Specialty 04 03 01 medicinal chemistry. Where and who to work: chemical technology

Our world is changing rapidly year after year. The way of life of people has become strikingly different from what it was like 50-100 years ago. We have witnessed the sudden development of technology, due to which new in-demand ones have appeared. Chemistry, physics, biology - subjects that occupy one of the leading roles in a huge number of areas of human activities.

In contact with

Without the great discoveries, humanity would hardly have reached those heights that once seemed unattainable. Therefore, professions related to this important science are now among the most popular, and in this article we will introduce you to who you can work with.

Professions related to chemistry

A chemical technologist or chemical engineer is a specialist directly involved in the research and development of a new substance.

There are both theoretical chemists, whose main task is scientific activity, the creation of new substances; as well as practices that introduce innovations in production and control these processes.

pros this profession is that it is in demand in various fields. For example:

The specialist must have general knowledge of chemistry, methods of chemical analysis. connections, be able to conduct experiments. It is also necessary to be an expert in the specialization in which one applies one's skills. In metallurgy, you need to know the technology for obtaining ore from metal, in cosmetology, you need to know how to make a cream composition that is beneficial for the skin, etc.

- one of the most needed professions at the moment. And in order to be able to create innovative technologies, you need to constantly study the latest research and keep abreast of the latest trends in science.

A chemical analysis laboratory technician analyzes various substances in order to subsequently use this data in production. Such a specialist is indispensable in various industries related to chemistry. Such as:

The laboratory assistant must have general knowledge of chemistry, as well as the skills to analyze chemical objects and the ability to mathematically process data from the analysis results.

This profession is suitable for those who are willing to do hard work, have good concentration and accuracy.

Also, a laboratory assistant can be an assistant to a specialist of a higher rank, learn from his experience and gradually achieve promotion and great success in his industry.

is a specialist who studies the chemical processes that occur in living organisms. Due to the fact that this profession appeared at the intersection of two sciences - chemistry and biology, it has a wide range of applications in many fields of activity.

For example:

Biochemistry is a science that is developing dynamically, so it is very important for a biochemist to continue to study and improve his professional skills in order to remain a sought-after specialist.

Subjects that need to be studied for this profession: inorganic and organic chemistry, biology, mathematics.

Chemistry teacher

One of the most common professions related to chemistry is, of course, teacher, although the salary is low. If previous specialties cover the research and creative part of this science, then the first place here is the transfer of knowledge to the younger generation. For a good chemistry teacher, it is important not only to have specialized knowledge and skills, education, but also the ability to interact with people, knowledge of teaching methods in order to interest students in the subject, give them education and good psychological stability.

A teacher is the person who can both instill love for his subject and make the process of studying it a real torture. A sought-after chemistry teacher is one who is always looking for new, interesting approaches to teaching his subject, introduces students to the latest research, and continues to educate himself while simultaneously educating his students.

It is necessary and possible to work in schools, regardless of the salary, because education is very important for the younger generation.

Popularization of science

A specialist in the field of chemistry can professionally engage in the popularization of this science. There are many examples of this.

Someone writes a blog in which he reveals the secrets of the composition of cosmetic products and their effective use. A person with charisma and the gift of eloquence can film educational videos in which he shares interesting experiences and discoveries. There are many ways to popularize your favorite science, the main thing is to find the one that is closest and develop in it.

The main qualities that someone who wants to apply themselves in this field of activity must have is the ability to interest the public, the ability to convey complex chemical processes to the average person and, of course, a creative approach to their work. A person interested in chemistry can find a huge number of opportunities to reach their potential. There are many narrow specialties based on the intersection of several fields of activity, and this is great because it allows many students to find their favorite thing and realize themselves in it.

Study various areas of your favorite science and you will definitely find something you like.

Specialists are trained at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry. The head of the department is Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Academician of MANEB and RAIN, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation K.G. Bogolitsyn.

An important factor in the economic development of the Arkhangelsk region is its natural resources. Traditionally, the basis of the region's economy is formed by enterprises of the chemical and forestry complex. In addition, in terms of prospects for the development of the mineral raw materials and fuel and energy complex, the region occupies one of the leading places in the European North. The most preferable is not only extraction, but also deep processing of raw materials. A necessary condition for the successful operation of such enterprises is chemical and analytical control of the production process. Therefore, the region’s need for specialists in the field of chemistry of natural compounds is constantly increasing.
The solution to many economically and socially significant issues is possible only taking into account the results of chemical analysis. An integral part of the state environmental management system is organizations that monitor the state of the environment. Increased requirements for environmental protection at enterprises have led to the need to create industrial environmental control. Therefore, numerous laboratories of enterprises, analytical centers and a number of organizations that monitor the environment are in dire need of qualified analytical chemists.
To meet the region's need for specialists with fundamental higher professional education in the field of chemistry, ASTU began admission to the specialty "" with specializations " in 2007 Analytical chemistry" And " Chemistry of natural compounds" Duration of training – 5 years, qualification – specialist (chemist).
The experience of training chemists at ASTU dates back to 1990, when the Department of Physical and Colloid Chemistry began conducting targeted intensive training (CIPS) for research engineers in the field of physical chemistry of chemical wood processing processes and industrial ecology. From 1993 to 2007, 96 specialists graduated in the specialization “Physico-chemistry of plant polymers” in the specialty “Technology of chemical wood processing”. Of these, 20% have now defended their dissertations or are studying in graduate school.
Graduates with a degree in Chemistry can work:
- in research institutes and organizations (in the Arkhangelsk region 23 organizations are engaged in scientific research and development);
- in organizations dealing with environmental issues and environmental control;
- at large industrial enterprises, including in the pulp and paper and oil and gas industries;
- in analytical centers and laboratories;
- in law enforcement agencies (crime laboratories).
An important advantage of our chemistry students is the opportunity to become practically acquainted with a number of modern methods of chemical analysis, since the instrumentation of the department’s laboratories is one of the best in the North-West of Russia. All students are engaged in research work and participate in scientific conferences.
In 2001, a cooperation agreement was concluded with the Department of Analytical Chemistry of Moscow State University. M.V.Lomonosov and the Interuniversity Department of MSU-AGTU-PSU was formed. As part of the activities of the inter-university department at ASTU, lectures are given by MSU professors, joint research work, and scientific internships for teachers, graduate students and students are carried out.
For senior students, internships and practical training are possible at universities and institutes in Europe, such as Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland), University of Applied Research (Emden, Germany), University of Oulu (Finland), Polytechnic Institute ( Narvik, Norway). Since 2001, IV-V year students are annually sent for a year-long study at the Technical University of Luleå (Sweden).


Profession information

The word "Chemistry" first appears in 336 in the book of the Roman astronomer Julius Maternus Firmicus. The most likely version of the origin of this word is the one that connects the word “chemistry” with the ancient name of Egypt - Kham. Egyptian priests knew how to smelt and test metals such as gold, silver, and lead for purity, prepare alloys from them, and knew recipes for preparing medicines, dyes, and cosmetics.
3 thousand years BC. people learned to smelt copper from ores and make its alloy with tin - bronze, and this marked the transition of man from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age. Around 1500 BC humanity discovered the secret of iron smelting and moved into the Iron Age. Gradually, people learned to fire ceramics, dye fabrics, tan leather, brew beer and ferment grape juice. In subsequent times, until the 17th century, chemistry developed as a secret science, the main goal of which was the transformation of base metals into gold with the help of the magical philosopher's stone.
The English chemist Robert Boyle can be considered the founder of chemistry as a science. The gas law, the Boyle-Mariotte law, is named after him. The great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov stood at the origins of corpuscular (atomic) chemistry.
At the beginning of the 19th century, chemistry became an independent science. At the same time, chemistry was divided into inorganic and organic. Analytical chemistry emerged as an independent discipline.
Without exaggeration, this science holds the future discoveries and achievements of mankind.

Dominant activities:

Chemical analysis and study of the composition of a substance, product, intermediate (intermediate compound), raw material of the reaction mixture;
- study of the properties of various substances;
- study of the patterns of chemical processes,
- creation and development of new promising materials and chemical technologies
- forecasting the use of substances in the national economy;
- chemical synthesis (production of a specific product with a given chemical composition and structure);
- receipt and production of various substances on an industrial scale;
- development of methods and selection of synthesis conditions (temperature, pressure, sequence, quantitative ratio of components);
- chemical research: analysis and synthesis of new products, testing their properties;
- creation of technological projects (description of the characteristics of starting substances, type, number, dimensions, power and sequence of inclusion of devices in the technological chain; determination of material and energy costs; control over the quantity and quality of waste, method of their storage and disposal);
- observation, control of the chemical process (heat exchange and thermal conductivity, dispersion (grinding), separation (separation) - filtration, distillation, etc.);
- solving fundamental and applied problems in the field of chemistry and chemical technology.

