Scenarios for May 9, Victory Day. Music “from the heroes of bygone times”

Victory Day at school. Scenario festive concert by May 9. Scenario for the organizers of a festive concert for Victory Day.

Holiday dedicated to Victory Day

Forty-first, June.

The year and month of the national struggle,

Even in the shadow of time

This date cannot be delayed.

The country was rising

And she went to the front obediently,

Red stars

Carrying away banners on canvas.

Leading: Good afternoon, Dear friends. This year, on May 9, Victory fireworks will go off in honor of... the anniversary of Victory Day. So many years have passed, but the immeasurable suffering of the war years and the immeasurable courage of the people are still alive in the people’s memory.

Today you and I can remember how it was.

Coming from darkness, worlds, bloodshed,

Unknown to anyone, distant and sick,

The iron war sings its red verse,

Madness, having learned from the mystery to find...

Leading: I didn't want to believe in this horrible dream, plunged the world into the abyss of madness. After all, everything was so good: June, summer holidays, school graduations. Alumni Waltz. For whom everything seemed to be ahead just the day before...

(The sound of the sea turning into lyrical music, a voice behind the stage, a dramatization of a poem.)

The pre-war day begins

From the rumble of seaside platforms,

The rain makes noise in the palm trees

And instantly


And there is a storm at sea.

The sea is muddy

There is plenty of scale in it,

Cascade hits cascade.

The destroyer is heading to Sevastopol.

Bombs will fly at him!

Tomorrow, early dawn

The first battle will thunder

The first doctor will meet the first wounded,

The first refugee will flee.

The birds will be afraid of the groves,

The forests won't hear the birds.

It will only happen tomorrow.

In twenty four hours...


Pre-war dawn,

The rumbling of seaside platforms,

The crashing wave of an unchanging wave,

Rain over the sea

And there is a storm at sea.

As it turned out, they only had a few happy sunrises left. They living then did not know about it, they were happily spinning in a whirlwind of a waltz.

Oh, war, what have you done, you vile one?

Our yards have become quiet...

Our boys raised their heads

They have matured for the time being.

They barely loomed on the threshold

And they went after the soldier...

Goodbye boys!

Boys, try to go back!

No, don't hide, be tall

Spare no bullets or grenades,

And don’t spare yourself, but still...

Try to go back.

(A waltz is performed, which is interrupted by the sound of cannonade, the dancers freeze, and a recording of Levitan’s voice is heard - a message about the beginning of the war.)

From Soviet information bureau. Today at 4 o'clock in the morning without any declaration of war German troops attacked our country. There are battles on the borders. We call for calm. Our cause is right! The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be ours!

(The song sounds " Holy war" Against the background of this song, a young man and a girl come to the fore. At the back of the stage, dancing couples freeze in scenes of farewell and parting. The music changes to lyrical.)

Familiar with the earth, intertwined with branches,

How painful, honey, how strange,

Split in two under the saw,

The wound on the heart will not heal -

Will shed pure tears,

The wound on the heart will not heal -

It will spill with fiery resin.

As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you,

Soul and blood are inseparable.

As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you.

Love and death are always together,

You will carry it with you everywhere,

Don't forget me darling,

You will carry it with you everywhere

Native land, sweet home.

But if I have nothing to hide with

From incurable pity?

But if I have nothing to hide with

From grief and darkness?

I'm leaving to return

Look, the sky is already on fire.

I'm leaving to return

A sword is raised above our happiness.

I believe the meeting will happen again,

I'll be with you, wherever you are...

I believe the meeting will happen again,

How thousands of happy meetings!

But if I disappear into obscurity,

The short light of daylight,

But if I disappear into obscurity,

Beyond the star belt, into the milky smoke?

I will pray for you,

So that you don’t forget the earthly path.

I will pray for you,

May you return unharmed.

He: Don’t part with your loved ones.

She: Don’t part with your loved ones.

Don't part with your loved ones,

With all your blood, grow into them.

She: And every time - say goodbye forever.

He: And every time - say goodbye forever.

Together: When you leave for a moment!

Don't forget the blood of separation,

Hearts burned by war.

Don't forget the blood of separation,

In the name of those holy days.

Let your shoulders grow back,

Let your hands clench into one chain,

And they will obscure the love of people!

(The song “Dark Night” plays.)

Eh, the roads are dust and fog,

Cold, anxiety - yes, steppe weeds.

You can’t know your share,

Maybe you will fold your wings in the middle of the steppes?

And how insulting and painful it was if someone died at the very beginning of the journey...

Yes, war has many tragic faces - one of them is female. But there is an even more stunning childish face of Tanya Savicheva - girls from besieged Leningrad who kept a diary. In it she wrote down when her relatives died. They died from cold and hunger. She lost her sister, brother, grandmother, uncle - and now the war took away the most precious thing - her mother. The last entry in the diary is: “Everyone died. Tanya is the only one left." Defenseless Small child in front of face brutal war. What could be worse than the suffering of an innocent child? God forbid that this happens again.

(A dance with candles is performed, after the dance the group freezes with candles in their hands, without leaving the stage, the text follows the stage. A young man and a girl come to the forefront, the dialogue goes on as if in thoughts between them.)

She: So you say that human tears are water?

He: Yes!

She: And all cataclysms pass without a trace for you?

He: Yes!

She: Christ, Robespierre, Chagevara - nonsense for you?

He: Yes!

