What determines individual behavior? Influence of other simple space conditions

Municipal budget educational institution Secondary school No. 3
urban settlement "Workers' Village Vanino"
Vaninsky municipal district Khabarovsk Territory

Social Sciences


Topic: What determines our behavior

Nurgazieva Dana,4A Class.


Lozovaya Yulia Viktorovna,

primary school teacher.

Vanino, 2016




1. Main part……………………………………………………...……..……5

1.1. The concept of human behavior………………………………........5

1.2. Theory of temperament..…….………………………………………………………………....6

1.3. Psychological characteristics of the main types of temperament………..7

1.4. The relationship between temperament and behavior ………………….…………….....10

2. Experimental study on the influence of temperament type
on human behavior…………………………..…….……………………..…….12

2.1. Diagnosis of temperament type………………………………………………………12Conclusions…………………………………………………………………………………..…...15





Temperament is the central formation of a person’s psychodynamic organization, which is formed and manifested in activity and influences it; it can be assumed that some personality traits are interconnected with it, which in turn influences the choice of behavior style. That is, a person with a certain temperament has certain behavioral characteristics.

Relevance research is that the effectiveness educational process and creating a comfortable emotional environment in the classroom and school depends on the behavior of children studying in this class. A person’s behavior in a team is the main factor influencing the behavior of others in joint activities. And since the construction and development of relationships is a rather complex process, in order to understand and manage this process it is necessary to take into account the properties of the individual and the characteristics of his behavior in the team. In lessons about the world around us, students become familiar with the features nervous system people, the study of the dependence of their behavior on the type of temperament is new knowledge for them.

Target research - identifying the types of temperament of students and its influence on their behavior and character.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to implement the followingtasks :

1. Study and analyze psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue.

2. Conduct research on the types of temperament among students in the fourth grade.

3. Systematize knowledge about the main traits of temperaments in the form of tables-reminders.

Research methods:

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature;


Object of study - fourth grade secondary school students secondary school.

Subject of study – types of students’ temperament.

Hypothesis - if the type of temperament determines the mental qualities of a person, then it influences his behavior in society.

Practical value :

Familiarization with the characteristics existing types temperament, visual cues their manifestations will help us competently, taking into account individual characteristics, build your relationships with people, getting the maximum benefit from such communication.

Knowing the type of temperament and the ability to determine the type in a specific person or group of people helps human personality find an approach to to a specific person and it is better to build relationships with him and in the team. Knowing your temperament type will help you take advantage of its advantages and overcome its disadvantages. R the results of this work can be applied in everyday communication, since every person faces different situations. By observing the behavior of another person, knowing his temperament, one can predict how he will behave and choose appropriate behavioral strategies. This is also true in any situation where interaction occurs individual and groups of people.

1. Main part.

    1. Concept of human behavior.

All people are different not only in appearance, but also in behavior and movements. For example, if you monitor the behavior of students in class, you can immediately notice the difference in the behavior and movements of each one. Some have unhurried, correct movements, a noticeable calmness in their gaze, while others have sudden movements, fussiness in their eyes, but most of them show similar results in development.

Behavior –is a set of human behavioral processes associated with the satisfaction of physical and social needs and arising as a reaction to the surrounding social environment. His activities and communication with other people are united by a single concept"behavior". In the behavior, actions and deeds of a person, his basic socio-psychological properties are manifested.

The dynamic traits of a person’s personality appear not only in the external manner of behavior, not only in movements - they also manifest themselves in the mental sphere, in the sphere of motivation, in general performance. Naturally, temperamental characteristics affect behavior.Due to their characteristics, each person behaves in a certain way. When communicating, some people's behavior is stable and aggressive, while others are straightforward or flexible.

A person’s behavior, his actions and actions depend on:

    biological and psychological characteristics his body;

    living conditions and various influences on it, on how a person’s interaction is organized with the world of material and spiritual culture, as well as with the people around him.

So, one of the factors influencing human behavior is the biological and psychological characteristics of his body, including such a thing as human temperament.

