Why do drug addicts sleep? Signs of drug addiction, external signs of a drug addict

Such as insufficient sleep, unsuccessful love (relevant for) and much more. Signs of a novice drug addict or an experienced drug addict can be divided into 2 categories: appearance and behavior. So, behavior. If you notice that a person suffers from sudden and frequent changes in mood, regardless of the situation or irritating factor, this cannot always be considered a sign of drug use. Often, this is due to some problems, such as a small amount of sleep and rest.

You should pay attention to increased excitability or, conversely, too little activity. Sometimes you can recognize a drug addict this way. But still, pay attention to how the person spent his day. Excessive vigor can be good mood, and lethargy due to overwork. If not special reasons for emotional ones, then you can safely sound the alarm.

Often, a person taking drugs is very secretive; secretiveness can manifest itself gradually. This may be due to both age-related changes, and with the desire to independently solve their problems. This also includes abandoned hobbies, on which previously a person spent a large number of time, but now he’s not interested at all.

If you notice that your friend begins to spend a lot of money, or tries to borrow it from you very often, and valuable things disappear from his house one after another, this may mean that, together with others, the person may be buying prohibited items.

Obvious signs include increased aggressiveness, suspicious new friends, problems at work, increased interest to pharmacology, if it has not been observed before.

As for appearance, your pupils, the size of which may change, as well as lack of coordination, slow or “choking” speech, loss of appetite and, of course, traces of injections, will help you find out whether a person has taken drugs.

If you suspect a loved one, we advise you to buy a drug test from (average price 250 rubles) and if this test shows a positive result, then next step There will be a test for drug detection in specialized laboratories.

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Drug addiction is a chronic disease that is caused by the use of drug substances. Teenagers and young adults are most prone to this addiction. In order to recognize a drug addict by behavioral characteristics and appearance, it is enough to carefully follow the person.


Look at the suspect's mood. You should be wary of its frequent and sudden changes, regardless of the situation.

Remember that excessive vigor or inhibition of a person’s reaction is also a sign.

Check the mode. Disturbance in the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness is the most common sign of drug addiction.

Pay attention to a person, if he has become overly secretive and more often secludes himself. Drug addiction and secrecy go hand in hand.

Be wary if a person changes interests too abruptly. And he no longer cares about what he recently felt attracted to.

Remember, purchasing drugs requires a lot of money. So the need for money should alert you. And if savings or valuables suddenly begin to disappear from the house, you should immediately pay attention to the behavior of the suspected person.

Control who the person spends with free time, what he does. Suspicious friends older or much younger than him may indirectly talk about addiction.

If you see increased aggressiveness of a person close to you, this can also be a kind of wake-up call.

With regular drug use, direct signs associated with being under the influence of drugs become evident.

The question is often asked, “what does a drug addict look like, what is he like?” Firstly, changes in a person’s behavior and appearance are aggravated. Secondly, signs of drug intoxication cannot be controlled and suppressed, much less hidden. Conditions of this kind have quite a lot specific signs, which are easily noticeable upon careful observation.

Please note that when using various drugs external signs manifest themselves in different ways and can be directly opposite in nature depending on the substance used.

Intoxication after taking drugs is noticeably different from a similar state after drinking alcohol. There are a number of indicators that, if observed, require immediate medical attention.

The appearance of people taking drugs should also serve as an alarm signal. Take a closer look and you will see what a drug addict looks like. Wrinkled, unkempt clothes and unkempt, dull hair will help identify a drug problem. Especially if this sloppiness is combined with pale skin, which in drug addicts quickly becomes emaciated, dry, and loses elasticity and tone. Damage to the skin (even the slightest wounds) does not heal for a long time.

Signs of drug addiction in adults and children

Drug addiction is a terrible problem. People addicted to drugs quickly turn into mere living beings and cease to be normal members of society. Therefore, the question is how to identify a drug addict and how to determine whether your child is taking or close drugs, is very relevant. It is very important to diagnose and provide help as early as possible, while the person still has memories of that other life before drugs, while he still has the desire to live fully.

