Who is Ivan Kozhedub? Soviet ace Ivan Kozhedub, two sides of the same coin

The police searched his apartment and found the clothes he was wearing when he attacked Martier. Forensic experts examined the fibers and established their identity with those already at their disposal. They also found a ball of Swedish rope, a piece of which he had left near Martier's body, and boots. The soles matched the print at the crime scene. Other items were also seized: videotapes with bloody scenes, the Anarchist's Handbook - a guide to terror, pornographic magazines, knives and a training device used to pump up the muscles he needed so much in fights with victims.

Duffy said nothing in court. His eyes looked unblinkingly at the judge as he read out a list of terrible crimes. He was found guilty of two rapes and two murders.

But his soul was torn by suffering, however, not because he killed people, took lives and broke up families, but because his own “I” was shattered into pieces and his crimes did not become the sensations of the century. The press did not spoil him with their attention. While in prison, Duffy boasted to his fellow inmates that his name would become one with the names of such famous bandits as Jack the Ripper, Black Panther, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley. He was especially infuriated by the fact that on the same day it began to happen to him. trial in the case of Kenneth Erskine, the strangler who killed seven elderly people while they slept. This trial overshadowed the Duffy case.

After Duffy's sentence, one of the policemen said: "Perhaps the realization that he is not the devil, that he is not the bloodiest and most terrible of all criminals, is the most terrible punishment for him. After all, Duffy's morbid self-importance put him on the same level with the most notorious criminals in the country. He dreamed of the status of a “star” in the constellation of murderers and was very worried that Erskine’s case caused more resonance than his, John Duffy. The hunt for the killer cost 3 million pounds sterling and thousands of people. But now, at least forty years later, women are freed from one of the most brutal rapist-murderers of recent times - the "laser-eyed killer."


The terrible trail of the Boa constrictor lasted for six years. The first corpse of a strangled and cut up boy was discovered in April 1986. In July, another brutal murder of a teenager, and a few days later another one. And everywhere the same style - taking of life and mockery of the corpse. The handwriting of a sexual maniac.

Then a three-year break. New victims. A boy who was flayed by a maniac. Another series that ended with three murders in 1992.

Those who were looking for him must still be tormented to this day: how did it happen that they could not find him even a year earlier, even a month earlier? They could have, if after the first attempt the police had immediately turned to the population and said directly: something terrible had happened. An unknown person in a green rain jacket tried to strangle a boy from the first detachment of the pioneer camp. And this means that another sexual sadist has matured, who can only be identified thanks to the signals of those who could see him in person. And here is a verbal portrait for you to get your bearings.

He was seen near pioneer camps, near the lawns where boys played football, near the river where children swam. Most often, he looked out for his prey through binoculars. But he often lost control of himself, came very close, and then the teenagers (if they knew that a maniac was wanted) could contrive, call adults for help and detain the suspicious guy.

Then, when the dismembered bodies of boys begin to be found in the forest, it will become clear to the investigators that the sadist is familiar with anatomy, but not necessarily a doctor by profession. Maybe an animal specialist. And it’s amazing that stud farm No. 1, where Golovkin worked, never came to the attention of detectives.

And if he had gotten in, they would have heard a lot of interesting things about Golovkin. He lives alone and is not interested in women. When examining and inseminating horses, he holds his hand in the animal’s rectum for too long, causing his eyes to become cloudy. People are talking to him, but he doesn’t seem to hear. Feeling the genitals of the mare, she hums something. Some women were ashamed of his excited appearance.

17-year-old Ivanov, whom Golovkin lured into his home, equipped right on the territory of the stud farm, and gave alcohol to him, tried to persuade him to have a homosexual relationship, could also lead the detectives on the trail of the maniac, but... where to turn?

If a sketch had been compiled from the words of the first victim, and if this sketch had been published in all newspapers and had caught the eye of Ivanov, and Ivanov had known where to call without fear that his name would be made public, Golovkin would have been detained, his home subjected to inspection. And it would become clear what the livestock specialist is so carefully preparing for, what monstrous passion he is possessed by. And there would not have been 11 boys cut into pieces.

Golovkin made two misfires, but he wasn’t caught on those two misfires. Only 8 years after the first mistakes, he made a third, leaving witnesses alive. Thanks to this, the terrible score finally ended.

There are 2 photographs of Golovkin in the case. The first was taken in 1976, when he was 17 years old. At this age he was oppressed by several shortcomings: sunken chest, acne on the body and face, involuntary urination, as well as the fear that others will smell the Sperm emanating from him.

While masturbating, he mentally imagined himself having sexual intercourse with his classmates. At the same time, he tortures them, frying them naked in a frying pan, burning them at the stake. During the examination, he admitted to psychiatrists that in more early age imagined himself in the role of fascists who tortured pioneer heroes.

At the age of 13, he caught a cat, hanged it, then cut off its head and for the first time felt that he “had a release, tension went away, mental relief arose.” After this, “dreams of exhuming the corpse and dismembering it” appeared.

During sadistic dreams, a perfect image the boy is thin, of average height, no older than 16 years. In general, one that will not provide serious resistance. Over time, I wanted to move from dreams to action. The search for objects to attack began. Hiking around the pioneer camps was almost daily - until I felt tired.

