Are there any descendants of the Romanovs? Romanov Dynasty

In M. A. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man" we see not just history, but really the fate of a man who embodied typical features national Russian character. Andrei Sokolov, a humble worker, the father of a family, lived and was happy in his own way. But suddenly there is war... Sokolov went to the front to defend his homeland. Like thousands of others like him, Andrei faced inevitable and inevitable horrors during the war. She tore him away from his home, from his family, from work. The existence of Andrei Sokolov seemed to have capsized, until recently such happy life suddenly, for no reason, she began to beat and whip him with all her might. Why was this man punished like this? Sokolov's suffering is not an episode related to the private fate of a person. . The horrors of the Second World War were imposed on the Russian people, and at the cost of enormous sacrifices and personal losses, tragic shocks and hardships, he defended his homeland. This is the meaning of the story "The Fate of Man." In Sholokhov’s story, a man’s feat appeared mainly not on the battlefield or on the labor front, but in conditions of fascist captivity, behind the barbed wire of a concentration camp. In the spiritual combat with fascism, the character of Andrei Sokolov and his courage are revealed. Andrei Sokolov survived all the hardships of the war far from his homeland. His share is the inhumane trials of fascist captivity. More than once death looked him in the eye. And the whole point of the story is that every time Andrei Sokolov found the courage to remain human. But not only in a clash with the enemy does Sholokhov see a manifestation of the heroic nature of a person. No less serious test for the hero is his loss, the loss of loved ones and home, his loneliness. After all, Andrei Sokolov emerged victorious from the war, returned peace to the world, but in the war he himself lost everything he had in life “for himself”: family, love, happiness. A merciless and heartless fate did not even leave the soldier a shelter on earth. In the place where his house stood, built by him, there was a dark crater left by a German air bomb. Andrei Sokolov says to his random interlocutor: “Sometimes you don’t sleep at night, you look into the darkness with empty eyes and think: “Why, life, have you crippled me like that? “I don’t have an answer, either in the dark or in the clear sun... No, and I can’t wait!” After all that he experienced, Andrei Sokolov, it would seem, could consider life a curse. But he does not complain about the world, does not withdraw into his grief, but goes to people. Left alone in this world, this man gave all the warmth that remained in his heart to the orphan Vanyusha, replacing his father. He adopted an orphan and that is why he himself began to gradually return to life. M.A. Sholokhov proved with all the logic of his story that his hero is in no way broken and cannot be broken. Having gone through the most difficult trials, he retained the most important thing - human and civil dignity, love of life, humanity, which help to live, fight, and work. . He is kind, trusting of people, caring, helpful with his comrades, attentive to a person in trouble, fair and under no circumstances loses his high human dignity, conscience, and honor. Moral connections He has such strong bonds with people that even the most difficult experiences of war could not break them. Andrey Sokolov M. Sholokhova is a truly Russian person, the best representative of a great people


