Annual dictation in the Russian language 8. Control dictation on repetition at the beginning of the year

Control dictations in 8th grade:

based on the results of the first quarter


4 They amaze with their changing landscapes. Here you will see unconquered peaks, peaks covered with eternal snow, and smoking volcanoes. In the west sparkles with turquoise Pacific Ocean, in the east one admires the endless jungle, cut by a web of silver rivers.

After a one-day stay in the capital of Peru, we fly in the direction of the lost city of the Incas. We take the train to a small town and walk through the eucalyptus forest to the village. Clay houses and thatched huts are reminiscent of ancient civilization. We try not to lose the path that disappears in places and winds upward.

appears in the distance mysterious city, located on a rocky peak. After five hours of climbing, we pass through the heavy gates and enter the fortress located on the mountain. 4 On numerous terraces, connected by countless stairs, there is a stone world with streets and squares. Ancient city fascinates us.

(121 words) (According to Ya. Palkevich)

Grammar task

    Write down 3 different phrases and sort them out: from 1 paragraph (1 option); from 3 paragraphs (2nd option).

The Andes are the most high mountains The American continent, cutting it from north to south. 4 (1 option);

After five hours of climbing, we go through heavy climbs and enter the fortress located on the mountain. 4 (Option 2).

Departure from the castle

The Duke received considerable pleasure by inviting Don Quixote and Sancho to the castle and being amused by their eccentricities. But Don Quixote began to be burdened by captivity and an idle life, believing that a real, and not an imaginary knight, when traveling, should not indulge in laziness and incessant amusements and sit with folded hands. That's why he asked permission to leave.

4 4 Sitting on his gray, Sancho was delighted: the ducal steward handed him, without stinting, two hundred gold pieces.

Having bowed politely to the Duke, as well as to everyone present, Don Quixote turned Rocinante and, accompanied by Sancho, rode out the gate into an open field, saying:

- Freedom, Sancho, is incomparable to any treasure!

(126 words) (According to M. de Cervantes.)

Grammar task

1. Write out examples of 3 different types of predicates from the text.

2. Write down 3 different phrases and sort them out: from 1 paragraph (1 option); from 3 paragraphs (2nd option).

3. Execute parsing offers:

Having said goodbye to everyone early in the morning, Don Quixote, dressed in the same ridiculous armor, appeared in the square in front of the castle. 4 (1 option);

From the gallery, perplexed, barely restraining laughter, all the inhabitants of the castle stared at him: the Duke, Duchess, courtiers... 4 (Option 2).


4 During the day, the wolves, curled up in balls, dozed, and she jumped up, circled, trampling the snow, and woke up the old people. The wolves reluctantly rose, poked their cold noses at her, and she playfully snapped, biting their legs. The old she-wolves, curled up and not raising their heads, looked at the young prankster. 4

One night the she-wolf got up and ran into the field, and behind her, with their tongues hanging out, the old men began to shake. The wolves remained lying down, then they ran after the pack.

The wolves ran along the road, and shadows glided behind them, breaking in the snow. The snow sparkled like diamonds in the moonlight. The ringing of bells was heard from the village. It seemed as if the stars that had fallen from the sky began to ring as they rolled along the road. The wolves, belly-deep, retreated into the field and lay down, turning their muzzles towards the village.

(125 words) (According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

Grammar task

    Write out examples of 3 different types of predicates from the text.

    Write down 3 different phrases and parse them:

from 1 paragraph (1 option); from 3 paragraphs (2nd option).

3. Parse the sentence:

That winter there was a young she-wolf in the pack, who had not forgotten her childish amusements. 4 (1 option);

The old she-wolves, curled up and not raising their heads, looked at the young prankster. 4 (Option 2).

based on the results of the second quarter

The estate was all white, there were fluffy flakes on the trees, as if the garden had bloomed with white leaves again. A fire crackled in the large old fireplace, and everyone entering from the yard brought with them the freshness and smell of soft snow.

Poetry of the first winter day was in its own way accessible to the blind. Waking up in the morning, he always felt especially cheerful and recognized the arrival of winter by the stomping of people entering the kitchen, by the creaking of doors, by sharp, subtle smells, by the creaking of footsteps in the yard.

The frozen ground, covered with a fluffy, soft layer, became completely silent, but the air somehow became especially sensitive, clearly carrying over long distances the cry of a crow, the blow of an ax, and the light crack of a broken branch. From time to time a strange ringing sound was heard, as if from glass, rising to the highest notes and dying away in the distance. These were the boys throwing stones on the village pond, which was covered with a thin film of the first ice.

But the river near the mill, heavy and dark, still trickled through its fluffy banks and rustled at the sluices.

(160 words) (According to V.G. Korolenko “The Blind Musician.”)

Grammar task


1 option

Option 2 is more difficult

Write out the predicate

simple verb

compound nominal

Underline in the text

isolated circumstance

isolated definition

from 1-2 paragraphs

from 4 paragraphs

From time to time a strange ringing sound was heard, as if from glass, rising to the highest notes and dying away in the distance.

Having put on high hunting boots in the morning, he went to the mill, laying a loose trail along the paths.

In the village yard

The post is over, it was Holy Week. The weather was beautiful: the days were bright, quiet and warm. The snow was all covered with black tulle, and in some places large clearings appeared. The walkways, from which excess snow was occasionally raked off in winter, were completely blackened and lay in black ribbons. But then you step out of the yard and plunge into the water. You could only drive on the highway. The peasants dug in the yards, adjusting the harrows and plows, the children passed streams that flowed into the river all the fruitful juices from the dung heaps piled up in the middle of the yard.

The smell of manure over the villages. In the middle of the day, it seemed that the yards were drowning. But it did not harm anyone: neither people nor animals. And the roosters, standing at the very top of the dung heaps of steaming manure, imagined themselves as some kind of priests. They pompously puffed up their feathers, shook their red combs and, throwing back their heads solemnly, exclaimed: “Long live spring!”

Take care of this rooster,” the man said to his wife, leaning on his pitchfork, pointing to the walking rooster. “This is a real bird, but that little one, the little one, needs to be slaughtered for the holiday.”

And the man, spitting on his hands, began picking with the pitchfork again.

(160 words) (According to N. Leskov.)

Grammar task


1 option

Option 2 is more difficult

Indicate the types of predicates

1 paragraph


Write down 3 phrases different types

The walkways, from which excess snow was occasionally raked off in winter, were completely blackened and lay in black ribbons.

They pompously puffed up their feathers, shook their red combs and, throwing back their heads solemnly, exclaimed: “Long live spring!”

Parsing a sentence

But it did not harm anyone: neither people nor animals.

And the roosters, standing at the very top of the dung heaps of steaming manure, imagined themselves as some kind of priests.


