An animal that does not exist in nature. Psychological test "Nonexistent animal"

Every year our planet suffers more and more from human population. Water, forests, air - all this has already been poisoned by man. Along with the forests, animals are also disappearing. Today we decided to show you who could inhabit our planet to this day if not for the neglect of man...


Tarpans are fast and extremely hardy, energetic animals, very angry and wild, resistant to domestication in adulthood.

In the 13th and 14th centuries they were the object of intensive hunting. In some cases, they were caught and ridden; the Lithuanian princes caught tarpans in Belovezhskaya Pushcha to repair the horses and supply the army with meat. The last wild tarpan was killed in 1814 in the territory of the modern Kaliningrad region.

Dodo, or Mauritian dodo

The dodo lived in Mauritius for several centuries, completely without fear of its natural enemies, which simply did not exist on the island. That is why the bird was flightless - it simply had no one to hide from.

The bird was first seen in 1598 by Dutch sailors, and literally 100 years later it was completely exterminated - both the travelers themselves and the animals that the colonists brought to Mauritius tried. Just think for yourself how attractive a dinner from a 20-kilogram bird, the closest relatives of which are considered to be modern pigeons, was for sailors.

Sea cow

Steller's cow lived off the coast of the Commander Islands and had not only low mobility, enormous size and a complete lack of fear of humans, but also delicious meat. The latter was the reason that less than 30 years after its discovery, the sea cow was completely exterminated.

Passenger pigeon

The decline in the number of pigeons took place at a more or less smooth pace until about 1870, after which in less than 20 years their numbers decreased simply catastrophically and the last pigeon in the wild was seen in 1900.

Passenger pigeons survived in captivity until 1914, when the last bird, Martha, died at the Cincinnati Zoo.

North African cow antelope

The hunting for them was so active that during the last few decades of their existence, cow antelopes were found only in truly inaccessible places in several African states, until they became completely extinct by the middle of the last century.

Javan tiger

Back in the 19th century, the Javan tiger was found throughout the island of Java and regularly annoyed its inhabitants. Maybe this was one of the reasons for the active hunt for it, or maybe something else, but the fact remains: by 1950, only 20-25 individuals remained alive on the island.

Moreover, half of these tigers lived in the territory of a specially created reserve. But even this was not enough to save the population, and by 1970 their number had dropped to seven individuals. The exact timing of the Javan tiger's extinction remains unknown, but it most likely occurred in the mid-1970s.

From time to time there are reports that a Javan tiger has been seen again in Java, or even a mother with several cubs, but there is no documented evidence that tigers have actually survived in the wild.

Zanzibar leopard

The extermination campaign began in the second half of the 1960s, and after just 30 years there were almost no Zanzibar leopards left in the wild. Scientists began to sound the alarm in the early 90s of the last century, but a few years later the program to preserve the species was curtailed as unpromising.

Iberian ibex

One of the four species of Spanish wild goat known to science, which, unlike the others, was not lucky to survive to this day. The last known representative of this species died a completely ridiculous death - he was crushed by a falling tree.

Scientists were able to take samples of its DNA and they attempted to create a clone of the ibex, but unfortunately, the cloned cub died soon after birth due to various birth defects.

Western black rhinoceros

This subspecies of black rhinoceros was declared extinct just a couple of years ago. He became a victim of regular hunting in his habitat, in Cameroon. Rhinoceros horns, used in Chinese medicine to treat numerous diseases, were considered the most valuable to poachers.

Tasmanian wolf

The Tasmanian or marsupial wolf, also known as the thylacine, lived on mainland Australia and the island of New Guinea. For the first time, its habitat changed after dingoes were transported to New Guinea by people. The latter forced the marsupial wolf out of its usual habitat, and in our time it “moved” to live on the island of Tasmania.

It is believed that the last marsupial wolf was killed on May 13, 1930, and in 1936, the last marsupial wolf kept in captivity died of old age in an Australian zoo.