Qualities that ensure the success of professional activities (professionally important qualities):


Technical ability;
- mathematical abilities;
- a high level of concentration and stability of attention (the ability to maintain attention on one subject or type of activity for a long time);
- ability to perceive large amounts of information;
- ability to analyze and systematize large amounts of information;
- ability to engage in painstaking work for a long time;
- high noise immunity;
- ability to perceive and distinguish a wide range of colors and their shades;
- good memory for symbols and signs;
- ability to accept and implement new things in practice;
- fine manual motor skills;
- good sense of smell.

Personal qualities, interests and inclinations:

- clarity, composure;
- accuracy;
- perseverance;
- self-control;
- patience;
- curiosity;
- perseverance.

Qualities that hinder the effectiveness of professional activity:

Lack of analytical skills;
- lack of technical abilities;
- carelessness;
- sloppiness;
- absent-mindedness, inattention;
- disorganization;
- lack of initiative;
- irresponsibility;
- lack of inclination to research activities;
- low development of motor skills;
- color blindness.

Areas of application of professional knowledge:

Industry and academic research institutes;
- chemical enterprises and plants;
- educational institutions (schools, technical schools, institutes, universities);
- enterprises of the pulp and paper industry.
- mining and processing plants;
- medical institutions (pharmaceutical industry);
- central factory laboratories and control stations;
- food industry enterprises.

Profession classification card

Name of profession - chemical engineer
Dominant way of thinking - Adaptation - coordination : Such people can coordinate goals and solutions to various multiple tasks at the same time, strive for development and innovation. Professions that suit people with this way of thinking require evaluating and solving several problems at the same time, reconciling conflicting goals.
Area of ​​basic knowledge No. 1 and its level - Natural sciences (chemistry, physics, biology), level 3, high (theoretical)
Area of ​​basic knowledge No. 2 and its level - Natural sciences (chemistry, physics, biology), level 2, intermediate (practical use of knowledge)
Professional area -
Interpersonal interaction - frequent of the “nearby” type : A person strives to be close to other people when solving professional problems. Here preference is given to professional situations where people exchange a variety of information, but perform work independently of each other. Such a person retains some independence in his work, despite the fact that he does not work alone.
Dominant interestresearch (intellectual) type : smart and observant, independent and original, has unconventional thinking and a creative approach to business. Mental abilities are developed. Finds out many details before coming to a conclusion. Prefers scientific professions.
Additional Interestrealistic (practical) type : Likes to deal with concrete things and their uses. It is focused on practical work and quick results. Prefers activities that require manual skills and dexterity. Deals with specific objects and their practical use. Practical thinking is well developed.
Working conditions - indoors, mobile

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • Chemistry - a specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Physics - optional at university
  • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the university's choice

Examination tests in biology and a foreign language are also possible (at the discretion of the university).

Description of specialty

A bachelor in this area prepares for production, technological, pedagogical, organizational and managerial activities.

Students are engaged in research activities and participate in conferences. Additionally, they undergo industrial and educational practice in laboratories in food, chemical, pharmaceutical, pulp and paper industries, as well as in law enforcement agencies and research institutes.

Students have the opportunity to get acquainted with the latest methods of chemical analysis and apply them in practice if the laboratory of the educational institution is equipped with advanced technologies, but if not, then the practice can take place outside the walls of their home university.

First of all, it is assumed that the applicant will be interested in research activities in the field of natural sciences: chemistry, biology, physics. This requires certain personal qualities: independence, originality, the ability to work both in a team and alone, observation, perseverance, self-control and creativity.

As for teaching activities, students independently prepare educational material, conduct lectures, seminars and practical classes. In short, they are preparing to become qualified teachers. After receiving a bachelor's degree, you can continue your studies at.

Basic subjects when studying for a specialty

The specialty "Chemistry" involves in-depth study of basic subjects: mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science. Students pay a lot of attention to chemical disciplines such as organic, analytical, physical and inorganic chemistry.

As well as narrowly focused subjects:

  • chemical experiment technique,
  • chemical foundations of biological processes,
  • computer science,
  • principles of technological process modeling.

The duration of full-time study is 4 years.

Skills and abilities acquired during training

Students should be able to:

  • conduct chemical experiments, analyze, process and systematize data obtained during the work;
  • develop and create new materials and products;
  • research biological and pharmaceutical drugs;
  • carry out analysis of various substances: acids, oil, petroleum products, etc.;
  • conduct teaching and research activities.

Graduates will develop technical and mathematical abilities and will be able to perceive and analyze large amounts of information. Upon completion of training, the following professional qualities will be developed: a high level of concentration, immunity to interference, the ability to perceive and distinguish a wide range of colors, and a good sense of smell.

Who to work with

The most common professions for students graduating with a degree in Chemistry are:

  • chemical analysis laboratory assistant,
  • agrochemist,
  • chemist of forensic laboratory,
  • geochemist,
  • pharmacist,
  • biochemist,
  • chemist.

A bachelor's degree gives you the opportunity to realize yourself in various fields: pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries.

Chemists monitor the quality of the resulting products and participate in their certification.

Where can a future chemist work?

  1. In research institutes and organizations;
  2. In organizations that deal with environmental issues and monitor the state of the environment;
  3. At large industrial enterprises;
  4. In analytical centers and laboratories;
  5. In law enforcement agencies.

"Chemistry" is a specialty of higher education, qualification - academic and applied bachelor's degree (040301). Overview of the specialty: exams, terms of study, subjects studied, where and with whom to work, reviews and suitable universities.

Previously, this state standard had the number 011000 (according to the Classifier of directions and specialties of higher professional education)
Project 5-1

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation


Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation

___________________ V.D.Shadrikov

“_10 __” __Martha _____2000

State registration No. 127 EN/sp.




Specialty 011000 - Chemistry

Qualification - chemist

Introduced from the moment of approval

Moscow, 2000

1. General characteristics of specialty 011000 - Chemistry

1.1. The specialty was approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 2, 2000 N 686.

  1. Graduate qualification: chemist.

The standard period for mastering the basic educational program for training a certified specialist in full-time education is 5 years.

1.3. Qualification characteristics of the graduate

Certified specialist in specialty 011000 - Chemistry, prepared to work in positions, mainly:

  • for professional activities in accordance with fundamental and special training (study of the composition, structure and properties of substances and chemical processes, patterns of chemical processes, creation and development of new promising materials and chemical technologies, solving fundamental and applied problems in the field of chemistry and chemical technology);
  • to work in accordance with the established procedure in educational institutions;
  • to work in accordance with the additional qualifications obtained during training (“Teacher”, “Patentist”, “Translator in the field of professional activity”, “Manager in the professional field”, etc.).

The objects of professional activity of a certified specialist in specialty 011000 - Chemistry are research and production organizations in the chemical and related fields, educational institutions, the service sector, economic and other institutions requiring specialists with higher chemical education.

A certified specialist can work in positions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and departmental documents for specialists with higher professional education, taking into account the focus of training and work experience.

1.4. Opportunities for continuing graduate education

  • A certified specialist who has completed the basic educational program in specialty 011000 - Chemistry is prepared to continue his education in graduate school.
  1. Requirements for the applicant's level of preparation
  1. The applicant's previous level of education is secondary (complete) general education.
  2. The applicant must have a state-issued document on secondary (complete) general education or secondary vocational education, or primary vocational education, if it contains a record of the bearer receiving secondary (complete) general education, or higher vocational education.
  1. General requirements for the basic educational training program

graduate in specialty 011000 - Chemistry

  1. The main educational program for training a certified specialist is developed on the basis of this state educational standard and includes a curriculum, programs of academic disciplines, programs of educational and practical training.
  2. Requirements for the mandatory minimum content of the basic educational program for training a certified specialist, the conditions for its implementation and the timing of its development are determined by this state educational standard.
  3. The main educational program for training a certified specialist consists of disciplines of the federal component, national-regional (university)
  4. [regional (university)]component, disciplines of the student's choice, as well as elective disciplines. Disciplines and courses of the student's choice in each cycle must meaningfully complement the disciplines specified in the federal component of the cycle.
  5. The main educational program for training a certified specialist must provide for the student to study the following cycles of disciplines and final state certification:

cycle GSE- General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines; cycle EH- General mathematical and natural science disciplines; cycle OPD - General professional disciplines; cycle DS- Specialization disciplines; cycle FTD- Optional disciplines.

