A minute of laughter prolongs life by 5 minutes. Does laughter prolong life? Quotes of great men

Many health disorders are subjective in nature and can significantly impair general state person and his performance. However, if such manifestations are not accompanied by pronounced symptoms of any diseases, people rarely seek doctor’s help. And it’s completely in vain, because many seemingly insignificant violations become the first signals about serious problems in the activity of the body. One of the possible unpleasant symptoms is a feeling of heat in the body without fever, the causes of which will be discussed in a little more detail.

Therapists and neurologists often encounter complaints of a feeling of heat that covers the patient’s body in a wave. In some cases, patients point to only one area or several areas where the sensation of warmth is localized. With such a disturbance in well-being, the body temperature remains completely normal, despite repeated measurements.

A feeling of heat without fever usually occurs only from time to time. An attack of such unpleasant symptoms develops suddenly.


Fever, which occurs without temperature, and is accompanied by sweating, may be the first symptom of sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis and bronchitis. But you should not associate such a symptom only with colds, because it can also be triggered by other health problems. Sometimes an incomprehensible fever occurs in patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia; it can also be a symptom of premenstrual syndrome and hypertension. In some cases, such a disturbance in well-being is provoked by the consumption of alcoholic beverages and dietary habits (for example, eating spicy foods, especially in the hot season).

Internal heat without temperature, which is classified as hot flashes, can be observed in women under the influence of hormonal changes. Such symptoms are characteristic of the onset of menopause. Hot flashes can also occur in men; they can be provoked by a significant decrease in the amount of testosterone in the body, for example, due to the removal of the testicles. Also, an incomprehensible feeling of internal heat without fever can occur in patients who take medications that counteract testosterone.

Fever without temperature with VSD

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a fairly common disorder that is not considered as an independent disease. Dystonia is a syndrome that includes many different manifestations.

Fever without temperature during VSD is provoked by impaired regulatory function blood vessels and vasomotor disorders.

Other manifestations of this disorder include painful or uncomfortable sensations near the heart, disturbances in the rhythm of its work, and changes in blood pressure.

Sometimes VSD leads to disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and bile secretion system, causing mood swings and a feeling of a lump in the throat. In addition, this disease can cause limb cramps, cold hands, vestibular disorders and dizziness.

Fever without fever during the premenstrual period

Fever, which is not accompanied by an increase in temperature, is a fairly common symptom of PMS, which is associated with vegetative-vascular disorders.

Doctors cannot accurately identify the cause causing its appearance and select best practices correction of such a violation. Exercise, compliance with work and rest standards, psychotherapy, and psychotherapy will help you cope with unpleasant symptoms and prevent their occurrence. sufficient sleep, proper nutrition etc.

Heat during menopause

This is a common manifestation of menopause, which is explained by the transformation reproductive system on the background age-related changes. Hot flashes occur at night, with heat spreading throughout the body, accompanied by noticeable redness of the neck and face.

Such an attack is accompanied by severe sweating, can cause chills, and lasts from thirty seconds to twenty minutes.

In case of heat during menopause, patients also complain of headache, sleep disturbances, mood swings, general weakness and loss of strength.

Among the nonspecific methods of treating such a disorder is changing your lifestyle towards the right one. Drug treatment involves the use of hormonal drugs as hormone replacement therapy, as well as antidepressants.


Sometimes inner feeling heat is one of the manifestations of hypertension. Patients with this disorder experience attacks at night. Hot flashes often occur in hypertensive patients who have had a stroke or heart attack. They complain of burning skin on the neck and face, which is usually explained by a significant increase in blood pressure, as well as rapid heartbeat due to feelings of fear and excitement.

A stroke is also accompanied by redness of the face, which becomes hot, and sweating increases.

Folk remedies

Remedies to help cope with hot flashes during menopause traditional medicine. So you can combine three parts of mantle grass, and one part each of hop cones, lemon balm grass and rose hips. Brew a couple of tablespoons of the mixture with a liter of boiling water and keep in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Cool and strain the finished medicine, take it a couple of tablespoons half an hour before each meal.

It feels like the room is getting stuffier for more and more people. It's like there's an epidemic of stuffiness coming. In this article we will tell you what is special about stuffiness and how you can get rid of it using modern compact household devices -.