Woolly Mammoth

It is believed that this type of mammoth first appeared in Siberia about 300-250 thousand years ago and gradually spread to Europe and North America. The dimensions of mammoths were not as huge as most people not very familiar with history believe: they were only slightly larger than modern elephants.

Mammoths lived in groups, led by the eldest female, and constantly moved from place to place, since an adult mammoth required about 180 kilograms of food daily. Which - and this is obvious - does not imply marking time in one place.

The completely woolly mammoth disappeared about 10 thousand years ago. And although there are many theories about why they became extinct (loss of genetic diversity, climate change, epidemic outbreak, etc.), modern research is increasingly inclined to believe that it was the hand of man that dealt the final blow to this type of mammoth.


Extinct giant birds of the order Moaidae. Lived in New Zealand. They did not have wings (or even their rudiments). There are 15 known species, all extinct: the largest of them, Dinornis robustus and Dinornis novaezelandiae, reached a height of about 3.6 m and weighed about 250 kg. According to their feeding method, they were herbivores (they ate leaves, shoots, and fruits). It is believed that the moa became extinct around 1500, destroyed by the Maori aborigines. According to unconfirmed evidence, individual representatives of the species Megalapteryx didinus were still encountered at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries.


Order (Tinamiformes Huxley, 1872) and family (Tinamidae G. R. Gray, 1840) of ratites native to South and Central America. Despite their similarity to chickens, the closest relatives of the hidden tails are the ostriches.

Great auk

This large bird was exterminated in the mid-19th century. Due to the weak development of her wings, she could not fly, she walked on land with difficulty, but she swam and dived superbly. Back in the 16th century, Icelanders collected boatloads of great auk eggs, but the last two birds were killed in 1844, and there have been no reports of these birds since then.

Carolina parrot

extinct bird of the parrot family. The only species of the genus. Body length 32 cm, wing length - 19 cm, wingspan - 55 cm, tail length 15 cm. The main color of the plumage is dark grass-green. The front of the head and sides are orange-red. The incessant persecution of individuals was explained by the damage these parrots caused to fields and fruit trees. The last two individuals remain at the Cincinnati Zoo. Their names were Lady Jane and Incas. But, unfortunately, Lady Jane died in the summer of 1917, followed by Incas in February 1918. Wild birds were last seen in 1926 in Florida, in the vicinity of Lake Okeechobee, and rumors of sightings of Carolina parrots spread in the states of Florida, Alabama, and Georgia until 1938. How accurate this information is is unknown.

In modern society, psychology is actively developing. Now almost every organization strives to include a psychologist on its staff. What is it for? To know the emotional state of employees, help them relieve stress, and provide assistance in solving various problems. The “Non-existent animal” test allows you to consider many without taking up much of the employee’s time. In this article we will try to learn more about this technique.

Psychological test "Nonexistent animal"

In general, an experienced psychologist will tell you that it would be more correct to conduct not one, but four tests with animals. This is necessary in order to fully “see” the psychological portrait of a person. These are the tests:

  • "Non-existent animal"
  • "Evil animal"
  • "Happy Animal"
  • "Unfortunate animal."

But still, the main and most informative option is the first option, which is most often used by practicing psychologists around the world. The remaining options can also be taken for analysis, but as an addition to the main test.

For the first time, the “Nonexistent Animal” method was proposed by M. Dukarevich, but then it did not gain such popularity, it was refined and tested. Although already in those days it was clear that this technique could provide a lot of useful information. Nowadays, psychologists more often resort to the methodological instructions of A. Wenger and, based on his transcripts, give the results of “The Non-Existent Animal”.

Understanding the theory behind this technique or any others similar to it is quite simple. When drawing, a person depicts on paper everything that happens in his soul. And he doesn’t do this on purpose. His subconscious works for him. This is a projective test “Non-existent animal”, the decoding of which shows us the inner world of the person being tested. Here everything is expressed in the form of lines: character traits, fears, desires, pressing problems and much more.

