The most powerful laser in the world.

OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY, 2013, volume 114, no. 6, p. 934-942


UDC 621.378.325


Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russian Research Institute experimental physics, Institute of Laser Physical Research, 607200 Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia E-mail: [email protected] Received by the editor on November 21, 2012.

A numerical simulation of the procedure for automated adjustment of the four-pass amplification channel of the UFL-2M installation was carried out in the presence of aberrations in the optical path. The adjustment procedure is based on the “marker” method. To control the control elements, stochastic parallel gradient algorithm. The regulations for performing auto-adjustment have been determined. Numerical modeling shows the possibility of beam positioning accuracy at the channel output of 1% of the diaphragm size in the far zone and 0.1% of the beam aperture size in the near zone. It has been established that in the presence of optical inhomogeneities in the amplification channel, the accuracy of centering the alignment beam in the internal diaphragms can be worse than at the channel output. The possibility of symmetrizing the pattern of far-zone markers with an unknown position of the optical axis of the channel is considered.

DOI: 10.7868/S0030403413060068


Studying the physics of laser thermo nuclear fusion has attracted continued attention since the 1970s. This is a comprehensive scientific and technical research aimed at using lasers to ignite and maintain combustion. thermonuclear fuel, includes the development of multichannel lasers with radiation energies >2 MJ. To date, there are two pulsed lasers with a megajoule output energy level in the world - the operating NIF installation in the USA and the LMJ installation in France, which is at the stage of completion. Experience in the design, creation and operation of these lasers on neodymium glass is useful for similar Russian project- installation UFL-2M, the implementation of which began in 2012 at the RFNC-VNIIEF (Sarov). The UFL-2M installation is a 192-channel laser with a design energy of 2.8 MJ at the second harmonic.

To achieve the required energy and uniformity of radiation on a thermonuclear target in laser installations of this class, one of most important tasks is the adjustment of each amplification channel. Over time, under the influence of a number of factors, the optical and mechanical elements of the amplification channel are misaligned, leaving the position realized during installation adjustment, which leads to

to change the direction of propagation and centering of the amplifying beam in the channel and at the output of the system. Experience in operating the 4-channel installation "Luch", which is a prototype of UFL-2M and on which a number of technical solutions, shows that almost every laser shot requires adjustment of the amplification channel. It is obvious that the adjustment of the UFL-2M installation must be automated, both due to the rather complex optical design of the channel, and due to the large number of channels.

The operation of the automated adjustment system (AAS) at the NIF and LMJ installations is based on an approach that can be conventionally called “marker-based”. It is based on video monitoring of the relative position of the center of the alignment beam, the centers of optical elements in the near zone, and the centers of spatial filter diaphragms in the far zone. The centers of optical-mechanical elements are specified by pairs of point light sources - markers installed in the plane of the element. Stable work SAY is hampered by many factors. For example, the applied deterministic control of control optical-mechanical elements requires stability of response functions large quantity devices that move elements. There is a problem identifying marker images on the CCD camera screen when

BZ markers

Disc amplifier

Remote sensing markers

EZ - two motors I - one motor

Disc amplifier

Remote sensing markers

SFOI 4 ✓ Sensor

Alignment laser

Rice. 1. Functional diagram of the SAY power channel: SFOI - reference radiation generation system, KPF - cuvette spatial filter, TPF - transport spatial filter, TPF-1-TPF-4 - transport spatial filter diaphragms, KPF-1-KPF-4 - cuvette diaphragms spatial filter, M1-M5 - mirrors, VP - half-wave plate, BZ - near-zone image, DZ - far-zone image.

the inevitable presence of optical inhomogeneities in the channel, etc.

The purpose of this work was to provide a computational demonstration of the possibility of applying a stochastic method (namely, a stochastic parallel gradient (SPG) algorithm) to control the elements of the SAI of the amplifying channel of the UFL-2M installation in order to increase the reliability of the SAI within the framework of the “marker” approach. At the same time, the design features and elements of the SAU remain the same, as in, but the algorithm for their use and management changes.


