Where people are executed. Death penalty in different countries of the world (6 photos)

Crime and punishment - these two words were relevant at the dawn of human history, because there were always those who grossly violated generally accepted norms behavior. This caused considerable inconvenience to the surrounding people, as a result of which it was decided to introduce certain penalties. And the more serious the offense, the harsher the responsibility for it. In the pages of the Bible, history tells of a similar system of order. Take, for example, the Mosaic Law: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, an ear for an ear and a life for a life. In which countries is there the death penalty today and what does it represent?

The origin and abolition of capital punishment in some latitudes

In ancient times, this was a fairly effective deterrent for those who tried to infringe on individual human integrity. However, with the beginning of our era and the coming of Jesus Christ, the Mosaic Law was abolished and replaced with just a few basic commandments. Despite this, many eastern and other cultures continue to use it. Moreover, it is legal for them. What kind of countries are these and how do they do this process? This will be discussed below.

Countries that have not abolished capital punishment

Europe has a rather progressive, so to speak, view on this issue, because in almost all its countries the death penalty has been abolished and is considered a relic of the past. However, there is still a state that sees the benefit of this harsh punishment - this is the Republic of Belarus. Besides it, there are still quite a lot of countries in the world that believe that the death penalty is an excellent deterrent against serious crimes.

Which countries use the death penalty?

To the surprise of many, there are quite a few countries that have not abolished this penalty. Compared to the Middle Ages, the list has shrunk, but still remains significant. So which countries have the death penalty? This list still continues to include: the United States of America, Israel, Libya, Guatemala, Lesotho, Yemen, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, India, Botswana, Japan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Ghana, Angola, Uganda, Iran, Cuba, Syria , Belize, Chad, Saudi Arabia, Myanmar, Jamaica, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Belarus, Tajikistan, Guinea, Jordan, Gabon, Singapore, Indonesia, Democratic Malaysia, Somalia, Thailand, Ethiopia, North Korea, Sudan, as well as some oceanic islands .

As can be seen from the above list, African continent- leader in the number of countries where the death penalty is allowed. It is noteworthy that the norms international law do not prohibit our the highest measure penalties, they simply define the minimum standards for carrying out this operation. For example, execution by guillotine was widespread during the french revolution, but canceled in 1977.

We already know in which countries the death penalty is allowed, but in each of them this kind of sentence must be absolutely legal and passed by a competent court.

Where are criminals most often executed?

But even today in some developed countries this is allowed the highest measure punishments. Which countries have the death penalty? China will be first on this list, since it is there that these cases occur with enviable regularity. The main methods acceptable in this area are lethal injection or firing squad. The law provides for about 70 types of offenses that result in such punishment.

Should it influence the world which countries use the death penalty? Time will give the answer.

Unlike the above-mentioned country, the number of executions and their types are clearly hidden under a veil of secrecy and misinformation in Iran. However, it is reliably known that stoning, hanging and shooting are still used here today. Be that as it may, today Iran has the highest rate of executions. Some skeptics argue that executions are often carried out away from the public eye, that is, in confidence.

The reader now knows which countries have the death penalty. This may seem inhumane, but it is reality.

The Islamic world is the leader in the number of executions

In which countries is the death penalty particularly active? This is the East. In Iraq, the situation with the death penalty is somewhat different. Hanging and shooting are also applicable here. The country is heavily influenced by Islamic traditions and, together with Iran, carries out more than 80 percent of the world's executions.

As an Islamic country, Saudi Arabia also punishes serious offenses with death. There is little difference here from Iran and Iraq, with the exception of beheadings. Often the death penalty in these latitudes is applied to foreigners, so you should be extremely careful when visiting these lands so as not to violate local traditions and not get into such a very unpleasant situation.

In which countries does the death penalty exist? We only know official statistics. Everything else is a mystery.

Today we'll talk about one of the most brutal modern world punishments and about the country that most often applies these types of punishments.

It must be said that China in general is a bloodthirsty country, it has always been distinguished, if not by the horror of carrying out punishment, then certainly by the number of executed people. Today, more than 5 thousand people are executed in China annually; more than 46 crimes at the beginning of 2016 included capital punishment.

