Interesting information about geniuses and famous personalities. Mad geniuses: strange facts from the lives of famous scientists

Famous personalities differ from us not only in their achievements in one or another area of ​​life. Facts from the lives of famous people also confirm their oddities. Famous people have such interesting biographies that you want to study them in full. Interesting Facts from the lives of famous people will appeal to both children and adults.

1. captured Italy at the age of 26.

2. Hitler was named Person of the Year by Time.

3. Cleopatra was married to her brother.

4.Facts from the lives of famous people in America confirm that Andrew Jackson, the US President, believed that the Earth was flat.

5. For her wedding, Queen Victoria was given a piece of cheese whose diameter was 3 meters and weighed 500 kilograms.

6.Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' restroom. When there was a ball, his mother felt unwell and soon gave birth to him there.

7. Beethoven always brewed coffee from 64 beans.

8.Beria had syphilis.

9. Celine Dion and Madonna are cousins ​​of the wife of Prince Charles.

10. I almost always fell asleep in front of the fireplace. Because of this, he suffered from lack of sleep.

11. I considered socks to be the most stupid thing.

12.The most loving man is considered to be the king of the island of Tonga, who is in Pacific Ocean. His name was Fatafehi ​​Paulah.

13.I never had children, and intimate relationships Same.

14.Facts from the lives of famous people of Russia say that Alexander Suvorov did not lose a single battle.

15. always worked in the field equally with other men. And this happened despite the fact that he was a count.

16. Nikola Tesla had panic fear in relation to microbes.

17. Andriana Lima, who is considered a famous Brazilian model, remained faithful until the wedding. And exactly 9 months after the wedding, her daughter was born.

18.Paul McCartney, due to his own workload, did not have time to purchase an engagement ring for his beloved.

19. Cristiano Ronaldo is the most expensive player in the history of football.

20. Jackie Chan's mother carried him for 12 months and this one was born famous person weighing more than 5 kilograms.

21. Interesting facts about famous people provide information that Marilyn Monroe before she became famous model, worked at an aircraft factory.

22.Brad Pitt's first job was performing on the streets dressed as a "chicken".

24.Marilyn Monroe's bra sold at auction for $14,000.

25. To hide hair loss, Julius Caesar put a laurel wreath on his head.

26.Elizabeth the First imposed taxes on men who had a beard.

27. John Rockefeller gave away more than $500 million to charity in his own life.

28.Winston Churchill smoked at least 15 cigars a day.

29. King Solomon had approximately 700 wives and 100 mistresses.

30.Moart has never been to school.

31. Sigmund Freud had a panic attack before the number 62.

32.Louis Pasteur was a sponsor of the brewery.

33. Alexander the Great knew by sight about 30,000 of his own soldiers.

34.Queen Elizabeth had approximately 3,000 outfits.

35.Voltaire's body was stolen from the grave.

36.Dutch artist Van Gogh had bouts of madness. During one of them he cut off his ear.

37. Yuri Gagarin wrote before flying into space Farewell letter wife, because he did not know how the expedition would end.

38. Luciano Pavarotti was fond of football.

39. Genghis Khan had a panicky fear of death. And this despite his cruelty towards his enemies.

40.When Alla Pugacheva was born, cancer was discovered on her throat. It was immediately removed.

41. Sylvester Stallone was often beaten in school years.

42. participated in duels more than 90 times.

43.Saddam Hussein wrote the Koran with his own blood.

44.Charlie Chaplin's body was stolen 3 months later by doormen who demanded a ransom.

45.When Vladimir Putin worked for the KGB, his code name was “mole.”

46.The largest fee of $20 million was first received by Julia Roberts.

47. All shoes for Paris Hillton were made to order, because she had big size feet and it’s difficult to find the right shoes.

48.Whoopi Goldberg, who is considered an actress, has no eyebrows.

49.Rihanna didn’t even finish school.

50.Beethoven wet himself ice water in order to raise your mental tone.