1.2. Temperament theory

The uniqueness of the psyche of each person is associated with the characteristics physiological structure and development of the body, with various external influences social environment. Temperament also belongs to the physiological substructures of personality. Temperament is determined by the type of nervous system and reflects predominantly innate behavioral characteristics.

a naturally determined tendency of an individual to a certain style of behavior. It reveals the individual's sensitivity to external influences, emotionality of his behavior, impulsiveness or restraint, sociability or isolation, ease or difficulty of social adaptation.Not only a person’s behavior and character, but also his energy, performance, pace and speed of completing tasks, and the general emotional background depend on temperament.

Merlin V.S. gives following definition concepts of temperament. Temperament is a personality quality formed in personal experience a person based on the genetic determination of his type of nervous system and largely determining the style of his activity. Nemov R.S. determines temperament in the following way. Temperament is a set of properties that characterize dynamic features the course of mental processes and human behavior, their strength, speed, occurrence, cessation and change.

Scientists distinguish four main types of temperament.

    sanguine people,


    choleric people,

    melancholic people.

1.3.Psychological characteristics of the main types of temperament

Sanguine temperament -This is a strong, balanced and agile type. A sanguine person gets along with other children very easily and quickly, he is cheerful, easily switches from one type of activity to another, but does not like monotonous work. He easily controls his emotions, quickly masters new environment. His speech is usually loud, fast, distinct and accompanied by expressive facial expressions and gestures. But any fact, even an insignificant one, can make him very angry. It’s easy to guess from his face what his mood is, what his attitude towards an object or person is. He can focus quickly. Such a child is very energetic and efficient, often stretches out his hand in class, can work for a long time without getting tired, and energetically takes on new things. It should be taken into account that such a child is somewhat restless, constantly needs new impressions, does not sufficiently regulate his impulses, and does not know how to strictly adhere to the established daily routine, system in games and studies. In this regard, he cannot successfully carry out work that requires an equal expenditure of effort, prolonged and methodical tension, perseverance, stability of attention, and patience. In the absence of serious goals and creative activity superficiality and inconstancy are developed. This temperament is characterized by some duality.

If stimuli change quickly, novelty and interest of impressions are maintained all the time, a state of active excitement is created in a sanguine person, and he manifests himself as an active, active, energetic person.
If the influences are long-lasting and monotonous, then they do not maintain a state of activity, excitement, and the sanguine person loses interest in the matter, he develops indifference, boredom, and lethargy.

Phlegmatic temperament -This is a strong, balanced, inert type. A child with this temperament is slow, calm, unhurried and balanced. In any work or play, he shows thoroughness, thoughtfulness and perseverance, bringing what he starts to the end. All mental processes in a phlegmatic child they seem to proceed slowly, and feelings are expressed weakly outwardly, they are usually inexpressive. All his actions are calm, his facial expressions and speech are even and constant, understandable, permeated with the depth of feelings and moods. Such a child is moderately sociable and does not like to chat in vain. It can even be difficult to make him laugh, angry or sad. When everyone in the class laughs loudly about something, he usually remains unperturbed. In the event of big troubles, he also most often remains calm. In relationships with friends, he is always even, calm, moderately sociable, his mood is stable, he is not easily angered and emotionally hurt. Depending on the conditions, in some cases a phlegmatic person may be characterized by “positive” traits - endurance, depth of thoughts, constancy, thoroughness, in others - lethargy, indifference to the environment, laziness and lack of will, poverty and weakness of emotions, a tendency to perform only habitual actions.

Choleric temperament– these people are born leaders.Children with this temperament are fast, excessively mobile, unbalanced, excitable, all mental processes occur quickly and intensely in them. The predominance of the process of excitation over the process of inhibition is clearly manifested in the lack of restraint, impetuosity, hot temper, and irritability of a choleric child. Hence the expressive facial expressions, hasty speech, sharp gestures, and unrestrained movements. He is with great joy and gets down to business with energy, showing impetuosity and speed of movements, working with enthusiasm, overcoming difficulties. But in a child with a choleric temperament, the supply of nervous energy can quickly be depleted during play or work, and then a sharp decline in activity may occur: elation and inspiration disappear, the mood drops sharply, there is not enough strength to finish what has been started... In communication in a team choleric people often allow harshness, irritability, and emotional incontinence, which creates conflict situations.