How to identify a drug addict? Before you do anything, you need to know how development occurs drug addiction.

And this happens according to the following scheme:

  • "first try" At this moment there are no thoughts at all that addiction may develop. The drug gives unusual ease;
  • rapid formation of dependence. At this stage, it is very important to promptly recognize the first signs of drug addiction and provide assistance. And it may consist in convincing a person that a problem has arisen and treatment is necessary;
  • loss of all interest in life, the drug replaces family, loved ones, friends, work. During this period, the addict begins to understand that he needs to undergo treatment, but as withdrawal symptoms occur, he convinces himself that it is too late and there is no turning back.

Knowledge of the process of addiction will make it possible not only to identify a drug addict, be it a child or an adult, but will also make it possible to provide him with timely assistance.

Symptoms of drug use

A person taking any narcotic substances is identified as his external physical state, and behavior. Therefore, if you are careful, you can understand how to identify a drug addict. People who have this problem are different from others:

  • feel lethargic;
  • their laughter is inappropriate;
  • their pupils are noticeably constricted;
  • they are thirsty, so they constantly want to drink;
  • they are overcome by drowsiness;
  • rashes may appear on the skin and itching may occur.

These are visible symptoms, but there is also a soul, that is, “ back side" The fact is that drugs affect the brain, the human mind, his inner world, destroying it completely. That is, not only physical dependence arises, but also psychological. Therefore, it is important to know how to recognize a drug addict, but it is also important to understand that simple treatment in a drug treatment clinic will not help him. Long-term rehabilitation is needed. Without it, treatment will not bring any results.

Sign of drug addiction - health

Many people wonder how to identify a person who uses drugs. This can be done if you pay close attention to the changes that have arisen in human health:

  • the drug addict's blood pressure increases;
  • the heart rate increases significantly;
  • the intestines become upset and, as a result, diarrhea begins;
  • The main and most important symptom is the development of withdrawal from a drug addict, this is when he develops unbearable pain in his muscles and joints. The muscles tremble noticeably because the cramp in this case is uncontrollable. The person is exhausted, he wants to rest, but he cannot find a place for himself, he rushes about, he can neither sit nor lie down.

These are the signs that can help you decide:How to recognize a drug addict.

A drug, no matter what its nature, has a suppressive effect on the human body. At first, a person is sure that he will bring the highest pleasure. But gradually, withdrawal occurs instead, and gradually you need to take drugs no longer in the hope of getting pleasure, but with only one goal: to save yourself from suffering and pain.

The main signs of a drug addict are eyes, pupils

Undoubtedly, drug addiction is a problem that you need to beware of and try to protect your family and friends from it. But how do you know if a person is a drug addict? How to find out if you are taking drugs best friend or own child Or is there something else going on with him?

As always, close attention should be paid to special behavior And external condition person.

For many drug addicts who have not yet entered the stage when it becomes absolutely no difference, it is important that their family, friends and simply those around them do not understand that they are addicted to drugs. They try to hide their addiction and resort to various methods to do this.

However, there are not many such methods. And the signs of drug addiction are still quite bright and obvious to many around.

When an addict hides one symptom and succeeds, others remain that are not so easy to get rid of. It is by these signs that any person who is familiar with drug addiction first-hand will identify a severe drug addiction. In addition, in addition to the obvious external signs, drug addicts change their behavior. And it is impossible to hide or disguise by any means or means.

And no amount of tricks will hide the serious consequences that drugs leave behind. Especially if taken regularly over an extended period of time.

External signs that drug addicts manage to hide

  1. Traces all over the body that remain from constant injections into the veins. These marks are especially common among drug addicts in the area of ​​the elbows of the arms, the knees of the legs or thighs, the groin area or armpits. Such visible signs of intravenous drug use force drug-dependent people not to wear short sleeves or shorts, even in the most extreme heat.
  2. The pupils of the eyes are narrowed to the point of dots. People who constantly use drugs have eyes that react poorly to light; there is even a term they use for such a pupil - “sunken pupil.” Sometimes drugs can cause the opposite reaction, leaving the pupils permanently dilated.
  3. Red eyes. In most drug addicts who use cannabis drugs, capillaries in the whites of the eyeball burst and hemorrhages form, which give the eyes a red color.

