Solving systems of trigonometric equations with detailed solutions. Solving equations of the form cotg(x) = a

Solution trigonometric equations and systems of trigonometric equations is based on solving the simplest trigonometric equations.

Let us recall the basic formulas for solving the simplest trigonometric equations.

Solving equations of the form sin(x) = a.

When |a|< = 1 x = (-1)^k *arcsin(a) +π*k, где k принадлежит Z.

For |a|>1 there are no solutions.

Solving equations of the form cos(x) = a.

When |a|< = 1 x = ±arccos(a) +2*π*k, где k принадлежит Z.

For |a|>1 there are no solutions.

Solving equations of the form tg(x) = a.

x = arctan(a) + π*k, where k belongs to Z.

Solving equations of the form cotg(x) = a.

x = arcctg(a)+ π*k, where k belongs to Z.

Some common cases:

sin(x) =1; x = π/2 +2* π*k, where k belongs to Z.

sin(x) = 0; x = π*k, where k belongs to Z.

sin(x) = -1; x = - π/2 +2* π*k, where k belongs to Z.

cos(x) = 1; x = 2* π*k, where k belongs to Z.

cos(x) = 0; x= π/2 + π*k, where k belongs to Z.

cos(x) = -1; x = π+2* π*k, where k belongs to Z.

Let's look at a few examples:

Example 1. Solve the trigonometric equation 2*(sin(x))^2 + sin(x) -1 = 0.

Equations of this type are solved by reducing them to a quadratic equation by changing a variable.

Let y = sin(x). Then we get,

2*y^2 + y - 1 = 0.

We solve the resulting uvadratic equation using one of the known methods.

y1 = 1/2, y2 = -1.

Consequently, we obtain two simple trigonometric equations that can be solved using the formulas indicated above.

sin(x) = 1/2, x = ((-1)^k)*arcsin(1/2) + pi*k = ((-1)^k)*pi/6 + pi*k, for any whole k.

sin(x) = -1, x = - pi/2 +2* pi*n, where n belongs to Z.

Example 2. Solve the equation 6*(sin(x))^2 + 5*cos(x) – 2 = 0.

Using the basic trigonometric identity, we replace (sin(x))^2 with 1 - (cos(x))^2

We get quadratic equation relative to cos(x):

6*(cos(x))^2 – 5*cos(x) - 4 = 0.

We introduce the replacement y=cos(x).

6*y^2 - 5*y - 4 = 0.

We solve the resulting quadratic equation y1 = -1/2, y2 = 1(1/3).

Since y = cos(x), and cosine cannot be more than one, we get one simple trigonometric equation.

x = ±2*pi/3+2*pi*k, for any integer k.

Example 3. tg(x) + 2*ctg(x) = 3.

Let's introduce the variable y = tan(x). Then 1/y = cot(x). We get

Multiply by y not equal to zero, we get a quadratic equation.

y^2 – 3*y + 2 = 0.

Let's solve it:

tg(x) = 2, x = arctan(2)+pi*k, for any integer k.

tg(x) = 1, x = arctan(1) + pi*k, pi/4 +pi*k, for any integer k.

Example 4. 3*(sin(x))^2 – 4*sin(x)*cos(x) + (cos(x))^2 = 0.

This equation can be reduced to a quadratic by dividing by either (cos(x))^2 or (sin(x))^2. When dividing by (cos(x)^2 we get

3*(tg(x))^2 – 4*tg(x) +1 = 0.

tg(x) = 1, x = pi/4+pi*n, for any integer n

tan(x) = 1/3, x = arctan(1/3) + pi*k, for any integer k.

Example 4. Solve a system of equations

( sin(x) = 2*sin(y)

From the bee-bread equation we express y,

Then we get, 2*sin(y) = 2*sin(x-5*pi/3) = 2*(sin(x)*cos(5*pi/3) - cos(x)*sin(5*pi /3)) = 2*(sin(x)*(1/2) –((√3)/2)*cos(x)) = sinx + √3*cos(x).