Melancholic temperament - people with a melancholic temperament have a weak nervous system. Melancholic children have slow mental processes, so they have difficulty reacting to strong stimuli; and prolonged and strong stress causes them to slow down their activity, and then stop it. In play and work, melancholic people are usually passive. They most often obey the “leader” in the class or group of children. Such children are very easily vulnerable, touchy, and have a hard time withstanding insults and disappointments, although outwardly all these experiences are poorly expressed in them. Even a small reason can bring tears to his eyes, but he cries so quietly that almost no one hears him. He usually doesn't laugh out loud.In class he very rarely raises his hand, he is usually unsure of himself, timid, and even the slightest difficulty makes him lower his hands. Such a child is not energetic, not persistent, gets tired easily and is not productive. His attention is easily distracted.

It should be remembered that the division of people into four types of temperament is very arbitrary. There are transitional, mixed, intermediate types temperament; traits are often combined in a person’s temperament different temperaments. “Pure” temperaments are relatively rare.

1.4. The relationship between temperament and behavior

Temperament cannot determine the relationship of an individual, her aspirations and interests, her ideals, i.e. all the wealth of content inner life a person, however, his characteristics are essential for understanding the complex pattern of human behavior and human character. The extent to which a person shows balance in behavior, flexibility, and dynamism speaks about qualitative features personality and its capabilities, which develop in a certain way at work and social activities person. Thus, temperament is not something external in a person’s character, but is organically included in his structure. The attitude of the individual, his beliefs, aspirations, consciousness of necessity and duty allow him to overcome some impulses and train others in order to organize his behavior in accordance with social norms.

Temperament is directly related to behavior style. Having, even on the basis brief analysis external signs, an idea of ​​the type of temperament of a particular person, one can quite definitely predict his reaction in a given situation, the method of communication, the degree of activity in establishing contact. A sanguine person, as a rule, initiates communication, but his attitude towards people is subject to fluctuations, changeable and fickle. A phlegmatic person, on the contrary, establishes contact slowly, looking closely at the partner; In his attitude towards a person, he is constant and is not inclined to abandon established connections.Choleric people are highly excitable, impulsive, and harsh in communication. The phlegmatic person is even-tempered, stubborn, but inactive, slowly switching from one type of activity to another. A melancholic person is prone to depression, withdrawn, and vulnerable. When communicating with a choleric person, one should not allow harshness or lack of restraint, which can instantly cause a negative response. At the same time, it needs to be systematically monitored, giving a tough and fair assessment of misconduct and failures. In this case, a negative assessment can be expressed in a fairly energetic form and as often as required by a specific situation. A sanguine person needs to be given new, if possible interesting, tasks more often. He must be constantly focused and tense, included in active work. His efforts should be encouraged periodically. A phlegmatic person needs to be interested and involved in energetic activity, avoiding frequent switching of his attention from one task to another. When communicating with a melancholic person, it is advisable to avoid not only rudeness and harshness, but even irony and a raised tone. We must not forget to praise him in time for achievements achieved, pay attention to him more often. You should criticize a melancholic person as carefully as possible and, if possible, in private.

2. Experimental study on the influence of temperament type on human behavior

2.1. Diagnosis of temperament type

In communication, it is necessary to rely on knowledge about one’s own individual characteristics and the characteristics of other people. Before you know another person, you need to know yourself. For this purpose, rapid diagnostics are carried out. The study was carried out in two stages with students of grade 4 “A” of secondary school No. 3 in the village of Vanino. First, the children were asked a survey (Appendix 1), and then a diagnosis was carried out to determine the type of temperament using the Eysenck method (Appendix 2)

As a result of the survey, we found out that the majority of the children in our class believe that their behavior depends on the type of temperament.

Students answered the second question about types of temperament based on their opinion of themselves and their observations of themselves. As a result, we found out that 8 students consider themselves choleric, 4 – melancholic, 10 – sanguine and 2 – phlegmatic.

Having carried out the second part of our study, we found out that the majority of children - 10 people - have a choleric type of temperament, 2 are phlegmatic, 8 are melancholic and 4 people are sanguine.

