Causes of alcohol addiction and its consequences. Psychological and physiological reasons for drinking alcohol

There are many problems associated with alcohol, and the most important of them is alcoholism. But not all drinkers suffer from alcoholism. If you know when to stop and don’t drink often, then an ordinary person who occasionally drinks a glass of vodka or a glass of wine on a holiday will not be in danger of developing a persistent dependence on alcohol. But if you compare an ordinary healthy person who sometimes drinks an intoxicating drink, and an alcoholic, then each of them has their own reasons for starting to drink. Understanding these reasons helps to understand what makes some people start drinking more and more and become alcoholics, while others need to know when to stop and never cross this line. Moreover, understanding the reasons for craving for alcohol allows you to get rid of alcohol addiction. Psychological rehabilitation in the treatment of alcoholism is one of the important components of successfully overcoming addiction. The main task of such rehabilitation is to identify and eliminate the cause.

Stages of alcohol consumption

Usually the answer to the question of why people drink is of more concern to women who suffer next to an alcoholic husband. However, some representatives of the fair sex also have a craving for drinking alcohol. And on the contrary, they are not interested in finding the cause.

In surveys and studies conducted to find out why people start drinking, five main stages in the development of cravings for alcohol have been identified:

  1. Often a person drinks his first glass for company or out of interest. Most people drink alcohol for the first time during adolescence. But it’s too early to talk about the development of alcohol dependence. Typically, such early use of intoxicating drinks is associated with the teenager getting into a drinking company or with interest that arose against the background of stories from more “experienced” friends about the state of fun and euphoria after drinking alcohol.
  2. Subsequently, the person begins to drink in order to once again feel the feeling of intoxication and relaxation. This usually happens in the same company where the teenager got his first experience. At the same time, a feeling of relaxation, fun and euphoria again visits the person, and the positive experience of drinking alcohol is repeated. At this stage, people drink alcohol because they enjoy it. This is the initial stage of addiction formation.
  3. Formation of psychological dependence on alcohol. At this stage, a person likes to drink on holidays, but over time he tries to find more and more reasons to drink. Thus, the interval between drinking alcohol is reduced. Drinking an alcoholic drink improves mood, and without it a person experiences depression, bad mood, irritability and aggressiveness.

  1. Further reasons for drunkenness are no longer associated with a state of joy and pleasure, but with “treatment”, because an alcoholic needs to fight a hangover, and with a new dose of alcohol you can simply and quickly improve your well-being in the morning. Moreover, this stage of alcohol dependence is formed in people who like to drink almost every day. In this case, the answer to the question of why people drink lies in the physical dependence on ethanol. This substance is firmly integrated into the metabolic processes of the body, which cannot work without alcohol. Moreover, it is very difficult to start quitting drinking at this stage, because the craving is so strong that a person cannot control his desires. If he starts taking vodka in the morning to get a hangover, he quickly enters a state of binge drinking.
  2. At the very last stage of alcoholism, the patient cannot imagine his life without alcohol. And as soon as he tries to get out of the binge, his condition worsens sharply and the alcoholic has to drink again and again in order to feel normal. In this case, alcohol will not be a pleasure for him, but a vital substance that slowly kills a person.

As you can see, at each stage of drinking alcohol there are reasons that push a person to drink. Therefore, in order to answer the question of why people drink, you need to understand at what stage of acquaintance with alcohol a person is. Psychology is such that a teenager who has not tried alcohol cannot drink to get drunk, and the cause of alcoholism at the last stage cannot be the desire not to stand out from the company.

Psychological reasons

To understand why people drink alcohol, it is worth going beyond the five stages of addiction that we discussed above. There are a number of reasons that are not so obvious and visible, but this does not make them less significant and serious. So, to understand why people drink, you need to study the psychological aspects.

Important: as a rule, if everything is good in a person’s life: there is a friendly family, beloved children, an interesting, well-paid job, varied leisure time, friends who don’t drink or drink in moderation, everyone is healthy and happy, then there are reasons to drink alcohol regularly, there is no person.

