Why are people fat and overweight? How to live for a fat person? Physical activity and weight loss. Changing your diet to lose weight

The difference between thin and fat people is not just clothing size. If we look closely at How and why do thin and fat people eat?, then we will see that they are separated by many things.

How do fat people eat? How they eat skinny people
1.Eat quickly.* 1. Eat at a moderate pace or slowly.
2. They eat mechanically, unconsciously (at the computer, in front of the TV, at work). They stop eating only when the plate is empty or heaviness in the stomach appears. They eat out of boredom. * 2. Eat consciously, choose food. Stop eating when you feel full.
3. The normal diet is disrupted. There is no appetite in the morning (they often don’t eat breakfast), and they overeat in the evenings. ** 3. In the morning they have breakfast. Having lunch. They're having dinner. Eat in moderation in the evenings. They have their own diet, which they easily adhere to.
4. Have sweet addiction. The amount of sweets increases with stress, tension, anxiety, negative emotions **/*** 4. Do not use sweets and food to get rid of difficult emotions.
5. Feel guilt after eating. Sometimes they suffer from a global feeling of guilt that interferes with their lives. **/*** 5. Food is natural need, which does not cause feelings of guilt. They feel guilty for specific actions.
6. Gluttony in the form of attacks - 2-3 times more food is absorbed at a time, usually very quickly and often alone.**/*** 6. There are no bouts of gluttony. They may eat more on holidays or on vacation.
7. They eat at night **/*** 7. They don’t eat at night.

As a rule, both thin and fat people eat out of habit, family traditions and education. Some of these habits come from childhood, and are not even realized.
- Why do you eat quickly?
- Don't know. I always eat this way, since childhood. Everyone at home eats quickly.

Other habits appear later, but, as a rule, also exist for a very long time. After all, no one turns to a nutritionist or psychologist after the first time they overate to the point of nausea or vomiting - not on the occasion of a holiday, but because heartache. Internal reasons overeating is often painful and severe, and a person often prefers not to be aware of them, but resorts to food as a medicine that can relieve difficult emotions.
Of course, a person with overweight All 7 habits are not always present, although there are such cases.

* With such habits as eating quickly, in a hurry, eating until your stomach feels heavy, you are quite capable of coping with it yourself.
Now let's start eating mindfully.
To do this, you need to eat at the table, and not in bed, not in an easy chair with a book, and not standing. You should not eat in front of the TV or while working at the computer. After all, at this time your brain is busy with other things and you don’t keep track of what and how much you ate. And as a rule, you stop eating when your plate becomes empty, your stomach feels heavy, or your pack of cookies runs out.
After you eat a piece, put down your spoon and fork before taking another. See what the food looks like and what it smells like. Chew your food slowly and taste each bite.
While eating, ask yourself: Am I really still hungry?

If you are not sure, do small break. Step away from the table, walk around the room, think about what you will do after eating.
If you feel like you're almost full, don't eat anymore. After all, only after 20 minutes the brain will receive a signal from your stomach about saturation.
Follow these simple rules every time you sit down to eat, and after some time you will notice that you begin to eat less food, your stomach will disappear after eating and you will gradually begin to lose weight.

**Restoring a normal diet is the path to achieving normal weight. If you have recently started to gain weight due to a change in diet due to a move, new job or stress, then in most cases it will be enough for you to adjust your regimen, rest, and for others, on the contrary, add activity, and you can return to your usual weight.
If you haven’t had breakfast since childhood and your main meal is in the evening, and you eat dry fast food, then you need the help of a nutritionist to find the right diet. Changing eating habits that you have lived with for many years happens gradually, over several months. The first 2-3 months can be difficult. But it is the restructuring of your diet, and not your diet, that will allow you to get to a normal weight for the rest of your life.

**/*** If you suffer from nighttime overeating, you often have bouts of gluttony under stress and difficult emotions, which are accompanied by feelings of guilt, then you need to consult a nutritionist, in some cases a psychologist.
Many of my clients are offended when I tell them that there are psychological problems, and refuse to discuss them. And a trip to a psychologist is perceived as an emergency and they prefer to solve their problems “in the kitchen” with a neighbor, or more often with the refrigerator. Although in many countries (Russia, unfortunately, is not one of them) work with psychological reasons- This is part of the treatment of eating disorders and obesity.
Only by eliminating the causes of overeating can you achieve a stable, normal weight forever.

Why are there people who are very fat, even fat? - Often, most of the fat people shining on TV screens constantly repeat that they don’t feel out of place at all, that they don’t want to become a regular size or lose a little extra weight. It’s just hard to believe in this.