Hello, Dear friends! Today we will look at the task from part C. This is a system of two equations. The equations are quite peculiar. There are sine and cosine here, and there are also roots. The ability to solve quadratic and simple problems is required. Their detailed solutions are not presented in the presented task; you should already be able to do this. Using the links provided, you can view the relevant theory and practical tasks.

The main difficulty in similar examples is that it is necessary to compare the obtained solutions with the found domain of definition; here one can easily make a mistake due to inattention.

The solution to the system is always a pair(s) of numbers x and y, written as (x;y).Be sure to check after receiving the answer.There are three ways presented to you, no, not ways, but three paths of reasoning that you can take. Personally, the third one is closest to me. Let's get started:

Solve the system of equations:


Let's find the domain of definition of the equation. It is known that the radical expression has a non-negative meaning:

Consider the first equation:

1. It is equal to zero at x = 2 or at x = 4, but 4 radians does not belong to the definition of expression (3).

*An angle of 4 radians (229.188 0) lies in the third quarter, in which the sine value is negative. That's why

All that remains is the root x = 2.

Consider the second equation for x = 2.

At this value of x, the expression 2 – y – y 2 must be equal to zero, since

Let's solve 2 – y – y 2 = 0, we get y = – 2 or y = 1.

Note that for y = – 2 the root of cos y has no solution.

*An angle of –2 radians (– 114.549 0) lies in the third quarter, and in it the cosine value is negative.

Therefore, only y = 1 remains.

Thus, the solution to the system will be the pair (2;1).

2. The first equation is also equal to zero at cos y = 0, that is, at

But taking into account the found domain of definition (2), we obtain:

Consider the second equation for this y.

The expression 2 – y – y 2 with y = – Pi/2 is not equal to zero, which means that in order for it to have a solution the following condition must be met:

We decide:

Taking into account the found domain of definition (1), we obtain that

Thus, the solution to the system is one more pair:


Let's find the domain of definition for the expression:

It is known that the expression under the root has a non-negative meaning.
Solving the inequality 6x – x 2 + 8 ≥ 0, we get 2 ≤ x ≤ 4 (2 and 4 are radians).

Consider Case 1:

Let x = 2 or x = 4.

If x = 4, then sin x< 0. Если х = 2, то sin x > 0.

Considering that sin x ≠ 0, it turns out that in this case in the second equation of the system 2 – y – y 2 = 0.

Solving the equation we find that y = – 2 or y = 1.

Analyzing the obtained values, we can say that x = 4 and y = – 2 are not roots, since we get sin x< 0 и cos y < 0 соответственно, а выражение стоящее под корнем должно быть ≥ 0 (то есть числом неотрицательным).

It can be seen that x = 2 and y = 1 are included in the domain of definition.

Thus, the solution is the pair (2;1).

Let's consider Case 2:

Let now 2< х < 4, тогда 6х – х 2 + 8 > 0. Based on this, we can conclude that in the first equation cos y should be equal to zero.

Solving the equation, we get:

In the second equation, when finding the domain of definition of the expression:

We get:

2 – y – y 2 ≥ 0

– 2 ≤ y ≤ 1

Of all the solutions to the equation cos y = 0, this condition is satisfied only by:

For a given value of y, the expression 2 – y – y 2 ≠ 0. Therefore, in the second equation sin x will be equal to zero, we get:

Of all the solutions to this equation, the interval 2< х < 4 принадлежит только

This means that the solution to the system will be another couple:

*We did not find the domain of definition for all expressions in the system at once; we looked at the expression from the first equation (2 cases) and then along the way we determined the correspondence of the solutions found with established area definitions. In my opinion, it’s not very convenient, it turns out somehow confusing.


It is similar to the first one, but there are differences. Also, the definition area for expressions is found first. Then the first and second equations are solved separately, and then the solution to the system is found.

Let's find the domain of definition. It is known that the radical expression has a non-negative meaning:

Solving the inequality 6x – x 2 + 8 ≥ 0 we get 2 ≤ x ≤ 4 (1).

