What animal is visible from space? Amazing things and places visible from space

The corpse of a pink rabbit, giant autographs and a Ukrainian trident can be found on Google Maps.

© tochka.net

From space our Earth looks very beautiful. Sometimes many times better than from the surface. But man leaves more than just landfills and toxic rivers of waste on the Earth.

There are a lot of fun things you can see from a satellite. And thanks modern technologies Everyone can admire the quirks.

We present to you the top 7 funny objects that can be seen from space on our Earth.

Pink bunny corpse

In first place is a giant knitted pink rabbit, which lies in the Italian Alps, near the town of Arestin.

According to legend, the rabbit fell from a great height and crashed; its intestines even fell out of its belly.

This crazy idea comes from a group of Italian artists called Gelatin. They tied a 60-meter rabbit from natural materials, which should decompose by 2025.

Pilgrimages of tourists are annually organized to visit the rabbit, who happily take pictures near the giant “corpse”.

Name of sheikh and leader

In second place in terms of eccentricity is a giant name in the desert. Billionaire Sheikh Hamad bin Hamdan Al Nahyan from Abu Dhabi wrote his name on Futaisi Island.

Huge letters "HAMAD" 1 km high are clearly visible from space. The first two are a shipping canal. The length of the inscription is more than 3 kilometers.

The communist inscription is formed by trees planted by the forestry department Kurgan region near the villages of Trud and Znanie. The composition of trees was made 40 years ago, for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Lenin. The letters turned out to be 100 meters long and 600 meters wide.

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Ukraine from space

In fourth place is the most patriotic man-made object that can be seen from space.

Resident of the village Ostrynya in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, 90-year-old UPA veteran Anastasy Kozak laid out a trident from white stone, which can be seen on Google Maps. Thus, the UPA fighter decided to honor the memory of his comrades who died for Ukraine.

The veteran carried stones up the mountain for several months, cut down unnecessary bushes that would block the work from human eyes, and even planted spruce and thuja on the hill. Today he regularly goes to the mountain and waters them.

The location of the coat of arms of Ukraine was chosen unusually well; thanks to the open area, the trident is clearly recognizable both from the air and from the Ivano-Frankivsk-Kyiv highway.

Most advanced

Of course, Facebook could not afford not to be present to the inhabitants of orbit.

At the company's new headquarters in Menlo Park, California, a huge QR code recently appeared on the roof of one of the buildings. The icon in which it is encrypted object page address on Facebook, has an area of ​​12 square meters.

True, Google hasn’t indexed it yet the new kind roofs of Mark Zuckerberg's company office. On satellite map The Facebook office is still undergoing renovations.

The architects did not choose this form on purpose. It was just that in this way it was most convenient to place buildings on a small plot of land.

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The public was said to be outraged by the "Nazi" look of the US Navy. The department had to spend a lot of money to rebuild it, but judging by Google Maps screenshots, little has changed.

Forest Defender

The lake-man in Brazil closes our hit parade. A 140-meter man-made lake was created near the town of Iacanga in the state of Sao Paulo.

It represents the figure of a man falling flat on a patch of forest. There is a legend on the Internet that the lake was made specifically to protect the green patch from cutting down.

See what other famous and unusual objects can be seen from space .


Behind last years the myth that the Great Chinese Wall- the only man-made object visible from space. Although the wall is long, it is relatively small in width and blends into the surrounding landscape. But don't be discouraged, because there are still many other things on Earth that can be seen from space, especially from low Earth orbit, where satellites and the International Space Station are located.

1. Careers

A quarry is a collection mine workings formed during the mining of gold, copper, uranium and other minerals. During mining, a pit is formed, which over time grows to gigantic proportions and thus becomes visible from space.

For example, diamond quarry The world in Russia, where diamond mining is currently suspended, is of such colossal proportions that the authorities were even forced to ban flights over the territory of the quarry. In all likelihood, the quarry, 523 meters long and 1,200 meters wide, created such a downward air flow that helicopters simply fell from the sky. And that's not the most big quarry in the world. This is the Bingham Canyon quarry, located outside of Salt Lake City in Utah. The size of the quarry is amazing: its width reaches 1.2 km, and its length is 4.4 km. It could comfortably fit two Empire State Buildings on top of each other without being tall enough to fill the entire depth. And the quarry will continue to expand for a long time.

2. Change of seasons

If it stays in orbit long enough, you can trace the change of seasons. However, even we, the inhabitants of Earth, can observe these amazing changes thanks to images from NASA satellites.