The power amplifier diagram of the UFL-2M design unit is shown in Fig. 1. The power amplifier is a mirror-lens optical system with a length of more than 100 m. It consists of two disk amplifiers, a transport spatial filter (TSF), a cuvette spatial filter (SPF), a reverser with a mirror M5 and an end wide-aperture mirror M3 (usually M3 and M5 are adaptive mirrors, but in this work we consider them flat). The TPF and KPF diaphragm units are located in the focal areas of the corresponding filters and include four diaphragms each several millimeters in size. The optical design of the power channel is four-pass. On the first pass, the radiation from

reference radiation generation system (SRFO) is introduced into the TPF, passes through the TPF-1 diaphragm, after the TPF it is amplified in the disk amplifier, enters the KPF, passes through the KPF-1 diaphragm, after the KPF it is amplified in the second disk amplifier, then reflected from the M3 mirror and the second pass begins. On the second pass, the beam propagates in reverse direction compared to the first pass, but already passes through the KPF-2 and TPF-2 diaphragms, and then is discharged into a reverser with a Pockels cell and a half-wave plate. Having reflected from the end mirror of the reverser M5, on the third pass the beam again enters the TPF and propagates similarly to the first pass, but through the TPF-3 and KPF-3 diaphragms, is reflected from the M3 mirror again and begins the fourth pass, similar to the second, but through the KPF diaphragms -4 and TPF-4. After the fourth pass, the beam is removed from the power channel into the interaction chamber.

The principles of the “marker” method of SAI of power channels of laser installations in a “cold” state, i.e. without turning on pump sources, described in . When adjusting, the position of the alignment laser beam is controlled in the far zone (its role can be played directly by the SFOI) on two TPF diaphragms and two CPF diaphragms, and in the near zone - on the end mirror of the M3 amplifier, as shown in Fig. 1. All of the listed optical elements are equipped with pairs of light fiber markers.

The center of an element is determined by two markers: they are located in the plane of the element on the same line, on both sides of the center and at the same distance from it. The centers of the TPF and KPF diaphragms are determined in a similar way: two light markers are installed on a special transverse screen at the same distance from the center of the diaphragm. The channel adjustment is controlled using a sensor with CCD cameras, to which the radiation of the markers and the adjustment beam is tuned by branching it after passing through the TPF-4 output diaphragm using a throw-in mirror. Adjustment consists of aligning the centers of the markers and the adjustment beam using rotations of the amplifier mirrors M3 and M5 and two mirrors of the division circuit M1 and M2, as well as through transverse movements of the CPF diaphragm unit (the TPF diaphragm unit is assumed to be rigidly fixed).

The light markers of the TPF-4 diaphragm, located last along the radiation path in the four-pass optical path, set the center of the coordinate system in the far zone (the position of the optical axis at the output). Relative to this center, the remaining markers and the adjustment beam are misaligned. If they exceed the permissible value, then control commands are calculated, the execution of which should lead to the required relative position of the adjustment beam and markers. Commands are sent to the drives of the actuators (usually stepper motors) of the control optical elements. After these commands have been processed, the accuracy of the adjustment is again controlled and, if necessary, the procedure is repeated several times.

The logical sequence of actions when performing the adjustment procedure is as follows. The adjustment is carried out in three stages: (I) restoration of the optical axis of the channel (aligning the diaphragm assembly of the CPF in the transverse plane and ensuring the required angular orientation of the end mirrors M3 and M5 along the markers), (II) launching the adjustment beam along the axis (ensuring its required orientation in the far zone by rotating the mirror M2), (III) ensuring the required position of the adjustment beam in the near zone by rotating the pair of mirrors M1 and M2. After adjustment, the laser beam must satisfy the following requirements: positioned on the apertures of optical components with an error of no more than 0.5% of the aperture size, positioned on the apertures of spatial filters with an error of no worse than 2.5% of their diameters.






    BARYSHNIKOV N.V. - 2011

  • This giant laser will be launched in the Sarov Technopark, said Sergei Garanin, general designer for laser systems at the All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics - Russian Federal Nuclear Center.

