What are the first nursery rhymes called? Poems for children small small less

The children's poems section contains poems for almost all occasions in a child's life. There are many poems by Russian children's poets here. And for those children who know English language, a category of English rhymes has been created.
In the Rhymes category you can find for yourself poems that we have memorized since childhood on New Year, on the Eighth of March and on other holidays.:) Poems by such authors as A. Barto, B. Zakhoder, E. Blaginina, K. Avdeenko, K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, E. Uspensky, etc. ., without which it is impossible to imagine our childhood. :) There is also a small collection of children's poems in English.

Poems for children Poems for mom
This category contains some of the most beloved and popular children's poems in Russian. Mom is the closest, dearest person for every child. Here are collected nursery rhymes for mom, in particular, for March 8th.
Poems for dad
Dad is also the dearest and most beloved person for the baby. To congratulate dad, or just give him a pleasant surprise, you just need to read him a poem :) New Year is my favorite children's party, because Santa Claus can only be seen then. So learn rhymes and tell them at the Christmas tree or at the New Year's party.
Poems about summer
All parents want their child to learn English from childhood. Children's rhymes in English will really help with this. Summer is the most desirable time for absolutely everyone, especially for children. After all, it’s time for the long-awaited vacation!
Author's poems
Agnia Lvovna Barto (1906 - 1981) - perhaps the most famous poetess, which all children of our country know and love. Her poems are incredibly interesting, understandable, light and funny. Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder (1918 - 2000) - Russian poet, writer, translator. He translated "Winnie the Pooh and Everything Everything Everything." The heroes of his works are kids, letters, but more often - animals. His poems and fairy tales are always ironic and funny.
Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887 - 1964) - Russian classic of children's poetry and literature, translator. In fact, he is the founder of Soviet children's literature, free from church traditions. Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky (1937) - Russian writer, poet, author of children's books. Everyone knows his characters - Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, the cat Matroskin and Uncle Fyodor.
Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov (1913 - 2009) - classic of Russian children's literature and poetry, author of the text of the Russian anthem. "Uncle Styopa" is one of the most beloved children's poems. Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky (1882 - 1969) - famous Russian poet, translator. He is famous for children's fairy tales in verse and prose, such as “The Cockroach”, “Moidodyr”.
Kirill Avdeenko (1977) - young Kiev children's writer, poet. Known for his funny, kind and at the same time instructive poems and fairy tales. Elena Aleksandrovna Blaginina (1903 - 1989) - children's poetess, writer, translator. Her poems sparkle with humor, and all children adore her playful “teasers,” counting rhymes, songs and fairy tales.
Poems by Irina Tokmakova

Irina Petrovna Tokmakova (1929) - children's poet, prose writer, translator of children's works.

Who among us is not familiar with Pushkin’s immortal lines “By the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree” or the equally popular children’s rhymes about Uncle Styopa? And the funny little animals that Korney Chukovsky described - all this will be interesting to our children today.

Poetic forms of works are almost as old as the concept of literature itself. Already two thousand years ago, the first poets composed poems whose purpose was sacred, telling in rhyme about the heroes of epics and folk tales. There is a version that the oldest poetic text, the original of which has never been found, is the “Song of Gilgamesh” from the Sumerian culture.

Ancient tales in poetic form gradually acquired “fairy-tale” properties, and in the Middle Ages, poems about heroes of folk legends were in great demand among children. The rhythmic and beautifully told tales were pleasing to the ear and developed in children respect for their culture. Years passed, and poems for children began to be written separately; a separate section of literature already included comic poems, educational poems, riddle poems, therapeutic poems - tongue twisters and with alternating voiced consonants.

You can start learning poetry with your child as early as early age. After all, the same lullaby is, in fact, a verse. The main goal of such activities is to develop the child’s memory. A little later, at the age of 4-5 years, when the child has already mastered his speech well enough, you can begin to purposefully memorize poetry. Ideal choice There will be funny children's poems from Samuil Marshak and Agnia Barto. These children's poems will help instill in your child a love for all living things and teach them to do good. Closer to school you can study the poems of Pushkin and Lermontov. Children's poems will be the first step to learning the elements folk art. Any educated person must know by heart at least parts of the poems of the great poets of his country.

The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it and help your child as much as possible. Exercise every day, but little by little. Don't force your child to learn a verse if he doesn't want to. Be sure to read the poems with expression, do not hide your emotions, try to arouse the child’s interest. And let your child learn to read poetry with expression - then he will be guaranteed first places in the reading competition. Memorization poetic lines in the early preschool age will be of great benefit - it will be easier for the child to study at school and memorize long poems.