and a person” is written in the usual Sholokhov manner: the plot is built on vivid psychological episodes. Seeing off to the front, captivity, first meetings with the Germans on the road, attempted escape, explanations with Muller, second escape, news about the family, news about the son. Such rich material would be enough for an entire novel, but Sholokhov managed to fit it into a short story. The plot of “The Fate of Man” by M. Sholokhov was based on real story, told to the author in the first post-war year, on the day of the big spring flood, as a simple driver who had just returned from the war. There are two voices in the story. The first belongs to Andrei Sokolov, the main character, talking about his life. The second voice is the voice of the author, the listener, the casual interlocutor. Andrey Sokolov had a hard time in life. First he goes to the front, leaving his wife and children at home, then he ends up in fascist captivity. How many humiliations, insults, and beatings the hero had to endure in captivity. A well-deserved reward for such perseverance of soul was the opportunity to see his family. But, having arrived home, Andrei finds out that the family died, and in the place where he stood native home, - deep hole, filled with rusty water and overgrown with weeds. It would seem that all that is left in Andrei Sokolov’s life is weeds and rusty water, but he learns from his neighbors that his son is at the front. However, here too, fate did not spare the grief-stricken man: Andrei’s son dies in last days war, when the long-awaited victory was just around the corner. The author's voice helps us not only to experience, but also to comprehend a particular human life as a phenomenon an entire era, to see in it universal human content and meaning. But in Sholokhov’s story another voice was heard - a ringing, clear child’s voice. Having appeared at the beginning of the story so carefree and loudly, he then leaves to final scenes become a direct participant, actor high human tragedy. In "The Fate of Man" there is a humanistic condemnation of war, fascist regime sounds not only in the story of Andrei Sokolov. With no less force of a curse, it is heard in the story of Vanyusha. And what an ineradicable power of goodness, the beauty of the soul is revealed to us in Andrei Sokolov, in the way he treated the orphan. He returned Vanyushka’s joy, protected him from pain, suffering and sorrow. It was here, in Andrei Sokolov’s attitude towards childhood, towards Vanyusha, that humanism gained great victory. M. Sholokhov focuses the reader’s attention not only on the episode of Sokolov’s meeting with the orphan Vanya. The scene in the church is also very colorful. The cruel Germans shot a man only because he asked to go outside so as not to desecrate a shrine, God's temple. In the same church, Andrei Sokolov kills a man. But not the way real cold-blooded killers do - he saved another man from imminent execution(The Germans killed all communists and Jews). Andrei Sokolov endured so much in his life, but he was not broken, did not become embittered at fate, at people, at himself, he remained a man with kind soul, a sensitive heart, capable of pity, love and compassion. Perseverance, the spirit of courage and camaraderie - all these qualities not only remained unchanged in the character of Andrei Sokolov, but also increased. Joining the opinion of critics, I would like to add one thing: you need to be great personality, a real person, in order to be able to endure all the grief, misfortune, tears, parting, death of relatives, the pain of humiliation and insults and not after that become a beast with a predatory look and an eternally embittered soul, but remain a person with an open soul and a kind heart.



M. Sholokhov in his works posed and resolved serious philosophical and moral problems. In all the writer’s works, in one context or another, the interweaving of two main themes can be traced: the theme of man and the theme of war.
In “The Fate of Man,” Sholokhov reminds the reader of the disasters that the Great Patriotic War brought to the Russian people, of the fortitude of a person who withstood all the torment and did not break. Sholokhov's story is permeated with boundless faith in mental strength Russian person.
The plot is based on vivid psychological episodes. Farewell to the front, captivity, attempted escape, second escape, news of the family. Such rich material would be enough for a whole novel, but Sholokhov managed to fit it into a short story.
Sholokhov based the plot on a real story told to the author in the first post-war year by a simple driver who had just returned from the war. There are two voices in the story: Andrei Sokolov is “leading” - main character. The second voice is the voice of the author, listener, random interlocutor.
Andrei Sokolov's voice in the story is a frank confession. He talked about his whole life to a stranger, poured out everything that he had been holding in his soul for years. The landscape background for Andrei Sokolov's story was surprisingly unmistakably found. The junction of winter and spring. And it seems that only in such circumstances could the life story of a Russian soldier be heard with the breathtaking frankness of confession.
This man had a hard time in life. He goes to the front and is captured in inhuman living conditions. But he had a choice; he could have ensured a tolerable life for himself by agreeing to inform on his own comrades.
Once at work, Andrei Sokolov carelessly spoke about the Germans. His statement cannot be called a remark thrown at the enemy, it was a cry from the soul: “Yes, one square meter there are plenty of these stone slabs for the grave of each of us.”
A well-deserved reward was the opportunity to see my family. But, having arrived home, Andrei Sokolov learns that the family has died, and in the place where the family home stood there is a deep hole overgrown with weeds. Andrei's son dies in the last days of the war, when the long-awaited victory was just around the corner.
The author's voice helps us to comprehend human life as a phenomenon of an entire era, to see in it universal human content and meaning. But in Sholokhov’s story, another voice sounded - a ringing, clear child’s voice, which seemed not to know the full extent of all the troubles and misfortunes that befall the human lot. Having appeared at the beginning of the story so carefree and loud, he then leaves, this boy, in order to become a direct participant in the final scenes, the protagonist of a high human tragedy.
All that remains in Sokolov’s life are memories of his family and an endless road. But life cannot consist of only black stripes. The fate of Andrei Sokolov brought him together with a boy of about six years old, as lonely as he was. Nobody needed the grimy boy Vanyatka. Only Andrei Sokolov took pity on the orphan, adopted Vanyusha, and gave him all his unspent fatherly love.
It was a feat, a feat not only in moral sense this word, but also in the heroic. In Andrei Sokolov’s attitude towards childhood, towards Vanyusha, humanism won a great victory. He triumphed over the inhumanity of fascism, over destruction and loss.
Sholokhov focuses the reader’s attention not only on the episode of Sokolov’s meeting with the orphan Vanya. The scene in the church is also very colorful. The Germans shot a man only because he asked to go outside so as not to desecrate God’s temple. In the same church, Andrei Sokolov kills a man. Sokolov killed a coward who was ready to betray his commander.
Andrei Sokolov endured so much in his life, but he did not become embittered at fate, at people, he remained a man with a kind soul, a sensitive heart, capable of love and compassion. Perseverance, tenacity in the struggle for life, the spirit of courage and camaraderie - these qualities not only remained unchanged in the character of Andrei Sokolov, but also increased.
Sholokhov teaches humanism. This concept cannot in any way be transformed into beautiful word. After all, even the most sophisticated critics, discussing the topic of humanism in the story “The Fate of Man,” talk about the great moral feat. Joining the opinion of critics, I would like to add one thing: you need to be a real person in order to be able to endure all the grief, tears, parting, death of relatives, the pain of humiliation and insults and not after that become a beast with a predatory look and an eternally embittered soul, but remain human.