  1. Content national-regional (university)[regional (university)]component of the main educational program for training a chemist is determined by the higher education institution independently and must ensure the preparation of the graduate in accordance with the qualification characteristics established by this state educational standard. If its implementation is financed from the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the content of the cycle is agreed upon with the relevant executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
  1. Requirements for the mandatory minimum content of basic education

graduate training programs

specialty 011000 - Chemistry

Name of disciplines and their main sections

Total hours

General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines

Federal component:

Foreign language:

Have an idea of ​​the basic ways of combining lexical units and basic word-formation models. Possess the skills and abilities of speech activity in relation to the field of everyday and professional communication, the basics of public speech. Possess the forms of business correspondence and the skills of preparing text documents in management activities. Be able to work with original literature in the specialty, have the skill of working with a dictionary, master the basic foreign language terminology of the specialty, know the Russian equivalents of basic words and expressions of professional speech. Know the basics of summarizing and annotating literature in your specialty


Physical Culture:

Physical culture in general cultural and professional training of students; socio-biological foundations of physical culture; the basics of a healthy lifestyle and lifestyle; health systems and sports (theory, methodology, practice); professional applied physical training of students.

National history:

Essence, forms, functions of historical knowledge. Methods and sources of the study of history. Concept and classification of historical source. Domestic historiography in the past and present: general and special. Methodology and theory of historical science. The history of Russia is an integral part of world history.

Ancient heritage in the era of the Great Migration. The problem of ethnogenesis of the Eastern Slavs. The main stages of the formation of statehood. Ancient Rus' and nomads. Byzantine-ancient-Russian connections. Features of the social system of Ancient Rus'. Ethnocultural and socio-political processes of the formation of Russian statehood. Acceptance of Christianity. Spread of Islam. The evolution of East Slavic statehood in the 10th-11th centuries. Socio-political changes in Russian lands in the X111th-XVth centuries. Rus' and the Horde: problems of mutual influence.

Russia and the medieval states of Europe and Asia. Specifics of the formation of a unified Russian state. The rise of Moscow. Formation of a class system of society organization. Reforms of Peter 1. Age of Catherine. Prerequisites and features of the formation of Russian absolutism. Discussions about the genesis of autocracy. Features and main stages of economic development of Russia. Evolution of forms of land ownership. The structure of feudal land tenure. Serfdom in Russia. Manufacturing and industrial production. The formation of industrial society in Russia: general and special. Social thought and features of the social movement in Russia in the 19th century. Reforms and reformers in Russia. Russian culture of the 19th century and its contribution to world culture.

The role of the twentieth century in world history. Globalization of social processes. The problem of economic growth and modernization. Revolutions and reforms. Social transformation of society. The clash of tendencies of internationalism and nationalism, integration and separatism, democracy and authoritarianism. Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. The objective need for industrial modernization in Russia. Russian reforms in the context of global development at the beginning of the century. Political parties of Russia: genesis, classification, programs, tactics.

Russia in conditions of world war and national crisis. Revolution of 1917. Civil war and intervention, their results and consequences. Russian emigration. Socio-economic development of the country in the 20s. NEP. Formation of a one-party political regime. Education of the USSR. Cultural life of the country in the 20s. Foreign policy. The course towards building socialism in one country and its consequences. Socially

- economic transformations in the 30s. Strengthening the regime of Stalin's personal power. Resistance to Stalinism.

USSR on the eve and during the initial period of the Second World War. The Great Patriotic War. Socio-economic development, socio-political life, culture, foreign policy of the USSR in the post-war years. Cold War. Attempts to implement political and economic reforms. Scientific and technological revolution and its influence on the course of social development. USSR in the mid-60s-80s: growing crisis phenomena.

Soviet Union in 1985-1991 Perestroika. The 1991 coup attempt and its failure. Collapse of the USSR. Belovezhskaya agreements. October events of 1993. Formation of a new Russian statehood (1993-1999). Russia is on the path of radical socio-economic modernization. Culture in modern Russia. Foreign policy activity in a new geopolitical situation.


Structure and composition of modern cultural knowledge. Culturology and philosophy of culture, sociology of culture, cultural anthropology.

Culturology and cultural history. Theoretical and applied cultural studies. Methods of cultural studies.

Basic concepts of cultural studies: culture, civilization, morphology of culture, functions of culture, subject of culture, cultural genesis, dynamics of culture, language and symbols of culture, cultural codes, social institutions of culture, cultural modernization.

Typology of cultures. Ethnic and national, elite and mass culture. Local cultures. The place and role of modern Russia in world culture. Trends in cultural universalization in the global modern process.

Culture and nature. Culture and society. Culture and global problems of our time.

Culture and personality. Enculturation and socialization.


Political science:

Object, subject and method of political science. Functions of political science. Political life and power relations. The role and place of politics in the life of modern societies. Social functions of politics.

History of political doctrines. Civil society, its origin and features. Features of the formation of civil society in Russia. Institutional aspects of politics. Political power. Politic system. Political systems, political parties, electoral systems. Political relations and processes. Political conflicts and ways to resolve them. Political technologies. Political management. Political modernization.

Political organizations and movements. Political elites. Political leadership.

World politics and international relations. Features of the world political process. National-state interests of Russia in the new geopolitical situation.

Methodology for understanding political reality. Paradigms of political knowledge. Expert political knowledge: political analytics and forecasting.


State and law. Their role in the life of society.

Rule of law and normative legal acts. Basic legal systems of our time. International law as a special system of law. Sources of Russian law. Law and regulations. System of Russian law. Branches of law. Offenses and legal liability. The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the fundamental law of the state. Features of the federal structure of Russia. The system of government bodies in the Russian Federation.

The concept of civil legal relations. Individuals and legal entities. Obligations in civil law and liability for their violation. Inheritance law.

Marriage and family relations. Mutual rights and obligations of spouses, parents and children.

Employment agreement (contract). Administrative violations and administrative liability. Concept of crime. Criminal liability for committing crimes.

Environmental law.

Legal basis for the protection of state secrets. Legislative and regulatory acts in the field of information protection and state secrets.

Psychology and pedagogy:

Psychology: subject, object and methods of psychology. The place of psychology in the system of sciences. History of the development of psychological knowledge and main directions in psychology. Individual, personality, subject, individuality. Psyche and body. Brain and psyche. Structure of the psyche. The relationship between the conscious and the unconscious. Cognitive processes. Emotions and feelings. Psychology of Personality. Interpersonal relationships. Psychology of small groups.

Pedagogy: subject, object, tasks, functions, methods of pedagogy. Main categories of pedagogy: education, upbringing, training, pedagogical activity. Education as a universal human value. Goals, content, structure of lifelong education, unity of education and self-education. Education in the pedagogical process. General forms of organization of educational activities. Methods, techniques, means of organizing and managing the pedagogical process. Management of educational systems.

Russian language and culture of speech:

Styles of modern Russian literary language. Language norm, its role in the formation and functioning of a literary language. Speech interaction. Basic units of communication. Oral and written varieties of literary language. Regulatory, communicative, ethical aspects of oral and written speech. Functional styles of modern Russian language. Interaction of functional styles. Scientific style. Specifics of using elements of different language levels in scientific speech. Speech norms for educational and scientific fields of activity. Official business style, the scope of its functioning, genre diversity. Language formulas of official documents. Techniques for unifying the language of official documents. International properties of Russian official business writing. Language and style of administrative documents. Language and style of commercial correspondence. Language and style of instructional and methodological documents. Advertising in business speech. Rules for document preparation. Speech etiquette in a document. Genre differentiation and selection of linguistic means in journalistic style. Features of oral public speech. The speaker and his audience. Main types of arguments. Preparation of a speech: choosing a topic, purpose of speech, searching for material, beginning, development and completion of speech. Basic methods of searching for material and types of auxiliary materials. Verbal presentation of a public speech. Understanding, informativeness and expressiveness of public speech. Colloquial speech in the system of functional varieties of the Russian literary language. Conditions for the functioning of spoken language, the role of extra-linguistic factors. A culture of speech. The main directions for improving competent writing and speaking skills.