All young children have amazing memories. So why further develop it? Yes it is. But children remember well only what arouses their sincere interest. This is why it is difficult for schoolchildren to learn the poems of our great poets. We, adults, understand how beautiful they (poems) are, but children don’t even understand the meaning of some of the words from them. Therefore, parents must explain to the child the meaning of those words that he does not know.

Nurturing beauty in children should be comprehensive. Poems as part of the world cultural heritage very important in this complex.

Svetlana Goryacheva

How happy parents are when their child not only begins to speak, but also read poetry. Remember your childhood, the baby was put on a chair and asked to read a poem to the relatives or friends present. The parents are happy, and the audience applauds and shouts: “Bravo!”

Which rhyme should I choose so that my child can learn it quickly and without pain? The well-known poems for little ones by Agnia Barto immediately come to mind, but perhaps there is something else that is easily and simply remembered by young children of two and three years old.

Let's remember our childhood again, what did you and I remember so easily that we practically didn’t have to memorize it? These were simple “street” rhymes, counting rhymes, sayings, and teasers, which it was unclear who composed them. All this is called children's folklore.

But how to learn a rhyme with a small child who has just learned to speak? Tell the child: “Sit on a chair, we will now learn a rhyme.” - no need. The baby still won’t sit on a chair for more than 2-3 minutes. Recite your chosen rhyme while walking, for example while you are walking to the playground. You need to read it 2-4 times. Go back to the house, read the already familiar poem 2-4 times again. A child is playing with Legos or assembling some kind of construction set - this is also a good time to read our poem 2-4 times, since small movements of the fingers are associated with the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for memory and speech. Consequently, memorization is more efficient. Well, and during others regime moments You can also read a poem, for example, while swimming. And at some point, our baby will first finish finishing the last lines of the rhyme, and then he will be able to recite the entire poem.

How many poems can our baby remember? Isn't it harmful to know a lot of poems? Everyone knows that when memorizing poetry, we kill two birds with one stone - we develop memory and speech. All this will be useful for our baby when he goes to school.

Dear parents and educators, I offer you samples of children's folklore in my processing.

Two dolls.

Lali, lali, lali,

Two dolls were walking.

In the zoological garden

We lost our gloves.

One good boy

I picked up the gloves.

And the dolls shouted:

"Stole! Stole! Stole!"


The clubfooted bear is walking through the forest, (step from foot to foot in one place)

He collects the cones and puts them in his pocket. (we bend down to “pick up” something from the floor and “put” it in our pocket)

Suddenly a cone fell

Right in the bear's forehead! (we hit ourselves on the forehead with our hand)

Mishka got angry (make an angry face)

And with your foot - stomp! (stomp our foot)


Mom, dad! I want to eat!

I don't want bread and butter!

And the candy - oh!

I won't give it to anyone!


One two three four five.

The bunny went out for a walk.

Suddenly the hunter runs out,

He shoots straight at the bunny.

Bang Bang! Missed!

The gray bunny ran away.

Bear and Bunny.

(counting book)

Bear and Bunny are flying on a plane,

A bear and a bunny read in flight.

The bear and the bunny flew to China,

If you don't believe it, then fly out!


Rain, rain,


Don't wet the paths

I'll still go for a walk!

Many Russian poets wrote poems for children, believing that literature, first of all, should serve educational and educational functions. Similar works characters for the works of Alexander Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov, Daniil Kharms and Boris Zakhoder, Samuil Marshak and Sergei Mikhalkov. Some poets, including Agnia Barto, Emma Moshkovskaya, Korney Chukovsky, Eduard Uspensky and Grigory Oster, are rightfully considered children's authors, since their work is primarily addressed to the younger generation.

It is generally accepted that children's poetry is quite primitive in form and content. However this literary genre is one of the most difficult. After all, it is necessary not only to convey to the little reader the meaning of the work, but also to give it such an emotional coloring that the poem becomes not just a rhymed narrative, but also helps the child find answers to questions that interest him.