The doll came out from behind the partition. She smiled, tilting her disheveled head to the side. Her hair was the color of the feathers of small gray birds. Her gray eyes sparkled with merriment. Now she seemed serious and attentive, but there was no trace of her sadness. On the contrary, they would say that she is a minx pretending to be modest.

Then further. Where did her former magnificent dress go, all that pink silk, golden roses, lace, sequins, fabulous outfit, which could make every girl look, if not like a princess, then, in any case, like a Christmas tree decoration? Now, imagine, the doll was dressed more than modestly. A blouse with a blue sailor collar, old shoes, gray enough not to be white. The shoes were worn on bare feet. Don’t think that this outfit makes the doll ugly. On the contrary, he suited her. There are such dirty things: at first you don’t deign to look at them, but then, looking more closely, you see that such a dirty thing is cuter than the princess.

But most importantly: remember, the doll of the heir Tutti had terrible black wounds on the chest. And now they have disappeared. It was a cheerful, healthy doll!

(160 words) (According to Yu. Olesha.)

Grammar task


1 option

Option 2 is more difficult

Indicate the types of predicates

Write down 3 phrases of different types

A blouse with a blue sailor collar, old shoes, gray enough not to be white.

There are such dirty things: at first you don’t deign to look at them, but then, looking more closely, you see that such a dirty thing is cuter than the princess.

Determine the type of one-part sentences in the text

Parsing a sentence

She smiled, tilting her disheveled head to the side.

Her hair was the color of the feathers of small gray birds.

based on the results of the 3rd quarter

Hello, pine forest!

Soon a path led to the right, onto a rather steep hill. We followed it and after half an hour we found ourselves in pine forest. Flowering cocen. As soon as we hit a pine branch with a stick, a thick yellow cloud immediately surrounded us. Golden pollen slowly settled in the calm.

Even this morning, forced to live in four walls, separated from each other by no more than five meters, we suddenly got drunk from all this: from the flowers, from the sun, smelling of resin and pine needles, from the luxurious possessions that suddenly came to us for no reason. The backpack was still holding me back, and Rosa either ran forward and shouted from there that there were lilies of the valley, then she went deeper into the forest and returned, frightened by a bird that had fluttered out from under her very feet.

Meanwhile, ahead, through the trees, water sparkled and soon led to big lake. The lake was, one might say, without shores. There was thick, lush grass in a forest clearing, and suddenly, at the level of the same grass, water began to flow. It was as if a puddle had been filled with rain. It was thought that the grass also continued under the water and that it had been flooded recently and not for long. But through the yellowish water a dense sandy bottom was visible, going deeper and deeper, making the lake water blacker.

(155 words) (According to V.A. Soloukhin.)

Grammar task:

1 option Meanwhile, ahead, through the trees, water sparkled and soon led to a large lake.

Option 2 - But through the yellowish water a dense sandy bottom was visible, going deeper and deeper, making the lake water blacker.

Sea fish

I will not describe all the fishing adventures that happened to me on the pier during the days I spent in Lidzawa. Let me just say that I will never regret the hours I spent with a fishing rod wrapped around my index finger.

Here is a list of fish species that were caught there (however, the names are all local, but I don’t know the scientific ones): sea ruff; sea ​​crucian is a fish that resembles our crucian carp in shape, but is completely silver, with a violet glow and razor-sharp teeth protruding forward like a horse’s, capable of cutting through a hook if it is bad; greenfinch, red mullet - a very graceful fish with a muzzle cut obliquely, in bloody stains along the body, disappearing as soon as the fish dries from the water; a thorn resembling a river perch in shape, with a bluish spot on the side; the rooster is the brightest and most beautiful fish, the most desirable for any fisherman; the dog is a leopard-print biting fish; mullet and, finally, horse mackerel, the most widespread, the most annoying, but, perhaps, the most delicious.

However, it must be said that the meat of the sea ruffe is extraordinary. It is dense, white, juicy. They say it tastes like chicken. However, it seems to me that the meat of this fish resembles the taste of crayfish meat boiled in fresh water.

(156 words.) (According to V. Soloukhin.)

Note: talk about the semicolon.

Grammar task:

1. Determine the type of one-piece simple sentences, including complex ones: 1 paragraph – 1 option; 3 paragraph – 2 option.

2. Parse the sentence:

1 option I will not describe all the fishing adventures that happened to me on the pier during the days I spent in Lidzawa.

Option 2 - However, it seems to me that the meat of this fish tastes like crayfish meat boiled in fresh water.

3. Write down different types of complications from the text.

On warm earth

As an experienced hunter, I am still joyfully excited and attracted by the vast expanses of Russian nature. Maybe that's why I'm interested in hunting.

People who do not break their connection with nature do not feel lonely. Years go by, but the transformed one is still revealed to them, beautiful world. Still over my head tired traveler lying down to rest, white and golden flowers are swaying, and a hawk is circling high in the sky, looking for prey.

After lying down in the fragrant grass, soft and tender, admiring the golden clouds frozen in the blue heavenly ocean, I rise with new strength from the warm native land. I'm returning home to meet new people working days cheerful and renewed. A foggy curtain rises from the river, not yet warmed by the sun, but ahead is the expectation of something bright, clean, and beautiful.

I don’t want to talk to anyone, I’d just walk along native land, walking barefoot on the dew and feeling its warmth and freshness.

Grammar task:

2. Parse the sentence:

1 option As an experienced hunter, I am still joyfully excited and attracted by the vast expanses of Russian nature.

Option 2 - After lying down in the fragrant grass, soft and tender, admiring the golden clouds frozen in the blue heavenly ocean, I rise with new strength from the warm native land.

3. Write down different types of complications from the text.

Evening in the forest

Spring forest. I look around vigilantly and notice something pinkish-blue. I'm running to look. This is a lungwort flower blooming. On a thick green stem there are individual flowers that look like tiny jugs. The top ones soft pink color, and the lower ones are purple.

We come out into a small clearing. Young birch trees crowd around her. In the middle, a spring puddle turns blue, like an oblong mirror. It is filled to the brim with clear snow water.

I look into the water. It is so clean that every last year’s leaf, every sunken twig is clearly visible at the bottom. Frogs swim animatedly in a puddle. They stare at me with bulging eyes, but they are not afraid, they do not want to dive. As if greeting me, they make some kind of rumbling greeting sounds.

It's already evening. The sun, like a polished copper basin, seems to hang over a distant forest. It is so huge and reddish. But a long silvery cloud appeared right on it, as if a fish had been placed in a basin.

How nice it is all around!

(154 words) (According to G. Skrebitsky.)

Grammar task

1. Determine the type of one-part simple sentences, including complex ones: 1-2 paragraphs – 1 option; 3-4 paragraphs – option 2.

2. Parse the sentence:

1 option The sun, like a polished copper basin, seems to hang over a distant forest.

Option 2 - In the middle a spring puddle turns blue, like an oblong mirror.