Know the main stages in the development of sociological thought and modern trends in sociological theory. Understand the definition of society as a supra-individual reality and an integral self-regulating system; know the prerequisites for the functioning and reproduction of the social whole. Have an idea of ​​the basic social institutions that ensure the reproduction of social relations. Be able to analyze the main problems of the stratification of Russian society, the emergence of classes, the causes of poverty and inequality, the relationships of social groups, communities, and ethnic groups.


Subject of philosophy. The place and role of philosophy in culture. The formation of philosophy. Main directions, schools of philosophy and stages of its historical development. The structure of philosophical knowledge. The doctrine of being. Monistic and pluralistic concepts of being, self-organization of being. Concepts of material and ideal. Space, time. Movement and development, dialectics. Determinism and indeterminism. Dynamic and statistical patterns. Scientific, philosophical and religious pictures of the world. Man, society, culture. Human and nature. Society and its structure. Civil society and the state. A person in a system of social connections. Man and the historical process; personality and masses, freedom and necessity. Formational and civilizational concepts of social development. The meaning of human existence. Violence and non-violence. Freedom and responsibility. Morality, justice, law. Moral values. Ideas about the perfect person in different cultures. Aesthetic values ​​and their role in human life. Religious values ​​and freedom of conscience. Consciousness and cognition. Consciousness, self-awareness and personality. Cognition, creativity, practice. Faith and knowledge. Understanding and explanation. Rational and irrational in cognitive activity. The problem of truth. Reality, thinking, logic and language. Scientific and extra-scientific knowledge. Scientific criteria. The structure of scientific knowledge, its methods and forms. The growth of scientific knowledge. Scientific revolutions and changes in types of rationality. Science and technology. The future of humanity. Global problems of our time. Interaction of civilizations and future scenarios.


Introduction to economic theory. Good. Needs, resources. Economic choice. Economic relations. Economic systems. The main stages in the development of economic theory. Methods of economic theory. Microeconomics. Market. Supply and demand. Consumer preferences and marginal utility. Demand factors. Individual and market demand. Income effect and substitution effect. Elasticity. Supply and its factors. Law of Diminishing Marginal Productivity. Effect of scale. Types of costs. Firm. Revenue and profit. The principle of profit maximization. Proposal from a perfectly competitive firm and industry. Efficiency of competitive markets. Market power. Monopoly. Monopolistic competition. Oligopoly. Antimonopoly regulation. Demand for factors of production. Labor market. Labor supply and demand. Wages and employment. Capital market. Interest rate and investment. Land market. Rent. General balance and well-being. Income distribution. Inequality. Externalities and public goods. The role of the state. Macroeconomics. National economy as a whole. Circulation of income and products. GDP and ways to measure it. National income. Disposable personal income. Price indices. Unemployment and its forms. Inflation and its types. Economic cycles. Macroeconomic equilibrium. Aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Stabilization policy. Equilibrium in the commodity market. Consumption and savings. Investments. Government spending and taxes. Multiplier effect. Fiscal policy. Money and its functions. Equilibrium in the money market. Money multiplier. Banking system. Money-credit policy. Economic growth and development. International economic relations. Foreign trade and trade policy. Payment balance. Exchange rate. Features of the transition economy of Russia. Privatization. Forms of ownership. Entrepreneurship. Shadow economy. Labor market. Distribution and income. Transformations in the social sphere. Structural changes in the economy. Formation of an open economy.

History and methodology of chemistry:

history of chemistry as a part of chemistry and as part of the history of culture, content and main features of modern chemistry; methodological problems of chemistry, fundamental concepts of chemistry and their evolution, the law of constancy of composition and structure as the basic law of chemistry, classification of physical research methods in chemistry; the main stages in the history of the development of the system of chemical sciences, the scientific achievements of the most outstanding foreign and Russian chemists.


Disciplines and courses of the student's choice, established by the university (faculty)

General mathematics and natural sciences

Federal component:


analytical geometry and basics of algebra: straight line, second-order lines on a plane, plane, straight line, simplest surfaces in space; matrices, determinants, systems of linear equations; vector algebra; linear spaces, linear operators; fundamentals of group theory, fundamentals of group representation theory, applications to crystallography; mathematical analysis: passage to the limit, differential and integral calculus of functions of one and several variables; vector analysis, elements of field theory; numerical and functional sequences and series, Fourier series; ordinary differential equations; partial differential equations; fundamentals of mathematical modeling of natural processes; probability theory, mathematical statistics and its applications to processing observational results.

Computer Science (Information Technology):

information theory and typical information technologies; computer, software, operating systems; text and experimental data processing, visualization; databases and computer networks, basics of protecting information and information constituting state secrets; information security methods; computer workshop.

Mechanics; kinematics and dynamics of a material point, a rigid body; laws of conservation of energy, momentum and angular momentum; vibrations and waves; Molecular physics; molecular kinetic theory; fundamentals of thermodynamics; properties of gases, liquids and solids; electricity and magnetism; electrostatics; electric currents in media; Maxwell's theory of electrostatic field; optics; interference, diffraction, polarization

and light dispersion; thermal radiation; laser; atomic and nuclear physics; Bohr's atomic theory; quantum mechanical description of the atom; elementary particles; structure of the nucleus.

Biology with basic ecology:

living systems; peculiarities

biological level of organization of matter; principles of reproduction and development of living systems; laws of genetics, their role in evolution; cells, their reproduction and specialization; diversity of organisms, their classification; homeostasis and adaptation, regulation and functional systems, connection with the environment; physiology, ecology and health, biosocial characteristics of humans; bioethics; supraorganismal systems; ecosystems and biosphere, their structure, dynamics, sustainability; the role of anthropogenic impacts; nature protection and its rational use; prospects for the development of biology; biotechnology.

Numerical methods and programming:

programming elements and basic programming languages; numerical methods: mathematical models and features of computer calculations; solving various mathematical problems in chemistry; statistical processing of experimental data.

Regional (university) component

Disciplines of the student's choice

General professional disciplines

Federal component:

Inorganic chemistry:

atomic structure, chemical bonding, fundamentals of solid state chemistry, principles of chemical thermodynamics, kinetics and mechanism of chemical reactions, solutions; basic concepts of geochemistry and radiochemistry; periodic law and periodic system of elements by D.I. Mendeleev; properties of chemical elements; features of the chemistry of metal elements and non-metal elements; structure of complex compounds, methods for studying inorganic compounds.

Analytical chemistry:

metrology of chemical analysis; theoretical foundations and methods of sample preparation; basic patterns of equilibrium and reactions: acid-base, redox, complex formation and precipitation; chemical and physical methods of detection, separation and concentration of substances (extraction, chromatography, etc.); gravimetric, titrimetric, kinetic, biochemical, electrochemical, spectroscopic, mass spectrometric, thermal, biological methods of analysis; automation and computerization of analysis; analysis of industrial, natural, organic and biological objects.

Organic chemistry:

subject of organic chemistry, classification of reagents and reactions, hydrocarbons (alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, alkadienes, alkynes, arenes), optical isomerism of organic compounds, halogen derivatives of hydrocarbons, organomagnesium and organolithium compounds, hydroxyl derivatives of hydrocarbons, ethers, carbonyl compounds , carboxylic acids and their derivatives, nitro compounds, amines, azo compounds, heterofunctional and heterocyclic compounds.

Physical chemistry:

postulates and laws of chemical thermodynamics, thermochemistry, thermodynamic functions and fundamental Gibbs equations; thermodynamic theory of solutions; Gibbs phase rules and its application to heterogeneous equilibria; chemical and adsorption equilibria; fundamentals of linear nonequilibrium thermodynamics; postulates of statistical thermodynamics, sum over states, calculations of thermodynamic functions, statistical thermodynamics of real gas and condensed state of matter; chemical kinetics, kinetic equations of various types of reactions, theory of kinetics; homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, theories of catalysis; theory of electrolytes, thermodynamics and kinetics of electrochemical processes.

High molecular weight compounds:

basic concepts and definitions of macromolecular compounds; classification of polymers and their most important representatives; behavior of macromolecules in solutions, properties of polymer bodies (plastics, elastomers, coatings); molecular and supramolecular structure; mechanical properties, chemical properties and modification of polymers; polymer synthesis.

Chemical Technology:

chemical production as a complex system, raw materials and energy resources in the chemical industry, fundamental criteria for efficiency

-activity of their use, integrated use of raw materials, energy technology schemes;macroscopic theory of physical and chemical phenomena as a theoretical basis for chemical technology; mechanical, thermal, mass transfer and chemical reaction processes; main types of chemical reactors; hardware design and mathematical modeling of processes for separating mixtures of substances; the role of materials in chemical technology; analysis of technological schemes of the most important chemical production facilities.

