France is the full name of the country. Full description of France

Cordillera - mountains, huge system which occupies the western edge of the continent North America. They stretch for about 7 thousand km. Cordillera - mountains of great diversity natural conditions. They are characterized by a number of features, and this determines their uniqueness among the rest. mountain systems of our planet.

General characteristics of the Cordillera

Where are the Cordillera Mountains? They are predominantly elongated in the submeridional direction. Within five orotectonic belts of different ages these mountains were formed. The Cordilleras have a significant proportion of highlands (2.5-3 thousand or more meters above sea level). They have active volcanism and high seismicity. The large extent of these mountains from north to south has led to the presence of many spectra here altitudinal zone. Cordilleras are mountains formed at the junction between lithospheric plates. The border between them almost coincides with the coast line.

Composition of the Cordilleras

A third of the area of ​​the entire continent is occupied by a mountain fold-block system. It has a width of 800-1600 km. It includes mountain plateaus, intermountain basins, ridges, as well as volcanic plateaus and mountains. The Cordillera underwent young deformations, volcanism, and denudations, which determined their current appearance and masked many geological structures that appeared earlier. The mountain system is very heterogeneous both in the transverse and longitudinal directions.

Read more about the structure of the Cordillera

The structure of the surface of the continent, where the Cordillera mountains are located, is asymmetrical. They occupy its western part, the eastern part - low mountains and vast plains. West Side is located at an altitude of about 1700 meters, and the eastern one is 200-300 m. 720 meters is average height continent.

Cordilleras are mountains that include a number of mountain arcs that extend mainly in the direction from northwest to southeast. From Mackenzie, ridge. Brooks, the Rocky Mountains consists of the eastern arc. An intermittent belt formed from internal plateaus and plateaus is located to the west of these ridges. Their height is 1-2 thousand meters. The Cordilleras are mountains that include the following tablelands and plateaus: Yukon Plateau, Columbia Plateau and Plateau British Columbia, Great Basin, plateaus and volcanic plateau of the Mexican Highlands (its interior). For the most part, they represent an alternation of basins, ridges and table flat surfaces.

The highest mountain

The cordillera on the western part is marked by a system of the highest ridges. These are the Aleutian Range, the Aleutian Islands, and the Alaska Range. The latter reaches a height of 6193 meters. This is McKinley, the highest mountain shown in the photo above. The Cordillera is a system that also includes in the western part the Cascade Mountains, the Coast Range of Canada, the Sierra Madre Occidental and the Sierra Nevada, as well as the Transverse Volcanic Sierra with the area located here (5700 meters), etc.

To the west of them the height decreases. Cordilleras are mountains that smoothly turn into a flat part of the mainland. It is occupied in the west by either Puget Sound, Cook) or lowlands (California Valley, Willamette River Valley). This coast of the continent is formed by the St. Elias, Chugach, Kenai, and Canadian Island Ranges, as well as the US Coast Ranges. The Cordillera chains bifurcate south of the Mexican Highlands. One of them deviates to the east, forming the islands of the West Indies and underwater ridges, after which it passes into the Venezuelan Andes. The second half stretches across the Isthmus of Panama and Tehuantepec to the Colombian Andes.

What is the reason for the diversity of mountain topography?

It is associated with the different ages of land areas, as well as with the history of their development. The continent did not immediately form into its present form. The Cordillera Mountains in their present form arose thanks to various processes, which took place in different time on the continent.

For the Laurentian Upland, marked by the most ancient geological structures, the relief is characterized by leveling surfaces, the formation of which began at the beginning of the Paleozoic. The undulating surface of the modern upland was determined by the different resistance of rocks to denudation, as well as uneven tectonic movement. The subsidence of the central part of the territory caused the cover Quaternary glaciation, due to which the depressions of the modern one were formed. In addition, under its influence, the accumulation of hydroglacial and moraine sediments occurred, which formed the type of relief (moraine-hilly).

They are large and belong to the formation type. Under the influence of denudation processes in various places, depending on the location of various rocks, cuesta ridges (Great Lakes), stepped plateaus (Great Plains region), mid-mountains and erosive low-mountains (Washita, Ozarks) were formed.

The terrain of the Cordillera itself is very complex. Compression band earth's crust is crossed by numerous faults starting from the ocean floor and ending on land. The mountain-building process has not yet been completed. This is evidenced by volcanic eruptions (for example, Popocatepetl and Orizaba), as well as strong earthquakes happening here from time to time.