    According to preliminary estimates, the technological project is valued at one and a half billion US dollars. The developers claim that the total capacity of the installation exceeds that of similar structures that are fully operational in France and the United States of America. It is necessary to mention that the total length of the installation, according to the approved technological design, will be three hundred and sixty meters, and the structure itself will be the height of a ten-story building - more than 30 m. The Russian UFL-2m laser will consist of 192 laser channels. Such a device will be able to produce a power equal to 2.8 megajoules, which is larger and more powerful than the French laser installation of 0.8 megajoules.

    UFL 2M will be used for thermonuclear fusion– laser beams will converge at a certain point, where plasma will be created.

    A high-power laser installation may also be needed for other purposes, in particular, with its help it will be possible to get closer to the characteristics to which matter can be compressed and heated in stars, for example, as in the Sun. It is for this reason that research in the field of high-temperature plasma can be used in the interests of astrophysics - for the study of astrophysical plasma. Often humanity is faced with the fact that we do not fully know and understand the fundamental properties of matter, especially when high blood pressure and density. For example, the equation of states. To solve these problems, special targets are made, with the help of which similar studies are carried out using laser systems. There are many other applications of high-power lasers that are of interest to scientists around the world.

    Garanin said that this station will create 360 ​​jobs for young highly qualified scientists. The first products of the laser center - unique laser diodes - are expected to be produced by the end of 2014.

    The system will be located in Nizhny Novgorod region and will be intended directly for conducting in-depth scientific research in a number of areas classical physics high densities kinetic energy. General designer Sergei Garanin reports that the new scientific center will occupy a certain area equal to two standard football fields. In the territory computing center There will be about two hundred direct-use laser channels. It should be recalled that the financing of this project is based on personal government subsidies. IN general system should cost Russia 1.16 billion euros, which is 45 billion rubles.

    The new generation laser facility is intended for fundamental research in the field of high energy density physics, including the use of laser thermonuclear fusion in the energy sector. UFL-2M will have a dual purpose, one of which is military. Experiments in the field of physics of dense hot plasma and high energy densities, which are carried out in such facilities, can be aimed at creating thermonuclear weapons. The second direction is energy. Laser fusion could be used to develop the energy of the future.

    At one of the meetings of the scientific and technical council of the Rosatom nuclear weapons complex, the developers of the installation noted that the creation of UFL-2M is important for research in the field of new energy sources, studying states of matter, experiments for modeling and designing new types of nuclear weapons.

    The full-scale launch of the installation is planned for 2020.

    Installation characteristics

    UFL-2M is a 192-channel solid-state neodymium glass laser with a beam size of 400×400 mm2. The installation will be located on the territory of the Sarov technology park and will occupy an area comparable to two football fields, and will be approximately the height of a 10-story building. Earlier, representatives of the RFNC-VNIIEF reported that the required amount of financing for the project is about 45 billion rubles.

    It is expected that when the installation is launched it will be the largest in the world. The planned energy power of the UFL-2M at the output is 4.6 MJ, and at the target - 2.8 MJ. For comparison, existing similar laser installations in other countries - NIF in the USA and LMJ in France - provide target energy of 1.8 MJ and 2 MJ, respectively.

    General view of the UFL-2M installation

    Designed characteristics of the UFL-2M installation building:
    Dimensions 322.5 x 67 m2
    The length of the laser hall is 130 m
    Special foundations that protect the laser from seismic influences
    Requirement for electrical power – 15 MW (4 MW – engineering and technological equipment, 11 MW – charging energy storage devices)
    Cleanroom area – 16,000 m2 (40% of the total area)
    Biological protection against neutron flux up to 3 × 1019 particles per pulse

    Creating an installation

    The creation of a UFL-2M laser installation with a megajoule energy level is underway (RFNC-VNIIEF).

    1989: "Iskra-5"

    The UFL-2M project is a development of work on the creation of a 12-channel laser installation “Iskra-5” with a radiation power of 120 TW, commissioned in 1989. The main problem that was solved with its help was the study of the physics of the operation of an indirect radiation target. Areas of this research include laser thermonuclear fusion, the interaction of laser radiation with dense plasma, physical processes in hot and dense plasma and magnetospheric storms.

