Has been time in English. An easy way to learn English tenses

English tenses are considered the most difficult topic, because in Russian we have only 3 tenses, and in English there are 12.

When studying them, everyone has many questions.

  • What time should I use?
  • Would it be considered a mistake to use one tense instead of another?
  • Why is it necessary to use this time and not another?

This confusion occurs because we learn the rules of grammar but do not fully understand them.

However, English tenses are not as complicated as they seem.

Their use depends on what idea you want to convey to your interlocutor. To do this correctly, you need to understand the logic and usage of English tenses.

I warn you right away that in this article I will not explain to you the grammatical formation of sentences. In it I will give precisely an understanding of the times.

In the article we will look at the cases of using 12 tenses and compare them with each other, as a result of which you will understand how they differ and when to use which tense.

Let's start.

What tenses are there in English?

In English, as well as in Russian, there are 3 blocks of tenses familiar to us.

1. Present (present) - denotes an action that occurs in the present tense.

2. Past - denotes an action that occurs in the past tense (once upon a time).

3. Future - denotes an action that will occur in the future tense.

However, the English times do not end there. Each of these groups of times is divided into:

1. Simple- simple.

2. Continuous- long-term.

3. Perfect- completed.

4. Perfect Continuous- long-term completed.

The result is 12 times.

It is the use of these 4 groups that baffles English language learners. After all, in the Russian language there is no such division.

How do you know what time to use?

To use English tenses correctly, you need 3 things.

  • Understand the logic of English tenses
    That is, to know what time is intended for what and when it is used.
  • Be able to construct sentences according to the rules
    That is, not only to know, but to be able to speak these sentences.
  • Understand exactly what idea you want to convey to your interlocutor
    That is, to be able to choose right time depending on the meaning you put into your words.

To understand English tenses, let's look at each group in detail.

Once again, I will not explain the grammatical formation of sentences. And I’ll explain to you the logic by which we determine which group’s time should be used.

Let's start with the most light group- Simple.

Bonus! Do you want to easily learn English tenses and use them in your speech? in Moscow and find out how easy it is to master tenses and start speaking English in 1 month using the ESL method!

Simple group tenses in English

Simple is translated as “simple”.

We use this tense when we talk about facts that:

  • happen in the present tense
  • happened in the past
  • will happen in the future.

For example

I drive a car.
I drive a car.

We say that a person knows how to drive a car and this is a fact.

Let's look at another example.

She bought a dress.
She bought a dress.

We are talking about the fact that sometime in the past (yesterday, last week or last year) she bought herself a dress.

Remember: when you talk about some action as a fact, then use the Simple group.

You can study all the times of this group in detail here:

Now let's compare Simple with another group of tenses - Continuous.

Continuous tenses in English

Continuous is translated as “long, continuous.”

When we use this tense, we talk about action as a process that:

  • happens in currently,
  • happened in the past at a certain moment,
  • will happen in the future at a certain moment.

For example

I am driving a car.
I'm driving.

Unlike the Simple group, here we do not mean a fact, but talk about a process.

Let's see the difference between fact and process.

Fact:“I can drive a car, I have a license.”

Process:“I got behind the wheel some time ago and now I’m driving the car, that is, I’m in the process of driving.”

Let's look at another example.

I will be flying to Moscow tomorrow.
Tomorrow I will fly to Moscow.

We are talking about the fact that tomorrow you will board a plane and for some time you will be in the process of flying.

That is, for example, you need to get in touch with a client. You tell him that you will not be able to talk to him at this time, since you will be in the middle of a flight.

Remember: when you want to emphasize the duration of an action, that is, that the action is a process, use the Continuous tenses.

You can read in detail about each time of this group here:

Now let's move on to the Perfect group.

Perfect tenses in English

Perfect is translated as “completed/perfect.”

We use this tense when we focus on the result of an action, which:

  • we have received by now,
  • we got to a certain point in the past,
  • we will receive by a certain point in the future.

Note that even in the present tense this tense is translated into Russian as the past. However, despite this, you say that the result of this action is important in the present moment.

For example

I have fixed my car.
I fixed the car.

We focus on the result that we currently have - a working machine. For example, you say that you fixed your car, now it works, and you can go to your friends’ country house.

Let's compare this group with others.

Let's talk about a fact (Simple):

I cooked dinner.
I was cooking dinner.

For example, you tell your friend about the fact that you prepared a delicious dinner yesterday.

I was cooking dinner.
I was cooking dinner.

