Speech characteristics of Andriy from the story Taras Bulba. Characteristics of Andria

One of the main characters of the story by N.V. Gogol. Quotes for the image of Ostap ( quotation description) is also given in this article.
Ostap is the eldest son of the Cossack colonel Taras Bulba, Andrei's brother and simply a brave warrior. Ostap and his brother graduated from the Kyiv Bursa and returned home, where their father and mother were waiting for them. The father was very proud of his sons, but believed that real school life is still ahead. Ostap was distinguished by his ardent, unyielding character, courage and determination.
Image of Taras Bulba in the story by N.V. Gogol - in which everyone is embodied best qualities, inherent in the heroic personality of the era of the struggle of the Ukrainian people for liberation from the oppression of the Poles.
Taras Bulba is the main character of the story of the same name by N.V. Gogol, a Cossack colonel, a brave warrior, the father of Ostap and Andrei. This is very strong-willed person, faithfully defends his homeland and religion. He was one of the indigenous Cossack colonels of the old school. He was distinguished by his brutal straightforwardness and stern disposition.
Humoresque “Taras Bulba in Kyiv”- although funny, but true.
Pavel Glazovy correctly noted that our language is becoming muddled bad words, our people become cruel and unfair towards older people. This is the bitter truth of our existence. I sympathize with those people who laid down their lives for our independence and finally received such a “gift” from their “grateful” descendants.
On a dark night, Petrivochka had a dream,
That the famous Taras Bulba appeared in Kyiv.
After graduating from the Kyiv Academy, his two sons, Ostap and Andrey, come to the old Cossack colonel Taras Bulba. Two strapping young men, healthy and strong, whose faces have not yet been touched by a razor, are embarrassed to meet their father, who jokes about their clothes as recent seminarians. The eldest, Ostap, cannot stand his father’s ridicule: “Even though you are my father, but if you laugh, then, by God, I will beat you.” And father and son, instead of greetings after long separation, they are seriously beating each other up with blows.
Taras Bulba decides to send Ostap and Andrey to the Zaporozhye Sich, wanting to teach them martial art and make real Cossacks out of them. Taras wants to go the next day after his sons arrive. This causes regret to his wife, who really missed her sons and is now forced to say goodbye to them again.
On the way to Sich, Taras remembers his life. Ostap, the eldest son of Taras, has a strict and courageous character, but is not devoid of natural kindness, and therefore also misses his mother.
The author of “Taras Bulba” is the writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. This is a story from the series of stories “Mirgorod”, the longest of the writer’s stories. The main characters of the story “Taras Bulba” are the Zaporozhye Cossacks, and the setting is Ukraine in the first half of the 17th century. Main character- Cossack Colonel Taras Bulba.
Ostap and Andrey, the sons of Taras Bulba, returned home after graduating from the Kyiv bursa. Their father was “one of the indigenous, old colonels: he was all created for military anxiety and was distinguished by the rude directness of his character.”
“Taras Bulba” is a story by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, part of the “Mirgorod” cycle. "Taras Tulba" shortened by chapters you can read in this article. The abbreviated content of “Taras Bulba” will give a detailed idea of ​​the heroes of the story and the fateful events.
The sons of Taras Bulba, Ostap and Andrey, return after for long years training in Kyiv Bursa. Upon meeting, Taras begins to mock his sons’ clothes. The eldest son, Ostap, did not like his father’s ridicule, and he asks him to stop laughing. Taras and Ostap begin to fight.

Ostap and Andriy are the central characters of N.V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba".

Ostap is the eldest son of Taras Bulba, who is a Zaporozhye Cossack. The story states that he is 22 years old. Every mention of the hero's appearance reflects him personal qualities. N.V. Gogol describes Ostap as follows:

“His body breathed with strength, and his knightly qualities had already acquired the broad strength of a lion.”

There are not many references to Ostap's appearance in the story; more often Gogol describes the appearance of the brothers together, rather than separately. An example would be the following quotes:

"...They were two strapping young men... Their strong, healthy faces were covered with the first fluff of hair that had not yet been touched by a razor..."

"...They only had long forelocks..."