Some of the psychological reasons why people start drinking include the following:

  1. Loneliness is the reason for the development of alcohol addiction. When there is no one to talk to about life, its problems and sorrows, when there is no supportive and understanding person nearby, then drinking alcohol temporarily makes the world less hostile and the feeling of loneliness is temporarily dulled.
  2. A person may not love himself, his shortcomings, or experience self-doubt. He tries to smooth out all this with the help of alcohol. Some people with obvious defects in appearance or speech feel awkward in society and are embarrassed about themselves, so they try to drown out this feeling with alcoholic drinks.
  3. A person may start drinking to numb the severe mental pain that is associated with the loss of a loved one or a serious illness.
  4. A fairly common psychological reason is: for courage. To drown out fears, anxieties and concerns, a person can drink alcohol and become more confident and relaxed if he does not overdo the dosage.
  5. Sometimes the answer to the question of why they drink lies in the nervous and psychological stress that many of us experience after a hard day. In this state it is difficult to relax and fall asleep. To get rid of psychological burden after work, not only some men drink beer, but also representatives of the fair sex relieve nervous tension in this way. At first it helps, but then the person experiences psychological, and later physical, dependence.
  6. Some men, in response to the question of why they drink alcohol, namely beer, say that they like the taste of this foamy drink and this is how they quench their thirst.

Social reasons

In addition to psychological aspects, our desire to drink can also be driven by social reasons. Among them are the following:

  • dissatisfaction with your life (work, family), financial and domestic problems;
  • psychological pressure from colleagues, family members, superiors;
  • lack of self-realization in family life, work, career, children, etc.;
  • low social status;
  • a drinking party that never misses a single holiday or celebration;
  • traditions of drinking on all holidays;
  • teenagers try to attract attention to themselves using alcohol.

Attention: do not forget about the hereditary predisposition to alcohol addiction. If someone in your family suffered from alcoholism, then there is a high probability that when certain reasons or a combination of them appear, the person will start drinking.

False reasons

To find the answer to the question of why alcoholics drink, it is worth looking at the stages of alcohol consumption described above. The answer is obvious, they suffer from psychological and physical dependence. These are the two main reasons for drunkenness. But many addicted people try to justify their addiction with completely justified (in their opinion) reasons:

  1. Drinking improves your mood. The catch lies in the fact that improvement in mood occurs only at the beginning; if a person continues to drink, then euphoria and joy are quickly replaced by irritability, aggressiveness, or, conversely, a depressed mood. To understand how unfounded this reason is, it’s worth remembering what a chronic alcoholic looks like. He definitely does not resemble a person in a good mood and spirit.

Important: the stage of alcoholic euphoria is only available to people at an early stage of addiction.

  1. If alcohol is taken to normalize relationships between people, make new connections and acquaintances, then it is worth noting that ethanol destroys brain cells, which leads to dementia, and this, in turn, certainly does not attract people around you. Moreover, in a state of severe alcoholic intoxication, only a fellow alcoholic can understand a person with unrelated speech and a slurred tongue, but not his wife, relatives, children or work colleagues and superiors.
  2. Another myth is that alcohol makes a person bolder. Here it would be more correct to say not bolder, but deprives him of his sense of self-preservation, which is why serious accidents, crimes and suicides so often occur while intoxicated. Moreover, a person under the influence of alcohol inadequately perceives the world around him and cannot assess the real threat to his life.

  1. Treating a morning hangover with alcohol is also not the right way out of the situation, since it promotes binge drinking. It is better to improve the condition of the body with the help of medications and folk remedies than to poison the liver and brain with ethanol again.

As you can see, all the reasons that force a person to drink are related to pleasure, imaginary self-confidence, the ability to drown out problems, improve mood or get a dose of courage. But in any case, alcohol gives only a temporary effect, after which not only a severe hangover sets in, but also addiction gradually develops, which in no way contributes to improving your life, solving problems and lifting your mood.

Every person has wondered why people drink alcohol. After all, everyone knows that alcohol is harmful to health, and at the same time, some often use it and become addicted. You can hear various excuses about why this is being done. But most of them are just excuses that a drinking person comes up with. In fact, at each stage of alcoholism there is a reason that forces you to consume strong alcohol. Now let’s figure out what factors cause dependence.

What can you hear from alcoholics?

Before we figure out why people start drinking alcohol, let’s list the false reasons. They serve as an excuse both at an early stage of the disease and at a later stage. Moreover, a person inspires this not only to others, but also to himself.

You can often hear that alcohol helps you become more sociable and feel freer.

Yes, if you drink a glass of wine, you can really feel how the psychological barrier disappears. If you drink more alcohol, you can forget about all the norms of behavior. , and this makes the person stupider. Looseness is actually inadequacy, and sociability is annoying.