Observations told him that it was most convenient to attack those teenagers who went outside the camp to smoke. And he began to stand guard near the holes in the fence.

He was already established as a sadist and sexual maniac, but judging by the first attempt to attack the boy, he lacked anger. Something human remained in him: the last crumbs of pity for the victim.

He himself would probably have been able to get rid of this obstacle for a long time. But they helped him. When he was studying at the agricultural academy, he was attacked by a group of teenagers, his front teeth were knocked out, and the cartilage of his nose was damaged. He couldn't find a place for himself, trying to find hooligans. They stood before his eyes. And he imagined how he dealt with them, hanging them from trees, cutting off their heads, cutting out their entrails, removing their skin.

He avoided looking in the mirror, he knew how quickly and dramatically his face was changing and turning black. Sometimes he was afraid even of himself.

The second photo of Golovkin is separated from the first by 8 years. It shows Golovkin a few months after the first assassination attempt. On the eve of the second - in all respects successful - attempt.

After the second murder, Golovkin felt a “thirst for new sensations,” and in the forest, where a mushroom picker could be hiding behind every tree, there was no feeling complete freedom. In addition, the torturer needed comfort, a complete set of tools for torture. He also believed that he was already skilled enough to carry out the murders of several boys at once. And most importantly, he wanted his pleasures to last not minutes but hours.



The terrible trail of the Boa constrictor lasted for six years. The first corpse of a strangled and cut up boy was discovered in April 1986. In July, another brutal murder of a teenager, and a few days later another one. And everywhere the same style - taking of life and mockery of the corpse. The handwriting of a sexual maniac.

Then a three-year break. New victims. A boy who was flayed by a maniac. Another series that ended with three murders in 1992.

Those who were looking for him must still be tormented to this day: how did it happen that they could not find him even a year earlier, even a month earlier? They could have, if after the first attempt the police had immediately turned to the population and said directly: something terrible had happened. An unknown person in a green rain jacket tried to strangle a boy from the first detachment of the pioneer camp. And this means that another sexual sadist has matured, who can only be identified thanks to the signals of those who could see him in person. And here is a verbal portrait for you to get your bearings.

He was seen near pioneer camps, near the lawns where boys played football, near the river where children swam. Most often, he looked out for his prey through binoculars. But he often lost control of himself, came very close, and then the teenagers (if they knew that a maniac was wanted) could contrive, call adults for help and detain the suspicious guy.

Then, when the dismembered bodies of boys begin to be found in the forest, it will become clear to the investigators that the sadist is familiar with anatomy, but not necessarily a doctor by profession. Maybe an animal specialist. And it’s amazing that stud farm No. 1, where Golovkin worked, never came to the attention of detectives.

And if he had gotten in, they would have heard a lot of interesting things about Golovkin. He lives alone and is not interested in women. When examining and inseminating horses, he holds his hand in the animal’s rectum for too long, causing his eyes to become cloudy. People are talking to him, but he doesn’t seem to hear. Feeling the genitals of the mare, she hums something. Some women were ashamed of his excited appearance.

17-year-old Ivanov, whom Golovkin lured into his home, equipped right on the territory of the stud farm, and gave alcohol to him, tried to persuade him to have a homosexual relationship, could also lead the detectives on the trail of the maniac, but... where to turn?

If a sketch had been compiled from the words of the first victim, and if this sketch had been published in all newspapers and had caught the eye of Ivanov, and Ivanov had known where to call without fear that his name would be made public, Golovkin would have been detained, his home subjected to inspection. And it would become clear what the livestock specialist is so carefully preparing for, what monstrous passion he is possessed by. And there would not have been 11 boys cut into pieces.

Golovkin made two misfires, but he wasn’t caught on those two misfires. Only 8 years after the first mistakes, he made a third, leaving witnesses alive. Thanks to this, the terrible score finally ended.

There are 2 photographs of Golovkin in the case. The first was taken in 1976, when he was 17 years old. At this age, he was oppressed by several shortcomings: sunken chest, acne on the body and face, involuntary urination, as well as the fear that others would smell the Sperm emanating from him.

While masturbating, he mentally imagined himself having sexual intercourse with his classmates. At the same time, he tortures them, frying them naked in a frying pan, burning them at the stake. During the examination, he admitted to psychiatrists that at an earlier age he imagined himself in the role of fascists who tortured pioneer heroes.

At the age of 13, he caught a cat, hanged it, then cut off its head and for the first time felt that he “had a release, tension went away, mental relief arose.” After this, “dreams of exhuming the corpse and dismembering it” appeared.

During sadistic dreams, the ideal image of a boy gradually formed - thin, of average height, no older than 16 years. In general, one that will not provide serious resistance. Over time, I wanted to move from dreams to action. The search for objects to attack began. Hiking around the pioneer camps was almost daily - until I felt tired.

Observations told him that it was most convenient to attack those teenagers who went outside the camp to smoke. And he began to stand guard near the holes in the fence.

He was already established as a sadist and sexual maniac, but judging by the first attempt to attack the boy, he lacked anger. Something human remained in him: the last crumbs of pity for the victim.