Those who have been fat at least once in their life (and, believe us, there are a lot of them) understand what we are talking about.

A fat person has more complexes than you have hair on your head!

Any of them is aware of this, but impossibility or unwillingness, laziness or some other reason forces them to remain in the same body.

  • Most often, the reason that they have gained weight lies in their childhood. After all, in order to dial a large number of excess weight should take more than a dozen years.
  • Often the cause of excess weight is an advanced metabolic disorder, due to which the stomach is already stretched, which can no longer absorb small portions of food. Parents often want this. So that their beloved child eats well, that (consciously or not) they themselves are ruining their child’s life.
  • It also happens that the reason for high weight lies in the genes of the person himself, because his mother and father themselves were extremely overweight, which was inherited by the child. Well, another common reason for people being overweight is depression, which people like to binge on sweets and more.

Fat inferiority complex

Most often, it is at school that the most large complex inferiority, from which fat person then suffers all his life. Even at school they begin to tease him with perhaps the most offensive term “fat trust”.

Children are especially afraid of physical education class, where you must demonstrate your weakness by changing clothes or by performing difficult tasks. physical exercise. And around the fat man there will only be laughter from his classmates.

Love and relationships

We will no longer describe as colorfully the problems that arise for such a person in adolescence when he falls in love, and there is practically no chance that they will experience reciprocal feelings for him. Such a person will always be preceded by a person of normal, thin physique (of course, if his thinness is healthy essence, not pathological).


Even from their own friends they always hear often offensive remarks. For example - oh, you know, I just saw our mutual friend, so, can you imagine, he’s even fatter than you!

Or there is that state when you have almost stopped feeling fat, because everyone has long been accustomed to your weight, all the jokes and mockery have already become boring, but suddenly the question is asked - have you always been like this? Then you will again realize that this topic will never be closed to you... Now all you have to do is live in real world, and not in the world of dreams and illusions.

So, Besides all of the above in the form of name-calling, emotional questions and comparisons, what else should they be afraid of?

Thick reflection in the mirror

What a fat man fears most is a large mirror in full height. It is in such a mirror that you see yourself entirely. For example, you can often see yourself in store windows.

What is your full size?

Such people are also afraid of establishments where they have to tell their size, for example, a clothing workshop or store underwear. This is where love comes from old clothes and dislike for any new thing.

They also really dislike tailors who crawl around them endlessly with measuring tapes and unusually loudly announce the results that they managed to take.

Carpal tunnel disease

They also have a great fear of narrow passages, various kinds turnstiles, where they will not be able to fit under any circumstances, because when they were designed it was not at all calculated that people of this size would pass through them. Fat people are quite afraid public transport, where people are not distinguished by modesty and sympathy, so there will definitely be some boor who will begin to be indignant at the size of a fat person, while in this transport there is no place for an ordinary person to breathe.

Shall we dance?

Fat people don't like to go to dances because they move rather awkwardly, because they are not sought after as partners, because they are huge.

Well, the most important thing- They are terribly afraid of scales. Well, there is no need to explain why they have this fear.

Of course, each individual fat person has his own additional fears, which are not included in our list, but still exist.

How can a person live with so much weight and so many complexes?

Resign yourself and live peacefully

Such a person just needs to come to terms with his situation. It is very important to be humble and not show opposite sex aggression. That's when all men will become your friends.

You may not hope that a miracle will happen and you will definitely make someone fall in love with you. Men will always like skinny people anyway - that's a fact. There are exceptions, but they are so rare that the chance that you will be lucky is very small. So it will be easier to set yourself up for failure and live in peace than to hope and tear your heart apart after each failure.

You must come to terms with the fact that your huge body will always contain your tender and fragile soul.

We strongly advise you not to try to radically change the situation and try to frantically lose weight and look like everyone else. The fact is that all your complexes will remain with you, no matter how much weight you manage to lose. You will always remain the same driven fat person inside as you were before.

The current problem of fat people

And the problem with fat people is that when they lose weight, their limbs always lose weight first - that is head, arms and legs, which themselves already have a smaller volume. So, looking at himself in the mirror, a fat person will be deceived that since he has such small limbs, then he himself, in fact, is not so big. At the same time, the opinion of others about him will not change at all.

It’s hard for a fat person to live in our world, but it’s just as hard for a thin, ugly, crippled person to live. So remember that almost every person has some kind of ugliness in his soul, some kind of large complex that goes with him side by side throughout his entire adult life.

Do not miss. . .