Quantum mechanics and quantum chemistry:

basic postulates and mathematical apparatus of quantum mechanics; approximate methods for solving quantum mechanical problems; basic principles of quantum chemistry; non-empirical and semi-empirical methods for studying the electronic structure of atoms and molecules, qualitative theory of reactivity.

Colloidal chemistry:

free surface energy of the interface; the relationship between free surface energy and molecular interactions in the condensed phase; capillary phenomena; structure of adsorption layers of surfactants; electrosurface phenomena in dispersed systems; lyophilic and lyophobic disperse systems, their properties and applications; stability of dispersed systems; fundamentals of physical and chemical mechanics; colloidal chemical foundations of nature conservation.

Physical research methods:

characteristics and classification of methods, theoretical foundations of mass spectrometric and spectroscopic methods, problems of obtaining and recording spectra, methods for determining the electric dipole moments of molecules, geometry of molecules and substances, methods of electronic, vibrational and rotational spectroscopy, magneto-chemical and electro-optical methods, resonance methods.

Crystal chemistry:

subject and tasks of crystal chemistry, crystal structure and methods of its modeling; basics of X-ray diffraction analysis; symmetry groups and structural classes; general crystal chemistry (types of chemical bonds in crystals, systematics of crystal structures, spherical packings and stacks, crystal chemical radii of atoms, isomorphism and polymorphism); selected chapters of systematic crystal chemistry (simple substances, binary and ternary compounds, silicates, organic substances); general crystal chemistry.

Structure of the substance:

foundations of modern theory of chemical structure; quantum states of molecules; symmetry of molecular systems, their electrical and magnetic properties; intermolecular interactions; structure of condensed phases (liquids, amorphous substances, mesophases, crystals), their surfaces and interfaces.

Methods of teaching chemistry:

principles of teaching and methods of teaching chemistry; activity approach to learning; formation of creative chemical thinking; a systematic approach to determining the content of training; constructing a chemistry course based on the transfer of the science system to the teaching system and on the basis of a systematic presentation of the subject of chemistry (chemical process and substance); productive-search and traditional (information training); problem-based and programmed learning; computerization of education; testing, training and educational functions of monitoring the acquisition of knowledge; assessment and diagnosis of knowledge quality; pedagogical experiment in teaching chemistry.

Technogenic systems and environmental risk:

the problem of safe development of society, the environment as a system, natural and anthropogenic impacts on humans and the environment, the main directions and methods of combating environmental pollution, the place of chemical science in the concept of sustainable development, principles of ensuring human and environmental safety -living environment, legal

fundamentals of ensuring environmental safety.

Disciplines of the student's choice

Specialization disciplines

Regional (university) component

Optional disciplines

Regional (university) component

Military training

Total hours of theoretical training:



648 8964
  1. Time frame for completing the graduate's main educational program

specialty 011000 - Chemistry

  1. The period for completing the main educational program for training a certified specialist in full-time education is 260 weeks, including:
  • Theoretical training, including student research work, workshops, including laboratory 154 weeks
  • Examination sessions 31 weeks
  • Internships for at least 24 weeks (conditional): introductory 2 weeks production chemical-technological 4 weeks pre-qualification (pre-diploma) 18 weeks *)

*) 18 weeks, 18 hours weekly.

  • Final state certification:
  • preparation and defense of final qualifying (diploma) work 21 weeks
  • Holidays including 8 weeks postgraduate leave 48 weeks.
  1. The maximum volume of student workload is established 54 hours per week, including all types of his classroom and extracurricular (independent) educational work.
  2. The volume of classroom work for a student during full-time study should not exceed the average for the period of theoretical study
  3. 32 hours in Week. At the same time, the specified volume does not include mandatory practical classes in physical education and classes in elective disciplines.
  4. The total amount of vacation time in the academic year should be 7–10 weeks, including at least 2 weeks in the winter.
  1. Requirements for the development and conditions for the implementation of basic educational

graduate training programs in specialty 011000 - Chemistry

  1. Requirements for the development of the basic educational training program

certified specialist

  1. Higher educational institutions independently develop and approve the main educational program of the university for the preparation of a certified specialist on the basis of this state educational standard.

Disciplines of the student's choice, independently chosen by students within the hours specified in the cycles of disciplines, are mandatory. Optional disciplines provided for by the curriculum of a higher educational institution are not mandatory for the student to study.

Coursework is considered as a type of academic work in the discipline and is completed within the hours allocated for its study.

For all disciplines and practices included in the curriculum of a higher educational institution, a final grade must be given.

Specializations are parts of the specialty within which they are created, and require the acquisition of more in-depth professional knowledge, skills and abilities in various fields of activity within the profile of this specialty. The name of the specializations is established by the educational and methodological association of universities of the Russian Federation (department of chemistry) on the proposal of higher educational institutions. The list of specialization disciplines implemented and their content is established by the higher education institution.

6.1.2. When implementing the main educational program, a higher education institution has the right:

  • change the volume of hours allocated to mastering educational material: for cycles of disciplines - within 5% and for disciplines included in the cycle - within 10% without exceeding the maximum weekly volume of the student’s workload and when fulfilling the content requirements specified in this standard;
  • form a cycle of GSE from the number of disciplines given in this state standard. At the same time, the disciplines “Foreign Language”, “Physical Education”, “National History” and “Philosophy” are mandatory, and “Psychology and Pedagogy” and “History and Methodology of Chemistry” are recommended by the Council on Chemistry of the UMO of Universities of the Russian Federation;
  • teach humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines in the form of original lecture courses and various types of collective and individual practical classes, assignments and seminars according to programs developed at the university itself and taking into account regional and professional specifics, as well as the research preferences of teachers providing qualified coverage subjects of the cycle disciplines;
  • establish the required depth of teaching of individual sections of disciplines included in the cycles of humanitarian and socio-economic, mathematical and natural science disciplines in accordance with the profile of the cycle of specialization disciplines;
  • implement the basic educational program for training a certified specialist in a shortened time for students of a higher educational institution with a secondary vocational or higher vocational education in chemistry. The reduction in terms is carried out on the basis of the student’s existing knowledge, skills and abilities acquired at the previous stage of professional education. In this case, the duration of training must be at least three years. Training under an abbreviated program is also permitted for persons whose level of education or abilities are sufficient grounds for this;
  • assign the qualification “Teacher” to a certified specialist if he fulfills, at the expense of the time allocated to disciplines of the students’ choice, additional requirements imposed by the state standard for this qualification (approved by order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education dated March 30, 1995 N 439), with the issuance of the corresponding document;
  • create conditions for the graduate to obtain additional qualifications in accordance with clause 1.3. of this standard.
  1. Requirements for staffing the educational process
  • in all disciplines of the GSE, EN and OPD cycles, lecturers can only be professors and associate professors who have an academic degree of doctor or candidate of science in a scientific specialty corresponding to the discipline being taught;
  • Teachers who do not have an academic degree, but who have experience working with students in this discipline, are allowed to teach at seminars and laboratory classes;
  • in all disciplines of the DS cycle, all types of classes can be taught by teachers and researchers recommended by specialized departments.
  • 6.3. Requirements for educational and methodological support of the educational process

    All disciplines of the GSE, EN and OPD cycles must be provided with textbooks and teaching aids in accordance with the approved programs of academic disciplines in an amount of at least 1 unit per 2 students. Laboratory work, including the DS cycle, must be provided with methodological developments for tasks in an amount sufficient to conduct group classes.

    Inorganic chemistry

    Akhmetov N.S. General and inorganic chemistry. M.: Higher. school, 1988. 639 p.

    Spitsyn V.I., Martynenko L.I. Inorganic chemistry. M.: Publishing house Mosk. Univ., 1991, 1994. Parts 1,2.

    Cotton F., Wilkinson J. Modern inorganic chemistry. M.: Mir, 1969. T.1,2,3.

    Gorshkov V.I., Kuznetsov I.A. fundamentals of physical chemistry. M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 1993. 336 p.

    Workshop on inorganic chemistry / Ed. V.P.Zlomanova M.: Moscow Publishing House. Univ., 1994. 320 p.

    Vorobyova O.I., Lavut E.A., Tamm N.S. Questions, exercises and problems in inorganic chemistry. M.: Publishing house Mosk. Univ., 1985. 180 p.

    Golbreich Z.E., Maslov G.I. Collection of problems and exercises in chemistry. M.: Higher. school, 1997. 384 p.

