lesson must be recorded with a voice recorder. This will allow you to hear how your diction is improving and what points to pay attention to.

In the future, you need to pronounce tongue twisters while moving - dancing, squatting. This will help diversify your classes and teach you to maintain pace and breathing.

How to read tongue twisters correctly to become an announcer

To learn to speak quickly, you first need to learn to speak clearly and slowly. When familiarizing yourself with a tongue twister, you need the most Difficult words repeat several times - you need to achieve their light and free sound.

It is senseless to pronounce a difficult phrase incorrectly syllable by syllable - this complicates speech and makes it unnatural. Each phrase must be pronounced at 2–3 tempos. Speakers with slow speech need to pronounce tongue twisters slowly, quickly and very quickly. When speaking at a fast pace, you need to pronounce phrases slowly and quickly.

On initial stage Pronounce vowel sounds quietly, consonants – clearly and loudly. Gradually, the sound volume needs to be increased, read the tongue twister in full force. At the same time, tilt your head from side to side, move your tongue towards your lips - this exercise gives the effect of quiet vowel sounds. You can pronounce a tongue twister through your nose pinched with your fingers - this improves diction.

Lessons begin with monosyllabic, short tongue twisters, gradually moving on to long and complex tongue twisters.

From the stomping, from the stomping, from the stomping,

From the tramp of hooves, from the tramp of hooves, from the tramp of hooves,

Dust on the field, dust on the field, dust on the field,

Dust flies across the field, dust flies across the field, dust flies across the field.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field,

Dust flies across the field from the clatter of hooves.

Pronounce the first part of the tongue twister in a semi-singing manner, gradually raising the tone of the voice to highest point. The second part is pronounced in a lower pitch - from the highest tonality to the lowest. At the end, in a medium tone, say the last 2 lines of the tongue twister again.

Tongue twisters can be combined and complex and long semantic combinations can be made from them. A tongue twister describes an action or event. The task of a novice speaker is to convey the essence of the tongue twister.

Complex tongue twisters

  • Watermelons were being reloaded from truck to truck. During a thunderstorm, the body fell apart in the mud from a load of watermelons.
  • Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies, and the mice, which are worse, noisily fumble for pennies.
  • The Staffordshire Terrier is zealous, and the black-haired Giant Schnauzer is playful.
  • In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocordin from Bulgaria.
  • De-ideologized, de-ideologized, and pre-ideologized.
  • Their pesticides are not comparable to ours in terms of their pesticide effectiveness.
  • Coconut cookers boil coconut juice in coconut cookers.
  • The workers privatized the enterprise, privatized it, but did not privatize it.
  • Lilac teeth picker.
  • The fluorographer was fluorographing the fluorographer.
  • I am a vertical climber. I can twist my stump, I can twist my stump.

What is the difference between tongue twisters and tongue twisters?

Pure tongues are used in children's speech therapy to improve pronunciation of sounds and their automation. They are based on the repetition of consonant sounds in various combinations with vowel sounds. They need to be spoken in different ways - loudly, quietly, quickly, slowly. You can do the exercises while listening to music, which will help instill in your child a sense of rhythm.

Whistling sounds need to be worked on with children aged 3-3 years. Hissing and the sound “l” - at 4–5 years. Sound “r” – 5–6 years. Pure twisters are also useful for adults, as a warm-up before tongue twisters.

Sound "s"

Sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa - Sonya has a long braid.

So-so-so, so-so-so - Sonya rolls the wheel.

Os-os-os, os-os-os - they picked up the vacuum cleaner.

As-as-as, as-as-as - we drank delicious kvass in the evening.

Sound "z"

For-for-for, for-for-for - the horned goat is coming.

Zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu - tie the goat quickly.

Uz-uz, uz-uz-uz - I was cutting a watermelon with my dad.

Az-az, az-az-az - a diver is visible in the sea.

Sound "ts"

Tsa-tsa-tsa, tsa-tsa-tsa - look, a sheep is running.

Tso-tso-tso, tso-tso-tso - the bird sat on the porch.

Tsuk-tsik-tsik, tsik-tsik-tsy - the starlings will soon arrive.

Ets-ets-ets, eets-ets-ets - we bought a sweet candy.

Sound "sh"

Sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha - porridge with butter is good.

Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu - I’m rushing to the skating rink now.

Ash-ash-ash, ash-ash-ash - the children hid in the hut.

Ush-ush-ush - took a shower in the morning.

Sound "zh"

Zha-zha-zha - the toad met a snake.

Zhi-zhi-zhi - how funny walruses are.

Zhu-zhu-zhu - I won’t tell you the secret.

Already, already, we lost our luggage.

Oh-oh-oh – he looks like his parents.

