Heliacal rising of Sirius. Sirius rising - our new spiritual birth

Then I accidentally learned that another group of three people had entered the tunnel. They turned off the light field using the sounds of their voices and the holy names of God. The leader of the group, who is widely known and does not want his name mentioned, went to Australia and showed a video of the penetration of a tunnel and a twelve-story building, the latter

The researchers planned to enter, or at least try to enter, this tunnel on January 23, 1997. The government asked the film company for several million dollars, which they agreed to. However, the day before the group entered the tunnel, the Egyptians decided that they wanted more money, and asked for one and a half million “under the counter,” which infuriated the film company. Paramount said no, and that was the end of it. It was quiet for about three months.

The Egyptians realized that they could not cope with these problems on their own. The Egyptian government asked for foreign assistance. It was decided that there was a specific person (I will not say his name) who could turn off the light field and enter the tunnel. He will have two assistants. One of these people is a good friend of mine, so I closely followed the course of events, receiving information first hand. My friend brought with him representatives of the Paramount Studios film company, which had to obtain permission to shoot a film about the discovery of this unique tunnel. By the way, it was Paramount that made the film about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, therefore, it had very good connections in Egypt.

The field discovered something completely unthinkable. An underground twelve-story building ~ imagine, twelve floors going deep into the earth!

It turned out to be more than just a building. This structure extended underground for many miles and was actually the outskirts of the city. I have three in Australia good friends who have seen this film.

Then another man showed up, Larry Hunter (Larry Hunter) He devoted more than 20 years of his life to the archeology of Egypt. Mr. Hunter contacted me and gave me information almost identical to what I received from my sources in Egypt, except that it was more detailed. The city covers an area of ​​10.4 by 13 km

(6.5 by 8 miles) and goes twelve floors deep into the earth, the perimeter of the city is outlined by unique Egyptian temples.

The following information echoes the work of Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, The Message of the Sphinx. (Message of the Sphinx). Graham and Robert guessed that the three pyramids at Giza were placed on Earth in exact correspondence with the three stars of Orion's Belt. According to researchers, all the major stars of the Orion constellation can be found in the temple locations in Egypt, but they have never been able to conclusively prove this theory.

Mr. Hunter did this, and I have seen for myself that his proof is correct. Using your star navigation skills,

acquired while serving in the Navy, Mr. Hunter found temples at every single point corresponding to every major star in the Orion constellation. He applied Global System Navigation and positioning (GPS - Global Positioning System) to search for these places on Earth with an accuracy of 15 m (50 feet) and physically visited every place where the temple was to mark the star. This is how this hypothesis was tested. Another thing is surprising: in every place there is a temple was and each temple was made of a unique material, not found in any other temple in all of Egypt. The same material is used to make the foundation blocks of the three pyramids at Giza, including the Great Pyramid. It is called coin in stone. It's limestone that looks like it has coins mixed into it. It is unique and found only in temples located within the six and a half by eight mile area of ​​the underground city.

This is the hypothesis in brief, the correctness of which is disputed by official Egyptian authorities. The underground city that Thoth spoke about really exists, and it can accommodate 10 thousand people. According to Mr. Hunter, the boundaries of the city are marked by temples made of unique material, and the location of the temples themselves correspond to the location of the stars in the constellation Orion.

Based on what I've seen, I think it's true, although Egyptian officials consider the city a fantasy. I take an objective point of view. In the end, the truth will definitely become known. If This really, then when underground city will be revealed, this archaeological find will lead to growth human consciousness. Now let's get back to talking about Egypt.

Here are the pyramids and the golden-section rectangle enclosing the entire complex (Fig. 11-7). Notice the two main lines running straight through the center of the circle at the phi point (f). If we were to draw this circle on earth, its diameter would be about 4 km (2.5 miles). The McCollum surveyors who discovered this relationship, and almost everyone who has ever written about the Giza complex, have taken east to be the direction in which the pyramids and the Sphinx face. Now we know that this is not true. It has always been believed that the pyramids are located on a line connecting the northern and southern magnetic poles, but now computers have shown that the three pyramids were never lined up this way. They are slightly shifted. Experts believe that the reason for this slight deviation is a continental shift.

However, the expression “slightly shifted” is not entirely correct. The three east-facing faces of the pyramids are on lines that converge at one point on the horizon, in other words, on an arc. The point on the horizon turns out to be the heliacal rising point of Sirius, which is not directly in the east. We talked about this point in the first chapter (p. 30, vol. 1). On July 23, Sirius rises one minute before sunrise, appearing as a bright red star. At this moment, the Earth, Sun and Sirius form a straight Line.

Even more surprising is that eyeballs The Sphinx is looking at the same place. This conclusion was made based on computer analysis. This makes sense since the ancient religion of the Egyptians and the Egyptian sothic calendar were based on the heliacal rising of Sirius. Sirius was fundamental to the very existence of the Egyptians. So let's try to associate this picture with the heliacal rising of Sirius, and not with the east.

Since the direction of the two paths extending from the pyramids differs by exactly 30 degrees, let's divide the circle into 30-degree sectors, which forms twelve segments of the astrological chart (30 x 12 = 360 degrees). We already know that the Egyptians knew astrology perfectly, for on the ceiling of the temple at Dendera (see Fig. 11-8) they depicted a complete astrological wheel. Therefore, it is logical to place twelve segments in a circle. As a result, you will get a very likely wheel of time. For example, McCollum's survey shows that, according to this theory, the Great Pi-

Rice. 11-7. Circular diagram of the pyramid/Sphinx complex. Notice how the golden ratio rectangle and spiral of the complex

in Giza touch the center of the astrological wheel at the point phi (f)

Rice. 11-8. Replica of the Egyptian astrological wheel from the ceiling of the temple in Dendera

New data. In January 1999, the angels came and said that the Ascended Masters would begin returning to Earth during the Egyptian window of January 10 to 19, 1999. They will bring with them knowledge of a new and completely different Universe. The angels said that the Earth would soon begin to receive such knowledge that before humanity I couldn’t even imagine it in my mind. Then, in November 1999, Thoth came to me for the first time in many years. He said he was back and in due course we would work together again. A few days later, while I was giving a lecture, a young man approached me with a gift. He handed me an orange ibis feather, and the ibis is the symbol of Thoth. Shesat appeared at the same time as her husband Thoth and also began to communicate with me. She stayed with me for two weeks. What she had to tell me concerned my main goal coming into this octave of dimensions. I am still learning this lesson, so for now I will hold off on talking about what Shesat passed on to me.