"...at the sight of their freshness, growth, powerful bodily beauty.."

Andria Gogol described Ostap in the text much more often, who was revealed more through the description of internal qualities.

Andriy is the second son of Taras Bulba, he is only a year younger than Ostap. He is not at all like his stern relatives.

Gogol describes Andriy’s appearance as follows:

"...a glorious warrior! The most handsome of all..."

"...this child was more than twenty years old and a fathom tall..."

“...a velvet eyebrow arched boldly, tanned cheeks shone with all the brightness of virgin fire, and a young black mustache shone like silk...”

Ostap is an impeccable fighter, a reliable comrade. He is silent, calm, reasonable. Ostap continues and honors the traditions of his fathers and grandfathers. For him there is never a problem of choice, hesitation between feelings and duty. He is an amazingly whole person. Ostap unconditionally accepts Zaporizhian life, ideals and principles of his older comrades. His respect never turns into servility; he is ready to take the initiative, but respects the opinions of other Cossacks. At the same time, he will never be interested in the opinions, views of “outsiders” - people of other faiths, foreigners. Ostap sees the world as harsh and simple. There are enemies and friends, our own and others. He is not interested in politics, he is a straightforward, brave, loyal and stern warrior. Ostap thinks only about battles, he passionately dreams of feats of arms and is ready to die for his Motherland.

Ostap and Andriy are the central characters of N.V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba".

Ostap is the eldest son of Taras Bulba, who is a Zaporozhye Cossack. The story states that he is 22 years old. Every mention of the hero's appearance reflects his personal qualities. N.V. Gogol describes Ostap as follows:

“His body breathed with strength, and his knightly qualities had already acquired the broad strength of a lion.”

There are not many references to Ostap's appearance in the story; more often Gogol describes the appearance of the brothers together, rather than separately. An example would be the following quotes:

"...They were two strapping young men... Their strong, healthy faces were covered with the first fluff of hair that had not yet been touched by a razor..."

"...They only had long forelocks..."

"...at the sight of their freshness, growth, powerful bodily beauty.."

Andria Gogol described Ostap in the text much more often, who was revealed more through the description of internal qualities.

Andriy is the second son of Taras Bulba, he is only a year younger than Ostap. He is not at all like his stern relatives.

Gogol describes Andriy’s appearance as follows:

"...a glorious warrior! The most handsome of all..."

"...this child was more than twenty years old and a fathom tall..."

“...a velvet eyebrow arched boldly, tanned cheeks shone with all the brightness of virgin fire, and a young black mustache shone like silk...”

"...all straight, like a riverine sedge..."

Among male characters in the story “Taras Bulba” by N.V. Gogol, Andriy stands alone. He was the only one of them who submitted to his feelings. Love for a beauty became the meaning of his life, she replaced his Mother, Motherland, Faith and devotion to the people.

The image and characterization of Andriy in the story “Taras Bulba” will help you understand what a real Zaporozhye Cossack should be like.

Appearance of the youngest son

In Bulba's family, the youngest is handsome and surprisingly similar to the sophistication of features that attract the gaze of women. The epithets that the author selects for him distinguish Andriy from all the male images of the literary work:

“...more beautiful than everyone else...”;
“... the most spirited of all, the most beautiful of all...”;
“... tanned cheeks shone with the brightness of virgin fire...”

The young Cossack has black hair,

“delicately tousled curls.”

Eyebrows as black as a dark Ukrainian night, velvety skin, pale and intelligent, confirming the nobility of blood. A tall and strong young man, 21-22 years old. If you know the size of a fathom, it turns out that the Cossack is taller than 2 meters (2.13 m). Everyone admires his build: his father, brother, beautiful Polish woman, mother and author. His attractiveness intensifies as a man begins to mature:

“...facial features...have now become menacing and strong...”;
“... the Cossack body breathed with strength ...”
personality traits “...acquired the broad strength of a lion...”.

A handsome young man dresses interestingly: a copper-colored headdress, a fashionable women's scarf tied on his wrist, red morocco boots, silver horseshoes on his heels. The bloomers are so wide that the author compares them to the Black Sea in terms of width, the iridescence of the folds, and the shine of the fabric. The strap that holds them is embroidered with gold threads and decorated with various trinkets and decorations.