As you know, many different minerals can be found where there are mountains. The Cordillera is no exception. There are huge reserves of non-ferrous and ferrous metal ores here. Among the non-metallic ones, oil can be distinguished, which is located in intermountain troughs. Brown coal reserves are found in the Rocky Mountains (their inland basins).


We will continue our description of the mountains with climate characteristics. The Cordilleras are located on the path of oceanic air masses. Because of this in east direction The influence of the ocean is sharply weakened. This climatic feature The Cordillera is reflected in the soil and vegetation cover, the development of modern glaciation, and altitudinal zonation. The elongation of mountain ranges from north to south determines the differences in temperatures in summer and winter. In winter it ranges from -24 °C (in the Alaska region) to +24 °C (Mexico, south of the country). In summer the temperature reaches from +4 to +20 °C.


The northwest receives the most a large number of precipitation. The fact is that this part of the Cordillera is located in the path of the western winds blowing from Pacific Ocean. The amount of precipitation here is approximately 3000 mm. Tropical latitudes are the least humidified, since air oceanic masses they are not reached. The low amount of precipitation is also explained by the cold current passing near the coast. The interior plateaus of the Cordillera are also not very wet. Mountains range from temperate, subarctic, tropical and subtropical climatic zones.

Rivers and lakes of the Cordillera

Essential part western rivers The continent originates precisely in the Cordillera. Their food mainly comes from snow and glaciers, with floods occurring in the summer. These rivers are mountainous and swift. The largest of them are Colorado and Columbia. The lakes of the Cordillera are of glacial or volcanic origin. On the interior plateaus there are saline shallow water bodies. These are the remains of large lakes that existed here long ago, during a humid climate.

Vegetable world

Very diverse vegetable world Cordillera. Coniferous forests with a unique appearance are located up to 40° N. w. By species composition they are very rich. Spruce, cypress, fir, thuja (red cedar) are their typical representatives. The height of coniferous trees reaches 80 meters. There is practically no woody undergrowth between them. However, a variety of shrubs grow here in abundance. There are a lot of mosses and ferns in the ground cover. In coniferous forests, as you move south, you begin to come across sugar pine, white fir, and yellow pine. Evergreen sequoia appears even further south. As dryness increases, south of 42° N. sh., thickets of bushes are replaced by forests. They are juniper, heather, and their height usually does not exceed two meters. Here you can sometimes find different types evergreen oak. Climate humidity in inland areas The Cordillera is shrinking. They are characterized by dry forests, as well as areas of saltwort and wormwood deserts. The mountain slopes receiving precipitation are covered with evergreen forests up to a height of 1200 m.

Animals living in the Cordillera mountains

Where the Cordillera mountains are located, you can meet the brown grizzly bear - a large predator of the continent of North America. having long black fur, lives in the southwest of this system. It destroys livestock and spoils crops. There are also many lynxes, foxes, and wolves. IN southern regions Arthropods, lizards, and snakes are often found in the mountains. In addition, this area is home to the serpentine lizard, the only legless venomous lizard. Large animals in places where people live are either destroyed or are extremely rare. Bison and pronghorn (rarely seen antelope) are preserved only thanks to the efforts of North American national programs. Only in nature reserves can one observe today the rich animal world.

The huge mountain system of the Cordillera consists of two parts - the Cordillera of North America and the Andes (Cordillera of South America). The scale of this mountain range is so large that it covers the territory of eleven countries, such as the USA, Canada, Mexico, Ecuador, Guatemala, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile. Most of located in the USA. The Cordillera is a natural divide between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. High seismicity and volcanism are observed.

The North American Cordillera mountain system is a ridge of parallel mountain ranges stretched along the entire western coast of the continent of North America. The length of this mountain range is 18,000 km. In the United States it covers 7,000 km. It begins near the Coast Ranges, the peak is 2400 m. The Rocky Mountain range is considered the longest in length, with an altitude of 4339 m (Mount Elbert). The highest peak in the North American section of the Cordillera is Mount McKinley - 6193 meters. The width of the Cordillera reaches 1600 meters in America.

In the Cordillera of North America there are three longitudinal belts: eastern, internal, western.

Eastern belt , or the Rocky Mountain belt, consists of a chain of high, massive ridges, mostly serving as a watershed between the Pacific Ocean basin and the basins of the Gulf of Mexico and the Arctic Ocean. In the east, the belt is interrupted by a foothill plateau (Arctic, Great Plains). In the west, it is limited in places by deep faults (“Rocky Mountain Ditch”) or valleys large rivers(Rio Grande). In some places it gradually turns into mountain ranges and plateaus. In Alaska, the Rocky Mountain belt includes the Brooks Range, in northwestern Canada - the Richardson Range and the Mackenzie Mountains, bounded on the north and south by the through valleys of the Peel and Liard rivers.