3. Write down different types of complications from the text.

Scent of the earth

I'm lying in the green grass on the river bank. Summer sun floating over the fields, over the well-trodden dusty road. The immense, sparkling, fragrant world of nature surrounds me.

I inhale the damp aroma of earth and plants and see how insects slowly move along the geniculate stems of tall blades of grass. White, gold, blue flowers sway overhead. I narrow my eyes. A fluffy white cloud hanging in the high summer sky seems to me like a fabulous, gigantic monster floating across the sky on gilded, open wings.

In my imagination I am carried far above the earth, leaving behind snow-capped mountains, blue seas and impenetrable forests, silver rivers and lakes. I dream about future exciting travels, mentally flying over the earth spread out below me, like a giant globe. Birds. On the days when the birds arrived, I was especially drawn to wander. Having already become an adult, it was in the spring that I set off on the longest journeys, being confident that they would certainly be successful.

(156 words) (According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

Grammar task:

1. Determine the type of one-part simple sentences, including complex ones: 1-2 paragraphs – 1 option; 3 paragraph – 2 option.

2. Parse the sentence:

1 option In my imagination I am carried far above the earth, leaving behind snow-capped mountains, blue seas and impenetrable forests, silver rivers and lakes.

Option 2 - A fluffy white cloud hanging in the high summer sky seems to me like a fabulous, gigantic monster floating across the sky on gilded, open wings.

3. Write down different types of complications from the text.

based on the results of the academic year


I remember the thunderstorm that caught us on the road. I was sitting with my mother in a wooden shed under a thatched roof. Lightning blazed in blue zigzags at the open gate, muddy from the pouring rain. My mother hastily crossed herself, hugging me tightly to her chest. I listened to the sound of the rain, to the heavy peals of thunder, to the ear-splitting crack of blows, to the restless rustling of mice in the oat straw.

Having risen, we saw a diamond net of rain at the gate, and through the transparent drops the joyful summer sun was already shining, shimmering with rays.

The father harnessed the horses, shiny from the rain, frightened by the thunderstorm, and moving their feet impatiently and restlessly. 4 The road lined with birches and washed by rain seemed even more cheerful. A multi-colored rainbow hung over the meadow, bright sun glittered on the backs of cheerfully running horses.

I sat next to my father, looking at the road glistening with puddles and winding ahead. 4 I looked at her leaving, illuminated by the sun and still menacing cloud, on the pole white smoke, rising in the distance above a barn lit by a thunderstorm. (153 words)

Grammar task

1 option from the sentences of paragraph 1;Option 2 - from sentences 4 paragraphs.

1 option – ( barn) lit 3 ; Option 2 - rising 3 (smoke).


At the edge of a young forest there is a small pond. An underground spring comes out of it. This pond is the cradle of the great Russian river. The Volga is born in swamps and bogs and from here it sets off on a long journey. Volga is a beauty. It passes through places that are amazingly beautiful and diverse in climate, plant cover and wildlife. 4 The beauty of the Volga is glorified by the people in legends, and by poets and artists.

From Rybinsk the Volga begins to turn southeast. Its low banks are covered with a green carpet of meadows and bushes. Picturesque hills alternate with valleys. These Volga landscapes have unique beauty and charm. Beyond Kostroma, both banks become mountainous, and the further you go, the more picturesque. Slope on the embankment near the old Kremlin wall in Nizhny Novgorod- one of most beautiful places upper reaches of the Volga. 4 The nature of the Zhiguli Mountains is unique and picturesque. Zhiguli is the pearl of the Volga.

Volga! This name is near and dear to millions of residents of our Motherland. (140 words)

Grammar task

1. Parse the sentence.

2. Write down 3 phrases of different types and parse them:

1 option from the sentences of paragraph 1;

Option 2 - from sentences 2 paragraphs.

3. Write out 3 from your paragraphs different types predicate.


Levitan went down the Oka to Nizhny and there boarded a ship to Rybinsk. All the days he and Kuvshinnikova sat on the deck and looked at the banks, looking for places for sketches. But good places did not have. Levitan frowned more and more often and complained of fatigue.

The shores flowed slowly, monotonously, not pleasing the eye with either picturesque villages or thoughtful and smooth turns. 4 Finally, in Plyos, Levitan saw from the deck a small church made of pine logs. 4 It turned black against the green sky, and the first star burned above it, shimmering and shining. In this church, in the silence of the evening, in the melodious voices of the women selling milk on the pier, Levitan felt so much peace that he immediately decided to stay in Ples.

The small town was silent and deserted. The silence was broken only by the ringing of bells and the lowing of the herd, and at night the bells of the guards could be heard. In the houses, dried linden blossoms hung behind transparent curtains.

(140 words)

Grammar task

1. Parse the sentence.

2. Write down 3 phrases of different types and parse them:1 option from the sentences of paragraph 1;Option 2 - from sentences 4 paragraphs.

3. Produce morphological analysis words:1 option – ( church) chopped 3 ; Option 2 - selling 3 (woman).


Blue summer morning. In the sky, high and clear, only here and there small round clouds are visible, like cannon smoke in old battle paintings, but they also disappear. And below them, on the outskirts of the village, a gray and silent hawk, almost without moving its wings, swims in circles. 4 The picture is peaceful, idyllic, when nothing special is expected.

And suddenly, in a few seconds, everything changes: a mother hen with her chicks emerges from the wicker shed, clucking and raking up trash. Noise, squeaking, flashing of yellowish and gray lumps. Noticing a chicken family, the hawk seems to freeze in place, then, falling onto one wing, dives sharply into the yard. 4 At the same moment, from the entryway, raising a tattered 3 broom, a wizened old woman runs out: “Fly away, robber!”

The hawk abruptly changes its flight line, diving around the corner of the house, and goes down into the collective farm garden. And from under the birch tree, from the rug, rises the old woman’s grandson, who has just graduated 3 Philological Institute and received a month of vacation before leaving for work. (According to N. Gribachev)

(143 words)

Grammar task:

1. Parse the sentence.

2. Write out 3 phrases of different types from the sentence and parse them:

1 option And suddenly, in a few seconds, everything changes: a mother hen with her chicks emerges from the wicker shed, clucking and raking up trash.

Option 2 - The hawk abruptly changes its flight line, diving around the corner of the house, and goes down into the collective farm garden.

3. Carry out a morphological analysis of the word:

1 option – ( grandson) graduated 3 ; Option 2 - shabby 3 (broom).


Lesson number





« Minor members»







"Separate Members"

101 (4)



"Simple sentence. Minor members"

IN 1

Beautiful autumn park. A crimson blizzard sweeps along its paths. An alley woven with fallen leaves goes into the distance 4 . The white-trunked line of birches is quiet; there are few leaves left on their thin branches, but each one trembles, shimmers, and sparkles.