    Interaction chamber of the previous generation laser system - “Iskra-5”

    1996: Proposal to create a new generation installation

    He came up with a proposal to create a new generation laser installation with a megajoule energy level back in 1996. Subsequently, it resulted in a project to create the UFL-900 installation, which was planned to be built on a modular basis. To test the technical feasibility of this project, a prototype module was created - the Luch installation. Its launch made it possible to confirm the feasibility of the project, as well as create a femtosecond channel on the basis of “Luch” with a power level of about 1 PtW. According to RFNC-VNIIEF, the Luch installation became a prototype base module UFL-2M installations.

    The conceptual design of UFL-2M was developed by the Institute of Laser Physics Research (ILFI), subordinate to the RFNC-VNIIEF, which has been developing laser systems for various purposes since the mid-1960s. In total, at the first stage, 19 scientific and industrial organizations in Russia are taking part in the creation of the installation. As work on the construction of the plant progresses, cooperation should expand.

    Solid State Technological Sample laser source

    2012: Test benches for high-voltage storage devices

    Representatives of RFNC-VNIIEF spoke about the start of the project at various conferences. According to one of these reports, in 2012, new test benches for high-voltage storage devices were created at the RFNC-VNIIEF, and a master laser was experimentally developed and tested. As a result of scientific and technical analysis and calculations, the choice of a system for introducing laser energy into the interaction chamber was also justified, which ensures high degree symmetry of irradiation of a thermonuclear target with laser radiation. This system allows you to work with both direct irradiation of the target and indirect irradiation in spherical or cylindrical boxes.

    In addition, the design of the basic channel of the installation was selected and justified, which makes it possible to realize the main parameters of laser radiation both in energy and in the temporal shape of the laser pulse, and on the basis of the basic channel, the entire appearance of the laser installation was determined.

    The planned power indicators of UFL-2M, as follows from the report, are planned to be achieved, including through the use of a new composition of active laser glasses (the technology was developed at the Lytkarino Optical Glass Plant), the use of a spherical box converter of laser radiation and the use of dynamic plasma phase plates .

    According to the phased construction schedule of the installation presented in the report, the creation and testing of the first laser module is planned for 2017, while the installation of the module should begin no later than 2016. The full-scale launch of the installation is planned for 2020.

    March 13, 1963 is considered to be the birthday of laser physics research at VNIIEF. It was on this day that the scientific director of VNIIEF, Yu. B. Khariton, held a meeting where Ya. B. Zeldovich outlined the physics of stimulated emission and explained why the basic properties of laser radiation are determined by the mechanism of this phenomenon. The meeting was also attended by specialists in optical properties shock waves - S.B. Kormer and G.A. Kirillov, who actively began to develop a new direction.

    In 1965, the laureate turned to Yu. B. Khariton Nobel Prize in the field of physics N. G. Basov with a proposal to conduct joint research into the possibility of creating lasers with the maximum achievable radiation energy based on photodissociation lasers. When discussing these issues, Yu. B. Khariton expressed the idea of ​​using the glow of the front of a shock wave in noble gases, excited by the explosion of a conventional explosive, to pump lasers. N. G. Basov agreed with this proposal, after which joint research by employees began Physical Institute Academy of Sciences (FI AN) and VNIIEF on the creation of high-power lasers. In subsequent years, VNIIEF conducted research on various types of high-power lasers and their applications.

    Currently, the Institute of Laser Physical Research (ILFI) carries out scientific and technical activities and the international cooperation in the following areas:

    • research in the field of laser thermonuclear fusion;
    • studies of the properties of high-temperature plasma;
    • development and creation of high-power photodissociation, chemical, gas-dynamic, oxygen-iodine and solid-state laser systems;
    • application of laser technologies in medicine, ecology and other fields of science and technology.