10th place. For example, all parents, without exception, are faced with the problem of feeding children who refuse to eat healthy porridge, demanding sweets instead. To convince children of the need for complete and healthy eating, poet Lev Kuzmin wrote the poem “How to get to heaven?”. In it, he talks about how it’s quite difficult to do this, since you need to have strength and dexterity to first climb onto the most tall tree in the forest, and then stand with your feet on the clouds and begin your journey across the endless expanses of heaven. However, to do this, according to the author, you first need to sit down at the table and eat a plate of semolina porridge, without which such a trip is simply impossible.

"How to get to heaven?" L.Kuzmin

What needs to be done, brothers,
To get to heaven?

First you need to sit down at the table,
Eat a plate of semolina porridge,
Then in green Forest go,
Find a big tree
And up
By strong branches
Rise to the white clouds.
And there - stand on the cloud with your foot,
Step onto the other's rainbow.
And now we can’t be reached,
And the skies are all ours...
But, I repeat, start
We need porridge with semolina!

9th place. Relationships with outside world are one of the key themes of children's poetry. Child learning wildlife and his surroundings, often makes unforgivable mistakes, causing pain to living beings and without even thinking about the consequences of his actions. To protect children from such rash behavior, the poet Sasha Cherny wrote a poem “Why are you squeezing the duckling”, which tries to explain to kids that baby pets are not classified as toys. A little duckling in the hands of a yard boy experiences panic and tries to escape, although the child seems to be doing nothing wrong. To understand what the barely fledgling chick is experiencing at this moment, the poet invites the boy to imagine that a clumsy hippopotamus has chosen him as a toy. One clumsy touch from him can cost a human baby his life, just as attempts to play with a duckling can lead to the death of the chick.

“Why are you squeezing the duckling” S. Cherny

Why are you squeezing the duckling?
He is a baby, and you are big.
Look, with your little head raised,
He rushes away with all his soul...

Just imagine something like this -
If only a fat hippopotamus
I wanted to be with you out of boredom
Would you like to play in your turn?

I would take you tightly in my paw,
I would lick it with my tongue.
Wow, what would you call your dad?
And kick and scream!..

You take the duckling to the duckling,
Let him go swimming in the pond.
The boy's paws are no joke
Squeeze a little and it's kaput.

8th place. It's no secret that most children are very impressionable and vulnerable. It’s quite easy to offend a child, and sometimes all it takes is one wrong word or a glance thrown from under the brows. Meanwhile, the ability to sensitively perceive the mood of adults and the atmosphere in the house often makes children suffer. To learn to overcome such feelings, which can cause a lot of problems in adult life, the poetess Emma Moshkovskaya dedicated a very instructive poem “Resentment” to all the kids.. In it, she talks about how, offended by the whole world, the child stops noticing what previously gave him great pleasure, becomes withdrawn and taciturn. However, such behavior is unnatural for cheerful children; it is often dictated by the desire to attract the attention of adults. Having gone through this little test, every child sooner or later understands that being offended is not the best thing. best feeling, getting rid of which gives real joy and a feeling of liberation from a heavy burden.

“Resentment” E. Moshkovskaya

I offended my mother
Now never, never
We won't leave the house together,
We won't go anywhere with her.
She won't wave at the window,
Me too
I won't wave
She won't tell anything
Me too
I won't tell...
I'll take the bag by the shoulders,
I'll find a piece of bread
I'll find a stronger stick
I'll leave, I'll go to the taiga!
I'll follow the trail
I will look for ore
I'm across a stormy river
I'll go build bridges!
And I will be the main boss,
And I will have a beard
And I will always be sad
And so silent...
And then there will be a winter evening,
And many years will pass,
And then onto the jet plane
Mom will take the ticket.
And on my birthday
That plane will arrive.
And mom will come out from there,
And mom will forgive me!

7th place. One of the most complex tasks for parents is to teach their child to cleanliness. Indeed, how can you return home from a walk without dirt on your clothes if there are so many amazingly deep, unexplored puddles around? As an assistant for solving such a problem, you can use a poem by Vladimir Orlov entitled “How to recognize your piglet?”, which will surely make kids think about own behavior and do not forget about cleanliness even during the most exciting yard games.

“How to recognize your piglet?” V. Orlov

The boys were running through the puddles,
Sorry, piglets.
(And, by the way, there are guys
Same as piglets.)
But then mothers appear -
Respectable, strict ladies,
Running towards the guys,
Sorry to your piglets.
- Please tell me, mothers,
Do you have any drama?
Someone else's pig is not allowed
Mistaken for your own child?
They are beautiful and comely,
But they are all absolutely alike!
-Sorry! - the mothers answered. —
My little piggy is the cleanest.

