An approximate analysis of a lesson in a dow according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Learn to be a teacher

Director of ANO DPO "Institute continuing education»:
Natalya Iassonovna,

honored teacher
Russian Federation

License series 42 L01 No. 0003501 ( registration number №16442)

Certificate of IC "Ventana-Graf"

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  • Stages of the lesson (direct educational activities) in a preschool educational institution in the context of FGT

    Introductory part

    Organizational (readiness check)

    1. Organization of the lesson

    2. Greeting (in verse)

    Motivation and

    goal setting

    3. Round dance

    4. Goal setting (introduction to the topic of the lesson (node).

    (Exercises and games to introduce children to the topic of the lesson).

    Main part

    Creation problematic situation

    5. Surprise moment.

    (On initial stage The teacher names the topic of the lesson, and later he leads the children so that they can formulate the topic of the lesson themselves).




    6. Invitation (can be in poetic form) of children to take work places.

    7. Spoken word(for example, a fairy tale) by a teacher, guiding children to solve assigned problems.

    8. Children completing a number of tasks, exercises, sketching numbers or schematic representations of tasks, etc.

    9. Creation of the final product (for example, a number, a letter, a picture, a craft).

    Final part

    Summing up (and/or




    10. Sample questions for a conversation with students:

    What did you need to find? In what ways did you find it? What was the result?

    11. Presentation by children of the product created during the lesson (exhibition of drawings, letters, numbers)

    12. Reflection.

    How did you feel during the lesson? What caused the difficulties? What do you remember most?

    Seminar for preschool teachers

    Subject:Organization of classes in preschool educational institutions. Types of activities.

    Target: systematize teachers’ knowledge about the structure of classes, their classification and features, increase professional level teachers, creative activity

    Progress of the lesson:

      The concept of "Occupation" - What is an occupation?

    Class - form of organization of education in kindergarten.

      Lesson structure - The lesson includes three stages: organizing the children, the main part of the lesson and the end of the lesson.

    Organization of children:

      Checking children's readiness for class ( appearance, correct landing, concentration of attention)

      Creating interest in the lesson (techniques that contain entertainment, surprise, mystery)

    Main part of the lesson:

      Organization of children's attention

      Explanation of the material and demonstration of the method of action or staging learning task And joint decision(3-5 min)

      Consolidation of knowledge and skills (repetition and joint exercises, independent work with didactic material)

    End of class:

      Summing up (analyzing completed work with the children, comparing the work with didactic tasks, assessing children’s participation in the lesson, reporting what they will do next time)

      Switching children to another activity

      ^ Classification of occupations

    Basis of classification


    1. Didactic task

      Classes for mastering new knowledge and skills

      Classes to consolidate previously acquired knowledge

      Classes for creative application of knowledge and skills

      Combined classes (several didactic tasks are solved simultaneously)

      Single-topic (Classical classes by section of study)



    3. Form of organization


      Non-traditional (classes - competitions, classes - theatrical, classes - consultations, classes - role-playing games, classes - mutual education, classes - auctions, classes - doubts, classes - travel, classes - concerts, classes - games: the investigation is conducted by experts, field miracles, What? Where? When?, KVN, etc.)

    Each of these types of lessons will differ in the structure of the main part.

    (Review and discussion of the table " Comparative analysis classes" pr-nie)

    4. Difference between complex and integrated classes

    Complex- this is an integrity formed from individual parts (arts, types of children's activities). Integrated classes are typically scheduled once a quarter in lieu of music or art classes. Complex lesson is based on material familiar to children. In this lesson, the tasks of each type of activity are solved.

    For example: before drawing a festive city street, children sing a song about the holiday and read poetry.

    Integrated classes suggest a deeper form of interconnection, interpenetration different content raising and teaching children. In integration, one type of activity acts as a core activity, while others help to achieve a broader and deeper understanding. An integrated lesson is aimed at learning new material. The lesson is planned according to general theme for several subjects, can be carried out by several educators. Content Integration educational material occurs around a specific topic.