51. During his childhood, Charles Darwin's father considered his son mediocrity.

52. Demosthenes had a speech impediment as a child.

53.Genghis Khan died while making love.

54. Arthur Conan Doyle, who wrote Sherlock Holmes, was an ophthalmologist by profession.

55.Walt Disney was afraid of mice throughout his life.

56.Mozart began composing music at the age of 3. At the age of 35, he already had more than 600 works.

57.At the age of 3, Albert Einstein did not speak a word.

58.Timberlake is very afraid of spiders.

59.The national Italian flag was created by Napoleon Bonaparte.

60. Queen Anne was the mother of 17 children.

61.The autograph of the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar was valued at $2 million.

62.Charles Dickens preferred to sleep only facing north.

63. George Washington's birthday was the only birthday that was a holiday in the United States.

64.Uma Thurman's father was a monk and professor of Eastern religion.

65. Taylor Swift first played the guitar at the age of 10.

66. Ashton Kutcher trained as a biochemist.

67. Riana was a cadet in the Barbadian Army.

68.In her childhood, Angelina Jolie wore braces and glasses, for which the guys teased her.

69.Until the age of 16, Jennifer Garner did not wear a thong or use cosmetics because she was forbidden to do so.

70.Tom Cruise had a dream - to become a priest.

71.Demi Moore attempted suicide during her school years.

72.Queen Victoria spent 40 years in mourning after the death of her husband. She did not take off her black dresses at this time.

73.Mussolini was deathly afraid of cats.

74. Alfred Hitchcock was afraid of eggs in any form.

75. Julio Iglesias played in the Real Madrid football team in his youth.

76.Charlie Chaplin is considered the highest paid actor.

77. Marilyn Monroe grew up in an orphanage.

78. Tchaikovsky had a legal education.

79. Ricky Martin had two children through a surrogate mother, and all his life he hid his own sexuality.

80.Hitler was a vegetarian.

81.The spouses executed two of their six English king Henry the Eighth.

82.Paul McCartney's mother was a midwife and helped children be born.

83.Kipling could not write his works in ink because they were black.

84. Benjamin Franklin wanted to make the turkey the national bird of the United States of America.

85. Bill Clinton sent only 2 emails during all his years in office.

86. George Washington did not shake hands when meeting, but only bowed.

87. before you start writing activity, was a doctor.

88.Cleopatra preferred to test poisons on her slaves.

89.Winston Churchill had Indian ancestors on his mother's side.

90.Queen Victoria spoke in English language with a German accent.

91. At Henry Ford, who is considered successful businessman, had only secondary education.

92.Sarah Jessica Parker is attached to a black little dress, so she even got married in a black dress.

93.At one of his concerts, Ozzy Osbourne bit off the head of a bat.

94.Elizabeth Taylor had double row eyelashes

95. During my school years I was a bad student in physics.

96.The Chupa Chups logo was drawn by Salvador Dali.

97. Kate Middleton's wedding dress could be purchased for $300 the morning after the ceremony.

98. Elvis Presley worked for a trucking company in his youth.

99. Napoleon's penis was purchased for $40,000 by an American urologist.


1. Napoleon was 26 years old when he captured Italy.
2. Baghdad University awarded Uday, the eldest son of Saddam Hussein, academic degree the doctors political sciences. Although he did not even have a secondary education. His dissertation was entitled "The Decline of American Power by 2016."
3. In 1938, Time magazine named Hitler "Man of the Year."

4. While serving in the KGB, Vladimir Putin had the nickname “Mol.”
5. Hitler was a vegetarian.
6. Egyptian queen Cleopatra tested the effectiveness of her poisons by forcing her slaves to take them.
7. Cleopatra married her sibling- Ptolemy.
8. Cleopatra was not Egyptian. She had Macedonian, Iranian and Greek roots.