You say you were in the process of cooking. For example, they didn’t answer the phone because they were cooking (we were in the process) and didn’t hear the call.

Let's talk about the result (Perfect):

I have cooked dinner.
I cooked dinner.

Are you in this moment you have the result of this action - a ready-made dinner. For example, you call the whole family for lunch because dinner is ready.

Remember: when you want to focus on the result of an action, use the Perfect group.

Read more about all the times of the Perfect group in these articles:

Now let's move on to last group Perfect Continuous.

Perfect Continuous tenses in English

Perfect Continuous is translated as “complete continuous”. As you noticed from the name, this group of tenses includes characteristics of 2 groups at once.

We use it when we talk about a long-term action (process) and obtaining a result.

That is, we emphasize that the action began some time ago, lasted (was in process) certain time and at the moment:

1. We received the result of this action

For example: “He repaired the car for 2 hours” (the action lasted 2 hours, and at the moment he has a result - a working car).

2. The action is still going on

For example: “He has been fixing the car for 2 hours” (he started fixing the car 2 hours ago, was in the process and is still fixing it now).

We can say that the action began some time ago, lasted and:

  • ended/continues in the present,
  • ended/continued until a certain point in the past,
  • will end/will continue until a certain point in the future.

For example

I have been cooking this dinner for 2 hours.
I cooked dinner for 2 hours.

That is, you started cooking 2 hours ago and by now you have the result of your action - a ready-made dinner.

Let's compare this time with others similar to it.

Let's talk about the process (Continuous):

I am painting a picture.
I am drawing a picture.

We say that we are currently in the process of drawing. It doesn’t matter to us how much time it has already taken, it is important to us that you are currently involved in this process.

We talk about the result (Perfect)

I have painted a picture.
I painted a picture.

We say that at the moment we have a result - a completed picture.

We talk about the result and the process (Perfect Continuous)

1. I have been painting a picture for an hour.
I painted the picture for an hour.

We say that at the moment we have a result - a completed picture. You also point out that you were in the drawing process for one hour to get this result.

2. I have been painting a picture for an hour.
I paint a picture for one hour.

We say that we are now in the process of drawing, while we focus on the fact that we have been busy with this process for an hour. Unlike Continuous times, where we care only about what is happening at a certain (given) moment, and not how long we have been doing this.

Remember: if you want to emphasize not only the result obtained, but also its duration (how long it took you to get it), then use the Perfect Continuous.

General table comparing tenses of the groups Simple, Continuous, Perfect and Perfect Continuous

Let's look again at what each group of tenses is responsible for. Look at the table.

Time Example Accent
Simple I did my homework.
I was doing my homework.
We're talking about facts.

For example, you once studied at university and did your homework. It is a fact.

Continuous I was doing my homework.
I was doing my homework.
We talk about the process, emphasizing the duration of the action.

For example, you didn’t clean your room because you were busy doing your homework.

Perfect I have done my homework.
I've done my homework.
We talk about the result.

For example, you came to class with your homework ready.
The teacher doesn't care how long it took you. He is interested in the result - whether the work is done or not.

Perfect Continuous I have been doing my homework for 2 hours.
I did my homework for 2 hours.
We emphasize not only the result, but also the duration of the action before receiving it.

For example, you complain to a friend that homework is too difficult. You spent 2 hours on it and:

  • did it (got the result),
  • still doing at the moment.

Bottom line

Use English tenses depending on the meaning you want to convey to your interlocutor. The most important thing is to understand what the emphasis is on in each tense.

1. We talk about action as a fact - Simple.

2. We talk about action as a process - Continuous.

3. We talk about action, focusing on the result - Perfect.

4. We talk about the action, emphasizing that it took a certain time before obtaining the result - Perfect Continuous.

I hope that now you understand the logic of English times, and you will be able to convey the correct meaning to your interlocutor.

There are present, past and future tenses in both Russian and English. Verbs ( verbs ) change over time ( tense ). But this is where the similarity with Russian times ends, because for each of these three times the British have other varieties. In this article, we will provide a short and simple guide, based on diagrams and tables, to understand tenses in English for dummies ( dummies ).

Table and examples of times:

Aspect Time
Present Past Future

Martha cooks every day.(Martha cooks every day.)

Martha cooked a roast chicken yesterday.(Martha cooked fried chicken yesterday.)

Martha will cook a huge cake for my birthday.(Martha will make a huge cake for my birthday.)


Martha is cooking fish at the moment.(Martha is cooking fish now.)