How do they live? -

Psychology of weight loss: thin and fat

But, and this is known to many, as soon as you let go of the reins a little, the weight immediately begins to increase, and sometimes even so quickly that we realize when we weigh even more than at the beginning of our weight loss.

The statistics are inexorable: only 5% of those who lose weight manage to maintain the achieved result over the next 12 months.

Causes of failures in weight loss

The causes and mechanisms of these failures are discussed. The versions they call are absolutely fantastic. Like, somewhere inside we have a kind of clock/scale hidden that has lost its settings and now perceives this obviously excess fat mass as normal. And they are trying their best to hold on to it and restore it. I wish we could identify these clocks/scales, understand how they work and “reconfigure” them!

But maybe everything is much simpler? May be, fat people DO NOT KNOW how to live light and cheerful the life of a slim person? They know how to lose weight, but they don’t know how to live as they should. So they take back everything that was thrown away!

And I like this idea much more than fantastic assumptions about built-in regulators. After all, if I turn out to be right, all that will be necessary is to notice those differences in nutrition and behavior slim people, learn to behave the same way, and at least there will be no problems with maintaining weight, and perhaps with losing weight too.

Of course, if these differences were obvious, we would have identified and corrected them long ago. For example, if everyone fat everyone would be gluttons or lazy, then there wouldn’t be a problem: get up, go for a run, don’t eat anything, and you’ll thin!

But firstly, if there is among full people are gluttonous, then there are no more of them than among thin. This is confirmed by serious statistical studies.

Secondly, thin For the most part, they eat quite a bit and don’t particularly exhaust themselves with training. And they don’t go on diets, and they haven’t weighed themselves for years. However, this does not prevent them from remaining year after year. thin.

Thirdly, and from fat Many people try to fast and run, but even if they lose weight, it most often does not last long. So if they are different thick from slim, then these differences are by no means obvious.

From what other direction should we come? Yes, even with this one! The given weight of a person is most often the result of his given lifestyle in a very in a broad sense words. And the way of life consists of a whole mass of elements that are sometimes in rather intricate interaction with each other.

Lifestyle components can be divided into those related to nutrition (more or less fatty meals, frequent or rare, plentiful or not, rich in spices and delicacies or not, with or without alcohol, and so on), related to the image of mobility (physical or mental work, the presence and nature of loads, their nature, intensity, duration...) factors psychological nature- temperament (excitable, fast or, on the contrary, slow, phlegmatic), character (irritable, conflictual or, on the contrary, flexible), attitude to health, to one’s appearance, etc.).

What is the interaction between these factors? Look! The person has had enough sleep, his mood is rather good and he needs much less food. And you can tell a fat person all you want about the diet, what he can and can’t do, but if he doesn’t get enough sleep, following any diet will be painful for him. After all, with food he will “treat himself” from depression associated with lack of sleep.

One moves a lot, plays sports, and he likes it. The other moves even more, spends even more time on training and his training is much more intense. But he doesn't like it at all. He is forced to force himself, to overcome. And it seems that we already understand why he fights and fights every day, but cannot lose weight - permanent background bad mood, anxiety, despair, breakdowns...

Now, without even for a moment forgetting about complex nature we will try to carry out the interaction of factors related to nutrition, physical activity and the psycho-emotional background of a person comparative analysis thin And full of people. Maybe we'll find something?

The role of nutrition and food in weight loss

The eating behavior of people has been studied quite thoroughly. So far, science tells us that thin and fat people eat about the same things in approximately the same quantities. And there is not a single convincing fact that fat people eat more. Gluttonous and small-fed ones are found equally often, both among those and among them.

However, the very formulation of the question, do they eat full more than thin, seems to me methodologically incorrect. Full even if they eat no more than thin people, they clearly eat more than they need, given their tendency to be overweight! Otherwise, we will not explain in any way where they got this overweight, and we don’t understand how to get rid of it. The main thing here is not to rush to conclusions, not to rush to accusations of gluttony. The so-called positive energy balance in people prone to obesity may not occur every day, but only in short periods of life, and not only (and not so much) due to overeating, but also due to lack of energy expenditure.

Conventionally, we can say that full people are either too gluttonous for their given energy expenditure (maybe even relatively large), or they spend too little energy for a given (sometimes very moderate) food consumption.

How to fix the situation? So far, two exits are being looked at. The first, for the gluttonous, is to get used to eating little, to become a little eater. The second, more suitable for fat little ones, is to get used to moving more.

But how can you determine what type of nutrition you are?