The Ramis is in Leo, and the time line at O ​​degrees Aries falls at 10,800 BC (This is the same time that Edgar Cayce said the Great Pyramid was built.) Virgo and Leo, Aquarius and Pisces, if you look at the pyramids from above and combine this view with the astrological wheel (Fig. 11-7), then the three pyramids fall into the constellation Leo and Virgo. This is exactly where we are physically located in this moment in the orbit of the precession of the equinoxes. Moreover, the Sphinx was originally half-lion and half-woman, and it is believed that during the Fourth Dynasty, the Sphinx's face was transformed into that of a man with a beard, which later fell off. Now the Sphinx has a male face without a beard, but it was originally a woman. The combination of Leo and Virgo confirms the accuracy of the astrological drawing. Next, the McCollum survey map shows that if you were to draw lines from the pyramids - tops, corners, etc. across the wheel to the opposite side, this would indicate a spectrum exact dates between Aquarius and Pisces, that is, for the period of time in which we live now - the era of Pisces, passing into the era of Aquarius. This is another consideration. But, as far as I know, no one has tried yet necessary calculations. It's a pity, modern computers allow you to do this With sufficient accuracy. Maybe one of you will decide this task? What the Four Corners Mean At the beginning of this chapter we wondered why the ancient Egyptians noted a certain line(see line B in Fig. 11-1) connected to the golden section containing the Great Pyramid. Then we decided that we needed to get more information first. Maybe what comes next will be one of the answers. One day, a woman astrologer came up with an amazing idea about this diagonal, related to the stars and to a special region of the United States. When the astrologer saw that in the sands in the area of ​​the Great Pyramid there was astrological chart, she wanted to understand the diagonal line at point A (see Figure 11-7), which apparently was very important to the ancient Egyptians. I can’t explain exactly what she was doing, because I’m not an astrologer, but general outline she performed the following manipulations. I took the astrological wheel and connected it with North Pole and placed on the same line with Cairo. Then I looked at what point the other end of this line hit. He got into special place On the Earth. In astrological terms, this is the Four Corners area of ​​the United States, bordered by the states of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. For the Hopi and other Native American tribes, the Four Corners area is marked by four mountains that outline a much smaller area. With this information in hand for many years, I waited to see if anything would arise that would connect Egypt with the Four Corners. And so, a few years ago, a young guy came to me with a truly amazing story. I listened to it with great interest, because it talked about link between Egypt and the Four Corners (see New data on the next page).
The Philadelphia Experiment We now turn to a subject that seems completely unrelated, but in fact it is related to everything that is discussed in this book. Most of you have at least heard of the Philadelphia Experiment. This experiment was carried out in the Navy in 1943 before the end of World War II. It is interesting that at first it was led by Nikola Tesla, who died shortly before the actual completion of the experiment. I believe Tesla's participation in the experiment was decisive, but we will never know about it, since everything was strictly classified by the government. After Tesla's death, John von Neumann took over as leader. (John von Neumann) who is usually considered the person who carried out this experiment and monitored its progress. In an experiment, they tried to make US Navy ships invisible. This would give the hostilities a completely incredible flavor. Essentially, the ship traveled to another dimension and returned back to ours. I think Tesla communicated with the Grays and learned from them the secret of traveling between dimensions. There is evidence that Tesla was once asked how he came up with the idea for such an experiment, and he himself replied that he received it from representatives extraterrestrial civilizations. I'm sure the people of the 40s thought he was just fooling them. I understand that to many this information will seem like a product of the imagination of people with unstable psyches. But if you want, you can get a copy (I have it) of a document (top secret at the time) still kept in the military archives. Most of these documents were "redacted" for reasons of "national security", but there is still a sufficient amount of evidence confirming that this experiment actually took place and tells a lot about its essence. The information I gleaned from these documents and received from many students this item people, and mainly from meditations with angels, say that the Philadelphia experiment was energetically connected with other experiences of passing through time, space and dimensions. The first experiment was carried out on Mars almost a million years ago, when Martians first arrived on Earth at the beginning of Atlantean history. The next experiment was completed at the end of Atlantis about 13 thousand years ago. It led to the emergence of the Bermuda Triangle and created serious problems in many remote areas of space. This experiment, as I said in the first volume, got completely out of control because, while trying to create an artificial Mer-Ka-Ba to control Atlantis, the Martians did not remember exactly how to do it. An uncontrolled artificial Mer-Ka-Ba in the Bermuda Triangle, located near the island of Bimini, has since created serious problems in deep space. The main reason for the Grays coming to Earth was to solve these problems. They suffered the most from that illegal experiment. Many of their planets were destroyed. Later, the Grays tried to use us to create a hybrid race to save themselves, but their experiments on us were not at all related to the original problem.