Martha was cooking a soup when we came home.(When we returned home, Martha was preparing soup.)

Martha will be cooking a rice pudding soon.(Martha will be making rice pudding soon.)


Martha has already cooked many dishes.(Martha has already prepared many dishes.)

Martha had cooked for 2 hours by the time I joined her.(Martha had been cooking for 2 hours by the time I joined her.)

Martha will have cooked at least 20 dishes by 10 o’clock.(Martha will have prepared at least 20 dishes by 10 o'clock.)

All three tenses (past, present and future) have three main aspects: simple ( simple ), long ( continuous ) and perfect ( perfect ). Long-term are used for repeated actions, or those actions that last over time.

Perfect tenses exist to describe actions or states of being that occurred in the past, and it does not matter when. The main thing is that at the time of the conversation they had already ended. These tenses are used whenever we need to connect the past and present.

Simple tenses in English for dummies

Simple times ( Simple tenses ) apply to actions or states in the past, present or future.

The table shows that the form of the verb in the simple past tense does not change depending on the person, so it is very easy to remember the structure of sentences. Well, knowledge of irregular verbs will come with practice of reading and listening.

Simple future tense ()

Talks about events that have not yet happened. Formed the same way for all persons - by adding an auxiliary verb will + base verb.

Long tenses in English for dummies.

Long times ( Continuous tenses ) are needed to describe the actions that occur at the time of speech. This can be either in the present period or at a specific period in the past or future.

Present continuous ()

The diagram clearly shows the difference between the continuous and simple forms of the present tense.

Formed using an auxiliary verb to be + ing - form of the semantic verb (Present Participle) .

Past Continuous

Constructed with an auxiliary verb to be in the past tense + semantic verb in the ing form .

Future Continuous

This tense is used to talk about actions that may be interrupted in the future, or to say what will happen at a specific time in the future. Compare the diagram with Future Simple .

Formed Future Continuous according to the following formula: Will be + verb-ing

Perfect or perfect tenses in English for dummies

Express completed actions, the result of which is important at the time of the story. May be accompanied by adverbs already (already), yet (Not yet), just (just now), for (during), since (since) ever (ever) never (never). Formed using an auxiliary verb have + semantic verb in Past form Participle.

present perfect

From the following diagram you can understand that the main difference between the present perfect and simple past tense is the moment in the past when the action ended. For the Present Perfect it doesn’t matter when it happened, but for Past Simple- important.

How the present perfect tense is formed:

Example: Has not already paid for the dinner. (He has already paid for dinner.)

Is it easy to learn English in a few lessons, as numerous calls from an army of teachers who consider themselves experts in the field of education promise? The experience of an even larger army of students cramming English lessons for beginners shows that not everything is as easy as promised. And the first stone in the study of English grammar, over which all beginners without exception stumble, immediately knocks off the patina of aplomb and ambition of future language users.

Such strange English times

Diligent Russian-speaking students get acquainted with the examples in the tables English courses starting to master the rules of English verb behavior. What the strange phenomenon this part of speech in English grammar! What a system of incomprehensible word forms that should express an action in a particular time period! And why is this necessary, when everything is so clear in the native language: one present, one past and one future.

How many tenses are there in English grammar?

However, in such simple English, through which half the world communicates, and another quarter wants to learn it, there are as many as twelve tense forms of the verb only in active voice. Thus, the present tense in English expresses a moment in time in reality in different ways. Native speakers, without thinking about grammar, will use one form of the verb when they talk about what they do always, sometimes, often or usually, and another if it is important for them to emphasize that they are busy with something at a given moment in time. In the first case, they will use that cell of their innate grammatical memory where verbs are collected in the form of the Present Simple, and in the second - the present continuous

For a Russian-speaking student, it is important to understand that the action about which we're talking about, can be momentary or extended over time, it can just happen or happen usually, as always, rarely or often. Each such action in English requires the use of a verb in a strictly defined form. In Russian, the nuances of relative time are defined lexically; participants in the dialogue specify in words how and when the action occurs: now, usually, often, from some point or during a certain period.

Present tense “ours” and “alien”

Those who explain English tenses for dummies know that it is most clear to understand the rule based on their native language. For example, we say “I (now) watch TV” or “I (usually) watch TV after dinner.” In both expressions, the verb “I look” is used in the present tense. But it’s a completely different matter if the same phrases are spoken by an Englishman. He will say: I am watching television and I watch television after dinner. They themselves, without additional lexical means, show that in the first case the action occurs right now, this very minute, and in the second the action is repeated, ordinary, daily.