Values ​​2 and 4 are radians, 1 radian as we know ≈ 57.297 0

In degrees we can approximately write 114.549 0 ≤ x ≤ 229.188 0.

Solving the inequality 2 – y – y 2 ≥ 0 we get – 2 ≤ y ≤ 1 (2).

In degrees we can write – 114.549 0 ≤ y ≤ 57.297 0 .

Deciding inequality sin x ≥ 0 we get that

Solving the inequality cos y ≥ 0 we get that

It is known that the product is equal to zero when one of the factors is equal to zero (and the others do not lose their meaning).

Consider the first equation:


The solution to cos y = 0 is:

Solution 6x – x 2 + 8 = 0 are x = 2 and x = 4.

Consider the second equation:


The solution to sin x = 0 is:

The solution to equation 2 – y – y 2 = 0 is y = – 2 or y = 1.

Now, taking into account the domain of definition, let’s analyze

obtained values:

Since 114.549 0 ≤ x ≤ 229.188 0, then this segment there is only one solution to the equation sin x = 0, this is x = Pi.

Since – 114.549 0 ≤ y ≤ 57.297 0, then this segment contains only one solution to the equation cos y = 0, this is

Consider the roots x = 2 and x = 4.


Thus, the solution to the system will be two pairs of numbers:

*Here, taking into account the found domain of definition, we excluded all obtained values ​​that did not belong to it and then went through all the options for possible pairs. Next we checked which of them are the solution to the system.

I recommend immediately at the very beginning of solving equations, inequalities, and their systems, if there are roots, logarithms, trigonometric functions, be sure to find the domain of definition. There are, of course, examples where it is easier to solve immediately and then simply check the solution, but these are a relative minority.

That's all. Good luck to you!


1 I. V. Yakovlev Materials on mathematics Systems of trigonometric equations In this article we consider trigonometric systems of two equations with two unknowns. We will study methods for solving such systems and various special techniques immediately at specific examples. It may happen that one of the equations of the system contains trigonometric functions of the unknowns x and y, while the other equation is linear in x and y. In this case, we act in the obvious way: we express one of the unknowns from a linear equation and substitute it into another equation of the system. Problem 1. Solve the system: x + y =, sin x + sin y = 1. Solution. From the first equation we express y through x: and substitute it into the second equation: y = x, sin x + sin x) = 1 sin x = 1 sin x = 1. The result is the simplest trigonometric equation for x. We write its solutions in the form of two series: x 1 = 6 + n, x = n n Z). It remains to find the corresponding values ​​of y: y 1 = x 1 = 5 6 n, y = x = 6 n. As always with a system of equations, the answer is given as a list of pairs x; y). 6 + n; 5) 5 6 n, 6 + n;) 6 n, n Z. Note that x and y are related to each other through the integer parameter n. Namely, if +n appears in the expression for x, then n automatically appears in the expression for y, and with the same n. This is a consequence of the “hard” relationship between x and y, given by the equation x + y =. Task. Solve the system: cos x + cos y = 1, x y =. Solution. Here it makes sense to first transform the first equation of the system: 1 + cos x cos y = 1 cos x + cos y = 1 cosx + y) cosx y) = 1. 1

2 Thus, our system is equivalent to the following system: cosx + y) cosx y) = 1, x y =. Substitute x y = into the first equation: cosx + y) cos = 1 cosx + y) = 1 x + y = n n Z). As a result, we arrive at the system: x + y = n, x y =. We add these equations, divide by and find x; subtract the second from the first equation, divide by and find y: x = + n, y = + n n Z). +n; + n), n Z. In some cases trigonometric system can be reduced to a system of algebraic equations by a suitable change of variables. Task. Solve the system: sin x + cos y = 1, sin x cos y = 1. Solution. The substitution u = sin x, v = cos y leads to an algebraic system for u and v: u + v = 1, u v = 1. You can easily solve this system yourself. The solution is unique: u = 1, v = 0. The reverse substitution leads to two simplest trigonometric equations: sin x = 1, cos y = 0, whence + k; + n), k, n Z. x = + k, y = + n k, n Z). Now the response record contains two integer parameters k and n. In contrast of previous tasks is that in this system there is no “rigid” connection between x and y, for example, in the form of a linear equation), therefore x and y are much more to a greater extent independent of each other.