    For example: The lesson “Fairytale bird - swan” included the following methodological techniques:

      A story about lifestyle and characteristic features inherent in these birds

      Conversation: human behavior towards the animal world

      Discussion of the image of a swan from the fairy tales “Wild Swans”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “The Ugly Duckling”

      Listening to a fragment from Tchaikovsky's ballet " Swan Lake", Saint-Saens "Swan"

      Performance creative assignment: show how a swan moves to music.

      Examination of paintings by Rylov “In the Blue Space”, Vrubel “The Swan Princess”

      Drawing of flying swans.

    This lesson combines tasks in the sections child and the world, speech development and literary reading, music, visual arts. And the goal of all these tasks is to form in children an idea of ​​​​the fairytale bird - swans.

    5. Practical task

      Teachers receive cards with brief description classes ( Appendix 2). It is necessary to determine what type of activities they belong to, what types of activities they combine.

      Determine what type of open classes conducted by teachers are.

    6. Preparing the teacher for classes

    Teacher preparation for classes consists of three stages: planning classes, preparing equipment, preparing children for classes.

    Lesson planning:

      Select program content, outline methods and techniques, think through the course of the lesson in detail

      Make a plan - a summary, which includes:

    Program content (educational objectives)
    -preliminary work with children (if necessary)
    -GCD logic and methodological techniques

      It is necessary to plan not just one lesson, but a system, gradually complicating and consolidating the material. Methodological literature We use it, but do not mechanically rewrite it, but use it taking into account the characteristics of children.

    Equipment preparation:

      On the eve of the lesson, select the equipment, check whether it is in working order and whether there is enough didactic material etc.

      Some activities need to be prepared in advance (for example, if you need to show a sprouted seed of a plant, it needs to be germinated in advance)

      When conducting an excursion, the teacher must go to the site in advance, highlight objects for observation, think about how the children will be accommodated, and choose the shortest and safest route.

    Preparing children for classes

      Create interest in the upcoming work

      Warn children about the start of the lesson in advance (10 minutes in advance) so that the children have time to finish their games and get ready for the lesson

      Organize the work of those on duty in preparation for the lesson

    7. Summing up

    Crossword “Types of activities in preschool educational institutions”


    Questions for the crossword:

      Form of organization of education in kindergarten. (Classes)

      One of the types of classes according to the form of organization. (Traditional)

      Activities that include several types of children's activities, one of which is key, the rest help broader and deeper comprehension. (Integrated)

      Classes - competitions, classes - auctions, classes - games, classes - concerts, etc. (Non-traditional)

      Lessons in which several didactic tasks are simultaneously solved (Combined)

      Activities that combine two types of children's activities and problem solving each type of activity. (Complex)

    Comparative analysis of classes

    Type of activity

    Kind of activity


    Structure of the main part of the classes

    Mastering new knowledge


    literature and folklore

    Give an idea…



      Submission of new material


    Consolidating previously acquired knowledge


    Games, exercises, conversations to consolidate and summarize the material

    Creative uses knowledge and skills




    Applying existing knowledge to a new situation


    Give an idea...

    Repetition of previously studied Submission of new material.


    1Communicative activities / Visual activities

    2. Communication activities / Cognitive and research activities

    3. Basic labor skills // Constructive activity

    4. Cognitive - research activities / Visual activities

    At each lesson, the tasks of each type of activity are solved.


    Introduction to new topic according to the defining type of activity.

    Practical activities

    with data problem solving

    types of activities


      educational and research activities

      Motor activity

      Musical activities

      Visual activities

      Communication activities

      Constructive activity

      Play activity



    literature and folklore

      Self-care and basic household work

    Tasks are determined by a specific type of activity, and the means to solve them are other types of activities


    Repetition (may or may not be).

    Introduction to a new topic.

    Consolidation in other types

    MBDOU " Kindergarten“Kindergarten “Romashka” in the village of Belyanka, Shebekinsky district Belgorod region

    Prepared by: senior teacher Dracheva I.N.

    Practical advice conducting classes at a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

      Think over the organization of children in class (alternating various types children’s activities: sitting, standing, on the carpet, in groups, in pairs, etc.)

