System for working with paronyms. Lexical text analysis with test problem solving

For example, if you want to find an error in the use of the words eternal and centuries-old, then you need to try to formulate their lexical meaning, and then try to determine what the difference between these meanings is. Quite often, the selection of synonyms for them allows us to correctly formulate the lexical meanings of each of the paronyms. Centuries-living, existing for centuries, for a very long time. Eternal - endless in time, having neither beginning nor end; unchanging, constant; not ceasing to exist, perpetual, having no term; constantly existing, found in nature.

The difference in the lexical meaning of these words is clearly manifested in their compatibility with other words. Thus, the adjective century correlates with the noun century and is used with words that name something that lives for a very long time, many centuries: centuries-old oak - an oak that lives for a century; centuries-old traditions - traditions that have existed for a very long time. The adjective eternal is associated with the concepts of infinity in time and constancy: eternal values ​​are unchanging, constant.

A dictionary of paronyms found on the Unified State Exam allows you to remember the lexical meaning of paronyms and the words with which they can be combined: 1) Artistic - such as an artist; relating to an artist; intended for the artist; characteristic of an artist. Synonym: actor. Combines with the words: artistic activity, organization, environment, soul, nature; artistic temperament, character, talent, gesture; artistic talent; artistic abilities, inclinations. Artistic - characterized by virtuosity. Synonyms: skillful, virtuoso. Combines with the words: artistic number; artistic work; artistic performance, performance.

Swamp - related to a swamp, characteristic of a swamp; intended for work in the swamp, movement through the swamp; living, growing in a swamp. Combines with words: swamp smell, color, fog; swamp water, vegetation, dampness, birds; swamp flowers, boots, fumes. Swampy - replete with swamps, marshy, like a swamp. Synonym: swampy. Combines with the words: swampy soil, terrain, lowland, river, valley, road; swampy forest, meadow, shore, soil; swampy lands.

Great - outstanding in its significance; extraordinarily talented, brilliant. Synonyms: outstanding, brilliant. Combines with the words: great thinker, man; great battle, merit; great event. Majestic - making a strong impression with its appearance; full of greatness, dignity, importance. Combines with words: majestic view, palace; majestic gait; majestic mountains

Military - related to war, associated with the conduct of war, intended for the needs of war. Combines with the words: military treaty, ship; military uniform, industry, base, strategy; hostilities. Military - related to military affairs, military service; characteristic, befitting a warrior. Combines with the words: military regulations, ticket; military discipline, glory, valor, honor; military rank, skill.

Militant - characterized by a penchant for military action, seeking to defend their interests and rights through war; showing readiness for a collision, argument, fight. Synonym: aggressive. Antonym: peaceful. Combines with words: warlike people, spirit, character, tone, cry, appearance; warlike tribes, nomads, plans, intentions; militant policy, sortie, posture, posture; warlike tribe. Militant - leading an active and irreconcilable struggle with someone or something. Combines with the words: militant philosopher, atheism, materialism, idealism, philistine, atheist; militant theory

Hostile - unfriendly, full of enmity. Combines with the words: hostile world, reception, action, look. Enemy - enemy. Combines with the words: enemy bullet, defense. Tall - having a large extension from bottom to top; exceeding the average level, the average norm; outstanding in importance, honorable, important. Combines with words: high mountain, labor productivity, price, thought, evaluation; high ceiling, height, harvest, guest; high rates. High-altitude - produced or used at high altitudes; multi-storey. Combines with the words: high-rise number; high-rise task, construction.

Diplomatic - related to diplomacy, international politics. Combines with the words: diplomatic etiquette, protocol, post. Diplomatic - subtly calculated; clever in dealing with people. Combines with words: diplomatic person; diplomatic behavior. Trusting - easily trusting other people. Combines with the words: trusting child. Confidential - showing complete trust in someone. Combines with words: confidential tone, voice, gesture, look of poison.

Rain - related to rain. Combines with words: rain air, flow; rain drop. Rainy - heavy rainfall. Combines with words: rainy day, month, evening; rainy morning. Hard - hard, rough to the touch; rough, harsh; requiring strict and precise execution. Combines with words: hard mattress, character; strict discipline. Cruel - merciless, merciless; very strong, beyond the ordinary. Combines with words: cruel person, cough, argument; fierce fight.

Spiteful - hostile, angry. Combines with the words: evil look. Malicious - having a bad goal; deliberately dishonest; inveterate in something bad. Synonym: malicious. Antonym: benevolent, well-intentioned. Combines with the words: malicious defaulter, violator of discipline, slanderer, hooligan, criminal. Engineering - technical; associated with the activities of engineers. Combines with words: engineering faculty, approach; engineering profession; engineering; engineering troops, personnel, crews. Engineering - related to an engineer, belonging to, characteristic of him. Combines with words: engineering diploma, house, son, work, eye; engineer's cap; engineering responsibilities, traditions, words.

Stone - consisting of stone, made of stone; motionless, frozen, lifeless; merciless, cruel. Combines with words: stone house, cliff; stone structure, heart, facial expression; stone fence. Stony - abundant in stone, covered with stone. Combines with words: rocky soil, earth, valley, desert, path; rocky shore, ravine; rocky bottom. Skillful - skillful, knowing his job well; superbly executed. Combines with words: skilled craftsman, jeweler, pianist, magician, fencer, draftsman; skillful carving, finishing, work. Artificial - not natural, unnatural, made like the real thing, natural; feigned, insincere. Synonym: unnatural. Antonym: natural. Combines with the words: artificial lake, irrigation, pollination, lighting; artificial laughter, silk; artificial joy, cheerfulness, cheerfulness; artificial flowers.

Wooded - abundantly covered with forest, rich in forest. Combines with the words: wooded island. Forest - related to the forest; located in the forest; growing in the forest. Combines with words: forest thicket, berry, grass, bird, path. Personal - belonging to a given person. Combines with the words: personal car; personal opinion. Personal - relating to the individual, associated with the individual. Combines with the words: personal beginning; personal potential.

Dress someone. Dress the child. Put on things. Put on a jacket. Ignorant - impolite, that is, rude. Ill-mannered man. An ignorant is a poorly educated, little-knowing person (from the verb to know - to know). Intolerant - one that cannot be tolerated, unacceptable; not taking into account other people's opinions, devoid of tolerance. Combines with the words: intolerant person, argumentative, action, disposition; intolerant treatment of someone, position, behavior, inaction; intolerable working conditions. Intolerable - exceeding patience, difficult to bear; very strong in terms of its manifestation. This adjective is combined with abstract nouns that denote a person’s feelings, his physical and psychological state. Combines with words: unbearable cold, frost, shame, shine, light, roar; unbearable heat, resentment, melancholy; unbearable grief.