If you close all the windows and doors in the apartment, then after some time the room will become stuffy. The thing is that the standards of modern windows imply high degree protecting the apartment from external environment. They cope with this task well. Even too much. In addition to dirt and noise, plastic windows do not allow fresh air into the apartment, so in the end we end up with a stuffy room.

There are a great many ways to get rid of stuffiness on the Internet. They all have both advantages and disadvantages. And some are either completely ridiculous or a blatant attempt to sell something.

The simplest solution seems to be on the surface. It is enough to open the windows - and now we get rid of the stuffiness in the room. But there is an argument against the draft method that is difficult to refute. “As for me, heat and stuffiness are better than draft, noise and dirt,” objections are heard, and there is no desire to argue with this opinion, especially in winter. But if you approach the problem fundamentally, then the choice between silence and cleanliness on the one hand, and stuffiness on the other, will not be so clear-cut.

In order not to fight the stuffiness blindly, you should know something about its features.

The reason why a room is stuffy has three components: heat, high humidity and excess carbon dioxide. In equatorial latitudes, where it is hot and humid, it seems to us that it is difficult to breathe. Although fresh air and oxygen in excess. That is heat and humidity give a feeling of stuffiness and stuffiness in the apartment. But this is just a feeling.

Still, we reach for the air conditioner or fan switch. The desire to lower the level of humidity or air temperature is natural, because as a result we actually get some relief. But to think that stuffiness comes down to heat alone means jeopardizing your health.

Should we limit ourselves to the fact that the room temperature drops?

The air may be dry and cool, but it is still stale and bad for health. In a closed and stuffy room, carbon dioxide accumulates and poisons our body. Outdoor air contains about 400 ppm (parts per million) of carbon dioxide, that is, 0.04%. This natural parameters, the human body is “designed” for them.

If 2 people are in a room with closed windows, then in an hour the CO2 concentration can exceed 2000 ppm. That is 5 times more than on the street! This is a very high figure. With such excesses, the brain is the first to suffer, receiving carbon dioxide instead of oxygen. We think worse, cope worse with our work, our heads are heavy and “cotton wool”. Problems begin after 1000 ppm. It is this threshold, according to GOST 30494 - 2011 and the recommendations of the World Health Organization, that is the maximum permissible for indoor spaces.

How much carbon dioxide is there in your bedroom where you sleep for 8 hours with the window closed? Or in the nursery, where the child’s growing body needs fresh air? Or at work, at school, at a university, where you load your brain with work as much as possible? If the windows are closed, then there is probably too much, because the room becomes stuffy and uncomfortable.

So, main component stuffiness in the room - unhealthy air quality - haunts us in most indoor spaces. At the same time, unlike temperature and humidity, we cannot immediately sense that there is too much carbon dioxide. Our body will give an SOS signal only after a few hours, repaying us with headaches, weakness and apathy for working or sleeping in a stuffy room. And, unfortunately, you can’t get by with an air conditioner and a fan here - the sensations of coolness are deceptive, they only mask “ hidden threat» carbon dioxide, which has neither color nor odor. Then what's the solution? If not air conditioning and not “grandfather’s window,” then what?

It is important to organize a constant flow of fresh air

According to sanitary standards, a person needs no less than thirty cubic meters of fresh air every hour. If there are two people in the room, then this figure doubles, and so on. Only an influx of fresh air from the street can get rid of excess carbon dioxide. But even expensive air conditioners that have air flow from outside barely reach this level. Accordingly, this will not replace ventilation. And most air conditioners lack this.

Air purifiers, like air conditioners, only circulate room air through them. Unfortunately, there are no household filters that would retain CO2 molecules yet. To get out of the stuffy and confined space The air saturated with carbon dioxide has left your apartment; it should be replaced by fresh air from the street. It turns out that only decision- this is constant ventilation of the apartment. So, if the room is stuffy, you need to break through its protection?

In order not to give up the advantages that sealed windows give us, the optimal solution should consist of three integral components. The first is a regular forced flow of air into a stuffy enclosed space. The second component is reliable comprehensive air purification. And finally, heating the air.

These three features should be taken into account when choosing among different types ventilation devices existing on the market (supply valves, ventilators, supply and purification multi-complexes, recuperators, central ventilation, etc.).