3 V in this case It would be a mistake to use only one integer parameter n, writing the answer as + n;) + n. This would lead to loss infinite number 5 system solutions. For example, the solution would be lost ;) arising at k = 1 and n = 0. Problem 4. Solve the system: sin x + sin y = 1, cos x + cos y =. Solution. First we transform the second equation: 1 sin x + 1 sin y) = sin x + 4 sin y = 1. Now we make the replacement: u = sin x, v = sin y. We get the system: u + v = 1, u + 4v = 1. The solutions to this system are two pairs: u 1 = 0, v 1 = 1/ and u = /, v = 1/6. All that remains is to make the reverse substitution: sin x = 0, sin x = sin y = 1 or, sin y = 1 6, and write down the answer. k; 1) n 6 + n), 1) k arcsin + k; 1)n arcsin 16 + n), k, n Z. Problem 5. Solve the system: cos x + cos y = 1, sin x sin y = 4. Solution. Here, to obtain an algebraic system, you need to work even more. We write the first equation of our system in the form: In the second equation we have: cos x + y cos x y = 1. = sin x sin y = cosx y) cosx + y) = = cos x y 1 Thus, the original system is equivalent to the system: cos x + y cos x y = 1, cos x y cos x + y = 4. cos x + y) 1 = cos x y cos x + y.

4 We make the replacement u = cos x y, v = cos x + y and get an algebraic system: uv = 1, u v = 4. The solutions to this system are two pairs: u 1 = 1, v 1 = 1/ and u = 1, v = 1/. The first pair gives the system: x y = 1, = k, Hence cos x y cos x + y The second pair gives the system: cos x y cos x + y = 1 x + y x = ± + n + k), y = 1, = 1 = ± + n k, n Z). = ± + n k). x y = + k, x + y = ± + n k, n Z). Hence x = ± + n + k), y = ± + n k). ±) + n + k); ± + n k), ± + n + k); ±) + n k), k, n Z. However, it is not always possible to reduce a system of trigonometric equations to a system of algebraic equations. In some cases, it is necessary to use various special techniques. Sometimes it is possible to simplify a system by adding or subtracting equations. Problem 6. Solve the system: sin x cos y = 4, cos x sin y = 1 4. Solution. Adding and subtracting these equations, we get equivalent system: sinx + y) = 1, sinx y) = 1. And this system, in turn, is equivalent to a combination of two systems: x + y = + k, x + y = x y = + k, or 6 + n x y = n k, n Z). 4

5 Hence x = + k + n), x = + k + n), y = or + k n) y = + k n) k + n);)) 6 + k n), + k + n); + k n), k, n Z. 6 Sometimes you can come to a solution by multiplying equations by each other. Problem 7. Solve the system: tg x = sin y, ctg x = cos y. Solution. Let us recall that multiplying the equations of a system by each other means writing an equation of the form “the product of the left-hand sides is equal to the product of the right-hand sides.” The resulting equation will be a consequence of the original system, that is, all solutions of the original system satisfy the resulting equation). In this case, multiplying the equations of the system leads to the equation: 1 = sin y cos y = sin y, whence y = /4 + n n Z). It is inconvenient to substitute y in this form into the system; it is better to split it into two series: y 1 = 4 + n. Substitute y 1 into the first equation of the system: y = 4 + n. tan x = sin y 1 = 1 x 1 = 4 + k k Z). It is easy to see that substituting y 1 into the second equation of the system will lead to the same result. Now we substitute y: tan x = sin y = 1 x = 4 + k k Z). 4 + k;) 4 + n, 4) + k; 4 + n, k, n Z. Sometimes dividing the equations by each other leads to the result. Problem 8. Solve the system: cos x + cos y = 1, sin x + sin y =. Solution. Let's transform: cos x + y sin x + y cos x y cos x y = 1, =. 5