These are not all the signs by which you can recognize a drug addict. In fact, there are many more of them. And professional drug addicts always have with them a set of items for taking drugs, because without this they simply cannot imagine their life and items that help hide their addiction. How do drug addicts hide these obvious signs?

Masking constricted pupils

The problem of narrow pupils is most often experienced by those drug addicts who use opium drugs. In order to give the pupils normal look, they use a medicine that normally treats stomach diseases. The name of this drug is becarbon.

This medicine has side effect- when taking it, the pupils dilate. It is this effect that adherents of heroin, opium from poppy straw and crocodile use. To dilate the pupils, tablets Pink colour, the drug becarbon is ground into a fine powder and diluted with water. After which the drug solution is instilled into the eyes, a few drops at a time.

Therefore, the packaging of such a drug in a friend’s bag or pocket or loved one should alert his loved ones. After all, this may mean that the person is a drug addict and uses strong opiate drugs. It must be said that the drug becarbon often dilates the pupils unevenly.

One of them turns out to be wider than the other. This is due to the fact that the dosage that goes into both eyes may be different, for example two drops versus three. You can also recognize a drug addict by such pupils.

But the worst thing is that this drug, used in this way and not for its intended purpose, has a very detrimental effect on human vision. Therefore, very soon the drug addict who regularly used it, the sharpness of the picture of the world drops greatly and a cloudy and unclear movie appears before his eyes.

There are other medications that can dilate the pupils in the same way as becarbonate. These include, in particular, atropine and drugs from its group.

Masking dilated pupils

Dilated pupils of the eyes occur mainly in those drug addicts who use narcotic stimulants. They also use medications to make their eyes look normal. For example, a group of drugs such as miotics.

These include drugs such as: fosarbine, pilocarpine, carbacholine, aceclidine, physostigmine, phosphakol and other drugs that can narrow the eye pupil. Like the previous masking agent, these drugs greatly damage vision and even often cause cataracts. But those drug addicts who want to hide their addictions do not stop even at complete blindness.

Concealing puncture marks

If there are many traces of intravenous injections on a person’s body, then for those around him this is the most obvious sign addiction, which simply catches your eye. Anyone can see these marks close person, friend or relative of a drug addict.

And if he also compares it with other signs, for example strange behavior, it will make a clear conclusion about the person’s drug addiction. Of course, when a drug addict begins to be asked questions about the nature of these traces, he has to come up with various, sometimes very ridiculous, options for their origin.

Versions may vary. From a squeezed pimple to scratches from a cat's claws. However, even a person far from medicine or drugs will be able to distinguish traces of injections from other skin lesions.

If you look closely at the marks on the skin, you will see the entrance hole of the needle in the form of a small red dot at the injection sites. Very often a small bruise will form around the injection site. For experienced drug addicts, injection points form entire “roads” because they follow each other.

When a drug addict injects many times in a row into the same vein, a “well” can form at that spot. Each new injection expands and deepens it, making it more distinct and noticeable.

If you take a closer look at the “roads” of a drug addict, you can see a certain pattern. This is a clear sign that the person is injecting drugs into a vein. After all, “roads” follow only along the lines of veins.

But stubborn in their desire to hide their drug addiction, people pass off even the most obvious “roads” as ordinary scratches, and explain the appearance of “wells” as burns. Everything depends only on the degree of development of the drug addict’s imagination.

Masking of injection marks occurs by regularly applying various ointments to the injection sites, which serve against the appearance of blood clots. CU such ointments include: troxevasin, hepatrombin and the like. Using these ointments, drug addicts get rid of bruises in a matter of days.