Inner Cordillera Belt, consisting of plateaus and highlands, is located between the eastern belt and the belt of the Pacific ridges in the west. In interior Alaska, it includes very wide tectonic depressions, occupied by river floodplains, and alternating with hilly massifs up to 1500-1700 m high (Mountains Kilbak, Kuskokwim, Ray). This includes mountain ranges and ranges that are not inferior in height to the ranges of the Rocky Mountains (Cassiar-Omineca Mountains, 2590 m). Within the US proper there are high mountain ranges in the state of Idaho (altitude up to 3857 m).

Western belt consists of a belt of Pacific ridges, a belt of intermontane lakes and a belt of coastal chains. The belt of Pacific ridges, covering the interior region of the Cordillera, consists of high mountain formations. It includes the Alaska Range with McKinley Peak (6193 m), a chain of volcanic Aleutian Islands, the Aleutian Range (Iliamna Volcano, 3075 m), the high-mountain node of the St. Elias massif, and the Coast Range, which forms a sea bay with rocky shores along its entire length. In the USA, this belt includes the Cascade Mountains of volcanoes (Rainier volcano, 4392 m), ranges: Sierra Nevada (Mount Whitney, 4418 m), mountains of the California Peninsula (height up to 3078 m), Transverse Volcanic Sierra with Orizaba volcanoes (5700 m) , Popocatepetl (5452 m), Nevado de Colima (4265 m).

Sea bays and straits (Cook Bay, Shelikhov Straits, Georgia Straits, Sebastian Vizcaino Bay) alternate with lowlands and plateaus (Susitna Lowland, Copper River Plateau, Willamette Valley, Great California Valley). Coastal ranges consist of low and mid-elevation formations (US Coast Ranges, Sierra Vizcaino on the California Peninsula) and mountainous coastal islands (Kodiak, Queen Charlotte, Vancouver, Alexander Archipelago). This belt reaches its greatest height in the south of Alaska, in the Chugach Mountains (Marquez-Baker, 4016 m).


Since the Cordillera of North America occupies an area stretching over 7000 km, the climate differs in different zones. For example, in the northern part, where the Arctic (Brooks Range) and subarctic (part of Alaska) zones pass, glaciation is observed at peaks of 2250 meters. The snow line passes at an altitude of 300-450 meters.

Zones located in close proximity to the Pacific Ocean, they are distinguished by a mild climate, mostly oceanic (at the latitude of San Francisco - Mediterranean), in the interior - continental. On the Yukon Plateau, the average winter temperature ranges from -30°C, and summer temperature - up to 15°C. In the Great Basin, winter temperatures can reach -17°C, and in summer temperatures often exceed 40°C (absolute maximum 57°C). Humidity in different areas of the Cordillera depends on the distance from coastline. So, in the west it is observed high humidity and, accordingly, more precipitation. In the direction from the western part to the eastern part, in the central part there is less precipitation. East tropical climate increases humidity. Therefore, the average annual precipitation ranges from 3000-4000 mm in the south of Alaska, on the coast of British Columbia - up to 2500 mm, on the inland plateau of the USA it decreases to 400-200 mm.

Rivers and lakes

There are many lakes of mountain-glacial and volcanic origin in the Cordillera. These include the Great Salt Lake, Tahoe. The Missouri, Yukon, Colorado, and Columbia rivers originate in the Cordillera of North America. Due to the fact that the eastern belt of mountains is a natural watershed, most of the precipitation that falls within this ridge flows west into the Pacific Ocean. North of 45-50° north latitude on the Pacific coast, rivers are replenished by melting snow and spring floods. The southern part of the lakes and rivers relies on precipitation in the form of rain and snow. The most active replenishment occurs due to snow melting with a winter maximum on the Pacific coast and a spring-summer maximum in the interior regions. The cordillera of the southern zone does not drain into the ocean and is replenished by short-term watercourses ending in endorheic salt lakes (the largest of them is the Great Salt Lake). In the northern part of the Cordillera there are freshwater lakes of glacial-tectonic and dammed origin (Atlin, Kootenay, Okanagan, etc.).

Mountainous river reliefs with waterfall zones are used to generate electricity. The most abundant water sources are used for agricultural purposes, in particular for irrigating fields. Some of the natural cross-sections on the Columbia River are used for the construction of hydroelectric power stations (Grand Coulee, Te Dals, etc.).