6 Let us temporarily introduce the following notation: α = x + y, β = x y. Then the resulting system will be rewritten in the form: cos α cos β = 1, sin α cos β =. It is clear that cos β 0. Then, dividing the second equation by the first, we arrive at the equation tg α =, which is a consequence of the system. We have: α = + n n Z), and again, for the purpose of further substitution into the system), it is convenient for us to divide the resulting set into two series: α 1 = + n, α = 4 + n. Substituting α 1 into any of the equations of the system leads to the equation: cos β = 1 β 1 = k k Z). Similarly, substituting α into any of the equations of the system gives the equation: cos β = 1 β = + k k Z). So, we have: that is, where α 1 = + n, β 1 = k or α = 4 + n, β = + k, x + y = + n, x + y = 4 x y or + n, = k x y = + k, x = + n + k), x = 7 + n + k), y = or + n k) y = + n k). + n + k);) 7 + n k), + n + k);) + n k), k, n Z. In some cases, the basic trigonometric identity. Problem 9. Solve the system: sin x = 1 sin y, cos x = cos y. Solution. Let's square both sides of each equation: sin x = 1 sin y), cos x = cos y. 6

7 Let's add the resulting equations: = 1 sin y) + cos y = 1 sin y + sin y + cos y = sin y, whence sin y = 0 and y = n n Z). This is a consequence of the original system; that is, for any pair x; y), which is a solution to the system, the second number of this pair will have the form n with some integer n. We divide y into two series: y 1 = n, y = + n. We substitute y 1 into the original system: sin x = 1 sin y1 = 1, cos x = cos y1 = 1 The solution to this system is the series sin x = 1, cos x = 1. x 1 = 4 + k k Z). Please note that now it would not be enough to substitute y 1 into one of the equations of the system. Substituting y 1 into the first and second equations of the system leads to a system of two different equations relative to x.) Similarly, we substitute y into the original system: Hence sin x = 1 sin y = 1, cos x = cos y = 1 x = 4 + k k Z).)) 4 + k; n, + k; + n, k, n Z. 4 sin x = 1, cos x = 1. Sometimes, in the course of transformations, it is possible to obtain a simple relationship between unknowns and express from this relationship one unknown in terms of another. Problem 10. Solve the system: 5 cos x cos y =, sin x siny x) + cos y = 1. Solution. In the second equation of the system, we transform the double product of sines into the difference of cosines: cosx y) cos y + cos y = 1 cosx y) = 1 x y = n n Z). From here we express y in terms of x: y = x + n, 7

8 and substitute into the first equation of the system: 5 cos x cos x = 5 cos x cos x 1) = cos x 5 cos x + = 0. The rest is trivial. We get: cos x = 1, whence x = ± It remains to find y from the relation obtained above: + k k Z). y = ± + 4k + n. ± + k; ± + 4k + n), k, n Z. Of course, the considered problems do not cover the entire variety of systems of trigonometric equations. Any time difficult situation requires ingenuity, which is developed only by practice of solving various tasks. All answers assume that k, n Z. Problems 1. Solve the system: x + y =, cos x cos y = 1. b) x + y =, sin x sin y = 1. + n; n), + n; 4 n) ; b) n; n). Solve the system: x + y = 4, tg x tan y = 1 b) 6. x y = 5, sin x = sin y. arctan 1 + n; arctg 1 n), arctg 1 + n; arctg 1 n) ; b) + n; 6 + n). Solve the system: sin x + sin y = 1, x y = 4 b). x + y =, sin x sin y = n; 6 + n) ; b) 6 + n; 6 n) 8