The psychologist’s task in the “Nonexistent Animal” test is to interpret the results, i.e. understand why a person drew this or that line, why one has sharp corners, while another has them all rounded. Here you can find answers to many questions. And sometimes people, listening to the results, are surprised how a psychologist can know such innermost secrets. But they themselves told about everything by drawing a picture.

You cannot be completely sure that a drawing test like “Non-existent animal” will give a result that will be correct. This is influenced by many factors. If you need a more serious and accurate assessment of the internal state, then use When processing the results of the “Nonexistent Animal”, a psychologist can give an exclusively subjective assessment. These are just hypotheses that require confirmation by the person being tested.

Having received the test results, the psychologist compares them with the patient’s statements, his behavior, emotional state, makes inquiries about how the person lives and what worries him at a given time.

Validation and testing

Before using a methodology in practice, it must be validated and tested. What is this? This is a kind of test for accuracy. Researchers take a group of people and find out in advance about their life situation, their problems and desires, and then ask them to draw an animal that does not exist. According to the “Non-existent animal” test, the interpretation of the results from the psychologist is compared with the data that is actually available. If these indicators have something in common, then the hypothesis is considered accepted and the next stage begins.

Now researchers will need a group of people about whom nothing is known. They are asked to draw the same animal, and then process the results. If during the study it was revealed that in this group there is a person who has tendencies towards psychopathy, additional testing is carried out. If this diagnosis is also confirmed and experts recognize him as a psychopath, then the technique can be officially considered valid and tested, and can also be used by all psychologists.

What does the drawing hide?

With this test you can find out:

  1. At what level is the subject’s mental development?
  2. Which approach to reality prevails: emotional or rational?
  3. At what level is psychomotor tone, is activity increased or decreased?
  4. Does a person know how to control himself and whether he plans his future actions, and we can also say about his impulsiveness.
  5. Which is at a higher level: validity or rigidity.
  6. Is anxiety present in the person’s character, and at what level is it at the time of the study?
  7. What fears predominate and how strong are they?
  8. Do you have depressive tendencies?
  9. How the patient reacts to stressful situations.
  10. Does the person show aggression, and if so, in what form.
  11. Who is the subject: an extrovert or an introvert?
  12. How demonstrative his actions and expressions are.
  13. Is his need for communication satisfied?
  14. Perhaps he himself avoids communicating with others.
  15. Is he a full-fledged member of society?
  16. Are there antisocial tendencies?
  17. What is the attitude towards the sexual sphere, are there any problems in this area, and if so, of what nature.
  18. How does the subject feel about family issues, is this topic important to him, and what kind of relationship does he have with individual relatives?


To pass the "Nonexistent Animal" test you will need a pencil and a white sheet of paper. The task is to draw an animal that does not exist anywhere in the world. This may include parts of other animals, but not an exact copy of them.

It is advisable that the subject be in silence and without unnecessary witnesses. He should not think about any problems or be distracted by extraneous conversations. Now let's look at the options for which non-existent animals can be encountered during the test and what each stroke means.

Figure location

In the Nonexistent Animal test, interpretation begins by considering the position of the drawing on a piece of paper. This detail can tell a lot about your self-esteem and position in society.

If your animal is drawn in the upper corner of the sheet, then this indicates that you have too high self-esteem, you love yourself very much and are always happy with any of your actions. And at the same time, this is a sign that you are not happy with how others evaluate you. By placing the drawing in such a place, you are trying to show what heights you plan to achieve. And also the fact that you direct all your efforts to please others, or rather, strive to meet the standards that are accepted in your social circle.

The animal located at the bottom of the page speaks of low self-esteem. You are not confident in your own abilities and are extremely indecisive. Most likely, you have simply resigned yourself to what is happening around you and are not trying to change anything. In other words, “go with the flow.” Although nothing can be said unequivocally. This may be due to fatigue or events that are happening in your life at the time of testing.