According to Wikipedia, in China today, when carrying out the death penalty, they do not shoot, but use lethal injection. As of 2006, according to the same Wikipedia, lethal injection was used as often as execution: 50 to 50.

However, despite media reports, witnesses say that mass executions are still practiced.

Organs from death row inmates are often used for transplantation. China is one of the most advanced countries in transplantation and the number of organs transplanted. As of 2009, 65% of organ transplants were from murdered prisoners.

According to information from official sources, from mid-2014, the procedure for removing organs from a prisoner after his execution had to require the consent of the sentenced person (the extent to which this is actually carried out is unknown):

“It is known that many more transplants are performed in China, about 10-20 thousand per year, than, according to official data, organs from voluntary donors are available. For example, in 8-10 thousand kidney transplants, only about 3-4% of the organs were obtained from volunteers. Starting from mid-2014, according to the PRC authorities, such removal of organs during the death penalty will be carried out only with the consent of the sentenced person.”

I think that even now they do not ask the prisoner for any permission, because the death penalty in China and organ transplantation in this country are closely interconnected. It is mass executions and lethal injections that provide a lot of “material” for organ transplants, the development of science and medicine. Let's return to this issue a little later.

First, about the execution procedure. China is one of the few countries where the death penalty is officially applied today, and on such a global scale.

"The death penalty does not apply in Hong Kong or Macau, which are subject to separate jurisdictions in accordance with the principle of 'one country, two systems'."

In Iran and Singapore, for example, the number of executions per capita is higher, but in China it is much higher total number executed. In China, they only do not execute people under 18 (those who were under 18 years old at the time of the crime), previously it was forbidden to execute pregnant women, execution was carried out after childbirth, now they can have an abortion and execute.

China currently carries the death penalty for 49 crimes (most of those executed were convicted of drug-related crimes). Full list is given below.

There are many versions on the Internet about which articles currently provide for the death penalty in China (after all, previously there were 59 of them, then 55, now 49). I will give this list from reliable sources:

“Currently (January 2016) the death penalty in China is provided for the following types crimes:

high treason (Article 102 of the Criminal Code of the People's Republic of China);

separatism (Part 1, Article 103);

armed riots and riots (Article 104);

going over to the side of the enemy (Article 108);

espionage (Article 110);

intelligence activities in foreign interests (Article 111);

providing assistance to the enemy in wartime (Article 112);

arson, flooding, explosion, ejection hazardous substances, causing harm public safety in general in a dangerous way(actions resulting in fire, flood, explosion, release of toxic or radioactive substances, pathogens of infectious diseases, as well as other acts that harm public safety in a dangerous way, in the presence of especially grave consequences) (Article 115);

causing harm vehicles, transport facilities (transport communications), electrical equipment, flammable or explosive equipment (Article 119);

seizure of an aircraft (Article 121);

illegal production, purchase and sale, transportation, sending by mail, storage of weapons, ammunition, explosives (Part 1 of Article 125); illegal purchase and sale, transportation, storage of hazardous substances ( toxic substances, radioactive substances, pathogens of infectious diseases) (part 2 of article 125);

theft of weapons, ammunition, explosives, dangerous substances (toxic substances, radioactive substances, infectious disease agents) (Article 127);

production, sale of counterfeit medicines (Article 141);

premeditated murder (Article 232);

intentional infliction of bodily harm (Article 234);

trade in human organs (Article 2341);

rape (Article 236);

hostage-taking associated with their death (Part 2 of Article 239);

abduction and sale of women and children (Article 240);

robbery (Article 263);

escape from prison using violence (Article 317);

smuggling, sale, transportation, production of drugs (Article 347);

damage to military equipment, military installations or military communications (Article 369);

supply of unusable military equipment, creation of unusable military structures (Article 370);

theft of state property (Article 384);

bribery (Articles 385, 388);

disobedience to an order in wartime (Article 421);

concealment or deliberately false transfer military information, refusal to transfer or falsification of military information (Article 422); surrender (Article 423);

desertion in wartime (Article 424);

desertion of a military personnel (Article 430);

military espionage for the benefit of foreign countries(Part 2 of Article 431);

theft of military equipment, army supplies, weapons, ammunition, explosives (Article 438);

illegal purchase, sale or transfer of military equipment (Article 439);

looting in wartime (Article 446).”

