General Alexander Shevchenko biography. Alexander Shevchenko: "Into the breakthrough behind the Armata"

Head of the Main Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Alexander Shevchenko / Photo:

The strategic command and staff exercise "Caucasus-2016" showed that the Russian army is ready to solve the most unforeseen problems in various theaters of military operations. Soldiers and officers are mobilized, morale is high. But how does our military equipment meet the new challenges? What new models of military equipment are in development and are ready to be launched into series? The head of the Main Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Alexander Shevchenko, answered these and other questions from VPK.

- Alexander Alexandrovich, as far as we know, new models of armored vehicles have been tested in the Arctic and southern latitudes. What are the results?

For the first time in the last fifteen years, by decision of the Minister of Defense, the Main Armored Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry (GABTU) prepared and conducted such expeditions. Four similar tests have already passed, the fifth expedition is now completing - the equipment is returning from the south, from the desert. The first two took place in the north, in the Arctic. Mostly, automobile and wheeled armored vehicles were tested. This is a unique experience for us. We have revived everything that was developed by Soviet designers and industry. The USSR was very good at creating equipment for special conditions. And during the expedition to the Arctic Circle, the relevance of these developments in wheeled armored vehicles was confirmed. We have also supplemented the requirements developed in the USSR for new models that are being created and will soon be accepted for supply to troops. The other two expeditions took place in the south, mountains and deserts.

“As soon as the Armata, which was advanced in its technical solutions, was shown, the modernization of Leopards, Abrams, and Leclercs immediately began in the West.”

I can say one thing about the results - next year the Ministry of Defense will accept a batch of trucks designed for particularly cold climates. This will be a large batch of KamAZ and Ural trucks.

Some technical problems have emerged, but our industry is capable of solving them. For example, questions arose regarding rubber products. We want them to withstand temperatures not only minus 50, but also minus 60. The fight is literally for every degree.

The problem of frost resistance of fuels and lubricants, batteries, heating and heating systems is being solved. Industry is working in these directions.

There are results in the creation of means of transportation that were unconventional until recently. For example, all-terrain vehicles or, as they are also called, ATVs have already been accepted for supply. The Ministry of Defense purchases at least 200 such vehicles every year for special forces, Arctic units, Ground Forces, reconnaissance forces and paratroopers.

- Under the previous leadership of the Ministry of Defense, at one time there was a policy of purchasing foreign equipment and weapons, including Iveco armored vehicles. Now, apparently, we are relying on domestic producers. How interested is the Ministry of Defense in the line of vehicles under the general name “Tiger”, what are the prospects for procurement?

The direction of development of such technology is really interesting. The Ministry of Defense has set the task of modernizing Tiger armored vehicles based on the results of trial operation. There are quite a lot of them in the army now, they have shown themselves well and are widely used.

But the requirements are becoming more stringent every day, so we will modernize the Tiger in the areas of ballistic resistance, mobility, firepower, and mine action.

By decision of the General Staff, GABTU is working with industrial enterprises to improve the characteristics of this machine. At the Army 2016 exhibition, the Tiger was presented with 30 mm and other combat modules of various calibers (7.62 mm, 12.7 mm), and a multi-channel installation.

At the round table we discussed an interesting project for modernizing the Tiger, which will make it possible to create the Tiger-2. There are certain developments. An R&D project is being opened for this work, and if the tests are completed successfully, then, undoubtedly, there will be procurement. Everything here is logically interconnected.

“We will modernize the Tiger in the areas of ballistic resistance, mobility, firepower, and mine action.”

As for the “Tiger” shown at the exhibition with a 30-mm cannon and a new unusual combat module, this is the result of work that was carried out in a very short time. This car even shot at the shooting range. It will be put into service after testing is completed. If the industry tries, then perhaps already in 2016. By the way, all components and elements in it are domestic, including the engine.

The recent trend is that the module that we accept for supply can be installed on any carrier at the request of a specific customer, be it a car or an armored personnel carrier. There is, for example, a “Tiger” without a module. This is an undoubted advantage of such a design of any technology.

If we recall the purchases of foreign-made vehicles, then everything that the Ministry of Defense did, I think, was correct. The Armed Forces today have about 200 Lynx armored vehicles, which have proven themselves well. You see "Typhoons", modernization of "Tigers", "Tornados" - all this was developed taking into account the experience of the global automotive industry. Draw your own conclusions.

- What about the KAMAZ-designed jeep with a 30 mm cannon? At what stage is it created?

A KamAZ-made jeep with a 30 mm cannon is a planned part of the Typhoon development work. Initially, three years ago, it was laid down that the Typhoon 4x4 should be developed theoretically, in working design documentation, but combat experience and the service tasks performed required the production of such a vehicle in metal. Which was done in a very short time. It could also be seen at the Army 2016 exhibition. The vehicle has high performance characteristics and will be used as a base chassis for various weapons for specific tasks and customers. An experimental batch will be purchased in 2017 and sent to the troops, in particular to special forces units for trial operation. This will make it possible to understand what needs to be improved in order to adopt a well-proven machine.

- The General Director of Uralvagonzavod said that today about a thousand T-72 tanks have been modernized to the T-72-B3 level. What's next?