Familiarization with the characteristics of existing types of temperament, visual signs of their manifestation helps us competently, taking into account individual characteristics, build our relationships with people, extracting the maximum benefit from such communication.

Let's turn to the table (Appendix 3), which clearly shows the connection between character traits and the characteristics of representatives' communication models different types temperament. OnBased on this table, we can conditionally divide a person’s character traits into positive and negative (Appendix 4).

It can be concludedthat the type of temperament is not only a source of complexity for a person, but also potential strengths his personality.

The analysis of the characteristics of temperament types, taken from the literature in the overwhelming majority, coincided with knowledge about the character, habits and behavior of the children surveyed. Indeed, representatives of different types of temperament have characteristics characteristic of their type. It is interesting that a parallel survey about what type of temperament these children consider themselves to be did not coincide with the test results. This makes it possible to conclude that the guys do not consider the types of temperament to be equivalent to each other and single out the more attractive ones, so to speak. For example, the majority of children consider themselves sanguine and categorically disagree with the fact that they can be choleric.


So, turning to the goals and objectives we set, we were convinced thattemperament is directly related to behavior style.

Having analyzed literary sources, we defined the concept of temperament and behavior, and also came to the conclusion that, according to many researchers, the type of temperament influences human activity, which allowed us to assume that the type of temperament can influence the behavior of students.

In our study we used the following methodology: Personality questionnaire Eysenka to study the type of temperament and a survey conducted among 4th grade students of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 3 in the village of Vanino and processed the results. After analyzing the results, we saw that the majority of students agreed that their temperament influences their behavior. The results of self-observation and the results of the Eysenck test when determining their type of temperament were different among students, which can be seen in the diagrams.

We have established a connection between the type of students' temperament and their behavior.Having, even on the basis of a brief analysis of external signs, an idea of ​​the type of temperament of a particular person, one can quite definitely predict his reaction in a given situation, the method of communication, the degree of activity in establishing contacts. Temperament and character traits are organically connected and interact with each other, forming an inseparable alloy, which, in turn, leaves an imprint on the entire line of human behavior in society.A person with a certain temperament really has certain styles and behavioral strategies.

Thus, the research hypothesis was confirmed. Some personality traits are interconnected with temperament, which in turn influences the choice of behavior style. It turns out that each type of temperament is associated with a certain behavior of a person, manifested in his actions and actions. For choleric As an easily addicted person, he is characterized by violent emotional manifestations. Phlegmatic person is to some extent the opposite of choleric. By nature, the phlegmatic is calm and balanced. The most impressionable, vulnerable, deeply experiencing grievances is a person with a temperament melancholic . He is often withdrawn, shy, shy, and uncommunicative. A sanguine person is an energetic person. Active and at the same time balanced, calm, he often smiles, acts openly and kindly.

Temperament types cannot be divided into positive and negative. Moreover, there are no people with pure temperaments, and as people grow up, their temperaments undergo changes. But knowledge of temperament allows you to understand the behavior of your opponent and helps you choose the right means of communication.


Any person should know and constantly take into account the temperamental characteristics of the people with whom he has to work and communicate. This is necessary for effective interaction with them, reducing the likelihood of occurrence conflict situations, avoiding possible stress. Therefore, efforts when contacting a person with a particular type of temperament should be directed not at correcting it, but at the competent use of the merits and advantages of character while simultaneously neutralizing the negative aspects. At the same time, the question arises about the criteria by which it is possible, taking into account external and behavioral signs, not only determine the type of person’s temperament, but also anticipate the characteristics of his behavior in a given situation.

Knowing the type of temperament and the ability to determine the type of a specific person or group of people helps the human personality to find an approach to a specific person and better build relationships with him and in the team. Knowledge of the child’s temperament, knowledge of the characteristics of his innate organization of the nervous system, which influences the course of mental activity, is necessary for the successful organization of educational and educational work. It is important to take into account temperament when choosing a type of activity and career guidance for schoolchildren.