Imposing a death sentence is a banal and hasty procedure. The verdict is often passed after the first judicial trial(conducted by the intermediate people's court), then a double appeal may follow, which is almost always useless. 7 days after the verdict, a person can be executed. Since 2007, every death sentence has been sent to the Supreme Court for review.

IN exceptional cases the sentence can be commuted to life imprisonment, or the sentence suspended (and if a person does not commit any intentional crime during this period, the death sentence can be replaced with another punishment, but leave the criminal alive), but there are actually very few such “lucky” ones percentage of the number of those convicted: for example, 100 thousand people over several years (for comparison, 5 thousand people are executed annually).

The prosecutor's office is then notified and special personnel are sent to supervise the execution. The actual execution of the sentence (shot or lethal injection) is carried out by legal police officers. According to information from Internet sources, death sentences are not carried out in in public places. However, according to many testimonies, as well as videos that can easily be found on YouTube, executions were and are often carried out in public.

For example, on the outskirts of a village, but with a crowd of spectators. There are widely known cases of demonstrative executions, when criminals (corrupt officials, drug dealers, rapists, murderers) were executed in crowded places - in stadiums, before the start of a football match. Thus, in 2001, dozens and hundreds of criminals, mostly convicted of economic crimes, were publicly executed.

In general, in the 1980s, demonstrative executions were a normal occurrence in China, starting in 1929, when for speeding with aggravated consequences, the heads of those executed were simply hung on the roads so that potential violators speed limit it was disgraceful. Since 1986, such executions and public deprivation of life have been prohibited in the country, but in 2001 there were several high-profile mass executions in stadiums; according to evidence, such things still exist today, they are simply not advertised.

Before the sentence is carried out, the prisoner is hung around his neck with a sign with his name and the articles of law under which he was convicted. The prisoner is given the last word, then lead directly to the executor of the sentence. if it is an execution, then in specially designated places; if it is an injection, then in a van, or in a prepared medical room.

“The execution of a death sentence must be announced publicly, but it is not carried out in public places.

After the execution, the judge's secretary must make a written note on the matter. A people's court summoned to carry out the death penalty must submit a report on the execution of the sentence to the Supreme People's Court.

The people's court summoned to carry out the death penalty shall notify the family of the offender after execution.

Some areas of China do not have specific rules and regulations for the execution of the death penalty. A team of scouts selects in advance the place that will become the place of execution. In this case, usually, the execution area has three perimeters: internal - 50 meters - for execution; a radius of 200 meters from the center is for the People's Armed Police, and within a radius of 2 km from the execution area is the line of responsibility of the local police. The public is generally not allowed to “watch” the performance.

The role of executioner in the past was performed by the People's Armed Police. IN Lately, legal force The police have taken on this responsibility."

Lethal injection is more often used against people who have committed economic crimes, such as corruption. People who commit murder and drug trafficking are shot more often. China is striving to switch to lethal injection, since the cost of the latter is lower than executions, and it is also a more humane method of execution, in the opinion of human rights activists and with psychological point vision for the relatives of the prisoner, and execution by injection also prevents workers from contracting HIV and other infections during the cleaning process after executions. Lethal injection is carried out in two stages: first, the prisoner is injected with an anesthetic, after a few minutes potassium cyanide

, death occurs within a minute or two. “The China Daily newspaper reported in 2009 that a building was built 20 km from Beijing to carry out death sentences. special center

, in which executions are carried out in a new way, and the Chinese automaker Jinguan Auto produces minibuses specially equipped for executions by lethal injection."

If the execution is carried out by firing squad, after some time the family of the executed person receives a bill “for the bullet.” Such is the bureaucracy... There are a ton of well-known corrupt officials, swindlers, and drug dealers among those executed. Some of the biggest names: Ma Xiangdong, former mayor administrative center northeastern Liaoning province, Shenyang city (2001), former chairman PRC Food and Drug Administration Zheng Xiaoyu (2007, bribery), former President of Capital Airports Holding Co Li Peiying (2009, bribery, misappropriation of funds), head of the Hong Kong and Macau Relations Office of the Hubei Provincial Government ( 2001, fraud), entrepreneur Wang Zhendong (2008, fraud), businessmen Zhang Yujun and Geng Jiping (2008, manufactured low-quality products, poisoned with a spoiled mixture for baby food several children).