We began this work four years ago under the armored weapons development program. There are actually more than a thousand such tanks in the Armed Forces. It should be noted that with this machine we hit the top ten in terms of quality-cost ratio. It has good prospects and will continue to develop. In the near future, under state defense orders, the Armed Forces will receive more than 300 improved T-72-B3s, modified at the request of the troops. The improvement will affect the power plant, protection systems, and sighting system.

- In past years, Russia positioned itself more with the T-90 tank. Why does it enter the troops in such small quantities? Problems with financing?

There was a time when funding was not as planned and serious as it is now. The T-90 tank is an expensive pleasure, but we understood: it is a very good machine and, of course, we wanted to have it. Now there are several hundred of them in service, they are in use, have proven themselves well, and the Ministry of Defense is in no way abandoning them. In the near future, T-90 tanks that have reached the end of their service life will be sent to the factory and returned modernized. For this purpose, GABTU has developed a special program “Breakthrough-3”, which we discussed at the forum. After modification, the T-90 will be even better than the existing one.

- On the basis of the T-90, a tank support combat vehicle (BMPT) was developed, deliveries of which began to Kazakhstan. True, our colleagues are perplexed why it has not been adopted by us ourselves. What are the prospects here?

This once again emphasizes the attitude towards our technology. So it’s worth telling our colleagues that we are already adopting it. This, I think, will immediately raise its price and increase the volume of purchases. At the same time, the General Staff still has to say its word on this vehicle, and this is beyond the competence of the Main Armored Directorate. I repeat: the machine has been created and is ready to go out for testing at any moment.

- A special place in this series is occupied by the T-14 “Armata” tank - the latest creation of our defense industry. It was presented at the Army 2016 forum, but little is still known about the final characteristics.

- “Armata” is undergoing preliminary tests, and we plan to complete them this year. After which the tank will receive the appropriate letter in accordance with the established procedure, new prospects will open up for it.

Today the vehicle is entering state testing to be accepted for supply. An experimental batch of T-14 “Armata” was purchased. Experts are studying the machine in relation to troops, it works in the field, and, as they say, statistical data is being collected. Anything that does not meet the requirements of the military is immediately sent in the form of notices to the design bureau or factory for decision-making. State tests of the Armata will be completed next year.

Let me remind you that one of the distinctive features of the T-14 is its weapons. The gun can fire any 125mm ammunition. This, by the way, is one of the highlights of this car. If more modern ammunition in the same caliber is developed, the tank will be able to use it.

In general, the Armata development work has the task of producing and submitting for testing three samples of military equipment: the tank itself, an infantry fighting vehicle and an armored repair and recovery vehicle (ARV) created for them. The uniqueness of the work is that it is not a single model that is being adopted, but an entire family on a single platform.

The situation is approximately the same with the Kurganets design and development project. In accordance with it, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, and armored vehicles are being created. All of them have entered preliminary tests, the contract is being fulfilled. The quality of workmanship is checked in accordance with the design documentation, and control is carried out by military representatives.

Next are state tests, which will be completed next year. In general, 2017 will be a turning point for our tank building; we will witness the adoption of a completely new fleet of armored weapons to supply troops, which, I believe, will make changes to tactics on the battlefield.

I’ll also mention the Boomerang infantry fighting vehicle, which is currently being tested and has already shown itself well, having covered two thousand kilometers. Just a month ago I managed it myself. Completion of testing and adoption into service is also expected in 2017.

- But will the Ministry of Finance disrupt your wonderful plans? It is known that the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Finance differed in their estimates of the allocation of funds for the GPV-2025. The discussion reached the presidential level...

The work mentioned above has been financed and is being carried out, so to speak, according to the full budget, so these items will not be cut. The Ministry of Defense, in turn, transferred everything that was required to science and production. As for GABTU, it primarily finances promising R&D projects.

Therefore, I think that the reduction in funding may affect something else, but not the development of weapons and military equipment. The experimental works "Armata", "Kurganets", "Boomerang", I repeat, are fully funded, we give them priority, because this is a foundation for the future.

- Are there any corresponding research projects in the Ministry of Defense’s plans to create tanks on wheels? They have proven themselves well in a number of Western armies.

Each machine is born from requirements that are set by the forms and methods of using military equipment. If such a vehicle is needed, there is no doubt that our tank builders will make it.

“If a wheeled tank is needed, we already have very good developments”

But so far only two countries have wheeled tanks abroad - the USA and Italy. The Americans have problems with the car, but the Italians have achieved the greatest success. We studied their experience. A wheeled tank is a very high-tech product. It requires solving the issues of combining firepower and suspension capabilities; everything is not that simple. In addition, such machines have a rather narrow scope of application.

In a word, in the near future GABTU does not face such tasks, but if they appear, I can guarantee that we will complete them, since we have very good developments.

- Now our so-called partners are paying great attention to robotic technology. The soldier and officer seem to be leaving the line of fire and increasingly becoming operators, which reduces losses in a combat situation.

In 2017, as I already noted, we plan to put into service a whole line of new vehicles. Realizing that they are created using unique technologies, we have now launched a program that will present recommendations and developments on robotization. The unusual nature of such equipment in the presence of digital equipment, which gives them unique capabilities, creates a solid basis for the robotization of armored vehicles. For this purpose, corresponding research work has been started.