And to the side of the alley are silver spruce trees. The ends of their paws have already turned grey, and with their entire appearance they make it clear that they are ready for winter.

And the hawthorn bushes, like peddlers at a fair, hung out their goods - large red berries.

4 . They, shimmering with gold and bronze, spread soft carpets under them and, together with the wind, decorate nearby spruce trees with their leaves, as if trying on their New Year's outfit.

The air is clean and transparent. Sounds can be heard far away, voices can be heard clearly.

Grammar tasks

1 Underline the grammatical basics in sentences with a simple verb and a compound verb predicate. (1 - 2 for each type).

1 option

An alley woven with fallen leaves goes into the distance 4 .

Option 2

But young maples and oaks understand and feel autumn best of all. 4 .

8p Lesson No. 27 Control dictation No. 1

On topic: “A simple proposal. Minor members"

AT 2

Gold of all shades on the trees, gold on the grass, gold reflected in the still waters of a narrow river. Silence. Not a sound, not a breeze. Even a light cloud froze in the sky.
This is how the landscape artist Levitan depicted nature in his painting “ Golden autumn" She attracts us with the harmony of colors, and at the same time easy time This poetic picture of the sorceress autumn is shrouded in sadness. Nature is solemn and serene on this quiet day, but it is already freezing. A cold mischievous wind is about to blow, and then the trees will drop their last festive attire.
Peering at the canvas painted by the hand of a great master, we involuntarily penetrate into inner world the artist himself. After all, observing and studying nature, a true master of the brush tries to capture in her life the moment that is closest and dearest to his heart and reflect it in his work. (132 words)

(According to O. Tuberovskaya)

Grammar tasks

  1. Underline the grammatical basics in sentences with a simple verb and a compound verb predicate. (1 - 2 for each type).

2. In the 1st paragraph, indicate the unstressed vowels in the root.

3. Parse the sentence:

1 option

Autumn is the time when nature fades, when it bursts into life with its last bright colors.

Option 2

Nature is solemn and serene on this quiet day, but it is already freezing. Scheme of analysis of control dictation No. 1

on the topic: “A simple proposal. Minor members"

_________ is studying in class

Work results:

Wrote a dictation on

“5” - _______ studying

“5” - _______ studying

“4” - _________ studying

“4” - _________ studying

“3” - _________ studying

“3” - _________ studying

“2” - _________ studying

“2” - _________ studying

“1” - _________ studying

“1” - _________ studying



  • In the definition of simple and composite verb predicate __________ people
  • In the designation of an unstressed vowel in the root ____________ people
  • In the syntactic parsing of the sentence __________ people

8p Lesson No. 42 (9) Control dictation No. 2

"One-part and incomplete sentences"

IN 1

Love the birds and animals that live with us on Earth. After all, in everything huge space world There are no more such birds, such animals and such plants. There may be others, but there are none. That’s probably why meetings with them always bring joy and new impressions.

If you are an artist, you will see new color combinations. If you are a musician, you will hear new sounds. The sculptor will be amazed by the perfection and beauty of the form. But such meetings should be especially joyful and interesting for you guys. How many discoveries they bring you! And with each such meeting the horizon will expand wider and wider, as if you are climbing a high mountain.

To make such meetings pleasant, be friends with the forest. The forest opens only to its friends. He greets strangers unfriendly and tries to annoy them. His green eyes see everything, his tenacious green hands reach everything.

It's easy to recognize the forest. You just need to try to see how the trees smile at the sun. Hear the bushes and grasses asking for a drink. Understand what birds and animals are talking about.

The hunt for secrets is a joyful hunt.

Grammar tasks

  1. find 2 one-part sentences, indicate their type (o\l, n\l, b\l, n)
  2. Disassemble by composition: living, move apart, annoy.

3. Disassemble one- and two-part sentences by members (by underlining).

Indicate by what parts of speech the members of the sentence are expressed.

Lesson No. 42 (9) Control dictation No. 2

AT 2

"One-part and incomplete sentences"

Autumn on Prorva.

The old riverbed of the Oka. It is called Prorva. The banks here are completely covered with alder, rose hips, and blackberries. I have never seen such burrs, thorns, or huge puffball mushrooms anywhere.

Dense thickets of grass approach the water like an elastic wall, and it is often impossible to land from a boat.

I love these remote places and spend several weeks here every fall. I'm setting up a tent. It is warm and dry. In the evening, by the light of a lantern, I even read, but not for long. There is too much interference on Prorva.

Either some bird will scream behind a bush, then a pound fish will strike with its tail, then a willow twig will shoot deafeningly in the bush.

The glow begins to flare up, and the gloomy moon rises over the expanses of the evening earth.

The autumn night drags on slowly, there is no end to it.

By dawn, a light frost burns your face. It's pouring in the east quiet light dawn

The air is clean and cool. It smells of herbaceous freshness and sedge.

Grammar tasks

  1. Find 2-3 one-part sentences in the text (including those that are part of a complex sentence), determine the type of these sentences.
  2. Parse the predicates:

Option 1 – in the offerThere is too much interference on Prorva.

Option 2 – in the offerThe air is clean and cool.

  1. From the dictation, write down one word at a time with an unstressed vowel, verified by stress, unchecked, alternating.
  1. Sort out the words according to their composition:dawn, flare up

Scheme of analysis of control dictation No. 2

on the topic: “One-part and incomplete sentences”

8th grade Date _____________________

_________ is studying in class

Wrote a dictation __________ studying

Work results:

Wrote a dictation on

Completed the grammar task on

“5” - _______ studying

“5” - _______ studying

“4” - _________ studying

“4” - _________ studying

“3” - _________ studying

“3” - _________ studying

“2” - _________ studying

“2” - _________ studying

“1” - _________ studying

“1” - _________ studying



Errors were made in the dictation on the following rules:

  • Verified unstressed words at the root ________ people.
  • Unverifiable vowels and consonants ___________ people
  • Checked consonants in the root of the word __________ people
  • Unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word ________ people
  • Dividing b, b ________________ people
  • Separate writing of prepositions with other words
  • The letters i, y, and after the hissing ____________ people
  • Use ь at the end of nouns after hissing ____ people
  • comma in complex sentence _____ people

The following errors were made in the grammar task:

  • In determining the type of simple one-part sentence _________ people

In the designation of words with an unstressed vowel, verified by stress, unverified, alternating____________ people

  • In the syntactic analysis of the predicate__________ people
  • In the analysis of words by composition _____________ people

Control dictation No. 3

"Sentences with homogeneous members"

IN 1

Control dictation No. 3

"Sentences with homogeneous members"