Another reason is to feel the fun. If a person needs to drink to feel joy, then he clearly has psychological problems. Well, alcohol is not really a source of fun. Yes, you can feel better, but at the same time, emotional swings are likely. That is, after joy there will come deep sadness. And in the morning the mood will obviously not be good.

“For courage” - this is what you can often hear from a person who drinks strong alcohol. Yes, it becomes easier to perform various actions, but this is due to the loss of normal perception of reality. This often ends with the man behaving indecently towards a person of the opposite sex or even mutilating himself. After all, for a time there are no boundaries for him, including the instinct of self-preservation.

To get rid of stress, starting to drink is far from the best solution. . This leads to depression, apathy and mental disorders. Stress may disappear for a while, but then it only doubles. Accordingly, it would be unwise to use alcoholic drinks to ease one’s mental state and relieve nervous tension.

Drinking alcohol to relieve a hangover is one of the worst reasons. This is a direct path to alcoholism, as a vicious circle arises. Therefore, it is unacceptable to fight a hangover using alcohol. Otherwise, you may soon notice the appearance of addiction.

The real reasons

When it comes to why an alcoholic decided to drink, you shouldn't believe excuses. He can complain as much as he wants about life, about problems, or convince him that strong drinks have a positive effect. In fact, there are only five true reasons, and each of them appears at a certain stage.

Naturally, no one is born with alcoholism. There may be a predisposition if parents suffered from a bad habit. However, the dependence itself develops over time. It usually takes several years for this disease to appear. Moreover, women become drunk faster than men. Now let's figure out what leads to a sad outcome.

Real reasons:

  • Start. This is the moment when a person just starts drinking. It can happen at different ages. For most people it doesn’t go further than this, but there is still a risk. The main reason is drinking alcohol out of curiosity or for company. There is no dependence, and the person drinks once a month or less.
  • Stage 2. The individual drinks alcohol several times a month, but does so irregularly. There are already several reasons, including “for the company.” As a rule, this is done in order to once again feel the sensations that appear during intoxication. There is a euphoria that you want to repeat. There is no dependence yet, but there are hints of it.
  • Stage 3. It is characterized by the fact that the person regularly drinks on weekends (or on any other days). For example, a person gets used to drinking beer on Fridays and does not deny himself it. That is, ethanol consumption becomes a habit. Here another reason is added: dependence on a psychological level. That is, without alcoholic drinks a Friday evening is not possible.
  • Stage 4. In this case, a strong addiction has appeared, and the person drinks almost every day. The body is seriously poisoned by harmful substances, and the alcoholic seeks to get rid of negative symptoms with the help of ethanol. He regularly suffers from hangovers, from which strong drinks help. A person can no longer imagine his life without alcoholic beverages.
  • The final stage. This is an extreme degree of alcoholism, when a person loses adequacy and connection with the outside world. He does not come out of his state of intoxication. The functioning of the body is greatly deteriorated; organs cannot function normally. The brain and central nervous system were damaged. Relatives fail to recognize a loved one in an alcoholic. There are three reasons for this: an established habit, an attempt to maintain the body’s energy, and a desire to alleviate intoxication.

From this we can understand that people did not drink because of those factors that serve as excuses. But, in any case, if addiction is suspected, immediate action must be taken.

In the early stages, you can prevent alcoholism or, if it exists, it will be easier to get rid of it.

Tools from the Internet will help you overcome a bad habit. It will also be useful to talk to a psychologist who will help you understand the problem and overcome addiction. The sooner treatment begins, the sooner it will be possible to return your loved one to normal life. The main thing is to support him and help him overcome the craving for alcohol. We must remember that this is a disease, and it can be treated even in its later stages if you make an effort.

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They probably wondered why a person drinks. I have prepared an article for you where I will try to answer this question.

Much will be a revelation for you, you will learn a lot of new things, so read.

The problem of excessive alcohol consumption in Russia is growing every year. According to statistics, more than 5 million people in the country suffer from alcoholism, and about 500 thousand men and women die every year as a result of this addiction.

Ischemic heart disease, liver cirrhosis, chronic pancreatitis, suicide attempts, and domestic homicides lead to early mortality due to alcoholism. In addition, the frequency of consumption of low-quality alcoholic beverages and alcohol substitutes is growing, which accounts for up to 40 thousand cases of poisoning per year, including deaths. Why do people drink alcohol? Why do they feel such a painful attachment to strong drinks? There are many reasons, let's look at the main ones.