9. Lafayette became a general in the US Army at age 19. His full name sounds like this: Maria Joseph Paul Yves Rocher Gilbert de Motier, Marquis de Lafayette.
10. The Minister of Culture of the RSFSR in the 50s, Alexei Popov, was a famous swearer.
11. Mongol conqueror Timur (1336-1405) played something like polo with the skulls of the people he killed. He created a pyramid of their severed heads 9 meters high.
12. At the time of Lenin's death, his brain was only a quarter of its normal size.

13. Napoleon was born not in France, but on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. His parents were Italian and they had eight children.
14. The national flag of Italy was invented by Napoleon.
15. One of Napoleon's drinking cups was made from the skull of the famous Italian adventurer Cagliostro.
16. The founder of the theory of communism, Karl Marx, never visited Russia.
17. The first American Chief Justice, John Jay, bought slaves to free them.

18. The first person in history to be hit by a train was Member of the British Parliament William Haskinson.
19. Winston Churchill's maternal ancestors were... Indians.
20. US President Andrew Jackson believed that the Earth was flat.
21. During the reign of Elizabeth I there was a tax on men's beards. However, Peter the Great did not favor bearded men either.

22. Queen Ranavalona of Madagascar ordered the execution of her subjects if they appeared to her in dreams without her permission.
23. At her wedding, Queen Victoria was given a piece of cheese 3 meters in diameter and weighing 500 kilograms.
24. King of England Henry VIII executed two of his six wives.
25. The President of Uganda and one of the most ruthless dictators in the world, Idi Amin, served in the British Army before coming to power.
26. British Prime Minister Lord Palmerston died in 1865 on a billiard table, on which he made love to his servants.

27. At the court of King Alfonso of Spain, there was a special position - a hymnist. The fact is that the king had no ear for music at all, and he himself could not distinguish the anthem from other music. The anthem leader had to warn the king when the national anthem was played.
28. The Roman emperor Nero married a man - one of his slaves named Scorus.
29. The Roman Emperor Nero forced his teacher, the philosopher Seneca, to commit suicide.

30. The height of Peter the Great was approximately 213 cm. Despite the fact that in those days the average height of men was significantly lower than today.
31. Sir Winston Churchill smoked no more than 15 cigars a day.
32. Tom Cruise entered seminary at age 14 to become a priest, but dropped out after a year.
33. U French king Louis XIV there were 413 beds.
34. The Israeli king Solomon had approximately 700 wives and several thousand mistresses.

35. King Louis XIV of France, known as the “Sun King,” had over 400 beds.
36. Napoleon had ailurophobia - fear of cats.
37. Winston Churchill was born in the women's toilet of the Blenheim family castle. During the ball, his mother felt unwell and soon gave birth.
38. Physicist and owner Nobel Prize Niels Bohr and his brother famous mathematician Harald Bohr were football players. Harald was a member of the Danish national team and even took second place at the 1905 Olympics.
39. The phrase “The King is dead, long live the King” was uttered by Catherine de Medici when she learned of the death of her son Charles IX.

40. Swedish King Charles VII, killed in 1167, was the first king of a state named Charles! Charles I, II, III, IV, V and VI never existed, and it is unclear where he got the prefix “seventh”. And after a couple of centuries, King Charles VIII (1448-1457) appeared in Sweden.
41. Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes stories, was an ophthalmologist by profession.
42. Attila the Barbarian died in 453 wedding night immediately after the wedding.
43. Beethoven always brewed coffee from 64 beans.
44. Britain's Queen Victoria (1819-1901), who ruled Britain for 64 years, spoke English with an accent. She had German roots.

45. In 1357, a dead woman was crowned Queen of Portugal. She became Princess Ines de Castro, the second wife of Pedro I. 2 years earlier, her father-in-law, Alfonso "The Proud", who hated her for being a commoner, secretly ordered his men to kill her and her children. When Pedro became king, he ordered Ines's body to be removed from the grave and forced the nobility to recognize her as Queen of Portugal.
46. ​​In 1849, Senator David Atchison became President of the United States for only 1 day, and most this day he... overslept.
47. The Grand Vizier of Persia Abdul Kassim Ismail (who lived in the 10th century) never parted with his library. If he went somewhere, the library “followed” him. 117 thousand book volumes were transported by 400 camels. Moreover, the books (along with camels) were arranged in alphabetical order.
48. The great Genghis Khan died while having sex.
49. Hannibal died in 183 BC. e. taking poison when he learned that the Romans had come to kill him.