New data. What I'm about to tell you is highest degree debatable. Maybe this is true, maybe not. And it would be very valuable if one of you found out the truth. A young guy came to me and told me this story. Inside the Grand Canyon there is a mountain called the Temple of Isis. You might wonder why it was called that. In 1925, a great discovery was made “inside” this mountain. He was written about in the Arizona Gazette. (Arizona Gazette) I think in 1925, and around 1926, a book was published dedicated to this event. The young man visited the office of the still existing newspaper and in one folder found a microfiche showing what was found in this mountain. Six pages were devoted to discussing the discovery. I saw them with my own eyes. (Perhaps readers can help us by providing precise links to both the articles and the book, part of the title of which has the word "Egypt" and a drawing of a flying saucer on the cover.) The newspaper says that on the walls of the cave "inside" a mountain with Egyptian mummies and Egyptian hieroglyphs were found under the name Temple of Isis. I saw photographs of people carrying out mummies, and I saw hieroglyphs. The newspaper said that the Smithsonian Institution (Smitksonian Institute) carried out field work and, as quoted by the newspaper, stated that it was the largest find in history North America. A year later, this was written about in a book, the exact title of which I don’t remember. And then for 68 years, until 1994, there was silence. According to young man, first he found a book from 1926 telling about this discovery, then he studied an article from 1925. He told me

the following story is about climbing the Grand Canyon to find this place. It is important to understand that Mount Isis is located in the Grand Canyon in an area now closed to the public except special occasions when permits are issued. But even then, only a small group of people is allowed to enter the zone at a time. There is no water in that area, except for one or two springs distant from each other. You must carry water with you, which significantly limits the time you spend there. In addition, the zone is so hot that it is very difficult for untrained people to survive there. So, the young man and his friend went on a journey. Both of them were experienced climbers, trained for survival. Not far from the mountain they found a real stone pyramid made by human hands. It was quite large and made an impressive impression. To get to the Temple of Isis, it was necessary to climb a sheer cliff that went up 240 m (800 feet). This did not stop the friends, since they were professional climbers and were well prepared. According to that Arizona Gazette article, high above the ground in the mountain there were 32 large passages leading to the temple.

The Grays, who were trying to take control of the artificial Mer-Ka-Ba near Bimini, helped the people carry out the first modern experiment to solve the Bermuda Triangle problem. The experiment was carried out in 1913, but did not give positive results. In fact, I think he made things worse and was probably the cause of the First World War in 1914. Exactly 30 years later, in 1943, the American military conducted an experiment in Philadelphia during World War II. In 1983, the Montauk Experiment attempted to solve the problems caused by the Philadelphia Experiment. In 1993, scientists were finally able to conduct a small experiment to speed up the male component of the original problem caused by the Atlanteans. All of the experiments mentioned are interconnected, and they were all higher dimensional experiments based on the knowledge of the Mer-Ka-Ba. The Philadelphia Experiment is based on the counter-rotating fields of a star tetrahedron, much like what we teach you in this book. The Montauk experiment was based on counter-rotating fields of the octahedron, this is another possibility. I once gave a seminar in Long Island, New York, and I spoke about the Philadelphia Experiment. Immediately after the workshop, I had another workshop scheduled for the weekend, so I spent a few days at the home of the woman who sponsored the class. The next morning she said, “Have you seen the movie? The Philadelphia Experiment? I didn't know there was such a film, so we watched it on video. That same evening or the next morning, I don’t remember exactly, I received a call from a man named Peter Karol, the coach of the New York Jets. He said he learned my name from someone and heard me talk about the Philadelphia Experiment. Do I want to meet one of the survivors of this experiment? I had already talked to an engineer who had once participated in the Philadelphia Experiment, and he could not believe that I really knew and understood what they were doing. He was so excited about it that he gave us some pieces of the original equipment and told us how it was made. Its action was based on the star tetrahedron. And now someone invited me to meet with one of the surviving direct participants in the legendary experiment.
The meeting took place at Peter's house. I met two people - Duncan Cameron, one of those who supposedly survived the Philadelphia Experiment, and Preston Nichols, who wrote a book about this experience. The conversation was extremely interesting. In an experiment in 1943, Duncan and his spine were used to create an artificial Mer-Ka-Ba around him. Later, in a repeat attempt in 1983 called the Montauk Experiment, Preston said he was one of the lead engineers. When he said this, I replied, “Okay, if you are who you say you are, tell me exactly how you did the experiment?” And Preston described in detail how everything happened. Judging by his very high level of understanding of the geometry of the Mer-Ka-Ba, I think he was telling the truth. Apparently Preston is who he says he is. Then Duncan entered the room. Two Mer-Ka-Ba fields revolved around him. Both fields were out of control, unstable and constantly changing position relative to each other. They rotated too slowly and were not in phase to work together. When Duncan came in and entered my field, he froze in place and could not get closer to me. He was repelled like two magnets repel. Duncan tried to come closer, but was so unbalanced that he could not enter my field and was forced to retreat. He ended up moving about 11m away (35 feet) down the corridor until I felt comfortable, and we carried on our conversation at that distance. He stood only 1-2 m (several feet) from my Mer-Ka-Ba field, and we shouted to each other across space. It was not difficult for me to approach him, but if I approached, he felt bad, and he asked me to move away. I am in my living Mer-Ka-Ba field all the time, and Duncan asked, “What is that dark rim around your field?” Rotating Mer-Ka-Ba, approximately 18 m in diameter (55 feet), has a thin black rim where the rotation speed reaches nine-tenths the speed of light. (Look at the photograph of the Sombrero Galaxy from Chapter 2, Figure 11-9.) Notice the black rim on the edge where the galaxy is moving fastest. When something reaches the speed of light, you don't see light. There is light there, but it becomes dark relative to where you are. Duncan actually saw my Mer-Ka-Ba, and such abilities are very rare. My next discovery was that Duncan did not have an emotional body. I asked him about this and he said that during the experiment he was given the drug LSD and his sexual energy was used to remove all his emotions. I've never seen anyone in this state before. The problem, of course, was that he had two Mer-Ka-Ba fields. And it had two fields because it was associated with both the Philadelphia and Montauk experiments. None of the Mer-Ka-Bas were created by love, so they were extremely imbalanced. Preston was sitting next to me and I noticed that he was sweating and biting his nails as if he was very scared. I asked him about it and he said he was very concerned. Apparently due to the fact that the Mer-Ka-Ba that gave birth to the Philadelphia and Montauk experiments were now connected, and due to some information they had, both he and Duncan were alarmed about returning to Earth