In our turbulent age, each of us cannot help but worry about the problem. Everyone has probably encountered the fact that you feel comfortable with some people and uncomfortable with others, communication with some is pleasant and annoying with others, with some you live in perfect harmony, and with others you are constantly in conflict. Why this happens, probably no one will give an exact answer. I will not claim that studying the types of temperament and its influence on behavior will give us answers to all questions. But still, this knowledge makes many issues related to people’s actions and their behavior more understandable and obvious.


    Merlin V.S. Psychology of individuality - M.: Voronezh, 1996. - 544 p.

    Nemov R.S. General Basics psychology. – M.: VLADOS, 2002. – 688 p.

Annex 1.


1. Do you think that your behavior depends on the type of your temperament?

2.What type of temperament do you think you belong to?

Appendix 2.

Instructions. You are asked to answer 57 questions. The questions are aimed at identifying your usual way of behavior. Try to imagine typical situations and give the first “natural” answer that comes to your mind. If you agree with the statement, put a + (yes) sign next to its number; if not, put a - (no) sign next to its number.

Temperament type according to Eysenck's circle

Answer 57 questions with either “yes” or “no”.

    Do you often feel a craving for new experiences, to shake yourself up, to experience excitement?

    Do you often feel that you need friends who understand you, who can approve or comfort you?

    Do you consider yourself a harmless person?

    Is it very difficult for you to give up your intentions?

    Do you think about your affairs slowly, preferring to wait before acting?

    Do you always keep your promises, regardless of the fact that it is unprofitable for you?

    Do you often experience ups and downs in your mood?

    In general, do you act and speak quickly without pausing to think?

    Have you ever had the feeling that you are an unhappy person, although there was no serious reason for this?

    Is it true that you could decide on almost anything if the matter turned into an argument?

    Do you feel embarrassed when you want to start a conversation with a stranger?

    Does it happen that when you get angry, you lose your temper?

    Does it often happen that you act on the spur of the moment?

    Are you often tormented by thoughts that you shouldn’t have done or said something?

    Do you prefer books to meeting other people?

    Is it true that you are quite easily offended?

    Do you like to be in company often?

    Do you have thoughts that you feel uncomfortable sharing with others?

    Is it true that sometimes you are so full of energy that everything burns in your hands, and sometimes you are lethargic?

    Do you prefer to have fewer friends, but especially close ones?

    Do you daydream a lot?

    When they shout at you, do you respond in kind?

    Do you often feel guilty?

    Are all your habits good and desirable?

    Are you able to give free rein to your feelings and have a lot of fun in a noisy company?

    Can we say that your nerves are often stretched to the limit?

    Are you reputed to be a cheerful and lively person?

    After something is done, do you often mentally return to it, thinking that you could have done it better?

    Do you usually feel calm when you are in company?

    Does it happen that you spread rumors?

    Does it ever happen that you can’t sleep because different thoughts get into your head?

    If you want to know something, would you rather read it in a book than ask your friends?

    Do you have palpitations?

    Do you like work that requires close attention?

    Do you have tremors?

    If you knew that what you said would never be revealed, would you always speak out in the spirit of the generally accepted?

    Do you find it unpleasant to be in a company where they make fun of each other?

    Are you irritable?

    Do you enjoy work that requires you to act quickly?

    Is it true that you are often haunted by thoughts about various troubles and horrors that could happen, although everything ended well?

    Are you slow and leisurely in your movements?

    Have you ever been late for a date or for work?

    Do you often have nightmares?

    Do you love to talk so much that you never miss an opportunity with a stranger?

    Do you have any pain?

    Would you feel unhappy if you couldn’t see your acquaintances and friends for a long time?

    Would you call yourself a nervous person?

    Among the people you know, are there any that you clearly don't like?

    Can you say that you are a confident person?

    Will you be offended if the shortcomings of you and your work are criticized?

    Do you find it difficult to truly enjoy a party?

    Does the feeling that you are somehow worse than others bother you?

    Do you find it difficult to bring some life into a boring company?

    Does it happen that you talk about things that you don’t understand at all?

    Are you worried about your health?

    Do you like to make fun of others?

    Do you suffer from insomnia?