The basis for robotization was created by digital technologies laid down at the design stage of the same “Armata”, “Kurganets”, “Boomerang”. The point is to create a system that will independently make decisions on the battlefield, which is quite difficult. To do this, it is necessary to solve the problems of technical vision and response to the situation.

The work is planned for two years, when a robotic “Armata” can be created, in which a digital device independently solves problems based on the objective situation.

When vehicles on the Armata platform are accepted for supply, customers represented by the departments of the branches and branches of the military will be able to set their own special requirements for the creation of weapons to suit their range. Naturally, GABTU, research institutes, and specialists in armored and automotive technology will take an active part in this.

I repeat: in two years a robotic Armata may appear, but I would not create a stir around a robot tank.

- If we talk about foreign manufacturers of equipment, is it possible to compare the Ukrainian Oplot tank with our T-90? In whose favor is this comparison?

Our car is definitely better in all respects. This conclusion follows from the comparative characteristics of firepower, protection, command control, and mobility. But the most important thing is reliability.

- The Soviet school of tank building was always five to ten years ahead of the Western one. What position are we in now? Do we think about the comfort of the crew, for example, about air conditioning in the tank?

The difference in the concepts of tank building, in schools. It persists. For us, the main thing is the fusion of firepower, protection, command control and mobility. In the West, the approach is slightly different. But pay attention: as soon as the Armata, advanced in its technical solutions, was shown, the West immediately began modernizing Leopards, Abrams, Leclercs, and creating joint ventures to develop new types of armored vehicles. In Germany, France, and the United States, the question of their modernization sharply arose. This means that we have hit the target, have developed an advanced machine, and the question is who is catching up with whom.

“Armata” has surpassed Western technology in many respects; it is truly an advanced machine in terms of the design solutions used in it, which even many specialists still don’t know everything about.

In the future, the Armata will become the main battle tank of the Armed Forces. This, believe me, is a serious breakthrough for the Russian school, which has once again become a leader in world tank building and, I hope, will never relinquish its leadership.

Interviewed by Oleg Falichev

Search by " General Shevchenko". Results: general - 3460, Shevchenko - 326.

