Romance fantasy rating. Fantasy with a love story

Fantasy with a love story is also called female fantasy. This fantasy world has it all - adventure, magic and, of course, love. In such stories there can be a variety of storylines. The reader is unlikely to be able to predict the course of events and actions of the characters even one moment in advance, much less understand how and how this or that fantasy book will end. This is the main advantage of such publications. Famous directors take on the film adaptation of many of them. However, more emotions can only be obtained by reading the work and imagining the world and characters described in it.

What to read from fantasy with a love story?

Authors: Zhiltsov and Ushakov. Waking up on a deserted road without things is only half the problem. The second is partial memory loss. When you are also being hunted by killers, then you can talk about serious things and hope for a miracle. You can go to an academy that teaches magic. How to remember what happened in the past? Will you be able to protect yourself? This will have to be found out by two girls whose destinies are intertwined.

The series consists of several parts. The plot revolves around the herbalist Shadow, who enters a magic academy and immediately after that things begin to happen mysterious events. The publication describes the everyday life of the Faculty of Necromancy. Students learn to call upon spirits and revive evil spirits. The girl becomes a victim of someone else's confrontation. People from the Brotherhood of Light begin to hunt for her. Step by step, the Shadow moves towards solving one mystery.

"Animal Gift"

Author - Sholokh Julia. The plot revolves around the illegitimate daughter of a prince named Darka. From own father she didn't expect the betrayal. He decides to give it to the animal people. The hostage is forced to leave native land. What lies ahead for her?

Author - Natalya Zhiltsova. The plot revolves around Arina, who finds out that magic is real. Moreover, it does not exist somewhere in fairy tale world or parallel universe, but here, nearby, in our reality. The girl managed to acquire hereditary strength. However, the magicians who are nearby turn out to be not kind, but quite the opposite. They don't want to explain what to do with their gift. The enemies are not asleep and intend to kill Arina.

Author - Kuzmina Nadezhda. The plot revolves around a third-year student named Masha. After the party, she goes out to take out the trash and does not return home, but simply disappears. She could not even imagine that she would end up in medieval Riolle in shoes and a robe. The situation leaves much to be desired, because there are stone pavements and tiled roofs all around. The city is located on seashore. The stranger is greeted by unfriendly locals.

"LitRes"- aggregator, distributor and seller of licensed e-books in Russia and the CIS countries, has been successfully doing this for 10 years. Last year this electronic resource I was just celebrating my anniversary. The company cooperates with leading Russian publishing houses - Eksmo, AST, Ripol-classic, Azbuka-Atticus, Alfa-Kniga, Kommersant, Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, etc. The assortment of the liters store includes more than 750,000 e-books (of which 100,000 are Russian-language) and 5,000 audiobooks. The year has come to an end and Litres sums up its results, naming the best books of the year in different categories, in their opinion. Today I will list the ones they presented as the best romance fantasy of 2016. Vampires, werewolves, sorcerers, demons and succubi - these are the characters in these fairy tales for adult girls. I have not read most of them, although I am familiar with other works by these authors (not all). So, top 10 according to Litres

I’ll start with the young author Milena Zavoichinskaya, who won the popularity and love of fans of the genre with her novels “The Thirteenth Bride”, the cycles “Irzhina”, “House at the Crossroads”, Series "Higher School of Librarians" Third novel in this series last episode"Special Purpose Book Walkers" became a hit last year.
The main character Kira Zolotova is a student High school librarians and bookseller for special purposes. She will become the greatest magician. Under the guidance of the dark fairy Annatiniel Cariboro, the heroine and her partner Karel must not only master bestiology and fairy studies, but also endure difficult practical lessons, prepared by a strict mentor.
So we studied like crazy, cramming knowledge into our heads with triple the speed and tenfold zeal. And in rare moments of rest? Well... who doesn't play pranks? Even if this literally makes the whole school tremble, and the rector turns grey. But it's fun and interesting. Very. And this too" special purpose» VSB adherents Kira Zolotova.