    Suvorov A.V., Nikolsky A.B. General chemistry. St. Petersburg: Chemistry, 1997.623 p.

    Analytical chemistry

    Fundamentals of analytical chemistry: In 2 books. / Ed. Yu.A. Zolotova. M.: Higher. school, 1999. Book. 1. 351 pp.; Book 2. 495 p.

    Vasiliev V.P.

    Analytical chemistry: In 2 hours. Moscow: Higher. school, 1989. Part 1. 320 pp.; Part 2. 384 p.

    Skoog D., West D. Fundamentals of analytical chemistry: In 2 vols. M.: Mir, 1979. T. 1-2 .

    Fritz J., Schenk G. Quantitative analysis. M.: Mir, 1978. 557 p.

    Ewing G. Instrumental methods of chemical analysis. M.: Mir, 1989. 608 p.

    Kunze U., Schwedt G. Fundamentals of qualitative and quantitative analysis. M.: Mir, 1997. 424 p.

    Laitinen G.A., Harris V.E. Chemical analysis. M.: Khimiya, 1979. 624 p.

    Derffel K. Statistics in analytical chemistry. M.: Mir, 1994. 268 p.

    Organic chemistry

    Shabarov Yu.S. Organic chemistry. M.: Chemistry. 1994. T.1,2.

    Terney A. Modern organic chemistry. M.: Mir, 1981. T.1,2.

    Roberts J., Casserio M. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry. M.: Mir, 1978. T.1,2.

    Organicum: In 2 vols. M., 1992. T. 1,2.

    Morrison R., Boyd R. Organic chemistry. M.: Mir, 1974.

    Nesmeyanov A.N., Nesmeyanov A.N. The beginnings of organic chemistry. M.: Mir, 1974. T.1,2.

    Neyland O.Ya. Organic chemistry. M.: Higher. school, 1990.

    Physical chemistry

    Poltorak O.M. Thermodynamics in physical chemistry. M.: Higher. school, 1991.

    Gerasimov Ya.I. and others. Course of physical chemistry: In 2 volumes. M.: Chemistry. 1969. T.1-2.

    Damaskin B.B., Petriy O.A. Electrochemistry: M.: Vyssh. school, 1987. 296 p.

    Eremin E.N. Fundamentals of chemical kinetics: M.: Vyssh. school, 1976. 374 p.

    Kondratv V.N., Nikitin E.E. Kinetics and mechanisms of phase reactions. M.: Nauka, 1974. 558 p.

    Smirnova N.A. Methods of statistical thermodynamics in physical chemistry: M.: Vyssh. school, 1982. 456 p.

    High molecular weight compounds

    Kireev V.V. High molecular weight compounds. M.: Higher. school, 1992.

    Semchikov Yu.D., Zhiltsov S.F., Kashaeva V.N. Introduction to polymer chemistry: M.: Vyssh. school, 1988. 148 p.

    Kuleznev V.N., Shershnev V.A. Chemistry and physics of polymers: M.: Vyssh. school, 1988. 311 p.

    Shur A.M. High-molecular compounds: M.: Vyssh. school, 1981. 656 p.

    Chemical Technology

    Bird R., Stewart W., Lightfoot E. Transfer phenomena. M.: Chemistry, 1974.

    Beskov V.S., Safronov V.S. General chemical technology and fundamentals of industrial ecology. M.

    :Chemistry, 1999.

    Volfkovich S.I. and others. General chemical technology: 2 vols. L., 1952. T.1; L., 1959. T.2.

    Dytnersky Yu.I. Processes and apparatus of chemical technology: In 2 books. M.: Chemistry, 1995.

    Kutepov A.M. and others. General chemical technology. M.: Higher school, 1990.

    Lebedev N.N. Chemistry and technology of basic organic and petrochemical synthesis. M.: Chemistry, 1988.

    Safonov M.S. Criteria for thermodynamic perfection of technological systems. M.: MSU, Faculty of Chemistry, 1998.

    Quantum mechanics and quantum chemistry

    Meleshina A.M. Quantum mechanics course for chemists: M.: Vyssh. school, 1980. 215 p.

    Flurry R. Quantum chemistry. M.: Mir, 1985. 472 p.

    Zahradnik R., Polak R. Fundamentals of quantum chemistry. M.: Mir, 1979. 504 p.

    Meleshina A.M. Quantum chemistry course. Voronezh: Voronezh Publishing House. Univ., 1981. 198 p.

    Yatsimirsky K.B., Yatsimirsky V.K. Chemical bond. Kyiv: Vishcha school, 1975. 304 p.

    Abarenkov I.V., Brattsev V.F., Tulub A.V. The beginnings of quantum chemistry. M.: Higher school, 1989.

    Bolotin A.B., Stepanov N.F. Group theory and its application in quantum mechanics of molecules. Vilnius: Elkom Publishing House, 1999. 246 p.

    Stepanov N.F., Pupyshev V.I. Quantum mechanics of molecules and quantum chemistry. M.: Publishing house Mosk. Univ., 1991. 384 p.

    Colloid chemistry

    Shchukin E.D., Pertsov A.V., Amelina E.A. Colloidal chemistry. M.: Higher. school, 1992. 416 p.

    Friedrichsberg D.A. Colloid chemistry course. L.: Chemistry, 1995. 385 p.

    Frolov Yu.G. Colloid chemistry course. M.: Khimiya, 1989. 462 p.

    Physical research methods

    Vilkov L.V., Pentin Yu.A. Physical research methods in chemistry. Structural methods and optical spectroscopy. M.: Higher. school, 1987. 366 p.

    Vilkov L.V., Pentin Yu.A. Physical research methods in chemistry. Resonance and electro-optical methods. M.: Higher. school, 1989. 288 p.

    Kuzmenko N.E. Ch. 11. Spectroscopic methods // Fundamentals of analytical chemistry. Book 2. Methods of chemical analysis. M.: Higher. school, 1996. P. 199–352; 2nd ed., 1999.

    Minkin V.I., Osipov O.A., Zhdanov Yu.A. Dipole moments in organic chemistry. L.: Chemistry, 1968. 246 p.

    Semin G.K., Babushkina T.A., Yakobson G.G. Application of nuclear quadrupole resonance in chemistry. L.: Chemistry, 1972. 536 p.

    Crystal chemistry

    Zorkiy P.M. Symmetry of molecules and crystal structures. M.: Publishing house Mosk. University, 1986.

    Bokiy G.B. Crystal chemistry. M.: Nauka, 1971.

    Poraj-Koshits M.A. Fundamentals of structural analysis of chemical compounds. M.: Higher. school, 1982.

    Structure of matter

    Tatevsky V.M. The structure of molecules and physicochemical properties of molecules and substances. M.: Publishing house Mosk. University, 1993.

    Minkin V.I., Simkin B.Ya., Minyaev R.M. Theory of molecular structure. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix Publishing House, 1997. 570 p.

    Vilkov L.V., Pentin Yu.A. Physical research methods in chemistry. Structural methods and optical spectroscopy. M.: Higher. school, 1987.

    Vilkov L.V., Pentin Yu.A. Physical research methods in chemistry. Resonance and electro-optical methods. M.: Higher. school, 1989.

    Hargittai I., Hargittai M.

    Symmetry through the eyes of a chemist. M.: Mir, 1989.

    Methods of teaching chemistry

    Zaitsev O.S. Methods of teaching chemistry. M., 1999.

    Zaitsev O.S. Chemistry. Modern short course. M., 1987. 416 p.

    Methods of teaching chemistry / Ed. N.E. Kuznetsova. M., 1984. 415 p.

    General methods of teaching chemistry: In 2 volumes / Ed. L.A. Tsvetkova. M, 1981-1982. T.1. 224 pp.; T. 2. 223 p.

    Talyzina N.F. Managing the process of knowledge acquisition. M., 1984. 344 p.

    Chernilevsky D.V., Filatov O.K. Technology of teaching in higher education. M., 1996. 288 p.

    Chernobelskaya G.M. Fundamentals of teaching methods in chemistry. M.,. 1987. 256 p.

    Shapovalenko S.G. Methods of teaching chemistry. M., 1963. 668 p.

    Technogenic systems and environmental risk

    Demin V.F. Scientific and methodological aspects of risk assessment // Atomic energy. 1999. No. 1.

    Bykov A.A., Murzin N.V. Problems of analyzing the security of man, society, and nature. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1997.

    Belov P.G. Theoretical foundations of systems safety engineering. Kyiv: Kmuga, 1997.

    Bykov A.A. Modeling of environmental activities. M.: National Medical Center of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia, 1998.