Practical - related to the field of practice, the application of knowledge in practice; imparting skills and abilities. Combines with words: practical advice, skill, interest; practical work, activity, psychology, preparation, ingenuity; practical lesson, manual, manual. Practical - experienced, well versed in life's affairs; convenient, practical, profitable, economical. Combines with the words: practical person, suit, color, cut, method of extraction; practical housewife, shoes; practical coat.

Shy (a long-term property of a living being - adjective) - easily frightened, timid, fearful. Synonym: fearful. Antonym: fearless. Combines with words: fearful child, hare, look, gesture. Frightened (short-term state - participle) - one who was frightened or who was very frightened. Combines with the words: frightened bird.

Algorithm for completing task A2: -read all sentences carefully; - determine the lexical meanings of each of the paronymous words by selecting synonyms and antonyms or taking into account what words each of them can be combined with; -indicate the correct answer.

Task 1 In which sentence, instead of the word RAINY, should we use RAINY? 1)On the dark foliage, a single RAIN drop glittered. 2) The day promised to be RAINY and windy. 3) Shifting centuries-old stones, RAIN streams fell down. 4) Clean RAIN air poured out of the garden, the intoxicating smell of blooming linden. 2

Task 2 In which sentence should you use HIGH instead of the word HIGH? 1) All the experiences of a circus performer when performing a HIGH act are described in this book. 2) There’s a HIGH month looking out the window. 3) Animals with a HIGH degree of activity live at the bottom of the ocean. 4) Literature is designed to create a wonderful person, and talented people are involved in this HIGH work. 1

Task 3 In which sentence should we use CLAY instead of the word CLAY? 1) Both banks of the river were high, steep and CLAY. 2) In the historical museum, I first saw CLAY shards of Neolithic pottery. 3)Near the hut a woman was melting a CLAY hearth. 4) I remembered the city of my childhood, the CLAY whistles that were sold in the bazaars. 1

Task 4 In which sentence should we use WEAR instead of the word DRESS? 1) It was warm, almost hot; young shiny leaves, hurrying, clothed the trees. 2) The crooked streets of this ancient town were gradually paved and covered with asphalt. 3) Daria Alekseevna thought about what to DRESS the children in when they go to the forest. 4) Divers WILL WEAR special waterproof suits. 4

Task 5 In which sentence should you use DIPLOMATIC instead of the word DIPLOMATIC? 1) Konstantin is a soft, subtle, very DIPLOMATIC person. 2) The answer was written in DIPLOMATIC terms. 3) He constantly violated DIPLOMATIC etiquette when talking with ambassadors. 4) The speech of the editor-in-chief turned out to be unexpectedly evasive and DIPLOMATIC. 3

Task 6 In which sentence should you use ARTISTIC instead of the word ARTISTIC? 1) It seemed to him that he had subtle, ARTISTIC abilities. 2) Alevtina understood perfectly well that she could not go far along the path of an ARTISTIC career. 3) ARTISTIC by nature, Kachalov very soulfully read both poetry and prose on stage. 4) ARTISTIC and literary Moscow was looking forward to the opening of a new literary and artistic circle. 3

Task 7 In which sentence, instead of the word TRUSTFUL, should you use CONFIDENT? 1) Among the TRUSTING squirrels, you will certainly meet one with a singed tail as bare as a stick. 2) His brothers were so naive and TRUSTING that it was not at all difficult to deceive them. 3) The relationship between the boss and his subordinate gradually acquired a more TRUSTING character. 4) It was a TRUSTING creature, timid and weak. 3

Task 8. In which sentence should we use PERSONAL instead of the word PERSONAL? 1) Timofeev-Resovsky had colossal PERSONAL potential. 2) I must definitely express my PERSONAL opinion on this issue. 3) PERSONAL property is protected by law. 4) From experience, he knew that the most convincing form of education is PERSONAL example. 1

Task 9 In which sentence should you use HARD instead of the word CRUEL? 1) During one of his trips, he fell ill with SEVERE pneumonia. 2) A CRUEL nor'easter drove waves onto the granite pavements. 3) For the rest of my life I have remembered the CRUEL rule of a driver - do not do anything in a jerk. 4) In winter, during SEVERE frosts, he went on foot to the Urals to look for gold. 3

Task 10 In which sentence, instead of the word EVIL, should we use MALICIOUS? 1) The reader, of course, will think that I spoke to Efim in an EVIL tone, but he will be wrong. 2) Katerina Petrovna was a very quarrelsome person with a EVIL character. 3) The dogs greeted the travelers with EVIL barking. 4) For VICIOUS violations of traffic rules, pedestrians will suffer a well-deserved punishment. 4

Among the teachers who work in high schools and prepare children for the final exam in the Russian language, there will undoubtedly be those who are faced with the problem of distinguishing paronyms. The topic is truly difficult, because today’s high school students have a small vocabulary, read little, and not always what can be called real literature. The “Vocabulary” section was studied in the 5th and 6th grades, it has already been forgotten, you can return to it in high school lessons only sporadically, and even if the topic “Paronyms” is explained, it is only in passing.

Meanwhile, in students’ written works there are a large number of errors associated precisely with the use of words that are similar in sound and partially coincide in meaning. Probably each of us at one time or another read about capitals heroes of such works as “Dead Souls”, “The Overcoat”, “Gooseberry”, was touched by the fact that after a quarrel friends humble themselves What in the fairy tale "Golden Fish" the grandfather had the chance to catch a goldfish, sad along with the author of the essay, who came to the conclusion: the use of slang and obscenities is one of the most common ways of communicating on the Internet.

The proposed system of work, intended for high school students, can be used both in classes devoted to the repetition of “Vocabulary”, practicing tasks of type A3 (Unified State Exam 2006, 2007), and (in the form of fragments) in speech development lessons. It includes brief theoretical information about paronyms, exercises aimed at developing the ability to find paronyms in a text, include them in phrases and sentences, and distinguish the lexical meanings of similar-sounding words. At the same time, children learn to work with an explanatory dictionary. The most difficult tasks are those related to finding and correcting speech errors that arise as a result of mixing paronyms. But it is precisely these exercises that are most useful for high school students who create their own texts of different content and style, but at the same time do not know how to spot speech defects and check and correct their essays. The system of work is completed by four variants of a control exercise.

Many of the proposed tasks were used as part of the Unified State Exam KIMs in 2006. They were involved deliberately: the use of the wording of examination tasks instills in children greater confidence in their abilities.

What are paronyms?

Sometimes words are similar in sound, but different in meaning or partially coincide in their meaning. Most often these words have the same root. They are called paronyms (from the Greek. para- near, onyma- Name). For example, graduate– a person awarded a diploma; student preparing his thesis. Piano Competition Diploma Winner;

diplomat– 1) an official engaged in diplomatic activities; 2) transfer. About a person who acts subtly and skillfully. Famous diplomat.

Failure to distinguish between paronyms can lead to stylistic errors and distortion of meaning.

In some cases, paronyms have different compatibility with other words, for example, decisive character, person But decisive step, role, force, action.