Perhaps the most interesting thing is to observe how the Arctic ice, which covers an area of ​​15 million, forms and then disappears every year. square kilometers in the coldest months, and in the summer their scale is halved. When compared with Antarctica, it is losing almost all of its sea ​​ice, that is, the area covered by the glacier is reduced from 18 to 3 million square kilometers.

3. Fires

For those who live in dry and hot climates, the constant threat of fire is a common part of life. Soot and ash from large fires can cover the sky for hundreds of kilometers. These fires produce so much smoke that even astronauts can determine where they started. In October 2003, a satellite recorded a fire in California that spread from the city of Santa Barbara right to Mexican border. Due to strong, hot, dry winds, this fire and several others this month have burned more than 600,000 acres across the state, causing numerous deaths.

However, a fire does not have to be so large to be visible from space. NASA has whole collection images that capture both large and small fires.

4. Volcanic eruptions

Interestingly, every year there are 50-60 volcanic eruptions on Earth, and on any of these days, astronauts can look at the Earth and see a powerful column of ash and smoke rising from natural chimneys. Sometimes you can even see hot volcanic magma from a height far beyond the stratosphere.

The most active volcano in the world, Sarycheva, located in the Pacific Northwest, has erupted 8 times since 1946. During its eruption in 2009 blast wave opened a hole in the clouds above the wind currents, which allowed the astronauts to capture it amazing phenomenon in all its glory. Other most active volcanoes are Volcano Stromboli and Mount Etna in Italy, and Volcano Yasur on the island of Vanuatu.

5. Phytoplankton bloom

Phytoplankton are microorganisms that resemble plants. They reproduce so quickly that they create huge algal blooms on the surface of the ocean. They accumulate into such dense and dense populations that the only way to see the huge mass of these tiny creatures is from space. The “bloom” spreads over hundreds of kilometers and, following the flow, forms amazingly beautiful green-blue patterns.

"Blooms" are formed when ocean waters mix, when phytoplankton receives high level sunlight And nutrients. Phytoplankton serves as food for a huge number of marine animals and is the main element the food chain in the ocean. Phytoplankton also absorbs approximately 1/3 carbon dioxide, which is released every year when fossil fuels are burned.

6. Border between India and Pakistan

The two countries are so at odds with each other that they have erected a militarized border that is floodlit at night to prevent ammunition theft and terrorist infiltration. Along the border (which is 2,900 kilometers long) there is such a bright orange light that it is easily visible from the International space station.

7. 9/11 attack

NASA astronaut Frank Culbertson - the only American, who was not on Earth during the September 11 terrorist attack in the United States. However, this did not stop him from witnessing what many of us have only seen on the news: the consequences of the destruction of the World shopping center. Having received the news of the terrorist attack, he hurried to the porthole and actually saw huge clouds of smoke rising from New York. The astronaut was horrified, but captured the tragedy from space. Today it is the most famous photograph taken that day.

8. Deforestation

Sometimes it is useful to look at the Earth from space, if only to have an idea of ​​​​what is happening to our planet. One of illustrative examples is deforestation. If we could observe the Earth from space for 30 or 40 years, we would see first-hand the enormous numbers of trees being destroyed in some forests.

Photographs taken by NASA satellites clearly show the striking changes that have occurred to the Earth's surface in the area. tropical forests Amazon from 2000 to 2012. Dense forests with lush vegetation have lost more than 2,500 square kilometers of forest over the past 37 years. In general, since the 80s. 20th century The Amazon has lost more than 360,000 square kilometers of forest due to cutting down trees for industry. Agriculture and other purposes.

9. Dust storms

The three components of a dust storm are wind, sand or dust, and dryness. When these elements are combined into ideal conditions, powerful gusts of wind with dust at speeds of up to 160 kilometers per hour will sweep away everything in their path. Storms can be so strong that they can be seen from space. For example, one astronaut filmed a dust storm that spread from Egypt across the Red Sea. Similar dust storms often found on the coasts of Africa and China.

10. Borders between rich and poor countries

Modern civilization has had such an impact on the Earth that our political boundaries visible from space. Poor countries look dark at night, unlike their neighbors, whose big cities brightly illuminate the night sky.

Based on listverse.com; translation and adaptation by Ekaterina Mylnikova|

Many of us have probably heard that the Great Wall of China is the only man-made structure that can be seen from space with the naked eye. Is it so?

History of the Myth of the Wall of China

The hypothesis that the wall is visible from space appeared long before the first flights into orbit, which is not surprising, because in total The length of the Chinese wall is 8,851 km (according to other sources, 21,196 km). Early 20th century this fact was mentioned in fairly serious publications of that time. First doubts about this statement began to appear after flights into orbit. Neither Soviet nor American cosmonauts could see the wall on the surface of the Earth. The Chinese, of course, were upset by this, but they came up with their own excuse, saying that only a true Chinese is destined to see the wall from space. But... they were wrong, the Chinese astronauts also could not see great wall

from space.