AT 2

Everything: both day and nature - magnificent. The sun does not bake, but only warms and colors the yellowing and reddening greenery of the forest in infinitely varied colors. The trees are covered from top to bottom with colorful leaves: yellow, orange, reddish and bright red. It’s quiet all around: deep in the forest, in a clearing. You can only hear how yellow leaf, having separated from a branch that no longer feeds it with its juices, falls and touches other leaves that have not yet fallen, but have already turned yellow. They cover the entire earth.
Where have the birds gone, singing from dawn to dusk? Everything passed, froze, just as the rustle of a falling leaf freezes. High, high in blue sky Birds fly in a long broken line. And the birds, and the autumn talk of nature, and dreams are becoming an irrevocable past. The birds and the spring talk of nature will return again, but it will not be the same talk, the wrong birds. But dreams will not return. (130 words)

(According to D. Mordovtsev)

Grammar task

  1. Draw a sentence diagram:

Everything: both day and nature - magnificent. - 1c,

The trees are covered from top to bottom with colorful leaves: yellow, orange, reddish and bright red. – 2v

  1. Underline the grammatical basis in the sentences

They cover the entire earth. - 1v

But dreams will not return. – 2v

  1. Explain punctuation marks in sentences:

Where have the birds gone, singing from dawn to dusk?

Scheme of analysis of control dictation No. 3

on the topic: “Homogeneous members of a sentence”

8th grade Date _____________________

“2” - _________ studying

“1” - _________ studying

“1” - _________ studying



Errors were made in the dictation on the following rules:

  • Verified unstressed words at the root ________ people.
  • Unverifiable vowels and consonants ___________ people
  • Checked consonants in the root of the word __________ people
  • Separate writing of prepositions with other words
  • The letters i, y, and after the hissing ____________ people
  • Comma in a complex sentence _____ people
  • Comma at homogeneous members ____ people
  • Comma for participial phrase ____ person

The following errors were made in the grammar task:

  • In the sentence scheme _________persons
  • In selection grammatical basis ______ people
  • When explaining the placement of punctuation marks in a sentence with participial phrase _____________ people

Control dictation No. 4

on the topic: “Separated members”

IN 1

Vasily Polenov, one of the most popular Russian artists, created paintings that have become beloved by many generations. Such well-known paintings as “Moscow Courtyard”, “Grandmother’s Garden”, “Overgrown Pond” brought him universal recognition. These paintings, filled with subtle lyricism, attract with their simplicity and truthfulness.

Polenov was distinguished by an amazing versatility of interests. An extraordinary architect, musician and composer, he also had vocal talent, tried himself on the amateur stage as an actor, and was a talented teacher.

Polenov's breadth of views, which allowed him to easily enter into different areas art, laid down in childhood. His mother is an amateur artist, his father is a famous archaeologist, a passionate lover and connoisseur of art. The artist later recalled with warmth the atmosphere of admiration for educated people reigned in the Polenovs’ house.

WITH early childhood The boy was instilled with a love of nature. Already the first sketches made by a sixteen-year-old boy during a trip to ancient Russian cities testified to the talent of the future artist. (132 words.)

(According to E. Patson.)

Grammar tasks.

1 Disassemble by composition:

filled made

brought attract

cities with truthfulness

2. Explain graphically the punctuation marks:

Such well-known paintings as “Moscow Courtyard”, “Grandmother’s Garden”, “Overgrown Pond” brought him universal recognition.

These paintings, filled with subtle lyricism, attract with their simplicity and truthfulness.

3. Perform a syntactic analysis of the sentence with a separate definition. Lesson No. 77 Test dictation No. 4

8th grade. Dictation on the topic “Repetition of what has been covered in grades 5 – 7” with a grammar task.

In the morning, the hikers set off again, hoping to climb to the top of the mountain. It is low, with four ledges.

A barely noticeable winding path winds along the bank of a narrow mountain river, originating from a glacier, and then sharply climbs to the left. Travelers struggle to overcome the steep climb.

The path goes around random piles of stones, complicating the path. We have to overcome these obstacles too. Thickets of wild raspberries, strewn with still unripe berries, also interfere. Its thorny branches cling to backpacks and clothes.

This is the top. Here tourists settle down to rest. A wonderful panorama opens up from here. To the left of the foot of the mountain lies a valley covered with dark green forest. Here and there the mirrors of small lakes sparkle in the sun. For thousands of years, their banks were overgrown with dense vegetation. To the right stretches an endless chain of hills, completely covered with greenery.

All day long, tourists enjoyed the beauty of the mountains, sunbathed, and sang songs to the accompaniment of a guitar. Only in the evening, afraid of getting lost in the dark, they returned to the path leading to the camp, sharing their impressions of the hike. (147 words.)

Grammar task.

1.Parsing the sentenceThe path goes around random piles of stones, complicating the path.

2. Write down one verb each with a spelling at the root: a) an unstressed vowel, verified by stress; b) alternating vowel. Mark spellings.

3. Disassemble by composition:enjoyed, spread out.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Didactic material on the Russian language. Final test (dictation with grammar task) 8th grade

Final test in the Russian language (dictation with grammar task) 8th grade according to the program of T.A. Ladyzhenskaya...

6th grade Dictation with grammar task

This dictation is carried out at the beginning of the school year after repeating what was studied in 5th grade. Incoming control....

7th grade Dictation with grammar task

This dictation is held in September after repeating the topic “Repetition of what was learned in grades 5 - 7”...

Control dictation with a grammar task for 7th grade students (2nd quarter) with disabilities (students with mental retardation).

The control dictation is adapted for students with a speech therapy diagnosis and mental retardation....

For 8th grade students, texts of control dictations are offered with a grammatical task for the entire academic year. The dictations take into account all the main thematic sections curriculum 8th grade on studying types of simple complex sentences. In the grammar task, the second option contains tasks that are more complex than the first. This option can be given to strong students.

Control dictation based on the results of the first quarter


The Andes are the highest mountains of the American continent, cutting it from north to south. 4 They amaze with their changing landscapes. Here you will see unconquered peaks, peaks covered with eternal snow, and smoking volcanoes. In the west, the Pacific Ocean sparkles with turquoise; in the east, endless jungles, cut by a web of silver rivers, delight.

After a one-day stay in the capital of Peru, we fly in the direction of the lost city of the Incas. We take the train to a small town and walk through the eucalyptus forest to the village. Clay houses and thatched huts are reminiscent of ancient civilization. We try not to lose the path that disappears in places and winds upward.

A mysterious city appears in the distance, located on a rocky peak. After five hours of climbing, we pass through the heavy gates and enter the fortress located on the mountain. 4 On numerous terraces, connected by countless stairs, there is a stone world with streets and squares. The ancient city enchants us. (According to Ya. Palkevich.)

(121 words.)

Grammar task

The Andes are the highest mountains the American continent, cutting it from north to south. 4 (1 option);

After five hours of climbing, we pass through the heavy gates and enter the fortress located on the mountain. 4 (option 2).