Another thing to say is that if the animal is on the left side of the sheet, then you have stopped in the past and do not want to leave it. The right side says that a person thinks a lot about his future, makes plans and tries to realize his dreams. Those who live in the present and do not look back at the past, and also do not look to the future, prefer to draw in the middle of the sheet.

The look of an incredible beast

In the test, the non-existent animal is interpreted in relation to where the drawn miracle is looking. Animals are looking to the left, the authors of which are prone to introspection. Such people quite often engage in replaying conversations in their heads that have already passed and trying to come up with wittier phrases. In most cases, the invented remarks would have been more successful at the moment of communication, but, unfortunately, the brilliant thought did not occur to the subject. The authors of such drawings are usually people who have quite serious intentions, but all of them remain only in thoughts.

If the animal’s head or gaze is directed to the right, then this is a better sign. This is evidence that, unlike the previous subject, you not only plan a lot, but also try to do it all in a timely manner. Such people have many friends and are valued at work. Because they know what to do and how to do it. Let's face it, everyone likes to deal with a person who makes a promise and then keeps it.

Self-centered individuals have a non-existent animal staring them straight in the eye. This may also be a sign that this is a fairly sociable person who communicates a lot and easily makes new friends. Such people are always noticeable even in a large company. They joke a lot and quickly find a common language with new acquaintances. There is always something to talk about with them.

In addition to individual details, pay attention to which direction the entire figure is directed more. The ideal location is considered to be in three dimensions simultaneously: future, present and past. This is evidence that the author is a completely happy person who knows how to enjoy life, he has already achieved certain heights and knows what he wants.

The animal can be moved to the left. This usually happens in people who experienced some striking negative events in childhood. This also includes such incidents as the divorce of parents or the death of a loved one, and there are also not very serious problems, but they greatly influenced the child’s psyche and now even in adulthood haunt them. But these are not always echoes of the distant past; it is quite possible that something happened in the subject’s life quite recently and does not give him a peaceful life.

If the paper shows that the drawing goes far to the right, then this is a sign that the person is trying to protect himself from something. Perhaps these are events that occur during this period, but it is possible that these are incidents from a past life. Such people usually dream a lot, they see themselves in the distant future and try to run away from their present selves as far as possible.

General impression

When analyzing a non-existent animal, a psychologist can consider not only individual details, but the entire work. As in living nature, animals in the pictures may have some classification, or rather they are divided into:

  • Those who threaten people around them (they have sharp teeth, fangs or claws).
  • Those who are in danger from others (cute animals that are not capable of offending anyone).
  • Those who have threatening body parts, but at the same time resemble a cute defenseless bunny.

Be that as it may, the drawn animal is a reflection of the subject. This is how he sees himself in this world. Let's look at this section in more detail.

If the depicted individual wears human clothing or is simply able to walk upright, then its author has not yet matured emotionally. He's too childish. Typically, normal adults do not add genitals to their animals. This is the lot of young children who do not yet understand what they can draw and what it is better to refuse. But if such organs are visible, then this is a sign of a disturbed psyche. Any hints of sexual characteristics are a signal that a person has an unhealthy fixation on sex, which is not considered the norm.

Proportions and sizes

The drawing may be of medium size and not stand out too much, but its presence on the sheet will be quite harmonious. This suggests that the subject has a positive attitude towards the world and himself. He is happy with his life and has no evil intentions. He is satisfied with his surroundings, he does not hold a grudge against his acquaintances and, perhaps, does not even have enemies.

A drawing that is too large is overt narcissism. Small children prefer to draw big animals. In this way, kids try to portray their high self-esteem. Another reason for the appearance of a huge beast on an adult’s leaf is a kind of protection of the individual from the influence of others. And such animals are also drawn by people who have recently experienced severe stress.