    In explosive photodissociation lasers (EPDL) To create an inversion in iodine atoms, radiation from the shock wave front generated in inert gas explosive explosion.
    1970 – in cooperation with the Lebedev Physical Institute and the State Optical Institute, a megajoule energy level laser with a pulse duration of ~ 100 μs was created. The implementation of this project became a vivid illustration of the possibilities offered by the combination of the destructive power of an explosion and the subtle coherent properties of laser radiation.
    1974–2002 – by optimizing the laser environment (optical inhomogeneities were reduced by an order of magnitude) and developing a new type of resonator with non-resonant feedback and the angular selector succeeded in creating the VFDL, which is still widely used in research programs.
    The development of wavefront conversion (WFC) devices to compensate for optical inhomogeneities has made it possible to obtain practically diffraction divergence of radiation using VFDLs and to create lasers with record radiation powers. The capabilities of concentrating the radiation energy of a VFDL with phase conjugation were clearly demonstrated at the Lambda installation (within the framework of the ISTC project), where the radiation of an explosive laser was focused into a spot size of the order of the radiation wavelength (~ 1.5 μm) and the radiation intensity was achieved 3 . 10 18 W/cm 2 . For nanosecond pulses this value is a record.

    1970 - 1980 - on the initiative of Yu.B. Khariton and S.B. Cormer began research into creating high-power chemical lasers (CL), population inversion in which is formed as a result of a chain chemical reaction fluorine with hydrogen (deuterium). As a result of the experimental work, the physics of chemical lasers was studied, and record values ​​of the specific energy of laser radiation per unit volume of the active medium were obtained. Together with the Russian Research Center "Applied Chemistry" at VNIIEF, the world's most powerful pulsed chemical laser was created and tested.

    1982-2002 – the analysis showed that indestructible systems operating in a pulse-periodic mode have significantly greater prospects for application. The result of the research was a chemical laser with a radiation energy per pulse of several kJ, a radiation divergence close to diffraction, a technical efficiency of ~ 70% (the highest for lasers in general), and a pulse repetition rate of 1–4 Hz.
    1985-2005 – work on the study of lasers on the non-chain reaction of fluorine with hydrogen (deuterium), where sulfur hexafluoride SF 6 was used as a fluorine-containing substance, dissociating in electrical discharge. To ensure long-term and safe operation of the laser in a pulse-periodic mode, installations with a closed cycle of changing the working mixture have been created. The possibility of obtaining a radiation divergence close to the diffraction limit, a pulse repetition rate of up to 1200 Hz and an average radiation power of several hundred W in an electric-discharge laser using a non-chain chemical reaction has been demonstrated.

    IN gas dynamic lasers (GDL) The source of radiation energy is the thermal energy of a molecular gas equilibrium heated to high temperatures. GDL research began in 1974. Was created experimental setup, in which the gas was heated using an electric explosion. Record specific energy characteristics of GDL radiation were achieved thanks to the invention of a nozzle block with an original system for mixing heated nitrogen with a working molecule (C0 2) and a relaxant gas (He, H 2 0). The obtained specific energy characteristics of GDLs exceed the corresponding specific characteristics of electric-discharge lasers and are close to maximum characteristics the best chemical lasers.

    Chemical oxygen-iodine laser KIL-10– the only chemical laser to date electronic transitions. The basis of the COIL is a generator of molecular singlet oxygen, the excitation energy of which is transferred with high efficiency to iodine atoms during collisions. Work on the COIL began in 1981. A year later, a radiation power of 180 W was obtained, in 1986 - 900 W. In 1991, in an installation with a subsonic gas flow, a radiation power of about 5 kW was achieved with a specific energy removal of 400 J/g and a chemical efficiency of ~24%.
    In 1995-1999 was created new type singlet oxygen generator with a swirling gas flow. In 1999, a supersonic COIL model was successfully tested.
    In 2007, the KIL-10 stand was brought into full-scale operation. Singlet oxygen produced in an original, protected by RF patent N 2307434 chemical generator of singlet oxygen (GSK) with unique characteristics: chemical efficiency– up to 85%, specific productivity of singlet oxygen – up to 24 mmol/s cm 2.
    The output power of the KIL-10 stand exceeds the power of any known scientific publications European continuous oxygen-iodine laser. Judging by the published works, the obtained chemical efficiency of COIL is a record one.