Nobody likes war. But for thousands of years people suffered and died, destroyed others, burned and broke. To conquer, take possession, destroy, take over - all this was born in greedy minds both in the depths of centuries and in our days. One force collided with another. Some attacked and robbed, others defended and tried to preserve. And during this confrontation, everyone had to show everything they were capable of. There are enough examples of heroism, courage, perseverance and bravery in Russian history. This is the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols, when the Russians had to fight for every piece of land without sparing themselves. native land, when their multimillion-strong army was forced to take cities for weeks, defended by one or two hundred heroes. Or during the invasion of Napoleon, beautifully described by Tolstoy in War and Peace, we meet the boundless strength, courage and unity of the Russian people. Each individual person and the entire nation were a hero. The larger the world's population became, the more hatred accumulated in the hearts, the more fierce the wars became. With the development of science, the military equipment, military art. Depends less on everyone individual person, everything was decided in battles of huge armies and equipment. Still, people remained the determining factor. The combat effectiveness of companies, regiments, and armies depended on the behavior of each. There are no superheroes in war. All heroes. Everyone accomplishes their own feat: some are eager to fight, facing bullets, others, outwardly invisible, establish communications and supplies, work in factories until exhaustion, and save the wounded. Therefore, it is the fate of an individual person that is especially important for writers and poets. ABOUT wonderful person Mikhail Sholokhov told us. The hero experienced a lot and proved what strength a Russian person can have.

Before the war, he lived an ordinary, inconspicuous life. He worked “in a carpentry artel, then went to a factory and learned to be a mechanic.” I found myself a good, kind, loving wife. Their children were born and went to school. Everything was calm, quiet, smooth. And the man began to think about a happy old age. “And here it is, war.” It crosses out all hopes and forces you to leave your home. But duty to the Motherland and to himself forces Sokolov to boldly go to meet the enemy. Any person experiences terrible torment when he is torn away from his beloved family, and only for real courageous people can go to death not only for the sake of their home and relatives, but also for the sake of the life and peace of other people.

But fighting is not as easy as it seems. It is difficult to maintain order and clarity during combat. Where is the enemy, where are our friends, where to go, who to shoot at - everything is mixed up. So Sokolov, in the chaos of the war, was shell-shocked and captured. “I woke up, but I couldn’t get to my feet: my head was twitching, I was shaking all over, as if I had a fever, there was darkness in my eyes...” That’s when the Nazis took him. And here, in captivity, the most terrible trials. People are cut off from their homeland, there is no chance of survival, and they are also subjected to bullying and torture. “They beat you because you are Russian, because you still look at the world...” They fed you poorly: water, gruel, sometimes bread. And they forced me to work from morning to evening.