Sound "ch"

Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha - car, dacha, tower.

Chi-chi-chi, chi-chi-chi - there are bricks at the market.

Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu - I cry, I nurse, I laugh.

Ach-ach-ach, ach-ach-ach - tea, Easter cake, kalach.

Sound "r"

Ra-ra-ra, ra-ra-ra - it's time for us to go for a walk.

Ro-ro-ro, ro-ro-ro - I brought home a feather.

Ar-ar-ar, ar-ar-ar - I hear the mosquito buzzing.

Ir-ir-ir, ir-ir-ir - dad drank all the kefir.

Learn to speak clearly and correctly - difficult task. To achieve results, you need to learn 200 tongue twisters to develop diction - simple and complex, long and short. You should practice several times a day, practicing clear pronunciation different sounds.

Complex tongue twisters. Do children need them?

A tongue twister is a phrase or rhyme constructed from difficult to pronounce words, combinations of sounds and syllables and intended to be spoken out loud.

How are tongue twisters useful?

Tongue twisters develop speech apparatus child, make him more perfect and mobile. Speech becomes correct, expressive, clear, understandable, and the child becomes a successful person in the future. This the main objective tongue twisters, but not the only one.

Despite the fact that tongue twisters are necessarily read quickly, they teach a child who is in a hurry to speak to pronounce phrases more slowly, without “eating” the ending, so that he is understood.

By learning a tongue twister, a child learns to have a meaningful attitude towards what he says, to weigh each word, if not a syllable, to feel the connection between word combinations, to grasp very subtle nuances in intonation, meaning, meaning.

He also learns not only to speak, but also to listen. This is very useful and will come in handy at school, when the teacher gives out a lot of different information.

Russian tongue twisters are invaluable material for a speech therapist because they play a huge role in helping a child develop speech. There is hardly a parent who does not want his child to speak clearly, clearly, beautifully. But you need to work on this! Some people start speaking earlier, some better, but everything can be influenced and corrected.

But what’s interesting is that tongue twisters were originally invented, most likely, not for this purpose, but solely for entertainment. People gathered for various entertainments, sang, danced, spoke tongue twisters - it was fun. Therefore they belong to folklore and are considered a special comic genre of folk art.

Tongue twisters for children are primarily a game, not learning.

Tongue twisters were invented solely for speaking them out loud. First, you demonstrate this to the child, and then begin to learn the rhyme together.

First, pronounce the tongue twister very slowly and clearly, breaking it down into syllables.

The goal of the first step is to learn the tongue twister correctly. Pay attention to the pronunciation of all sounds: both vowels and consonants. It is very important at this stage to prevent mispronunciation not a single one of them. Now you are learning both words and pronunciation. Slowly but surely, as they say.

After this stage has been successfully completed and the child has learned the text and can pronounce it correctly, learn to do everything the same, but in silent mode. Now only the articulatory apparatus works - without a voice, only lips, tongue and teeth.

The third step is reading the tongue twister in a whisper. It is very important that in a whisper, and not hissing or quietly, the child can clearly and clearly pronounce the entire phrase.

Now say the text out loud, but slowly. Together, the entire phrase, without mistakes, but without rushing.

Play with the intonation of pronunciation: affirmative, questioning, exclamatory, sad and happy, thoughtful, aggressive, humming, in different voices. It is also very useful in terms of developing acting abilities.

And now the time has come to organize a competition for the most best result: Pronounce the entire tongue twister quickly and without errors. Invite your child to repeat it three times.

Each sound has its own tongue twister.

There are countless different tongue twisters. The most popular among us are the original Russian tongue twisters, which are close to us in meaning and spirit. However, educational nursery rhymes have not only a national connotation.

Each individual tongue twister is not a random collection of sounds and words. She trains certain skills and masters the pronunciation of a specific “problem” sound. For example:

For sound [b]: White sheep beat the drums.

For sound [v]: The water carrier was carrying water from the water supply system.

For the sound [d]: Grandfather Dodon played the pipe, Grandfather hit Dimka with the pipe.

For the sound [zh]: The lazy red cat lay down on his stomach.

For sounds [z], [z"]: On a winter morning, birch trees ring from the frost at dawn.

For the sound [k]: Near the bell stake.

For sound [g]: Jackdaw sat on the fence, Rook started a conversation with her.

For the sound [x]: The crested little Ukrainians laughed with laughter.

For sound [l]: A woodpecker sat on a tree and chiselled cracks.

For the sound [p]: There is a pop on the head, a cap on the butt, a head under the pope, a pop under the cap

For the sound [r]: The frame turns pink early, the frame is glad - the sun warms.

For sounds [s], [s"]: Senya is carrying hay in the canopy. Senya will sleep on the hay (N. Egorov).