    As a result active work Employees of the institute, in cooperation with many institutions of the country, a whole family of powerful monopulse installations “Iskra” appeared at RFNC-VNIIEF. In 1989, a 12-channel installation "Iskra-5" with a power of 120 TW, which has no analogues in Europe and Asia (it was surpassed in power only by the Nova installation in the USA). Iskra-5 became the basis of an experimental complex, which included an interaction chamber with focusing optics and plasma diagnostic tools.

    The complex mainly conducts research with indirect irradiation targets. Directions of this research: laser thermonuclear fusion, interaction of laser radiation with dense plasma, physical processes in hot and dense plasma and magnetospheric storms. The installation also solves the problems of testing radiation gas dynamics programs developed at VNIIEF.

    Experiments at the Iskra-5 installation not only led to the important results listed above, but also revealed the limitations of its capabilities. In 1996, RFNC-VNIIEF came up with a proposal to create a new generation laser installation with an energy an order of magnitude higher than the energy of the Iskra-5 installation.
    Under the leadership of R.I. Ilkaeva, G.A. Kirillova and S.G. Garanin developed a conceptual design of a neodymium installation with the following parameters: laser radiation energy 300 kJ at a wavelength of 351 nm, number of channels 128, laser pulse duration (1-3) ns, laser pulse shape - profiled. The facility is designed to conduct in-depth research in a wide range of areas in the physics of hot and dense plasma. Subsequently, the characteristics of this installation were refined taking into account the latest advances in laser technology and technology, and a new understanding of the physics of the interaction of laser radiation with matter. This will increase the number of channels to 192 and provide laser radiation energy of ~2.8 MJ at a wavelength of 0.53 μm in the interaction chamber. The installation was named "UFL-2M".
    When creating a laser of such a class as the UFL-2M, at the first stage, in order to test and test the main scientific and technical solutions, it is necessary to create a smaller-scale installation, which is a prototype of the main system. The prototype of the basic module of the "UFL-2M" installation is the four-channel neodymium installation "Luch", launched at the RFNC-VNIIEF in 2001 with the participation of the country's leading institutes. To increase the efficiency and reduce the cost of the laser, a four-pass amplification circuit is used, in which the pulse passes through active laser elements (Nd plates) four times.
    Four laser channels are combined into blocks (2x2) with unified system pumps based on xenon lamps. IN cross section the laser beam is a square with a size of 20x20 cm.

    The "Luch" installation is located in a special building, in a room with an area of ​​~ 600 sq.m and ISO cleanliness class N 7. Inside there are ultra-clean boxes for power amplifiers and optics with ISO cleanliness class N 5.
    Experiments were carried out to study the amplification of a radiation pulse with a duration of τ 0.5 = 4 ns in normal mode. The output energy of the channel was ~ 3.5 kJ with a weak signal gain of g = 0.045 cm -1, which is close to the calculated value under experimental conditions.
    The work performed to create the "Luch" installation and study the amplification of laser radiation made it possible to confirm the main scientific and technical solutions included in the design of the "UFL-900" installation.

    IN last years There is rapid progress in the development and creation of solid-state laser systems with femtosecond pulses (1 fs = 10 -15 s) of sub-petawatt and petawatt power. With the commissioning of the Luch installation, the unique opportunity obtaining ultra-powerful (~ PW) laser pulses based on the channel of this installation.

    RFNC-VNIIEF jointly with the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences has developed petawatt laser system with ultrashort pulse duration based on parametric amplification of broadband chirped laser pulses. The output parametric amplifier (DKDP crystal with a light aperture of 300 mm and a thickness of 55 mm) is pumped by radiation from the laser channel of the Luch installation converted into the second harmonic (λ nak = 527 nm) (E nak ~ 0.5–1.5 kJ, τ nak = 2, 5ns).