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21. Socially irresponsible Shpak. And then there is a limited liability company called " General"or "Starling".
The third option is the controversial site next to the Ryazan trolleybus department, the last one is the old building on Shevchenko.
Date: 04/24/2006 22. Litvin and the murder of Gongadze: The first stage of which was the elimination of a rival journalist, the second was the promotion of the “cassette scandal” and, as a consequence, the transfer of power by L. Kuchma to his friend general Yuri Kravchenko.
In political spheres they began to talk about the imminence of his resignation and subsequent appointment as rector of the Kyiv National University. T. Shevchenko.
Date: 03/24/2005 23. Espionage: For an idea or for money? Retired general Oleg Kalugin, who spoke at the trial as a witness, testified that he personally met with Trofimoff in the 70s to convince him to continue cooperation.
Former UN Deputy Secretary General Arkady Shevchenko, who spied for the United States for a couple of years and then lived in America for a long time, was disgraced at the end of his life.
Date: 06.27.2002 24. Kyiv did not save Voronenkov. Murder on Pushkinskaya The attack on Denis Voronenkov occurred on the afternoon of Thursday, March 23, near the Kyiv Premier Palace Hotel, at the intersection of Pushkinskaya Street and Taras Boulevard Shevchenko.
General FSKN Alexander Bulbov, who received a suspended sentence in this case, told Novaya Gazeta that Voronenkov had nothing to do with the investigation.
Date: 03/24/2017 25. St. Petersburg billionaires on the hunt. The co-owner of the Vepskoe hunting farm is general KGB Victor Shevchenko, former head of military counterintelligence of the Strategic Missile Forces.
Date: 03/03/2017 26. At least shoot yourself! Mikhail Mishustin himself never officially took money, and his share was accepted from Kagansky either by his friend Alexander Udodov, or one of his trusted deputies - Sergei Arakelov, Igor Shevchenko or Svetlana Andryushchenko.
In turn, Sergei Naryshkin, after the next meeting of the Security Council, asked Rashid Nurgaliev to come to his office, where right from the doorway he announced that there is such general Ministry of Internal Affairs Andrey Khorev, a very worthy person, enjoys the trust of V.V...
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During the same period general Army Abroskin became the object of a large-scale PR campaign - a series of similar incriminating materials about corruption in Spetsstroy were published in the press.
Date: 05/30/2011 28. The nomenklatura in 41 regions of Russia established 32 orders, 81 medals and 4 “Hero” titles. The highest Yakut award, for example, was awarded to former Russian Health Minister Yuri Shevchenko.
Date: 02/04/2011 29. Grandfather of dirty PR. A couple of years later, fate sent Alexey Yuryevich another chance: he was invited to develop and conduct the second stage of the campaign of another current mayor, Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Valery Zubov - against general Alexandra Lebed.
One of them, Sergey Shevchenko, even during the election campaign, he will distinguish himself by answering a question on live television about the sources of his financing by declaring: “I am a bandit!”
Date: November 20, 2007 30. Citizenship has found a hero. Subsequently, both began to be accused of treason. Yesterday in Moscow it became known that the former general KGB Oleg Kalugin, sentenced to 15 years for treason, became a US citizen on Monday. However, as the newly minted himself said in an interview with Kommersant...
A few months later he was granted US citizenship. On April 6, 1978, UN Deputy Secretary General for Political Affairs with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USSR Arkady Shevchenko asked for asylum in the USA. In his memoirs, published...
Date: 08/07/2003 31. 6.30 October 4 - October 5 On the morning of October 4, an order was issued from the EMVA generals do not take anyone prisoner.
From the side of the Ukraine Hotel on the opposite bank of the river to the Taras embankment Shevchenko APCs and BRDMs came out at the Kalininsky Bridge. 32. 7 moments from the life of Putin The day before, during Sobchak’s interrogation at the Prosecutor General’s Office, the special rapid response squad (SOBR) of the RUBOP, at Putin’s request, took A. Sobchak to the hospital, where the head of the Military Medical Academy Shevchenko established a “false” diagnosis.”
It was also symptomatic that the new regional curator was allowed to appoint his own person to the position of chief controller: Putin’s acquaintance from St. Petersburg general FSB Nikolai Patrushev. 33. Security academics discredited the government. Also Mr. Shevchenko I haven’t forgotten the representatives of the far abroad either - Gerard Depardieu, Fidel Castro and even Radovan Karadzic, who is now being tried by the Hague Tribunal, allegedly received ABOP orders and medals.
Date: 12/12/2008 34. Who is propping up the “buffet wall”? They claim that the current chairman of the board of directors of IKEA-MOS, Alfred Zopf, is in almost friendly relations (he was brought into the AP by the same Shevchenko) with the governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov, the Kremlin official also played an important role.
Date: 11/14/2014 35. The companies of Serdyukov’s son-in-law remained in the contract with General Staff vehicles. As follows from the report of the head of the Main Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, Alexander Shevchenko Deputy Minister of Defense Dmitry Bulgakov, according to the terms of the contract and current legislation, it must be terminated early, since the Arbitration Court declared the bank guarantee void. Moreover, he writes general Shevchenko, in military unit 83466 all reporting documentation on the government contract from January 2011 to July 2012 is missing, because it was seized by investigators.
Date: 08/14/2013 36. The Levchegovtsy organized crime group is an organized law enforcement group. This “officer” became famous in the Southern Federal District for dozens of custom-made criminal cases and involvement in raider takeovers, and in his influence and connections he can compete with many generals Ministry of Internal Affairs. He and several of his subordinates are untouchable...
... On November 30, 2001, Igor Levchegov, an active officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, during official hours, drove his personal Volkswagen car (state number O400TK23) to house No. 60 on the street Shevchenko Krasnodar, together with his friends Viktor Glushko and Vitaly Malyshev...
Date: 09.20.2011 37. Mikhail Glushchenko self-proclaimed Miguel Gonzalez. ... in which former State Duma deputy Mikhail Glushchenko is accused of extorting $10 million from the famous St. Petersburg businessman Sergei Shevchenko, the defendant unexpectedly announced that he was not Glushchenko, but Miguel Gonzalez...
I think comrade general This is direct preparation for me to be imprisoned.
Date: 09/01/2011 38. A “panic room” is planned in the house, where the Aven family will hide from killers. Litvinenko, poisoned with radioactive polonium-210, is believed by many to have been killed either on the orders of the Kremlin, or by former agents of the FSB, the successor to the KGB. Among those who live in Wentworth is Andrey Shevchenko, footballer, and Bruce Forsyth, television presenter.
His empire includes the Russian part of a joint venture with BP. Alex Goldfarb, a friend of Berezovsky, remarked: “The only person defending Alpha from the hungry clique generals FSB is Putin, because of his special relationship with BP. He knows that...
Date: 05/10/2007 39. Connection with the past. ... from brands of vodka; State Duma deputy Nevzorov; commander of the Riga riot police of the 1991 model, Cheslav Mlynnik; lawyer Dmitry Yakubovsky; Chairman of the Union of Journalists of St. Petersburg Andrey Konstantinov; finally, chief of the president's personal security general FSO Viktor Zolotov...
He also had contacts with his brothers Shevchenko, one of whom was killed, and the second received seven years probation for extortion.
Date: 03/28/2005 40. Shororistic act. Thus, recently, on behalf of Faber Bank, which is almost completely controlled by Shoror, several floors were seized in the Tower 2000 office complex on the Taras embankment Shevchenko, one of the buildings of the Moscow City complex.
Date: 01/20/2004

You are not a slave!
Closed educational course for children of the elite: "The true arrangement of the world."