It remains to understand the reason for the appearance of small animals on paper. Usually these are present in people who have mental problems. Such images are rare. This happens when testing people with schizophrenia or other mental illnesses. In addition to the small creatures at the bottom of the pages, mentally ill people like to depict diagrams and outlines. Moreover, depicting absolutely illegible drawings, they see in them historical figures, famous people or representatives of fauna.

Lines and contours

Quite often, people, without even meaning it, try to provide their animals with protection. And if in living nature we are accustomed to seeing horns, shells, needles and other “weapons,” then on paper these can be completely random lines that, one way or another, protrude above the animal. Sometimes they are made a little bolder than the rest. This is considered protection for a fictional pet. But what is much more interesting for a psychologist is not what they look like, but what side they are located on.

If such a shell covers the animal from above, like a turtle, then the subject is trying to protect himself from those who are higher than him: superiors, parents, authorities, etc. If the author tries to ensure the safety of the lower part, then this indicates that the person is afraid for his authority. At the bottom there is protection from people who occupy an equal position with him, or are even one step lower.

Armor can be drawn on both sides. Such people are ready for any blows in life. They can fight back against anyone. Particular attention should be paid to the elements on the right side. A sign that a person is ready to defend his opinion to the end. He is absolutely sure that he is right.

There are times when a certain line on an animal’s body stands out especially strongly. This is a sign that the subject is very anxious or is expecting some kind of blow in the near future. Below is an example of a non-existent animal that shows what methods of defense may exist. But this is only a small part of what the subjects’ imagination is capable of.

Bottom part

When determining the results in the “Nonexistent Animal” test, you need to pay special attention to the legs. Here, like the eyes, we can say that they are the mirror of the soul. So, if the legs are well drawn, then this indicates that the subject is confident in himself and in his own abilities, knows exactly what he wants and how he can achieve his goal. But the legs may be poorly visible or absent altogether. Such drawings prevail among people who have an impulsive character and are too frivolous. Please note that there may be support under frail legs. It plays the role of strong, clearly visible legs and has a corresponding interpretation.

If the legs are poorly or not at all connected to the body, then you have a person who likes to talk a lot, but even himself, sometimes, does not understand the meaning of his sayings. You shouldn't expect him to keep his word. But if you see that the legs and body are tightly connected, then you can trust this person. He speaks confidently and understands the essence of his expressions. Most often, such people keep their promise.

The lower limbs can be absolutely identical: every line, bend, drawing. This is how conformists draw. They rarely generate new original ideas. But if the animal’s legs look in different directions or, in general, each of them is busy with its own business, then you have a creative person in front of you. She always has her own opinion and does not depend on the criticism of those around her.


Large heads are depicted by those who prefer rational thinking. They cultivate such qualities not only in themselves, but also value them in the people around them. If the animal has particularly large ears, then this means a very curious person. He is not only interested in the attitude of others towards him, but also tries to learn more about what is happening around him.

Next you should consider the mouth. If the animal’s tongue is open, and its tongue is still sticking out, then the subject is very talkative. He loves to talk and gossip. Sensual people place special emphasis on their lips and draw them well. In some of the drawings, the teeth stand out. This is observed in people who are prone to verbal aggression. Moreover, such aggression manifests itself only if a person is forced to defend himself. It happens that the animal’s mouth is slightly open, but the teeth and tongue are not visible there. Such a person is very suspicious and is always in a state of alert.

The nose has been considered a phallic symbol for many years, but only if you do not analyze the drawing of a man. In this case, it is considered a completely expected component of the face. But if a girl focuses on this organ, then this is a clear sign that she is not sexually satisfied, and her boyfriend needs to think about it. When subjects draw eyes, they may place special emphasis on the pupils. This is a sign that at the moment something is very bothering them or they are wary. Eyelashes are added by those who are very concerned about their appearance; it is especially inappropriate for men to add this detail.