    In four stages of parametric amplification, a gain of 10 11 was obtained. The beam energy at the output of the final parametric amplifier was E signal = 100 J at λ signal = 911 nm.
    To compress the pulse, four diffraction gratings 240x380mm in size with a line density of 1200mm -1. The duration of the compressed pulse is τ~ 60 fs, which corresponds to the laser radiation power Pout ~ 1.2 PW.
    To focus the laser beam onto the target, an off-axis parabolic mirror with a diameter of 320 mm with a focal length of 800 mm and its own scattering circle ~ 10 μm at a level of 80% energy is used, which ensures the intensity of the laser beam on the target I ~ (10 20 – 10 21) W/cm 2 .

    RFNC-VNIIEF is developing electric discharge laser operating in the UV and IR spectral ranges, based on the working chamber and power source of the serial experimental laser CL-5000 (TsFP IOF RAS, Troitsk) and a new electrode unit with a multi-sectional discharge gap. For laser media based on XeF, KrF, N 2 , HF, DF, CO 2, record high pulse repetition rates were obtained at low gas pumping rates (< 19 м/с). Управление работой лазера осуществляется от компьютера. Стабильность энергии импульсов излучения XeF-, KrF-, N 2 -лазеров составила σ 2 ≤ %.

    Research aimed at using nuclear energy for pumping lasers, have been carried out at VNIIEF since the late 60s. In 1972, the first successful experiments were carried out to obtain generation in mixtures of inert gases at atmospheric pressure when they were excited by uranium fission fragments in the neutron fields of research nuclear reactors. In other organizations in Russia and in the USA, research on direct nuclear pumping of laser media was carried out several years later, and since then they have practically only repeated the results obtained at VNIIEF and published in the open press.

    On the basis of VNIIEF nuclear reactors, the Institute of Nuclear and Radiation Physics has created several experimental complexes for conducting research on the problems of direct nuclear pumping. The main complexes are based on the VIR-2M and BIGR reactors. The concept of a reactor-laser (RL) has been developed as an autonomous nuclear physics device that combines the functions of a laser system and a nuclear reactor and directly converts the energy of nuclear reactions into laser radiation...

    In 2017, the world's most powerful laser installation, created in the Russian nuclear center in Sarov, will be launched, Russia Today reports.

    The laser installation called UFL-2m will be located on the territory of the Sarov Technopark. According to the project, the installation has 192 laser channels and covers an area the size of approximately two football fields. Its highest point reaches the size of a ten-story building.

    UFL-2m is expected to have the world's highest pulse energy of over 2 megajoules. Let us remind you that similar installations in the USA, as well as one under construction in France, have a capacity of 1.8 megajoules.

    At the installation, scientists will conduct basic research high-temperature dense plasma. According to experts, working with UFL-2m can provide answers to the most various questions fundamental science.

    The dream of science fiction writers of the past has come true, now in the hands of any inhabitant of the Earth for a nominal fee of $299 can be a real blaster or, as the foreign media dubbed the device, a “weapon for riots.” "S3 Krypton", the most powerful handheld laser in the world, can now be purchased in the online store without leaving home. This device, operating in the green spectrum, is capable of igniting a sheet of paper from a distance of several meters, the laser beam travels more than 150 kilometers and is capable of blinding 8000 times stronger than the sun. The manufacturer warns that the laser beam should not be directed at people, animals, cars or satellites.

    Like most interesting gadgets, S3 Krypton is a child of the US military-industrial complex. The purpose of its creation is prosaic; the device was developed as a target designator for American bombs. The question arises why it was put on sale, but here everything is not so obvious. There are several versions about this.

    According to the first version, the US science-intensive industry finally created a powerful pocket laser, but the device did not find proper use, so it was decided to justify the money spent on its development in such an ordinary way. Well, the second version is that in this way the Americans decided to establish contact with aliens, or to prevent an alien invasion, in the possibility of which almost half of the US population believes.

    But practical Europeans have already found a use for the laser: in the UK, several people were sent to prison who, contrary to instructions, aimed the laser at airplanes and car drivers, and, of course, football hooligans distinguished themselves. Fans used the device to try to “put pressure” on football referees and football players of the opposing team.

    The most powerful laser in the world will be built in Russia

    The world's most powerful dual-purpose laser system may appear in Russia. According to the scientific director of the Russian Federal Nuclear Center, Ildar Ilkaev, a similar project is now being completed in France, and such a laser is already working in the USA.