My companion said that the passages were still there, but it looked as if someone had tried to destroy them. The friends chose one of the “passages” that looked the best preserved and went up to it. Having reached the “entrance”, they saw a 12 m (40 feet) there is an opening up the hill, partially blocked with rubble. However, above this passage by human hands a perfect circle with a diameter of about 1.8 m was hollowed out (6 feet) and about 10 cm (several inches) deep. Surely we've been here human beings. The climbers did not find any hieroglyphs. The water ran out and they turned back. Had they stayed one more day, everything could have ended fatally, for the spring in which they hoped to replenish their supply of water had dried up. As it turned out, the story had an interesting continuation. In the Grand Canyon, at the same latitude and only a mile or so further, another "mountain" was excavated. This location is so important to the US government that it has banned flights over the area below 3 km. (10 thousand feet)] The mountain is completely surrounded by the military, who do not allow anyone inside the zone. What did they find there? In truth, the only reason I was hearing about this possibly Egyptian trail was because we had learned of a diagonal line from the Giza Plateau falling within the "Four Corners area of ​​the United States" and indicating that there, Apparently, something Egyptian and important was placed. Why am I telling you about this? Because I believe that Egypt will eventually play a role in the unfolding of the Earth's consciousness, and I don't want what I know about that to be lost.

causing great harm to the Mer-Ka-Ba. Preston was worried about his life and the lives of others. After I left there, I talked to the angels. I clearly saw what was wrong with Duncan's Mer-Ka-Ba and thought it would be very easy to fix. But the angels did not allow me to interfere. They said: in 2012, starting from December 12, preparations will be made for a new experiment for 12 days, which will solve all the problems and bring everything into balance. I was told not to help. However, a couple of days later I received a call from another survivor. Philadelphia experiment, Duncan's brother named Al Bilek and tried to persuade me to help Duncan. I had no right to help. They will have to wait a few years and everything will work out. I raised this topic in connection with the essence of the experiments mentioned. As I said, they are based on the knowledge of the Mer-Ka-Ba. Now our government is using this information for purposes other than creating invisible weapons. It discovered that it was possible to influence human emotions and control people's minds. It is important that you know this, because in your Mer-Ka-Ba, using the knowledge gained from this book, you can become immune to what they do. The governments of this world conduct many experiments on the population of their countries, not to mention the problems environment on the ground. Knowing and using power human body Sveta, you are able to return not only yourself, but the whole world to a state of balance. This is the topic that I bring to your attention - learning to use your body of Light and understanding how this can change everything. You are more than you think you are. The Great Spirit lives within you, and under the right circumstances, through you all things become possible. If your love is great enough, you can heal yourself and the whole world and help Mother Earth ascend to the next world.



Among historians of astronomy, the opinion has taken root that the first meaningful observations of the starry sky in Egypt were carried out already in the era Old Kingdom, which dates back to the third millennium BC. This view is based on the decipherment of a tablet dating from the period of the first dynasty, which allegedly states that the first morning visibility ( heliactic sunrise) the star Sirius coincides with the flooding of the Nile River. If the tablet information is translated and interpreted correctly, then the time period in which such an observation can be made can be dated. This work is devoted to studying this issue.

The only document in which, according to modern translation the connection between the first visibility of Sirius and the flooding of the Nile River is mentioned by a tablet from Ivory found in a tomb at Abydos, which is located near modern city Arabet el Madfuna is approximately 100 km north of Dendera. The historian of astronomy B. Van der Vanden provides the following information on this issue:
The ancient Egyptians performed services to Sothis, that is, to Sirius as “the harbinger of the new year and the flood.” [Klaus Baer (Chicago) informed me that the reading “Sothis - the harbinger of the new year and flood” cannot be considered sufficiently definite.] ...
... A flood several weeks before its onset is preceded by an event in the firmament, namely, the first visibility of Sirius in the morning sky. ...
… Thus, if the reading of the above text is correct, we learn, firstly, that the morning rising of Sirius foreshadows the flood of the Nile, and, secondly, that New Year also starts approximately at the same time.

Let us note that, commenting on his reasoning, Van der Vanden stipulates that translation (interpretation) “Sothis (=Sirius) – harbinger of the new year and flood” is not reliable enough. Unfortunately, he does not specify whether this is the opinion of one researcher alone or the opinion of a group of specialists, but the factor of translation reliability is very important. In the event that the proposed interpretation is erroneous in principle and the text has nothing to do with astronomy, then the attempt at dating loses its meaning. On the other hand, if the text really describes the connection between the morning visibility of Sirius and the flood of the Nile, then an accurate translation is needed to formulate an astronomical problem. For example, in the fundamental publication of World History edited by the USSR Academy of Sciences, at first glance, the same information is presented completely differently:
The need to calculate the periods when the Nile flooded created Egyptian astronomy. The year was calculated by the star Sirius, whose morning appearance, after temporary invisibility, coincided with the annual onset of the flood. color>

In Van der Vanden's interpretation, the appearance of Sirius is foreshadowed several weeks (but how long exactly -?) before the onset of the flood. The above quote states that the appearance of Sirius coincides with the onset of the flood. Since the Sun on average passes about one degree along the ecliptic per day, if we take the difference “several weeks” = 5 weeks, then this will correspond to the positions of the Sun differing by ~35 degrees, which, when solving an astronomical problem, will provide a spread of dates of about 2500 years!