9 4. Solve the system: sin x + cos y = 0, sin x + cos y = 1. b) sin x + cos y = 1, sin x cos y =. 1) k 6 + k; ± + n), 1) k k; ± + n) ; b) 1) k 4 + k; + n) 5. Solve the system: cos x + cos y = 1, tan x + tan y =, sin x sin y = b) 4. ctg x + ctg y = 9 5. ± + k; n) ; b) arctan 5 + k; arctan 1 + n), arctan 1 + k; arctan 5 + n) 6. Solve the system: sin x + cos y = 1, cos x cos y = 1. b) sin x + cos x = + sin y + cos y, sin x + sin y = 0. 1) k 6 + k; ± + n) ; b) 4 ± 4 + k; 5 4 ± 4 + n) 7. Solve the system: sin x + sin y =, cos x cos y = 1. 1) k 4 + k + n); 1)k 4 + k n)), 1) k k + n + 1); 1)k k n 1)) 8. Solve the system: sin x sin y = 1 4, tg x tan y =, cos x cos y = b) 4. sin x sin y = 4. ± 6 + k + n); ± 6 + k n)) ; b) ± + k + n); ± + k n)) 9. Solve the system: 4 sin x cos y = 1, tg x = tan y. b) sin x = cos x cos y, cos x = sin x sin y)k n k) ; 1) k 1 + n + k)) ; b)) 4 + k ; 4 + k + n 9

10 10. Solve the system: cos x = tan cos y = tan y +), 4 x +). 4k; n), 4 + k; 4 + n), + k; + n) 11. Solve the system:) tan 4 + x = cos y,) tan 4 x = sin y. k; 4 + n), + k; 4 + n) 1. Solve the system: sin x + sin y = 1, cos x cos y =. 6 + n + k); n k)), 6 + n + k); n k)) 1. Solve the system: tg x + tan y =, cos x cos y = n + k); 4 + n k)) 14. Solve the system: sin x = sin y, cos x = cos y. 6 + k; 4 + n), 6 + k; 4 + n), k; 4 + n), k; 4 + n) 15. Solve the system: 6 cos x + 4 cos y = 5, sin x + sin y = 0. arccos 4 + k; arccos n), arccos 4 + k; arccos n) 16. Solve the system: 4 tg x = tg y, sin x cosx y) = sin y. b) cot x + sin y = sin x, sin x sinx + y) = cos y. k; n); b)) 4 + k ; n, + k; + n) 10

11 17. “Phystech”, 010) Solve the system of equations 5 sin x cos y =, sin y + cos x =. 4 + k, 6 + n) ; k, n Z 18. Moscow State University, copy. for foreigners gr-n, 01) Solve the system of equations: 4 + cos x = 7 sin y, y x = y 4. + n; 6 + n), + n; n), + n; 6 n), + n; 5 6 n), n Z 19. MGU, VMK, 005) Find all solutions of the system sin equations x + y) = 1, xy = 9. xn, 4 + n) xn, where xn = 8 + n ± n) 6, n Z, n, 1, 0, 1 0. Moscow State University, geographical. f-t, 005) Solve the system of equations 1 sin x sin y =, 6 sin x + cos y =. 1) n n, k), k, n Z 1. Moscow State University, Faculty of State. control, 005) Solve the system of equations sin x sin 1 = 0, cos x cos 1 = n, n Z. MIPT, 199) Solve the system of equations 10 cos x = 7 cos x cos y, sin x = cos x sin y. arccos + n, 1)k arcsin 5); 6 + k arccos + n, 1)k+1 arcsin 5), 6 + k k, n Z 11

12 . MIPT, 199) Solve the system of equations tg x 4 ctg x = tg y, 4 sin x = sin x cos y. arctan 4 + n, arccos 4 + k) ; + arctan 4 + n, + arccos 4 + k), k, n Z 4. MIPT, 1996) Solve the system of equations sin x = sin y, cos y + cos x sin x = 4. ± 6 + n, 1)k k ) ; k, n Z 5. MIPT, 1996) Solve the system of equations sin x +) = sin y cos y, 4 sin y + sin x = 4 + sin x. 1) n 1 + n, 4 + 1)k 4 + k) ; k, n Z 6. MIPT, 1997) Solve the system of equations 9 cos x cos y 5 sin x sin y = 6, 7 cos x cos y sin x sin y = 4. ± n + k, ± 6 + n + k) ; k, n Z 1