6th place. Truths that are commonplace for adults are not always clear to children. For example, how to explain to a baby what day and night are, and why they replace each other? Decide similar task the poetess tried Nadezhda Grigorieva in her poem “Day”, which will help young pranksters not only get an idea of ​​time, but also learn to plan it correctly.

“Day” by N. Grigoriev

In the morning the sun rises,
Doesn't let the kids sleep!
-Come on, kids, get up,
Charge up, wash up,
Dress carefully
And start breakfast.

At noon the sun is at its zenith,
His rays are like threads
The earth is generously warmed,
Everyone is invited to dinner.

Well, in the evening, guys,
Everything will be enveloped in coolness,
The sun needs rest too
And the guys have a delicious dinner.

At night there is a moon in the sky,
She is very strict:
Is everyone watching?
Are you in bed?
Close your eyes
May you dream fairy tales.
Close your eyes
Good night everybody!

From morning to morning
The kids know the day.

5th place. By the way, with the help of poetry, children can easily be taught the basics of mathematics, since many Russian poets came up with fascinating and educational rhymes for the little ones. In particular, one of puzzle poems called “Two and Three” belongs to the poet Boris Zakhoder, in which he clearly showed what serious problems a reluctance to learn to count correctly can result in for a child.

“Two and Three” B. Zakhoder

Seryozha went to first grade.
Don't joke with Seryozhka!
He can do it with us
To ten!
It's no sin for such a wise man
Turn up your snub nose!
Once upon a time at my father’s table
And he asked a question:
- There are two pies here, dad, right?
Do you want to bet? —
I can always prove
That there are not two, but three!
Let's count together:
Here's ONE
And here are TWO, look!
ONE and TWO,” the son finished, “
There will be just THREE!
- Well done! - said the father. —
And actually three!
And that's why
I'll take two
And take the third one!

4th place. Family and school are the main components of most children's lives. Therefore, it is not surprising that many Russian poets devoted this important aspects formation of a child's personality with his own poems. The most exciting day in the life of every child is rightfully considered September 1, when the child first has to sit at a school desk. His main task is to study well, which is discussed in his poetess Zinaida Aleksandrova reminded all children of the poem “To School”.

“To school” by Z. Aleksandrova

Yellow leaves are flying,
It's a fun day.
Sees off kindergarten
The kids are going to school.

Our flowers have faded,
Birds fly away.
- You are going for the first time
Study in first grade.

Sad dolls sitting
On an empty terrace.
Our cheerful kindergarten
Reminisce in class.

Remember the garden
A river in a distant field...
We are also in a year
We'll be with you at school.

The country train has departed,
Rushing past the windows...
- They promised well
Best to learn!

3rd place. True, over time, children’s thirst for knowledge noticeably weakens, and this is quite natural. After all, life is so multifaceted and varied, and its temptations are sometimes much more stronger than desire comprehend the basics of science in a stuffy school class. However, without knowledge these days, one cannot truly become successful person impossible, as in his instructive the poem “The Cat and the Quirks” was told by the poet Samuil Marshak.

“The Cat and the Quirks” S. Marshak

Quirks gathered
To class,
And the quitters got caught
To the rink.

Thick backpack with books
On the back,
And the skates under my arms
On the belt.

They see, the lazy people see:
Out of the gate
Gloomy and tattered
The cat is coming.

Quirks ask
- Why are you frowning?
From what?

Meowed pitifully
Gray cat:
- To me, a mustachioed cat,
It's almost a year.

And I'm handsome, lazybones,
And smart
And writing and literacy
Not a scientist.

The school has not been built
For kittens.
Teach us to read and write
Do not want.

And now without a diploma
You'll disappear
Far from being literate
You will not leave.

Don't drink without a diploma,
Neither to eat,
Numbers on the gate
Don't read it!

Quirks answer:
- Cute cat,
We'll get the twelfth
It's almost a year.

They teach us to read and write
And a letter
But they can’t learn

We have to learn, quitters,
Somewhat lazy.
We go ice skating
All day.

We don't write with stylus
On the desk,
And we write with skates
On the rink!

Answers quitters
Gray cat:
- To me, a mustachioed cat,
It's almost a year.

I've known a lot of quitters
Like you
And I met such people
For the first time!