Natural areas

Due to the fact that the Cordilleras cross the subarctic, temperate, subtropical and tropical zones, they are divided into 4 main natural area: Northwestern, Canadian Cordillera, US Cordillera and Mexican Cordillera.

The US Cordillera is distinguished by its large width - 1600 km, so it differs wide range climatic conditions, landscape and fauna. High forested ridges covered with snowfields and glaciers are directly adjacent to vast, drainless desert plateaus. The climate is subtropical, Mediterranean on the coast, and arid in the interior. On the slopes of high ridges (the Front Range, Sierra Nevada) belts of mountain pine forests (American spruce, larch), coniferous subalpine woodlands and alpine meadows are developed. The low Coast Ranges are home to mountain pine forests, redwood groves, and evergreen hard-leaved shrubs.

In the western Cordillera there were many forests until the 19th century, but in the 19th and especially in the 20th centuries. forests were heavily cut down and burned, and the area under them was significantly reduced (Sitka spruce and Douglas fir, which survived in small numbers on the Pacific coast, were especially affected). The low zones of the internal plateau are occupied by wormwood and shrub semi-deserts and deserts, the low ridges are occupied by pine and pine-juniper woodlands.

In places where people live, large animals have either been destroyed or are on the verge of destruction. Bison and the rare pronghorn antelope are preserved only thanks to national programs. Rich wildlife can only be observed in nature reserves (Yellowstone National Park, Yosemite National Park, etc.). In semi-desert areas, rodents, snakes, lizards, and scorpions are common. The population is concentrated near the Pacific coast, where large cities are located (Los Angeles, San Francisco). In the river valleys there are tracts of irrigated land used for subtropical fruit crops. Subtropical woodlands and shrub deserts are used as pastures.

One of the largest mountain systems on our planet is the Cordillera Mountains.

They amaze with their enormous scale (they can be clearly seen from space when looking at the mainland), length and extraordinary beauty with their inherent uniqueness local climate, flora and fauna.

Where are the Cordilleras

The Cordilleras (Cordilleras is the English origin of the name) are located on the west coast of America and extend from north to south. These are huge mountains several thousand kilometers long, reaching 18,000 km in length and 1,600 km in width.

Looking at physical card world, you can see that the mountains pass through 10 countries and capture everything western hemisphere land. The coordinates are impressive: south latitude 32/39/12; West longitude 70/00/42.

Note: the age of this system is simply enormous - the Cordilleras were formed in the Jurassic period, and scientists say that their formation has not yet ended, as evidenced by frequent volcanoes (more than 80 active ones).

Highest point of the Cordillera

The average height of the Cordillera is 3-4 thousand m above sea level. The highest point of the Cordillera is Mount Aconcagua, located in South America in the Andes near the border with Chile.

Mount Aconcagua

And the place where the Andes were formed is called the Patagonian Platform. The absolute height of this mountain is about seven thousand kilometers (6961 m) above sea level.

In North America, the highest point in the Cordillera is Mount Denali, located in southern Alaska. The mountain is just below Aconcagua, height 6190 m.

Characteristics of the Cordillera of North America

The mountains originate in Alaska and run across the entire continent, through three countries (Canada, USA, Mexico) to a point in the south in the valley of the Mexican Balasas River on the border with Central America.

The tectonic structure is complex, there are: areas of ancient, middle and new folding, many active volcanoes.

Throughout the entire length of the Cordillera there are three main belts:

  • internal - consists of plateaus and plateaus in the middle of the western and eastern, there are many tectonic depressions with rivers;
  • eastern - the belt of the Rocky Mountains, large ridges separating the Pacific Ocean and Gulf of Mexico with the Arctic Ocean;
  • western - volcanic mountains parallel to the Pacific coast.

Three major arcs of the Cordillera

In Central America, mountains diverge into arcs:

  1. One arc forms the mountains of Cuba and northern Puerto Rico and Haiti. The arc was formed from the eastern and western belts, from the north.
  2. The other starts from the borders of Mexico in the south, further through Central America, to the western part of Panama. This arc smoothly turns into.
  3. The last arc from the south of the western belt takes the direction to the mountains south side Puerto Rico and Haiti, and the mountains of Jamaica.

Geological structure and minerals

The lowlands between the mountain ranges accumulated sediment for a long time.

And now large deposits of minerals have formed in the mountains of North America, and the mountains themselves are valuable for metal ore:

  • there are oil fields in Alaska;
  • The Rocky Mountains are rich in copper, gold, and tungsten;
  • The coastal part of the ridges is of interest for the mining of mercury and coal.