Andriy Bulba - warrior

The younger Cossack rushes into battle as if into the depths of the sea. War for a guy entering life Zaporozhye Sich, is an element, here you can roam, show off and reveal the power of your character. The guy does not calculate actions, does not build a plan for a future fight, does not control events.

“...He didn’t know what it meant to think about, or calculate, or measure in advance his own and others’ strengths...”

Old Bulba, watching, “was amazed more than once...”. Son,

“...compelled only by passionate passion, he rushed to do something that a cool and reasonable person would never dare to do...”

Zaporozhets. But fate favored to a young guy, “...with a mad onslaught...” Andriy “... produced such miracles...” that amazed the experienced and many-fought Cossacks, who had seen glory and death. Promptness and passion captivate, a crazy fight, thanks to courageous youth, ends in victory.

Andriy - son

The younger one is inventive, cunning and practical at the same time. He gains leadership traits already from birth. The mind helps him build tactics to avoid punishment and hide his real feelings. He learns easily and admires music. For understanding educational concepts he does not need to try and strain. The handsome man is a real descendant of the family, who has adopted and absorbed the bright personality traits of the head of the house and the sensuality of his mother:

Pride. The guy can't imagine the situation where he

“...will be given into captivity alive...”

Courage. Crazy courage and bravery:

“...Ukraine will not see...the bravest of its children who undertook to defend it...”.

Physical strength. It is impossible to describe the power of the Cossack in words. The author suggests understanding how strong he is with these lines:

“...with insane courage he grabbed the rear wheel with his powerful hand and stopped the car...”

Andriy adopted from his mother the traits of a kind person who is capable of compassion for others (

“...moved by compassion, he threw him one piece of bread...”

This is how Andriy behaves in a besieged city of enemies). He feels sorry for his mother, the guy loves to be alone, silence and harmony with himself.

Andriy Bulba - man

The love of a beauty becomes the most important thing for a man important feeling. He is so absorbed in love that he cannot really evaluate events. Andriy falls out of the entire system of male characters - strong and passionate about wars and battles. The guy’s heart melted at the women’s words. The thirst for love and the need for feelings appeared at the age of 18. The name of the Polish woman replaced all his dear names. Love settled in the soul and became a meaning from which the Cossack could not escape. A man abandons his father, brother, and comrades. Andriy intends to fight against everyone for his feelings. Not all readers have the desire to condemn the guy; many feel sorry for him and an incomprehensible attitude of compassion settles in their heads. Impossible to help. How many parallels can be drawn when understanding a man’s love:
  • difference of religions;
  • country borders.
A person is looking for his half, but it may turn out to be inaccessible and unattainable.

Andriy dies at the hands of Taras Bulba, his father. He does not resist his father and humbly accepts his fate. Father looks at beauty dead son and regrets what happened, about such an excellent Cossack, but who betrayed his Fatherland.

In interesting literary work there are always several narrative plans, several storylines and, of course, memorable colorful characters. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" reflects not only an idealized idea of ​​the historical past, but also shows the personal drama of the main character - Taras Bulba - and his two sons - Ostap, the eldest son, and Andriy, the youngest. If Taras can be called folk hero, and Ostap is a real Cossack, then what is the situation with Andriy? Who is he: a traitor, a daredevil, a foolish young man? This issue can be resolved thanks to detailed description Andria from Taras Bulba.

The reader meets Andriy already in the first chapter. It becomes known that he and his brother returned home after graduating from the seminary. It’s clear that these are still children: they are embarrassed, they hesitate, they are embarrassed by their father’s reaction to their arrival. “...two strapping young men, still looking from under their brows, like recently graduated seminarians. Their strong, healthy faces were covered with the first fluff of hair that had not yet been touched by a razor.”

In honor of the return of Ostap and Andriy, Bulba gathered all the centurions to show off their children. And “the guests congratulated Bulba and both young men and told them that... no best science For young man, like the Zaporozhye Sich." Taras Bulba decides to implement this idea. Literally the next day, travelers set off for the Sich.