      High qualityPreparation visual materials classes (accessibility to every child, modernity, quality and size of illustrations, multimedia presentations can be shown)

      Compliance with the structure of the lesson:

      Introductory part (creating motivation and “not forgetting” about it throughout the entire lesson. For example, if Dunno came, then throughout the lesson he “participates” in activities with children, at the end of the lesson you can summarize the results on behalf of the character)

      Also in the first part of the GCD it is necessary to createproblematic situation (or a problem-search situation) for children, the solution to which they will find throughout the entire event. This technique allows preschoolers not to lose interest and develops mental activity, teaches children to interact in a team or in pairs.

      During the main part, the teacher can usevarious leadership techniques: visual, practical and verbal, allowing you to solve software tasks classes and problem-search situations.

      After each type of children's activity, the teacher must conductanalysis of children's activities (either on your own behalf, or on behalf of a character or with the help of other children) is a requirement

      In the event that children do not succeed in something, the teacher can use a technique such aspedagogical support . For example, the teacher says: “I really liked how Seryozha, Marina and Lena made the traffic light, but Maxim and Oleg’s parts came off, but I think that next time they will definitely try and do everything well”)

      Throughout the lesson (especially in senior groups preschool age) the teacher must monitor and encourage children to engage in speech activity with the help of questions. Therefore, questions for children must be thought out in advance; they must wear a search or problematic character; strive to ensure that children answer “completely.” You also need to control your own speech and build speech phrases from a third person. For example, moving away from the expression: “I want to invite you on a trip...” is not correct, because... the teacher seems to “impose” the upcoming activity. It would be more correct to address the children in this way: “Let's go on a trip...”

      Also in accordance with the new educational standards the teacher can useeducational technologies: problem-based learning, research activities, project activities, health-saving technologies and more. (Depending on their type of children’s activity and on the assigned tasks in the lesson) For example, in a lesson on cognitive development in the second junior group “Visiting Cockerel”, the teacher can conduct articulatory gymnastics on the development of breathing, etc.

      The final part of the lesson should be organized in such a way thatproblem solving and search situation (so that children see the solution to the problem: either a verbal conclusion, or the result of a productive or research activities etc.).

      It is also necessary to summarize the entire lesson: giveassessment of children's activities (can be used pedagogical support, analysis of each other’s children, themselves, praise the children on behalf of the character, etc.). The main thing is not to forget about motivation (which is set at the beginning of the lesson, see point above)

    4. A distinctive feature of classes in the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education isactive speech activity children (questions to children should be problem-solving in nature), and also carefully thought out.

    For example, children need to help the Chicken find chickens. The teacher can ask: “Do you want to help the Hen find the chickens? How can this be done?” That is, the question is problematic in nature and forces children to think through possible answers: call the chickens, follow them, etc.

    5. The teacher is simply obliged to provide children with"freedom of choice" upcoming activities and, at the same time, with his skill to captivate children with him. For example, the teacher of the first junior group on educational activity told the children the fairy tale “Kolobok”, and then offered motivation for the upcoming activity (collective application of the character Kolobok)

    “Guys, Kolobok ran away from his grandparents, they are crying bitterly. How can we help our grandparents? Then he offers possible answers: maybe we should draw a Kolobok and give it to our grandparents? Thus, she captivated the children, organized motivation for drawing, got them interested, and also decided educational task: make children want to help their grandparents in search of Kolobok.

    Thus, it should be concluded that currently the requirements for conducting classes have changed, because there are pedagogical technologies that must be used in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

    Kozarenko E.S., teacher

    GBDOU kindergarten No. 53, Kolpinsky district

    St. Petersburg

    Algorithm for preparing a GCD outline in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education

    Some teachers have difficulty preparing GCD notes. Let's remember how this is done. Let's start with title page.

    The full name is indicated at the top of the title page preschool. Approximately in the middle of the sheet there is an inscription: Synopsis of direct educational activities in (Area) on the topic: “………………..” for children of senior preschool age.
    Below the title of the abstract, on the right, the surname, initials of the author and his position, group number are indicated.
    At the bottom of the title page, in the middle, the city is written, and even lower, the year when the summary was written.