Natural areas

Since the Cordillera passes through the whole of America, then natural areas mountains cover everything: forest-tundra, mixed forests, forest-steppes, forests, semi-deserts and deserts, tropical savannas and forests. Only the Arctic and subarctic zones are missing.

Rivers and lakes of the Cordillera

In the north of Alaska there are glaciers (the largest is Bering). Many rivers begin their journey in the Cordillera mountains, for example: Missouri, Yukon. Very deep rivers of the Pacific Basin.

Southern rivers are filled with rainwater, northern rivers They feed on glaciers and snow.

Spring floods are typical for northern regions mountains The strong northern rivers are used for irrigation and electricity production. Famous reservoirs: Columbia, Colorado. There are also fresh and salt lakes.

Climate and climate zones

The climate in the Cordillera is varied due to the vast territory on which they are located:

  1. Air humidity in the southern part of the mountains is no more than 60%, and in the northern part up to 80%.
  2. The average air t in the summer in July is above zero, in the south up to 30 degrees, and in the north up to 15. The winter average t in January in the north is -30, in the southern regions -17.
  3. The amount of precipitation per year is the highest in southern Alaska, up to 4000 mm, and the least in the Mojave Desert - 50 mm.

Mountains, passing through all climatic zones:

  • the south is the tropics and subtropics;
  • the north of the belt changes climate from arctic to subarctic, then temperate;
  • in the central, inland regions there is a continental belt, and on the Pacific slopes of the mountains there is a soft oceanic belt.

Flora and fauna

The natural landscape of the mountains is very diverse (due to the altitudinal zones).

Natural areas are distinguished:

  1. Northwestern consists mainly of glaciated mountain peaks and plateaus. The climate is harsh permafrost, to the south coast - a little warmer. Landscape – tundra, open forest. The tundra is inhabited by deer, lemmings, and many birds. Bears, wolves, lynxes, pumas can be seen in the forests.
  2. Canadian Cordillera- in southeast Alaska. Temperate climate, landscape with cedar and fir forests. Arborvitae grow on the slopes of the Pacific coast. Forest inhabitants include deer, mountain sheep, moose, bears, wolverines, pumas, and foxes.
  3. US Cordillera- the country where a large part of them is located. The nature is also very rich, there are pine forests on the mountain slopes. There are arid plateaus. The low coastal mountains are covered with evergreen bushes and relict trees. The fauna has been significantly exterminated. Semi-deserts are inhabited by lizards, snakes, and rodents.
  4. Mexican Cordillera- the climate is dry, there is a lot seismic zones. Shrubs, forests, and cacti grow in savannas. Hares, wolves, pumas, rodents are inhabitants of the local desert. Wolves, lynxes, and bears live in the forests, and monkeys, tapirs, and predators live in the tropics.

National parks in the Cordillera

In order to explore the numerous sights, you should definitely visit the nature reserves located in the Cordillera.

Grand Canyon

To get acquainted with the peculiarities of flora and fauna, appreciate the beauty of the landscape, and see volcanoes, you can go to one of the national parks:

  1. In the USA - Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Sequoia, Yosemite, Glacier.
  2. In Canada - Yoho, Banff, Jasper, Garibaldi, Nahanni.


The size and grandeur of the Cordillera is amazing, geographical position and a large number of mountain ranges with amazing secrets beckons and makes you want to go on a journey.

Cordillera is the largest mountain system in the world. It is located on the west coast of North and South America. That is, it is divided into two approximately equal parts. For this reason, sometimes its southern part, the Andes, is called the longest mountain system (9000 km).

This is partly true, since the Andes, as a separate object, really have a large extent.

The length of the Cordillera is about 18 thousand km. Approximately 9 thousand km for each of its parts - they are almost equal. But if we talk about the size in general, the northern part is larger - it is wider (up to 1600 km). But the southern one is higher - 6962 meters at the highest point (Mount Aconcagua). In the northern part of the Cordillera, the height reaches 6190 meters (Mount Denali), which is also quite a lot. In general, this mountain system is among the leaders in terms of height, although it is far from in first place.

Since the Cordilleras extend over vast distances, they lie in almost all geographical zones. This means that the conditions here are very diverse. However, something similar is observed throughout the entire length of the mountains - glaciation. Even in the hottest climatic zones there are snow caps on the mountains (due to the relatively high altitude mountains). total area glaciations amount to 90 thousand km 2.

Peaks of the Cordillera

Although the highest points of the mountain system are located at six thousand meters, the average height of the mountains is 3-4 km. Although, the relief of this geological object is very diverse, so the designation of height is rather arbitrary.