Taras Bulba's son Andriy is revealed throughout the entire work. In “Taras Bulba” the description of Andriy is given only in pieces, thanks to which a complete image is created. This is a handsome young man. “His eye sparkled with clear firmness, his velvet eyebrow arched in a bold arch, his tanned cheeks shone with all the brightness of virgin fire, and his young black mustache shone like silk.”

In the second chapter there is a kind of retrospective: it becomes known how the youngest son showed himself while studying at the seminary. It is there that the character of Andriy from Taras Bulba is formed. The young man “had feelings somewhat more lively and somehow more developed.” Studying was easy for him, and he liked studying. Despite this, it was Andriy who was most often the “leader of a rather dangerous enterprise,” but with the help of his ingenuity he knew how to get away with it. Taras Bulba in Andria saw great potential for his son to become a glorious Cossack. Brave, decisive, easy-going, always finding an unusual way out of a situation.

In addition to the love of adventure, Andria early discovered the need to love and be loved, but he was ashamed to talk about this to his comrades or brother. Every year he participated less and less in any escapades; he liked to walk around Kyiv, enjoying the beauty of the gardens and the attractiveness of the old nooks and crannies. One day he met the daughter of a Polish gentleman and, forgetting about common sense, decided that same evening to sneak into her chambers. It is interesting that Andriy in the story “Taras Bulba” is the only character with whom he is connected love line. Sensitivity to the beauty of nature and incredible lyricism in relations with the lady are closely connected and indivisible. Andriy is initially shown as a character capable of sensing more subtle matters. This image is covered with a romantic aura. There is also a cult of service beautiful lady, and passionate confessions, and an amazing meeting with the lady, many years after one evening spent together. Neither the Cossack’s feelings nor the girl’s feelings could fade away, despite the passage of time.

The father loved both of his sons, raised in them a love of freedom, faith and native land, sent them to get a good education to the Kyiv seminary. He most of all wanted them to continue his work - sincere service to His people and Motherland. That is why Andriy’s betrayal of Taras Bulba is growing in scale family drama. It becomes a kind of conflict between two different points perception of the world. For Bulba, his whole life was perceived as a gallant battle for justice, for him youngest son Love turned out to be more important than fatherly values. It is worth noting that neither of the two positions can be called limited. The reality of each character was refracted through his own prism of worldview. Despite the fact that Bulba is married, his relationship with his wife cannot be called romantic. Quite the contrary. Taras does not listen to her, treats her like a servant, shouts and hits her. Love feelings, if they existed, they are irrevocably gone. With Andriy, the situation is different: once he saw a beautiful girl, feeling his heart filled with warmth, Andriy could not forget it, could not refuse. He sees the lady a few years after that evening in Kyiv. She changed, matured, but this made her seem even more beautiful to the young man. He talks to her about how he feels, and is not afraid to be himself around this girl. Andriy speaks truly beautifully and heartfeltly: “Queen!.. for one hilt of my saber they give me the best herd and three thousand sheep. And I will refuse all this, throw it away, throw it away, burn it, drown it, if only you utter one word... or even just move your thin black eyebrow! You are another creation of God...” He hugs her reverently, not wanting to never part with her again.

The father could not understand this. Taras Bulba kills Andriy. The old Cossack asks to drive his son into a ring so that the traitor has nowhere to run. But Andriy does not try to avoid this death. He understood the consequences of his abandonment of his previous life. Before his death, he utters only the lady’s name, which further insults and disappoints his father. Bulba regrets not only the death of her son, but also that for her son love turned out to be more important than the value system built by Taras.

The image of Andriy from Taras Bulba cannot be called unambiguous. Yes, his attitude towards women differed from what was generally accepted at that time, he committed one of the most terrible acts from the point of view of the laws of the Zaporozhye Sich, he betrayed his father and abandoned his homeland. But at the same time, Andriy fought to the end for the right to be himself, the right to his own happiness, which was not limited to the common good and the expanses of the steppe. Andriy loves nature, misses his mother, but he is also attracted to the music of bullets and weapons. He throws bread to a man dying of hunger, but in battles he spares neither his own nor others. In Andria, for some time, two extremes coexist organically: a sensitive nature and a brave warrior who fearlessly looks into the eyes of death. He cannot be called a weak-willed person. Agree, you need to have enough internal forces and faith in feeling in order to be able to renounce everything. “Who said that my homeland is Ukraine? Who gave it to me in my homeland? The Fatherland is what our soul is looking for, what is dearer to it than anything else. My homeland is you! This is my homeland! And I will carry this fatherland in my heart, I will carry it until it reaches my age, and I will see if one of the Cossacks snatches it from there! And I will sell, give away, and destroy everything that I have for such a fatherland!”