The following author is also well known for her romantic and funny books. Fascinating plot, good language, well-written characters, circumstances, worlds for this genre. Perhaps none of her novels I have read has disappointed me. All of them are written quite smoothly, there are no obvious failures. Therefore, it is not surprising that the second book in her next cycle, “Astra,” became a bestseller of 2016.
One of the reader reviews: " I’ll say right away that I personally liked the first part more. there, intrigue and love arise, somehow everything is twisted. in the second part there is much less of this, mainly Astra’s throwing, and such that at times I wanted to hit her. but overall, it’s quite readable, especially for those who were interested in the first part and want to know the end of the story. HE is present, so after reading you are left with a pleasant aftertaste and the belief that fairy tales exist."
This novel from Olga Huseynova Litres awarded two titles at once - bestseller and bestseller. Unlike the first two, I’m not familiar with the author and her novels, so I’ll just give Litres the floor:
Everyone knows that any unlucky girl, finding herself in another World, always becomes the owner of the body of the smartest, the most beautiful, the strongest. In a word, the very best. And then the whole world, complete with a magnificent lover, appears at her feet.
But what to do if you find yourself in the body of a long time ago completely crazy Light One, and even married to a harsh and ruthless Dark Magician?
Of course, look bright sides V dark soul sinister spouse. In the end, even the Magician of Death wants to be happy and would not mind a reasonable and devoted wife.

- one of today's best writers in the genres of fantasy, combat science fiction and love literature. Her novels sell millions of copies, and electronic copies are searched online for free. From my own experience, I want to say that some of her books seemed weak to me, while others really captivated me. The cycles of works she created are very different in the characters and worlds depicted in them. this one is dedicated to witches, witchcraft worlds and magic.

This is the third book in the Order and Chaos saga continues amazing Adventures students at Kara Thorne Academy. The heroine masters the mystical gift of seeing, which is not only beneficial, but also brings great danger.
Kara had just begun to discover herself and her gift when she was swallowed up by a real whirlpool of adventures.
From reader reviews: " There are a lot of books and series about academies, and this is one of them. I read it quickly and without disappointment. But I didn’t get incredible pleasure either. The plot interested me. I want to wait for the continuation. The heroine is flat, without depth, but does not cause rejection. Therefore, I recommend reading it if you like fantasy about academies."

  • I read the three books in the series with pleasure and waited for the fourth. You won’t regret reading it. The characters are emotional, the passions are so intense. The development of the plot keeps you in suspense. I enjoyed following, first two, and then three love lines.

Daria Kuznetsova is a young author, she has only 4 novels in Litres so far, and the first one “became a hit.
Princess Alexandra - a smart girl. She understands that the continuation of the war between the two empires will end in collapse, so without regret she agrees to dynastic marriage With younger brother lords of the Rush Empire, sealing the peace treaty. And the fact that the groom was replaced at the last moment... what difference does it make, one stranger or another!
Emperor Ruamar - clever man. He knows that some insults can only be washed away with blood, and when his brother's stupidity threatens the peace agreement, he takes his place at the altar without hesitation.
And two smart person They can always agree, even if one of them is not a person at all.
From reviews: " I came across this author by accident; I had never read Russian authors before. The first novel The Emperor's Word captured me and I couldn't put it down. Sensible heroes, an interesting story, no hysterics of the heroine and no outbursts of the hero. When I finished reading it, I felt sad and wanted to know more and more about their lives. The book has a little bit of everything, adventures, unusual situations, and intrigue. The author writes quite evenly, calmly, and this is also not usual. The book Cat's Pride and Wolf's Honor also contains humor. I had a great time reading the books of this author and, thanks to Daria Kuznetsova, I discovered the world of Russian romantic fantasy."

Eva Nikolskaya is a modern writer from Russia, author of works in the genre of love and humorous fantasy, and illustrator.
The book opens the series “Lords of Trialin” and tells the story of amazing story love that touched the hearts of two completely different in character and social status heroes. The old legend about the beautiful Cinderella and the wonderful prince finds a new, interesting and intriguing frame.
Personally, this novel of hers seemed a bit rustic to me, but if I once again want to return to the eternal fairy tale and just relax, then I wouldn’t mind. In any case, she had quite a lot of fans who voted for her with rubles and made her a bestseller of 2016.