The highest peaks of the mountain system are:

  • — Mount Aconcagua (an extinct volcano) — 6962 meters.
  • — Mount Denali (McKinley) — 6190 meters.
  • — Ojos del Salado (the largest volcano in the world) — 6891 meters.
  • - Monte Pissis - 6792 meters.
  • — Llullaillaco (active volcano) — 6739 meters
  • — Tupungato (active volcano) — 6565 meters.
  • — Volcano Orizaba — 5700 meters.
  • — The system consists of a large number of mountain arcs, which already gives some uniqueness to the Cordillera.

    You can also note the presence of mountain ranges and basins that form rises and falls in the relief - this is very interesting.

  • — In the Cordillera there is quite a high volcanic activity. True, we are not talking about erupting volcanoes.
  • — The mountains contain large reserves of non-ferrous and ferrous metals, as well as oil and brown coal.
  • — Thanks to the large number of climatic zones, the flora of the Cordillera is very diverse.

The mountains of America are primarily the Cordillera system - the longest mountain system in the world, which stretches along the western coast of both Americas (North and South America). Any resident of North and South America knows where the Cordilleras are. The slopes of the ridges in the north. parts of the Cordillera are covered mainly. coniferous forests.

The Cordilleras lie in all geographic zones of America (except for the subantarctic and Antarctic) and are distinguished by a wide variety of landscapes and pronounced altitudinal zonation.

In the northwestern part of the Cordillera of North America and in the southeastern Andes, glaciers descend to ocean level; in the hot zone they cover only the highest peaks. The formation of the Cordillera has not yet ended, as evidenced by frequent earthquakes and intense volcanism (more than 80 active volcanoes).

The Cordilleras are unusual in that they are located on two continents at once. In addition to the Rocky Mountains themselves, it includes the Brooks Range in Alaska, the Richardson Range and the Mackenzie Mountains in Canada, and the Sierra Madre Oriental mountain system in Mexico. Highest point belt - Mount Elbert, which is located within the state of Colorado.

It includes the Fraser Plateau, Columbia Mountains, Great Basin Highlands, Colorado Plateau and Mexican Highlands. In Central America and the islands Caribbean Sea The Cordilleras are divided into three main mountain arcs, which are separated by depressions.

The North American cordillera is composed of various geological structures of different ages. Because of the very long distance in the meridional direction, the climate in the Cordillera varies greatly. These mountains stretch along west side above-mentioned continents: from Alaska (northwestern North America) to the island Tierra del Fuego, which is located near Antarctica.

The Cordillera is one of the highest mountains in the world.

Only the Himalayas, as well as several other mountain systems in central Asia, exceed them in height. In the territory where the Cordillera is located, entire Indian civilizations arose, unique in their development and cultural heritage.

The Cordilleras of North America are divided into a number of ranges. Further southeast within Canada and the United States, the Cordilleras are called the “Rocky Mountains.” Cordillera on the west of the northern continent. America. Int. Some of them are formed by plateaus, highlands and plateaus - Yukon, Fraser, Columbian, Colorado, Mexican. Glaciers occupy approx. 80 thousand km²; most of them are in the mountains of Alaska. To the east evergreens grow in the periphery of the Mexican highlands rainforests, in the Cordillera Center. America - deciduous tropical forests, thorny bushes, cactus thickets and secondary savannas.

Where is the Cordillera?

In the Cordillera Center. America and the West Indies are distinguished by three mountain arcs: the northern arc follows through the Cayman Islands to Cuba (Sierra Maestra Mountains), Haiti (Central. Southern parts of the internal plateaus are occupied by dry steppes and deserts. Cordillera - This term also has others meanings, see Cordillera (meanings).Part of the western belt are large mountains- Cascade, Sierra Nevada and Transverse Volcanic Sierra.

The relief of North America is varied and contrasting. In the west, the plains are adjacent to the mountain structures of the Cordillera. Within the mountainous West of the continent are the Cordilleras. In terms of age, the Cordillera is the youngest part of the continent, although they began to form in the Mesozoic.

Within this mountain system, three ridge belts are clearly visible. One of them is the Cordillera proper - in the west. The second belt, the eastern one, covers the Rocky Mountains. On far north These ridges come closer together, in the central part, on the contrary, they diverge.

The cordillera prevents the penetration of oceanic air masses deep into the continent. With distance from the Pacific Ocean, significant differences between the northern and southern parts Cordillera. By natural features this large mountain system can be divided into the following natural countries: the Cordillera of Alaska and Canada, the Cordillera of the United States, the Mexican Highlands, and the mountains and islands of Central America.