Grammar tense system

It is not easy to understand the meaning of verbal diversity in expressing temporal layers of reality in the English language. Just a small example of the use of different forms of the present tense already puzzles the student. But there is also a past and a future.

Such an abundance of tenses surprises Russian-speaking students who are just beginning to grapple with the vagaries of the English verb. But later they even have to do numerous exercises on English tenses, honing the skills of correct word usage in the flow of spoken language. Practice shows that it is easiest to master the tense forms of the verb in the system. Thus, by placing English tenses with examples in tables, it is easier to understand their grammatical multi-layered nature.

Apartment house for English verb

This house has four floors. Each floor is a grammatical tense: Simple, Continuous, Continuous. On each floor there are three apartments, in each of which residents settled - word forms of the present (Present), past (Past) and time. An example for settlement would be the incorrect verb “drink (drink)” and the correct verb “watch (watch)”.

English Times. English Tenses

I drink tea (always, often...)

I watch television

I drank tea (yesterday...)

I watched television

I will drink tea

I will drink tea (tomorrow...)

I will watch television

I am drinking tea

I'm drinking tea right now)

I'm watching television

I was drinking tea

I was drinking tea (at that moment in the past when you called...)

I was watching television

I will be drinking tea

I will drink tea (at some point in time in the future)

I will be watching television

I have drunk tea

I drank tea (just now, already...)

I have watched television

I drank tea (already, at some point in the past)

I had watched television

I will have drunk tea

I will already have tea (at some point in the future)

I will have watched television

Perfect Continuous

I have been drinking tea for 2 h.

I have been watching television since 5 o'clock

I had been drinking tea for 2 h.

I had been watching television since 5 o'clock

I will have been drinking tea for 2 h.

I will have been watching television since 5 o'clock

The English tenses presented with examples in the tables give a systematic idea of ​​the variety of verb word forms. Beginners in mastering the topic should practice with different English verbs, substituting them into the cells of the table. But in order to correctly use tense forms in speech, written and spoken, this is not enough. It is important to understand the situation in which the speaker is. Each verb form precisely points to a point in time, not absolute, but relative.

How to solve a grammar problem

Effective exercises are translating phrases from native language to English. This way you can easily learn the rules of English tenses based on your native grammar. It is important to understand why this or that word form is required in a given context, and also to see the lexical and grammatical signals that will tell you which window of the table to look into.

What are you doing in the evenings?

I usually watch TV.

What are you doing now?

I drink tea and watch TV.

What were you doing yesterday when I called?

I was watching TV when you called.

I'll call you tomorrow at 5. What will you do?

Tomorrow at 5 I will watch TV.

This one, when translated, requires the use of six forms of verb tense, of which two are present, two are past and two are future. What forms are these? English times with examples in tables will help those who want to master difficult rules and apply them in practice.

In the Russian version there are hint words: “usually”, “in the evenings”, “now”, “tomorrow”. And also an indication of one action in relation to another: “When you called, I was watching TV,” “Tomorrow (when you call) I will be watching TV.” Look at the table and solve this grammar problem.

Phrases from dialogues in Russian will also help you learn the meaning of English tenses from the lower floor of “Perfect Continuous”.

How long have you been watching TV?

I watch TV from 5 o'clock (for two hours).

When you called (yesterday), I had already been watching TV for two hours (since 5 o’clock).

Tomorrow, by the time you come, I will have been watching TV for two hours already (from 5 o’clock).

How to say in English?

English lessons for beginners include more and more complex ones as they accumulate vocabulary. grammar exercises. But already from the first lessons the concept of tenses is given. First, about simple ones - from the Simple and Continuous groups, later the use of tenses of the Perfect and Perfect Continuous groups is practiced. The language is easier to understand in speech situations. This is why no rule in a box can replace practical training. The material for this is available all around: on the street, at home, at work. Everywhere you can train the skill “How would I say this in English.”

They are divided into 4 groups: simple (Simple/Indefinite), continuous (Continuous/Progressive), perfect (Perfect) and perfect continuous (Perfect Continuous) tenses. What will help us choose the right option?

Marker words tenses in English help to correctly determine the tense form, so it is recommended to learn them by heart. With an asterisk* Ambiguous time indicators that may occur in different cases are marked.

Table of satellite words for all tenses of the English language

Used to describe actions in the present that occur regularly, with repetition, and not just at the moment of speech. Used to describe a routine, schedule, habits, etc.