50. Hans Christian Andersen could not write almost a single word without errors.
51. Henry IV often flogged his son, the future Louis XIII.
52. Danish king Frederick IV was a bigamist. He married twice while his wife Queen Louise was alive. His first lover died during childbirth, his second mistress was queen for only 19 days after the death of Queen Louise. All the children from both of his mistresses either died at birth or in infancy, as he believed for his sinful life. Later he became extremely religious.
53. Jack the Ripper, the most famous murderer of the 19th century, always committed his crimes on weekends.

54. Dr. Alice Chace, who wrote the book “ Healthy eating"and many books about proper nutrition, died of malnutrition.
55. Once the merchant Krasnobryukhov turned to Alexander I with a request to change his surname, and he allowed him to be called... Sinebryukhov. After this, the merchant, out of grief, left for Finland and founded the famous Koff brewing company there.
56. When Russian Queen Elizabeth I died in 1762, more than 15,000 dresses were discovered in her wardrobe.
57. Mozart began composing music at age 3.
58. There is not a single living descendant of William Shakespeare left on Earth.
59. Before composing music, Beethoven poured a bucket on his head cold water, believing that it stimulates the brain.

60. While developing the electric light bulb, Thomas Edison wrote 40 thousand pages.
61. "Dream in summer night"Felix Mendelssohn wrote at the age of 17. This became his most famous work.
62. Beria suffered from syphilis.
63. More than 100 descendants of Johann Sebastian Bach became organists.
64. In the group ZZ Top, only one member does not have a beard. And his name is Beard, which translated from English means... “beard”.

65. Since 1932, only Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush have not been elected to a second term as president.
66. Ilf and Petrov discarded ideas that came to both of their minds at once - in order to avoid cliches.
67. When Beethoven wrote the famous Ninth Symphony, he was completely deaf.
68. Composer Franz Liszt was the father-in-law of German composer Richard Wagner.
69. Paul McCartney's mother was a midwife.

70. The writer Rudyard Kipling could not write with ink unless it was black.
71. The writer Charles Dickens worked with his face turned to the north. He also always slept with his head facing north.
72. The Roman Emperor Commodus collected dwarfs, cripples and freaks from all over the Roman Empire to arrange fights between them in the Colosseum.
73. Roman Emperor Julius Caesar wore Laurel wreath on the head to hide the increasing baldness.
74. Russian composer Alexander Borodin was also a famous chemist in St. Petersburg.

75. The smallest American president is James Madison (1.62 m), and Abraham Lincoln is the tallest (1.93 m).
76. The shortest British monarch is Charles I. His height was 4 feet 9 inches (about 140 cm). After his head was cut off, his height became even smaller.
77. The body of Voltaire, who died in 1778, was stolen from his grave and was never found. The loss was discovered in 1864.
78. Balzac has a whole book dedicated to... a tie.
79. U british queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603) had about 3,000 outfits.

80. American Pete Ruff knocks an apple off his own head with a boomerang.
81. American industrial magnate and billionaire John Rockefeller donated more than $550 million. to various foundations and institutions.
82. American President Benjamin Franklin advocated for the turkey to be America's national bird.
83. In 1856, the English chemist William Perkin, while trying to obtain quinine from aniline, invented the first artificial dye, mauvais.

84. In the village of Lobovskoye Saratov region There lives a beekeeper who can withstand 40 hours in a hive with bees completely naked.
85. Between 1952 and 1966, 5 children were born into the family of Ralph and Carolyn Cummins, and all of them had a birthday on February 20th.
86. Galileo Galilei was the first person to propose the use of a pendulum to measure time.
87. Hannibal died in 183 BC after taking poison when he learned that the Romans had come to kill him.
88. Grover Cleveland was the only US president to get married in the White House.