She: And Afghan's tears never touched you? Him: Yes!

She: Tell me, does your conscience bother you, at least sometimes? Him: Yes!

She: But do you always manage to calm her down? Him: Yes!

She: What if enemies encroached on your country? Him: Well?

She: Did the hearth you created get destroyed? He's so...

She: Were your family members brutalized? They...

She: Do you really care if you shoot a bullet? He: It’s creepy... (covers his face with his hands) She: So you’re saying that human tears are water? Him: No!

She: And all cataclysms pass without a trace for you? Him: No!

She: So, does something still bother you sometimes? Him: Yes! Yes!

(The song “Red Poppies” is performed.)

Host: Four years - is it a lot or a little? Who, if not a soldier, should know about this? What helped you survive without becoming hardened in heart? Probably the letters that told them that they were loved were waiting. “Wait for me and I will return” - these words of Konstantin Simonov became a symbol of that time. These letters warmed the soul, giving the soldiers’ hearts the light of love and warmth. And the heart sang, sang even during the war.

(A medley of songs from the war years sounds, soldiers sit on stage and seem to perform these songs, then they freeze, and a voice behind the stage sounds in the silence.)

Through the centuries,

Years later

Who will never come again.

Do not Cry,

Hold back the moans in your throat,

Bitter moans.

In memory of the fallen

Be worthy.

Eternally worthy!

(Minute of silence.)

Leading: Time passed. The stages of the journey remained in the past: Moscow - 41, Stalingrad - 42, Kursk - 43, in 44 - Soviet army went beyond the borders of the USSR, and the cherished day was approaching - May 9, 1945.

(Poems are heard and performed by several students.)

Reader 1:

There was still mute darkness,

The grass was crying in the fog.

Ninth day of Big May

Already came into his own.

Reader 2:

The army buzzer beeped faintly.

Two words lifted the terrible dream.

Signalman from the regimental headquarters

He jumped up and threw the phone.

Reader 3:

And that’s it, no one called the buglers,

Nobody gave any commands.

There was a roar of furious joy,

The lieutenant was tap dancing.

Reader 1:

Tanks and infantry fired

And, tearing my mouth apart with a scream,

For the first time in four years

“Walter” fired at people.

Reader 2:

Flocks of “Yakovs” did not rumble

Above the blazing dawn,

And someone sang, and someone cried.

And someone slept in the damp ground.

Reader 3:

Suddenly there was an overwhelming silence.

And in complete silence

The nightingale sang, not yet knowing

That he is not singing about war.

(The victory waltz is performed to the song “Spring of 1945”. All participants line up on stage with flowers for the veterans.)


When from enemy pressures,

The striking sword will tremble in your hand.

Let it flash before your eyes

Generalissimo Suvorov

In his traveling frock coat.

And in every warrior they will awaken

Hearts of illustrious times.

Fanfare sounds, then music, readers and presenters appear on stage, their words sound against the background of music

Reader 1:
Again war, again blockade...
Or maybe we should forget about them?
Sometimes I hear: “No need”
There is no need to reopen wounds.
It's true that you're tired
We are from stories of war
And we read about the blockade
There are quite enough poems.

Reader 2:
And it may seem right
And the words are convincing.
But even if it's true
This truth is not right.
So that the planet is peaceful again
That war did not happen again.
We need our children
They remembered this, just like us.

Reader 1:
I have no reason to worry
So that that war is not forgotten.

Reader 2:
After all, this memory is our conscience.
We need her as strength.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon dear friends!

Presenter 2: We have gathered today in this hall on the eve of a great holiday - Victory Day over Nazi Germany.

Presenter 1: The Great Patriotic War. Now there is a lot of debate and talk about it, writing and filming, many facts are being questioned and fictions are being exposed.

Presenter 2: Yes, a different time has come, the country has changed, the ideology has changed, but one thing has remained unchanged - these are those people who bore all the hardships of the war on their shoulders, who were afraid, but walked, who hated death, but rushed into the arms of death, to save life.

Presenter 1: These people don’t need to explain or prove anything, they were there, they know it firsthand, and only faith in a just cause gave them strength.

Presenter 2: You can count how many years, months and days the war lasted, how much was destroyed and lost, but how can you count the amount of grief and tears that this made you shed? terrible war. We as a nation are alive as long as our memory is alive, as long as we want our memory to be alive!


Not burned by the forties,
Hearts rooted in silence,
Of course, we look with different eyes
To our sick war.
We know from confused, difficult stories
About the bitter victorious path,
Therefore, at least our mind should
Go through the road of suffering.
And we have to figure it out ourselves
In the pain that the world has suffered.
Of course, we look with different eyes
The same ones, full of tears.

Presenter 1:

And there were many terrible battles,
In which the damned enemy was defeated.
The Great Battle of Moscow,
In which we said to the enemy threateningly: “Stop!”

The presentation is shown on the screen (Appendix 2)

Presenter 2: For the first time, the wave of fascist aggression was stopped near the capital. Moscow did not lose its shine even in the most difficult times of war thanks to the steadfastness of the soldiers who proclaimed to the world “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind us.”