For example, valves and all kinds of “warm vents” do a poor job of ensuring air flow. Without a fan, which is not in the valve, a stable inflow cannot be achieved. The air that does penetrate into the apartment remains the same dirty and cold air from the street.

On the other hand, there are bulky and expensive supply ventilation systems. Such professional system, of course, good. It has all three components we need. However, its installation is comparable in complexity to major repairs, and the price is oh so steep.

There is a solution that combines the advantages of both options - compactness and functionality. The class of such “individual ventilation devices” is called breathers. This is a household appliance that hangs on the wall and replaces an entire supply ventilation system: with the help of a fan, the breather takes air from the street, passes it through a system of powerful filters, heats it up and supplies it to the room. At the same time, breathers, as a rule, have the dimensions of an air conditioner and are easier to install.

One way or another, fence off your apartment from adverse influence environment forces the need to protect health. So for real good decision stuffiness problems in your apartment, includes two mandatory conditions. First, you need to ensure a constant flow of oxygen-saturated air. Secondly, we do not refuse modern level protection from deteriorating ecology, noise and drafts. Our home is a place where it is safe and comfortable, where there is no room for stuffiness and mustiness in the rooms.

Stuffiness is common in an apartment or office. Many people are familiar with the sensations: there is not enough air, the air is stale, it is difficult to breathe - Russian dictionaries also give such definitions of stuffiness. Often these sensations are associated with heat and lack of oxygen. But if you look at it, the reason is completely different.

The feeling of stuffiness is created by carbon dioxide ( CO2 ). The same one that every person constantly exhales. It turns out that we are the reason for the stuffiness in any room.

The units for measuring CO 2 levels are ppm (parts per million). This is the number of CO 2 particles per million air particles. 1000 ppm = 0.1% CO 2 content.

The carbon dioxide standard for the street is 400 ppm. For indoor spaces - no higher than 600 ppm. At 800-1000 ppm, problems with well-being and health already begin.

Above 1000 ppm: o general discomfort, weakness, headache. Concentration drops by a third. The number of errors in work is growing. Particularly critical for asthmatics. Above 2000 ppm: health hazardThe number of errors in work increases greatly. 70% of employees cannot concentrate at work.

Everyone is familiar with the feeling of stuffiness in a room and the symptoms associated with it: fatigue, drowsiness, irritability, inability to concentrate, difficulty breathing. Many people associate such conditions with a lack of oxygen. However, measurements show that indoors the level of carbon dioxide increases much faster than oxygen decreases. For example, while in school class carbon dioxide (CO) levels 2 ) already reaches 1500 ppm (0.15%), the oxygen content remains virtually unchanged. There is still enough oxygen, but carbon dioxide is already in excess.

A study was conducted at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in which young and healthy people took part, average age who was 21 years old. Despite the fact that the duration of the sessions was only 140-210 minutes, the study showed that an increase in carbon dioxide concentration from 600 to 1500 and 3000 ppm causes deviations in a person physical condition and in performance, in particular - in the ability to concentrate. The effect is clearly shown in this 5-minute video:

If you stay in a room for a long time where the level CO2 above 600-800 ppm, carbon dioxide can affect the body in the following ways:

1. May cause negative changes in the blood

Normally, the acidity (pH) of human blood is approximately 7.4. This is the standard for organism. When the concentration of CO 2 increases, the blood becomes acidic, which is scientifically called acidosis. The English scientist D. Robertson determined such minimal physiological consequences acidosis:
moderate increase in pressure.

With more severe acidosis, a person becomes lethargic, drowsy, and a state of anxiety appears. This is typical for rooms with big amount people. But if you go out into the fresh air for a long time, everything gradually returns to normal.

Research conducted in Taiwan has shown thatthat under the influence of carbon dioxide at levels above 800 ppm in the body of office employees there is an increase in the number of markers of oxidative stress, indicating negative changes in DNA. How longer person is in a stuffy room, the more of these markers.

3. Negatively affects the nasopharynx and respiratory organs

Italian scientists presented the results of their research at the European Respiratory Congress in 2006tory society. The result showed that more than 60% of schoolchildren in Europe were much more likely to experience heavy breathing, shortness of breath, dry cough, rhinitis and nasopharyngeal problems as a result of a stuffy classroom than their peers who studied in well-ventilated classrooms.