2nd place. Of course, school provides the foundations of knowledge that will be useful to every child in the future. However, what is much more important is what skills, traditions and principles he will take away from own family when the time comes to join adult life. the main task Parents' goal is to teach their baby sensitivity and attention to those around him. And in this regard, it is very indicative poem by Mikhail Sadovsky “Who do we learn kindness from?”. In it, the author talks about how the very first and most important teachers of children are their parents, and it depends on them how exactly their child will grow up.

“Who do we learn kindness from?” M. Sadovsky

Who do we learn from?
The blueberries have a smoky
On a bush
At the starling flying
With a worm
By the meadows, combed

At the ears of corn ripening
On the fields,
The rain has arrived
In the clouds,
At the jester giving
People laugh
And by the gentle sun
For all,
The big nods
We need elephants
And daddy's song,
What without words -
Everything is open
Around us
But first - at my mother's
Good hands.

1 place. No less important educational factor is the presence of several children in a family, which helps older children become more responsible, and also develops in them a sense of duty, the desire to always come to the aid of loved ones. Just read poem by Elena Blaginina “I’ll teach my brother how to put on shoes” to understand: children are very plastic creatures who very often copy the behavior of adults and can become real helpers if the desire for this is cultivated from the first years of their life.

“I’ll teach my brother how to put on shoes” by E. Blaginin

I know how to put on shoes
If only I want.
Me and little brother
I'll teach you how to put on shoes.

Here they are - boots.
This one is from the left leg,
This one is from the right leg.

If it rains,
Let's put on our galoshes.
This one is from the right leg,
This one is from the left leg.

Poems not only amuse children, but also help them develop speech and gestures, arouse a lot of positive emotions. Therefore, every mother one day begins to teach her child his first poems. Undoubtedly, A. Barto’s “Toys” cycle stands out of competition here. We offer several other short rhymes that are also easy on the baby's ear and good for comprehension.

Dropped the teddy bear on the floor
They tore off the bear's paw.
I still won’t leave him -
Because he's good.

The owner abandoned the bunny -
A bunny was left in the rain.
I couldn't get off the bench,
I was completely wet.


I have a little goat,
I herd him myself.
I'm a kid in a green garden
I'll take it early in the morning.
He gets lost in the garden -
I'll find it in the grass.


I love my horse
I'll comb her fur smoothly,
I'll comb my tail
And I’ll go on horseback to visit.


We'll build the plane ourselves
Let's fly over the forests,
Let's fly over the forests,
And then we'll go back to mom.

Burning in the sun
As if I
The fire was lit.


Rope in hand
I'm pulling the boat
Along the fast river
And the frogs jump
On my heels
And they ask me:
- Take it for a ride, captain!

Our Tanya cries loudly:
She dropped a ball into the river.
- Hush, Tanya, don’t cry:
The ball will not drown in the river.

The bull is walking, swaying,
Sighs as he walks:
- Oh, the board ends,
Now I'm going to fall!


No, we shouldn't have decided
Ride a cat in a car:
The cat is not used to riding -
The truck overturned.

Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
Lay down in the box on its side.
The sleepy bear lay down in bed.
Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep.
The elephant nods its head
He bows to the elephant.

✔My dog

Miracles! - said Lyuba.
The fur coat was long
There was a fur coat in the chest,
The fur coat became too small for me.

✔The music is playing

The music started playing
The carousels are spinning
The carousels are spinning
The boys mounted the horses.
Horses are racing
Round and round
Silky manes,
We flew after each other
Cavalrymen into battle.
The music started playing
The carousels are spinning
The carousels are spinning
The girls got on the horses.
One after another
Circle after circle -
Why should we rush!
Don’t rush your friends to go on a hike -
Go for a ride!

✔Rubber Zina

Bought in a store
Rubber Zina,
Rubber Zina
They brought it in a basket.
She was gaping
Rubber Zina,
Fell from the basket
Smeared in mud.
We'll wash it in gasoline
Rubber Zina,
We'll wash it in gasoline
And we shake our fingers:
Don't be so dumb
Rubber Zina,
Otherwise we’ll send Zina
Back to the store.

✔Rain in the forest

We went mushroom hunting
We climbed under the oak trees.
Suddenly it rains! Yes what!..
The clearing has become a river!
I look from under my cloak,
How, cracking and trembling,
Branches bend in weight.
Rain in the forest! Rain in the forest!
There is no more silence.
We stand stunned:
Downpour and wind
It hits branches and trunks!
The wind, the wind swept,
I leafed through all the leaves.
Rain in the forest! Rain in the forest!
I’m not bringing mushrooms home -
Just rain on the nose.