In some meanings, paronymous words can sometimes act as synonyms. We can conduct experiments and produce experiments. The highlighted words are similar in sound. They come together in one meaning - “to do, commit, implement.” In combination with other words and in other meanings, they are clearly distinguished: rehearse(rehearse), excavate(dig).

Exercise 1. Choose a pair for these words - a paronym. Include these words in phrases.

Dramatic -...
Friendly -...
Creature - ...
The only one - ...
Wicked - ...
Skillfully -...
Signature - ...
Capital - ...
Legacy –...
Nesting area -...
Unrequited -...
Wasteland -...

Exercise 2 *.

A. informational must be consumed informative?

informational– relating to information;

informative– information-carrying, information-rich.

1) Recent decades have been characterized by the wide dissemination of various media, including those presented in electronic form on various information media.

2) Dmitry Olegovich was appointed head of the new informational programs.

4) Modern informational technologies help to solve many problems successfully and quickly.

B. In which sentence instead of the word vital must be consumed worldly?

vital– 1) adj. To life(life is the physiological state of a person, animal, plant from birth to death);

2) (transfer.) important for life, socially necessary;

worldly- ordinary, typical of everyday life.

1) The new story was praised, although someone said that it does not always reflect the original vital phenomena.

2) He was famous for his wisdom and distributed vital tips that really helped people in difficult situations.

3) This work of painting is clearly lacking life paints

4) The government should be guided vital interests of the country.

IN. In which sentence instead of the word introduce must be consumed provide?

introduce– 1) give, hand over for familiarization, information;

2) allocate, send as a representative;

3) initiate a petition for any award or promotion in rank or position of someone;

5) show, demonstrate to someone, something, introduce someone to something;

6) reproduce, depict on stage, create something. stage image;

7) mentally reproduce, imagine;

provide– 1) give someone an opportunity. to possess, dispose of, use smth.;

2) give someone an opportunity. to do or do something; entrust to someone, entrust to someone. execution of something affairs.

1) Imagine your friend's guests.

2) The actor knew how introduce nightingale singing.

3) You must urgently introduce trip report.

4) I presented You have the right to decide these issues yourself.

G. In which sentence instead of the word everyday must be consumed weekday?

everyday– 1) adj. To Weekdays(in the 1st value = not a holiday, a working day; opposite. holiday); designed for everyday life;

2) transfer. prosaic, monotonous;

weekday– adj. To Weekdays(in 1st digit)

1) Once upon a time everyday The day I was shoveling snow in the yard with my grandfather.

2) From one everyday Natalya found herself in a different environment, equally monotonous and boring.

3) The artist devotes significant space to the image everyday sides of the war.

4) “So we’ve arrived home,” to others, everyday the captain said in a voice.

D. In which sentence instead of the word hostile must be consumed hostile?

hostile– full of hostility, hatred, enmity; hostile;

hostile– adj. To enemy; enemy.

1) Oksana was ready for anything, but still didn’t expect something so dry, even hostile reception.

2) In this capricious air there was the elegance of the south, it was emphasized hostile beauty to the north.

3) Located around the village hostile regiment.

4) In folk tales, animals sometimes act as hostile force dangerous to people.

E. In which sentence instead of the word explosive must be consumed explosive?

explosive– adj. To explosion 1; explosive – capable of exploding;

1) Explosive the wave threw the box three meters away.

2) You can’t store it here explosive substances.

3) Snipers neutralized explosive device.

4) There were burning, burning, passionate, sometimes explosive feelings.

AND . In which sentence instead of the word wicked must be consumed malicious?

wicked– 1) filled with a feeling of ill will, hostile, full of malice;

2) caused, imbued with malice, anger, ill will;

3) ferocious, fierce (about animals);

4) containing evil;

5) bringing misfortune, trouble; bad, bad;

6) causing pain, harm; cruel;

7) (colloquial) very strong in terms of manifestation (about wind, frost, etc.);

8) (simple) diligent, diligent, zealous;

malicious– 1) filled with anger, malice; containing evil intentions; malicious;

2) deliberately dishonest.

1) It was so uncomfortable and scary here, like in an enchanted kingdom, everything fell asleep due to enchantment and witchcraft wicked fairies.

2) Not according wicked of his own free will, he made mistakes and blunders.

3) Keep in mind that evil poachers who are criminals will certainly be punished.

4) He was a man wicked; he definitely needed to torture someone.

Exercise 3. Instead of periods, use one of the words indicated in brackets.

1. Those who arrived at the conference presented their... (travel - business trip) certificates. 2. Grandmother said that she had difficulty remembering... (face - personality) of this person. 3. There were... (dressed - put on) covers on the car seats. 4. Straining our last... (strength - effort), we completed our journey. 5. Our store has a large selection of beautiful and... (practical - practical) shoes. 6. The ship that arrived at the port... (stood - became) anchored. 7. Before the feat of the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, we... (bow - bow) our heads. 8. The student listened attentively to the lecture, making... (notes - notes) in a notebook. 9. We haven’t seen each other for so long that at first I didn’t... (recognize - recognized) my friend.10. A group of high school students... (went – ​​came) to the museum for a lecture. 11. You can achieve a lot in life by making... (strength - effort).

Exercise 4.

1. Parents take their children's successes to heart. 2. After the strawberries, cherries and currants arrived. 3. The new employee turned out to be a man of crystal honesty. 4. The first issue of the wall newspaper was greeted by the children with great interest. 5. Patterns are visible on frosted glass windows. 6. When approving the order, the school director puts his signature on it. 7. The new road has significantly shortened our journey. 8. From the very beginning, Raskolnikov seemed like a closed, hidden person. 9. At first, his studies were not easy for him. 10. After talking with Luka, the Actor thought that he needed to be treated for alcohol.

Exercise 5.

Wreath, put on, addressee, remains, test, defective, long, typos, debt, put on, imprints, pay, crown, long, desired, inheritance, economic, cattle, reside, addressee, perform, remains, desired, pay, position, heritage, honor, fulfill, defective, economical, discuss, try, live, bestial, honesty, condemn.

Exercise 6 **. In which sentence is the highlighted word used incorrectly? Write this sentence down, making any necessary corrections.

A. 1) His soul, filled pride, tired of fighting and self-affirmation.

2) The joy of success, unnoticed by him, grew into pride, fame went to my head.

3) Exorbitant pride possessed this man.

4) New club – pride village

B. 1) The residents of this Japanese town made all their purchases extremely rarely, making long-term trips.

2) The canal turned out to be navigable and very long-term.

3) This time long-term the applause turned into ovations.

4) Mastery grows from subtle and long-term observing people around you.

Q. 1) It almost fell on us rocky lump, but we managed to run to the side.

2) On steep slopes with rocky melting snow water runs down through the soil.

3) The river valley is straight, open at the bottom and rocky.

4) The soil in this area rocky, difficult to process.