E.S. adheres to an extremely radical point of view in its categorical nature. Golubtsova and Yu.A. Zavenyagin:
The average date for the beginning of the rise of water in the Nile River coincides with the summer solstice (according to modern calendar 22nd of June). The occasional deviations in one direction or another from this average date are very small. This is what happens in our time, and this is how it was in ancient times. The annual floods of the Nile played a huge role in the life of ancient Egypt. From ancient Egyptian sources it follows that the beginning of the rise of water in the Nile in ancient times coincided with the heliacal rising of Sirius, i.e. with its first rise against the background of the morning dawn. Thus, in ancient times, the heliacal rising of Sirius coincided with the summer solstice. Precession over the past millennia is the reason that the heliacal rising of Sirius is now observed 43 days later than the summer solstice. N.I. Idelson calculated that at the latitude of Memphis (30 degrees N) the heliactic rising of Sirius in 3100 BC. e. coincided with the summer solstice, so in 3600-2600. BC e. this sunrise could indeed have served the Egyptians as a harbinger of the Nile flood. But already in the times of Caesar and Cleopatra (1st century BC), the heliacal rising of Sirius was delayed by 25 days.
The ancient Egyptians called Sirius the star Sothis or Sopt. This was well known to the Greeks who settled in Alexandria at the end of the 4th century. BC e. Therefore, no confusion in the names could occur.

A few points need to be made here. Indeed, the idea of ​​linking the time of the Nile flood to the summer solstice is the only key to solving the astronomical problem. However, it carries the assumption of climate change over the historical interval from our time to the time of the emergence and use of the rule for predicting the Nile flood from Sirius. In this case we are talking about a period of 4000-5000 years. Although, according to the authors, in our time the deviations from the day of the summer solstice of the Nile flood in either direction are small, it is rather reckless to extrapolate this rule for several thousand years. The historian of astronomy A. Pannenkoek has a slightly different point of view:
The flood of the Nile, like any other phenomenon depending on weather conditions, occurred irregularly; sometimes the time of its occurrence changed to month and more from one year to another…. color>
A. Pannenkuk does not in any way justify his stated change in the date of the Nile flood, however, as will be shown below, even a two-week fluctuation in the time of the flood around the average date will lead to a dating error of 1500 thousand years. In addition, the question should be raised not only about fluctuations in the start time of the flood around a certain average value, but about a possible shift in the average date of the flood relative to the solstice. The absence of such a shift must either be clearly justified by climatological studies, or it must be separately stated that when solving an astronomical problem, climate constancy is assumed.
Assessment I.I. Idelson was made for the latitude of Memphis, which is located at the beginning of the Nile Delta, but the tablet with the text in question was found at Abydos, which is located about 4 degrees south of Memphis. It follows that observations of the heliactic rising of Sirius could be carried out upstream, where the visibility conditions for Sirius may differ somewhat from the visibility conditions in the Nile Delta.
Causes surprise absolute confidence E.S. Golubtsova and Yu.A. Zavenyagin in the correctness of translation and accuracy of interpretation of the original text. Apparently, they were not familiar with the issues this issue even at the level of the review given by Van der Vanden. Finally, the authors state that the beginning of the rise of the Nile waters coincides with the summer solstice. Note that the source speaks of the appearance of Sirius as a harbinger of the flood; it states that the appearance of Sirius coincides with the onset of the flood, which is not equivalent to the formulation of E.S. Golubtsova and Yu.A. Zavenyagina. The beginning of a rise in water and the onset of a flood are not the same thing. In addition, the length of the Nile is more than 6,500 thousand kilometers, so to solve the astronomical problem it is necessary to know the time of the spill not in some area, but in lower Egypt.

In conclusion, we note the most extravagant date for predicting the Nile flood based on the heliactic rising of Sirius, which is given by I.A. Klimishin:
Egyptian priests learned to compare the beginning of the Nile flood with the view of the starry sky. Already about 4000 BC. they established that immediately before this, the star Sirius (Sothis) rises in the morning sky after approximately a 70-day period of invisibility. color>
In the proposed I.A. Klimishin historical era, Sirius rose approximately ten days before the summer solstice, which does not even coincide with the statement of the problem by E.S. Golubtsova and Yu.A. Zavenyagina. Unfortunately, the author does not refer to what data he relied on, but the dating he proposes refers to the era Early Kingdom, which goes against the traditional point of view.

How and when does the Nile flood occur?


In order to study the water supply of the Nile River, let us turn to reference information from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia:
Nile (modern Egyptian name - El-Bahr; Latin Nilus), a river in Africa. Length 6671 km. The basin area is 2870 thousand km 2. It originates on the East African plateau, east of lakes Kivu and Tanganyika, flows into the Mediterranean Sea, forming a delta. In the upper half of the course, the Nile receives large tributaries: on the left - El Ghazal, on the right - Aswa, Sobat, Blue Nile and Atbara. Further, as a transit river, the Nile flows through tropical and subtropical semi-desert, having no tributaries for 3000 km. The Nile basin covers, in whole or in part, the territories of Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt. ...
Neil has hard mode. In the equatorial part of the river basin, two maximum precipitation is observed - spring (March - May) and autumn (September - November), which causes increased water content below the Nimule gorge in the summer and winter seasons. In Sudan and the Blue Nile Basin (the second main feeding area of ​​the Nile), rains occur in the summer (June - September). In Sudan, the Nile, which overflows greatly in the summer from monsoon rains, loses a lot of water to evaporation. Therefore, the Blue Nile plays a major role in the nutrition of the Nile, bringing up to 60-70% of water in the summer. In this regard, the rise of water on the Nile in central and northern Sudan and Egypt occurs in the summer and autumn months. Thus, in Lower Egypt, high water is observed in July - October.…
During a normal flood, the water rise within Egypt was 6-7 m. Before the construction of control structures, the Nile Valley experienced severe flooding. Solid runoff near Aswan (formerly Siena) amounts to 62 million m 3 per year, most of which is deposited in the form of silt in fields, in irrigation canals and in reservoirs.