But being in captivity does not mean being useless to the country. This is not betrayal, not weakness. Even in captivity there is a place for heroic deeds. You must not lose heart, you must believe in victory, believe in your strength and not lose hope of deliverance. Despite the fact that a person has been deprived of shoulder straps and weapons, he must still remain a soldier and be faithful to his homeland to the end. This is why Sokolov cannot accept Kryzhnev’s betrayal. This vile and short person ready to betray friends for the sake of his life. “Your shirt is closer to your body,” says this nonentity. And therefore, fulfilling my soldier's duty,

Sokolov strangled the traitor with his own hands and did not experience either pity or shame, but only disgust: as if I was strangling not a person, but some creeping reptile...” Sokolov had to see and experience a lot more in captivity. They drove them all over Germany, humiliated them, forced them to bend their backs. And more than once death passed nearby. But the strongest, most acute test happened to Sokolov during a meeting with the commandant of the B-14 camp, when real threat death hung over him. It was here that Sokolov’s fate as a soldier, as a true son of the Motherland, was decided. After all, you also need to be able to die with dignity! Do not follow the commandant's lead and save human dignity Sokolov was able to do it to the end. He did not give in to the authorities, but, on the contrary, showed himself with dignity. And with an unbending will, Sokolov won the right to life from fate. And even German officer recognized Sokolov as a person, and not as a slave meekly going to his death.

From that moment on, Sokolov felt better. He even got a job as a driver. The Russians were advancing and were already close. The craving for the Motherland increased with extraordinary force in Sokolov. Both fear and the sense of danger receded into the background, risking his life - all that he had left - Sokolov breaks through the front line. “My darling lip-slapper. Dear son! What kind of Fritz do you think I am when I’m a natural Voronezh resident?” - he exclaims when meeting his people. His joy is immeasurable.

Sokolov’s fate was difficult and terrible. He lost loved ones and relatives. But it was important not to break, but to endure and remain a soldier and a man to the end: “That’s why you’re a man, that’s why you’re a soldier, to endure everything, to endure everything...” And main feat Sokolov is that he did not become hardened in soul, did not become angry with the whole world, but remained capable of love. And Sokolov found himself a “son”, the very person to whom he would give his entire destiny, life, love, strength. It will be with him in joy and sorrow. But nothing will erase this horror of war from Sokolov’s memory; he will be carried with him by “his eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such an inescapable mortal melancholy that it is difficult to look into them.”

Sokolov lived not for himself, not for fame and honor, but for the sake of the lives of other people. Great is his feat! A feat in the name of life!

  1. New!

    Twelve years after the Great Patriotic War in 1957 M.A. Sholokhov writes the story “The Fate of a Man”, the main character of which is a simple Russian man - Andrei Sokolov. M. Sholokhov reveals the identity of Andrei Sokolov using...

  2. Enemies burned his home and destroyed his entire family. Where should the soldier go now, to whom to carry his sorrow? M. V. Isakovsky “The Fate of a Man” is a story about how a man conquered his fate, and a child became a symbol of this victory. At the front and in the German...

    Criticism has already written about the story’s peculiar ring composition. The meeting of the author-narrator with Andrei Sokolov and his adopted son Vanyusha at the crossing over the spring flooded river at the beginning and farewell at the end with the boy and a stranger, but who has now become...

    The name of M. A. Sholokhov is known to all mankind. In the early spring of 1946, that is, in the first post-war spring, I accidentally met M. A. Sholokhov on the road unknown person and heard his confession story. For ten years the writer hatched the idea of ​​a work...

Koroleva Natalya Valerievna, teacher of Russian language and literature

Literature lesson 9th grade

Topic: Andrei Sokolov’s feat in M. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man” SLIDE 1

Target: show the heroism of a simple Russian person who survived all the hardships of the war, but managed to maintain the warmth of his soul.



    improve skills in analyzing a literary work;

    contribute to enriching students' vocabulary by lexical work with unfamiliar words;

    improve skills in working with Reference legal system"Consultant Plus: high school».


    develop tolerance;

    help children discover the contradiction between legislation and real life;

    improve skills expressive reading, coherent statement;

    practice the skill comparative analysis documents and works of art;

    develop skills in working with various sources information for the purpose of searching and selecting the necessary material;

    to form independent thinking.


    show children the value of human life;

    to educate in the learning process such moral qualities like honesty, kindness, justice, sense of duty, mercy, loyalty to one’s word;

    instill a love for literature and the history of your homeland;

    cultivate respect for the opinions of others.