89. James Madison was the smallest American president (1.62 m), and Abraham Lincoln was the tallest (1.93 m).
90. Dr. Alice Chace, who wrote the book Healthy Eating and many books about proper nutrition, died of malnutrition.
91. Over 35 years, Mozart created over 600 works. But after his death, the widow did not have money for a separate place in the cemetery
92. Famous bull fighter of the 19th century. Lagarijo (born Rafael Molina) killed 4,867 bulls.
93. When he died German physicist A. Einstein, his last words left with him. Nurse, ex nearby, did not understand German.

94. Maximum amount crossword puzzles compiled by Andrian Bell. From January 1930 to 1980, he sent 4,520 crossword puzzles to The Times.
95. Robert Lincoln, son of President Lincoln, was rescued from a traffic accident by a certain Edwin Booth. As it turns out, Edwin is the brother of Abraham Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth. Father tried to kill father, and their children saved each other
96. First American President The person using the phone was James Garfield.
97. Concept a negative number was first introduced by the Italian merchant Pisano in 1202, denoting his debts and losses.
98. The world's largest private collection of meteorites belongs to the American Robert Haag - from the age of 12 he collected 2 tons of celestial stones.
99. Thomas Edison had a bird collection of 5,000 specimens.

100. The French Jeanne Louise and Guy Bruti compiled a crossword puzzle on a sheet of paper 5 m long and 3 m wide, from 18 thousand words and 50 thousand cells.
101. Shakespeare mentioned roses more than 50 times in his poems.
102. Andrew Johnson, 17th President of the United States, was the only president to sew his own clothes.
103. Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin were born on the same day - February 12, 1809. The scientist lived almost 20 years longer than the politician.
104. Bill Clinton sent as many as two emails during his entire presidency, one of which was a test email to check that everything was working fine. I wonder who the second letter was to? Maybe Monica?

105. In 1759, Arthur Guinness leased St Gate's Brewery for 9,000 years at a rent of £45 per annum. The famous Guinness beer began to be brewed there.
106. In 1981, Deborah Ann Fountain, Ms. NY, was disqualified for excessive use of cotton padding in a swimsuit competition
107. George Washington did not shake hands when meeting - he preferred to bow
108. The only US president who is also the chairman of any union is Ronald Reagan, who heads the Screen Actors Guild.

109. If you remember a little school course physicists, then you know that there is a Richter temperature scale. So this same Charles Richter was a malicious nudist, which is why his wife left him.
110. If you read the works of the writer Stephen King, you should notice that most of the actions of his stories take place in Maine. Paradoxically, this state has the lowest crime rate in the United States.
111. The founder of psychoanalysis has many oddities. Freud was terrified of the number 62. He refused to reserve a hotel room with more than 62 rooms for fear of accidentally getting a room with number 62. He used cocaine, like many of his contemporaries.
112. The famous entrepreneur Henry Ford preferred to hire people with physical disabilities - among the workers of his factories in 1919, there was one disabled person for every four healthy people.

113. Louis Pasteur's research was sponsored by a brewery. They also paid for his ticket to international congress. When Pasteur was given the floor at the congress, the first thing he did was hang advertising posters with beer on the stage. And he began his speech by saying that this beer is the best. And only then did he get down to business.
114. Madonna and Celine Dion are cousins ​​of Prince Charles's wife, Camilla
115. The father of the famous comedian Leslie Nielsen (“The Naked Gun”, etc.) served as a police officer in Canada, and his brother worked in the Canadian Parliament
116. Tennis player Andre Agassi's father represented Iran at Olympic Games 1948 and 1952. He was... a boxer

Scientists know this strange people. In any case, a person needs to be very different from the majority in order to be able to offer unconventional ideas. Many scientists were eccentric and sarcastic, others were arrogant people who couldn't understand why everyone around them was so stupid. And some were ready to give their whole lives to make a discovery that would turn the world upside down. Therefore, it is quite interesting to take a look at ten of the strangest facts about the most famous scientists in history.