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Alexander Alexandrovich Shevchenko
Alexander Alexandrovich Shevchenko
Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
since 2009
Predecessor: Ershov, Nikolai Fedorovich
Religion: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Birth: February 20th(1967-02-20 ) (52 years old)
Potsdam, German Democratic Republic
Death: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Burial place: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Dynasty: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Birth name: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Father: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Mother: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Spouse: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Children: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
The consignment: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Education: Kiev Higher Tank Engineering School
Military Academy of Armored Forces
Military Academy of the General Staff
Academic degree: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Website: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Military service
Years of service: since 1989
Affiliation: USSR 22x20px USSR → Russia 22x20px Russia
Type of army: Tank troops Tank troops
Rank: Lieutenant General
lieutenant general
Battles: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Autograph: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Monogram: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
40px 40px 40px 40px
40px Medal "For Military Valor" (Ministry of Defense) 1st class 40px 40px
Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" (Ministry of Defense) 1st class Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" (Ministry of Defense) II degree Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" (Ministry of Defense) III degree 40px
Lua error in Module:CategoryForProfession on line 52: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

Alexander Aleksandrovich Shevchenko(born February 20, 1967) - Russian military leader, lieutenant general. Head of the Main Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation since 2009.


After completing his studies, he was appointed head of the armored service of a motorized rifle brigade, deputy commander for armaments - head of the technical unit of a motorized rifle regiment, then deputy commander for armaments - head of the technical unit of a motorized rifle division (North Caucasus Military District).


  • Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st class
  • Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II class
  • other awards

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  • . Website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
  • (Russian) . (August 14, 2009).
  • (Russian) . (November 15, 2012).

Excerpt characterizing Shevchenko, Alexander Alexandrovich (general)

“Dean carried me,” Maria calmly answered, as a matter of course.
– What so terrible did these poor fellows do that they ended up in such hell? – I asked.
“I think this concerns not so much their misdeeds as the fact that they were very strong and had a lot of energy, and this is exactly what these monsters need, since they “feed” on these unfortunate people,” the little girl explained in a very adult way.
“What?!..” we almost jumped. – It turns out that they just “eat” them?
– Unfortunately, yes... When we went there, I saw... A pure silvery stream flowed out of these poor people and directly filled the monsters sitting on their backs. And they immediately came to life and became very happy. Some human beings, after this, almost couldn’t walk... It’s so scary... And nothing can be done to help... Dean says there are too many of them even for him.
“Yeah... It’s unlikely that we can do anything either...” Stella whispered sadly.
It was very hard to just turn around and leave. But we understood perfectly well that at the moment we were completely powerless, and just watching such a terrible “spectacle” did not give anyone the slightest pleasure. Therefore, having once again looked at this terrifying Hell, we unanimously turned in the other direction... I cannot say that my human pride was not wounded, since I never liked losing. But I also long ago learned to accept reality as it was, and not to complain about my helplessness if I was not yet able to help in some situation.
– Can I ask you where you girls are heading now? – asked the saddened Maria.
“I would like to go upstairs... To be honest, the “lower floor” is enough for me today... It would be advisable to see something easier... - I said, and immediately thought about Maria - poor girl, she’s here remains!..
And, unfortunately, we could not offer her any help, since it was her choice and her own decision, which only she herself could change...
Already well-known vortices of silvery energies flickered in front of us, and as if “wrapped” in them in a dense, fluffy “cocoon”, we smoothly slipped “upwards”...
“Wow, how nice it is here!” Stella exhaled contentedly when she found herself “at home.” – And how can it be that “down there” it’s still creepy... Poor people, how can you become better while being in such a nightmare every day?! There's something wrong with this, don't you think?
I laughed:
- Well, what do you propose to “fix”?
- Don't laugh! We have to come up with something. Only I don’t know what yet... But I’ll think about it... – the little girl said quite seriously.
I really loved about her this non-childish serious attitude towards life, and the “iron” desire to find a positive way out of any problems that arose. With all her sparkling, sunny character, Stella could also be an incredibly strong, never giving up and incredibly brave little person, standing “mountain” for justice or for the friends dear to her heart...
- Well, let's take a little walk? But somehow I just can’t “move away” from the horror we just experienced. It’s hard to even breathe, not to mention the visions... - I asked my wonderful friend.
Once again, with great pleasure, we smoothly “glided” in the silvery “dense” silence, completely relaxed, enjoying the peace and caress of this wonderful “floor”, and I still could not forget the little brave Maria, who we had involuntarily left in that terribly joyless and dangerous world, only with her scary furry friend, and with the hope that maybe her “blind” but beloved mother will finally take it and see how much she loves her and how much she wants to make her happy for that period of time , which remained for them until their new incarnation on Earth...
“Oh, just look how beautiful it is!” Stella’s joyful voice pulled me out of my sad thoughts.
I saw a huge, cheerful golden ball, flickering inside, and in it a beautiful girl, dressed in a very bright colorful dress, sitting in the same brightly blooming meadow, and completely merging with incredible cups of some absolutely fantastic flowers, wildly flaming in all the colors of the rainbow. Her very long, light hair, like ripe wheat, fell down in heavy waves, enveloping her from head to toe in a golden cloak. Deep blue eyes looked welcomingly straight at us, as if inviting us to speak...
- Hello! We won't bother you? – not knowing where to start and, as always, a little shy, I greeted the stranger.
“Hello to you too, Svetlaya,” the girl smiled.
- Why do you call me that? – I was very surprised.
“I don’t know,” the stranger answered affectionately, “it just suits you!.. I am Isolde.” What is your real name?
“Svetlana,” I answered, a little embarrassed.
- Well, you see - you guessed right! What are you doing here, Svetlana? And who is your sweet friend?
– We’re just walking... This is Stella, she’s my friend. And you, what kind of Isolde is the one who had Tristan? – Having already gained courage, I asked.
The girl's eyes became round in surprise. She apparently never expected that someone in this world knew her...