Usually- usually
I usually wake up at 7 o’clock. I usually wake up at 7 o'clock.
Always- Always
Alice always gets good marks at school. Alice always gets good grades at school.
Often- often
Terry often drinks tea in the morning. Terry often drinks tea in the morning.
Every day / morning / week – every day/every morning/every week
Every week Rob goes to the gym. Rob goes to the gym every week.
Sometimes / from time to time / occasionally - Sometimes
Sometimes I visit my Granny in the suberbs of Moscow. Sometimes I visit my grandmother in the suburbs of Moscow.
At the weekend / on weekends / on Saturdays / on Friday – On weekends / Saturdays / Fridays
We have a party on Fridays. On Fridays we have a party.
Seldom/rarely- rarely
We rarely go to the swimming pool. We rarely go to the pool.
Never* / hardly ever– never / almost never
Ann never watches horror films. Ann never watches horror films.

2. Companion words Past Simple

Used to describe actions that happened in the past.

Yesterday- yesterday
Yesterday we were at home. Yesterday we were at home.
A week / a year ago– a week/year ago
Alex moved to the USA a week ago. Alex moved to the USA a week ago.
Last month/year– last month/year
Last month Fred sold his car. Last month Fred sold his car.
When*- When
I was in the kitchen, when you came. I was in the kitchen when you came.

3. Future Simple satellite words

Used to describe actions that will occur in the uncertain future.

Tomorrow- Tomorrow
Tomorrow Jared will go to London. Jared is leaving for London tomorrow.
Next month/year– next month/year
Jack will finish school next year. Jack will graduate from school next year.
In…days/years– in … days/years
Ronald will arrive in 2 days. Ronald will arrive in 2 days.

4. Companion words Present Continuous

Used to describe actions occurring at the moment, at the time of speech.

Now- Now
Mary is playing the guitar now. Now Mary plays the guitar.
At the moment- At the moment
The refrigerator isn’t working at the moment. The refrigerator is not working at the moment.
Still*- still
John is still washing the dishes. John is still washing the dishes.

5. Companion words Past Continuous

Used to describe actions that occurred at some point or period in the past.

From…till…*- From to …
Helen was watching a movie at the cinema yesterday from 5 till 7. Helen yesterday watched a movie at the cinema from 5 to 7.
- all day
He was working hard all day long. He worked hard all day.

6. Future Continuous satellite words

Used to describe actions that will occur at a specific moment or period in the future.

from…till…*- From to …
Tony will be working in the office tomorrow from 9 to 11 o’clock. Tony will work in the office tomorrow from 9 to 11 o'clock.
All day long* / for the whole day* - all day
He will be writing an article all night long. He will write the article all night.

7. Companion words Present Perfect

Used to describe actions that have completed at the time of speech or the present as a whole.

Just- just now
Harry has just made a cake. Harry has just made a cake.
Already- already
I have already done my homework. I've already done my homework.
Yet- still
Liza hasn’t chosen the flowers yet. Lisa still hasn't chosen flowers.
Since- With
I haven’t played football since finishing the university. I haven't played football since graduating from university.
Recently- recently
Sally has recently been at the theater. Sally was recently at the theater.
Never* / ever*– never / ever
I have never been to London. I've never been to London.

8. Companion words Past Perfect

Used to describe an action that was completed at some point in the past.

Before* / after*- before after
I had brushed my teeth before I went to bed. I brushed my teeth before going to bed.
By*- To
Ann had spoken with her boss at 12 o’clock yesterday. Yesterday at 12 o'clock Ann spoke to her boss.

9. Future Perfect satellite words

Used to describe actions that will last until a specific point or period in the future.

By*- To
I will have been finished my project by the end of the month. I will finish my project by the end of the month.
Before*- before
Chris will have found a job before Christmas. Chris will find a job before Christmas.

10. Word-markers of Perfect Continuous tenses

As the name suggests, the band's Perfect Continuous times are a mixture of Perfect and Continuous. Therefore, their function is a long-term action that led to a result in the past / present / future.

for*- during
I had been reading for 5 hours. I've been reading for 5 hours already.
I have been reading for 5 hours. I've been reading for 5 hours already.
I will have been reading for 5 hours. I'll be reading for 5 hours already.

WARNING: marker words are not a panacea! As we see, some of them occur in several times at once. Often this can be explained like this: take the phrase “from ... till …” and see that it is a sign of the duration of an action, and duration can be in the past, present and future tenses. However, the presence of a companion word is very good sign correct type and tense form.