Another way to hide marks from injections is a method in which injections are made only in those areas of the body that are not visible to others. For example: groin area, legs, neck below and under the hair, back of the forearm or armpit.

With injections in the groin, the drug addict can afford to wear T-shirts and shorts in the hot summer, no different from other people. True, any drug addict is immediately betrayed by huge circles under the eyes and painful thinness.

Those drug addicts who do not inject drugs in any way, intramuscularly or intravenously, but only smoke narcotic mixtures or snort drugs, are not much different from other people. And recognizing them as drug addicts is quite difficult. It must be said that those drug addicts who are afraid for their loved ones or do not want anger on their part come to such drug use.

Concealing red eyes

Addicts who use marijuana or other cannabis derivatives suffer from constant severe hunger and dry mouth, and they also have red eyes. And if the first two consequences of taking drugs cannot be hidden, but they are not striking, then the effect of red eyes is removed with the help of eye drops.

There are many such drops that reduce redness of the eyes and relieve dryness, the most known drug is Visine.

These are all the main ways that help drug addicts hide the external signs of using certain types of drugs. But loved ones can always compare a person’s behavior, the use of these drugs and other signs in order to understand that he is really a drug addict. He suffers from a severe addiction and needs help.

A drug addict can be recognized by the following signs of taking popular drugs:

  • Reception LSD- dilates the pupils, makes the skin pale, increases body temperature, creates hallucinations, causes a rapid pulse and unintelligible speech.
  • Reception Ecstasy- dilates the pupils and gives the eyes a characteristic shine, making the jaws clenched. A person's teeth grind and his teeth play, he suffers from insomnia.
  • Reception Marijuana(aka cannabis, hashish) - dilates the pupils, makes the eyes red and puffy, makes movements uncertain, increases appetite, makes you laugh for no reason and creates a wandering smile on the face.
  • Reception Heroin: turns the pupils into “dots”, gives the effect of “glassy” eyes with half-closed eyelids, slows down breathing. The person experiences drowsiness, suffers from lack of appetite. He often has red, swollen lips, he scratches his nose and face, and sometimes other parts of the body , there are injection marks on the body, and burnt holes on the clothes.
  • Reception Amphetamine(aka speed, hair dryer, speed) - creates a lack of appetite and mood swings, insomnia begins, the person has dilated pupils, suffers from increased talkativeness and anxiety. Addict develops active work, which is replaced by severe fatigue. Those addicted people who use the drug, inhaling it through their nose, constantly have with them plastic cards with traces of scratches, on them they “roll out paths” and banknotes with signs of being rolled into a tube.
  • Reception Pervitina(aka screw) - gives dilated pupils, insomnia, traces of injections are visible on the body. The person has a rapid heartbeat, loses appetite, and has cramped muscles and jaws. The addict is unable to sit still, constantly bites his lips and “goggles” his eyes, and in 90% of cases a strong pungent odor emanates from his clothes.
  • Reception Cocaine(aka crack) - repeats the signs of amphetamine use, and adds to them sweating, rapid breathing and a tendency to talk at length.

To ensure that drug addiction does not become a death sentence, if you notice signs of drug use in a loved one, you must seek help from specialists. The center successfully fights drug addiction and helps drug addicts overcome addiction and become ordinary normal people again.

It can be compared to a terrifying force that destroys everything in its path. Its insidious millstones grind the destinies of people. About sharp corners addiction breaks dreams, love, friendship, compassion, responsibility, sense of duty. It is difficult to admit to yourself that a loved one has become a victim of this disease. But it’s even more difficult to pull him out of the clutches of addiction. How to recognize a novice drug addict? Contrary to popular belief, this is quite difficult to do. If a person quickly gets involved, external signs of addiction are noticeable almost immediately. But, oddly enough, in most cases the patient succeeds long time hide your secret from others.

Behavior Changes

Some signs may be common to all drug addicts. It's no secret that anyone dependent person mood often changes for no reason. His emotional condition unstable: at first he cries, then laughs. Joy sharply transforms into wild irritability, and psychosis into distant smiling. Uncontrolled outbreaks aggression is something that should alert loved ones. Another clue will be emotions, or rather, their complete absence. If formerly man showed tenderness, care, affection, but now these feelings are alien to him.