Sh Evchenko Alexander Iosifovich - commander of the 65th Tank Brigade of the 11th Tank Corps of the 1st Belorussian Front, colonel.

Born on August 4, 1914 in the village of Tomarovka, now a village in the Yakovlevsky district of the Belgorod region, in a peasant family. Russian. Member of the CPSU since 1942. Graduated from 7th grade, FZU school in Kharkov. He worked as a mechanic at the motor depot of the 3rd construction trust in Moscow.

In the Red Army in 1933 - 1938 and since 1939. In 1936 he graduated from the Saratov Armored School.

In the battles of the Great Patriotic War from June 22, 1941. He commanded a tank battalion, a special purpose partisan detachment, a tank regiment, the 65th Tank Brigade, and the 12th Guards Tank Corps. Fought on the Western, Kalinin, Bryansk, 4th Ukrainian, 1st Belorussian fronts. During the war years he was wounded 6 times.

In 1941, he took part in border battles in the area of ​​Bialystok (now Poland), fought out of encirclement for 2 months, and commanded a special forces detachment operating behind enemy lines in the Smolensk region. In 1942 - participated in numerous defensive-offensive battles in the area of ​​the city of Rzhev. In 1943 - participated in the battles on the Kursk Bulge and in the Donbass, including the liberation of the city of Volnovakha in the Donetsk region. In 1944 - participated in the liberation of Right Bank Ukraine, the liberation of Volyn, crossing and capturing a bridgehead on the border river Western Bug. In 1945, during the Vistula-Oder operation, he liberated Poland, including the city of Bydgoszcz, and participated in the battle for Berlin. He especially distinguished himself in battles reaching the State Border of the USSR along the Western Bug River.

The 65th Tank Brigade, under the command of Colonel Shevchenko, took part on July 19, 1944 in the liberation of the city of Lyuboml, Volyn region, on July 20, 1944, crossed the Western Bug River near the village of Opalin, Lyuboml region, captured and held a bridgehead, ensuring the actions of the corps.

U of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on September 26, 1944 for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown to Colonel Shevchenko Alexander Iosifovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 4433).

In 1949, A.I. Shevchenko graduated from the M.V. Frunze Military Academy, and in 1957, from the General Staff Military Academy. He was the chief of staff of the army, district, first deputy commander of the Volga Military District, head of the faculty of the Military Academy of Armored Forces. Candidate of Military Sciences.

Since 1975, Lieutenant General A.I. Shevchenko has been in reserve. Lived in Moscow. He worked at one of the research institutes. He was engaged in literary work. Author of several documentary stories and collections of stories. Died September 15, 1985. He was buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow (section 9-2).

Awarded 3 Orders of Lenin, 4 Orders of the Red Banner, Order of Suvorov 2nd degree, Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree, “For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces” 3rd degree, medals. Honorary citizen of the city of Volnovakha, Donetsk region.

In 1933, a young mechanic from one of the Moscow motor depots, Alexander Shevchenko, entered a tank school and linked his fate with the army for the rest of his life. After college, he went through all the command levels up to the commander of a tank battalion.

The morning of June 22, 1941 found the commander of the 3rd tank battalion Shevchenko at the very border near the Belarusian (now Polish) city of Bialystok. At 10 o'clock in the morning Shevchenko led his tankers into battle. With a sudden high-speed attack, they achieved their first victory - they drove the enemy out of the village of Bransk. But the victory, due to confusion in the first days of the war in the high command, turned into encirclement. I had to retreat to the east. We ran out of ammunition and fuel. The tanks had to be destroyed. The commander of the tank regiment, Pozhidaev, died, and Shevchenko took command. We had to travel a long way with battles from Bialystok to Borisov.

As soon as they crossed the front line, Shevchenko was summoned to Marshal Tymoshenko. The marshal instructed him to lead a special forces detachment that should operate behind enemy lines. Essentially partisan. Shevchenko himself led the people behind the “language.” They captured four prisoners and learned from them where not to cross the front line. At night, while crossing the front line, only one soldier was wounded - the commander of the detachment, Shevchenko, but he remained in service. Finding themselves behind enemy lines, the detachment smashed headquarters, convoys, and disrupted communications. Only at the beginning of November 1941 the detachment returned to the location of its troops. For the skillful organization of partisan actions, Shevchenko in 1941 was personally awarded by G.K. Zhukov with a high award - the Order of Lenin!

After a short rest, Shevchenko was again sent to a tank unit, and again as a battalion commander. At the beginning of 1942, heavy fighting took place on the left wing of the Kalinin Front near the city of Rzhev. One of the most important centers of resistance of the encircled Soviet group, which had to be rescued, was Torgovishchesky. Shevchenko's battalion had only 4 tanks. At night, with an infantry landing on armor, tanks burst into Torgovishche at speed. Troops were sent out. Soon an infantry regiment made its way there and made a hole in the encirclement. Shevchenko was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

In the second half of 1942, Shevchenko already commanded the 65th separate tank brigade as part of the Kalinin Front. During the offensive, near Rzhev, the tankers were attacked by enemy aircraft. The only salvation for tanks is to reach enemy positions as quickly as possible. And brigade commander Shevchenko, in the lead vehicle, was the first to personally break into the enemy’s location. The defense was broken through, and Shevchenko received the second Order of the Red Banner.