And the finishing touches: hair, which is often simply copied from oneself. But sometimes hairstyle is an indicator of sexual orientation. If horns or other sharp objects are clearly visible on the head, then this is a clear sign of aggression. It may simply be a defensive reaction or, conversely, express a tendency to attack people. Only the author of the image can say more precisely about their purpose. But if a hairpin or feather or other object serving as decoration is woven into the hairstyle, then this is nothing more than a desire to stand out.

Additional touches

Quite often, people add organs or body parts to their animals that don't play a big role, but are a great way to attract attention from others. Such items are:

  • tails;
  • feathers;
  • tassels;
  • curls and much more.

If you see any additional limbs on an animal: a third leg, wings and other “accessories,” then you are looking at a person who is trying to cover too many activities at once. This may be evidence that the subject is simply a multifaceted personality who has many interests and develops comprehensively. But these body parts can also have a negative message. For example, the fact that a person minds his own business and often bothers others with his advice or gives them unnecessary information, or perhaps tries to do someone else’s work.

The tail is that part of the body that is always behind and pursues its owner. In the drawing of a non-existent animal, it personifies all the deeds done previously, various intentions and even words that have been or will be spoken. A tail that points to the right is a sign that the subject has big plans for the future and will soon try to realize them. But if to the left, then the person cannot let go of the past and periodically returns to those events. And also pay attention to where the tail is pointing. If up, then the subject is proud of everything he has accomplished in the past, or expects great victories in the near future. And if down, a person regrets things done earlier, or is afraid to look into the future.


The “Draw a non-existent animal” test is almost complete. The last step is choosing a name. It should be as original as the drawn animal. This is where your imagination can run wild. And, what is most interesting, each part of the name carries some meaning. Look carefully at your drawing of a non-existent animal and think about what nickname you can give it.

Often people simply combine parts of already known words, and something unusual comes out. This style is characteristic of those who have predominant rational thinking. These people try to do everything strictly according to instructions and always follow the instructions they receive. They make excellent workers.

There are names that are somewhat reminiscent of scientific ones. In this way, people try to show their intelligence and erudition. They are generally very confident in their abilities, most likely read a lot and can support almost any conversation. Sometimes, subjects don't think about the name for too long and just write down a set of sounds. This is what frivolous people and those for whom the aesthetic side is more important than the rational do. In everyday life, they often commit rash acts.

Funny names are chosen by those who like to laugh at others, and not always in a positive light. Perhaps the person just really likes to make fun of people, point out their shortcomings or weaknesses. You need to be careful when communicating with them. Names made from repeated sounds, for example, “Nuf-Nuf”, are chosen by infantile individuals. And those who like to fantasize and those who live in their own imaginary world call their animals very long names.

So we looked at the interpretation of the technique of a non-existent animal. All this data will help you get to know yourself, understand many problems, and find answers to pressing questions.

In order to deeply explore the personality of a child (less often an adult), to identify existing problems and difficulties, psychologists often use the “Nonexistent Animal” test.

The instructions are simple - on an A4 sheet you are asked to draw an animal that does not exist in nature and give it a name. Drawing can be done with simple or colored pencils. It is not advisable to use a pen or felt-tip pens, as they do not allow you to accurately evaluate the drawing.

The interpretation of a drawing is quite complex and ambiguous, so it must be done through a dialogue with the “artist”, his explanations and clarifications.

1. Placement of the drawing Normally, the drawing should be located in the middle of the sheet. If he gravitates towards the upper edge, this may indicate the subject’s inflated self-esteem and dissatisfaction with his place in society. If the drawing is located at the bottom of the sheet, then this indicates self-doubt and indecision.

Shift to the right side - extroversion, tendency to rebellion, leadership, activity. To the left - introversion, shyness, inactivity, passivity.

2. Body parts a. The head is one of the central figures. Larger than all other parts of the body - the desire for intellectual development. Turning the head to the right side means high determination, partly stubbornness.

Turning to the left means a tendency to think, fantasize, and a well-developed imagination. Full face – the subject’s focus on himself, egocentrism.