Presenter 1: The battle in the area of ​​Kursk, Orel and Belgorod is one of greatest battles Great Patriotic War. Not only were the selected and most powerful groups of Germans defeated here. But the faith in Germany’s ability to resist the power of the Soviet Union was irrevocably undermined among the fascist German troops. Fierce and bloody battles raged for 50 days and nights Kursk Bulge

Presenter 2: The long-suffering land of Stalingrad. How much did you have to endure! In all the places where fighting took place, it was literally plowed up by shell explosions and covered with a layer of metal. And in the first years after the war it was impossible to plow it. What was more in it - metal or earth? For Germany, the battle of Stalingrad was the worst defeat in its history; for Russia, its greatest victory.

Presenter 1: The most terrible milestone of that war was the siege of Leningrad. 900 days of heroic resistance. Hunger, cold, illness; thousands of dead: Back on September 8, 1941, the Nazis broke through to Lake Ladoga and captured Shlisselburg, cutting off Leningrad from the country.

The presentation is shown on the screen (Appendix 3)

Presenter 1: Second World War is the bloodiest war in human history. 61 states, 80% of the planet's population, were drawn into the war's orbit; military operations were carried out on the territory of 40 states, as well as in sea and ocean spaces. IN armed forces All countries had 110 million people under arms.

Presenter 2: The peoples of the world paid a huge price for the victory over fascism. Total losses The population of all countries on the planet amounted to 50 million people, of which 27 million people were losses in the war of the Soviet people.

Presenter 1: Many years have passed since the war ended. Time has leveled the trenches, ears of grain are growing on the fields of past battles, cities and villages destroyed by the Nazis have been rebuilt. Traces of the war are disappearing from the face of the Earth, but its echo still does not subside in people's souls.

Presenter 2: We have no right to forget the horrors of this war, so that it does not happen again! We have no right to forget those soldiers who died so that we could live now.

Presenter 1: We must remember everything. To forget the past means to betray the memory of the people who died for the happiness of the Motherland.

Presenter 2: To reach you, forty-fifth,
Through hardship, pain and misfortune,
The boys left their childhood
In the distant forty-first year.


Presenter 1: Terrible forty-first. How he changed people's destinies. Dreams, love, happiness - everything was scorched by the cruel fire, bloody war. The serene life gave way to military everyday life.

Presenter 2: The war stained childhood with blood and tears, made short lives many boys and girls, destroyed the bright dreams of seventeen-year-olds who, right from prom left childhood for the front.

Presenter 1 : They wanted to return home, to their native streets, to their cities and villages. They really wanted to... but they rushed into the embrasures of enemy machine guns, died under bullets, took martyrdom behind enemy lines.

Presenter 2: They fought and went to their death for their country, for their ideals.

Reader 1:
The boys left with greatcoats on their shoulders,
The boys left and bravely sang songs.
The boys retreated through the dusty steppes,
Boys died, where they themselves did not know.

Reader 2:
The boys ended up in terrible barracks,
Fierce dogs were chasing the boys,
They killed boys for running away on the spot...
The boys did not sell their conscience and honor.

Presenter 1: They did not return from the battlefield... Young, strong, cheerful... They dreamed of a hot and pure love, about a bright life on earth. The most honest of the honest, they turned out to be the bravest of the brave. They entered the fight against fascism without hesitation.

Presenter 2: This is written about them:
They left, your peers,
Without clenching your teeth, without cursing fate.
But the path was not short:
From the first battle to the eternal flame...
Let there be silence in the world,
But the dead are in the ranks.
The war is not over
For those who fell in battle.

Presenter 1: Dead, they remained to live; invisible, they are in formation. Those who died, like tens of thousands of their peers, who achieved so little in life and did so immeasurably much, giving their lives for their Motherland, will always be the conscience of all of us living.

Presenter 2: People! While hearts are knocking, - Remember!
At what price was happiness won? - Please remember!

Presenter 1: Years go by. Decades remain behind. Now only books, photographs, films and monuments remind of the courage and perseverance of the Russian people during the Great Patriotic War. But the memories of its direct participants also help to look into the past. In many families, direct participants in military events are alive, we know a lot from the memories of our parents and grandparents. Everyone who went through the war, who returned or did not return, can all be safely called heroes. And Russian soldiers, and officers, and women, and children...

Presenter 2: There is no family in Russia that was not affected by the Great Patriotic War. And we cannot afford to forget real heroes, because we are their descendants. These 1418 days of our selfless feat Russian people gave life to many future generations, let's not forget about it.


Presenter 1: The act of surrender was signed and came into force. The war ended, and the whole world breathed a sigh of relief: Victory!

Presenter 2:
All over the country from edge to edge
There is no city like this, no village,
Wherever Victory comes in May
Happy ninth!

The song “Victory Day” is performed

Presenter 2: Victory Day is a joyful and bitter holiday. Behind this holiday scary time war. The war, which became the most difficult, tragic test for our Motherland. War that lasted 4 terrible years, 1418 days and nights.
Presenter 1: 4 years of war. 1418 days of unprecedented national feat. 1418 days of devastation, blood and death, pain and bitterness of loss, death best sons and daughters.

Presenter 2: The war brought our country a lot of grief, troubles, and misfortunes. It devastated tens of thousands of cities and villages, depriving about 25 million people of their homes.

Presenter 1: Many soldiers did not return from the battlefields, and remained standing in bronze and granite. They were forever frozen in monuments and obelisks in their final rush to the enemy’s position.

Presenter 2: The war deprived hundreds of thousands of children of their fathers and mothers, grandfathers, and older brothers. It claimed more than 27 million human lives.