Nadezhda Mamaeva is the author of only 4 books so far, of which ", became the first to attract so much attention.
Some people turn on Personal diary, because it’s boring, others - when there is no friend, and she - to survive and not go crazy.
Find yourself in a world where magic reigns, where elves and dragons live. Take the place of the daughter of the court alchemist for a while. Marry against your will and become a witness to a murder. Find yourself bound by an oath of revenge and try not only to survive in the maelstrom of intrigue, but also not to lose yourself. When mystery and danger become constant companions, love becomes the only anchor in an alien world...

Novel "author Marina Surzhevskaya
that's it for now the only book by this author on Litres, and was immediately remembered and liked by many. Readers write in reviews that they will now definitely follow her new books. And this novel is about dragons, demons, Other worlds and Love adventures. Agree, quite an attractive cocktail.

Alexandra Lisina has already been represented on Litres with 6 books. This novel is the first in the new series “Helka and her friends.” Its main characters are a succubus and a demon, and their love story.

If you are a fan of the fantasy genre, I am sure you are familiar with the phrases “ alternate world", "elf dust", "edge of worlds" and "elemental magic". If earlier science fiction writers were 95 percent men, now women write en masse incredible stories about people who accidentally find themselves in other worlds. This is how the concept of “misfit” appeared. This a common person, who for some reason ended up in another reality and has no chance of returning back.

Women's or romance fantasy almost always starts with the main character moving to another world from Earth, where she ends up either in a magic academy, or in the body of another girl, or some kind of animal. As a rule, writers come up with some kind of interesting name like Lissandra or Olgissa and endow her magical powers. The girls fall in love, get incredible opportunities to destroy evil, have sex and make witty jokes. They are all independent, romantic and naive. An important factor is that the hits are constantly spinning around unusual characters such as demons, elves, dragons and succubi.

I recommend reading such books to those who are tired of women's novels, monotonous detectives and wants to have a good time. Having become acquainted with a lot of such literature, I would like to recommend to you six cool romantic fantasy books about getting caught.

Olga Kai "The Emperor's Bride"

A girl was walking down the street and accidentally witnessed a murder committed by a strange stranger. He begins to blackmail the girl and tricks her into an alternative world. The girl plunges headlong into
palace intrigues, learning, falling in love and mastering a new role.

There is practically no sex or vulgarity in the book; on the contrary, the atmosphere is very gentle and romantic. Interestingly, the main character is extremely smart, calm and does not do childish things. This sets The Emperor's Bride apart from thousands of other stories.

Anna Gavrilova and Natalya Zhiltsova “Fire Dance”

Natalya Zhiltsova always writes very interestingly and excitingly. Her texts are simple, the plots are intricate and unusual. But then the popular author decided to write new novel co-authored with Anna Gavrilova.

The book turned out to be bright, funny and understandable. The main character studies at a regular university at the Faculty of Economics. She dreams of a career, a good salary and a family. But in another world, at the Academy of Elements, well-wishers learned that a resident of the Earth had magical abilities. She was transferred to the academy, enrolled in training and began to educate her as a protector of Polar. But the earthlings do not give up. The girl declared war on the Academy, its leadership and fellow students.

Yulia Nabokova “The Imposter Sorceress”

Quiet good night the girl fell asleep in her apartment, not suspecting that in the morning she would find herself in another world. She found herself in the world of fairy tales. The locals took her for a strong sorceress, and she must live up to her new role. Getting out, bluffing, unraveling the case of the disappearance of Baba Yaga, dancing with vampires - these are the necessary things to survive among strangers.

Easy and funny book O wonderful story love, magic reserves that came from nowhere and strange monsters.

Elena Carthur "The Elf and the Vampire"

This is a completely extraordinary story. A young artist was killed by an icicle. The last thought in the girl’s head flashed “Survive at any cost.” AND higher power have mercy. But who said they don't have a sense of humor? The girl woke up in the body of an elf among vampires and necromancers. And, as luck would have it, I fell in love. But in another world, same-sex love is not accepted, so the trapped one suffers.

A rather original plot and a fascinating manner of telling will give you pleasant emotions, laughter and a little knowledge about the physiology of elves.