I suggest the following - for one to two weeks we carefully keep a food diary. Then we calculate the calorie and fat content of the daily diet, and at the same time note the frequency of meals and the difference in calorie content between individual meals.

If it turns out that the calorie content of your diet is on average more than 2800-30002, the fat content exceeds 50 grams per day, you eat less than 3 times a day, your diet contains meals (say, dinner) that account for more than a half daily caloric intake, you are characterized by so-called food excesses, when for several days under stress or under the influence of reasons unknown to you, you consume an unnaturally large amount of food, then more effort you need to spend it on correcting your diet.

How to reduce its calorie content? It is better to approach this issue without fanaticism. Remember slim The people we strive to become, most often do not go on any diets and do not exhaust themselves with prohibitions. So we shouldn't. It will be enough to make meals more frequent, reduce portion sizes, redistribute foods so that there are more low-fat foods than fatty ones, treat treats wisely, at least try to eat them after meals, and not instead...

If the calorie content of your diet does not exceed 2000 - 2200 kcal, you do not particularly abuse fatty foods, eat at least 4 times a day, and food excesses are not particularly typical for you, then you should not particularly worry about your nutrition. Most likely, the matter is not in relative overeating, but in some lack of physical activity.

Of course, some principles of rationalization of nutrition will not hurt you, but you should not especially nightmare yourself with diets - this is not your case. The most common reaction of your body to a half-starvation diet will not be weight loss, but an even deeper suppression of energy expenditure.

If the prevailing tendency cannot be identified, then correction must be carried out in both directions - both activating mobility and learning to eat little.

Physical activity and weight loss

Now let's talk about how to increase your physical activity. I would advise everyone to get active. Especially when you consider that nutrition and mobility are related in a rather bizarre way.

For example, under conditions of physical inactivity, food consumption increases. This can be confirmed by a phenomenon known to many - on weekends, the calorie content of our diet is on average 20-25% more than on weekdays.

But excessive activity, the so-called high-intensity training, which leaves behind a long trail of fatigue, also contributes to overeating.

It turns out that exercise is optimal for losing weight and maintaining weight. medium intensity- walks, recreational walking. After such exercises, muscle tone increases, which means their consumption increases. nutrients, including fat.

What healthy walking helps you lose weight much better than intense running, are now being confirmed more and more scientific research. And this is good: we will walk, especially since it is much more pleasant than running.

But I would like to draw your attention to the following circumstance: I have often noticed that thin people, unlike fat, seem to be such fidgets. They move and make a lot of small movements. They will stand up, sit down, stand up again, rearrange something on the table, adjust it... And even when they sit, they are also in motion: they gesticulate animatedly, sway, they have an active posture, they don’t spread out in the chair, their face is filled with facial expressions...

Of course, such “groovy” people can be found among full, but, it seems to me, still less often than among thin. But we don’t say that the overweight people are all couch potatoes. In our case, we are not talking about laziness, but about an imbalance between consumed and expended energy. A person can be short-lived but still spend energy very sparingly. If only he could become such a fidget! But how, how?!

I assure you, it is not difficult - each of us has a complete set of all behavior programs in our arsenal, characteristic of people- from the quiet “quieter than water, lower than the grass” to the fire-breathing dragon “just touch it!” It’s just that in our daily lives we use a very limited set of programs.

So, feel free to turn on your “fidget.” Sit with your back straight, maintain tension, rock back and forth or side to side, shake your head, move your arms. Do this whenever you remember that you should do it. Of course, at first it will be unusual and awkward, but gradually you will get used to it.

I recommend the following as exercises. Surely you have a girlfriend, a kind of fidget. Wonderful! Chat with her, visit her, take her to the cinema or to shopping mall. And while she goes about her business, try to copy her posture, gestures, and repeat movements. This is probably how, or something like this, the artist gets used to his new role. Speaking of actors, try playing the role of, say, Julia Roberts or Julia Rutberg for a few days. But these are very lively, active and slender people!

Some of my patients were helped to rebuild their motor image by a technique that can roughly be called “Live by dancing!” They imagined that nearby there was music suitable for a fast dance, say rock and roll, and they seemed to be listening to this music dancing. And indeed, at the same time, their gait changed, it became more springy, their posture changed, and their tone increased.

Finally, the psycho-emotional sphere of a person and weight loss

No one disputes the fact that the anxiety we feel can prompt us to consume more tasty foods in order to calm down. Indeed, treats are comforting. And since these are mainly excess fatty and excess fatty foods, it becomes clear that the more anxiety, the greater the likelihood of being overweight.