Key, processing of results: Extraversion - introversion: “yes” (+): 1, 3, 8, 10, 13, 17, 22, 25, 27, 39, 44, 46, 49, 53, 56; “no” (-): 5, 15, 20, 29, 32, 34, 37, 41, 51. Neuroticism (emotional stability - emotional instability): “yes” (+): 2, 4, 7, 9, 11 , 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 47, 50, 52, 55, 57. “Lie scale”: “yes” (+) : 6, 24, 36; “no” (-): 12, 18, 30, 42, 48, 54. Answers that match the key are scored 1 point.

Appendix 3.

Appendix 4

“Behavior on the street” - 7 – When using an ATM and pay phone... When on the street, stay away from walls and houses. Do not accept offers from unfamiliar drivers. 2 - Do not carry a large amount of money with you! 1 – Be not dressed provocatively! Stay close to the edge of the sidewalk. Rules safe behavior on the street. 6 – gambling!

“Rules of behavior at school” - I am a student. Class hour"I am a pupil". Target. What do you usually do during recess? 6. Don't run during recess. 1. Wear school-appropriate clothing. We organized a play corner. Dress culturally. 3. Sit straight at your desk, don’t fidget. Don't fight, don't call people names, don't be rude. Rules of conduct for students at school.

“Rules of student conduct” - Students come to school 10-15 minutes before the start of classes, clean and tidy. 3.1 Before the start of the lesson6, you should arrive at the office before the bell rings, with the permission of the teacher, enter the office and prepare for the lesson; 3.2 During breaks (changes), students are required to: - maintain discipline; General rules behavior. These rules establish standards of behavior for students in the school building and on school grounds.

“Rules of behavior in nature” - Nonliving. Plants. Topic: Summer is ahead! Rules of behavior in the meadow. "Ekos" - home. On summer holidays prepare a photo or video report about nature. "Logos" is science. Rules of behavior in the forest. Nature. Human. Change of group composition. Rules of behavior on the pond. Alive. Ecological connections. Don’t pick flowers, enjoy the living beauty of nature; Medicinal plants collect in small quantities; Don't catch insects;

“Behavior at school” - Receiving well-deserved encouragement. Adaptation classes with first-graders. 6. Tukacheva S.I. Adaptation classes with first-graders. *Demonstration of perseverance as one of the conditions for successful educational activities. Discipline. *Formation and consolidation of hard work as a personality quality. Result. Presence of motive.

“Schoolchild behavior” - Analysis of literature on the research topic. Conclusion. Psychological impact MASS MEDIA. Horror movies. Research methods: Memo for teenagers “In the media cycle.” Spend more free time communicating with friends, parents, and reading books. Militants. The influence of media on behavior junior schoolchildren. Study public opinion in the village computer club.

2.1.What determines people's behavior?

2.1.1.Individual behavior

The individual behavior of each person, his character depends on to the greatest extent from him social experience , from the experience of communicating with people and the world around us, and to a lesser extent (for people without congenital malformations) from heredity.

The formation of this social experience begins at birth. The most persistent character traits (altruist or egoist, sociable or withdrawn, active or passive) are formed by the age of 3-5. Character, behavior, habits can change throughout life, but in childhood the most important features that determine behavior in life are laid down. extreme situations when there is no time to think.

Human behavior depends on brain function both in the sphere of consciousness and in the sphere of the unconscious, where complex nervous processes take place that largely control human actions.

Sphere of Consciousness - This is the area where people perceive themselves, analyze facts and make decisions. Brain activity is often identified with the area of ​​consciousness. And at the same time the huge number is not estimated thought processes, occurring outside of consciousness.

Unconscious zone can be roughly divided into subconscious zone And zone of primary information processing. In the subconscious zone, systems of nervous connections are concentrated that record the information that a person has received throughout life, what we call memory. Here are located the diverse systems of nervous connections that are formed throughout life, determining the attitude towards people, towards life, towards work.

These three zones differ sharply in the speed of the flows in them. nervous processes. If we take the speed of these processes in the zone of consciousness as one, then their speed in the subconscious zone is 105-106, and in the zone of primary information processing 1012-1014.

Thus, the main information entering the brain is processed in the unconscious zone. Into the zone of consciousness - this General base The brain receives only the most important, most critical information, requiring the most complex and responsible decisions. But this information is also subject to preliminary analysis and evaluation in the subconscious.