B. Eyes Large, well-drawn and wide open eyes – fear. Eyelashes - the desire to be the center of attention, the need for attention, approval.

V. Rot Teeth – verbal defense, aggression. Language is the need for communication. An open mouth without teeth or tongue, shaded – distrust, caution. Well-drawn lips are romantic and emotional.

D. Ears Symbolize the child's need for information. The more ears, the more important for the subject what others say and think about him. e. The animal’s paws (support) If the paws are solid, strong, and of the same size, then this is interpreted as the “artist’s” inclination towards rationality, thoughtfulness of actions, and the ability to make decisions. If the paws are small, then this indicates a certain frivolity, a lack of personal judgment or their surface. Attaching the paws to the body also has its own interpretation and speaks about the ability of the subjects to control their judgments and statements.

E. Tail. Also very important for interpretation. Raised up - cheerfulness, lowered - dissatisfaction with oneself. Branching or the presence of several tails in the picture is inconsistency of self-esteem or dependence.

D. Additionally, elements such as horns (protection from aggression), feathers (desire to assert oneself, demonstrativeness), mane, hairstyle, wool (sensuality) may appear in the picture. Protrusions along the edges indicate danger. Shell - closedness from others, psychological protection (especially if the shell is equipped with spikes, scales and other elements). Decorative parts (decorations) are drawn by subjects who want to attract attention to themselves.

3. Lines Bold with pressure, shading - children prone to increased anxiety. Weak, cobweb-like lines are extremely sensitive, vulnerable, easily tired children. Solid and neat lines – self-confidence and strength, strength of character.

4. Title. It also carries information about the child’s character. Recurring elements – infantilism, immaturity. Long names - a tendency to fantasize, creative people Names without any meaning - lightness of character, frivolous attitude towards the environment. Humorous names are a simple and open attitude to what surrounds. The functional name is rationality. What I just talked about in my article is only a small part of the interpretation of the drawing, however, this is enough to understand and evaluate the existing problems. And of course, don’t be scared if you see huge fangs, horns and wide-open eyes in your baby’s drawing. Try to find out why he drew it, what worries him. After all, very often the solution to a problem lies on the surface and it costs just a little effort to sort it out.

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Over the past 500 years, 844 species of animals and plants have become completely extinct, according to data published in 2008 by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

In this collection we write about species that fell into the category of extinct quite recently, in the 21st century.

Abingdon elephant tortoise

This extinct subspecies of Galapagos, or elephant, tortoise, which inhabited the uninhabited island of Pinta (Ecuador), was described by Albert Gunther in 1877. But already at that time, most individuals of the subspecies were exterminated by hunters.

Lonesome George, photo from 2007:

By the mid-20th century, it was believed that there were no Abingdon elephant tortoises left on Earth. However, in 1971, researchers discovered a male of this subspecies, who later received the nickname Lonesome George.

Lonesome George, photo taken October 2008:

To preserve the last Abingdon elephant tortoise, scientists moved it to the Charles Darwin Research Station on St. Croix. There, for decades, Lonesome George was crossed with other subspecies of elephant tortoises, but all attempts were unsuccessful.

Lonely George and his caretaker:

The Abingdon elephant tortoise was declared a functionally extinct subspecies and officially became so on June 24, 2012, when Lonesome George died.

Lonely George:

Spotted green pigeon

Scientists know little about the biology, causes of extinction, or even the habitat of this extinct bird. To date, only a single specimen of the species exists, discovered in French Polynesia between 1783 and 1823. Today it is on display in one of the National Museums in Liverpool.

The spotted green pigeon reached 32 cm in length and had a deep green color. Judging by its small wings, not exceeding 17.5 cm, scientists suggested that the species inhabited an island on which it had no predators. In addition, the color of the bird allows us to conclude that, most likely, it lived in the forest. Ornithologist David Gibbs also believes the bird may have lived on the island of Tahiti, as in 1928 locals told him about a mysterious green bird with white spots they called a "titi". According to the scientist, the titi could very well be a spotted green pigeon.