The mountain ranges of this natural country border the Yukon Plateau to the east and west. The development of the mountains has not yet ended, as evidenced by the large number of active volcanoes. Between them and the Sierra Nevada mountains lies the deep depression of the California Valley. This is the mountain system of the Appalachian Highlands, stretching along the eastern coast of North America. THE CORDILLERA OF NORTH AMERICA is a system of mountain ranges and plateaus that is part of the Cordillera system and occupies the western part. part of the North America.

Physiographic zoning of the Cordillera

600 - 800 m, and Brooks Mountains, 1200 - 1800 m.

Within Canada, C.S.A. have a southeast. The main uplifts of the Canadian part of the C.S.A. - the Rocky Mountains in the east and the Coast Range in the west - have an alpine topography, due to this. The Canadian Coast Range passes into the Cascade Mountains with volcanics.

The Cordillera is one of the highest mountains in the world

To the south of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, the mountain belt bifurcates: one branch deviates to the east and continues on the Center Islands. America, the other stretches to the Isthmus of Panama. Between the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and South. America's Cordillera has the character of more or less isolated, mainly. low ridges and massifs.

The snow line in Alaska is at an altitude of 600 meters, on Tierra del Fuego - 500-700 meters, in Bolivia and Southern Peru rises to 6000-6500 meters. The western belt is represented by folded and volcanic ridges that run parallel to the Pacific coast. The inner belt includes a series of plateaus and plateaus located between the other two belts. Thus, the arc, which is a structural continuation of the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Madre Oriental, forms the mountains of the islands of Cuba, northern Haiti and Puerto Rico.

See what “Cordillera of North America” is in other dictionaries:

The mountains began to form in the Jurassic period, a little earlier than the Andes, the formation of which began only at the end of the Cretaceous period. To the north of the 50th latitude, snow-fed watercourses predominate, and to the south - rain. Especially many hydroelectric power plants have been built in the Columbia River Basin.

The Cordillera contains the sources of such large rivers as the Yukon, Mackenzie, Missouri, Columbia, Colorado, Rio Grande and many others. The Cordilleras of North America are located mainly in countries such as Canada, the USA and Mexico.

Cordillera(Spanish Cordilleras, literally - mountain ranges), the largest mountain system on the globe that has no equal in extent. The Cordillera mountain system is also one of the highest mountain systems, second only to the Himalayas and the mountain systems of Central Asia.

Geography of the Cordillera mountain system

The Cordillera extends from the Arctic coast of Alaska (66° N) in northwestern North America along western shores North and South America all the way to southern shores Tierra del Fuego (56° S) in southern South America. On its way, the Cordillera passes through many countries of both continents: Canada, the USA, Mexico, Central America, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile. The length of the Cordillera mountain system is more than 18,000 kilometers. The highest point is located in South America on the top of Mount Aconcagua at 6960 meters above sea level, and in North America the highest high peak The Cordillera corresponds to the peak of Mount McKinley (in Alaska) reaching an altitude of 6193 meters. The Cordillera forms a giant barrier between the Pacific Ocean and eastern parts both continents. The Cordillera is a large divide between two oceans, the Atlantic and the Pacific, and is also the climatic boundary between countries located on both sides of the mountain system. The entire Cordillera mountain system is usually divided into two parts, corresponding to the territories of both continents, these are the Cordillera of North America and the Cordillera of South America, or the Andes. The entire mountain system consists of numerous parallel ridges bordering an intermittent belt of internal plateaus and plateaus (in North America - Yukon, Fraser, Columbian, B. Basin, Colorado, Mexico; in South America - Peruvian and Central Andian). In North America, three parallel systems of mountain ranges are pronounced, one of them (Rocky Mountains) extends east of the plateau zone, the other system of mountain ranges extends immediately west of this zone (Alaska Range, Coast Range of Canada, Cascade Mountains, Sierra Nevada etc.) and the third system of mountain ranges runs along the Pacific coast, partly on the coastal islands. Coming to Central America The cordillera gradually decreases and bifurcates into two branches. One branch runs in the east along the Antilles, the other crosses the Isthmus of Panama and enters the territory of the South American mainland. The Andes (Cordillera of South America) in the northern and central parts consist of four, and in the remaining extent of two systems of parallel ridges, separated by deep longitudinal depressions or intermountain plateaus.

The highest mountain peaks of the Cordillera are the ridges of the middle part of the Andes, where the height of individual mountain peaks reaches more than 6700 m (Aconcagua, 6960 m; Ojos del Salado, 6880 m; Sajama, 6780 m; Llullaillaco, 6723 m). The width of the mountain range varies quite a lot, so in North America the width of the Cordillera mountain belt reaches 1600 km, and in Southern mainland reaches only 900 km, which is almost half as much.