How would things turn out? further fate Andria can only guess. For example, he could have been killed in battle, or he remained alive and then married a Polish woman, receiving a title and lands. Or his father, wanting revenge, would find a way to kill either his son or his Polish girlfriend.

Using the above description of Andriy from the story “Taras Bulba”, it is easy to imagine what this character really was like, how carefully and thoughtfully he was created by the author, and how vividly he appears in the imagination of readers. This description will help students in grades 6-7 when preparing an essay on the topic “Characteristics of Andriy from the story “Taras Bulba””

Work test

Andriy in Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" is one of the central characters. He is the son of the main character, through whose example the drama between duty, sincere feelings and attachments is played out.

Gogol managed to so subtly incorporate contradictory character traits and life principles hero, that in the image of Andriy they look united and harmonious. The reader is presented with a holistic, deep and multifaceted character. His betrayal can only be seen as such from his father's point of view.

Characteristics of the hero

Andriy youngest child 20 years old in the family. This is a tall, strong young man with a powerful physical strength. Despite his courageous appearance, the hero was still a child at heart. He was betrayed by his habits, views and affection for his parents' home and his own mother.

The young man does not fully share his father’s ideals and aspirations. Taras treats women as a household necessity, without any tenderness, Andriy, in contrast to him, respects them and without remorse gives his love and tenderness.

Despite his love for his homeland, the hero is indifferent to battles and battles. Mental capacity his are excellent. Studying at the seminary and later in the Zaporozhye Sich was easy for Andriy. In terms of ingenuity and dexterity, he surpassed his older brother.

Andrei liked ordinary human entertainment, he was keenly interested in girls and was easily carried away by them. One Polish lady managed to completely win his heart. Andriy was so in love with her that he decided to take an adventure and climbed into her room through the fireplace chimney. They saw the lady several times before his trip home.

("Andriy Bulba and the governor's daughter", drawing by P. Koverznev)

In the Sich, where his father sent his brothers, it was Andriy who established himself as an easy-going and determined young man, destined for the glory of a Udaletsk Cossack.

There is a fair amount of romanticism in the image of Andriy, it is due to his impressionability and ability to quickly get carried away by new ideas and succumb to feelings. The romantic nature of the hero is manifested in the details:

  • in unbridled love for the lady;
  • craving for long walks and contemplating the beauty of the surrounding area;
  • in a tendency to be alone with your beloved;
  • in admiration of musical works.

Despite the lack of fear of battle and a volley of guns, Andria has a clear capacity for compassion. He doesn't hesitate to give the bread to the dying man.

The value system built by his father, based on unconditional love to her homeland, was only partially absorbed into Andria’s personality. These attitudes are intertwined with sensitivity and tenderness, with deep respect for women.

The image of the hero in the work

In the story “Taras Bulba” there is only one love line, and it is this one that is connected with Andriy. Through his actions and subsequent events, the writer very vividly painted before the reader the image of a young, intelligent and brave hero, ready to do anything for love.

Going over to the enemy’s side during the siege of the city of Dubno, Andriy perfectly understood that he would become a traitor to his family, to the Cossacks, to the Motherland. Having put everything that happened and his love for the lady on the scales, he chooses his feelings and follows them further until his death. Even dying on the battlefield at the hands of own father, he understands for whom he did all this. With the lady's name on his lips, he dies.

Gogol did not set himself the task of making Andriy a traitor. That is why he revealed the full depth of his experiences and showed the reader the range of feelings that overwhelmed him initially. He showed how emotions can take precedence over reason and how this can turn out in situations where, above all, honor and duty to the Fatherland are valued.