Presenter 1: More than 27 million in 1418 days - that’s 14 thousand killed daily, 600 people per hour,
1 person per minute. Every sixth resident of our country died during the war.
If a minute of silence is declared for each of them, the country will remain silent for 38 years. That's what 27 million is.

Presenter 2: Fascism brought countless victims to the peoples of the earth. In each European country there is a village and a city of pain and tears. They blame fascism.

Presenter 1: Fascism is accused gas chambers concentration camps of death. Prisoners of Buchenwald, Dachau, Auschwitz, the dead are crying out for retribution Babi Yar, residents burned alive Belarusian village Khatyn.

Reader 1:
Everything is remembered, nothing is forgotten,
Everything is remembered, no one is forgotten
Day and night in a granite bowl
The holy flame burns reverently.

Reader 2:
The flame burns day and night
And illuminates the globe,
Our memory does not subside
About those who were killed by the war.

Reader 3:
Tens of years have passed between us,
The war is history.
We are in the heart with eternal words
We write the names of the dead.

Reader 4:
The memory of generations is inextinguishable
And the memory of those whom we honor so sacredly,
Come on people, let's stand for a moment.
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

Presenter 1: Get up! And let your silence be the most formidable protest against the war!

Presenter 2: Get up! And the voices of the dead will sound in your souls - and this will be our prayer!

Presenter 1: Get up! Perhaps then at least one less drop of blood will be shed in the world!

The metronome sounds, there is a minute of silence

Reader 1:

The war has passed, the suffering has passed,
But pain calls to people:
Come on people, never
Let's not forget about this.

Reader 2:
Let her memory be true
They keep about this torment,
And the children of today's children,
And our grandchildren's grandchildren.

Reader 3:
Let in everything that life is full of,
In everything that is dear to the heart,
We will be given a reminder
About what happened in the world.

Reader 4:
Then, to forget it
Generations did not dare.
Then, so that we can be happier,
And happiness is not in oblivion!

Reader 1:
In this huge, crazy world there is a tiny point - us!

Reader 2:

We are the generation that calls itself the future!

Reader 3:
We are the generation that witnessed the birth of the 21st century!

Reader 4:
We are the generation in whose name millions of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers gave their lives!

Reader 5:
We are the future defenders of the Fatherland, we remember the price Great Victory!

Presenter 1:
The memory of the fallen is timeless. She warns, worries us! We remember the past war again and again, not because we thirst for revenge for the past, but because we are worried about the future.

Reader 1:

We have been quietly dreaming for many years,
And you - both privates and commanders -
There is unfairly little left
Comrades, participants in the war.

Reader 2:

While we lack silence,
While the outposts glow alarmingly -
We will live according to your rules,
Comrades, participants in the war.

Reader 3:
We remember, we honor with a low bow
Everyone who did not survive the war,
And those who went into obelisks,
And those who have no graves at all.

Reader 4:

Tens of years have passed between us,
The war is history.
We are in the heart with eternal words
We write the names of the dead.

Reader 5:
We, who have lived to see these days,
The memory of the past will not die:
While we honor those who died for the Motherland,
How immortal are our people!
Presenter 2: In our time there has appeared interesting tradition. People on the eve of the Victory Day holiday, ties St. George's ribbon on clothes as a sign of respect, memory and solidarity with the heroic Russian soldiers who defended the freedom of our country in the distant 40s. The black color of the ribbon means smoke, and the orange color means flame.

Presenter 1: The campaign was invented for the 60th anniversary of the VictoryNatalya Loseva- employee news agency"RIA News". According to the terms of the promotion, the ribbon must be attached to the lapel of clothing, tied to a hand, to a bag or to a car antenna. In this way, we will pay tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, express our respect for veterans, and gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front.

Presenter 2: Alas, the “Brown Plague” of fascism is not a thing of the past. It seeps into the present, poisoning with its poison the minds and souls of citizens and, above all, the youth and teenagers of Ukraine. What kind of seedlings such crops can produce is clear to everyone. A year ago, a festive parade was held in Kyiv, but just the other day it became known that at the end of April there was a parade of SS men, and the sacred Victory Day on May 9 will no longer be a day off and will be called the holiday of the victory of the Bolshevik invaders.

Presenter 1: In the year of the 69th anniversary of the victory over fascism in Ukraine, the territory that suffered most from it, modern fascists continue their activities with might and main. And they take out their impotent hatred of our great holiday on unarmed people, old people who gave them a future, and especially on this little ribbon. So, as a sign of opposition to fascism and contempt for it, let us also take part in the “St. George Ribbon” action.

Presenter 2: And now, according to our old tradition, we will lay memorial garlands on mass grave and to the monument to the Sorrowful Mother.

We dedicate it to all those who fell in the battles of the Great Patriotic War. We dedicate this to all the veterans who won and gave us peace. We dedicate this to all children who have never seen war. To be remembered. To be understood.

I didn’t want to believe in this terrible dream that plunged the world into the abyss of madness. After all, everything was so good: June, summer holidays, school graduations. Alumni Waltz. For whom everything seemed to be ahead just the day before...

As it turned out, they only had a few happy sunrises left. They living then did not know about it, they were happily spinning in a whirlwind of a waltz...

1 girl - How fun it is today, school and exams are behind us, and a new adult life lies ahead...

2 girl - How long have we been waiting for this and now we feel with trepidation the arrival of something new, but always good!

3 girl - What will happen tomorrow?