D. 1) Coniferous forest dressed all the mountains and came close to the sea.

2) Daria Alexandrovna was thinking about how to make it warmer put on children tomorrow.

3) Perhaps, not just galoshes, but hunting boots will fit put on to cross the street.

4) Andrey sheltered his nephew, dressed and put him on shoes and helped him find an interesting job.

D. 1) Several decades ago there was still a seashore here, there were fish crafts.

2) This lake, separating us from the ill-fated cape, was deep and fish.

3) The cat who sniffed at the window fish aspic, suddenly jumped onto the floor and hid behind the closet.

4) In the summer we often went to the lake, taking with us fish networks.

E. 1) They rattled stones, two fought stormy mountain rivers.

2) And he is no longer able to stop stormy rage and anger.

3) In the XIV century in Rus' began stormy flowering of architecture.

4) Him stormy

G. 1) His words remain words and never turn into actions, into actions.

2) This young man is capable of noble actions.

3) Selfless act The guys discussed their classmate with delight.

4) In the old days for big actions

H. 1) I found an expired library card subscription, which was lost six months ago.

2) Season tickets

3) Sale open season tickets to the swimming pool.

4) We purchased season tickets to the museum for a series of lectures on Russian painting of the 19th century.

I. 1) Often memory akin to invention, creativity.

2) These ruins serve us memory

3) Memories surrounded me, and, indulging in them, I slowly rode through the forest.

4) The artist worked for several years on memories, the result is an interesting book.

Exercise 7. In the proposed phrases, mark only those in which there is an error. Write them down in corrected form and include them in sentences.

Hostile forces, hostile beauty, hostile reception, hostile regiment;

to my great chagrin, the greats of this world, great variety, great view, great monument, great joy. a great variety of possibilities;

imagine a job, imagine the human condition, difficult to imagine, kindly imagine a room, present for a government award, imagine a colleague, imagine an opportunity;

practical skills, practical meaning, practical person, practical training;

buy a subscription, a telephone network subscription, expire a subscription, a museum subscription;

effective help, effective force, effective method of preservation, effective throughout the year;

eternal concepts, a layer of eternal dust, given away for eternal storage, eternal values.

Independent work***

In the proposed options, find sentences in which there is an error in the use of the highlighted word. Indicate the number indicating the number of the sentence you have chosen, and write down the corrected sentence next to it.

Option I

1. We walked through the puddles icy needles, it became uncomfortable, deaf and unsociable.

2. There is a class of fish with bone tissue in the skeleton and scales.

3. Documents important to history were archived at eternal storage.

4. Evil

vital", said the old man.

6. Spring is ahead - the most colorful the time of life for all living things on earth.

7. Thick fog dressed valley, mountains, so the road was not visible.

8. Modern informational The service provides an opportunity to solve labor organization problems at a high level.

9. In politics double standards are not applicable.

10. Majestic The power of art lies in the fact that it excites a person and purifies his soul.

Option II

1. Friends were discouraged icy the reception they received in this house.

2. From colorful

3. Used as a mineral feed for farm animals bone flour.

4. Yes eternal human values, among them the desire for equality and justice.

5. Dogs met travelers spiteful barking.

6. This person produces double impression.

7. Igor dressed

8. Great the poet of Russia managed to express in his works the spirit of our difficult times.

9. Presenter informative

10. Reading serious books, Ulyana, as a very deep person, acquired great vital an experience that she generously shared with others.

Option III

1. Lowering his gray head, he seemed frozen in icy meditation.

2. Football fans today double holiday: the head of state will be present at the match.

3. Great The mystery surrounding the origin of ancient lakes has been revealed to the readers of this book.

4. This article is dedicated to lapis lazuli - a wonderful sky-colored stone, colorful whose history goes back several centuries.

5. This man was dressed in an old coat, and in his hand he held a stick with bone knob.

eternal dust, and only the ancient clock was slowly counting.

7. According to critics, this painting clearly lacks living, life paints

8. Katerina Petrovna was a very quarrelsome person, with spiteful character.

9. She combed her hair dressed festive dress and, looking around the room, decisively left.

informational and therefore very useful.

Option IV


2. Bone The brain is the tissue that fills the cavities of the bones of vertebrates and humans.

3. From a famous composer double surname.

4. Life The brothers' paths diverged so much that they did not see each other or correspond for years.

5. Good and evil, love and hate - concepts eternal.

6. The reader will, of course, think that I was talking with Efim malicious

7. Groom carefully dressed

8. I was ingenuously surprised at what the colorful There are so many thoughts and details hidden in the artist’s canvases.


10. Every school graduate must master the techniques informational text processing.

Keys to the exercises

Exercise 1. a) Choose a pair for these words - a paronym.

Dramatic - dramatic.
Friendly - friendly.
A creature is an entity.
The only one is the only one.
Angry - malicious.
Artificially - artificially.
Signature – painting.
Capital - main.
Heritage is a legacy.
Nest - a nest.
Unresponsive – irresponsible.
A wasteland is a wasteland.

Exercise 2

A) – 3; B) – 2; IN) – 4; G) – 1; D) – 3; E) – 2; AND) – 3.

Exercise 3. Instead of periods, use one of the words indicated in brackets.

1. Those who arrived at the conference presented their travel allowances certificates. 2. Grandmother said that she had difficulty remembering face this man. 3. The car seats were put on covers. 4. Straining our last strength, we completed our journey. 5. Our store has a large selection beautiful shoes 6. The ship arrived at the port became to anchor. 7. Before the feat of the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, we we incline head. 8. The student listened carefully to the lecture, doing litters in a notepad. 9. We haven’t seen each other for so long that at first I did not recognize your friend. 10. Group of high school students came to the museum for a lecture. 11. You can achieve a lot in life with effort. efforts.

Exercise 4. Find and correct speech errors resulting from mixing paronyms.

1. Parents take their children's successes to heart. 2. Following the strawberries, cherries and currants ripened. 3. The new employee turned out to be a man of crystal honesty. 4. The first issue of the wall newspaper was greeted by the children with great interest. 5. Patterns are visible on frozen glass windows. 6. When approving the order, the school director puts his signature on it. 7. The new road has significantly shortened our journey. 8. From the very beginning, Raskolnikov seemed like a closed, secretive person. 9. At first, studying was not easy for him. 10. After talking with Luka, the Actor thought that he needed to be treated for alcoholism.

Exercise 5. Make pairs from the given words. Explain the meaning of paronyms. If necessary, consult a dictionary.

Wreath - crown, put on - put on, addressee - addressee, remains - remains, test - try, defective - defective, long - long, typos - prints, debt - position, pay - pay, desirable - desired, inheritance - heritage, economic - economical, bestial - bestial, live - live, perform - fulfill, honor - honesty, discuss - condemn.

Exercise 6

A4. New club – pride village

B2. The canal turned out to be navigable and very long.

IN 1. Almost fell on us stone lump, but we managed to run to the side.