Genetic factor

Scientific research and observations of experimental groups of people from various social strata have proven the influence of genetic predisposition on the occurrence of alcoholism. In other words, in people’s DNA there is a special gene for alcoholism, which affects the tendency to drink excessively and quickly become addicted to ethyl alcohol.

Thus, a person who does not have such a gene does not experience euphoria when drinking alcohol. On the contrary, she feels a deterioration in her general condition, nausea, and headaches. Addiction to ethyl alcohol rarely develops over a long period of time. People who are carriers of a pathological gene, when they first become acquainted with alcoholic beverages, feel a feeling of satisfaction, happiness, and pleasant relaxation. Addiction sets in quickly and leads to a painful craving for ethanol.

Social factor

The social environment and close circle of a person from birth influences his worldview and understanding of the world. If a child was born from a drinking mother who drank alcohol during pregnancy and breastfeeding, then the risk of developing an addiction increases tenfold. A child becomes dependent on ethyl alcohol from infancy. Growing up in a drinking family strengthens children's craving for alcoholic beverages, which leads to childhood and youth alcoholism in 90% of cases.

The harmful influence of society does not necessarily come from the family. There are many known cases of alcoholism in children of non-drinking parents. In adolescence, a child, due to his psychological characteristics, becomes a rebel against family, school, and the rules of behavior accepted in society. If you find yourself in bad company who are fond of alcoholic drinks, you quickly succumb to influence and do not notice how a bad habit becomes a serious illness. Alcohol advertising in the press and on television, as well as films with main characters boldly walking through life with a glass of strong drink, play a significant role.

Psychological factor

The most powerful factor that gives birth to millions of alcoholics around the globe is, of course, psychological. Like any other drug, alcohol initially causes psychological dependence. No one doubts that ethyl alcohol can be classified as a narcotic substance. Unlike heroin and cocaine, alcoholic drinks form physical dependence - hangover syndrome, delirium tremens, delirium tremens 7-15 years after the start of drinking alcohol.

Of course, the time of onset of physical dependence is influenced by the quality and quantity of alcohol consumed, standard of living, state of health and the presence of a pathological gene, but on average statistics usually indicate such figures. People have been poisoning their bodies for years just because of the feeling of relaxation and false happiness that ethanol brings. Mental dependence becomes a powerful factor that forces you to take alcohol again and again.

Scientists have proven that ethyl alcohol causes increased production of endorphins in the human body, the so-called “hormones of happiness.” They are the ones who dull the feeling of shame, anxiety, shyness, liberate and give a feeling of freedom. After drinking alcohol, problems fade into the background, life seems easy and relaxed, self-esteem increases - people feel happy. With regular consumption of alcohol, your own endorphins cease to be produced, which forces you to take strong drinks in order to again feel a state of euphoria.

Unfortunately, the understanding that minutes and hours of euphoria in an alcoholic stupor does not bring real happiness, does not solve problems, does not lead to development, comes quite late or does not come at all. A drinking person loses his family, job, friends, property. The alcoholic becomes lonely or is surrounded by equally dependent people, which reinforces the “normality” of such behavior in the mind.

People often start drinking after the tragic loss of a loved one, as a result of a financial crisis, or disappointment in the world around them. Great stress brings injury, leading to disfigurement or disability. Unfulfilled hopes of achieving a high position in society or recognition among athletes, artists, artists, and politicians usually lead to alcohol addiction. Easy money turns the unattainable into accessible, makes a choice in favor of a wild life and, as a result, loads people with an addiction as an integral attribute.

However, the most banal and less tragic reason is drinking in company. There is probably no more senseless reason for drunkenness. Seeming like everyone else, being on trend, and joining the company makes people drink alcohol regularly. A cheerful life in a circle of tipsy friends leads to alcohol addiction, and subsequently to moral, physical and social degradation.

Who is most likely to suffer from alcoholism?

Genetic, social and psychological factors can act together or individually, thereby causing addiction to ethanol. However, these factors can be counterbalanced by upbringing, determination, culture of behavior, high moral principles and religious beliefs. A passionate person will never have a problem with alcoholic beverages. It doesn’t matter what a person is passionate about - work, family, sports, hobbies, faith in a higher power, travel.