    Israel Yu.A. Ecology and environmental control. M.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1984.

    Skuratov Yu.I., Duka G.G., Miziti A. Introduction to environmental chemistry. M.: Higher. school, 1994. 400 p.

    Myagkov S.M. Geography of natural risk. M.: Publishing house Mosk. University, 1995.

    Ecology: nature conservation and environmental safety In 2 volumes / Ed. IN AND. Danilova-Danilyana. M.: MNEPU, 1997. 744 p.

    History and methodology of chemistry

    Volkov V.A., Vonsky E.V., Kuznetsova G.I. Outstanding chemists of the world. M.: Higher. school, 1991. 656 p.

    Azimov A. A brief history of chemistry. Development of ideas and concepts in chemistry. M.: Mir, 1983. 187 p.

    Shamin A.N. History of biological chemistry. Formation of biochemistry. M.: Nauka, 1983. 262 p.

    1. Requirements for material and technical support of the educational process

    The educational process must be ensured:

    • lectures - various equipment that helps the lecturer demonstrate illustrative material;
    • seminars - computers for performing calculations or using information systems;
    • laboratory works - chemical reagents, laboratory glassware and educational (scientific and educational) equipment in accordance with the laboratory work program.
    1. Requirements for organizing practices
    1. Introductory practice is carried out in the form of excursions and is intended to familiarize students with the organization and topics of scientific research in the field of chemistry in scientific laboratories of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other organizations. Conducted by teachers of study groups in agreement with the administration of elective organizations. Based on the results of the practice, the teacher interviews the students and a grade is given in the form of a test.
    2. Industrial chemical engineering practice is intended to familiarize students with the real technological process and consolidate the theoretical knowledge acquired during training. It is carried out at chemical enterprises, semi-factory and prototype installations in the laboratories of research institutes. The timing of the internship is approved by the rector’s office (dean’s office) in accordance with the requirements for the curriculum. At the end of the internship, the student intern reports on the work done to the university commission and representatives of the host organization. The form of assessment (test, differentiated test with assessment) is provided for by the curriculum.
    3. Industrial pre-qualification (pre-diploma) practice is carried out in the laboratories of a higher educational institution, research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other scientific organizations and is intended for graduates to master theoretical sections and acquire experimental skills on the topic of a future qualification (diploma) work. The direction and scope of work are established by the department. At the end of the internship, the graduate reports at a meeting of the departmental (laboratory) colloquium, based on the results of which a differentiated test with a grade is given.
    1. Requirements for the level of training of graduates in specialty 011000 - Chemistry

    7.1.Requirements for the professional preparedness of a certified specialist

    7.1.1.. General requirements for the education of a certified specialist

    A certified specialist meets the following requirements:

    • is familiar with the basic teachings in the field of humanities and socio-economic sciences, is able to scientifically analyze socially significant problems and processes, is able to use the methods of these sciences in various types of professional and social activities;
    • has a holistic understanding of the processes and phenomena occurring in inanimate and living nature, understands the capabilities of modern scientific methods of cognition of nature and masters them at the level necessary to solve problems that have a natural scientific content and arise during the performance of professional functions;
    • is able to continue studying and conduct professional activities in a foreign language environment (the requirement is designed to be fully implemented after 10 years);
    • has a scientific understanding of a healthy lifestyle, has the skills and abilities of physical self-improvement;
    • masters the culture of thinking, knows its general laws, is able to correctly (logically) formalize its results in written and oral speech;
    • knows how to organize his work on a scientific basis, owns computer methods of collecting, storing and processing (editing) information used in the field of his professional activity;
    • in the context of the development of science and changing social practice, is capable of reassessing accumulated experience, analyzing one’s capabilities, and is able to acquire new knowledge using modern information educational technologies;
    • understands the essence and social significance of his future profession, the main problems of the disciplines that determine the specific area of ​​his activity, sees their interconnection in an integral system of knowledge;
    • knows how to use models to describe and predict various phenomena, carry out their qualitative and quantitative analysis;
    • is able to formulate tasks related to the implementation of professional functions, knows how to use the methods of the sciences he has studied to solve them;
    • ready to cooperate with colleagues and work in a team, is familiar with management methods, knows how to find and make management decisions in the face of different opinions, knows the basics of teaching;
    • methodologically and psychologically ready to change the type and nature of his professional activity, to work on interdisciplinary projects.
    1. Requirements for graduates in humanities and socio-economic disciplines

    in the field of philosophy, national history, pedagogy and psychology:

    • have an idea of ​​scientific, philosophical and religious pictures of the universe, the essence, purpose and meaning of human life, the diversity of forms of human knowledge, the relationship between truth and error, knowledge and faith, rational and irrational in human life, features of the functioning of knowledge in modern society, aesthetic values, their meaning in creativity and everyday life, to be able to navigate them;
    • understand the role of science in the development of civilization, the relationship between science and technology and related modern social and ethical problems, the value of scientific rationality and its historical types, know the structure, forms and methods of scientific knowledge, their evolution;
    • be familiar with the most important branches and stages of development of humanitarian and socio-economic knowledge, the main scientific schools, directions, concepts, sources of humanitarian knowledge and methods of working with them;
    • understand the meaning of the relationship between the spiritual and physical, biological and social principles in man, the relationship of man to nature and the contradictions and crisis of human existence in nature that have arisen in the modern era of technical development;
    • know the conditions for the formation of personality, its freedom, responsibility for the preservation of life, nature, culture, understand the role of violence and non-violence in history and human behavior, man’s moral responsibilities towards others and himself;
    • have an idea of ​​the essence of consciousness, its relationship with the unconscious, the role of consciousness and self-awareness in the behavior, communication and activities of people, the formation of personality;
    • understand the nature of the psyche, know the basic mental functions and their physiological mechanisms, the relationship between natural and social factors in the formation of the psyche, understand the meaning of will and emotions, needs and motives, as well as unconscious mechanisms in human behavior;
    • be able to give a psychological description of a person (her temperament, abilities), interpretation of one’s own mental state, master the simplest techniques of mental self-regulation;
    • understand the relationship between heredity and social environment, the role and significance of national and cultural-historical factors in education and upbringing;
    • know the forms, means and methods of pedagogical activity;
    • have basic skills in analyzing teaching and educational situations, identifying and solving pedagogical problems;
    • have a scientific understanding of the main eras in human history and their chronology;
    • know basic historical facts, dates, events and names of historical figures;
    • be able to express and justify their position on issues related to the value attitude towards the historical past;

    in the field of physical education:

    • understand the role of physical education in human development and specialist training;
    • know the basics of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle;
    • possess a system of practical skills that ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, development, improvement of psychophysical abilities and qualities, self-determination in physical culture;
    • gain experience in using physical education and sports activities to achieve life and professional goals;

    in the field of philology:

    • be fluent in the state language of the Russian Federation – Russian;
    • know and be able to competently use professional vocabulary in their activities;
    • master the lexical minimum of one of the foreign languages ​​(1200-2000 lexical units, that is, words and phrases with the highest frequency and semantic value) and a grammatical minimum, including grammatical structures necessary for teaching oral and written forms of communication;
    • be able to conduct a conversation-dialogue of a general nature in a foreign language, use the rules of speech etiquette, read literature in the specialty without a dictionary in order to search for information, translate texts with a dictionary, compose annotations, abstracts and business letters in a foreign language.

    in the field of history and methodology of chemistry:

    • know the main stages in the history of the development of the system of chemical sciences, the scientific achievements of the most outstanding foreign and Russian chemists, have a clear understanding of the methodological aspects of chemistry, including the system of fundamental chemical concepts.

    7.1.3. General Math and Science Requirements

    A certified specialist must have an understanding of:

    • mathematical modeling;
    • information, methods of its storage, processing and presentation;
    • the possibilities of applying the fundamental laws of physics and chemistry to explain the properties and behavior of complex polyatomic systems, including biological objects;
    • the origin and evolution of the Universe;
    • properties of atomic nuclei and elementary particles;
    • physical, chemical and biological research methods;
    • modern achievements of natural sciences, physical principles of operation of modern technical devices;
    • ecological principles of rational environmental management;
    • the role of biological laws in solving social problems.