And therefore consciousness never perceives external information with the precision of a camera lens. It receives it primarily processed in the subconscious in accordance with what is recorded in the already mentioned systems of nervous connections. Since these systems are individual for everyone, then the same situations can be perceived by different people completely different.

2.1.2.What is hidden in the subconscious?

What are the systems of nervous connections that exist in the subconscious and how are they formed?

Needs . They are conventionally divided into primary (things without which it is impossible to live) and secondary, which determine the conditions in which people would like to live and work; into physiological, spiritual and aesthetic. A number of psychologists (A. Maslow) believe that the full development of spiritual and aesthetic needs is possible only if physiological needs are satisfied. We can talk about a certain hierarchy (pyramid) of needs.

1. Actually lowest level there are primary physiological needs: food, water, oxygen, warmth, procreation.

2. The need for physical and psychological security (to stay alive, avoid beatings and humiliation, take refuge in a shelter, ensure tomorrow, avoid humiliating dependence).

3. The need for communication and good attitude (to communicate with people, to belong to a certain group).

4. The need for respect (approval, gratitude, recognition).

5. Aesthetic and cognitive needs, needs for order, justice, comfort, beauty, symmetry, etc.

6. Higher needs for self-realization and self-esteem.

People’s behavior is significantly influenced by two factors: on the one hand the desire for self-affirmation, self-realization. Every person would like to feel more significant, more visible, more respected. On the other hand, every person experiences dissatisfaction to one degree or another, dissatisfaction with oneself ("inferiority complex"). Everyone is in one way or another dissatisfied with themselves, their successes, their appearance, sometimes with reason, and sometimes without any reason. The confrontation between these factors determines the level of mental comfort of people and significantly influences their behavior.

If there are diverse needs, then a certain hierarchy of them should emerge (what should be strived for first and what should be avoided). These characteristics of the relative importance of certain needs are called values, and their totality - value system or value orientations .

Both needs and values ​​are formed through repeated contact with other people and repeated encounters with various situations. At the same time, the formation of certain values ​​and life positions can occur quite quickly under unexpected emotional influences.

Because of this, the formation of needs and values ​​is greatly influenced by the values, traditions, norms of behavior of the family and the social stratum in which a person lives and is brought up, the mentality of society, the person’s immediate environment. This, in particular, explains the prevalence of anthropocentric ecological consciousness and its manifestations.

Human behavior refers to the totality of physical actions and observable emotions associated with individuals, and human race generally. Some behaviors change with age. Although specific aspects of one's personality and temperament may remain constant, other behaviors will change as one ages from birth to adulthood. On human behavior have a strong influence social interaction and culture, ethics, power, relationships, hypnosis, persuasion and coercion.

In sociology, behavior in general includes activities directed at oneself and other people, and thus all the basic human actions. Behavior in this in a general sense should not be confused with social behavior, which is a more specialized social action, specifically aimed at other people. Acceptability of behavior is largely dependent on social norms and is regulated through various means social control. Human behavior is studied by specialized academic disciplines: psychiatry, psychology, sociology, economics and anthropology.

Human behavior includes ways of acting based on various factors, such as genetics, social norms, religion and attitudes. Social norms also influence behavior. Due to the conformist nature human society in general, people experience certain pressures social rules. Various types behavior is considered either acceptable or unacceptable in different societies and cultures. A person's worldview can be perceived through that person's religion and philosophy. It shapes the way a person thinks, and this in turn leads to in various ways behavior. Attitude can be defined as the degree to which a person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of his behavior.

Attitude is essentially a reflection of behavior in specific situations. Thus, human behavior is largely influenced by various factors:

  1. Genetics.
  2. Social norms.
  3. Creation.
  4. Faith and culture.
  5. Relationship.

Attitude expresses favor or disfavor towards a person, place, thing or event. Everyone has different attitude to various things. Attitude has a lot in common with consciousness, which also greatly influences human behavior. The way a person behaves largely depends on how he views the situation and what he expects from it. A positive attitude is better than a negative one as it can bring negative emotions cause dissatisfaction with oneself or illness.