Of the most recently executed big names- Liu Han is a billionaire, former head one of the largest mining corporations in China, Hanlong Group, which was accused of organizing criminal group, three of his associates were executed along with him. Liu Hanb was ranked 230th among the richest people in China.

Also, Svetlana Kulbaeva, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan, detained for transporting 7 kg of heroin, was also executed in February 2016. There was a lot of debate about Kulbaeva at international level, they tried to save her life (at least that’s what diplomats say), she says that she was simply used to transport drugs that she did not know about.

Now let's get back to organ transplantation. The fact is that there is a so-called “incomplete execution”, when a prisoner is shot, he is taken to a hospital, where donor organs are removed, after which he is pronounced dead. This practice was widespread in China. And they manage to remove organs from prisoners who have just died from a bullet.

Lethal injection allows us to reduce the time it takes to transport a deceased or a wounded prisoner to the hospital - organs can be taken directly in a special van. However, the heart becomes unusable as a result of the toxins from the injection.

In general, the number of executions in China and organ donation are inextricably linked. This is a huge business for China After all, it is usually rich foreigners who use organ transplant services, and not the Chinese themselves. Sometimes no country will give you as many chances to live as in China... Potentially executed people are a base of hearts, kidneys, etc. for the state and foreigners.

According to some reports, the situation is even more inhumane:“Until 2007, anesthesia was given before the operation, but then they decided that this was excessive humanism and unnecessary expenses from the budget, and now those executed are only tied tighter and the gag is pushed deeper.

Even before the operation, those sentenced to death are given immunosuppressive drugs, which increases the chances of organ survival in future recipients. Thanks to the obtained organs of the executed, East Center organ transplantation has become largest center in Asia, and in terms of the number of organ transplants, China is more than three times larger than the United States.”

I believe that such an unceremonious attitude towards death is associated with a disregard for life. The Chinese generally treat other people's lives as if others are not people, but cockroaches. I don’t know how they feel about their own life, but they certainly don’t value someone else’s. The soups made from babies alone are worth it... The birth control program... And what the representatives of this nation have “produced” is immeasurable. They lose the value of life.

Sometimes the line between life and death is not understood. They treat executions normally; for them it is an ordinary event. They will not have the same shock as the Russians from watching the execution with their own eyes.

For example, Chinese bloggers even compile beauty ratings of executed criminals.

More on Chinese television Every Saturday the program “Interview before Execution” takes place, the main characters are those sentenced to death. The program is very loved by viewers; the episode attracts at least 40 million viewers. At the end of the article there is a release of this program in the Russian version - a very interesting video.

Among those executed there are many victims who were simply swept into the meat grinder of dashing Chinese justice. For example, from the stories of executed women: the husband was a monster, kept the girl in slavery, allowed her friends to rape her, from one of them she gave birth to a child, whom the common-law husband strangled in a fit, beat her, as a result, her nerves gave way - she killed him. She was shot. Where is the justice here? Thousands of such stories.

Only the executions of officials who stole were indicative. But this only means that they did not make friends with someone, for which they were swept out of the way. And the bulk of them are executed ordinary people who stumbled, who themselves are victims, without a chance of appeal in their favor.

Many Russians are jubilant as they watch the video from China of the execution of the death sentence. They write, for example: “Perhaps the death penalty is the best educational event in China".

We have a different country! There are not 1.5 billion of us. We have a different mentality. But the Chinese, even at their level of accepting death as the norm, have become brutal; life has lost value for them.

According to statistics, crime in some areas has increased by 20%. Where are the preventive measures and the edifying effect here? Treated like animals - they get animals.

In China, a television broadcast of the preparation of a convict for the death penalty took place

Today we will talk about this not very pleasant, but very important topic what are the types of death penalty in different countries peace. I hasten to inform you in advance that the death penalty in Russia was abolished in 2009 and our country will not appear on this list. We will look at the processes of carrying out capital punishment using the example various countries, both civilized and not particularly civilized. Let's start, perhaps, with the Celestial Empire.


Reports of the death penalty carried out in the PRC arrive with enviable regularity. As a rule, sentences passed for embezzlement of state property and bribes are made public.