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Methods for solving trigonometric equations

Introduction 2

Methods for solving trigonometric equations 5

Algebraic 5

Solving equations using the condition of equality of trigonometric functions of the same name 7

Factorization 8

Reduction to homogeneous equation 10

Introduction of auxiliary angle 11

Convert product to sum 14

Universal substitution 14

Conclusion 17


Until the tenth grade, the order of actions of many exercises leading to the goal is, as a rule, clearly defined. For example, linear and quadratic equations and inequalities, fractional equations and equations reduced to quadratic, etc. Without examining in detail the principle of solving each of the mentioned examples, we note the general things that are necessary for their successful solution.

In most cases, you need to establish what type of task the task is, remember the sequence of actions leading to the goal, and perform these actions. Obviously, the success or failure of a student in mastering techniques for solving equations depends mainly on how well he is able to correctly determine the type of equation and remember the sequence of all stages of its solution. Of course, this assumes that the student has the skills to perform identity transformations and computing.

A completely different situation arises when a schoolchild encounters trigonometric equations. Moreover, it is not difficult to establish the fact that the equation is trigonometric. Difficulties arise when finding the order of actions that would lead to positive result. And here the student faces two problems. By appearance equations are difficult to determine type. And without knowing the type, it’s almost impossible to choose the required formula from several dozen available.

To help students find the right path in a complex maze of trigonometric equations, they are first introduced to equations that, after introducing a new variable, are reduced to quadratic equations. Then they solve homogeneous equations and those reducible to them. Everything ends, as a rule, with equations, to solve which you need to factorize left side, then equating each of the factors to zero.

Realizing that the dozen and a half equations discussed in lessons are clearly not enough to set the student on an independent voyage through the trigonometric “sea,” the teacher adds a few more recommendations of his own.

To solve a trigonometric equation, you need to try:

Bring all functions included in the equation to “the same angles”;

Reduce the equation to “identical functions”;

Factor the left side of the equation, etc.

But despite knowing the basic types of trigonometric equations and several principles for finding their solutions, many students still find themselves stumped by every equation that is slightly different from those solved before. It remains unclear what one should strive for when having this or that equation, why in one case it is necessary to apply the formulas double angle, in another - half, and in the third - addition formulas, etc.

Definition 1. A trigonometric equation is an equation in which the unknown is contained under the sign of trigonometric functions.

Definition 2. They say that in a trigonometric equation equal angles, if all trigonometric functions included in it have equal arguments. A trigonometric equation is said to have identical functions if it contains only one of the trigonometric functions.

Definition 3. The power of a monomial containing trigonometric functions is the sum of the exponents of the powers of the trigonometric functions included in it.

Definition 4. An equation is called homogeneous if all monomials included in it have the same degree. This degree is called the order of the equation.

Definition 5. Trigonometric equation containing only functions sin And cos, is called homogeneous if all monomials with respect to trigonometric functions have same degree, and the trigonometric functions themselves have equal angles and the number of monomials per 1 more order equations

Methods for solving trigonometric equations.

Solving trigonometric equations consists of two stages: transforming the equation to obtain its simplest form and solving the resulting simplest trigonometric equation. There are seven basic methods for solving trigonometric equations.

I. Algebraic method. This method is well known from algebra. (Method of variable replacement and substitution).

Solve equations.


Let us introduce the notation x=2 sin3 t, we get

Solving this equation, we get:

those. can be written down

When recording the resulting solution due to the presence of signs degree
there is no point in writing it down.


Let's denote

We get a quadratic equation
. Its roots are numbers
. Therefore, this equation reduces to the simplest trigonometric equations
. Solving them, we find that


Let's denote

does not satisfy the condition



Let's transform the left side of the equation:

Thus, this initial equation can be written as:

, i.e.