He himself would probably have been able to get rid of this obstacle for a long time. But they helped him. When he was studying at the agricultural academy, he was attacked by a group of teenagers, his front teeth were knocked out, and the cartilage of his nose was damaged. He couldn't find a place for himself, trying to find hooligans. They stood before his eyes. And he imagined how he dealt with them, hanging them from trees, cutting off their heads, cutting out their entrails, removing their skin.

He avoided looking in the mirror, he knew how quickly and dramatically his face was changing and turning black. Sometimes he was afraid even of himself.

The second photo of Golovkin is separated from the first by 8 years. It shows Golovkin a few months after the first assassination attempt. On the eve of the second - in all respects successful - attempt.

After the second murder, Golovkin felt a “thirst for new sensations,” and in the forest, where a mushroom picker could be hiding behind every tree, there was no feeling of complete freedom. In addition, the torturer needed comfort, a complete set of tools for torture. He also believed that he was already skilled enough to carry out the murders of several boys at once. And most importantly, he wanted his pleasures to last not minutes but hours.

Golovkin bought a Zhiguli, got a place for a garage on the territory of the stud farm, dug a basement in the garage, concreted the floor, lined the walls with concrete slabs, installed light, secured rings in the walls, and bought a children's galvanized bathtub. While preparing the knacker, he “experienced the anticipation of joy,” confident that “now he will do what he wants,” without fear that someone will interrupt or interfere.

Now that he had a car, he could refocus on a completely different category of boys. Those who ran away from home, who are not immediately missed by their parents, who may not even be looked for. He would drive up to the train platform and wait patiently for hours for some kid to get off the train and walk onto the road with his hand raised. That's what he was approaching.

Now he could choose who he felt the most “sympathy” for. It happened that the feeling of sympathy was literally overwhelming. You can call it his love. “The more I liked the victim, the more I wanted to manipulate it, cut it, cut it out.”

Now his pleasures lasted from evening until morning. He left the most “favorite” for last, tortured, killed slowly, forcing them to watch what he did with other boys. He even forced me to participate in torture and murder procedures.

The pleasure came not only from the test of pain, but also from the oath promises to fulfill any of his instructions, even to bring someone in his place, if only he would let them go alive. Whatever you say, it was better in the basement than in the forest. Here he felt not only sexual, but also moral satisfaction.

After each murder, “I had such a pleasant feeling as if I had done something good, as if I had fulfilled my duty,” he will tell psychiatrists.

And yet, he would add, he was never completely satisfied. For example, he did not like the taste of human meat.

Having buried the corpse of another boy, he spent hours contemplating some of his things left as a souvenir. It was reassuring when he wanted to get pleasure from another victim, but there was no such opportunity.

His favorite souvenir was a skull made from the head of one boy, with which he was “completely satisfied.”

The Golovkin case occupies 95 volumes. The 150-page indictment took several hours to read out.

When asked why he didn’t start a family, Glovkin replied: “I was afraid that I would do the same thing with my own son as with those boys.”

And the maniac also said: “I told E., who was hanging on a hook, that now I would burn him on his chest with a blowtorch obscene word. During the burning, E. did not scream, only hissed in pain.

I told these three that along with them there would be eleven boys on my account, I established the order, telling the children who would die after whom. I dismembered Sh. in front of E., while showing internal organs and gave anatomical explanations. The boy went through all this calmly, without hysteria, sometimes he just turned away.”

Senior Special Investigator important matters under the Prosecutor General Russian Federation, senior justice adviser Evgeniy Bakin talks about the detention of this scary maniac. He calls him Boa constrictor.

“I took over this case on April 2, 1992. An investigative and operational group was again created, which included mainly fresh people. The search was headed by the senior investigator of the Main Directorate for Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, police major Vladimir Tskhai.

These were dozens of volumes of the criminal case, which included three episodes - the murders of teenagers in 1986. But there were also similar murders - in 1989, 1990, 1991. On April 3, I put all these things together.

They worked very hard on the first three murders. The case was not suspended, but an active search continued until 1988. Then the work died down. But the Boa constrictor also calmed down.

In addition, the period of the Odintsovo murderer coincided with the Rostov maniac. The methods - murder, dismemberment, mockery of the corpse - also largely coincided, although the focus was different. If the Rostov Chikatilo was a “harvester” - he attacked women, boys, and girls, then here the selectivity was obvious. According to reports, the Boa constrictor only chose boys of a certain age.

At that time, the investigation was carried out in parallel. The possibility was not excluded that Rostov region and in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region the same criminal acted.

The operatives called it Boa, but the orientation was given to “Fisher.” Criminal record, tattoos - nothing to do with the real criminal.

“Fischer” was given to the investigation by a boy who was interrogated as a witness in the murder of a teenager near the “Zvezda” pioneer camp. The testimony of the young romantic, with a lot of non-existent details, differed from each other every time. There were chilling details reminiscent of scenes from horror films, as well as a threatening note and creepy hints.

Naturally, the fiction was sifted through the investigative sieve, but only insignificant grains of truth remained at the bottom. Perhaps the boy was scared out of his wits. But Uncle Fisher, with a tattoo on his arm in the form of a sword entwined with a snake, with a scar on his face, a cursing voice and a thick belly, looked like a real criminal, like a boa constrictor to an elephant.