4. Increases asthma attacks

Researchers from South Korea found that if children with asthma are in a room where the concentration of carbon dioxide is increased, they experience asthma attacks more often.

5. Negatively affects the brain and blood circulation

Soviet scientist O.V. Eliseeva found out back in the 1960s that even short-term inhalation healthy people carbon dioxide at a concentration of 1000 ppm (0.1%) causes breathing problems and negatively affects blood circulation and brain activity. To avoid these problems, she recommended maintaining a level in the room CO2 not higher than 500 ppm.

6. Causes symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome

The term Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) Sick Building Syndrome - SBS ) has long been used by scientists to describe the symptoms experienced by employees of some office buildings. Symptoms of SBZ associated with high level CO2 in the office include fatigue, headache, difficulty concentrating, and apathy. A person who suffers from SBDS experiences these symptoms while in the office, and they usually improve when they leave work.

What you need to know about carbon dioxide in the apartment

Installing plastic windows and metal doors with seals in an apartment deprives the room of natural ventilation, and carbon dioxide accumulates there.

Carbon dioxide is most harmful in the bedroom. If the windows are closed and there is no supply ventilation, Carbon dioxide levels can increase to 10 times normal overnight. Because of this, you have a headache in the morning after sleeping, you wake up poorly slept and exhausted.

Scientists believe that quality air in the bedroom is more important for good sleep than the duration of sleep.

Recommendations for good night:
Be sure to ventilate the room where you sleep well before going to bed.
Open a window or window at night. If the street is noisy, you don’t want dust from the street flying into the apartment, and you are afraid of drafts, install good supply ventilation with air purification, like.
Don't close the bedroom door.
Control the level CO2 in the bedroom - keep it no higher than 600 ppm. The easiest way to do this is again with the help of forced ventilation.
Don't sleep with your head covered with a blanket. Doctors do not recommend doing this, because during sleep you breathe the air that you exhale, and it contains a lot of carbon dioxide and little oxygen.

What you need to know about carbon dioxide in the office

Carbon dioxide negatively affects brain activity, therefore the maximum permissible concentration of carbon dioxide in the office should be maintained within 600 ppm.

Everyone is familiar with the feeling of lack of fresh air, drowsiness and difficulty concentrating during a long meeting. The reason for this is that in a room where there are many people, the level of carbon dioxide quickly increases.

In offices it is necessary to install effective system supply ventilation. This is the only way to ensure a healthy and comfortable atmosphere for employees.

Adaptation of the article “Carbon dioxide” from the book: Yu. Gubernsky, I. Gurina “Air in the home and health. Popular encyclopedia.” - St. Petersburg: Vedas, ABC-Atticus, 2011.

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Remember when you last time I laughed - sincerely, from the heart, at the top of my voice. Wasn't it great? Learn to share your joy with the world - and it will definitely smile back at you!

00:27 17.02.2013

Consultants - Svetlana Royz, psychologist; Oleg Mironov, bioenergetic therapist

About thirty years ago, such a frivolous and ephemeral phenomenon as laughter suddenly came under close attention from respectable pundits.

And off we go: serious uncles and aunts in white coats are diligently calculating how much facial muscles contracts when smiling, studying how laughter affects the functioning of the immune system and gastrointestinal tract and how many years of life optimism adds to its owner. Now in the USA and Europe there are almost as many laughter therapy studios as there are fitness centers and beauty salons: top managers and housewives, psychologists and teenagers come to classes - and learn... to laugh. And, by the way, they do not regret shelling out a tidy sum of money for these “trifles.”

But for some reason it seems to us that small children know much more about laughter than gray-haired professors with all their scientific calculations. Watch how the kids laugh boisterously and selflessly at some mere trifle: sunbeam, fallen on the cheek, the antics of clumsy pigeons in the park. You look at them and your soul becomes lighter. And I want to smile back!
No matter how old you are, it’s never too late to remember what it’s like to laugh like a child. Believe me, the happiness in your life will only increase from such a skill!

Fun meditation

Laughing, we surrender ourselves completely to this process, stop thinking about everything in the world and simply enjoy. The famous Indian philosopher Osho called laughter the best meditation - indeed, laughing until you are exhausted is much more pleasant than sitting for hours in the lotus position and imagining some sophisticated images and symbols. Although, of course, this is a matter of taste.