In 1943, Colonel Shevchenko's 65th Tank Brigade joined the 11th Tank Corps of the Bryansk Front. Major events were brewing on the Kursk Bulge. On July 12, 1943, after difficult week-long defensive battles, Shevchenko’s tankers went on the offensive and participated in the expulsion of the invaders from many settlements in the Oryol region.

In August 1943, the 11th Tank Corps, and within it the 65th Tank Brigade, were transferred to the Donbass and became part of the 4th Ukrainian Front. The military art of brigade commander Shevchenko was clearly demonstrated here. He again decided on a night raid with tanks behind enemy lines. Shevchenko himself led the brigade into the breakthrough. On September 10, 1943, tankers rushed into the city of Volnovakha. The capture of this important hub saved our troops from conducting bloody battles and liberated a large region of Donbass. The brigade was given the honorary name Volnovakhskaya. Already on the western outskirts of the city at the end of the battle, Shevchenko was wounded by a shell fragment. The fourth wound, the hospital... And a new award - the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree.

In the spring of 1944, Shevchenko's tank brigade liberated Right Bank Ukraine. By May 1944, it reached the Volyn region, but was stopped by the fascist Viking tank division 30-40 kilometers from the border. What was needed was preparation for the subsequent offensive and the elimination of the enemy “stuck” in Belarus.

In July 1944, the Lviv-Sandomierz offensive operation began. The 11th Tank Corps was part of the 8th Guards Army of the 1st Belorussian Front. The army, having broken through the defenses, introduced a tank corps into the breakthrough. On July 19, 1944, Soviet tanks broke into the city of Lyuboml and liberated it. But the main task - the state border along the Western Bug River - had not yet been resolved. Colonel Shevchenko decided to repeat his “Volnovakha trick” - to break through to the rear of the Nazis at night. By dawn the brigade reached the river. A company of machine gunners rushed to the western bank, and a tank company found a ford. On one of the company's tanks was the brigade commander Shevchenko! The Nazis threw tanks and aircraft onto the bridgehead, but tankers and motorized riflemen under the command of Colonel Shevchenko “grew” into the shore. The brigade commander was wounded, but the task was completed. The 8th Guards Army, the 2nd Tank Army and the 1st Army of the Polish Army rushed to the bridgehead. The liberation of Poland began. Already in the hospital, Colonel Shevchenko learned that he had been awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

After treatment, Colonel Shevchenko was appointed deputy commander of the 9th Guards Tank Corps in the 2nd Tank Army. Commanding the forward detachment of the corps, he participated in the Vistula-Oder operation, and with a tank battalion he was one of the first to personally break into the city of Bydgoszcz. For this, Shevchenko was awarded the Commander's Order of Suvorov, 2nd degree.

During the Berlin operation, the commander of the neighboring 12th Guards Tank Corps, General Telyakov, was wounded, and Colonel Shevchenko was ordered to take over the corps. On April 16-18, 1945, Shevchenko’s tankers rushed into the breakthrough, went to the rear of his Stausberg group and provided General Berzarin’s 5th Shock Army with access to Berlin. On April 21, 1945, at 20:00, tank crews of the corps were among the first to break into the outskirts of Berlin. For successful actions in the Berlin operation, Colonel Shevchenko was awarded the third Order of Lenin.

After the war, Alexander Iosifovich Shevchenko graduated from 2 academies, including the one named after M.V. Frunze with a gold medal, and held a number of responsible positions in the Soviet Army. He defended his dissertation, becoming a candidate of military sciences. After leaving the reserve, he continued to work at a military research institute.

A decade and a half after the war, the general’s old wounds began to ache. He ended up in the hospital. In his hospital bed, he began to write first memoirs, and then documentary stories. The general did not consider himself a professional writer. But until the end of his life he always considered himself one of the soldier-warriors about whom he wrote...

Years of anger. Moscow. VIMO. 1971.
Steep road. Moscow. VIMO. 1973.
Soldier's conscience. Storybook. Moscow. VIMO. 1976.
In the rapids. Moscow. VIMO. 1977.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Alexander Alexandrovich Shevchenko
since 2009
Predecessor: Ershov, Nikolai Fedorovich
Birth: February 20th(1967-02-20 ) (52 years old)
Potsdam, German Democratic Republic
Education: Kiev Higher Tank Engineering School
Military Academy of Armored Forces
Military Academy of the General Staff
Military service
Years of service: since 1989
Affiliation: USSR USSR → Russia Russia
Type of army: Tank forces
lieutenant general

Alexander Aleksandrovich Shevchenko(born February 20, 1967) - Russian military leader, lieutenant general. Head of the Main Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation since 2009.