When I studied the case and the available information on crimes committed in the Odintsovo district against teenagers, I had a version that the latest murders were committed by the same person. In addition, it became clear that serious changes had occurred in the life of the criminal. In eighty-six he didn’t have a “hospital” - permanent place, where he could cut up corpses. He went hunting for children, but there was an element of chance in this. The boa constrictor never knew in advance who his victim would be; he “picked” anyone, practically the first person he met. He could stand and watch for whoever gets caught.

He waited. The boy appeared. He was found, or rather what was left of him, a few tens of meters from the camp. Then, in eighty-six, the Boa constrictor killed where it attacked. First Dead practically did not hide the body. His ally was the forest, which does not immediately reveal its secrets.

He got his “hospital” in 1989. And there he could calmly dismember corpses without fear of being taken by surprise. Then the Boa constrictor took the remains into the forest. He knew remote, disastrous places. It was clear that he did not kill there, i.e. the burial place was not the place of murder and subsequent dismemberment. In ninety-one, he could have been arrested without delay.

The residence of the Boa constrictor was calculated one hundred percent. As for age, he fell within our range. I relied on the case materials. If we talk about the profession, I am closer medical aspect. I suspected that he was a paramedic, a nurse, perhaps working in a morgue. He knew certain specifics too well. But the possibility that the Boa constrictor is connected with agriculture, more precisely - with livestock farming. One of the murder episodes fit into this version. There were other finds that indicated that the criminal knew how to cut up bodies. We already knew that the only enterprise in this area was a stud farm... The specifics of the work allowed the version to be correct.

September 15, 1992 A boa constrictor killed and tore to pieces three teenagers at once. It was these three murders that drew the line. The circle narrowed.

No matter how cynical it may sound, every murder is a trace... Last case showed that he began to take us aside, it became clear that he had personal vehicles, since he would not have taken out the remains in any other way - it was difficult. Moreover, he took the corpses to the old places and returned to 1986.

The circle is completely closed. In addition, we understood that if he did not have a vehicle - a motorcycle or a car, he would not be able to take the boys away. All three lived in Gorki, that day they were returning home to Zhavoronki station, from there you can get to Gorki by bus. But trains run more often than buses. The intervals don't match. If the guys had waited for the bus, nothing would have happened to them. It was clear that they were traveling by passing transport. The boys did not return, and their parents immediately began looking for them.

When the corpses were discovered, it became obvious that they were victims of the same criminal - the handwriting matched. It was established that the day before the disappearance the boys communicated with a young man.

Boa constrictor read publications about his crimes and knew that they were looking for a certain Fisher. I didn't expect an arrest. I was sure that they wouldn’t take him. And if he had waited for arrest, he would not have left evidence.

Outwardly, everything was fine with Boa. Higher education. Graduated from the academy, senior lieutenant in the reserve. At work, everyone characterizes him extremely positively. Don't judge, tall, slender guy. Many will find him beautiful.

After the arrest, the reaction was shock. He was stunned when they began to interrogate him. He gave clear answers. He was not indignant, did not say: “Why are you interrogating me?”, “On what basis?” The boa constrictor seemed dumbfounded: “Yes - no - yes - no.”

In the morning next day After his arrest, he began to testify. He described the episode of the murder, which we did not know, checked the testimony on the spot and found the remains of the corpse.

The moment of truth has arrived.

Boa does not feel remorse. He considers himself a superman to whom everything is allowed.”

(Eremin V. “Version-plus”. No. 1, 1995; Svetlova E. “Top Secret”, 1992, No. 11)

From book encyclopedic Dictionary(T-F) author Brockhaus F.A.

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (G-D) author Brockhaus F.A.

Fischer Fischer (Emil Fischer, born in 1852) is a famous German chemist, since 1892 a professor at the University of Berlin; is one of the outstanding researchers in the field organic chemistry. He established the structure of rosaniline, discovered hydrazine and the effect of phenylhydrazine on aldehydes and

From the book 100 greats Nobel laureates author Mussky Sergey Anatolievich

Golovkin Golovkin (Count Gavriil Ivanovich, 1660 - 1734) - state chancellor, the first in Russia, a relative of Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna; from 1677 he served under Tsarevich Peter Alekseevich, first as a steward, and later as a supreme bed-keeper. In the presence of Princess Sofia he showed

From the book Records in the Natural World author Lyakhova Kristina Alexandrovna

EMIL FISCHER (1852-1919) The famous chemist Richard Willschetter considered Fischer “an unparalleled classic, a master of organic chemistry, both in the field of analysis and in the field of synthesis, and in personal attitude the most wonderful person" In his honor the German Chemical Society

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(FI) of the author TSB

Lambert-Fisher Glacier The Lambert-Fisher Glacier in East Antarctica is probably the world's largest glacier. Its width reaches 64 km, and its length, if we include its marine extension, the Amery Ice Shelf, is about 700 km. It collects ice from about a fifth of the glacial

From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

EMIL FISCHER (1852–1919) German organic chemist Emil Hermann Fischer was born on October 9, 1852 in Euskirchen, a small town near Cologne, into the family of Lorenz Fischer, a successful businessman, and Julia Fischer (nee Pönsgen). Before entering public school Wetzlar and

From the author's book

The boa constrictor (Constrictor constrictor) is a beautifully colored snake 2–3 meters long. The main color is reddish or coffee. Bright yellow spots are visible against this background. However, the pattern on the body of the boa constrictor is very diverse. In the sun, the scales of the boa constrictor sparkle with a strong metallic sheen,

From the author's book

Robert Fisher (born 1943) American chess player. Eleventh world chess champion (1972–1975), US champion (repeatedly in 1957–1967). The mystery of Robert Fischer still haunts chess fans. His incredible rise to the top of chess in the late 1960s and early

From the author's book

The boa constrictor that swallowed the elephant The Little Prince from the story by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was perplexing serious people, showing them a picture of a hypothetical boa constrictor swallowing an elephant. Of course, this is an exaggeration. But the diet of snakes is truly unusual in many ways.