Departure from the castle

The Duke received considerable pleasure by inviting Don Quixote and Sancho to the castle and being amused by their eccentricities. But Don Quixote began to be burdened by captivity and an idle life, believing that a real, and not an imaginary knight, when traveling, should not indulge in laziness and incessant amusements and sit with folded hands. That's why he asked permission to leave.

Having said goodbye to everyone early in the morning, Don Quixote, dressed in the same ridiculous armor, appeared in the square in front of the castle. 4 From the gallery, perplexed, barely restraining laughter, all the inhabitants of the castle were staring at him: the duke, the duchess, the courtiers... 4 Sitting on his gray, Sancho was delighted: the ducal steward handed him, without stinting, two hundred gold .

Having bowed politely to the Duke, as well as to everyone present, Don Quixote turned Rocinante and, accompanied by Sancho, rode out the gate into an open field, saying:

- Freedom, Sancho, is incomparable to any treasure! (According to M. de Cervantes.)

Grammar task

1. Write out 3 examples of different types of predicates from the text.

2. Write down 3 different phrases and sort them out: from 1 paragraph (1 option); from 3 paragraphs (2nd option).

3. Parse the sentence:

Having said goodbye to everyone early in the morning, Don Quixote, dressed in the same ridiculous armor, appeared in the square in front of the castle. 4 (1 option);

From the gallery, perplexed, barely holding back laughter, all the inhabitants of the castle stared at him: the Duke, Duchess, courtiers... 4 (2nd option).


That winter there was a young she-wolf in the pack, who had not forgotten her childish amusements. 4 During the day, the wolves, curled up in balls, dozed, and she jumped up, circled, trampling the snow, and woke up the old people. The wolves reluctantly rose, poked their cold noses at her, and she playfully snapped, biting their legs. The old she-wolves, curled up and not raising their heads, looked at the young prankster. 4

One night the she-wolf got up and ran into the field, and behind her, with their tongues hanging out, the old men began to shake. The wolves remained lying down, then they ran after the pack.

The wolves ran along the road, and shadows glided behind them, breaking in the snow. The snow sparkled like diamonds in the moonlight. The ringing of bells was heard from the village. It seemed as if the stars that had fallen from the sky began to ring as they rolled along the road. The wolves, belly-deep, retreated into the field and lay down, turning their muzzles towards the village. (According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

Grammar task

1. Write out 3 examples of different types of predicates from the text.

2. Write down 3 different phrases and sort them out: from 1 paragraph (1 option); from 3 paragraphs (2nd option).

3. Parse the sentence:

A young she-wolf walked in the pack that winter, not having forgotten her childish fun. 4 (1 option);

The old she-wolves, curled up and not raising their heads, looked at the young prankster. 4 (option 2).

Control dictation based on the results of the second quarter

Winter day

The estate was all white, there were fluffy flakes on the trees, as if the garden had bloomed with white leaves again. A fire crackled in the large old fireplace, and everyone entering from the yard brought with them the freshness and smell of soft snow.

The poetry of the first winter day was accessible to the blind in its own way. Waking up in the morning, he always felt especially cheerful and recognized the arrival of winter by the stomping of people entering the kitchen, by the creaking of doors, by sharp, subtle smells, by the creaking of footsteps in the yard.

Putting on high hunting boots in the morning, he went to the mill, laying a loose trail along the paths.

The frozen earth, covered with a fluffy, soft layer, became completely silent, but the air somehow became especially sensitive, clearly carrying over long distances the cry of a crow, the blow of an ax, and the light crack of a broken branch. From time to time a strange ringing sound was heard, as if from glass, rising to the highest notes and dying away in the distance. These were the boys throwing stones on the village pond, which was covered thin film first ice.

But the river near the mill, heavy and dark, still trickled through its fluffy banks and rustled at the sluices. (According to V.G. Korolenko.)

Grammar task

1. Write down the predicate: simple verb (1 option); compound nominal (2 option).

2. Underline a separate circumstance in the text (option 1); separate definition (option 2).

3. Write down 3 phrases of different types: from 1-2 paragraphs (1 option); from 4 paragraphs (2nd option).

4. Syntactic analysis of the sentence: From time to time a strange ringing was heard, as if from glass, moving to the highest notes and dying away in the distance. (1 option)

Putting on high hunting boots in the morning, he went to the mill, laying a loose trail along the paths. (Option 2).

In the village yard

Lent was over, it was Holy Week. The weather was beautiful: the days were bright, quiet and warm. The snow was all covered with black tulle, and large clearings appeared in places. The walkways, from which excess snow was occasionally shoveled in winter, were completely blackened and lay in black ribbons. But then you will step out of the yard and plunge into the water. You could only drive on the highway. The peasants dug in the yards, adjusting the harrows and plows, the children passed streams that flowed into the river all the fruitful juices from the dung heaps piled up in the middle of the yard.

The smell of manure over the villages. In the middle of the day, it seemed that the yards were drowning. But it did not harm anyone: neither people nor animals. And the roosters, standing at the very top of the dung heaps of steaming manure, imagined themselves as some kind of priests. They pompously puffed up their feathers, shook their red combs and, throwing back their heads solemnly, exclaimed: “Long live spring!”

Take care of this rooster,” the man said to his wife, leaning on his pitchfork, pointing to the walking rooster. “This is a real bird, but that little one, the little one, needs to be slaughtered for the holiday.”

And the man, spitting on his hands, began picking with the pitchfork again. (According to N.S. Leskov.)

Grammar task

1. Indicate the types of predicates: 1 paragraph (1 option); all others (option 2).

2. Write down 3 phrases of different types from the sentence: The walkways, from which excess snow was occasionally raked in the winter, had completely turned black and lay like black ribbons. (1 option)

They pompously puffed up their feathers, shook their red combs and, throwing back their heads solemnly, exclaimed: “Long live spring!” (Option 2)

4. Syntactic analysis of the sentence: But it did not harm anyone: neither people nor animals. (1 option)

And the roosters, standing at the very top of the dung heaps of steaming manure, imagined themselves as some kind of priests. (Option 2)


The doll came out from behind the partition. She smiled, tilting her disheveled head to the side. Her hair was the color of the feathers of small gray birds. Her gray eyes sparkled with merriment. Now she seemed serious and attentive, but there was no trace of her sadness. On the contrary, they would say that she is a minx pretending to be modest.

Then further. Where did her former magnificent dress go, all this pink silk, golden roses, lace, sequins, a fabulous outfit that would make every girl look like, if not a princess, then at least like Christmas tree toy? Now, imagine, the doll was dressed more than modestly. A blouse with a blue sailor collar, old shoes, gray enough not to be white. The shoes were worn on bare feet. Don’t think that this outfit makes the doll ugly. On the contrary, he suited her. There are such dirty things: at first you don’t deign to look at them, but then, looking more closely, you see that such a dirty thing is cuter than the princess.