However, according to science, overeating during anxiety is not typical for all people. There are also those who, under the same conditions, on the contrary, eat less, but move more, fuss, run from corner to corner. As we say, they can’t find a place for themselves.

And we can hear the story of how a girl changed jobs and ended up in such a quarrelsome team that constant stress I ate and ate, and in a year I gained 10 kilograms. And then another girl will tell us that, having found herself in the same conditions, she completely lost her appetite and lost the same 10 kilograms from her worries. What I mean is that the point is not in the nature of the conflict that generates anxiety, but in the nature of the response. Under the same conditions, some eat more, others eat less.

But if you have problems with weight and also overeat when anxious (even if not every time), or, which is also important, you feel increased anxiety when you try to “go on” a diet, you need to take action. Which? Or worry less or use “sedatives” not related to food. Or somehow combine the first and second. Regarding the first one effective advice looks like that.

If you are haunted by conflicts, if anxiety and depression interfere with your life, it’s time to work with a psychologist. Mental pain is, in principle, not much different from toothache. Both of them spoil your mood and prevent you from sleeping. But for some reason, if something happens to our teeth, we don’t run to a friend and tell her for hours how painful it is and how bad we feel. Because we know that with a toothache you need to go to the dentist. But when we experience mental pain, instead of turning to a specialist, we start calling our friends and complaining about those around us: how callous and heartless they are, how they don’t love us, don’t appreciate us, but only offend and frustrate us.

And of course, you should remember that not only food, but also a good bath, a walk and good sleep protect against stress. Try doing tonic exercises or dancing when you're nervous! You will see - the anxiety has decreased. Why? Because the brain is fed nerve impulses from working muscles, from moving joints. These impulses increased tone, improved mood, and gave rise to more pleasant thoughts.

These are the tips we got. We agree that they are not yet in the mainstream. More often than not, to lose weight, people figure out what they can and cannot eat, and how long (and at what intensity) they should exercise. However, for most, all these diets and workouts do not help. So let's try to get closer in nutrition and lifestyle to those we are trying to be like.

Some of us will become more moderate in our eating, others will be more active and fussy, others will learn “non-food” techniques for getting rid of stress, and others will gradually gain a little from both nutrition and mobility. In any case, it seems to me that they will benefit from this much more than from newfangled diets and grueling workouts.

Every third person on the planet suffers from extra pounds, but why does this happen? But the whole point is that people are always in a hurry somewhere and do not pay due attention to their nutrition.

Because of this, the metabolism in the body is disrupted, which leads to obesity. There are 10 reasons why a person gets fat.

1. More than 40% of people on our planet gain extra pounds by “ nervous soil" During a stressful period, a person develops an incredible appetite, which leads to obesity. In such cases, you should contact a psychologist so that he can prescribe you sedatives.

2. People who work in an office sit in front of a computer monitor all day, then get into their car and drive home. There they will find a hearty dinner and a soft sofa. They don't realize that they've done very little movement all day. The best thing to do is, when you come home, take a tracksuit out of the closet and go to the gym.

3. Another reason for gaining extra pounds is physical inactivity. A person who eats a lot and moves little accumulates a large amount of calories in the body. We need to get rid of them. For this the best remedy is walking, dancing, cycling or doing fitness.

4. Many people often pay attention to the genetic factor in the family. If your relatives are large, and the table is always full of dishes, then this is far from an indication that you, too, will reach their size. Should be broken family stereotypes and eat right.

5. One of the 10 reasons why a person gets fat is the increased production of certain hormones. In such cases, the person dials excess weight, jumps high arterial pressure, men's libido decreases, and women's menstrual cycle gets disrupted. In such cases, you should consult a doctor, because such indicators are harbingers of a serious illness.

6. Weight gain can also be one of the signs of diabetes. You should not delay going to the endocrinologist and taking some tests. After all, timely treatment is the key to your health.

7. A person may begin to gain weight, suffer from constipation, and feel constant fatigue– This may be caused by low amounts of essential hormones in your body. The reasons may vary, so get your thyroid checked.

8. During the onset of PMS, half of women may experience a sharp increase in appetite, drowsiness and irritability. All this will immediately pass as soon as menstruation ends. But after this, you should check your hormonal levels, because if they are disturbed, the woman gets fat.

9. A person gets fat due to the fact that he has chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart, and improper functioning. digestive system. Extra pounds appear due to edema that accumulates in your body.

10. The tenth reason on our list why we get fat is hormonal imbalance. These are women expecting a child and adolescents at the age of puberty. During such periods in human body Several systems are rebuilt at the same time, and weight fluctuations also occur.