The inscription on the screen: Tomorrow there was a war. (The sound of sirens.)

on the screen there is a poster “The Motherland is Calling.” The song “Get up, huge country” sounds loudly. Girls put gymnasts on guys.

Couples say goodbye and read poetry

To reach you, forty-fifth,

Through hardship, pain and misfortune,

The boys left their childhood

In the terrible forty-first year.

Taking rifles in their hands, they left

Towards blizzards and hail of lead!

They obscured their homeland

And they were faithful to her to the end!

Enveloped in an ominous glow,

The long firmament rumbles

My fellow soldiers

Platoon goes forward behind the platoon

(Girls and boys leave the stage with their heads bowed)

Under sad music couple reads a poem: (guy in military uniform with my girlfriend)

He: (Frolov)
I'm leaving to return
Look, the sky is already on fire.
I'm leaving to return
A sword is raised above our happiness.
She: (Kochergina)
I believe the meeting will be repeated.
I'll be with you, wherever you are
I believe the meeting will happen again,
How thousands of happy meetings!

But if I disappear into obscurity
In the cold light of daylight?
But if I disappear into obscurity
Beyond the star belt, into the milky house?
I will pray for you,
Don't forget me, darling,
I will pray for you,
May you return unharmed.

The guy leaves

(Elizaveta Kochergina sings: “Once upon a time”)


Girl 1

Eh, the roads are dust and fog,

Cold, anxiety - yes, steppe weeds.

Girl 2

The war scattered the children all over the country. And how many roads there were, straight and winding, sad and cheerful..... The terrible forty-first. How he changed people's destinies. Dreams, love, happiness - everything was scorched by the fire of a cruel, bloody war. The serene life gave way to military everyday life.

(The military sit in front of the fire and read poetry)

Reader 1.

Cities burn at sunset

They are suffocated by smoky dreams.

The echelons go there

Echelons filled with us.

There the redoubt is cracking behind the redoubt,

There the line of defense was broken.

The echelons go and go,

Trains travel day and night.

Reader 2.

Cities burn at sunset

Don't be sad, don't hope for a miracle.

The echelons go there

But they will not return from there.

The Motherland saw us off

She handed over both the overcoat and the rifle.

I didn’t ask to die in battle

And she didn’t teach us to retreat in battle.

Reader 3.

Fate is not given to us to understand

Everything was written about us.

We died without asking a long time ago,

And they forgot about how they died.

The years have flown over us,

And the fireworks went off many times...

The echelons have gone nowhere,

And no one came back.

The song “Scarlet Sunsets” is playing , performed by Alena Ivashko and Victoria Kalugina.

The first class comes on stage and reads poetry!

1) I have never seen war
And I can’t imagine her horror
But what our world wants is silence
Today I understand very clearly.

2) That morning became famous -
The news spread all over the planet:
The vile fascists are defeated!
Praise to the Soviet army!

3) Let the victory fireworks thunder
The world is warmed by this light.
Congratulations to our great-grandfathers!
Victory Day for many years!

4) Thank you that we didn’t have the chance
Imagine and recognize such torment
It was all your share -
Anxiety, hunger, cold and separation

5) Thank you for the bright light of the sun,
For the joy of life in every moment of ours,
For the trills of the nightingale, and for the dawn
And beyond the fields of blooming daisies.

6) Yes! The terrible hour is behind us.
We only learned about the war from books.
Thank you. We love you very much.
Bows to you from girls and boys!

1: The war stained childhood with blood and tears, shortened the lives of many boys and girls, and destroyed the bright dreams of seventeen-year-olds who went straight from their prom to the front.

2: They wanted to return home, to their native streets, to their cities and villages. They really wanted to... but they rushed into the embrasures of enemy machine guns, died under bullets, and suffered martyrdom behind enemy lines.

1: They fought and went to their death for their country, for their ideals. And how insulting and painful it was if someone died at the very beginning of the journey...

The song performed by Alina Rusanova “Remember” is playing

Great are the sacrifices made by our people in the name of the Great Victory. The war claimed more than 40 million lives Soviet people. Almost every family has lost a loved one or loved one. The Great Patriotic War lasted 1418 days and nights, claiming more than 14 thousand lives of Soviet people every day, 588 people died every hour, 10 people died every minute. The Nazis burned 1,710 of our cities and 70 thousand villages... and how can one measure the depth of the torment of mothers who lost their children, the despair of wives who lost their husbands, the bitterness of children's tears!

We will never forget those days of battle
You brought the dawn on your shoulders.
Eternal glory to you who survived
Eternal memory to all who died.

The memory of generations is inextinguishable
And the memory of those whom we honor so sacredly,
Come on people, let's stand for a moment.
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

A minute of silence.

The pain of loss and grief for the fallen will never subside. But without their heroic life given to the Motherland. There would have been no Victory. And I want to bow low and say:

Glory to you, the winner is a soldier,

You've been through all the trials

Not for the sake of ranks and awards,

And to save people from suffering!

Song performed by 1-2 classes “Our Army”.

Guys coming from the war. Read the last verse.

We are here with you not because of the date,
The memory burns in my chest like an evil shard.
To the grave unknown soldier
Come on holidays and weekdays.
He protected you on the battlefield.
He fell without taking a step back.
And this hero has a name -
Great Army simple soldier.

That morning became famous -

The news spread all over the planet:

The vile fascists are defeated!