But most importantly: remember how the heir Tutti’s doll had terrible black wounds on its chest? And now they have disappeared. It was a cheerful, healthy doll! (According to Yu. Olesha.)

Grammar task

1. Indicate the types of predicates in the text.

2. Write down 3 different types of phrases from the sentence: A blouse with a blue sailor collar, old shoes, gray enough not to be white. (1 option)

There are such dirty things: at first you don’t deign to look at them, but then, looking more closely, you see that such a dirty thing is cuter than the princess. (Option 2)

3. Determine the type of one-part sentences in the text.

4. Syntactical analysis of the sentence: She smiled, tilting her disheveled head to the side. (1 option)

Her hair was the color of the feathers of small gray birds. (Option 2)

Control dictation based on the results of the third quarter

Hello, pine forest!

Soon a path led to the right, onto a rather steep hill. We followed it and after half an hour we found ourselves in a pine forest. Flowering cocen. As soon as we hit a pine branch with a stick, a thick yellow cloud immediately surrounded us. Golden pollen slowly settled in the calm.

Just this morning, forced to live within four walls, spaced no more than five meters from each other, we suddenly got drunk from all this: from flowers, from the sun smelling of resin and pine, from luxurious possessions that we suddenly got for nothing us. The backpack was still holding me back, and Rosa either ran forward and shouted from there that there were lilies of the valley, then she went deeper into the forest and returned, frightened by a bird that had fluttered out from under her very feet.

Meanwhile, ahead, through the trees, water sparkled and soon led to a large lake. The lake was, one might say, without shores. There was thick, lush grass in a forest clearing, and suddenly, at the level of the same grass, water began to flow. It was as if a puddle had been filled with rain. It was thought that the grass also continued under the water and that it had been flooded recently and not for long. But through the yellowish water a dense sandy bottom was visible, going deeper and deeper, making the lake water blacker. (According to V.A. Soloukhin.)

Grammar task

Option 1 - Meanwhile, ahead, through the trees, water sparkled and soon led to a large lake.

Option 2 - But through the yellowish water a dense sandy bottom was visible, going deeper and deeper, making the lake water blacker.

Sea fish

I will not describe all the fishing adventures that happened to me on the pier during the days I spent in Lidzawa. Let me just say that I will never regret the hours I spent with a fishing rod wrapped around my index finger.

Here is a list of fish species that were caught there (however, the names are all local, but I don’t know the scientific ones): sea ruff; sea ​​crucian is a fish similar in shape to our crucian carp, but completely silver, with a violet glow and razor-sharp, protruding teeth like a horse’s, capable of cutting through a hook if it is bad; greenfish, red mullet - a very graceful fish with a muzzle cut off at an angle, with bloody spots on the body that disappear as soon as the fish dries from the water; a thorn resembling a river perch in shape, with a bluish spot on the side; the rooster is the brightest and most beautiful fish, the most desirable for any fisherman; the dog is a leopard-print biting fish; mullet and, finally, horse mackerel, the most widespread, the most annoying, but, perhaps, the most delicious.

However, it must be said that the meat of the sea ruffe is extraordinary. It is dense, white, juicy. They say it tastes like chicken. However, it seems to me that the meat of this fish tastes like crayfish meat boiled in fresh water. (According to V. Soloukhin.)

Note: talk about the semicolon.

Grammar task

1. Determine the type of one-part simple sentences, including complex ones: 1 paragraph - 1 option; 3 paragraph - 2 option.

2. Parse the sentence:

Option 1 - I will not describe all the fishing adventures that happened to me on the pier during the days spent in Lidzava.

Option 2 - However, it seems to me that the meat of this fish tastes like crayfish meat boiled in fresh water.

3. Write down different types of complications from the text.

On warm earth

As an experienced hunter, I am still joyfully excited and attracted by the vast expanses of Russian nature. Maybe that's why I'm interested in hunting.

People who do not break their connection with nature do not feel lonely. Years pass, but a transformed, beautiful world is still revealed to them. As before, white and golden flowers sway above the head of the tired traveler, who lies down to rest, and a hawk circles high in the sky, looking for prey.

After lying down in the fragrant grass, soft and tender, admiring the golden clouds frozen in the blue heavenly ocean, I rise with new strength from the warm native land. I return home to meet new working days, cheerful and renewed. A foggy curtain rises from the river, not yet warmed by the sun, but ahead is the expectation of something bright, clean, and beautiful.

I don’t want to talk to anyone, I would just walk along my native land, stepping barefoot on the dew and feeling its warmth and freshness. (128 words.)

Grammar task

2. Parse the sentence:

Option 1 - I, an experienced hunter, am still joyfully excited and attracted by the vast expanses of Russian nature.

Option 2 - After lying down in the fragrant grass, soft and tender, admiring the golden clouds frozen in the blue heavenly ocean, I rise with new strength from the warm native land.

3. Write down different types of complications from the text.

Evening in the forest

Spring forest. I look around vigilantly and notice something pinkish-blue. I run to have a look. This is a lungwort flower blooming. On a thick green stem there are individual flowers that look like tiny jugs. The upper ones are pale pink, and the lower ones are lilac.

We come out into a small clearing. Young birch trees crowd around her. In the middle a spring puddle turns blue, like an elongated mirror. It is filled to the brim with clear snow water.

I look into the water. It is so clean that every last year’s leaf, every sunken twig is clearly visible at the bottom. Frogs swim animatedly in a puddle. They stare at me with bulging eyes, but they are not afraid, they do not want to dive. They, as if greeting me, make some kind of rumbling greeting sounds.

It's already evening. The sun, like a polished copper basin, seems to hang over a distant forest. It is so huge, reddish. But a long silvery cloud appeared right on it, as if a fish had been placed in a basin. How nice it is all around! (According to G. Skrebitsky.)

(154 words.)

Grammar task

1. Determine the type of one-part simple sentences, including complex ones: 1-2 paragraphs - 1 option; 3-4 paragraphs - option 2.

2. Parse the sentence:

Option 1 - The sun, like a polished copper basin, seems to hang over a distant forest.

Option 2 - A spring puddle turns blue in the middle, like a long mirror.

3. Write down different types of complications from the text.

Scent of the earth

I'm lying in green grass on the river bank. The summer sun floats over the fields, over the well-worn dusty road. The immense, sparkling, fragrant world of nature surrounds me.

I inhale the damp aroma of earth and plants and see how insects slowly move along the geniculate stems of tall grasses. White, gold, blue flowers sway overhead. I narrow my eyes. A fluffy white cloud hanging in the high summer sky seems to me like a fabulous, gigantic monster floating across the sky on gilded, open wings.

In my imagination I am carried far above the earth, leaving behind snow-capped mountains, blue seas and impenetrable forests, silver rivers and lakes. I dream about future exciting travels, mentally flying over the earth spread out below me, like a giant globe.