Kira Izmailova “Wanderers”

Two powerful magicians got lost in the worlds. They are forced to constantly wander and search for a source of power. One day they saw a sleeping student, whom they decided to take with them. Just yesterday Yulia was sitting in class at the university, and today she must act as a source of magic for two enemies, without any idea how or what she should do.

The book is non-standard and gives you the opportunity to relax after work, following Yulia’s adventures in another world in the company of inadequate, embittered magicians.

Nadezhda Fedotova “Leaders are not elected”

Classic romance fantasy for relaxation. The red-haired, daring and explosive girl recited a poem and was transported to the desert. Heat, a strange state, nomads and unexpected love forced the girl to accept it new role leader of the savages. And here is a girl who previously bothered her head only with cosmetics, style and appearance, is forced to lead a tribe of nomads into battle.

Humorous story continues in the second part “My Good Old Enemy”, where on main character Even more troubles and responsibilities piled up.

Marina Efiminyuk “Secrets of the True World”

Well, who asked the main character to explore her apartment? She found a phone and decided to call it. An innocent call pulled the girl out of familiar world, awakened the ancient guards and turned her life into hell. It turns out that the reality where Masha lived was only a reflection of the true world, which is hidden from prying and overly curious eyes. All the guard's witnesses True peace must kill, because detection will reveal chaos and disruption of centuries-old established orders.

I would take it this book to a fascinating one-time read that will make you laugh, intrigue you and help you get rid of the blues.

If you are tired and have absolutely no desire to exert yourself, download
find books in the “humorous”, “romantic” or “fantasy for girls” genre on any of the literary sites. The authors try to write in an easy way, in clear language first person incredible and fascinating stories. Reading books of this kind will give you good mood, relaxation and a great time.

Romantic fantasy loved by many. And it’s not surprising, because opening a book in this genre, we get 2 in 1: a touching and heartfelt love story, as it should be, describing feelings, emotions and raging human passions, and an incredibly exciting fantasy story, which necessarily contains its own bit of magic and of magic.

On the pages of such books, the impossible becomes possible, and the line between sleep and reality, dreams and reality becomes barely discernible. And you can also meet valiant knights there, beautiful princesses, powerful wizards... and true love!

If your heart asks for a fairy tale, kind and bright, in which two lovers unite their destinies together in spite of all enemies and obstacles, read 10 romance novels from the selection of the best romantic fantasy:

1. – fantasy story, stylized as an epic. About how the best fighter of the North, named Black Yangar, wanted to marry the beautiful Pirkko, but instead of her he got Inna, her bastrada sister, as his wife. It's not easy to read, but it gives a lot of impressions.

2. – a sweet story about how the pain of someone else’s betrayal can give rise to new, exciting feelings. The main characters are living in special rules and the traditions of the Oloess, the pair are mentor and student. Contains erotica.

3. – she is the queen’s young maid of honor, he is no longer a young Guardian of the Borders, who has seen a lot in his life. He will teach her fencing, and he will teach her... to truly love. A touching and heartfelt thing, it’s a pity it’s small.

4. – fairy tale about how a twenty-three-year-old innkeeper, who has managed to be married and bury her husband, falls in love with a stranger who drops by for a glimpse into her establishment. The feeling that arises turns out to be mutual and strong, but he has a position, obligations and... a curse. Wonderful.

5. – one novel combines two storylines: one of them describes the life of an ordinary girl from our world, of which there are millions, the other tells the stories of dancers from the temple of the Great Goddess, naturally from another world. The idea is original, and its implementation is no worse.

6. - a duology that tells how difficult it is to find common ground between a talented magician and an equally talented warrior... although, as they say, there would be a desire, and a couple in love has more than enough of it! An unusual style of presentation, adapting to which you can get a lot of positive emotions.

7. – this romantic fantasy tells the story of a woman who difficult fate: not a very successful marriage, the death of a daughter... Now a nimble young man is seeking her favor, and a mysterious dragon looms nearby. But will anyone bring her even a modicum of happiness? An atmospheric book, full of not only events, but also experiences.