    The next sheet begins with the gcd goal. What is a goal?

    Target - This final result, what we strive for. It is recommended to define the goal as a noun from the verb: creating conditions, forming, educating, strengthening, etc.

    And tasks to form verbs in indefinite form: create, strengthen, educate, implement, etc..

    The purpose and objectives of the lesson replace the program content.

    Draw your attentionto an interesting nuance: many teachers write the word “educational” instead of the word “educational”, meaning only educational tasks. But the concept"education" (read the law “On Education in the Russian Federation”)includes both training and education. So, in educational objectives there will be both training and educational together . In this case, you will have 2 groups of tasks:developmental and educational.

    Task - something that requires execution, decision. Tasks in relation to the goal are and are:
    1. Educational tasks (it is written what we will teach children in this lesson).Do not write the verb “teach” in the tasks! It is more correct to write “to promote”, “to form skills”, “to create conditions”, “to develop”, etc.

    2. Developmental tasks (it is written that we will consolidate, clarify, not forgetting about the development mental functions and various properties).
    3. Parenting tasks (what mental, aesthetic, moral and volitional qualities will be formed in this lesson).
    It should be remembered that every new task written on a new line.
    When the tasks are formulated, it is necessary to indicate what was carried out
    preliminary workwith children, the entire scope of frontal and individual work with children (Conversations with children, observation, reading fiction, where you went on an excursion, what you learned, etc.)

    Forms are indicated organizations collective activity(work in subgroups, in pairs, Team work teacher with children) and independent activity children (if planned).

    Methods and techniques: Gaming, visual, Practical activities children, questions for children, verbal, didactic game, use of fiction, vocabulary work or activation of the dictionary; individual work; differentiated approach, parental participation in GCD (if applicable).

    Materials and equipment:it lists what equipment will be used on this GCD (for example: tape recorder, flannelograph, easel, wall board, cubes, stands, etc.).
    The following is indicated demo material, where not only all manuals and paintings are listed, but also their authors, quantity, and sizes are indicated.
    Describing Handout, it is necessary to list what material is taken, indicating the size and quantity.
    The following describes the structure and methodological techniques, used in class. The parts of the lesson and specific methodological techniques are indicated. For example:
    I. Introductory part - 3 minutes.
    a) reading the poem “Autumn” by A.S. Pushkin;
    b) watching the autumn sky from the window;
    c) verbal didactic game “Come up with a word” (selection of adjectives for the words sky, autumn, foliage).
    II. Main part- 15 minutes.
    a) conversation about weather events in autumn;
    b) looking at weather calendars;
    c) physical minute;
    d) writing stories about autumn weather;
    e) children naming autumn signs and sayings about autumn;
    f) didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from”... etc.
    III. Final part(reflective stage)- 2 minutes.
    a) generalization by the teacher;
    b) GCD analysis (about what knowledge the children showed).
    And finally, a description of the progress of the GCD begins.
    The GCD move is written in direct speech. Be sure to write down all the words that the teacher will say, the expected answers of the children, and the teacher’s generalizations. If during the lesson the teacher needs to perform some actions, this is indicated in the notes.
    For example:
    GCD move:
    1. Reading the poem “Autumn” by A.S. Pushkin;
    Educator: “Children, would you like me to read you a poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Autumn"?
    Children: “Yes, we want!”
    Educator: "
    October It's already here - the grove is already shaking off
    The last leaves from their naked branches;
    Breathed autumn chill- the road is freezing..."
    So further on all points of the GCD structure.

    So, if we briefly describe all of the above, the structure of the GCD summary is as follows:
    If there is a title page, then the second page begins with Goals, if without a title page, it looks like this:

    Topic: “Snowflakes outside the window”(Times New Roman 16)
    (Medium group No. 1, Ivanov I.I.)
    (Times New Roman 14)
    Educational area: Artistic and aesthetic development

    Preliminary work:
    Methods and techniques
    Materials and equipment:
    GCD structure:
    I. Introductory part:

    II. Main part:
    III. Final part:

    GCD move:

    BDOU SMR "General developmental kindergarten No. 15" Sokol

    Koksharova Olga Pavlovna, highest qualification category.