The spotted green pigeon was added to the list of extinct species in 2008.

Spotted green pigeon, 1823:


This subspecies of the Iberian goat formerly inhabited the Iberian Peninsula, and was particularly common in the Cantabrian Mountains and the northern part of the Pyrenees.

Males differed from females in the size of their horns. Thus, bucardo males were characterized by large, thick horns, having a ribbed surface and curving back, while females had short ones. There is an opinion that one “rib” on the horn of a male bucardo corresponded to a year in the animal’s life, and the total number of “ribs” made it possible to judge its age.

Bucardos ate plant foods and migrated depending on the time of year. In the spring, during the mating season, this subspecies preferred elevated parts of the mountains, and in winter it migrated to mountain valleys, which, as a rule, were not covered with snow.

The subspecies was widespread until the 19th century, but by 1900 its numbers had declined to approximately 100 individuals. Already since 1910, only 40 individuals of the bucardo remained, and they could only be found in the Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park in the Spanish province of Huesca.

The subspecies was declared extinct in 2000, when the last female, named Celia, died. In January of the same year, scientists tried to clone Bucardo using the DNA of the deceased Celia. However, the attempt turned out to be a failure.

What caused the extinction of the subspecies? Researchers have different opinions on this matter. These include unrestricted hunting, habitat destruction, and interspecific competition for food with livestock. However, to date, none of the researchers can give an exact answer.

Cameroon black rhinoceros

This subspecies used to be widespread in the savannah south of the Sahara, but its numbers have been greatly reduced due to poaching. In 2011, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) declared the Cameroonian black rhinoceros extinct.

Rhinos of this subspecies could reach about 4 meters in length and weigh up to 1.3 tons. Like all black rhinoceroses, they ate plant food, going out in search of it in the morning and evening. And during the day, during the hottest time of the day, they slept or rested in the shade. Cameroonian black rhinoceroses had poor eyesight and often recognized an approaching hunter by the behavior of the birds nearby. This circumstance made the subspecies very vulnerable to hunters.

Many people believe that the horns of Cameroonian black rhinos have medicinal properties, but this assumption has no scientific evidence. For this and other reasons, Cameroonian black rhinoceroses were very often hunted in the early 20th century. However, in 1930, the population of the subspecies grew slightly due to measures to protect it. As a result, by 1980 the population of Cameroonian black rhinoceroses reached several hundred.

However, illegal hunting of rare black rhinoceroses continued and by 2000, approximately 10 individuals remained. By 2001, this number had halved. The last time a black rhinoceros was seen in Cameroon was in 2006.

Pygmy Grebe

This extinct bird, no more than 25 cm in length, could only be seen in the wild on Alautra, the largest lake in Madagascar, and its surrounding lakes.

The only small photograph of a pygmy grebe taken in nature:

Due to its small wings, the pygmy grebe could not fly long distances and was therefore very sensitive to changes in its habitat conditions. Thus, in the 20th century, the number of the species decreased greatly, since fish from the snakehead family were released into the reservoirs where the species lived. They successfully hunted small birds. The decline in numbers was also influenced by other human activities - fishing with gill nets, in which birds were often entangled. The species was declared extinct in 2010.

Cape Verdean giant skink

This large lizard was the only representative of the giant skinks. She lived on the islands of Branco and Razo in the Cape Verde archipelago (Cape Verde). The species mainly fed on vegetation, but from the beginning of the 20th century it began to eat the chicks of birds nesting on the islands. A characteristic feature was the transparent lower eyelids, which allowed her to notice predators below from the tree.

Scientists say the main reason for the extinction of this species is the destruction of the lizard’s habitat as a result of human economic activity. The tree lizard was never able to adapt to desert conditions and the disappearance of its usual food. In 2013, the IUCN declared the Cape Verdean giant skink officially extinct.