G3. Perhaps, not just galoshes, but hunting boots will fit put on to cross the street.

D4. In the summer we often went to the lake, taking with us fishing networks.

E4. His violent the imagination had to be restrained and directed.

G4. In the old days for big misconduct students were punished with soldiering.

Z2. Subscribers telephone network are obliged to pay for station services on time.

AND 2. These ruins serve us reminder that the ancient building is not guarded by anyone.

Independent work

Option I

4. Malicious Violators of traffic rules will receive a well-deserved punishment.

5. “Your grief is not grief..., it’s a matter everyday", said the old man.

9. In politics double standards are not applicable.

10. Great The power of art lies in the fact that it excites a person and purifies his soul.

Option II

2. From coloring substances of animal origin, the most famous are carmine and purple.

6. This person produces dual impression.

7. Igor allotment put his denim jacket on the baby, picked him up and carefully carried him home.

9. Presenter informational program must comply with orthoepy standards.

Option III

5. This man was dressed in an old coat, and in his hand he held a stick with bone knob.

6. Desolation and darkness reigned all around, the wooden furniture was covered with a layer of century-old dust, and only the ancient clock was slowly counting.

9. She combed her hair put it on festive dress and, looking around the room, decisively left.

10. The professor’s speech was extremely informative and therefore very useful.

Option IV

1. Study of human behavior in ice conditions of the Arctic sea is of great scientific interest.

6. The reader, of course, will think that I was talking to Efim spiteful tone, but he will be wrong.

7. Groom carefully allotment a gold ring for the hand of your beloved.

9. Tall, slender, graceful and majestic, the young princess holds herself unusually straight, and this gives her a regal appearance.

* The tasks in this exercise are taken from the manual: Educational and training materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam. Russian language / V.I. Kapinos, L.I. Puchkova, I.P. Tsybulko. M.: Intellect-Center, 2005. pp. 63–65. The meanings of the words are taken from the dictionary: Dictionary of the Russian language in 4 volumes. M.: Russian language, 1985.

** Materials for the tasks of this exercise are taken from the collection: Russian language. Unified State Exam: Practice tests and assignments. Reference materials / Comp. E.I. Lelis. Izhevsk, 2006. pp. 13–15.

*** Minor changes have been made to materials taken from open CMMs (task A3) for 2006.


">060501 Nursing

Course 1 Semester 2

Option #1


1. In which row in all words is the tested unstressed vowel of the root missing?

1) application, equipment, wipe

2) become_visited, acclimate_matized, st_snenny (in means)

3) metz_nat, razn_mavshiy, ut_pichesky

4) certificate_fikat, d_liga, extended

2. In which row is the same letter missing in all three words?

3) pr_follow, pr_klonny, pr_screw

4) both_destroyed, and_anciently, unrestrained

3. In which row in both words is the letter I written in place of the gap?

1) bed, believed

2) exit, verified

3) you hope, you hope

4) limit_sh, slysch_my

4 Indicate ">erroneous judgment

1) In the word GIANT, the consonant sound (t) is not pronounced.

2) In the word NOW all consonant sounds are soft

3) In the word SOON, the first sound is (f).

4) In the word CLEAR, the number of letters and sounds coincides.

5.Specify the word ">with alternating unstressed root vowel

1) noted

2) growing

3) suddenly

4) sought

6. In which word is the letter denoting the vowel sound correctly highlighted?

1) poured

2) prose Orliva

3) scoop

4) accepted


1) When going hunting, he put on a SWAMP-colored windbreaker.

2) In winter, figure skating competitions are often held at the ICE Palace.

3) Peter is a soft, subtle, very DIPLOMATIC person.

4). There's a HIGH month looking out the window.

8. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

1) more than five hundred people

2) engineers

3) the most difficult

4) on name day

9.Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Speaking about the richness of the Russian language,

1) a discussion began in the audience.

2) I became interested in this problem.

3) specific problems are required.

4) we mainly touched on his vocabulary

10.Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm)

1) Thanks to modern technologies, scientists explored the depths of Lake Samotlor and found rich oil deposits under the muddy bottom.

2) One autumn day, refreshed by the cold air, the forest seemed to become younger, sparkling with gold and a reddish network of birch branches.

3) You can read about the life and work of the artist, about his ruined talent, in K. Paustovsky’s story “Orest Kiprensky”.

4) Many who have been to Pereyaslavl-Zalessky know that this city is younger than Rostov, but its history also goes back to the distant past.

11.Indicate the correct morphological characteristics of the word immersed in the sentence.

If the Moon is not entirely immersed in shadow, then a partial lunar eclipse is observed..

1) participle

2) adverb

3) participle

4) adjective

12.Indicate the row in which all nouns of the third declension:

1) accident, reading, history;

2) quiet, daughter, night;

3) doctor, hut, vision;

4) kidney, condition, midnight

To this day, the archives have preserved sets presented to (1) the artist for delivering (2) oils (3) paints to him.

14. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in whose place NN is written?

After a long trip around Russia, the artist Aivazovsky stayed in Crimea, which from that time became his permanent place of residence: here he built an art workshop and a house.

15.Which answer option contains all the words where the letter I is missing?

A . withhold

B. beans

B .command


1) A, B, D. 2) A, B

3) A, D 4) B, C

16. Indicate in which sentence it is not written separately with a word?

1) It so happened that I (didn’t) have anyone to tell about my doubts.

2) At first everyone was silent, thinking about how to start a conversation in such an (un)usual environment.

3) The room was (not) lit, so it was difficult to distinguish the faces of the people sitting opposite.

4) But they say that you are (un)people: in the wilderness, in the village, everything is boring for you.

17.Indicate which of the adjectives can have a short form?

1) sensitive

2) physical

3) linen

18.Indicate a series in which there are only collective numerals:

1) first, twenty-four, three-fifths

2) seven, eight hundred, fifteen

3) two, three, one

4) both, both, five

19.Indicate the reflexive verb:

2) you will pass

3) trudge

4) return

20.Indicate the line in which all the words are participles:

1) strict, strict, strict

2) turning, turning, turning

3) headed. Headed, headed

4) melting, melting, melting.

21. Among the written words, indicate the gerund:

1) just a few

22. In which sentence are both highlighted words written apart ?

1) TO experience the flow of life more fully, in the fall of 1877 Tchaikovsky leaves (ABROAD): he lives for a long time in Italy, Switzerland, and France.

2) (AND) SO, speech etiquette is a universal phenomenon, but at the SAME time, each nation has developed its own specific system of rules of speech behavior.

3) WHATEVER critics claim, Tolstoy saw in Napoleon’s personality a manifestation of lack of freedom, JUST true freedom, according to the classic, presupposes voluntary submission to a “higher goal.”

4) Chopin IMMEDIATELY conquered the Parisian salons with his unique and unusual manner of performance, and ALSO with his ingenious improvisations.