Morning. It's hot in the sun.
The cat is standing by the stream.
Whose cat is this?
Looks at everyone like a savage.
We explained to the savage:
- You're not a tiger in a zoo,
You're an ordinary cat!
Well, purr at least a little!
The cat is like a tigress again
She arched her back and got angry.
The cat is following the trail...
It was in vain that we had a conversation with her.

✔Joke about Shurochka

Agniya Barto

Leaf fall, leaf fall,
The whole team rushed into the garden,
Shurochka came running.

The leaves (can you hear?) rustle:
Shurochka, Shurochka...

Shower of lace leaves
Rustle about her alone:
Shurochka, Shurochka...

Swept three leaves,
I approached the teacher:
-Things are going well!
(I’m working hard, keep in mind, they say,
Praise Shurochka,
Shurochka, Shurochka...)

How does the link function?
Shura doesn't care
Just to point out
Whether in the classroom, or in the newspaper,
Shurochka, Shurochka...

How to teach poetry with children 2-3 years old

Mom and son are learning poetry, reading the first line: “They dropped the bear on the floor.” The child repeats: “They dropped the bear on the floor.” Mom is happy - her son is learning the first poem in his life...

Mom reads the second line: “They tore off the bear’s paw.” The child, feeling approval, repeats this phrase. Mom reads the third line, the son repeats it, etc. The result is general joy: everyone has learned it!

Only the baby does not read the entire poem on his own. No requests “Read about the bear!” don't work. But as soon as the mother reads the first line, the child immediately repeats it. Again my mother is happy: “He can do it!” He knows!” - and waits to read further. The child is silent. Again and again he repeats only after reading to his mother. Now the prompt speeds up: as soon as the son reads last words the first line “on the floor”, mom, as a prompter, quickly reads the next one. Now reading sounds faster and more fun. The baby is praised. And the skill of incorrect learning has already been fixed!

The child came to the nursery or kindergarten. He likes music classes and wants to sing. Having listened to and memorized the first phrase of the song, he begins to sing it in canon. Now the music director and teachers must correct the parents’ mistake, correct it patiently and skillfully.

One of the reasons for the difficulties in learning to sing is the incorrect teaching of poetry with children.

Poems for children aged 2 to 3 years are selected taking into account where, how and when they will be heard: on festive matinee, winter or summer, in what game, on music lesson or recreational activity. At the holiday, 2 or 3 poems can be read. Children read with good speech, diction and, most importantly, willingly and freely, with psychological readiness to the performance.

Poems should be small, interesting, imaginative, clear, understandable. The better the child understands the content of the poem, the more independence, creativity and expressiveness he will show when reading.

Initially, the child needs to expressively read the entire poem from beginning to end. If the child is interested in it, ask: “Read more?” Having received an affirmative answer, read it a second time.

The next day you can learn a poem. But first you need to read from beginning to end 2 times, and then only the first 2 lines with the child (2-3 times). Then you need to read the third and fourth lines of the poem and memorize them, repeating them with the child. Such learning should last no more than 2–3 minutes. There is no need to ask children to repeat the text of the poem on their own. It is very important for a music director to

I was asked to make some kind of rating in my professional field. If there is something I can feel like a professional in, it is in reading poetry to children, after all, I am a father of many children (I also have a document, although it is slightly outdated). The Children's Canon includes poems without which I cannot imagine raising children. In order not to get lost in thought, I set myself several restrictions. Firstly, these are poems written in Russian (the wonderful translation lines were decisively discarded). Secondly, these are author’s poems (I had to sacrifice the immortal “One. Two. Three. Four. Five. A bunny went out for a walk...”, and “Chizhik-Pyzhik” at the same time), more precisely, by famous authors. Thirdly, there is only one poem from each author in the Children's Canon. The problem of choosing one poem for some authors becomes a real torment, but more on that later.

1. “Ruslan and Lyudmila”

Lukomorye has green oak;

Golden chain on the oak tree:

Both day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes round and round in a chain;

He goes to the right - the song starts,

To the left - he tells a fairy tale.

There are miracles there: a goblin wanders there,

A mermaid sits on the branches...