Having designated
, we get
Solving this quadratic equation we have:

does not satisfy the condition

We write down the solution to the original equation:


reduces this equation to a quadratic equation
. Its roots are numbers
. Because
, That given equation has no roots.

Answer: no roots.

II. Solving equations using the condition of equality of trigonometric functions of the same name.

, If

, If

, If

Using these conditions, consider solving the following equations:


Using what was said in part a) we find that the equation has a solution if and only if

Solving this equation, we find

We have two groups of solutions:


7) Solve the equation:

Using the condition of item b) we deduce that

Solving these quadratic equations, we get:


8) Solve the equation

From given equation we conclude that . Solving this quadratic equation, we find that


III. Factorization.

We consider this method with examples.

9) Solve the equation

Solution. Let's move all the terms of the equation to the left: .

Let's transform and factorize the expression on the left side of the equation:




do not accept the value zero

at the same time, then we divide both parts

equations for


10) Solve the equation:




11) Solve the equation





IV. Reduction to a homogeneous equation.

To solve homogeneous equation necessary:

Move all its members to the left side;

Take it all out common factors beyond brackets;

Equate all factors and brackets to zero;

Brackets equal to zero give a homogeneous equation of lesser degree, which should be divided by
) in the senior degree;

Solve the result algebraic equation relatively

Let's look at examples:

12) Solve the equation:


Let's divide both sides of the equation by

Introducing designations
, name

roots of this equation:

hence 1)


13) Solve the equation:

Solution. Using the double angle formulas and the basic trigonometric identity, we reduce this equation to a half argument:

After reducing similar terms we have:

Dividing the homogeneous last equation by
, we get

I will indicate
, we get a quadratic equation
, whose roots are numbers


goes to zero at
, i.e. at

The solution to the equation we obtained does not include these numbers.

, .

V. Introduction of an auxiliary angle.

Consider an equation of the form

Where a, b, c- coefficients, x- unknown.

Let's divide both sides of this equation by

Now the coefficients of the equation have the properties of sine and cosine, namely: the modulus of each of them does not exceed one, and the sum of their squares is equal to 1.

Then we can designate them accordingly
(Here - auxiliary angle) and our equation takes the form: .


And his decision

Note that the introduced notations are mutually interchangeable.

14) Solve the equation:

Solution. Here
, so we divide both sides of the equation by


15) Solve the equation

Solution. Because
, then this equation is equivalent to the equation

, then there is an angle such that

We have

, then we finally get:


Note that equations of the form have a solution if and only if

16) Solve the equation:

To solve this equation, we group trigonometric functions with the same arguments

Divide both sides of the equation by two

Let's transform the sum of trigonometric functions into a product:


VI. Converting a product to a sum.

The corresponding formulas are used here.

17) Solve the equation:

Solution. Let's transform the left side into a sum:

VII.Universal substitution.


these formulas are true for everyone

called universal.

18) Solve the equation:

Solution: Replace and
to their expression through
and denote

We get rational equation
, which converts to square

The roots of this equation are the numbers

Therefore, the problem was reduced to solving two equations

We find that

View value
does not satisfy the original equation, which is checked by checking - substitution given value t into the original equation.


Comment. Equation 18 could have been solved in another way.

Let's divide both sides of this equation by 5 (i.e. by

, then there is such a number
, What
. Therefore the equation takes the form:
. From here we find that

19) Solve the equation

Solution. Since the functions
have highest value, equal to 1, then their sum is 2 if
, simultaneously, that is


When solving this equation, the boundedness of the functions and was used.


When working on the topic “Solving trigonometric equations,” it is useful for each teacher to follow the following recommendations:

    Systematize methods for solving trigonometric equations.

    Choose for yourself the steps to perform an analysis of the equation and signs of the advisability of using a particular solution method.

    Think over ways to self-monitor your activities in implementing the method.

    Learn to compose “your own” equations for each of the methods being studied.

Appendix No. 1

Solve homogeneous or reducible to homogeneous equations.