**Number of death sentences: 1 case per 446,000 population.
**Methods of execution include: lethal injection and execution.
**Crimes punishable by death in China: There are about 68 types of crimes that carry the death penalty in China, including drug trafficking, economic crimes including tax fraud, bribery, theft of government property, as well as arson and prostitution.

The death penalty has broad public support in China, and few citizens oppose it. The real number of people sentenced to death is a state secret. The death penalty is provided for sexual violence in relation to a person under 14 years of age.


The number of executions carried out in Iran is surrounded by a lot of rumors and outright misinformation.

**Number of death sentences: 1 case per 110,000 population.
**Methods of execution include: shooting, hanging and stoning.
**Crimes punishable by death in Iran: armed robbery, adultery, murder, drug trafficking, rape, pedophilia, sodomy, kidnapping and terrorism.

Of all the countries we are considering today, Iran has the highest execution rate per capita. IN last years Iran carries out approximately one death sentence per day. Moreover, three-quarters of all executions over the past few years have been related to drug trafficking.
Iran is the 18th largest country in the world, with a population of approximately 77 million inhabitants. Iran is also second largest state Middle East. Shia Islam is official state religion. Generally, public opinion supports the death penalty.
Some critics argue that most executions in Iran are carried out in secret. The Iranian authorities do not hide the fact that juvenile executions are high in the country; this occurs despite the signing of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Iran often demonstrates the execution process publicly and often broadcasts the execution on television. Photographs taken from the executions are also available to the public.


The situation with the death penalty in Iraq is not much different from the situation in Iran; it is also an Islamist state with its own laws and customs.

**Number of death sentences: 1 case per 274,000 population.
**Methods of execution include: shooting and hanging.
**Crimes punishable by death in Iraq: 48 different criminal and religious offenses.

In our conversation today, Iraq ranks second in terms of executions per capita. Of Iraq's 36 million population, 97% are Muslim. The public overwhelmingly supports the death penalty.
There was a suspension of the death penalty after the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, but Iraq, along with Iran and Saudi Arabia, now carry out more than 80% of the world's death sentences. These countries are under strong influence Islamic traditions.


Saudi Arabia lags slightly behind Iran and Iraq in the number of death sentences carried out.

**Number of death sentences: 1 case per 359,000 population.
**Methods of execution include: beheading and stoning.
**Crimes punishable by death in Saudi Arabia: murder, rape, false prophecies, armed robbery, reuse drugs, apostasy, adultery and witchcraft.

Saudi Arabia is a Middle Eastern country with monarchical form board. 21 million people in Saudi Arabia are Muslim by law.
Being the world's first oil exporter and the last in maintaining civil policy in the field of human rights.
The law provides for the death penalty as punishment for 22 crimes, of which 10 are laws governing moral issues. The death penalty is often used for foreigners.
The National Society for Human Rights reports that approximately 1 in every 4 children in Saudi Arabia experience violence, with nearly half of these being domestic violence.


While diligently planting democracy around the world and protecting the rights of every person on the planet, regardless of whether he wants it or not, the United States for some reason is in no hurry to abandon the death penalty for its citizens. Moreover, in terms of the variety of methods of execution, Americans are in first place on our list.

**Number of death sentences: 1 case per 8,000,000 population of the country.
**Methods of execution include: hanging, gas chamber, electric chair, firing squad and lethal injection.
**Crimes punishable by death in Saudi Arabia: depending on the state, in most cases for murder or treason.

The death penalty is enshrined in the 8th Amendment to the US Constitution and occurs in 32 of the country's 50 states. To date, Texas has executed the majority of executions, and Oklahoma also has high death penalty rates per capita.
African-Americans make up 41% of those executed. Since 1987.
A recent poll found that 62% of Americans favor the death penalty. Currently the US is the only country in G8 allowing the death penalty.

in which countries it is preserved and how criminals are executed today

January 17, 1920 at Soviet Russia the execution was officially cancelled. Today this type of punishment is used less and less, but nevertheless exists in the world a large number of countries where execution is practiced. And Belarus is also among them.