23.Indicate the correct explanation for the comma or its absence in the sentence:

With hands trembling with excitement, he unbuttoned the collar of his shirt () and it immediately became easier to breathe.

1) Complex sentence, preceded by a conjunction And a comma is needed.

2) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction. And a comma is not needed.

At sunset, the clouds (1) stretched out in long stripes (2) flew from east to west and there they caught fire one after another, as if a hurricane was throwing them into the mouth (3) of someone hot (4) ovens

1) 1,3 2) 1,2 3) 3,4 4)1,2,3,4

25.Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

One of the heroes of the novel (1) of course (2) Eugene Onegin is a typical young nobleman of the early 19th century. But the main character (3) without a doubt (4) is A.S. Pushkin himself the author of the work.

1) 1,2 2) 1,3 3) 3,44) 1,2,3,4

26.Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks included).

1) Ducks or some other birds quacked pitifully in the thickets all night.

4). A good specialist relies on fundamental knowledge and ability to work.

27. How to explain the placement of a colon in this sentence?

Most often, V.A. Serov painted the village in autumn: the artist perceived Russian nature in its simple, modest version, loved the gray sky, the autumn gray colors of fields and copses

1) The first part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the time of improvement of the action discussed in the second part.

2) The second part of a non-union complex sentence contains a conclusion from what is said in the first part.

3) The second part of a non-union complex sentence is opposed to the first part.

4) The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part.

28.Find a sentence with a punctuation error:

1) Doubts appeared in me and in him.

2) Today it got warmer and it started raining.

3) Guests are expected in the house and the table is set.

4) The phone rang, I went up to the device.

29.Indicate a sentence that contains homogeneous predicates:

1) We ourselves cause this or that situation.

2) If the matinee is cold, then the winter is cold

3) Leave for five minutes, add a tablespoon of honey and mix with warm water.

4) You have probably met people who are called greedy and stingy.

30.Read the text:

Moscow patrons of the arts were neither great artists nor brilliant performers.

They entered the history of Russian culture because they contributed to its development. As a rule, these were people from the Moscow merchant class, representatives of the richest industrial dynasties in Russia.

Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main

1) Moscow philanthropists representatives of the richest merchant dynasties of Russia.

2) Moscow patrons of the arts, as a rule, representatives of the richest industrial and merchant dynasties of Russia, entered the history of national culture because they contributed to its development.

3) Moscow patrons of the arts entered the history of Russian culture, as they were representatives of the richest industrial and merchant dynasties of Russia.

4) Moscow patrons of the arts, being great artists and brilliant performers, made a great contribution to the development of Russian industry.

Assignments in test form for administrative control

In the discipline ODb.01 Russian language. Speciality">060501 Nursing

Course 1 Semester 2

Option No. 2


Choose one correct answer from the 4 options offered. For the correct answer, write down its number

1.Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Preparing for an oral presentation,

1) it is necessary to understand the essence of the issue.

3) I had my own vision of the problem.

4) the opponent’s point of view became clear.

2.Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) It was difficult to expect such a turn of events!

2) The writer’s language in “Notes of a Hunter” is expressive, the images of Russian people are poetic.

3) At the end of the school year, the class teacher wrote detailed characteristics of the students.

4) A.S. Pushkin at one time was amazed that people “equip” even proverbs and sayings with rhyme.

3.Indicate a sentence that contains a personal pronoun.

2) Many of these changes cause serious disruptions in the functioning of organs and systems.

3) But living organisms are able to protect themselves from adverse influences and maintain the stability of their internal environment due to the fact that they are able to adapt. 4) Adaptation is understood as the totality of all physiological reactions that ensure the adaptation of the structure and functions of an organism or an individual organ to changes in the environment.

1) 5 2) 2 3)3 4)4

4.Which word has the sound (d)?

2) fifteen

4) run away

5. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?

1) bent

3) kitchen

4) catalog

6. In which answer option is the highlighted word used?">wrong?

1) I certainly must express my PERSONAL opinion on this issue.

2) The natural POVERTY of this region is due to harsh climatic conditions.

3) The day promised to be RAINY and windy.

4) Grandmother melted the CLAY hearth. An error in the formation of the word form.

7.Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

1) on the shore

2) hot soups

4) with both students.

8.Indicate the correct characteristics of the proposal:

For one reason or another, cloud elements receive electrical charges of different signs, and these discharges are separated.

1) complex

2) complex non-union

4) compound

9.Indicate the correct morphological characteristics of the word ONLY in the sentence.

We can only say that as long as the objects and phenomena of reality denoted by these words retain the features of tangible novelty, as long as these words themselves are perceived as new.

1) pronoun

3) particle

4) preposition

10.Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in whose place NN is written?

In the 60-70s of the 18th century, a mean(1) folklore boom began in Russia, although the attitude towards the song as a whole(2) monument of folk history and culture had not yet been formed(3).

1) 1 2) 1,2 3)3 4)1,2,3

11. In which row in all three words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing?

1) control, zaryly, krifey

2) settle down, lie down, sleep

3) in_rainier, rubber, plan_nal

4) calm down, defuse (the situation), illuminate (with a spotlight).

12. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

1) ro_cherk, unbending, and_sneaky

2) super_bright, approaching, seriously

3) to close, certainly, without pr_kras

4) overtake, climb, cloudy

13. In which row in both words is the letter E written in place of the gap?

1) treat_sh, accept_my

2) babble, colorful

3) drag_sh, invisible

4) jump out, study_my

14.Which answer option contains all the words where the letter E is missing?

A . doubling

B .cherry_vy

V. overcome


1) A, B, D 2) A, B, C 3) B, C, D 4) A, C, D

15. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word?

1) The lights were (not) visible behind the fog.

2) In the depths of the lake, a young moon was reflected like a (un)clear horn.

3) For the night, the geese chose a flat bank (not) overgrown with reeds.

4) The still (un)healed wound made itself felt.

16.In which answer option are both highlighted words written? together?

1) The Ant got out from under the giant Camel and thought: WHAT should I do to take revenge on the arrogant offender?

2) (FROM) THAT unfamiliar and terrible beast that suddenly appeared in the clearing, it was necessary to urgently hide, SO(WOULD) not fall into its clutches.

3) Father was just as passionate as all his friends, rooting for his football team. His son was also an avid fan.

4) Petya shuddered, FROM (TOSHO) that the doorbell rang, his mother also (SAME) did not expect the call.

17.Indicate the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence in the sentence:

Dusk fell on the garden () and extinguished the already barely trembling golden light of the sun.

1) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction and no comma is needed.

2) Complex sentence, before the conjunction And no comma is needed.

3) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.

18.Which verb is not used in the 1st person?

1) feel

2) attract

3) win

4) Complex sentence, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.

19.Indicate the adverb:

20. Indicate the word with">alternating unstressedvowel in the root.

1) was proud

2) humiliation

3) grown up

4) made up

21.Which word is spelled">prefixes is its meaning determined “accession”?