Praise to the Soviet army!

Leading: May 1945. Victory... And what could be simpler, stronger, more humane than this word? Victory... It has come... Victory... The people have been waiting for it for 4 years, 4 many years, 1418 days. Thanks to the veterans. We owe them our lives.


I know from my father, I know from my grandfather -

All the people were waiting for that day,

That day became the most joyful.

Victory Day is a spring holiday,

The day of defeat of a cruel war,

The day of defeat of violence and evil,

Day of the resurrection of love and goodness.

Today the holiday enters every home,

And joy comes to people with him.

We congratulate you on your great day,

Happy day of our glory! Happy Victory Day!

School waltz___(Graduates dance a waltz, the dance is interrupted, the news of the beginning of the war is heard. The song “Goodbye boys” plays. While the song is being sung, the girls say goodbye to the boys; the boys go to the front, the girls grieve. Afterwards, they also go to the front.)

The script for the May 9 holiday was prepared by: Natalia Nikolaevna Nikolaeva, Deputy Director for VR, Svetlana Vladimirovna Filippova, Head of the school military-patriotic museum “Search”, Municipal Educational Institution “Osnovnaya” comprehensive school No. 1 named after. Babakina G.O.” Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic, email: [email protected]

Part 1


Dear friends! We were born and raised in Peaceful time. We have never heard the howl of sirens announcing a military alarm, we have not seen houses destroyed by fascist bombs, we do not know what unheated housing and meager military rations are. It's hard for us to believe that human life ending it is as easy as a morning dream. We can judge about trenches and trenches only from films and the stories of front-line soldiers. For us, war is history. To the glorious victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War we dedicate tonight.

The recording is playing "Victory Day", the children line up, as if forming an alley, everyone has flowers in their hands. Several children are escorted along the “alley” of veterans, holding their hands, brought to places of honor for guests, invited to sit down, the children give flowers to the veterans. The music stops, children stand freely throughout the hall.

Child reader

This day is special and desired. The sun is shining brightly above. Victory Day - long-awaited holiday Celebrated in our country.

Party host

But especially he dear to veterans, Tears of joy and pain in their eyes. No way to heal mental wounds, And the flowers in their hands tremble.

The song "We are the heirs of Victory" is performed.

Child reader

Wear your medals! They are given to you for the Victory, For your honest wounds, Wear the orders! The dawns glow in them, That you defended in the trenches of that war. Wear orders both on holidays and on weekdays, On tunics and fashionable jackets, Wear orders so that people can see you, You, who endured the war on your own shoulders.

Children sit on chairs.


Let history turn back through its legendary pages. And memory, flying through the years, leads again to campaigns and battles.

A recording of the song “Don’t think down on the seconds” from the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring” is playing.

From a glorious date 9th May A lot of time has passed since 1945, but we know and remember the name of the winner - the people, many of whose sons and daughters gave their lives for great land my.

Today will be a day of remembrance and my heart is full of high words. Today will be a day of reminders about the feat and valor of our fathers.

The recording of "Holy War" is playing

Child reader (boy)

By violating peaceful life, suddenly, without declaring war, fascist Germany On June 22, 1941, she attacked our country.

Child reader (girl)

Sad willows bent towards the pond, The moon floats over the river, There, at the border, a young fighter stood on guard at night. Black shadows grew in the fog, The cloud in the sky was dark, The first shell exploded in the distance - Thus began the war.

Staging. Children are placed throughout the hall (signalman, nurse, sailor, pilot, machine gunner).

Signalman (puts on headphones):

Hello, Jupiter!? I am Diamond! I can hardly hear you at all... We occupied the village with a fight, What about you? Hello! Hello!

Nurse (bandages the wounded):

Why are you roaring like a bear? It's just a matter of patience. And your wound is so light that it will surely heal.

Sailor (looks through binoculars):

There's an airplane on the horizon, on course - full speed, forward! Get ready for battle, crew! Leave it alone! Our fighter!

Pilots above the map:

The infantry is here, and the tanks are here. The flight to the target is seven minutes. The combat order is clear, the enemy will not leave us.

Machine gunner:

So I climbed into the attic. Perhaps there is an enemy lurking here. We cleanse the house behind the house, We will find the enemy everywhere.

The participants in the performance return to their seats.


Woman and war... Both of these words female, but how incompatible they are... Woman and war... A woman comes into the world to light a candle.

Young women and teachers come out in military uniform.

A woman comes into the world to take care of the hearth

A woman comes into the world to be loved.

A woman comes into the world to give birth to a child.

A woman comes into the world to make flowers bloom.

A woman comes into the world to save the world.


Women of the formidable forties had a chance to save the world.

They sit down by the fire, next to the dugout.

We all had one desire: only to the front! We went to the military registration and enlistment office, and they told us: “Grow up, girls, it’s too early for you to go to the front”... We were 16 years old, but I achieved my goal, they took me.

Mom then stood guard at the station for several days when we were being transported. She saw us already walking towards the train, handed me some food and fainted.

They lined us up by height, I'm the smallest. The commander goes and looks. He comes up to me, “What kind of Thumbelina is this? What will you do at the front? Maybe you’ll go back to your mom and grow up?” And then I no longer had a mother.

And I took with me to the front my favorite skirt, two pairs of socks and shoes, so elegant, with heels... And I also took some perfume... I thought, I’m not going for long, the war will end soon.