Date of death: Cause of death: Punishment: Murders Number of victims: Killing period: Main killing region: Motive:


Date of arrest: This article is about a serial killer. Wikipedia also has an article about director Golovkin, Sergei Alexandrovich

Sergei Alexandrovich Golovkin (November 26 ( 19591126 ) -August 2) - Russian Serial killer, which, according to court records, killed 11 boys and teenagers between 1986 and 1992. All murders, with the exception of the first, were committed in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. Without being caught, he became widely known under the nickname "Fisher". He was distinguished by his particular cruelty, including in groups of up to 3 persons, torture and murder of children. Sentenced by the court to death and executed in 1996.


  • Golovkin's garage was located 500 meters from the dacha of the first president of Russia B. N. Yeltsin.
  • Golovkin's classmate was Armen Grigoryan, leader of the Krematory group. Grigoryan, like Golovkin’s other classmates, was summoned to the prosecutor’s office after the maniac was caught.
  • Golovkin's height was 191cm


  • Criminal Russia . “The Golovkin case. Boa constrictor" (1995)
  • TV Ministry of Internal Affairs. "Inhumans" (1995)
  • Diagnosis: Maniac (2004).
  • Legends of Soviet detective work. "Chikatilo's Disciple"
  • Documentary detective. "Boa"
  • The investigation was conducted... . “The Fisher Case” (2011)
  • Sentenced for life. “Confession of a life sentenced man.”

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Golovkin Sergey Alexandrovich (80-90s of the 20th century, Moscow region).

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It seems very interesting to consider the influence fundamental features personality on the manner of actions of sex offenders and the formation of their behavioral “handwriting”. Correct understanding of the mechanisms of "crystallization" criminal personality and highlighting essential behavioral traits sexual maniac often gives the opportunity law enforcement agencies correctly calculate their actions and provide information that can significantly facilitate the identification of the suspect.
The fundamental classification of serial criminals, dividing them into 2 fundamentally different classes, is written in an essay dedicated to the American “serial criminal” Arthur Shawcross. It is interesting to see how applicable the American methodology is on domestic soil, so to speak.
Perhaps, classic example Sergei Aleksandrovich Golovkin can be considered an organized non-social serial criminal.

Sergei Golovkin at 17 and 30 years old. Quiet, insecure, cowardly fagot, lover of horses and dark-haired boys. Neighbors and work colleagues never took him seriously, considering him a “non-man.” Even many months after Golovkin’s arrest, people who knew him doubted the justice of the charges brought against him - to such an extent bloody crimes did not fit in with the appearance of this “slightly beaten down” little man.

Born in 1959, Golovkin in his childhood and youth demonstrated in a pronounced form those deviations that are almost always observed in criminals and sociopaths (the so-called “triad of the future criminal”: bedwetting up to adolescence, tendency to torture animals, pyromania). Until the age of 17, the future sexual killer suffered from enuresis and wet his bed at night, provoking the wrath of his parents, especially his evil father. From the age of 13, Seryozha sophisticatedly killed cats, gouging out their eyes and examining their insides with morbid curiosity. Cowardly and intimidated by highly dominant parents, the boy did not set fires, fearing terrible punishment in case of exposure, but he loved fire very much, so he also cherished pyromania, suppressed for the time being, in his soul.
Sergei Golovkin was sexually abused as a child by his father who drank heavily. The latter, by the way, was a rather unusual type of alcoholic - he was a binge drinker who demonstrated accuracy and pedantry during abstinence, which tormented family members. Sergei's mother matched him with her demandingness. The parents of the future killer were characterized by emotional coldness and aggressiveness. Such people could not get along under the same roof and eventually divorced; Sergei stayed with his mother.
Sexual trauma in childhood predetermined Sergei's homosexual inclinations in older age. Unlike the majority of homosexuals (the so-called “double-barreled”), who allow sexual contact with women in one form or another and even get married, Golovkin categorically did not accept sex with a woman. During the investigation, he could not remember a single instance of intimate intimacy with a person of the opposite sex. In addition to homosexuality, Golovkin was fixated on pedophilia: his sexual desire focused on boys 10-13 years old, thin and black-haired.

Golovkin during interrogation; during the investigative experiment and during identification.