A.S. Pushkin

We have to start with Pushkin. But what to do if Alexander Sergeevich wrote for children and, as usual, brilliantly. It is impossible to choose just one poem. There is also “Three girls were spinning under the window late in the evening” or “Once upon a time there was a priest with a cotton forehead,” and so on. I finally stopped at the beginning of the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” for one simple reason. These are the first lines I learned by heart. It seems that I was three years old, and I did not quite understand what it meant: “There the forests and valleys are full of visions, the waves of tamazar will rush in”...

2. “What is good and what is bad?”

The little son came to his father,

and the little one asked:

- What is good

and what is bad?..

V. V. Mayakovsky

Another adult classic in the Children's canon. It’s easier to choose “the one and only” from him. There is, of course, also “Every page is either an elephant or a lioness” (“The animal is cold in winter. The animal is from America. I saw everyone. It’s time to go home. Goodbye, animals!”), but “Little One” is somehow more fundamental and philosophical . In the end, everyone knows “Krokha”.

By the way, not all geniuses of “adult poetry” were good at children's poems. For example, I won’t even include Mandelstam’s “Primus” or “Mukha” in the canon, but I won’t even mention them.

3. “Ivan Toporyzhkin”

Ivan Toporyzhkin went hunting,

The poodle went with him, jumping over the fence,

Ivan, like a log, fell into a swamp,

And the poodle drowned in the river like an ax...

Daniil Kharms

Daniil Kharms can be forgiven for anything. Even the phrase: “Poisoning children is cruel. But something needs to be done with them!” But it’s difficult to imagine that after this phrase you can still write beautiful children’s poems. But it is so.

I really wanted to include Evgeniy Schwartz in the Children’s canon with his “A pretty puppy was walking along the path. He carried a shortbread pie in his right leg to his bride, his beloved, so that she and she could quickly devour it.” But for Schwartz, children's poems are more of an accident, and no one really knows about them. In short, from this galaxy there is neither Schwartz, nor Oleinikov, nor Vvedensky. Only Kharms.

4. "Phone"

My phone rang.

- Who's talking?

- Where?

- From a camel?

- What do you need?

- Chocolate.

- For whom?

- For my son.

- How much should I send?

- Yes, about five pounds

Or six:

He can't eat anymore

He's still small for me!..

Korney Chukovsky

Chukovsky is the absolute pinnacle of Russian children's poetry. And he, unlike the previous ones, is primarily a children's poet. It is impossible to choose one, so to speak, best poem from him. There is also “Cockroach”, “Fly-Tsokotukha”, “Aibolit”, “Moidodyr” and much more. The only thing that we have to admit with some bitterness is that some lines have become not entirely understandable for today’s children. What is “the commander of the washbasins and the commander of the washcloths”?

Chukovsky opens the galaxy of Soviet children's poets. There are many, many of them, I can’t name them all, but I will definitely name three more. There is simply such a Soviet mini-canon: Chukovsky, Marshak, Barto, Mikhalkov.

5. “He’s so absent-minded”

Once upon a time there lived an absent-minded man

On Basseynaya street.

He sat down on his bed in the morning,

I started putting on my shirt,

He put his hands into the sleeves -

It turned out that these were trousers.

That's how absent-minded

From Basseynaya Street!

Samuel Marshak

Samuel Marshak is a wonderful translator, including children’s poems (“Humpty Dumpty” and others). He doesn’t have too many of his own children’s poems of this level. In addition to “Abstracted,” undoubtedly, “Baggage” (“A lady checked in a sofa, a suitcase, a suitcase, a painting, a basket, a cardboard box and a small dog) and “Mail” (“Who is knocking on my door) will remain in eternity as luggage.” With a thick shoulder bag"). The rest is perhaps debatable.

6. “Uncle Styopa”

In the house there are eight fraction one

At the Ilyich outpost

There lived a tall citizen

Nicknamed Kalancha,

By surname Stepanov

And named Stepan,

From the regional giants

The most important giant...

Sergey Mikhalkov

No matter how you feel about Sergei Mikhalkov (I heard that not everyone loves him), without “Uncle Styopa”, “Song of Friends (“We are going, going, going to distant lands”) and the magnificent children’s dialogue about “And we have gas in our apartment , and you?" an honest Children's canon will not work. And with us everything is fair. In general, you, comrade, “sit on the floor, you, comrade, don’t care.”

7. "Chatterbox"

What chatterbox Lida, they say,

Vovka made this up.

When should I chat?

I have no time to chat!