Each of them had their own road to the front, but the goal was the same - to defend the Motherland.

The girls around the fire are singing the song "Oh, roads."


Women of the ended war... It is difficult to find words worthy of the feat that they accomplished. Their destinies cannot be measured by the usual measure, and they will live forever - in grateful memory folk, in flowers, the spring glow of birch trees, in the first steps of children on the land that they defended.

Stories and memories of women veterans.


Accept, women, praise...

Everyone leaned on in difficult times

On your hands, your shoulders -

And they won! And without you

And there would be nothing to fight with.

The presenter takes a cap with soldiers' letters from the dugout.


If you want to know about the war

And about the victorious spring of May,

Ask the soldier's mother

1st letter:

Years froze on the pages.

He will always be twenty-two.

"Mom, I'm healthy and alive..."

And the next morning the last battle.

Child reader 1

My dear brothers and sisters,

Tomorrow I'm going into battle again

For your Fatherland, for Russia,

That I got into a lot of trouble.

I will gather my courage, strength,

I will beat the Germans without mercy,

So that nothing threatens you,

So that you can study and live.

They pass the cap with letters to each other.

Child Reader 2

My dear family!

Night. The candle flame is flickering.

This is not the first time I remember

How do you sleep on a warm stove.

In our little old hut,

That is lost in the deep forests,

I remember a field and a river,

I remember you again and again.

Father of one of the children

Forgive me for the letter

Hurrying, breaking away, carelessly

I write like a boy's diary

And as a navigator - a magazine.

Here it begins again... Do you hear?

Rushing at third speed

Metal filled with fire...

Girl teacher

I saw my comrades die. And today the battalion commander told a story about how one general died, he died while facing west. I love life, I want to live, but the front is such a thing that you live and live - and suddenly a bullet or a shrapnel puts an end to the end of your life. But if I am destined to die, I would like to die like this general: in battle and facing west.

Father of another child

It's midnight outside, the candle is burning out,

High stars are visible.

You are writing a letter, my dear,

To the blazing address of war.

How long have you been writing this, my dear?

Finish and start again.

But I'm sure: to the leading edge

Such love will break through.

We've been away from home for a long time

The lights of our rooms are not visible behind the smoke of war,

But the one who is loved, but the one who is remembered,

At home and in the smoke of war.

Warmer at the front from affectionate letters.

Reading, behind every line

You see your beloved and hear your homeland,

We'll be back soon, I know, I believe

And such a time will come.

Sadness and separation will remain at the door,

And only joy will enter the house.

And some evening with you

Pressing your shoulder against your shoulder

We will sit down and the letters are like a chronicle of the battle,

Let's re-read it as a chronicle of feelings.

Everyone from the dugout returns to their places.

The presenter addresses the children

Tell me, children, how many of you remember the poem about the flag?


The flag is burning in the sun, as if I lit it.


Which flag can be said to be burning like a light? What can it remind you of? Blue colour? White color? (children answer). The word “flag” has a word similar in meaning. Who knows what word can be used instead of the word “flag”? (banner). The word "flag" appeared in Russia during the time of Peter the Great. The word "banner" is much older. It is solemn, and the banner is necessarily large. The flag may be small, but the banner may not. Warriors fought in battle under the banners. It happened that people gave their lives just to save the banner and not allow enemies to capture it. In battle, hoisting a banner over the enemy camp meant victory.

The presenter draws attention to the photo.

Look at this photo, it's called "The Banner over the Reichstag." What is happening, what moment did the photographer capture?

Children say:

(Two soldiers climb a building to hoist a red banner over it. These are soldiers of our army who fought against the fascists. The fascists captured many countries, they killed people, burned cities and villages. But our army defeated the fascists, liberated native land and other countries, including Germany. During the battle in Berlin, two of our soldiers managed to climb onto the roof of the Reichstag and planted a red banner there. The red flag at that time was a symbol of our state, and when the red banner was hoisted over the Reichstag, it meant the victory of our country in the Great Patriotic War).

Party host

Red stripe on our national flag reminds us of this banner of Victory, of the people who died in the war against the Nazis.

Child reader

And now at the walls of the Reichstag

A fierce battle is raging,

Soviet soldiers courage

He will win the last fight.

And over the fascist capital,

Piercing right through the blue,

Like a messenger of glory, a free bird,

The banner of victory rose.


The path to victory was very long, 1418 days and nights. And now our people are celebrating (...) the anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany.

I don’t know when this will be.

In the shade of white-trunked birches

Victory on the ninth of May

People will celebrate without tears...

Victory marches will rise

Army pipes of the country

And the marshal will go to the army,

Not having seen this war.

Everyone sings the song "Victory Day".

Host of the holiday concert

But Victory is not only joy, but also sorrow. It was estimated that out of every hundred who fought, only three survived. Take another look at the faces of those who went to war (photos). The faces are simple and spiritual, young and wise beyond their years, with a clear gaze. Heroic generation of winners. Every day, think about it, Memorial Day is 1418 days. On hundreds of monuments and obelisks you will not see names, only the number of those buried. They fell for the freedom and independence of our Motherland.

Yes, time moves inexorably forward, but at the same time it has no power over people’s memory.

Memory Tape.

Those who have someone close to them who fought come out with their children, attach a photo to the ribbon, talk briefly about who it is, and light a candle.


The days of the coming spring are no longer given to them.