Why the Great Wall of China is not visible from space. To begin with, let's define what we mean by space. If we take low Earth orbit (which is where most satellites and space stations fly), then the distance from the Earth’s surface will be at least 160 km. From this distance you can actually see some large buildings, but you cannot see the Wall of China. This is explained simply; the wall not only blends in color with, but also repeats the terrain. It is impossible to see it with the naked eye; moreover, it is very difficult to notice it even in close-up photographs. Below are examples of photographs taken by a Chinese astronaut using a 180mm lens:

Chinese wall from space. Zoom 180mm.

The astronaut himself said that he could not see the wall and was not sure whether it would be visible in the photographs.

Is the Great Wall of China visible from the moon?

Yes, there was such a myth, but it was also dispelled very quickly. Firstly, American astronauts those who landed on the moon said that they could not see the wall. Secondly, the Moon is located at a distance of 384,400 km from the Earth. If the wall is not visible even from a distance of 160 km, why should it become visible from a distance 2400 times greater?

What objects are visible from space?

In principle, there are many such objects. Cities, rivers, and mountains are visible to the naked eye. Individual buildings can be seen with zoom. Here are some examples provided by NASA:

(Total 29 photos)

1. Go Discovery! On October 23, 2007 at 11:40 am, I went into space for the first time on the Discovery shuttle. He is wonderful... it's a pity that this is his last flight. I'm looking forward to boarding the ship when it arrives at the station in November.

2. Earthly radiance. The space station is in the blue terrestrial glow that appears when the rising sun pierces our planet's thin atmosphere, bathing the station in blue light. I will never forget this place... a view like this makes my soul sing and my heart wants to fly.

3. NASA astronaut Douglas H. Wheelock.

4. Juan de Nova Island in the Mozambique Channel between Madagascar and Africa. The amazing colors of these places can compete with the views of the Caribbean Sea.

5. Northern lights in the distance on one of the beautiful nights over Europe. The Strait of Dover is clearly visible in the photo, as is Paris, the city of lights. Little fog over western part England, in particular over London. How incredible it is to see the lights of cities and towns against the backdrop of deep space. I will miss this view of our wonderful world.

6. “Fly me to the Moon...let me dance among the Stars...” (Take me to the Moon, let's dance among the stars). I hope we never lose our sense of wonder. A passion for exploration and discovery is a great legacy to leave to your children. I hope someday we'll set our sails and set off on a journey. Someday this wonderful day will come...

7. Of all the places on our magnificent planet, few can compete in beauty and richness of colors with. This photo shows our ship “Progress-37” against the backdrop of the Bahamas. How beautiful our world is!

8. At a speed of 28,163 km/h (8 km per second)... we orbit the Earth, making one revolution every 90 minutes, and seeing sunsets and sunrises every 45 minutes. So half of our journey takes place in pitch darkness. To work, we simply need flashlights on our helmets. In this photo I am preparing the handle of one device... "M3 Ammonia Connector".

9. Every time I look out the window and see our beautiful planet, my soul sings! I see blue skies, white clouds and a bright blessed day.

10. Another spectacular sunset. In Earth's orbit, we see 16 such sunsets every day, and each of them is truly valuable. This beautiful thin one blue line– what sets our planet apart from many others. It's cold in space, and the Earth is an island of life in the vast dark sea of ​​space.

11. Beautiful atoll in Pacific Ocean, photographed with a 400mm lens. Approximately 1930 km south of Honolulu.

12. Beautiful reflection of sunlight in the eastern part Mediterranean Sea. There are no borders visible from space... From there you can only see breathtaking views, such as the view of this island of Cyprus.

13. Above the center Atlantic Ocean, before another amazing sunset. Below, the spirals of Hurricane Earl are visible in the rays of the setting sun. Interesting look at vital energy our sun. The sun's rays on the port side of the station and on Hurricane Earl... these two objects are collecting the last bits of energy before plunging into darkness.

14. A little further to the east we saw the sacred monolith of Uluru, better known as Ayers Rock. I've never had the opportunity to visit Australia, but one day I hope to stand next to this natural wonder.

15. Morning over the Andes in South America. I don’t know for sure the name of this peak, but I was simply amazed by its magic, the peaks reaching towards the sun and winds.