The time of the Nile flood in Lower Egypt is given with an accuracy of one month, however, even if we assume that the Nile flood on average begins exactly on the first of July, this would mean that the rise of water in Lower Egypt occurs at least 8-10 days later than the date of the summer solstice . Consequently, in the work of E.S. Golubtsova and Yu.A. Zavenyagin gives incorrect information. In an article by the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences dedicated to inland waters In Africa, the date of the Nile flood is indicated as follows:
Floods in the upper and lower reaches occur at approximately the same time: in the upper reaches from July to October, in the lower reaches from August to November. The high flood waters, reaching Timbuktu, spread widely, flooding the branches and channels of the ancient delta. color>
Finally, the most comprehensive information for our purpose is presented in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 Averaged over 82 years, the flow of the Nile through Aswan.

The figure shows the function of daily water flow, expressed in millions of cubic meters, depending on time over calendar year. The dotted line shows the flow of the Blue Nile near Khartoum, the solid thick line shows the flow of the Nile on the border of Sudan and Egypt near Wadi Halfa (~22 N). It follows from the figure that the greatest increase (derivative) of the water flow function is observed at the very end of July - beginning of August, and the maximum flood is achieved at the very beginning of September. North of Wadi Halfa, the Nile has no tributaries, so this is the entire volume of water that reaches the Nile Delta minus the evaporated portion. The distance along the river mouth from Wadi Halfa to Abydos and Dendera is about five hundred kilometers, and to the Nile Delta is about a thousand kilometers. Throughout specified path The river should experience a flood, so the flood in Lower Egypt will occur several days later than in the north of Sudan.
Consequently, the onset of flooding in the Nile Delta occurs in August. Every year, starting on August 15th, it is celebrated for two weeks. National holiday Egypt, dedicated to the Nile flood:
National holidays and memorable dates: August 15 – the Nile River floods.
Flooding of the Nile is an important cycle in Egypt. It is celebrated by Egyptians today as an annual holiday for two weeks starting August 15, known as Wafaa El-Nil. It is also celebrated in the Coptic Church by ceremonially throwing a martyr"s relic into the river. Hence the name Esba` al-shahid (the martyr"s finger).

This gives rise to the following chronology of events. Nowadays, around June 22, the summer solstice occurs some time after which the Nile floods. In the lower reaches of the Nile, the maximum flood occurs in August, and from August 15 for two weeks, Egypt celebrates the national holiday dedicated to the Nile flood. If we consider this date as the onset of maximum flood, then approximately 8 weeks pass from the moment of the summer solstice. If the heliactic rising of Sirius predicted not the maximum flood in Lower Egypt, but rather the beginning of the flood, we can estimate the beginning of the flood to occur in the second half of July, about a month after the summer solstice. The last option seems to us the most likely, since for the advance evacuation of people from flooded areas it was more important to predict the onset of the flood. Based on this, we will focus on the estimate that flooding in Lower Egypt begins approximately a month after the summer solstice. Note that the formulated estimate is in accordance with the data , , .

Astronomical task. Formulation and solution.


Now we can move on to the formulation of the astronomical problem. So, we assume that: a) the original text of the tablet really represents a prediction of the Nile flood based on the first morning visibility of the star Sirius; b) over the past millennia climatic conditions in Egypt did not change significantly, therefore the time interval from the summer solstice to the average date of the flood in ancient times and in our time is approximately the same; c) the beginning of the Nile flood in Lower Egypt occurs on average a month after the summer solstice. To solve the formulated problem, we just have to find the date range in which it was possible to conduct such an observation.
We will assume that Sirius can be visible at an altitude of 8 degrees above the horizon at the beginning of civil twilight, that is, when the upper edge of the Sun's disk is immersed by 6 degrees. At this altitude, Sirius will weaken by 1.5÷2 m due to atmospheric absorption and will be visible (depending on the atmospheric model) as a star of zero or first magnitude. Such visibility conditions are quite favorable for observation, especially since the azimuths of the rising of Sirius and the Sun differ by ~50 degrees. We will choose the latitude of Dendera as the observation point, since the tablet was found in this area.
To calculate the dates of the solstices and determine the dates of the heliactic rising of Sirius, we used the Redshift3 program. The calculation results for the visibility conditions formulated above are presented in Table 1.

Year Sunrise
Solstice Difference,
-3000 July 17th July 19. -2
-2500 ~July 17 the 14 th of July 3
-2000 July 18 July 11 7
-1500 ~July 18 06 July 12
-1000 July 19 July 03 16
-500 ~July 19 June 29 20
1 July 20 June 25 25
500 ~July 20 June 20 30
1000 21 July June 16 35
1500 ~July 21 12 June 39

From the results of the calculation it follows that the heliactic rising of Sirius, which, according to the conditions of the problem, is accompanied by the flood of the Nile, occurred approximately a month after the summer solstice in the middle of the first millennium AD. With a fair degree of confidence, we can say that the rule for predicting the Nile flood on Sirius was workable over a time interval of more than a thousand years. It is hardly possible to determine more accurately and correctly the time interval during which the rule for predicting the Nile flood by Sirius worked, since a number of factors remained unaccounted for or roughly estimated.
1. As stated above, based on modern empirical data, we tied the date of the Nile flood to the solstice, and then applied the resulting template thousands of years ago. Once again, we note that at this stage of the modeling we assumed a constant period between the first morning rise of Sirius and the average date of the Nile flood, but this is only an extrapolation.
2. When constructing the template, we estimated the time period between the solstice and the Nile flood to be approximately T=30 days based on the data in Fig. 1. Although this dependence was obtained by average observations over 82 years, and the function of water flow during a spill has a relatively large derivative, we can hardly estimate the period T with an accuracy of several days.
3. Let us highlight several local factors. Even over several decades, the date of the Nile flood fluctuates around a certain average value, depending on the time of the onset of rains. If the amplitude of fluctuations around the average date is 3-4 days, then the date of the spill can hardly be determined with an accuracy of up to a week. The transparency of the atmosphere is also not constant from year to year, which affects the date of visibility of Sirius. Note that both of the latter factors depend on the weather in the region, and are therefore related to each other.
4. The visibility conditions for Sirius depend slightly on the latitude of the observation location. In Siena (24 N.S.), Sirius appears a little earlier than in Dendera and Abydos (26 N.S.), and in Abydos earlier than in Memphis (30 N.S.). On the other hand, since the Nile flows from south to north, the flood, like the rising of Sirius, is delayed to the north by several days. Therefore, we can assume that these two factors are mutually compensated.