No beans

You can thank Pythagoras for one of the pillars of geometry - the theorem named after him. However, some of his ideas were not so brilliant. For example, he adhered vegetarian diet, but at the same time I never wanted to eat beans. Legend has it that the beans were partly to blame for his death. Allegedly, bandits attacked his house, he began to run away, but ran into a bean field. He decided that he would rather die than set foot there, and his throat was quickly cut.

When to leave

The 16th century Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe was a nobleman known for his eccentric manner in both life and death. He lost his nose in a duel in college and has worn a metal prosthetic ever since. And he loved to party - he had his own island where he invited his friends to do all sorts of wild things. He showed the guests a moose that he had tamed, as well as a dwarf that he treated as a court jester and fed him scraps from the table like a dog. However, his love of partying was the cause of his death. At a banquet in Prague, Braga had to go to the toilet, but he remained at the table, as this would have been a violation of etiquette. And he made a mistake because he ended up developing a kidney infection and his bladder burst 11 days later.

Unsung Hero

Nikola Tesla was one of the unsung heroes of science. He came to America from Serbia in 1884 and immediately went to work for Thomas Edison, making a number of breakthroughs in radio engineering, robotics and electronics, some of which Edison appropriated for himself. In fact, it was Tesla who invented the Edison light bulb. However, Tesla was not simply compulsive in his scientific wanderings - he most likely suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder, refusing to touch anything if there was any dirt in it. He was also afraid of hair, pearl earrings and anything round. In addition, he was obsessed with the number three - for example, he walked around the building three times before entering. And at every meal, he used exactly 18 napkins to clean his cutlery.

Absent-minded Professor

Werner Heisenberg is an excellent example of a brilliant theoretical physicist who always had his head in the clouds. In 1927, he derived the famous uncertainty equations that are involved in quantum mechanics, rules that explain the behavior of small subatomic particles. However, he practically failed the doctor's exam, since he knew practically nothing about experimental techniques. When the examiner asked him how a battery works, it turned out that the physicist had no idea about it.

Prolific polymath

Physicist Robert Oppenheimer was a polymath who spoke eight languages ​​fluently and had a wide range of interests, including poetry, linguistics and philosophy. As a result, Oppenheimer sometimes found it difficult to understand the limitations of others. For example, in 1931 Lev Nedelsky worked with him at the same university. One day Oppenheimer asked a colleague to write a report for him, giving him a book that contained all necessary information. Later, the colleague returned puzzled - after all, the book was on Dutch. Oppenheimer was no less surprised, since he believed that Dutch was an extremely simple and accessible language.


Architect and scientist Buckminster Fuller is best known for creating geodesic dome in the thirties and several more striking discoveries. But Fuller was also remembered by everyone as an extremely eccentric person. He wore three wristwatches, set to different time zones, when traveling long distances, and also slept only two hours a night (he later had to abandon this idea). But he also spent a lot of time chronologizing his life. From 1915 to 1983, Fuller kept a detailed diary, which he updated every 15 minutes. As a result, his diary reached 82 meters in height and is now kept at Stanford University.

Homeless mathematician

Pál Erdős was a Hungarian mathematical theorist who was so dedicated to his work that he never married, lived on the street and could show up to his friends at any time, drop in without asking, and stay in the house for days at a time while he worked on his theories.

Physicist joker

Richard Feynman was one of the most prolific and famous physicists 20th century. But he was also a joker and mischief-maker. For example, while working on projects, he had fun hacking locks and security systems to show how flawed they were. In addition, he spent time with girls from Las Vegas while awaiting the Nobel Prize, learned the Mayan language and did many other strange things.