After completing his studies, he was appointed head of the armored service of a motorized rifle brigade, deputy commander for armaments - head of the technical unit of a motorized rifle regiment, then deputy commander for armaments - head of the technical unit of a motorized rifle division (North Caucasus Military District).


  • Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st class
  • Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II class
  • other awards

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  • . Website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
  • (Russian) . (August 14, 2009).
  • (Russian) . (November 15, 2012).

Excerpt characterizing Shevchenko, Alexander Alexandrovich (general)

What fire have you planted in your heart,
What delight flowed through my fingers!
He sang in a passionate voice, shining at the frightened and happy Natasha with his agate, black eyes.
- Wonderful! Great! – Natasha shouted. “Another verse,” she said, not noticing Nikolai.
“They have everything the same,” thought Nikolai, looking into the living room, where he saw Vera and his mother with the old woman.
- A! Here comes Nikolenka! – Natasha ran up to him.
- Is daddy at home? - he asked.
– I’m so glad you came! – Natasha said without answering, “we’re having so much fun.” Vasily Dmitrich remains for me one more day, you know?
“No, dad hasn’t come yet,” said Sonya.
- Coco, you have arrived, come to me, my friend! - said the countess's voice from the living room. Nikolai approached his mother, kissed her hand and, silently sitting down at her table, began to look at her hands, laying out the cards. Laughter and cheerful voices were still heard from the hall, persuading Natasha.
“Well, okay, okay,” Denisov shouted, “now there’s no point in making excuses, barcarolla is behind you, I beg you.”
The Countess looked back at her silent son.
- What happened to you? – Nikolai’s mother asked.
“Oh, nothing,” he said, as if he was already tired of this same question.
- Will daddy arrive soon?
- I think.
“Everything is the same for them. They don't know anything! Where should I go?” thought Nikolai and went back to the hall where the clavichord stood.
Sonya sat at the clavichord and played the prelude of the barcarolle that Denisov especially loved. Natasha was going to sing. Denisov looked at her with delighted eyes.
Nikolai began to walk back and forth around the room.
“And now you want to make her sing? – what can she sing? And there’s nothing fun here,” thought Nikolai.
Sonya struck the first chord of the prelude.
“My God, I am lost, I am a dishonest person. A bullet in the forehead, the only thing left to do is not sing, he thought. Leave? but where? anyway, let them sing!”
Nikolai gloomily, continuing to walk around the room, glanced at Denisov and the girls, avoiding their gaze.
“Nikolenka, what’s wrong with you?” – asked Sonya’s gaze fixed on him. She immediately saw that something had happened to him.
Nikolai turned away from her. Natasha, with her sensitivity, also instantly noticed her brother’s condition. She noticed him, but she herself was so happy at that moment, she was so far from grief, sadness, reproaches, that she (as often happens with young people) deliberately deceived herself. No, I’m having too much fun now to spoil my fun by sympathizing with someone else’s grief, she felt, and said to herself:
“No, I’m rightly mistaken, he should be as cheerful as I am.” Well, Sonya,” she said and went out to the very middle of the hall, where, in her opinion, the resonance was best. Raising her head, lowering her lifelessly hanging hands, as dancers do, Natasha, energetically shifting from heel to tiptoe, walked through the middle of the room and stopped.
"Here I am!" as if she was speaking in response to the enthusiastic gaze of Denisov, who was watching her.
“And why is she happy! - Nikolai thought, looking at his sister. And how isn’t she bored and ashamed!” Natasha hit the first note, her throat expanded, her chest straightened, her eyes took on a serious expression. She was not thinking about anyone or anything at that moment, and sounds flowed from her folded mouth into a smile, those sounds that anyone can make at the same intervals and at the same intervals, but which a thousand times leave you cold, in the thousand and first times they make you shudder and cry.
This winter Natasha began to sing seriously for the first time, especially because Denisov admired her singing. She no longer sang like a child, there was no longer in her singing that comic, childish diligence that was in her before; but she still did not sing well, as all the expert judges who listened to her said. “Not processed, but a wonderful voice, it needs to be processed,” everyone said. But they usually said this long after her voice had fallen silent. At the same time, when this raw voice sounded with irregular aspirations and with efforts of transitions, even the expert judges did not say anything, and only enjoyed this raw voice and only wanted to hear it again. In her voice there was that virginal pristineness, that ignorance of her own strengths and that still unprocessed velvet, which were so combined with the shortcomings of the art of singing that it seemed impossible to change anything in this voice without spoiling it.
“What is this? - Nikolai thought, hearing her voice and opening his eyes wide. -What happened to her? How does she sing these days? - he thought. And suddenly the whole world focused for him, waiting for the next note, the next phrase, and everything in the world became divided into three tempos: “Oh mio crudele affetto... [Oh my cruel love...] One, two, three... one, two... three... one... Oh mio crudele affetto... One, two, three... one. Eh, our life is stupid! - Nikolai thought. All this, and misfortune, and money, and Dolokhov, and anger, and honor - all this is nonsense... but here it is real... Hey, Natasha, well, my dear! Well, mother!... how will she take this si? I took it! God bless!" - and he, without noticing that he was singing, in order to strengthen this si, took the second to the third of a high note. "My God! how good! Did I really take it? how happy!” he thought.