Busy people who have a goal and the will to achieve it do not fall into the ranks of alcoholics. The ability to switch from problems to positive thinking, to rise from your knees after family grief or financial collapse, no matter what, does not give alcohol a chance to take over your soul and body. A person who sincerely loves life will not allow a drunken fog to change it and make it unreal.

They say that statistics are a stubborn thing. And she points to the growing problem of domestic drunkenness and alcoholism every year. But it’s worth thinking about why this happens? Of course, it’s easier to drown your grief with vodka or lose your individuality in order to be like everyone else. But what will this life position lead to? Mental emptiness, unemployment, tears of loved ones, alien surroundings of the same losers as a drinking person becomes. If there is even one chance to stop drinking alcohol, you need to take it. And every person has such a chance.

Main reason for drinking alcohol

And now I will tell you the main reason for drinking alcohol. We can say this is the root of all other reasons. And here lies the secret of how to finally get rid of the addiction to alcohol, i.e. stop drinking once and for all. After all, only by eliminating the root cause, or one might say the cause of all causes, will we no longer want to be poisoned by this terrible poison.

So, attention. But first I will say that the main reason lies not in physiological or even psychological factors. Yes, alcohol, like a drug, leads to addiction, and subsequently the body will need more and more new doses. This is physiology. Psychological factors also play a significant role. But still, the root of the problem is buried in the deep spiritual essence of a person, in his soul. It is in the discord between the soul - the higher self and the psyche, the lower self or ego, that lies the main reason for drinking alcohol. Are you surprised. I'll explain everything now.

In the meantime, that's all happiness and health to you .

Why do people tip back the stack? The holiday is just a cover. People just like to drink. Even if a person is not an alcoholic, he is to some extent dependent on alcoholic beverages because he cannot give them up completely. Not everyone becomes an individual lying at the fence; many realize their deplorable state in time or spend their entire lives without reaching it. Why do people like to drink?

Because it is an artificial way to cheer yourself up. Adults rarely know how to sincerely enjoy the holidays. Children are capable and therefore do not need various tonics. But adults have already seen a lot, and the years are passing faster and faster. Therefore, every New Year becomes more and more familiar. At the same time, I just enjoy drinking, because I can forget about my problems for a while or just enjoy life. And it will be much more pleasant to communicate. In general, people see only the advantages and do not notice the disadvantages of this process.

So what are the main reasons why people drink?

1. Having fun. This reason is common to all lovers of alcoholic beverages. Under alcohol, everything becomes better: the sky, clouds, bushes, music. That's why they often drink in nightclubs. People know what they are doing.

2. Forget about problems. A person recognizes problems, but somehow this happens in a non-standard way. They seem to exist, the person understands that it will be bad for him. But in a drunken stupor everything seems fun. Even problems.

3. Strengthen the feeling of celebration. In fact, it creates it. During the holiday, it is very important to fly to another world and not be here and now.

4. Improve communication with people.

These are the reasons that stand out for even moderate drunkenness.

Alcoholism is an incredibly dangerous social evil that destroys families and also provokes the development of many dangerous diseases. And naturally, it would be illogical to drink, given the totality of all these consequences, but people continue to do it, becoming alcoholics.

What causes this disease? What is its deepest reason?

Some believe that it is the peculiarities of the body's metabolism. In fact, not quite so. First, the reason is the formation of psychological dependence. And everything happens at the level of conditioned reflexes. Simply put, an alcoholic drinks automatically. He simply has such a strong urge to drink that it’s easier for him to climb up the wall than to stop it.

Alcoholism is also caused by the inability to solve one’s problems. A person essentially either becomes or remains a child. However, psychological maturity is a good way to prevent this problem. After all, those who follow their desires, as a rule, are those who have not yet matured. They are afraid to face reality, which provokes the emergence of a number of serious psychological problems. And in order to stop drinking, you need to try to develop the ability to educate yourself. After this, any problems with alcohol will go away, if they have just begun. If a person has already become an alcoholic, then this will not help.

All the reasons are much deeper. Have you ever found yourself doing something automatically when you shouldn't have? For example, they turned off the lights automatically, turned on the wrong water, or closed the door right in front of someone else’s nose automatically, without thinking. Of course, a huge number of such examples can be given, and therefore it will be quite simple to understand the mechanism of alcoholism. A person drinks automatically because he is used to doing so. And no matter how many times he tells himself how bad it is, he continues to step on the same old rake.