8. – a duology that describes the path of a trapped woman in another world, fascinating with its originality. Main character- a skilled warrior, a handsome man and... a drow. But this is not an obstacle to a happy happy ending. Fascinatingly.

9. – the heroine of this romantic fantasy is an extremely pragmatic, purposeful and reasonable person. But even these advantages cannot protect her from falling into dark story, connected with the missing archmage. The plot is dynamic, the main characters are beyond praise.

10. - the story of the illegitimate daughter of Prince Darena, who was chosen as his bride by the heir from the animal people. The work is intriguing, but the narrative as a whole is quite tense.

You will soon be able to read about how happiness comes to those who thirst for love, not in spite of life’s troubles, but in spite of everything, in the selection: where I will include works in which the characters find themselves together against their own will: at the behest of their parents, debt, circumstances, etc.

These books can also be safely classified as romantic fantasy; they differ from all others only in the plot. Reading them, we have to trace how coldness and hostility between two strangers gradually develops into an ardent, mutual feeling. It’s fascinating to follow the development of such events, isn’t it?

The young beauty Natalya Akimovna, the daughter of the retired city clerk Akim Yevseich, put her husband, the sadist Kuzma Fedotich, to sleep by mixing it into wine. Taking advantage of the greed and ignorance of those around her, she buried her husband alive. After which a series of terrible events followed in a provincial town: a vampire riding in a cab around the city, walking under the windows of his house, visiting his father-in-law, leaving the coffin in the presence of witnesses. The servants in the house see with their own eyes a vampire in a red velvet robe, so beloved by Kuzma Fedotich during his lifetime, after which the doctor discovers bruises and abrasions on the widow’s body. In order to take possession of a rich and beautiful widow, Yegor Petrovich, Natalya Akimovna’s failed fiance, commits a horrific act. In the presence of townspeople in the cemetery, he performs a ritual of destroying a vampire, for which they dig up the deceased and drive an aspen stake into his chest. But the ritual does not help. Yegor Petrovich tricks his way into Natalya Akimovna’s bathhouse, trying to win her over to his side. But it turns out to be a complete embarrassment, which in the future allows him to get a good job in life. And cemetery residents come to the city shelter; the laundress recognizes the vampire Kuzma Fedotich in one of the dead. All this plunges the residents of the provincial town into horror. And if the events associated with human passions, find their explanation, then the mysterious circumstances only cause ever-increasing fear.

Natalie's father, Akim Evseich, taking advantage of the excitement that arose in the city about the adventures of his son-in-law - a vampire, having received his money in his hands, significantly increases his daughter's fortune. Gaining authority both among the townspeople and the mayor. The mayor wants to place his son with a rich and beautiful widow. But he, at the most inopportune moment, gets into a love scrape, which greatly affects his appearance, and he misses the opportunity.
At this time, fate brings the vampire's widow Natalie together with the young and rich Count Nemirov. Natalie faces a dilemma: marry the son of the mayor and become a respected matron, or risk rising to highest level public staircase. Mystically, she receives a prediction about what awaits her in marriage with the son of the mayor and in marriage with Count Nemirov. Both marriages are not cloudless. She chooses Count Nemirov, who does not remain indifferent to the beautiful, mysterious woman, and, overcoming certain obstacles, marries her.
Greed and jealousy do not give Kuzma Fedotich peace in the next world. And in revenge for the fact that his father-in-law is using his money to improve Natalie’s well-being, he takes his father-in-law out of the other world. The vampire sets strict conditions for his father-in-law, predicting a terrible ending. And then Akim Evseich meets a woman previously seen in a dream. He falls in love with this femme fatale. Later it turns out that she has a secret relationship with a high-ranking gentleman, with whom she has two children. This lady is bringing Akim Yevseich to serious problems and experiences. And she herself arranges a marriage with Count Stasheno-Dogomyshsky, whom Akim Evseich meets at a spiritualistic seance. The Count expects many oddities in his wife's behavior, but he manages to find an explanation for them. And he doesn’t even know whose grave he worships under the old pear tree.
On a cold night Akim Evseich discovers a baby on his porch, whom he gives to an orphanage. Later it turns out that this is his son. In desperation, he sets fire to the house of his former son-in-law, a vampire, and leaves the town.