Strange furniture

British mathematician and electrical engineer Oliver Heaviside was a genius who made many discoveries. But at the same time, he was incredibly strange - he furnished his house with granite blocks instead of furniture, painted his nails bright pink, could drink only milk all day long, and so on.

Bone Wars

Othniel Charles Marsh and Edward Cope were leading paleontologists during the breakthrough era of dinosaur research in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. And both scientists used dirty tactics to get around the other - sending spies, bribing guards, stealing dinosaur bones from each other and publicly humiliating each other. But at the same time they still made a huge contribution to paleontological knowledge about dinosaurs.

Musician, 68, London

Recorded by Simon Hattenstone. Photographer Bryan Adams.
Bryan Adams/Trunk/PhotoSenso
Simon Hattenstone / Guardian News & Media Ltd

As long as my face is printed on the front page, I don't care what they say about me on the seventeenth.

A few years ago I was sitting in a New York restaurant, and a family was sitting at the next table - parents and a boy. It was a quiet restaurant and no one was paying attention to anyone. And then suddenly this boy asked his father: “So who was cooler - the Beatles or the Rolling Stones?” “I don’t know,” said the father. He didn’t even tell him “you better ask him,” meaning me. Do you understand? It was at that moment that I felt like someone whom history had long since crossed out.

The past is not a bad time. There is no need to forget about him or regret him. But you shouldn't be his prisoner.

People are obsessed. They want to see you the way you were in 1969. They want to see you like this because this is how you were in their youth, which they no longer have. Selfish, if you think about it, but I understand them.

It is so important not to get stuck in the past. That's why I diligently forget my own songs.

People think, that they know everything about me. And it’s true: they know things about me that I have long forgotten.

Mother was never happy from what I do. She wanted me to finally find my place in life and become something like a bricklayer.

I'm not a rock star by birth. Just a representative of show business. I chose rock and roll only because at that time everyone was interested in it. If I had been born in 1915, I would have been a jazz drummer or some silent film star.

I took up music only because I wanted to make money. for my own bread - for the bread to which I am accustomed.

I was very poorly brought up: I drink tea at three.

It's normal to fall into the abyss of drugs, alcohol and madness, but only as long as you firmly know how to get back.

Anything can happen. You wake up early in the morning, look at your old spoon and say to yourself: “Mick, I think it's time to buy some new spoons.” Which is what you do.

I'm not sure I'd like to listen to the whole album, dedicated to meat.

It's strange - putting together a band for a solo recording.

Rock 'n' roll is a drug so you have to be careful with it. You don't have to make music all the time. The same thing happens when you’re young: you feel like if you don’t get laid, your day will be wasted.

I think that, like most people, my moral values ​​are quite flexible matter.

Dance - it's just a clumsy substitute for sex.

I don't take anyone's side. There is not a single force in the world that has absolute truth.

I'm a conservative but with a small letter "k". Believe me, you can be a conservative in matters of taxation and a liberal in matters of morality and freedom of speech.

It's hard to remember what the sixties were really like.

It seems to me that my generation differs from today in only one thing: we believed in what we were doing.

New York mid-sixties was wonderful, and Los Angeles is not bad either. But outside these two cities there was a monstrous repressive society with a whole heap of prejudices. There was still racial segregation and the people around were very old-fashioned and narrow-minded. Over the past thirty years the situation has changed radically. However, changes have occurred almost everywhere in the world.

Americans they know little about the horror of World War II because they have never seen what Russia and Europe saw. The United States had combat experience, there was a shortage of food, and people returned home in coffins, but when waking up in the morning, ordinary Americans did not see from the window the ruins of a neighboring house, destroyed by an aerial bomb.

Country influences me more than any other music. I heard Johnny Cash even before I heard the first blues in my life.

Inspiration surrounds you on all sides, and in Everyday life there is more of it.

I like kids, because children make you younger.

I'm only three years older than David Bowie. Or two?

Memories are the heaviest burden which a person has to carry.

Leave your dreams - and your mind will leave you.

Someone who collects cars becomes boring.

I hate it gloominess.