Drama club, photo club,

Horkruzhk - I want to sing,

For a drawing class

Agniya Barto

Agnia Barto has several amazing poems. For the little ones, “Toys” are short poems about Tanya who is crying, a bunny that was abandoned, a bear that was torn off, a bull that rocks. Well, in general, she is a master of sound and intonation. If you don't believe me, read "Chatterbox" aloud. By the way, “Lyubochka” (“Little blue skirt, ribbon in a braid”) was sung by “Masha and the Bears”. So it's still modern.

8. "Pony"

Pony rides girls

Pony rides boys

Pony runs in circles

And he counts circles in his mind...

Yunna Moritz

In addition to the official Soviet canon, there was also a Soviet intellectual canon. As a rule, it included “adult poets”, as if at the same time writing for children. Here we must name Boris Zakhoder (primarily a great translator), Genrikh Sapgir, but in the Children's Canon I included Yunna Moritz and Vadim Levin, whose fame is also supported by music. First of all, I remember the songs based on their poems that the Nikitins sang. I will still quote Sapgir’s wonderful poem: “Once upon a time, at the bottom of a glass, a Dwarf met a Giant. - How did you get into the glass? - the Giant was surprised.

9. "The Story of Jonathan Bill"

Jonathan Bill

who killed

in Cherny Bor,

Jonathan Bill

who bought

last year

Jonathan Bill

who swam away

to Aunt Trot, -

this same Jonathan Bill

I really loved the compote.

Vadim Levin

Vadim Levin's amazing book "The Stupid Horse", which became, as I already said, a children's classic for Soviet intelligentsia. It so happened that english rhymes For Russian children and their intelligent parents they are almost like family. Marshak, Zakhoder, and other translators did their best. “Robin-Bobin” or “Little Willie-Winky” is completely ours, albeit translated. Levin went further and simply composed Russian English poems. That is, if you are a pedant and a bore, it’s like the English ones. Or, as Levin himself writes, “my translations of ancient English ballads, included in this book, are so new that the British have not yet had time to write their originals.

10. "Fly"

A fly drowns in sweets

In a jar on the window.

And there is no joy in this

Neither the fly nor me.

Oleg Grigoriev

In my opinion, it’s wonderful, even despite the fact that the conjunction “and” before “not for me” is clearly superfluous, at least from the point of view of a linguist. Oleg Grigoriev is a poet who was not officially recognized during his lifetime, but, as they now like to say, a cult poet. He is considered one of the creators of the genre of “black rhymes”: “I asked the electrician Petrov: Why did you wrap the wire around your neck? Petrov doesn’t answer anything, he just quietly shakes his bots.” And also this: “Here is a beautiful woman, lying naked in the bushes, another would have raped her, but I just kicked her.”

Forgot to warn: last poem Do not read to children under any circumstances. They can understand correctly.

11. "Red"

If a boy caulks,

Is it the boy's fault?

What was born red-haired, freckled?

But, however, from an early age

There's no way for the boy

And the malicious guys shout:

- Ginger! Ginger! Freckled!

Killed grandpa with a shovel! —

But he didn’t beat his grandfather,

And he loved his grandfather...

E. Uspensky

Eduard Uspensky is a genius, a titan, the father of today's children's poetry. The only children's poet approaching the scale of the great Korney. For his late texts Soviet period(the choice of “Red” as the “best” poem is, of course, conditional) he can be forgiven for post-perestroika vacillations in search of relevance and even new translation"Carlson". Just business, apparently.

12. “Bad advice”

Never wash your hands

Neck, ears and face.

This is a stupid thing to do

Doesn't lead to anything.

Your hands will get dirty again

Neck, ears and face,

So why waste energy?

Time to waste...

Grigory Oster

Grigory Oster is perhaps the only generally recognized pinnacle of post-Soviet children's poetry (he wrote, of course, before, but not so much was published). It's everywhere, and I know it annoys some people. But the irritation will go away, and bad advice will remain. “You better brake for dad, dad is soft, he will forgive.”

13. "Family Secret"

Mom is a zebra, dad is a moose.

How did they do it?

Renata Mukha

Again a fly (in addition to the clicking sound and Grigorievskaya), but this time it’s a surname. Renata Mukha is an author much less famous than those listed above, although she has been writing for a long time and wonderfully. So point 13 can be considered a kind of subjective bonus. There could have been lines from Mikhail Yasnov, Marina Boroditskaya, Tim Sobakin or someone else, but I had to choose. I chose Renata Mucha. Moreover, adults will certainly be interested in her lines.