    The country's leadership decided to create the largest laser installation, Ilkaev said. It takes ten years to build. It will be 360 ​​meters long and the height of a ten-story building.

    According to him, the installation's power will be 2.8 megajoules, while both the American and French installations have a capacity of about two megajoules. The laser installation will have a dual purpose, that is, it will be used both for the development of thermonuclear weapons and for the needs of the energy industry.

    On the one hand, this is a defense component, since the physics of high energy densities, the physics of dense hot plasma, is most productively studied at installations. All this is used to develop thermonuclear weapons. On the other hand, there is the energy component. Now many physicists in the world are expressing ideas that laser thermonuclear fusion may be useful for creating the energy of the future, RIA Novosti quotes words scientific supervisor nuclear center.

    The construction site for the most powerful laser on the planet could be the vicinity of the Sarov technology park in the Diveyevo district of the Nizhny Novgorod region. This technology park was created on the basis of the Russian Federal Nuclear Center. By the middle of next year, it will include the National Center for Laser Systems and Technologies.

    According to the Vedomosti newspaper, the center will produce laser diodes, LED lighting devices, medical laser equipment, technological lasers for materials processing and micro-optics.

    The most powerful laser pointer 50000 mw

    Blue laser 50000 mW - the most powerful model portable laser in the world for 2016!

    The output optical power of this laser is more than 4 W. Insanely bright beam of blue color can be seen at a distance of 200 km. It can easily melt copper, tin, light a fire, set fire to white paper and matches with reverse side. And the special heavy-duty case will extend the operating time due to a more advanced heat dissipation system.

    As soon as you manage to hold the most powerful laser pointer in the world. The feeling that you have an incomparable model is priceless.

    Exclusive laser, heavy-duty metal case, four batteries, charger, locking keys, security plug. You can see all this in the video of the 50,000 mw laser pointer. Buying the most powerful laser in this configuration is extremely profitable!

    Scientists have invented the most powerful laser

    Todd Ditmire, a physicist at the University of Texas at Austin, announced the invention of the most powerful laser on the Planet. Its power is more than 1 petawatt. The Texas Petawatt laser is the only laser of this power in the United States today.

    When turned on, the laser has an output power more than 2,000 times that of all power plants in the United States combined. The brightness of the laser is higher than the brightness of sunlight on the surface of the Sun. However, the duration of the radiation is still only 10 -13 seconds.

    Ditmayr and his colleagues at the Texas Center for High-Intensity Laser Science intend to use the laser to create and study the most extreme conditions in the Universe, including gases and temperatures greater than the temperature of the Sun and solid materials under pressure of many billions of atmospheres.

    This will allow them to explore in miniature a variety of astronomical phenomena. Scientists will be able to create miniature supernovae and ultra-high-density plasma, simulating exotic stellar objects known as brown dwarfs.

    With help mathematical equations, describing events, such tiny laboratory objects will allow us to learn more about large astronomical objects, the nature of which attracts the attention of scientists around the world.

    In addition, such a powerful laser will help in the search for new ideas for generating energy using controlled nuclear fusion. Only for you the most interesting news on the pages of our portal.

    A laser powerful enough to shred the very fabric of space will be created in Britain as part of a major new science project that aims to answer some of the most fundamental questions about our universe. Following in the footsteps of the Large Hadron Collider, new experiment big science is to create the most powerful laser ever created. Its power is enough to create a beam of light equivalent to all the energy that the Earth receives from the Sun

    The European Union will spend about 700 million euros to create the most powerful laser in the world. This technology will eliminate nuclear waste and pave the way for new forms of cancer treatment. The project, called Extreme Light Infrastructure, has received funds to build two lasers, in the Czech Republic and Romania, according to Shireen Wheeler, the European Commission's regional policy representative. Third Research Center

    As the US media reported this morning, scientific programmers have created a white laser, which, according to them, will be a real breakthrough in the field of Internet technology. A unique feature of the white laser is that it uses its own waves, while previous analogues do not have this ability. It is the development of the white laser that will begin the trend of perfect development of the Internet


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