Practicing the sound [t]: To interpret clearly, but to misinterpret to no avail.

For the sound [ts]: Chickens and hens drink tea on the street.

For the sound [h]: The turtle, not bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea.

For the sound [sh]: Six little mice rustle in a hut.

For the sound [u]: I clean the puppy with a brush, tickle its sides.

Popular tongue twisters.

You can’t say all the tongue twisters quickly,

You can't overstate it.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass;

One firewood, two firewood, three firewood -

Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.

In our courtyard

The weather became wet.

Thirty-three ships were tackling,

They tacked, but didn’t tack.

The cap is not sewn in the Kolpakov style,

The bell was not poured like a bell;

It is necessary to re-cap, re-cap,

The bell needs to be re-belled - re-belled.

Prokop arrived - the dill was boiling.

Prokop left - the dill was boiling.

How dill boiled under Prokop,

The dill was still boiling without Prokop.

On Thursday the fourth

At four and a quarter o'clock

Four little black little imps

They drew a drawing in black ink.

The beaver boyar has no wealth, no good.

Two beaver cubs are better than any good thing.

The mouse whispers to the little mouse:

“You keep rustling, you’re not sleeping.”

The little mouse whispers to the mouse:

“I’ll rustle more quietly.”

The ship was carrying caramel,

The ship ran aground.

And the sailors for three weeks

Caramel ate broke.

Cuckoo bought a hood.

Put on the cuckoo's hood,

How funny he is in the hood.

Tongue twister is childish and most often simple text by content. It is designed specifically to develop specific sounds or syllables of a language. Such phrases can be called difficult words in another way, and where frequently occurring sounds are practiced, pure words. You should read tongue twisters for speech development according to certain rules and in the correct one.

Doing diction exercises using tongue twisters is very useful activity. Many people are mistaken in thinking that they need to be pronounced very quickly. However, this is not always true.

How should classes on difficult words be conducted?

1. First of all, when working with them, as well as for developing diction, each person needs his own approach. If you have a fast pace by nature, you should practice extremely slowly, pronouncing and delving into each letter. And this is not entirely easy task. If your speech is slow, then you should speed up the pace gradually.

2. Work at multiple paces if necessary. What does it mean? If you have slow speech, work at a slow, slightly accelerated and fast pace. And if you speak at a fast pace, then at a slow and accelerated pace.

For young children, illustrations of tongue twisters should be shown. Ask your child a few questions, for example, who is in the picture and what he is doing. Questions should be simple and understandable. Ask your child to explain difficult words or explain them yourself.

3. Say the tongue twister several times with your child. Let him take the ball in his hands and for every word he throws it and catches it. You can throw the ball from one hand to another. Ask your child to say a difficult phrase while clapping his hands rhythmically. At the same time, you need to speak and clap slowly at first, and then speed up the pace.

When working with a group of children, you can arrange a competition to see who can say the tongue twister the fastest and not get lost.

4. Tongue twisters are simple, after them correct repetition, you can make it a little more complicated: say it, and then swap the beginning and end, if possible.

For example: A river flows, the stove bakes - the stove bakes, the river flows.

It is very important to help every child overcome their fear of pronunciation.

Praise and support your child in his endeavors to develop diction

Sequence of working with tongue twisters

First of all, you should read the tongue twisters that are given in “ pure form”, that is, without changes. Then, after mastering fast and slow tempos, move on to those containing complex phrases and where you can rearrange individual .


The rules of simplicity are simple!

The rules of simplicity are simple!

The rules of simplicity are simple!

Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!

Simple, simple, simple!

Simple, simple, simple!

Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!

Read the first part of this tongue twister as if humming, raising the pitch of your voice. Next, lower the key by switching to another word to the lowest note. And finally, repeat at an accelerated pace on a comfortable note: “simplicity is simple”, “simple”, “simplicity”.

Apply the same principle when working with the following tongue twister “Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass".

There's grass in the yard, there's grass in the yard, there's grass in the yard,

On the grass, on the grass, on the grass, on the grass there is firewood, and on the grass there is firewood, on the grass there is firewood,

Don't chop the wood, don't chop the wood, don't chop the wood, on the grass of the yard, on the grass of the yard, on the grass of the yard,

There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass, don’t cut wood on the grass in the yard.

There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass, don’t cut wood on the grass in the yard.

Okay, now you know the principles of working with difficult words. Knowing them, you can easily create your own.

By the way, you can also combine two tongue twisters that are similar in meaning.


There is a butt on the head, a cap on the butt. A shock under the butt, a pop under the cap.

And a cap on a cap, under a cap there is a cap.

Who will recap and recap?

Your main task is to convey the text with meaning, along with clear, natural and clear pronunciation.