Laughter is a very bright, emotionally rich reaction, just like tears. In fact, laughter and crying are two sides of the same coin: during violent laughter, tears often appear in the eyes, and hysterical sobs can flow into uncontrollable laughter. Having laughed well (or cried), we feel a pleasant emptiness and relief: as if a stone had been lifted from our soul. The fact is that any violent bodily reactions (and laughter, undoubtedly, is one of them) seem to open some kind of spiritual floodgates: accumulated tension spills out, irritation and fatigue go away.

At these moments we do not control ourselves - and thus we come closer to understanding our own “I”. In addition, when we laugh, we breathe deeply, hyperventilation of the lungs occurs - the psychotechnics of rebirthing works in a similar way. During rebirthing classes, deep-seated emotions come out, a person works through his subconscious fears and complexes - something similar happens when we laugh.

Laughter for no reason...

lung sign and cheerful disposition. Optimists do not need any special reasons to sincerely smile at their interlocutor, at themselves, at the whole world, finally. Indeed, in Everyday life a sense of humor and the ability to laugh at the current situation is very valuable qualities. By making fun of what makes us angry and worried, we gain control over the situation. Trying to define a sense of humor, psychologists cite very apt formulations: “the ability to rise above a problem and see the funny in a situation in which, it would seem, there is nothing funny,” “laughter is defensive reaction our psyche...", "thanks to humor, we neutralize our failures and make them less significant."

Who will make who laugh?

Surveys conducted among experienced married couples show: among important qualities partner, a sense of humor certainly appears (it is included in the top five importance along with sexual attractiveness, reliability and fidelity). Moreover, girls value more a guy’s ability to make a good joke, while stronger sex it is important that their humorous abilities are appreciated. In other words, men fall in love with women who laugh at their witticisms! So when your beloved tells his signature joke for the hundredth round, you shouldn’t sit with a sour face - it’s better to laugh sincerely (at least at the passion with which he again and again retells a story that is pretty boring to everyone except him).

Besides, in family life humor can and should be used to defuse the situation! Tension requires release - so why not, in the midst of a quarrel with your loved one, stop for a second and try to imagine what your faces look like from the outside? Look, just the thought of your crimson, twisted faces will bring a smile to your face. And then he won’t want to make a scandal.

Why is it funny when it's bad?

It would seem like a paradox: the hero of the film slips on a banana skin and splashes into a puddle with all his might - and the audience roars with laughter! Moreover, both 4-5-year-old toddlers get excited over other people’s incidents (remember how enthusiastically children laugh at the failures of the wolf from the cartoon “Well, just wait!”) and respectable adults (replay a few frames from your favorite comedy in your head). And if we ourselves found ourselves in such a curious situation, we certainly would not be laughing.

Why do we laugh when, it would seem, we should experience compassion? Do not rush to accuse yourself and others of being hard-hearted. As a rule, laughter in such situations has nothing to do with gloating - the same thing works defense mechanism our psyche. Subconsciously, many of us are afraid to experience what the main character of a comedy has to face - so we “make fun of” own fears. Eventually they stop seeming so scary to us. This is the so-called situational humor - we laugh not at a person, but at a non-standard situation.

Trainer for a sense of humor

Everyone's sense of humor, like taste or ear for music, is different. But it can and should be trained! You can buy CDs with recordings of laughter meditations by the same Osho. Perhaps at first their content will seem somewhat strange to you: for several tens of minutes you will hear nothing but laughter - children's, women's, men's: in every way, with sobs and groans. But it is quite likely that in just a few minutes you yourself will join this laughing chorus (and it would seem that there is no good reason for joy!).

Set yourself the task of finding at least three reasons to laugh or smile sincerely every day. Just try to keep your humor good-natured: never make fun of the appearance or character traits of others. It’s better to make fun of the situation or... at yourself - what kind of wit is this who does not know how to look at himself with irony when he finds himself in awkward situation? Take an example from Bernard Shaw: once the elderly playwright was knocked down by a street cyclist. When the young man helped Shaw up and began to apologize profusely, the king of humor calmly replied: “Well, really, I even sympathize with you! If you had driven a little faster, you could have gone down in history forever as the man who took the life of Bernard Shaw himself!” It’s true: a laughing person cannot be old!