The errors of points 2÷4 add up to each other and if we carefully assume that in the vast majority of cases the date of determination of the Nile flood was determined with an accuracy of no worse than 2-3 weeks, we obtain an interval of possible dates of [-5; 15] centuries, with a dating center around the 5th century AD.



The formulation of the astronomical problem to identify the empirical rule of the Nile flood based on the heliactic rising of Sirius makes sense if the translation is accurate and the interpretation is correct source text bone tablet. It is known that not all researchers share the adequacy of this interpretation. In what follows, despite objections, we assume that the translation is accurate.

Dating the Nile flood rule based on the heliactic rising of Sirius is possible only if the climate in the region remains unchanged over the past few millennia. In further discussions we assume a constant climate.

The rule for predicting the Nile flood based on the heliactic rising of Sirius has been dated. We can confidently say that this rule worked throughout the first millennium AD, although taking into account all the errors, this interval can be extended by several centuries in each direction. Thus, the interval of possible dating is in the range [-5; 15] centuries.

The resulting interval of possible dating intersects with the dating of horoscopes carried out by G.V. Nosovsky and A.T. Fomenko in his work, which may be evidence of the consistency of both results.

The results of creative research by E.S. Golubtsova and Yu.A. Zavenyagin and I.A. Klimishin are the usual adjustment of the result to a previously known answer, where the adjustment is made at the stage of setting an astronomical problem or taken from the air.



1. B. Van der Vanden & nbsp; Waking Science II. The birth of astronomy. Moscow, Nauka, 1991, 381 p.
2. Big Soviet Encyclopedia. Electronic edition on 3 CDs, 2003.
3. The World History, volume No. 1, edited by Yu.P. Frantseva, I.M. Dyakonova, G.F. Ilyina, S.V. Kiseleva, V.V. Struve, Moscow, state publishing house political literature, USSR Academy of Sciences, 1956, 747 p.
4. E.S. Golubtsova, Yu.A. Zavenyagin Once again about “new methods” and the chronology of the ancient world. // Questions of History, 1983, No. 12, pp. 68-83.
5. A. Pannekoek History of Astronomy (edited by B.V. Kukarkin and P.G. Kulikovsky). // Science, Moscow 1966.
6. I.A. Klimishin Astronomy of our days. Moscow, 1990.
8. Nile // Encylopedia of Britannica, vol. 16, London, 1958.
9. Russian-Arab Business Council. Egypt.
10. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Flooding of the Nile.
11. P.G. Kulikovsky Astronomy Amateur's Guide. Moscow, URSS, 2002, 687 p.
12. G.V. Nosovsky, A.T. Fomenko Ancient zodiacs of Egypt and Europe. Moscow, Veche, 2005.

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I wanted to understand why the 23rd is dedicated to Sirius and why attention is paid to Sirius. And here's what I found out.

Scientists have long known about an African tribe in the Timbuktu region of Mali called the Dogon. This tribe held information that, by any standard of the modern worldview, they simply could not have. Information destroys all our ideas about ourselves as the only intelligent beings in the Universe.

In the Dogon country there is a cave that goes deep into the mountains, and in this cave there are wall paintings that are over 700 years old. It's about about Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, which is called "Sirius A". If you look at Orion's belt (these are three stars lined up in a row) and continue the line down and to the left, you can see bright star, which is Sirius A. (If you go up from the belt approximately double the distance, then the Pleiades are visible.) The information in the Dogon cave clearly points to another star revolving around Sirius. The Dogon describe this star very specifically. They say that it is very small and consists of what they call "the most heavy substance in the Universe" (which is close to the truth, but not entirely accurate). And they also say that the small star orbits Sirius in a period of “close to fifty years.” Astronomers were able to establish the existence of Sirius B, a white dwarf, in 1862, and it was only about twenty years ago that they were able to confirm other information. Scientists have checked how much it weighs white dwarf"Sirius B". According to the latest data, its weight is approximately 1.5 million tons per cubic inch! Black holes aside, it does appear to be the heaviest matter in the Universe. In addition, when scientists checked the orbital period of Sirius B around Sirius A, they found that it was 50.1 years. How did a primitive tribe have such detailed information about a star, the parameters of which could only be measured in the 20th century?

There is one more thing that the Dogons knew about. It's a small drawing on the wall, but scientists didn't know what it was... until the orbits of Sirius A and Sirius B were calculated on a computer. The pattern in the Dogon cave (as seen from Earth) is identical to the pattern of Sirius B rotating around Sirius A for a specific time, which falls between 1912 and 1990... This scheme, dating back to the present time, was transmitted to the Dogon at least 700 years ago!

In Africa, where the Dogon live, the star Sirius disappears from the horizon and is out of sight for a couple of months, and then on the morning of July 23rd it appears again, brilliant, ruby ​​red, just above the horizon almost exactly in the east. Sixty seconds later the sun rises. Therefore, Sirius can only be observed for a moment, then he leaves. This is the so-called heliacal (in the rays of the morning) rising of Sirius, which was very important point for the most part ancient world, not only for the Dogon and Egypt. This is the moment when Sirius, the Sun and the Earth line up in a straight line in space. In Egypt, almost all temples, as well as the direction of the Sphinx's gaze, were aligned along this line (almost due east). Many temples have a tiny hole in certain place in the wall, the same small hole in another wall, then in the next, and so on until some dark inner room. This room usually contains something like a cube or a golden-section granite rectangle, located right in the center and having a small mark. At the heliacal rising of Sirius, a ruby-red light falls on the altar for a few seconds, marking the beginning of a new year and the first day of the Sirian or Sothic calendar (Sothis is the ancient name for Sirius).