The main mountain-building processes, thanks to which the Cordillera arose, began in North America back in the Jurassic period, in South America (where the structures of the Paleozoic Hercynian folding take a large part) - at the end of the Cretaceous period and took place in close connection with the formation of mountain systems on other continents ( cm.

Alpine folding). Mountain-building processes continued actively in the Cenozoic. These processes largely determine the main orographic elements.

The folded structures of the Cordillera are closely related to the mountain systems of northeast Asia and Antarctica. According to recent observations, the formation of the Cordillera is far from over; these observations are confirmed by quite frequent and sometimes very strong destructive earthquakes and intense volcanism often leading to severe destruction and casualties among both people and the animal world.

IN active areas The Cordillera has more than 80 active volcanoes, of which the most active are Katmai, Lassen Peak, Colima, Antisana, Sangay, San Pedro, the volcanoes of Chile, etc. Quaternary glaciation also played an important role in the formation of the Cordillera relief, especially north of 44° N . w. and south of 40° S. w. The Cordilleras are rich in mineral resources. Here I mine significant deposits of copper (especially rich deposits in Chile), zinc, lead, molybdenum, tungsten, gold, silver, platinum, tin, oil, etc.

Climate of the Cordillera mountain system

Due to its large extent from north to south, the highly dissected relief and the high altitude of the mountains, the consequence is an exceptionally wide variety of natural conditions in the Cordillera mountain system. The Cordillera lies in almost all geographical zones globe(except for the Antarctic and subantarctic belt).

The climate of the Cordillera has great diversity and varies greatly depending on the latitude of the area, height and exposure of the slopes. The marginal ridges of the Cordillera are heavily moistened in the temperate and subarctic zones (western slopes) and in the equatorial and subequatorial zones (mainly eastern slopes). The interior plateaus have sharply continental climate, in subtropical and tropical zones are characterized by exceptional aridity. Significant parts of plateaus, internal depressions and slopes of ridges, mainly in tropical zones, are occupied by steppes, semi-deserts and deserts. The heavily humidified outlying mountain ranges are covered with dense forests. IN temperate zones widely developed coniferous forests(in the north) and mixed forests of evergreen beech and coniferous trees (in the south), closer to the equator - mixed (deciduous-evergreen) subtropical and tropical forests. On the wet slopes of the equatorial, subequatorial and subtropical zones- complex spectra of high belts, from gils to eternal snows. The snow line lies in Alaska at an altitude of 600 m, in Tierra del Fuego 500-700 m, in Bolivia and Southern Peru it rises to 6000-6500 m. In Alaska and Southern Chile, glaciers descend to ocean level; in the hot zone they cover only the highest tops.

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Over and over again I re-read my favorite book, “The Children of Captain Grant.” I love her characters, I experience their difficulties and hardships with them. But most of all I love the part about the heroes’ journey through the Cordillera mountains. What kind of mountains are these and where are they located?

Where are the Cordillera Mountains located?

Cordillera Mountains- this is one of largest mountain systems on Earth, It has Plength is about 18 thousand kilometers. Their peculiarity is the huge variety of natural conditions, which makes these mountains unique. Located they're in North and South America. South American Cordillera have a name Andes. Mountains stretch across the following countries:

Above the Cordillera are only the Himalayas. There are in the mountains active volcanoes and there is a high probability of earthquakes. North American Cordillera share for three belts. Eastern belt also called the Rocky Mountain belt because consists of he is predominantly from high massive ridges. Inner belt comprises plateaus and highlands. There are very wide tectonic basins, where river floodplains are located. Although there are high ridges here too. IN western belt includes: Pacific ridges; coastal belts and belts of intermountain lakes.

Mountain chain North Americaki include:

  • lowlands;
  • plateau;
  • sea ​​bays and straits;
  • coastal chains;
  • mountainous coastal islands.

Animal world

Depending on the climate, altitude and other climatic conditions, The fauna and flora of the Cordillera are very different. Common here coniferous forests. The height of the trees sometimes reaches more than 80 meters. Among them: spruce,cypress,fir,white and black spruce,huge thuja (red cedar),birch.

There are also many mosses and ferns. Trees like sequoia located slightly to the south. Can be found different kinds evergreen oak.

The main predator of the mountains is the famous Grizzly bear. Distributed foxes, wolves, lynxes, moose, deer. In the southern regions there are lizards and snakes. But today wildlife in all its glory can be found only inreserves. For example, bison and pronghorn live only there.