Methodical techniques: analytical work with text, comparison techniques, independent work.

Forms of organization educational activities: group and frontal work.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, presentation, Legal reference system “Consultant Plus: Secondary School”, Handout, workbooks, textbook: Literature. 9th grade. Textbook-reader for educational institutions. Compiled by V.Ya.Korovina, I.S.Zbarsky, V.I.Korovin. - M.: Education, 2010.

During the classes

    Teacher's word.

One of Sholokhov’s outstanding works is the story “The Fate of a Man,” published in 1957. It was written relatively quickly, but it was preceded by a significant period of time. creative history: between chance meeting About 10 years passed between the man who became the prototype of Andrei Sokolov and the creation of the story. The author shows the tragedy of our people during the war, talks about the disasters and suffering that befell the Russian people.

    Watch an episode SLIDE 2

Teacher's word:

Guys, please note that the story is called “The Fate of a Man,” and not “The Fate of Andrei Sokolov.” What do you think was Sholokhov’s goal?

Pay attention to the features of the composition. This is a story within a story with two narrators. For what purpose do you think Sholokhov chose this structure of the work?

Does Andrei Sokolov's story about his life resemble a confession?

    Lexical work.

Confession – 1. For Christians: confession of one’s sins to a priest who absolves sins on behalf of the church and God, church repose. 2.Peren. A frank confession of something, a story about one’s innermost thoughts, views (book).

(Dictionary Russian language S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova, - M., 2007)

    The main milestones in the fate of Andrei Sokolov (through brief retelling text) SLIDE 3
    Teacher's word:
    Let's remember what we learn about the life of the main character from his story and fill out the following table.

Filling out the table.

An example of filling out a table.







    First escape

    Second escape

    Return to the front

    Family loss


    Meeting with Vanya


3. Conversation on issues.

    What detail does Andrey’s interlocutor pay attention to? SLIDE 4 (watch episode)

    What do Andrei Sokolov's eyes say?

    Lexical work SLIDE 5

How can you name the actions of the hero that you remember from the plot?

Feat – heroic, selfless act.

(Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova, M., 2007, 944 pp.)

    Work with text. Reading and watching the episode (first escape). SLIDE 6

    Conversation on issues.

    How and why was Andrei Sokolov punished?

    What human rights did the Nazis violate?

    Teacher's word:

After the Second World War, the governments of the world, horrified by the brutality of the Nazis, adopted Universal Declaration human rights December 10, 1948 those states that have signed the Declaration must take into account the articles of the Declaration in their legislative acts.

Let's remember in what Russian legislative act Are human rights reflected? (in which basic law of the state).

Constitution of the Russian Federation


Article 20

1. Everyone has the right to life.

2. The death penalty may be set until it is cancelled. federal law as an exceptional measure of punishment for especially serious crimes against life, while granting the accused the right to have his case tried by a jury.

Article 21

1. Personal dignity is protected by the state. Nothing can be a reason to belittle him.

2. No one should be subjected to torture, violence, or other cruel or degrading treatment or punishment. No one can be subjected to medical, scientific or other experiments without voluntary consent.

Article 22

1. Everyone has the right to freedom and personal security.

2. Arrest, detention and detention are permitted only by court decision. Before court decision a person cannot be detained for more than 48 hours.

Article 26

1. Everyone has the right to determine and indicate their own nationality. No one can be forced to determine and indicate their nationality.

2. Everyone has the right to use their native language, to freely choose the language of communication, education, training and creativity.

    Work in groups with the Legal Reference System “Consultant Plus: Secondary School” “Constitution of the Russian Federation”
    Teacher's word:
    So, you and I have concluded that the Germans violated human rights. Let's turn to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and determine which rights have been violated.

    The right to live(Article 20)

    Right to liberty and security of person(Article 22)

    Labor is free(Article 37)

    Everyone has the right to health care and medical care(Article 41)

    The Russian Federation recognizes and guarantees the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in accordance with generally accepted principles and norms of international law(Article 17)

    Teacher's word:

Andrei Sokolov was severely punished for his escape. But that didn't stop him! And he makes a second escape. SLIDE 7Watch the episode.

SLIDE 8 table