Birds. On the days when birds arrived, I was especially drawn to wander. Having already become an adult, it was in the spring that I set off on the most distant journeys, being confident that they would certainly prove successful. (According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

Grammar task

1. Determine the type of one-part simple sentences, including complex ones: 1-2 paragraphs - 1 option; 3 paragraph - 2 option.

2. Parse the sentence:

Option 1 - In my imagination I fly far above the earth, leaving behind snow-capped mountains, blue seas and impenetrable forests, silver rivers and lakes.

Option 2 - A fluffy white cloud hanging in the high summer sky seems to me like a fabulous, gigantic monster floating across the sky on gilded, outstretched wings.

3. Write down different types of complications from the text.

Control dictation at the end of the academic year


I remember the thunderstorm that caught us on the road. I was sitting with my mother in a wooden shed under a thatched roof. In the open gates, muddy from the pouring rain, lightning blazed in blue zigzags. My mother hastily crossed herself, hugging me tightly to her chest. I listened to the sound of the rain, to the heavy peals of thunder, to the ear-splitting crash of blows, to the restless rustling of mice in the oat straw.

Having risen, we saw a diamond net of rain at the gate, and through the transparent drops the joyful summer sun was already shining, shimmering with rays.

The father harnessed the horses, shiny from the rain, frightened by the thunderstorm, and moving their feet impatiently and restlessly. 4 The rain-washed road lined with birches seemed even more cheerful. A multi-colored rainbow hung over the meadow, the bright sun sparkled on the backs of cheerfully running horses.

I sat next to my father, looking at the road glistening with puddles and winding ahead. 4 I looked at the departing cloud, illuminated by the sun and still threatening, at the column of white smoke rising in the distance above the barn lit by a thunderstorm. (153 words.)

Grammar task

3. Carry out a morphological analysis of the word: 1st option - (barn) lit 3; Option 2 - rising 3 (smoke).


At the edge of a young forest there is a small pond. An underground spring flows out of it. This pond is the cradle of the great Russian river. The Volga is born in swamps and bogs and from here it sets off on a long journey. Volga is a beauty. It passes through places that are amazingly beautiful and diverse in climate, plant cover and wildlife. 4 The beauties of the Volga are glorified by the people in legends, and by poets and artists.

From Rybinsk the Volga begins to turn southeast. Its low banks are covered with a green carpet of meadows and bushes. Picturesque hills alternate with valleys. These Volga landscapes have unique beauty and charm. Beyond Kostroma, both banks become mountainous, and the further you go, the more picturesque. Slope on the embankment near the old Kremlin wall in Nizhny Novgorod - one of the most beautiful places in the upper Volga. 4 The nature of the Zhiguli Mountains is unique and picturesque. Zhiguli is the pearl of the Volga.

Volga! This name is near and dear to millions of residents of our Motherland. (140 words.)

Grammar task

1. Parse the sentence.

2. Write down 3 phrases of different types and parse them:

Option 1 - from sentences 1 paragraph; Option 2 - from 2 paragraph sentences.

3. Write out 3 different types of predicates from your paragraphs.


Levitan went down the Oka to Nizhny and there boarded a ship to Rybinsk. All the days he and Kuvshinnikova sat on the deck and looked at the banks, looking for places for sketches. But there were no good places. Levitan frowned more and more often and complained of fatigue.

The shores flowed slowly, monotonously, not pleasing the eye with either picturesque villages or thoughtful and smooth turns. 4 Finally, in Plyos, Levitan saw from the deck a small church made of pine logs. 4 She turned black in the green sky, and the first star burned above her, shimmering and shining. In this church, in the silence of the evening, in the melodious voices of the women selling milk on the pier, Levitan felt so much peace that he immediately decided to stay in Plyos.

The small town was silent and deserted. The silence was broken only by the ringing of bells and the lowing of the herd, and at night the bells of the guards could be heard. In the houses, dried linden blossoms hung behind transparent curtains. (140 words.)

Grammar task

1. Parse the sentence.

2. Write down 3 phrases of different types and parse them: 1 option - from sentences of 1 paragraph; Option 2 - from 4 paragraph sentences.

3. Carry out a morphological analysis of the word: 1st option - (church) chopped 3; Option 2 - selling 3 (women).


Blue summer morning. In the sky, high and clear, only here and there small round clouds are visible, like cannon smoke in old battle paintings, but they also disappear. And below them, on the outskirts of the village, a gray and silent hawk, almost without moving its wings, swims in circles. 4 The picture is peaceful, idyllic, when nothing special is expected.

And suddenly, in a few seconds, everything changes: a mother hen with her chicks emerges from the wicker shed, clucking and raking up trash. Noise, squeaking, flashing of yellowish and gray lumps. Noticing a chicken family, the hawk seems to freeze in place, then, falling onto one wing, dives sharply into the yard. 4 At the same moment, a wizened old woman runs out of the entryway, raising a tattered 3 broom to the sky: “Fly away, robber!”

The hawk abruptly changes its flight line, diving around the corner of the house, and goes down into the collective farm garden. And from under the birch tree, from the rug, the grandson of the old woman rises, having just graduated from the 3rd Philological Institute and received a month of vacation before leaving for work. (According to N. Gribachev.)

(143 words.)

Grammar task

1. Parse the sentence.

2. Write out 3 phrases of different types from the sentence and parse them:

Option 1 - And suddenly, in a few seconds, everything changes: a hen with chickens comes out of the wicker shed, clucking and raking up the garbage.

Option 2 - The hawk abruptly changes its flight line, diving around the corner of the house, and goes down into the collective farm garden.

3. Carry out a morphological analysis of the word:

Option 1 - (grandson) graduated from 3; Option 2 - frayed 3 (broom).

Administrative (input)


In Russian

for 8th grade

One day they brought us a birch tree, dug up by the roots, as a gift. We put her in a box with soil and placed her in the room by the window. Soon the birch branches rose, and she was all cheerful.

Autumn has settled in the garden. The maples burned purple, the bushes turned pink, and in some places yellow strands appeared on the birch trees. But we did not notice any signs of wilting in our tree.

At night the first frost came. I woke up early, got dressed and went out into the garden. Dawn was breaking, the blue in the east was replaced by a crimson haze. Overnight the birches turned yellow to the very tops, and the leaves fell from them in frequent, sad rain.

In the room, in the pale light of dawn, I saw that our birch tree had turned lemon. The warmth of the room did not save her.

A day later she flew around all over, as if she didn’t want to lag behind her friends.

Last memory about summer disappeared.

(According to K. Paustovsky).

Grammar task:

1 option :

    Sort out the words according to their composition: dug, set, frozen.

    Parse 1 sentence.

Option 2:

    Sort out the words according to their composition: turned pink, lemony, none.

    Parse 2 sentences.