Remember the hero Menshikov from the film “Pokrovsky Gate” - after screwing up the whole film, at the end he says: “Before you have time to look back, I will change. And not in better side… How reasonable I will be... How moderate I will become!” Enjoying the sparkling humor of the heroes of this wonderful comedy, I want to live, smile, laugh, be light and optional. We sincerely wish you never to become too reasonable and too moderate!

Extend your life!

Laughter prolongs life - scientists have no doubt about this. By the way, according to research, people suffering from heart disease laugh half as much as others. At the moment of laughter, lymphocytes (cells) are actively produced immune system), endorphins and serotonin (hormones Have a good mood, which also block painful sensations). Laughter normalizes the functioning of the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract, and relieves headaches.

Laughter therapy is also indicated for hypertensive patients: when laughing, blood vessels dilate and arterial pressure normalizes. In addition, laughter promotes... weight loss. Yes, that’s right: high-quality laughter engages almost all the muscles of the face (prevention of wrinkles), as well as the abdominal and chest (excellent remedy against fatty ridges on the abdomen and waist).

Prehistoric humor

One of driving factors It was laughter that became human evolution: prehistoric people learned to laugh before they spoke! And Egyptian scientists recently released interesting data: it turns out that the ancient Egyptians joked about the same topics as you and I. They used greasy jokes, as well as parodies on the theme of those in power (cartoons were discovered depicting the pharaohs as effeminate and effeminate) and black humor. These conclusions were made based on analyzes of ancient texts, as well as paintings.

Children laugh up to 100 times a day, while adults laugh only 10-15 times.

“- so says popular wisdom, and this axiom does not require proof. Doctors and scientists have long studied its beneficial effects on human health and life expectancy. Five minutes of continuous laughter prolongs your precious life by an hour.

The Science of Laughter Therapy

The founder of the science of “laughter therapy” of gelotology is considered to be an American, journalist Norman Cousins. In the 70s, he was diagnosed with an incurable vascular disease. This disease progresses rapidly, is accompanied by severe pain and leads to the death of a person. Due to illness, he was at home all day; walking was unbearably painful for him. However, Norman did not despair; his favorite pastime was watching comedies. At this time, the patient laughed uncontrollably for 5-6 hours every day. The journalist noticed a pattern that the pain subsided precisely during this continuous marathon of laughter.

After several months of “laughter therapy,” the pain completely stopped, and he was able to return to his favorite job. The doctors were at a loss, since Cousins ​​had almost overcome the disease. The journalist documented all his observations and as a result wrote the article “The Man Who Made Death Laugh.” This became a real sensation, after which researchers became interested in this topic and scientific works in this area began to appear.

A smile is the key to health for many years!

What benefit does laughter give to a person?? During fun, about 80 muscles (back, legs) are involved. Scientists have long proven the fact that 10 minutes of strong laughter is comparable in its effect on the body to playing sports. At this moment, blood pressure normalizes due to increased blood circulation and vasodilation, active enrichment of cells with oxygen. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease in older people. And the released hormone endorphin, the “hormone of happiness,” actively strengthens the immune system, which leads to a decrease in morbidity. Laughter strengthens the nerves. Contagious laughter can lift anyone out of depression and poor health.

Women enjoy special exercises laughter therapy to keep facial muscles toned long years, thereby prolonging the youth and elasticity of the skin. There is an opinion that when you smile, new wrinkles appear - this is a myth dispelled by scientists long ago!

Interesting Facts about laughter:

  • Only a person can laugh. This is an acquired ability: during the first 3 weeks after birth, the baby “learns to smile” and reflexively use 17 facial muscles. Children under 6 years old laugh up to 550 times a day, adults smile on average only 20 times per day.
  • Men laugh half as much as the fair sex.
  • There is a plant called "flower of laughter". After inhaling its pollen, a person laughs for no reason for 30 minutes.
  • When laughing, a person has no thinking.
  • There is a documented fact that is both interesting and tragic: in 1782, Mrs. Fitzgerald died from 3 hours of continuous laughter.
  • At a speed of 100 km/h, air escapes from a person’s chest while laughing.

Laughter is free training for the human soul and body. Treat yourself with a good mood every day! Helpers in this will be good friends, books, comedies.