If you don’t know how to recognize a drug addict, turn to specialized literature. It states that such a person has speech and motor retardation. He may be completely indifferent to what is happening around him. The individual's character changes dramatically. If earlier he was the life of the party, now he becomes a hermit, and vice versa, closed individuals suddenly turn into ringleaders.

Circle of friends

How to recognize a drug addict? Analyze it A person who has fallen under the influence of an addiction can break off all old connections for no apparent reason. He makes new acquaintances, often secret ones, whom he prefers to hide from prying eyes, that is, yours. Such people communicate exclusively by telephone, and if they meet, it is rare and always in a secluded corner. All old hobbies and interests also fade into the background or completely disappear from the life of a dependent individual.

Since such substances have a detrimental effect on performance, children and adolescents may skip school, and adults may not go to the office or ignore assignments. A person often leaves home, disappearing for several days or even weeks. Sometimes he starts stealing to get money for the next dose. Addicted to drugs, a person does not pay attention to his family and friends, he does not care about their problems and experiences.


Another important criterion, which will tell you how to recognize a drug addict. Firstly, such a person has significantly impaired biological rhythms wakefulness and sleep, which cannot go unnoticed by others. During the day, such an individual can doze for many hours in a row, and at night he can wander aimlessly around the apartment.

Secondly, he eats poorly or, conversely, cannot get enough food. He is often tormented by thirst, and the craving for sweets increases. It is not surprising that soon after starting to take drugs, a person experiences problems with gastrointestinal tract. In addition, he is constantly plagued by a runny nose and cough, and severe sweating appears. A drug addict's skin becomes pale and dry, and the condition of his nails and hair deteriorates significantly.

Foreign objects

How to recognize a drug addict? Go into his room and inspect all the nooks and crannies. Strange objects may appear there. For example, you may find a bottle of acetone or used syringes, dry leaves of an unknown plant or unknown powders, mechanical meat grinders or smoked tablespoons, tablets whose names you have never heard of, or containers of caustic solvent. If at least one item from this list is discovered, sound the alarm immediately! In addition, to finally make sure that your loved one is a drug addict, buy a special test at the pharmacy. If it turns out to be positive, the individual must be immediately rescued from addiction.

What to do?

Now you know how to recognize a drug addict. Remember that many of the signs described above are indirect. They may indicate both an addiction and problems in personal life. Only an experienced narcologist can make the correct diagnosis after receiving test results. When you are convinced that your suspicions are not groundless, do not bury your head in the sand - talk to the person. Perhaps you will be able to convince him to voluntarily go to the clinic and undergo appropriate treatment.

People who have little understanding of the drug market consider opiates, such as heroin, cocaine and the like, to be the most terrible “potions”. However, although such substances are fatal to the human body, they cannot be compared in terms of the degree of harm with synthetic drugs. They are highly addictive and cause a strong blow both physically and mental health. Among other things, “synthetics” have a much more powerful effect when consumed compared to the same heroin. All this makes the drugs in question incredibly dangerous. They really destroy society, contrary to the prevailing opinion among drug addicts about their relative safety against the background of opiates.

What are synthetic drugs?

In chemical terms, synthetic drugs- these are obtained artificially psychoactive substances, causing psychological and physical dependence, destroying the nervous system and imitating some properties of opiates. All of them are under government ban, but manufacturers of “synthetics” are constantly changing the chemical formula of the drugs, making them legal from a legal point of view.

This ease of circumvention of current legislation is explained by the fact that many narcotic drugs are made on the basis of pre-existing medicines, having a similar effect to the “potion”. This effect on the body was greatly enhanced by the change in the chemical formula. Despite this, fundamentally new synthetic drugs that have no analogues still appear from time to time, but they are also based on the action and chemical formulas ah any legal drugs.