1) chained

3) have to

4) take a closer look

22. In which word the spelling of the suffix is ​​not determined by the general rule (is an exception)

1) wooden

2) fiery

3) mad

4) evicted

23.Indicate an erroneous judgment.

1) In the word RIDGE, the consonant pere (t*) is deafened.

2) In the Word MILITSIYU all consonant sounds are soft.

3) In the word COAT, the softness of the consonant (l*) is indicated in writing by the letter b (soft sign)

4) The word MOVED contains more sounds than letters

24.Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

Young masters of painting (1) led by I.N. Kramskoy (2) left the Academy (3) refusing to participate in the competition for a gold medal (4) and organized the “Artel of Artists” - the first public organization.

1) 1,2,3,4 2) 2,3 3) 2,4 4) 3,4

25.Indicate a sentence in which you need to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)

1) Someone was cleaning the mansion and waiting for the owners.

2) Many literary scholars and historians argue again and again about the secrets of Shakespeare’s creativity.

3) Our class especially liked role-playing reading or dramatization of fragments from the works being studied.

4) In the syntactic structure of the two poetic texts we can find both similarities and differences.

26.Indicate which word consists of a root, suffix, ending?

1) little house

2) home-based

3) disarmament

4) boletus

27.Which of these words does not have an ending?

4) reading

28.Indicate the meaning of which word is defined incorrectly:

1) radical decisive, holding extreme views;

2) correct polite and tactful, courteous;

3) reactionary directed against general progress;

4) greedy cruel, heartless.

29.Indicate the series in which all numerals are quantitative:

1) fifteen, eighty, thirty-eight

2) ninety, three hundred, hundredth

3) twenty three, seven, first

4) forty, sixty, eight, second

30. Read the text:

(1)… (2) This hypothesis, born at the end of the 19th century, was not taken seriously until the first spacecraft flights to Mercury revealed a number of features of its internal structure, which led scientists to assume that Mercury was not formed on its own orbit like other planets. (3) Moreover, accurate calculations of the process of planet formation led to the conclusion that Mercury could not have formed where it is now at all. (4) It was then assumed that Mercury was formed as a satellite of Venus. (5) However, the greater mass of Mercury caused significantly greater tidal effects than in the Earth Moon system, which slowed down the rotation of both Venus and Mercury and led to the disintegration of their systems. (6)… Mercury became an independent planet.

What words are the grammatical basis in the sentences of the text?

1) flights did not apply (sentence 2)

2) forced to assume (sentence 2)

3) Mercury is located (sentence 3)

4) Mercury could not have formed (sentence 3)

Assignments in test form for administrative control

In the discipline ODb.01 Russian language. Speciality">060501 Nursing

Course 1 Semester 2

Option No. 3


Choose one correct answer from the 4 options offered. For the correct answer, write down its number

1. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound highlighted?

2) Wholesale

4) provision

2.In which answer option is the highlighted word used?">wrong?

1) Maria Petrovna was a very quarrelsome woman, with an EVIL character.

2) This case turned out to be an SINGLE case and, probably, an exception to the rule.

3) He neglected the rules of etiquette and was a complete IGNORANT.

4) An even, TRUSTING relationship has been established between the teacher and students

3. Give an example of an error in the formation of the word form.

1) shelves for kitchens

2) more beautiful than my daughter

3) powerful computers

4) in nineteen hundred

4.Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Analyzing the poetic text,

1) I determined the size incorrectly

2) remember the features of poetic speech

3) we got into an argument

4) students often take rhythm into account

5.Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm)

1) The housing problem in the city is being solved not only through new construction, but also through the reconstruction of old buildings.

2) Contrary to my companion’s prediction, the weather cleared up.

3) A corner of old Moscow was recreated by V.D. Polenov in the landscape “Moscow Courtyard”

4) Those who play the piano know the names of great pianists

6.Indicate the correct characteristics of the proposal:

But living organisms are able to protect themselves from adverse effects and maintain the stability of their internal environment due to the fact that they are able to adapt.

1) complex

2) complex non-union

3) simple with homogeneous members of the sentence

4) compound

7. Read the text:

(1) ... (2) There are relatively few stars in these clusters: from several tens to several hundred thousand. (3)The most famous open cluster is the cluster

Pleiades, visible only in the constellation Taurus. (4) In the same constellation is the Hyades cluster, a triangle of faint stars near bright Aldebaran. (5) Part of the stars belonging to

constellation Ursa Major, also makes up an open cluster. (6) ...all clusters of this type are visible near the Milky Way.

Indicate which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in the gap in the sixth sentence:

2) Because

3) Practically

4) Vice versa

8.Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in the place of which is written">NN?

“The Tale of Bygone Years” calls books rivers, a triumph (1) about singing the Universe (2) with the wisdom of post (3) e immeasurable depth.

1) 1 2) 1,2 3) 2,3 4)1,2,3

9. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing?

1) collect, ornament, heroic

2) emergence, most important, occur

3) g_mnasist, head_shchat, phrase

4) this_cat, tr_worried, pale

10. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

1) pod_skat, inter_grovoy, nameless

2) sin_sin, superiority, run

3) n_said, pr_Slavs, s_write

4) de_code, _hunch, and_ancient

11. In which row in both words is a letter written in place of the gap?">E ?

1) burn_out, get_my

2) delayed, shot down

3) dozing, addicted

4) gap, twisted

12.Which answer option contains all the words where a letter is missing?">And?


B. get stuck

IN . simple_in

G. resourceful

1) B, D 2) A, C 3) B, C, D 4) C, D

13. In which sentence is NOT written together with words?

1) Father ordered, (not) stopping at the hotel, to go to the pier.

2) The house stood in the middle of the steppe, not fenced by anything.

3) The hosts received guests with (un)usual cordiality.

4) But fear (did not) squeeze my soul.

14.In which answer option are both highlighted words written? together?

1) Variants of Rembrandt’s painting “The Return of the Prodigal Son” are known; at the SAME time, the best version is kept in the Hermitage and (THIS) IS called a Hermitage painting.

2) (B) AS A CONSEQUENCE of the high content of iron oxides, the Martian sands are red in color, (WHILE) the size of the sand grains that make them up is very small.

3) The student chose this essay topic SO that she could better learn the history of the famous cathedral, and DURING the month she diligently studied the materials found in the library.

4) WHAT DOES Seryozha have to do with it? (AS) AS IF no one but him could take the book!

15.Indicate the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence in the sentence:

The train rushed into the unclear distance () and I remembered a winter day in the Alatau mountains.

1) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction. And no comma is needed?

2) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.

3) A complex sentence, there is no need for a comma before the conjunction AND.

4) Complex sentence, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.

16.Indicate ">erroneous judgment.

1).In the word SAT all the consonants are soft.

2) In the word FELT, the consonant sound (v) is not pronounced.