16. Over the Sahara Desert, approaching ancient lands and thousands of years of history. The Nile River flows through Egypt past the Pyramids of Giza in Cairo. Further, the Red Sea, the Sinai Peninsula, the Dead Sea, the Jordan River, as well as the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea and Greece on the horizon.

17. Night view to the Nile River, which snakes through Egypt to the Mediterranean Sea, and Cairo, located in the river delta. What a contrast between the dark lifeless desert northern Africa and the Nile River, on the banks of which life is in full swing. In the distance in this photograph taken beautifully autumn evening, the Mediterranean Sea is visible.

18. Our unmanned 'Progress 39P' is approaching the ISS for refueling. It's full of food, fuel, spare parts and everything we need for our station. Inside was a real gift - fresh fruits and vegetables. What a miracle after three months of tube feeding!

20. Soyuz 23C Olympus module docked on the nadir side. When our work here is finished, we will return home to Earth. I thought you might be interested in seeing this spectacle through the Dome. We fly over the snow-capped peaks of the Caucasus. Rising Sun reflected from the Caspian Sea.

21. A flash of color, movement and life on our canvas amazing world. This is part of the Great Barrier Reef off the east coast of Australia, captured through a 1200mm lens. I think even the great impressionists would have been amazed by this natural painting.

22. All the beauty of Italy is clear summer evening. You can see many beautiful islands decorating the coast - Capri, Sicily and Malta. Naples and Mount Vesuvius stand out along the coast.

23. At the southern end South America lies the pearl of Patagonia. Amazing beauty rocky mountains, massive glaciers, fjords and open sea combines in amazing harmony. I dreamed about this place. I wonder what it would be like to breathe the air there. Real magic!

24. The "dome" on the nadir side of the station gives panoramic view our beautiful planet. Fedor took this photo from the window of the Russian docking bay. In this photo I'm sitting in the canopy getting my camera ready for our evening flight over Hurricane Earl.

27. Clear starry night above eastern part Mediterranean Sea. Ancient lands from thousand years of history stretch from Athens to Cairo. Historical lands, fabulous cities and tempting islands... Athens - Crete - Rhodes - Izmir - Ankara - Cyprus - Damascus - Beirut - Haifa - Amman - Tel Aviv - Jerusalem - Cairo - they all turned into tiny lights on this cool November night. These places seem to emanate grace and tranquility.

28. At this time of year you can fully enjoy the beauty of the polar mesospheric clouds. With the help of our high angle We were able to capture a thin layer of noctilucent clouds at sunset.

29. Shannon, me and Fedor in our Falcon suits in the MRM-1 module. We boarded the Olympus capsule to pressurize and check for leaks on our suits. All systems are running, the countdown has begun.

If you are interested in Space, or maybe you are just very attentive person, you've probably heard or noticed that no stars are visible when filming from Space. This is a fairly common fact about which there is a lot of controversy, and today we will talk about why stars are not visible in Space.

History of disputes

To understand this issue, it is necessary to remember when it became relevant. And here we go back to the time of the first landing of people on the moon. It was then that people began to notice that there were absolutely no stars visible in the photographs taken by the astronauts.

Why are no stars visible in outer space?

Specialists from NASA responded very quickly to the disputes that arose, giving a very logical and accessible explanation. The fact is that when filming, the astronauts focused on nearby objects: the surface of the Moon, their shuttle, all kinds of equipment, etc. At the same time, in order for the photos to be of the highest quality, all these objects had to not only be close, but also well lit. IN in this case The shutter speed in the photographs was seconds, and it was simply impossible to catch the stars in the photographs. Of course, it was possible to set the shutter speed to minute factors, but the astronauts did not have that much time, because the priority was not images of the starry sky.

In reality, stars are visible in Space. However, astronauts currently on the International Space Station report that the stars are clearly visible only at those moments when the station is in a position blocked by the Earth from sun rays. When the ISS comes under the rays of the Sun, even astronauts find it difficult to catch the shine of numerous stars.

However, even from the surface of the Earth it is quite difficult to take a high-quality picture in which the shining of the stars will be clearly visible. This requires not only professional photographic equipment, as well as the right settings, but also extensive shooting experience.

Versions from conspiracy theorists

There is also a fairly large audience of conspiracy theorists in our world who have their own answer to the question of why stars are not visible in Space. Such analysts are confident that man's flight to the Moon was a lie on a universal scale, and all photographs and other evidence were simply compromised. Many people are convinced that a mistake was made when falsifying the facts of man's presence on the Moon, and the Stars were not added to the photograph.

We, of course, have already answered the question of why the race was really not visible, but supporters of the conspiracy theory found many more dubious moments in the filming from the Moon. However, it’s up to you to choose what to believe, but main question we have already answered.