1. How many countries are there in the world where the death penalty remains?

In 2015, the number of countries that abolished execution at the legislative level reached 98. Together with countries where a moratorium on capital punishment remains, the number of states where they do not execute for serious crimes amounted to 140 out of 192 in 2015. It turns out that today only 52 countries carry out capital punishment. There are already entire continents in the world free from... For example, South America and Australia. In Europe and Central Asia execution is practiced only in Belarus. IN North America executions are carried out only in the USA, and even then in 18 states out of 50 capital punishment has already been abolished.

This is what the cell looks like where Japanese criminals are hanged. A noose is put on the condemned man and the hatch underneath him is abruptly opened.

He was detained at the capital airport of the Philippines with almost 10 kilograms of cocaine. The hero's name is Yuri Kirdyushkin. He is 31 years old, he is a Muscovite and, perhaps, even good guy. But he has a very big problems- after all, he was caught in the homeland of the same Rodrigo Duterte, who promised his voters to literally cut out the entire Philippine drug trade. And the almost four thousand corpses left behind by the “death squads” fighting drug trafficking will not let you lie - President Duterte was not joking at all when he promised difficult life to all drug dealers. And then a Russian was caught.

Yuri Kirdyushkin flew to Manila (the capital of the Philippines) from Brazil, making a connecting stop in Dubai along the way. Having received his luggage at the exit from the customs zone of the Philippine airport, the Russian was instantly restrained by local police. During a search of his suitcase, 9.9 kilograms of cocaine were discovered (according to other sources - 8.5 kilograms), packaged in small and large containers.

Of course, Kirdyushkin immediately stated that he had nothing to do with drugs. According to him, a certain acquaintance in Moscow asked to transport his batch of Peruvian cactus flowers (powerful, right? 10 kilograms of cactus flowers!) from the capital of Peru to... where exactly Kirdyushkin was supposed to deliver the exotic suitcase is still unknown. However, Philippine security officials are confident that the cargo was supposed to be transported from Manila to Bangkok. They state this quite openly, citing, among other things, operational data according to which several foreigners were supposed to fly on this flight, transporting a large shipment of cocaine to Thailand. And in addition to the Russian, coke was found (in slightly smaller quantities, but also in very large quantities) from two Chinese from Hong Kong.

The media roared with joy - these arrests were part of the successful disclosures made in the Philippines over the past few months. You haven’t forgotten that the Philippine President (the same one who ) called on his citizens to kill all drug dealers who come into view completely calmly, without remorse or other unnecessary mental burdens. In the last 2 months alone, according to various sources, more than 900 people were actually “cut out”, in one way or another (although no one, understandably, particularly bothers with the investigation) involved in drug trafficking. And the "death squads", with light hand a big admirer of Hitler and also the head of the Philippine state, have been rampant for several years now, sending at least 4 thousand people to the next world, according to human rights activists.

In short, the Russian citizen arrived in Manila with his suitcase at the wrong time. However, he himself categorically denies guilt and even tries to cooperate with the investigation. Including sending letters of invitation to the homeland to that same lover of Peruvian cactus flowers. The Russian Embassy in the Philippines plays an active role in supporting our fellow countryman. Officials, while not commenting on Kirdyushkin’s probable guilt, are nevertheless helping him by creating the necessary information noise around this case. The Russian himself does not give up, insisting on the version that the drugs were put in his suitcase somewhere in the middle of his long route from Lima (Peru) through Juliaca (Peru), then to Foz do Iguaçu in Brazil (this mark, by the way, is on one from his Facebook entries), and from there to Sao Paulo, from where, through Dubai, he finally reached Manila. Photo from his personal Facebook page:

So, what threatens the Russian? In the Philippines, the death penalty is de jure prohibited (which does not prevent drug dealers from being shot right on the streets as part of the “Free Philippines” state program), therefore, for the three articles incriminated against Kirdyushkin, “only” life imprisonment in one of the benevolent Philippine prisons is provided. Why there? Yes, because there is no agreement between our countries on the extradition of criminals, therefore the norms of international law do not apply to this case, and the transfer of a Russian to our native zone (with birch trees under the window) is impossible. Therefore, despite the fact that many media outlets came out with provocative headlines about the possible execution of our compatriot, the most he faces is slow aging in inhospitable Philippine prisons.

The moral of this story is simple and clear. Well, how many times can you repeat it, huh?! DO NOT ACCEPT OFFERS AND GIFTS FROM PEOPLE YOU LITTLE KNOW!