Our solar system moves through space in an elongated spiral. Such a spiral cannot arise unless we are gravitationally bound to another big body– such as another solar system or something even larger. Research has shown that we are related to star system Sirius - with Sirius A and Sirius B. We move in space together, rotating in a spiral around general center. Our fate and the fate of Sirius are intimately connected. We - one system!

Except ours solar system the same spiraling motion relative to each other is observed between Sirius A and Sirius B. According to research, this spiraling motion of the two Sirius stars resembles the geometric characteristics of DNA molecules.

By the way, for information, the Earth-Moon system is the same: the Earth and the Moon rotate around each other and between them there is a third component at a distance of approximately one-third from the Earth to the Moon, which is central point. The Earth and Moon rotate around this point in a spiral, just as they move around the Sun.

I gleaned this information from Drunvalo Melchizedek’s book “ Ancient Mystery"Flower of Life"

When I was babysitting my granddaughter, I usually told her two fairy tales before bed: the fairy tale about the turnip and the fairy tale about the Fox and the Hare. I was somehow surprised why she always listens to them with such attention. I wondered if there was a special meaning in them that I didn’t notice, but a child, still connected with space, understood something more. After all, in Rus' fairy tales were written by wise men. And I realized this.

Our Earth has come to some point, just like a turnip has ripened, and it must be pulled out, like a turnip. And this requires the spiritual efforts of both grandfathers, grandmothers, and granddaughters, and Bugs, and Cats, and even a Mouse has crucial. (Parents are probably immersed in materialism.) Perhaps the ritual that each of us performs on the 23rd may also play a decisive role in the history of the Earth.

What's in the fairy tale about the Fox and the Hare?

IN different sources it is mentioned that a virus that tormented people once penetrated the Earth, or that evolutions unfriendly to earthlings incarnated on Earth illegally (according to Cosmic laws). They can serve as a prototype of the Fox, who survived the Hare from his house. The Bear did not help the Hare - the bear, as the embodiment of rude physical strength. The Wolf, the evil meat-eater, did not help the Hare either. The rooster comes with a scythe. The scythe reminds of death, i.e. The Rooster is a sage who remembers Death. He tells the Fox to get out three times. At first the fox is in no hurry, she checks to see if the Rooster gets tired of waiting and leaves. But the Rooster is persistent, and after the third time the Fox runs away. And the Hare began to live with the Rooster, who crows three times in his life, reminding him that he is still protecting the Hare. And, as far as I remember, the Rooster put the scythe in the corner of the hut.

There is a joke: a rooster crows in the morning and thinks that if he doesn’t crow, the sun won’t rise. I think that the Rooster reasons like this: if the Sun does not rise one morning (and so once said Vladyka Saint Germain), it will not be his fault, because... he fulfilled his duty carefully. Therefore, I try to read prayers, decrees and rosaries in order to fulfill my duty.

Krivopusk Valentina Leonidovna, 73 years old.

Kazakhstan, Almaty. 05/16/2010.

Dear friends!

We remind you that July 23 is approaching - the day of action of the dispensation of karma transmutation of the next month.

On the 23rd of every month, you gain an unprecedented opportunity to transmutate personal karma and the karma of the planet.

On the 23rd of each month, you are given the opportunity to work off the karma of the following month by reciting prayers, decrees, Rosaries or mantras.

Heliacal rising of Sirius Heliacal (heliac) rising (ancient Greek ἡλιακός - solar) - the first sunrise after a certain period of invisibility heavenly body(stars or planets) just before sunrise, “rising in the rays of dawn.” It is reliably known that the Egyptians carefully observed Sirius, especially at the time of its rise on the eastern horizon. It has probably been observed more often than any other celestial object - even more often than the sun. Every day, the time of star rise is delayed by about four minutes. Therefore, if you watch Sirius rise in August, then this moment coincides with the sunrise. However, in September Sirius appears at midnight, and in early January at dusk. Between the end of January and the end of May, Sirius rises at daytime, it seems to appear in the sky when it darkens after sunset (that is, the sky becomes dark enough so that the luminous point of a star can be distinguished on it). If you find yourself in the Giza area in early March and watch southern sky at sunset, you will see Sirius rising directly above Great Pyramid. There is also a period of the year when Sirius is visible above the western horizon after sunset. This happens at the end of May. After this, the star approaches the sun and becomes invisible against the background of its bright radiance. Sirius remains invisible for approximately 70 days, until August 5th. On this day it rises again above the eastern horizon. This first predawn sunrise is called the heliacal rising of Sirius. Due to precession, the heliacal rising of Sirius slowly shifts in relation to the seasons. Today this event is observed in August, that is, at the end of summer. In 2781 BC. The heliacal rising of Sirius occurred on June 21, the summer solstice. Such a coincidence must have made a huge impression on the ancient astronomers who lived on the banks of the Nile. This coincidence became even more surprising due to the fact that it was at this time that the water in the Nile began to rise. This triple coincidence - the summer solstice, the heliacal rising of Sirius and the Nile flood - inevitably led to the conclusion that the simultaneous rising of the sun and Sirius was the cosmic trigger that gave rise to the Nile flood. It is not surprising that the Egyptians considered these mysterious 70 days preceding the rebirth great river, a magical transformation into the underworld Duat, leading from death to rebirth. The Carlsberg Papyrus I (an ancient Egyptian manuscript copied from the cenotaph of Seti I, dating from about 1150 BC) reports that “Sirius...usually spends seventy days in the Duat...(his) burial is like that of humans...The seventy days that they do embalming in the house... this is what happens after death...". It is not difficult to understand why the ancient astronomer-priests came to the idea that if the cosmic “magic” that allows the stars to be reborn after a seventy-day stay in the Duat is applied to the deceased King Horus, then he, too, will be reborn after seventy days in the “embalming house.”