An obligatory element of his sexual play with the victim, a kind of “trigger” of aggression, was any violation by the boy generally accepted norms and rules: for example, smoking, swimming in the wrong place, collecting birch sap, etc. Golovkin himself often provoked a potential victim to some illegal act and monitored her reaction (for example, he offered to rob a dacha, sell stolen cigarettes, etc. ). If the boy did not dare to violate the order, then Golovkin lost interest in him and did not commit an attack.
The following example is indicative: the maniac, for example, offered to rob his last victims - three boys, kidnapped, raped and killed in September 1992 - to rob a warehouse located in the protected territory of the 1st Moscow stud farm (Golovkin worked at this plant as a senior livestock specialist). The boys agreed. In order to deceive the plant security when passing through the checkpoint, Golovkin hid one of the boys in the trunk of his Zhiguli, and the other two in the back seat, covered with a blanket. To the investigator’s question: “What would have happened if the boys had not wanted to rob the warehouse?” the criminal replied that he would have given up the attack and taken the boys home. There was no reason not to believe him - Golovkin was often seen with children, with whom he always willingly communicated, without making any attempts to commit sexual assault.

Photo from 1989. Sergei Golovkin has already tasted children's blood; he has more than one murder to his name. However, the boy next to him is not in danger - Golovkin attacked only those children whom he considered “bad”.

The origin of such hatred for “bully boys” is interesting. Finished veterinary academy Golovkin was once beaten by a group of junior vocational school students, and the offenders beat him badly: they knocked out his teeth, broke his nose... A normal man in this abnormal situation (the younger ones beat the older one!) would buy dumbbells, go to a good boxing section or karate, I would like to work hard on myself. And look, in a year I would have gotten even with the unruly brats. But no! This was not the way out for Golovkin. After crying into her pillow for long nights, this over-aged girl realized that he cherished dream- rape and then slowly dismember the offenders. And at the same time, other “hooligan boys” similar to them...
In 1982, Sergei Golovkin graduated from the Agricultural Academy and got a job at the 1st Moscow Stud Farm. Sergei lived in Moscow and every day went to an enterprise located a few kilometers from Barvikha, near Moscow, in the area of ​​party-nomenklatura dacha development. Suffice it to say that the dacha of Stalin’s People’s Commissar G. Yagoda in Gorki-10 was less than 5 km from the plant, and in the early 90s many summer cottages The area was occupied by senior officials of post-Soviet Russia. Over time, Golovkin received living space on the territory of the stud farm - he was allocated a spacious room on the second floor of the administrative building; however, he did not lose his Moscow residence permit.
Golovkin carried out his first attack in 1982. It turned out to be unsuccessful - the victim was not particularly afraid of the offender and simply ran away from him. In 1984, Golovkin tried to repeat the experiment twice: once he was prevented by adults who unexpectedly emerged from the forest, but the second time the future killer managed to grab a boy who had gone outside the fence of the pioneer camp to smoke. The maniac began to choke him, but when he saw that the boy had lost consciousness, he got scared and ran away. Golovkin did not even attempt to have sexual intercourse - everything turned out to be much worse than he expected. Fortunately, the boy did not die and after almost 9 years he identified his attacker.
Golovkin was very upset by the bad experience, reflected on it, and considered options for new attacks.
At some point, he decided to give up rape - he was very afraid of exposure. He decided to act with affection and attempted to seduce a 17-year-old boy, for which he lured him to a stud farm in the evening and gave him alcohol. The young man drank alcohol, but refused oral sex with Golovkin and even ridiculed the hapless pederast. This failure completely paralyzed the will of the future bloody murderer - he waited for several months for arrest and even thought about suicide. Only after making sure that unsuccessful attempt seduction did not entail any consequences, gradually became bolder and returned to the idea of ​​​​attacking boys and then forcibly forcing them to have sex. Golovkin attempted the next attack on a child only in April 1986 - to restore his greatly shaken faith in own strength it took him almost two years.

In April 1986, Golovkin committed his first rape followed by murder. His victim was a boy collecting birch sap.

The first legally proven victim of Sergei Golovkin was a boy collecting birch sap: the criminal, having accidentally discovered a jar left under a tree, decided to watch for its owner. Having caught the victim, he brutally beat her, reproaching her for “ruining wildlife”...
The next two proven attacks took place in July 1986, four days apart. It was then that, unexpectedly for himself, Golovkin received a widely famous nickname“Fisher” - allegedly, he had such a tattoo on his arm. In reality, no such tattoo existed; an erroneous description was given by a witness, a friend of the boy whom Golovkin took into the forest, raped and killed there. The same witness also invented other non-existent details, which greatly complicated the search for “Fisher”: in particular, the boy claimed that the unknown man corresponded with his missing friend, leaving his messages in a tree hollow. Workers at first the district and then the regional prosecutor's office did not immediately sort out this nonsense in the style of Fenimore Cooper...
The next proven attacks took place in 1989, 1990 and 1991. The killer demonstrated a change in his manner of action at the crime scene, dramatically complicating it. If Golovkin’s first victims were raped and strangled in the forest, approximately where they were later found, then in 1989 the dismemberment of victims began - cutting off the head, genitals, and removing the intestines. Their latest victims Golovkin has already begun to dig in; by the beginning of the 90s he clearly understood that criminal activity should be camouflaged as best as possible.

Golovkin’s criminal style in 1989 underwent a sharp complication - the killer began to kidnap boys, rape them for long periods of time, subject them to increasingly sophisticated torture and dismember their bodies after the murders.