Due to the proximity of synthetic drugs to medicines, addicts were able to make them from improvised medications that were sold in pharmacies. And even the most stringent restrictions on the distribution of such drugs do not bring results - pharmacy workers ignore regulations and sell narcotic raw materials without presenting a medical prescription. These circumstances make the fight against “synthetics” very difficult, and sometimes even impossible.

There are two classifications of synthetic drugs, accepted both among addicts and among doctors:

  • by method of administration;
  • according to the effect it has on the body.

According to the first criterion, the division is quite arbitrary, since the same drug can be used in several ways with the same effect. Most often the substance enters the body:

  • orally;
  • by smoking;
  • intravenously;
  • through mucous membranes (inhalation);
  • rectally;
  • vaginally.

The last two methods are often used by drug addicts, hoping to hide the fact of drug use from others.

Unlike opiates, synthetic substances cause hallucinations and extreme agitation nervous system. The details of the effects largely depend on what precursors (substances from which drugs are synthesized) are used in the process of producing the “potion”. Because of their abundance, a wide variety of “synthetics” arose.

At least 30 types of narcotic drugs are known throughout the world, and their number is constantly increasing. Moreover, with each new round of development of the illegal industry, the harm of synthetic products increases due to constant change chemical formulas.

In Russia and the CIS countries, synthetic drugs primarily mean spice (smoking mixtures that previously enjoyed legal status), psychedelics (among them are salt and LSD). Some addicts use "inhalants" such as chemical solvents, paints and adhesives used in construction.

Common synthetic drugs

Addicts categorize synthetic drugs somewhat differently than doctors. First of all, their classification depends on the effect they have and the situations in which certain substances are used. You also can't throw it aside individual preferences drug addicts. For example, people who use salt will give preference to spice only as a last resort, when it is difficult to get the “usual” drug.

Gradually, the classification of addicts came into use among narcologists and looks like this:

  • speed (speed). It comes in the form of crystals intended to be smoked or inhaled. Belongs to the group of amphetamines and contains ephedrine, which excites the central nervous system. As a result, the addict feels an unprecedented surge of strength, which is replaced by a depressed state and obvious signs of poisoning. Speed ​​refers to club drugs, as they are often consumed before “stormy nights”, during which a lot of energy is required.
  • LSD (acid). It is produced in powder form, but in Lately Liquid for impregnating paper has become popular. Oral use predominates, although some addicts find alternatives in the form of application to mucous membranes and even intravenous administration. The main effect is intense hallucinations, which often become nightmarish and cause panic attacks, as well as suicidal tendencies. The main danger is the cumulative effect, often leading to mental illness.
  • Ecstasy. Most often found in tablet form. Among young people it is considered a relatively safe drug, which narcologists call a big misconception. The substance gives a feeling of fearlessness and desire communicate. Also, the addict constantly tries to get into motion, for example, to start dancing right in the middle of the street. In people with a weak central nervous system, it can cause hallucinations, during which cases of unintentional self-harm and even suicide are common.
  • Salt (cathinones). One of the most dangerous drugs of our time, causing strong addiction after the first dose. Gives a feeling of invincibility and self-confidence. Often this ends tragically, for example, when a drug addict decides to use the emerging “superhuman abilities” and “fly” by jumping out of a window. Unlike some other types of “synthetics,” salt very quickly subjugates the personality, forcing one to think only about a new dose. In addition, cathinones contribute to the degradation of intelligence, in other words, they “stupidize”.
  • Spices (synthetic cannabinoids) . Smoking mixtures, enjoying unprecedented popularity among drug addicts. The effect caused by spice cannot be predicted. Some people experience euphoria, others fall into aggression, causing injury to themselves and others, while others fall into a depressed state and see terrifying hallucinations (in the language of addicts, this effect is called “catching or catching a white man”). An interesting way of making spices is that dealers buy harmless herbal infusions, such as chamomile, at the pharmacy, and then treat them with chemical liquids (the so-called reagent).