    A certified specialist must know and be able to use:

    • fundamentals of mathematical analysis;
    • basics of algebra, geometry and discrete mathematics;
    • fundamentals of the theory of differential equations and numerical methods;
    • fundamentals of probability theory and mathematical statistics;
    • concept of information, methods of its storage and processing;
    • structure, operating principles and basic capabilities of a computer;
    • main types of algorithms, programming languages;
    • standard software for their professional activities;
    • physical foundations of mechanics: kinematics and laws of dynamics of a material point, solid body, liquids and gases, conservation laws, foundations of relativistic mechanics;
    • physics of oscillations and waves: kinematics of harmonic oscillations, interference and diffraction of waves, spectral decomposition;
    • statistical physics and thermodynamics: molecular kinetic theory, properties of statistical ensembles, distribution functions of particles by speed and coordinates, laws of thermodynamics, elements of thermodynamics of open systems, properties of gases, liquids and crystals;
    • electricity and magnetism: constant and alternating electric fields in vacuum and matter, Maxwell's theory, properties and propagation of electromagnetic waves, incl. optical range;
    • quantum physics: states of particles in quantum mechanics, dualism of waves and particles, uncertainty relations, electronic structure of atoms, molecules and solids, theory of chemical bonding;
    • living systems: features of the biological level of organization of matter, principles of reproduction and development of living systems; laws of genetics, their role in evolution; cells, their cycle; diversity of living organisms, principles of their classification, basic functional systems, connection with the environment, supraorganismal systems;
    • physiology, ecology and health, biosocial characteristics of humans;
    • ecology and nature conservation: ecosystems, their structure, dynamics, limits of sustainability, the role of anthropogenic impacts; principles of rational use of natural resources.

    7.1.4. Requirements for general professional disciplines

    The maturity of chemical thinking of graduates is determined by an understanding of the characteristics of the chemical form of organization of matter, the place of inorganic and organic systems in the evolution of the Earth, the unity of the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere and the role of the chemical diversity of substances on Earth.

    Familiarity with the conceptual framework and experimental methods of modern chemistry should serve as the basis for comparison and critical assessment of natural scientific and theoretical constructions, technological solutions, as well as for predicting the consequences of one’s professional activities for the environment and humans.

    Methodological preparedness implies knowledge of the levels of organization of matter and chemical systems, the ability to identify initial structures for each level, determine their relationships, principles of organization, operating conditions, conservation mechanisms and limits of stability.

    Based on the mastery of basic chemical objects and laws, the graduate must be able to model the course of biological processes and predict the consequences of anthropogenic impacts on the environment.

    The maturity of a graduate’s chemical worldview is also determined by the understanding that chemistry is the basis of the productive force of society and a clear value orientation towards environmental protection.

    A certified specialist must:

    • know the theoretical foundations of inorganic chemistry, composition, structure and chemical properties of basic simple substances and chemical compounds; understand the principles of the structure of matter and the occurrence of chemical processes; master methods and methods for the synthesis of inorganic substances, description of the properties of substances based on patterns arising from the periodic law and the periodic system of elements; master the basic methods of studying inorganic compounds and be able to interpret experimental results;
    • understand the role of analytical chemistry in the system of sciences; know the metrological foundations of chemical analysis, types of reactions and processes in analytical chemistry, their basic principles; basic methods of separation and concentration, analysis (gravimetric, titrimetric, kinetic, biochemical, electrochemical, spectroscopic, mass spectrometric, thermal, biological); master the methodology for choosing the optimal method for analyzing a specific object and the methodology for its implementation;
    • possess theoretical concepts of organic chemistry, have knowledge about the composition, structure and properties of organic substances - representatives of the main classes of organic compounds (hydrocarbon alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, alkadienes, alkynes, arenes; homofunctional compounds, heterofunctional compounds, heterocyclic compounds); have an understanding of proteins and biologically active substances, structure and properties of the most important types of biomolecules; master the basics of organic synthesis;
    • understand the basics of physical chemistry as the theoretical foundation of modern chemistry, master the basics of chemical thermodynamics, the theory of solutions and phase equilibria, elements of statistical thermodynamics, know the basics of chemical kinetics and catalysis, the mechanism of chemical reactions, electrochemistry, master the basic laws of physical chemistry;
    • know the basics of the chemistry of high-molecular compounds, have an idea of ​​the classification of polymers and their most important representatives, the structure of macromolecules and their behavior in solutions; have an understanding of the structure and basic physical properties of polymer bodies, chemical reactions that do and do not lead to a change in the degree of polymerization of macromolecules, as well as reactions of macromolecules for the chemical and structural-chemical modification of polymer materials and products; master the basics of polymer synthesis;
    • understand the physical and chemical principles of technological processes and their basic mathematical models; master the basics of the methodology of analysis and synthesis of technological schemes; be able to use efficiency criteria for chemical production; understand the direction of the ongoing profound changes in the basic technologies for processing raw materials and energy resources, the trend towards increasing the knowledge intensity of chemical production;
    • know the basic postulates of quantum mechanics and approximate methods for solving quantum mechanical problems, know the basic approximations used in solving quantum chemical problems; have an understanding of the electronic structure of atoms and molecules; know applied problems of quantum chemistry;
    • have an understanding of the special properties of phase interfaces, know the properties and basics of the use of surfactants (surfactants), have an understanding of the laws of surfactant adsorption and the influence of adsorption layers on the properties of disperse systems, know methods for experimentally studying the adsorption of surfactants on various phase interfaces, have knowledge of the basics of the study of the stability of dispersed systems, have an idea of ​​the basics of physical and chemical mechanics, have an idea of ​​the colloidal chemical foundations of nature conservation;
    • know and master modern physical research methods, have experience in using experimental research methods;
    • master the basics of crystal chemistry and X-ray diffraction analysis, understand the systematics of crystal structures, the structure of simple and complex substances, know the crystal chemistry of inorganic and organic compounds;
    • have an understanding of the fundamentals of the theory of the structure of matter, the quantum states of molecules, their electrical and magnetic properties, know the main components of intermolecular interactions, the structure of condensed phases (liquids, amorphous substances, crystals and mesophases) and their surfaces;
    • master the theoretical and psychological-pedagogical foundations of managing the teaching of chemistry, know the methods of determining the scientific content of training and the requirements of state educational standards, be able to use teaching methods and teaching aids that correspond to the selected content, monitor the assimilation of knowledge, diagnose the acquired chemical knowledge and adjust the learning process;
    • master the principles of quantitative assessment of heterogeneous hazards and comparing them on a single scale as the basis for decision-making to ensure safe and sustainable interaction between humans and the natural environment.

    7.1.5. Requirements for specialization disciplines

    Specific requirements for the specialized training of a certified specialist are established by the higher education institution.

    1. Requirements for final state certification

    certified specialist

    1. General requirements for state final certification.

    Final certification tests are intended to determine the practical and theoretical readiness of a certified chemist to perform professional tasks established by this state educational standard and continue education in accordance with clause 1.4 of this standard.

    Certification tests included in the final state certification must comply with the main educational program for training a certified chemist.

    The main mandatory type of final state certification of a certified specialist is the defense of a qualifying (thesis) thesis. A higher education institution has the right to supplement the list of certification tests included in the final state certification of graduates.

    7.2.2. Requirements for final qualifying (diploma) work

    The final qualifying (diploma) work of a certified specialist is a completed research experimental (calculated or theoretical) development, which reflects the graduate’s ability to analyze scientific literature on the topic being developed, plan and conduct the experimental (substantive) part of the work, discuss the findings

    results and draw informed conclusions. The final work, presented in the form of a manuscript, completes the training of a certified specialist and reflects the ability to independently solve the scientific problem posed.

    The topic of the final work is determined by the supervisor in accordance with the developed topics of the department and approved by the head of the department.

    The defense of the final work is carried out at a meeting of the State Attestation Committee.

    1. The results of defending a qualifying (diploma) thesis are taken into account by the university when recommending a graduate to continue his education.

    Compiled by:

    Educational and Methodological Association of Universities of the Russian Federation

    The state educational standard for higher professional education was approved by the Plenum of the Council on Chemistry of the Educational Institution of Universities of the Russian Federation on November 25, 1999

    Chairman of the Council of Educational Institutions of Universities of the Russian Federation,

    Rector of Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, academician V.A. GARDENER

    Chairman of the Council on Chemistry of the UMO of Universities of the Russian Federation,

    Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University,

    Corresponding member RAS, professor V.V. LUNIN

    Deputy Chairman of the Council on Chemistry

    UMO universities of the Russian Federation, associate professor V.F. SHEVELKOV


    Department of Educational Programs and Standards

    higher and secondary vocational education

    Head of Department G.K. Shestakov

    Deputy head of department V.S. SENASHENKO

    Chief Specialist N.R. SENATOROVA