Why? Firstly, because he still associates alcohol with pleasure, just like a healthy person. In fact, there is no pleasure. There is only suffering. Well, just think: the mechanism of binge drinking is this: a person drinks, gets drunk to the point of insanity. The next morning he wakes up and realizes that this cannot continue. But he goes to film, and he just feels bad. Not terrible, just bad. And the cycle repeats.

How to stop drinking?

Quitting drinking is incredibly difficult because it involves changing your lifestyle. And given that addiction takes many years to form, it takes a lot of time to get rid of this bad habit. A cure is impossible, so you need to stop drinking alcohol for the rest of your life. But how to rehabilitate yourself? There are many psychological aspects to consider here. Of course, it is difficult to give universal advice due to the individuality of the course of alcoholism in each patient. But why not try? There are several important rules that you will have to follow.

The first is getting out of binge drinking. It should be smooth. Of course, it’s much easier to come out dry, because after the first glass you drink, you’ll be tempted to drink a second one. And there, consider it a lost day. But if you start it completely dry, it can end in delirium tremens, as well as somatic disorders. Therefore, it is more effective to take small doses. Drink no more than 30 grams of vodka per hour, and then it will be much easier to come out. The condition will be much better, and you can even perform certain actions. The psychological aspect is also important - watch yourself during a binge. Yes, I don’t want to do this. It `s naturally. But this is how you discipline yourself and look like a person.

What else should you do to stop drinking?

1. Find yourself new hobbies. The most common cause is alcoholism

ma is the inability to have fun. You can go to a club for non-drinkers. This does not mean a society of teetotalers or Alcoholics Anonymous, but an event during which alcohol is not consumed. That is, you need to forget about clubs if you become an alcoholic.

2. Reward yourself for not drinking. Of course, this will not replace the pleasure of alcohol. Or rather, the amount of dopamine. Alcohol brings a lot of joy to the drinker, but giving it up doesn’t mean you have to be sad, right? You can walk without alcoholic drinks. And there will be more sense.

3. Find yourself a goal that is incompatible with alcohol and desire it vividly. For example, this is the desire to become rich. Often people quit drinking simply because alcohol wastes money.

4. Play sports. It increases overall vitality and the number of endorphins increases.

Points like these are incredibly important when trying to quit drinking. Thanks to them, it becomes possible to forget about drinking for a while. And there it’s all about willpower.

Why do people drink alcohol?

Why do people drink? - Strangely enough, neither the drinkers themselves nor those who are trying to treat them can really answer this question. Drinkers come up with various excuses, but an honest answer, if given, is very rare. Why? Because drinkers themselves have no answer. But we will try to understand.

The reasons for drunkenness are different, and the most common is a lack of hobbies and interests. It is human nature to strive for pleasure and for better well-being. But people who are passionate about something get satisfaction from their favorite activities, and alcohol only interferes with their activities. People are not born drinkers, they become drinkers, and quite slowly. This requires time, which a busy person simply does not have.

For many, going to a relative’s house for a birthday, wedding, or simply celebrating some holiday is simply a punishment. They want all this to end as soon as possible, and they will return to their favorite pastime. For some it’s a sport, others are fanatically and incessantly engaged in remodeling and improving their homes, others are obsessed with animals, and, in the end, business.

People climb mountains, go hiking, are captivated by the computer, etc. But all this, due to the significant difference between people in the structure of the psyche and level of intelligence, is not accessible to everyone. Not everyone. Probably everyone remembers their class, and the fact that there were excellent students, bad students, and good students, well, just like in any group of students.

I myself studied in five schools, so I have enough observations. And here are the conclusions I came to. The majority of good people do not become drunkards. Only in isolated cases. And the risk group includes excellent students and hopeless poor students. The first, probably because they didn’t get what they expected from life, the second, because they didn’t expect anything from the very beginning. That's about it. I'm only talking about the trend.

People who stand firmly on their feet are, oddly enough, usually made from bad and average students. The bad ones, not the completely hopeless ones. Although this does not mean at all that a great future awaits the unsuccessful student.

Conversely, excellent students rarely reach great heights. Again, there are no rules without exceptions. I'm talking about percentage here. Good and C students make up a larger percentage of independent, proactive people who are confident that they are right than excellent students. Although it seems that everything should be exactly the opposite.