The locations where the bodies were found were not murder scenes; They were sometimes located at a considerable distance (20-30 km) from the places where the victims were abducted, although they did not go beyond the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. By this time, Golovkin had acquired a car and a garage on the territory of the stud farm. He built a cellar under the garage, which he used as a torture chamber. It was in 1989 that the murders began in a manner characteristic of Golovkin - transporting the victim from the place of abduction to the garage, from the garage to the forest, with complex, increasingly sophisticated post-mortem manipulations.
Golovkin scattered the remains over a fairly large area; The victims' heads were usually left several hundred meters from the body; the killer kept and tried to preserve the genitals. The abuse of the bodies of the victims did not stop there: in 1990, the killer removed the skin from the deceased and tried to tan it in a supersaturated saline solution.

The skin taken from one of the boys killed by Golovkin in 1990 was artisanally tanned. When examining it, forensic scientists noticed peculiar crystals of salt used for tanning. A detailed analysis showed that this is non-edible salt.

The analysis showed that the killer used fodder salt for tanning, used to feed livestock. Thus, all enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of the Odintsovo district came to the attention of the investigation, incl. and 1st Stud Farm. A representative of the investigative team worked in the plant’s personnel department, trying to “identify” “Fisher” from among the persons caught in the production. Due to a number of circumstances, Golovkin was not among the suspects at that time: firstly, the investigation believed that the killer was a resident of the Odintsovo district (Golovkin was registered in Moscow); secondly, no one informed law enforcement agencies that Golovkin had a garage on the territory of the stud farm; thirdly, the investigators believed that they were dealing with a previously convicted active homosexual (Golovkin was not convicted); finally, fourthly, at that time the emphasis was on searching for a tattooed man.

Sergei Alexandrovich Golovkin(November 26, 1959, RSFSR, USSR - August 2, 1996, Moscow, Russian Federation) - Russian serial killer, pedophile, sadist, whose victims, according to court records, were 11 boys between 1986 and 1992. All murders, with the exception of the first, were committed in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region.

Without being caught, he gained widespread anonymous fame under the nickname “Fisher.” He committed most of the crimes in the basement of his personal garage, where he tortured, raped, killed and dismembered the corpses of his victims.

Sentenced by the court to death and executed in 1996.


Sergei Golovkin was born in 1959 in Moscow, with a congenital sternum defect. The father suffered from alcoholism, the mother, according to the recollections of the prosecutor's office investigator, was a quiet, modest woman. The parents divorced in 1988, when Golovkin himself had already committed several murders.

As a child, he often suffered from colds and bronchitis; intestinal infections, enteritis, and dyspepsia occurred repeatedly. By nature he was quiet, reserved, shy, and always preferred playing alone. I studied well. I was involved in some clubs and sections, but did not achieve any special results. He suffered from enuresis.

At the age of 13, Golovkin killed a cat for the first time (hanged and skinned). Fried on the stove aquarium fish. While masturbating, he fantasized about killing and torturing people (in particular, about raping and burning classmates).

According to the memoirs of A. Grigoryan, Golovkin’s classmate: “In high school, Sergei was tall, strong, and at the same time stooped and pimply. He had absolutely no interest in girls or anything at all.”

Another classmate of Golovkin, S. Svobodin, recalled: “The girls liked guys who were well dressed and passionate about music. But he was stooped, pimply, and no one paid attention to him.”

In 1982 he graduated from the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, where he was once severely beaten by a group of hooligans. Against the background of these experiences, fantasies of a sadistic nature intensified and were always accompanied by acts of masturbation. Golovkin imagined himself dealing with his offenders, raping them and killing them. During his sadistic fantasies, Golovkin developed the image of an ideal victim - a thin, dark-haired boy no older than 15 years old, sociable, prone to seeking adventures.

After graduating from the academy, he got a job at a hippodrome, then as a livestock technician at the Moscow Stud Farm No. 1. Despite the fact that by this time he had become outwardly attractive or even handsome man, showed no interest in women.

He committed his first crime, the attempted rape and murder of a boy, in the summer of 1984. In 1993, a survivor identified Golovkin in an investigative experiment.

The beginning of a series of murders. 1986

He committed his first murder in April 1986. Getting off the train at the Katuar station, in the Savelovsky direction, he went into the forest, where he met fifteen-year-old Andrei Pavlov, then, threatening with a knife, he dragged him into the forest, raped, strangled and violated the corpse.

Second murder - July 1986. Having ambushed twelve-year-old Andrei Gulyaev at the Zvezdny pioneer camp (Ugryumovo village, Odintsovo district), Golovkin, threatening him with a knife, tied him up, took him into the forest, raped him, then strangled him. After which he subjected the corpse to various manipulations (cut off the genitals, head, cut abdominal cavity, removed internal organs).

Four days after Gulyaev’s murder, the body of a sixteen-year-old teenager was found in the Odintsovo district. There were 35 stab wounds on his body. The corpse was not dismembered. Golovkin later pleaded not guilty in this episode, and he did not appear in court.