Stand up for a moment, comrades,

In memory of all those who did not come from the war.

A minute of silence.

Don't forget the bloody sunsets,

When the native land was in ruins.

And how the soldiers fell to the ground

Killed...Alive, don't forget!

The song "Cranes" is performed to the accompaniment of a guitar.

Part 2 Musical card for veterans.


Today we dedicate this musical card to our dear guests,

Let this be our children's gift to you.


We will dance fervently for you, we will present flowers,

We will tell our poems and sing our songs.

The song "Muscovites" is performed.


As if saying goodbye and sadness

In anticipation of those sad losses

Autumn birch groves

A countless army came out for the parade.


And nodding with their chilled branches, the birch trees will quietly hum the same thing: - Dear ones, goodbye, happy to come back to you all.

Dance "War Waltz".


A young boy went to war

Stocky and strong, and broad-shouldered.

And he sang “Ogonyok” goodbye

And our dashing accordion player played.

Song "Spark".

Child reader

The sun of the beloved Motherland illuminates everything around

And the white-winged dove of peace flies from our hands -

You fly, fly around the world, our dove, from end to end,

Convey the word of peace and greetings to all peoples.

The heroes defended the world, we swore to remember them,

Flying in the blue distance, descend towards the obelisk.

So that explosions do not cover the sky with a black veil,

Our white-winged dove, fly around the entire globe.

Dance with "pigeons".

The boy takes out the bench and accordion.

Child reader

From the first days of the bitter year,

In the difficult hour of our native land

Not joking, Vasily Terkin,

You and I have become friends.

If we don't explode, we'll break through

We will live - we will not die.

The time will come - we'll come back,

We will return everything that we gave.

Dramatization "Vasily Terkin".

Question from the audience:

Terkin - who is he?

1st child

Let's be honest:

Just a guy himself

He's ordinary.

The girl approaches the first boy.

Along the frontline road,

Belted, as if in ranks,

A fighter walked in a new overcoat,

I was catching up with my rifle regiment

My first company.

A boy comes out - Vasily Terkin

In the open air the wind is sharp,

The frost is angry near the iron,

Blows into the soul, enters the chest -

Don't touch it somehow.

Here's the problem: in the entire column

There is no accordion lying around,

And the frost - neither stand nor sit...

He took off his gloves, rubbed his palms,

Suddenly he hears: “There is an accordion.”

The fighter just took the three-row (takes the accordion),

It’s immediately obvious that he’s an accordion player.

First things first, first things first

He threw his fingers from top to bottom.

And from that old accordion,

That I was left an orphan

Somehow it suddenly became warmer

On the front road.

Warm up, hang out

Everyone goes to the accordion player.


Stop, brothers,

Let me blow on your hands.


The guy froze his fingers

We need emergency help.

1st boy

You know, give up these waltzes.

Give me the one.


And he went, he went to work,

Advancing and threatening

How can he come up with something?

Which is impossible to say.

1st child (dancing)

Eh, it’s a pity that there’s no knock,

Eh, friend, if only there was a knock,

If suddenly there was a paved circle!

If only I could throw away my felt boots,

Shoe on your heel,

Print it so that you can immediately

That heel is a mess!


And the accordion is calling somewhere,

Far away, easy to follow...

No, what are you guys like?

Amazing people.

1st boy

And again the ridges, hills,

Snow and Christmas trees on both sides...

It was, of course, him.


Eh, my shoes, my socks are lined

I didn’t want to go out, they jumped out on their own.


Not hands - wings spread out,

And from under my feet - fire, fire.

Can you imagine us Russians?

Without Russian dancing to the accordion?

It contains our character: explosion and storm,

If it rolls up, make way.

And there was one time, seething with courage,

Those days are not so far away

You are in the square, in the Reichstag square

The heels were driven in dashingly.

Russian dance "Canary".


What a miracle - the earth in the bright colors of spring,

If the birds sing, you can't hear the war.


What a miracle the earth is - both sunset and dawn,

And the smile of friends, and the smile in return.

And in the golden fields and in the young forest

All children

You are beautiful, earth, human home.

Exercise with balls "We were born into the world."


I have no reason to worry

So that that war is not forgotten,

After all, this memory is our conscience,

We need her as strength.

All participants in the evening go out onto the street where the dugout is set up, take their seats, and the 3rd part of “Songs of the War Years” begins. Songs of the war years in Spanish. to the accompaniment of a button accordion.

School party host

Song of the war years... Together with the Fatherland, she joined the soldiers' ranks from the first days of the war and walked along the dusty and smoky roads of the war until its victorious end. The song shared both sorrows and joys with the soldiers, encouraged them with a cheerful and mischievous joke, and was sad with them about their abandoned relatives and loved ones. The song helped to endure hunger and cold, in the name of Victory. She helped the people survive and win. And it helped! And we won!

1 "In the dugout", 2." Oh, roads", 3."Dark night"

Host of a party at school

Years have passed, the country has healed the wounds of war, but the songs of the war years still sound today, shaking hearts. They have not aged at all, they are still in service today. There are so many of them... beautiful and unforgettable. And each has its own story, its own destiny.

4. "Evening at the Roadstead", 5 "Blue Handkerchief", 6 "Katyusha"

Regimental kitchen.


Along the road, thundering,

The regimental kitchen is coming.

Cook in a white cap

With a ladle in hand.

Scenario for the holiday on May 9. Victory Day

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