    Practical advice for conducting classes on Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education

    1. Think over the organization of childrenduring the lesson (alternating different types of children’s activities: sitting, standing, on the carpet, in groups, in pairs, etc.)
    2. High quality preparation of visual materialsclasses (accessibility to every child, modernity, quality and size of illustrations, multimedia presentations can be shown)
    3. Compliance with the structure of the lesson:
    • Introductory part (creating motivation and “not forgetting” about it throughout the entire lesson. For example, if Dunno came, then throughout the lesson he “participates” in activities with children, at the end of the lesson you can summarize the results on behalf of the character)
    • Also in the first part of the GCD it is necessary to createproblematic situation(or a problem-search situation) for children, the solution to which they will find throughout the entire event. This technique allows preschoolers not to lose interest, develops mental activity, and teaches children to interact in a team or in pairs.
    • During the main part, the teacher can usevarious leadership techniques:visual, practical and verbal, allowing you to solve program problems of the lesson and posed problem-search situations.
    • After each type of children's activity, the teacher must conductanalysis of children's activities(either on your own behalf, or on behalf of a character or with the help of other children) is a requirement
    • In the event that children do not succeed in something, the teacher can use a technique such aspedagogical support. For example, the teacher says: “I really liked how Seryozha, Marina and Lena made the traffic light, but Maxim and Oleg’s parts came off, but I think that next time they will definitely try and do everything well”)
    • Throughout the entire lesson (especially in groups of senior preschool age), the teacher must monitor and encourage children to engage in speech activity with the help of questions. Therefore, questions for children must be thought out in advance; they must be exploratory or problematic in nature; strive to ensure that children answer “completely.” You also need to control your own speech and construct speech phrases in the third person. For example, moving away from the expression: “I want to invite you on a trip...” is not correct, because... the teacher seems to “impose” the upcoming activity. It would be more correct to address the children in this way: “Let's go on a trip...”
    • Also, in accordance with the new educational standards, the teacher can usepedagogical technologies:problem-based learning, research activities, project activities, health-saving technologies and more. (Depending on their type of children's activity and on the assigned tasks in the lesson) For example, during a lesson on cognitive development in the second junior group “Visiting the Cockerel”, the teacher can conduct articulatory gymnastics to develop breathing, etc.
    • The final part of the lesson should be organized in such a way thatproblem solving and search situation(so that children can see the solution to the task: either a verbal conclusion, or the result of productive or research activity, etc.).
    • It is also necessary to summarize the entire lesson: giveassessment of children's activities(you can use pedagogical support, analysis of each other’s children, themselves, praise the children on behalf of the character, etc.). The main thing is not to forget about motivation (which is set at the beginning of the lesson, see point above)

    4. A distinctive feature of classes in the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education isactive speech activity of children(questions to children should be problem-solving in nature), and also carefully thought out.

    For example, children need to help the Chicken find chickens. The teacher can ask: “Do you want to help the Hen find the chickens? How can this be done?” That is, the question is problematic in nature and forces children to think through possible answers: call the chickens, follow them, etc.

    5. The teacher is simply obliged to provide children with“freedom of choice” of upcoming activities and, at the same time, with your skill to captivate children with you.For example, during an educational lesson, the teacher of the first junior group told the children the fairy tale “Kolobok”, and then offered motivation for the upcoming activity (collective application of the character Kolobok)

    “Guys, Kolobok ran away from his grandparents, they are crying bitterly. How can we help our grandparents? Then he offers possible answers: maybe we should draw a Kolobok and give it to our grandparents? Thus, she captivated the children, organized motivation for drawing, got them interested, and also solved the educational task: to make the children want to help their grandparents in finding Kolobok.

    Thus, it should be concluded that currently the requirements for conducting classes have changed, because there are pedagogical technologies that must be used in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education