Contrary to what some people believe, none of the synthetic drugs listed are safe or harmless. All of them destroy the psyche and body, inevitably leading the addict to the grave or a psychiatric clinic.

Impact on the body and psyche

Unlike opiates, synthetic drugs have a very long-lasting effect on human body, leading to more severe consequences. The main reason - chemical composition. After the first dose, your metabolism suffers, and addiction occurs almost instantly. This partly explains the popularity of “synthetics” among drug addicts - once you try it, you’ll hardly be able to give it up a second time.

The reason for the rapid addiction lies in the slow withdrawal harmful substances from the body. Even after a full complex treatment Narcologists are not always able to completely cleanse the body of addictive compounds. Thus, even after stopping the use of “synthetics”, the harmful consequences will persist for life. As a result, drug addicts will suffer from chronic diseases, and in some cases will not be able to have children. Young people who are about to try the first dose need to remember this - skip this step!

Because they penetrate so deeply into the body, synthetic drugs have a very long-lasting effect. Depending on the type of “potion”, the effects of taking it can be felt even 3 days after consumption. With regular use, the effect can last up to 2 weeks, this is especially true for spices and salt. Needless to say, the cardiovascular system, central nervous system, and immunity are guaranteed to suffer. In addition, the body will be overtaken by complete physical exhaustion, after which long-term rehabilitation will be required.

Plus, synthetic drugs are difficult to detect classical methods research. In many cases, they do not leave traces in the urine and blood, so you can only get information about the stage of addiction and the nature of the substances used from the words of the addict, and you cannot rely on them - often the addict will desperately lie, thereby complicating treatment and aggravating his own situation.

After consuming a dose of a synthetic drug, an addict may experience the following effects:

  • a surge of strength;
  • euphoria;
  • increased activity and energy;
  • self confidence;
  • belief in your own superpowers.

These effects inevitably give way to insomnia and loss of strength. A person experiences strong fear for himself, in particular worried about possible death. He becomes irritable and hot-tempered, a so-called conspiracy theory arises in his head, it seems to him that the whole world is against him and everything around him is fraught with danger.

The worst thing is that after some time the addict loses the ability to experience sincere feelings without a dose of the drug. This occurs due to the interaction of harmful substances with brain receptors, producing conditioned reflexes. That is, everything positive in life begins to be firmly associated with narcotic. This effect is accompanied by the decomposition of the personality and the destruction of the central nervous system - the longer an individual uses the “potion”, the less remains in him human traits. It even gets to the point that some drug addicts cannot get sexual pleasure without “synthetics,” this is especially true for salt.

Consequences of using synthetic drugs

Harm from drug use can be divided into mental and physiological. Unfortunately, some drug addicts do not recognize the harmful consequences of using chemicals, considering all the inconveniences that arise to be temporary effects that will go away immediately after quitting drugs. This is one of the facets of using “synthetics” - a person ceases to be aware of the danger. In addition, due to the destruction of the central nervous system, addicts experience:

  • impaired thinking (some experienced drug addicts are unable to solve simple mathematical problems);
  • attention disorder;
  • memory reduction;
  • insomnia (sometimes drug addicts cannot fall asleep without taking harmful substances).

At the same time, patients experience outbursts of aggression, they become irritable, often aggressive. The world of such people is concentrated around their own person. Drug addicts do not recognize authorities and do not consider themselves sick people. And this despite the fact that they drop out of society and become social outcasts. This perception of the world arises due to changes in the mechanism for assessing situations.

An additional danger lies in the unpredictability of consequences due to the complex and constantly changing chemical formulas of “synthetics”.

Remember, drug use never goes away without a trace!

All synthetic drugs are created and sold solely to profit from human suffering. And due to the emergence of addiction and causing suffering, which can be temporarily eliminated by taking the next dose, it is extremely difficult to give up them!