During one of the interrogations during the investigation, an acquaintance of one of the victims told how he met a man who introduced himself as Fischer and had a tattoo on his face. right hand in the form of a dagger entwined with a snake and the inscription “Fischer”. Over time, it became clear that this was a teenager’s fantasy, but the investigation took a long time to develop a false lead, and the nickname “Fisher” was firmly attached to the maniac, rumors about whom began to quickly spread throughout Moscow and the Moscow region. The wide response forced Golovkin to stop killing for a while.

Later, Golovkin himself introduced himself to the victims as Fischer.

Continuation of the series. The appearance of a car and a garage. 1989-1992

In 1988, Golovkin purchased a beige VAZ-2103 car. With his help, in 1989, he committed the third proven murder.

Then, in 1990, he equipped a basement in his garage, where from August 1991 to September 1992. killed eight teenagers aged 10 to 15 years, including twice several people at once. IN confessions Golovkin noted:

“In 1990, I dug a cellar where I initially planned to make a workshop. But then the idea came to me to use the cellar to commit sexual acts and crimes. In August 1991, driving a car past the village. Uspenskoye, I saw a boy of about ten years old at the bus stop, who asked me to stop and give him a ride to the village. Gorki-10. I fraudulently brought him into my garage, where in the underground I committed violent lewd acts with him in the mouth and anus. Then I felt frozen and I didn’t understand my actions. I killed him (hanged him), then skinned him and dismembered the corpse. I salted the skin (I don’t know why), then in two parts I took the corpse to the forest not far from the Polyany sanatorium and buried it there.”

The criminal case materials described the following episode:

After several violent sexual acts, Golovkin tied the teenager's hands and strangled him by throwing a rope with a loop over the step of the stairs. Then, having made sure that the child was dead, he hung him by the legs on a hook embedded in the wall, cut off his nose and ears, severed his head, inflicted many blows on the body with a knife, and cut out the internal and genital organs. Using anatomical knives and an ax, he dismembered the corpse and cut out soft fabrics, fried them on a blowtorch and ate them. He took parts of the body, except the head, into the forest and buried them. The killer kept the severed head in the garage. He opened the skull, burned the brain with a blowtorch, separated the soft tissue, and subsequently showed Sergei P.’s skull to other victims for intimidation.

In September 1992, Golovkin raped and killed three boys at once, whom he lured to his garage, offering to steal from a warehouse. Golovkin tortured and raped the last of them for 12 hours, after which he hanged him and went to work.

I told these three that along with them there would be eleven boys on my account, I established the order, telling the children who would die after whom. I dismembered Sh. in front of E., while showing the internal organs and giving anatomical explanations. The boy went through all this calmly, without hysteria, sometimes he just turned away.

Investigation and arrest

The version about the maniac was developed after the murders in Dmitrovskoye and Odintsovo districts in 1986. Twice investigators visited Moscow Stud Farm No. 1, where Golovkin worked. However, both times they never found Golovkin, since he lived in Moscow and registration helped him avoid falling under suspicion. The investigation assumed that the wanted maniac was local.

September 27, 1992, a week after the murder, the corpses of the last three victims were discovered by mushroom pickers. Having established the identities of the victims, investigators visited the school where they studied. One of his classmates, during interrogation, pointed to Sergei Golovkin as the person who gave him and the last three boys killed at the same time shortly before their disappearance. According to him, Golovkin invited all four to participate in the robbery. The victims agreed, the boy witness refused. He also reported that Golovkin touched their private parts.

Golovkin was under surveillance. On October 19, 1992 he was detained. This was a surprise for Golovkin, but during interrogation he behaved calmly and denied guilt. At night in the isolation ward, Golovkin tried to open his veins. On October 21, 1992, his garage was searched and, going down into the cellar, they found evidence: a baby bath with burnt layers of skin and blood, clothes, belongings of the dead, etc.

Golovkin confessed to 11 episodes and showed investigators in detail the places of murders and burials. During the investigation, he behaved calmly, talked monotonously about the murders, and sometimes joked.

Trial and execution

The trial took place behind closed doors. Golovkin was declared sane, with signs of schizoid psychopathy.

The lawyer tried to build a defense on positive characteristics Golovkin from places of work, study, etc.

On October 19, 1994, the court sentenced him to death. Shot in August 1996. According to some reports, he became the last person executed in Russia. However, according to other reports, the latter the death penalty in Russia was implemented on September 2, 1996. There is a version according to which, contrary to a strict ban, prison staff, due to personal hostility, informed Golovkin in advance of the date and time of the execution.

  • Golovkin’s garage was located 500 meters from the dacha of the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin.
  • Golovkin's classmate was Armen Grigoryan, the leader of the Crematorium group. Grigoryan, like Golovkin’s other classmates, was summoned to the prosecutor’s office after the maniac was caught.
  • Golovkin's height was 191 cm.
  • For the successes achieved in the development of horse breeding, on December 11, 1989, Golovkin was awarded a silver medal from the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements.


  • Criminal Russia. “The Golovkin case. Boa constrictor" (1995).
  • TV Ministry of Internal Affairs. "Inhumans" (1995).
  • Diagnosis: Maniac (2004).
  • Legends of Soviet detective work. "Chikatilo's student."
  • Documentary detective. "Boa".
  • The investigation was conducted.... “The Fischer Case” (2011).
  • Sentenced for life. “Confession of a life sentenced man.”
  • There is a theme. "Pedophile Hunters" Episode 1 (2012).