The reason for this paradox is that successful and diligent students, for the most part, are very afraid of condemnation and censure, often achieving knowledge by meaningless cramming, without understanding the meaning of the subject being studied. The main thing is to get a good grade. This is their main goal. In the worst cases, the only one.

Of course, ingenuity and ingenuity, among students with “excellent academic performance,” may sometimes be completely absent. Their entire life follows generally accepted rules, and they can only act within the limits of the knowledge they have received, or frankly, crammed into their heads. They always “know exactly” what is possible and what is not.

Losers often care what they think about them. They study only what interests them and do what they enjoy. They can go against social norms and generally against the flow of life more often and more freely. Will someone judge? They are not used to this. I've been judged all my life. That is, the brake on condemnation does not work here. Boring? I drank and became more cheerful. Well, what obstacles.

Mostly, of course, they drink themselves to death in their youth, when the wind is blowing through their heads. Excellent students may be overcome by vodka later, when they begin to realize that they will never get from life what they have been spoiled for. The fact that like attracts like is also of great importance. Loser students are drawn to poor students, excellent students to excellent students.

Well, together, those that are already strength. And if a former excellent student decides to drink vodka one more time, he will face condemnation from his friends. But when a person who was a poor student in the past decided to screw it up, he will most likely find support for the idea in his environment. The environment is of great importance.

It is also necessary to keep in mind that excellent students usually begin their life journey from universities, and poor students from vocational schools, or from factories. Where drunkenness is more developed, I think there is no need to say. What's in the factory? I came home from work - there’s nothing to do, let’s go drink beer. On the weekend again - take a bottle, let's go to me. That's all there is to it.

Sometimes even enthusiastic people start drinking. This happens in cases where for some reason they are deprived of the opportunity to do what they love. One of my close friends was very serious about motocross at one time. Took second place in Ukraine in the late 70s.

One day, my friend fell off his motorcycle so “successfully” that he was barely saved; his face was smashed into pieces on a stone. Big sport was closed to him. He started drinking. Motorsports was his life. This is how forgotten actors and athletes drink themselves to death. There is simply no need for them to be sober.

When a person's friendship with vodka goes far, another thing begins to play a role. The fact is that our bodies constantly produce substances - endorphins. They are also called “joy hormones” or “happiness hormones”. We need them to maintain normal vitality, to see life a little more rosier than it is. Their chemical composition and mode of action are very similar to morphine.

There are people with a congenital deficiency of these hormones. They seem to be nailed down all the time, they are silent, you can’t get a word out, and when they drink, they just glow with happiness. The self-regulation system of our body strives to maintain a person’s mental state at the desired level by producing endorphins in a certain amount.

But when a drinker uses alcohol to almost constantly keep his mood higher than usual, the production of joy hormones is suspended. How else? If it’s so good, why develop anything else? It is precisely because of the similarity of endorphins with morphine that it is so difficult for morphine addicts to “get off the needle.” They stop producing essential hormones altogether.

Over time, many drinkers, and especially those who have reached the point of alcoholism, begin to experience depression when sober. “Happiness is not produced inside”; it awaits input from the outside. And until the poor guy drinks, he simply cannot return to normal. The normal state is to be drunk. If you don’t drink at all for some time, for example a year, everything returns to normal. Again good without vodka.

Well, and of course, the most difficult case is the binge of an alcoholic. This option cannot be said in a fairy tale, nor can it be described with a pen. An alcoholic on a binge, as soon as he begins to sober up, often feels, without exaggeration, on the verge of death. Life appears in such a black light that it seems it couldn’t get any worse. I am well acquainted with how an alcoholic feels at this time, so I never judge those who find themselves on a binge. Well, a person can’t cope. It's really very difficult.

By the way, once I caught a condition that made me believe that it could always be even worse. I achieved this through reckless use of psychotropic drugs. I was twenty then. There is a draft in my head. I will definitely describe this moment sometime. When I remember what I experienced then, even now, thirty years later, I get goosebumps.

I put off writing this article for two months, the topic seemed so complicated to me. But I re-read it, and it seems good. The main ideas are expressed. If you have any opinions, please express them in the comments. Any opinions, even complete disagreement.

So, let's draw the line. Why do people drink? I think we can draw the following conclusions:

From idleness, lack of vital interests.