Signs of synthetic drug use

Despite the fact that “synthetics” cannot be detected by analyzing urine and blood, it will not be possible to hide the fact of drug use by an addict. There are many signs that accurately indicate the disease:

  • during a conversation a person loses the thread of meaning;
  • speech becomes incoherent and illogical;
  • concentration decreases;
  • the addict often experiences euphoria and is in an elevated mood for no apparent reason;
  • having problems sleeping;
  • speech becomes very emotional even during sad conversations;
  • a person becomes boastful, talks a lot about himself and his non-existent successes;
  • there are sudden mood swings from intense joy to aggression;
  • depression;
  • the emergence of suicidal tendencies;
  • the skin turns pale, sometimes covered with ulcers (it happens that the skin, on the contrary, becomes unnaturally ruddy);
  • sudden weight loss.

In addition to these signs, you need to monitor appearance a person suspected of drug addiction. Patients stop taking care of themselves, become sloppy, and sometimes may not wash for several weeks. The home of such people becomes like a landfill - they do not take out the garbage and do not care about eliminating unpleasant odors. Indirect sign It may also be the constant appearance of a person in disadvantaged areas of the city - perhaps synthetic drugs are sold there.

Overdose of "chemistry"

Synthetic drugs have a higher toxic threshold than opiates. This means that it is more difficult to die from an overdose, but it is quite possible to get severe poisoning. It's rare that a drug addict hasn't experienced heavy feeling after taking the next dose. Here are some signs of an overdose of “synthetics”:

  • dilated pupils;
  • tachycardia;
  • sudden surges in blood pressure and pulse;
  • elevated body temperature.

IN in rare cases Coma may occur. However, deaths from synthetic drug overdose are quite rare and most of of these occurs as a result of suicide, not poisoning.

Cleansing the body of synthetic drugs

When treating drug addiction, detoxification should be a mandatory addition to all other procedures. Without partial removal of harmful substances from the body, the harmful effects of the drug will not stop. Why partial? It's simple - as mentioned above, synthetic drugs are not completely eliminated from the body, accumulating in tissues and causing harm for many years, and sometimes throughout life.

Nevertheless, there are ways to reduce the concentration of harmful substances in the body, including homemade ones. Remember that they can only be used in case of overdose to alleviate the symptoms of poisoning and reduce the risk of death:

  • gastric lavage (provides positive effect only with recent use of “chemistry”);
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • drinking milk;
  • reception of sorbents.

These measures cannot replace clinical blood purification, so if necessary, you should urgently contact specialists. It is strictly not recommended to drink tea and coffee in case of poisoning - the central nervous system is already in a state of extreme tension, and these tonic drinks can worsen the situation.

Treatment of addiction to synthetic drugs

The strong connection of “synthetics” with brain receptors, as well as the accumulation of harmful substances in the tissues of the body, make curing addiction a very difficult and sometimes completely impossible task. Some narcologists do not even take on such patients, fearing that treatment will only make things worse. However, there are clinics that specialize in “chemical” addicts, especially those who use salts and spices - the most common synthetic drugs.

Before starting treatment, information is collected about the patient’s existing chronic diseases. The fact is that during therapy they can worsen and give serious complications. For example, in individuals with central nervous system disorders, it is not uncommon to develop schizophrenia (in approximately 30% of cases). This information also allows you to select optimal ways blood purification.

After anamnesis and preliminary examination, the body is detoxified by:

  • plasmapheresis;
  • hemosorption.

During this stage, psychotherapeutic or psychiatric help is often provided. The fact is that treatment for drug addiction is a rather painful process for the patient; he needs the support of both loved ones and specialists.

The final stage of treatment is rehabilitation. It can take from several months to several years and does not always lead to positive results. The central nervous system is too much affected, the personality degenerates too deeply. The main problem at this final stage lies in the fact that former drug addict cannot find new incentives for life, his existence loses its meaning.

This is where not only psychologists, but also relatives should come to the rescue. It is on them, as the closest people, that it depends on whether yesterday’s drug addict will be healthy and cheerful or will go for long and painful treatment in a psychiatric clinic. Yes, he made a mistake and became addicted to drugs, but now he needs help, don’t leave your loved one to the mercy of fate!