3) In the word JUDGE the number of sounds and letters coincides

4) In the word LOUD the first consonant sound (в)

17. Which word is spelled?">suffix is not determined by the rule: “In short passive past participles, one N is written”?

1) sad

3) main thing

4) tamed

18.Specify the word ">with alternating unstressedvowel in the root.

2) plant

3) withstood

4) sweep

19.Indicate the number of grammatical bases in the sentence:

One day, Evgenia Ivanovna could not stand it and decided to penetrate the mysterious life of her student.

20.Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

All events (1) thought out (2) and experienced (3) were clothed by Tyutchev in artistic images (4) rising to the height of philosophical generalization.

1) 1,3 2) 2,3 3) 1,3,4 4) 4

21.Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas (introductory words) in the sentences?

The Bear-stone on the Tagil River represents (1) without a doubt (2) one of the highest rocks in the Middle Urals. Here (3) according to legend (4) Ermak spent the winter with his army.

1) 1, 2,3,4 2) 1,2 3) 3,4 4) 1,3

22.Indicate the sentence in which you need to put">one comma? (There are no punctuation marks.)

1) Fungal spores are well preserved at both high and low temperatures.

2) In his paintings, Levitan did not go into the fairy-tale world and ancient Russian antiquity.

3) Here, the transparent sky and crystal-clear air and fresh greenery give the picture the highest degree of spirituality.

4) In the evening, my father usually told me fairy tales or read poetry.

23.Indicate the sentence with homogeneous additions:

1) Every Russian family kept handwritten medical books.

2) Family is the place where we bring our hopes and successes, sorrows and needs for attention and sensitivity.

3) And a fine mushroom rain sleepily falls from the low clouds.

4) Kindness and love for relatives becomes a prerequisite, if not love, then at least respectful attitude towards non-blood relatives.

24.Indicate a series in which all nouns are masculine:

1) vermicelli, harbor, parcel

2) pencil case, garage, radio

3) painting, enamel, crystal

4) coffee, tulle, amber

25.Which of the following syntactic characteristics is incorrect for the sentence:

Does confidence increase the joys of life and make pleasure even greater?

1) non-exclamatory;

2) narrative;

3) complex sentence;

4) a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates.

26.Which sentence contains isolated parts of the sentence (no punctuation marks)?

1) Over the years, the whole world has become his true concert hall.

2) Students and followers of the early deceased Cole (the artist) painted panoramas of mountain gorges and stormy waterfalls.

3) Bright, deep and pure colors in combination with the gilded whiteness of porcelain and the shine of the glaze create a magnificent decorative effect.

4) There are more and more works performed by folk craftsmen.

27. How to explain the placement of the colon in this sentence?

Along the way there may be the most unexpected dangers: landslides, rapid rise in river levels, fog.

1) The second part of a non-union complex sentence reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

2) The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part

3) The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the consequence of what is said in the first part.

28. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

A light secular comedy is a play (1) whose intrigue (2) (3) is very elegant.

1)1 2)2 3)3 4)2,3

29.Indicate in which sentence">there is no dash(no punctuation marks)?

1) The best means of strengthening memory is reading with full understanding.

2) He is a real scientist

3) Family seven forty seven

4) Davydov said order approvingly and entered the dim entryway.

30. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expression is">phraseologism.

1) When he was nine years old, he often came to the zoo, where he seemed to know every hole in the wooden fence, every nook and cranny between the cages.

2) One day he brought water when the little bear spilled a full bucket, and from then on she allowed Timofey to help her.

3) He helps translate them, he was entrusted with an important and dangerous task, not a single controller would dare come up and ask him for a ticket, because he is with Masha, whom everyone knew at the zoo.

4) He saw everything in a rosy light next to this Masha.

Assignments in test form for administrative control

In the discipline ODb.01 Russian language. Speciality">060501 Nursing

Course 1 Semester 2

Option No. 4


Choose one correct answer from the 4 options offered. For the correct answer, write down its number

1.Indicate ">erroneous judgment.

1) The word HAPPY has 8 sounds.

2) In the word ARTICLE the number of sounds and letters is the same.

3) In the word SHOL there is a vowel sound (o).

4) In the word HEART, the consonant sound (d) is not pronounced

2) Indicate which means of speech expression is used in the sentence:

“And he is ready to work day and night for this, to work tirelessly.”

1) personification 3) antonyms

2) phraseological units 4) comparative phrases

3) Indicate a word with an unstressed vowel in the root that is not checked by stress.

1) we want 2) minutes 3) window sill 4) straightened up

4) In which word is the spelling of the prefix NOT determined by the rule: “In prefixes with З and С, Z is written before voiced consonants, and С before voiceless consonants?

1) holding back 2) tormented 3) helpless 4) sobbed

5) In which word is the spelling of НН determined by the rule: “In an adjective formed with the help of the suffix Н- from a noun whose stem ends in Н-, is written НН-?”

1) muted 2) window sill 3) long 4) surprised

6. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?

1) accepted

2) briefcase

7.In which answer option is the highlighted word used?">wrong?

1) He answered questions in detail with a BUSINESS look.

2) It’s cold today, so I WILL WEAR a warm jacket.

3) You can see WATERMARKS on many banknotes.

4) The soil here is ROCKY, so no grain crops are grown

8. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form

1) pure snow 3) verbal reprimands

2) two thousand and five 4) talented songs

8.Indicate which word consists of a prefix, a root, two suffixes, and an ending?

1) compiler


3) exemplary

4) slow down

9.Indicate the word formed in the prefix-suffix way.

1) white

2) district

3) buddy

4) too early

Studying the plants of the middle zone,

1) I became interested in this problem

2) some of them are used for landscaping

3) they were collected in a herbarium

4) pay attention to their difference from plants in other zones

11) Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) The problem of A. Platonov’s poetic language is so complex that it is still waiting for a researcher capable of revealing the deep linguistic foundations of the writer’s unique style.

2) In some microdistricts, a number of buildings have been put into operation without access roads leading to these buildings and which would allow cars to approach them from the nearest highway.

3) A.P. Chekhov wrote that everything in a person should be beautiful.

12. Read the text:

1) ... (2) It does not come down to a clash of two incompatible beliefs. (3) Always occurring in a certain context, it affects such human character traits as dignity, self-love, and pride. (4) The manner of the dispute, its severity, the concessions of the disputing parties, the means they use are determined not only by considerations related to the resolution of a specific problem, but also by the entire context in which it arose. (5) You can formally win an argument, convince of the feasibility of your approach, and at the same time lose in something else, but no less important. (6)... side effects of a dispute can significantly weaken the effect of victory in it or even eliminate it altogether.

Which of the following sentences should come first in this text?

1Various incorrect methods of achieving victory in a dispute have become widespread.

2) You should not resort to discussion unless absolutely necessary.

3) Dispute is a complex phenomenon.

4) An integral feature of science is criticism, without which the development of scientific knowledge is impossible.

13.Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers, in the place of which one letter N is written?

In the landscape works of Salvador Dali, various techniques were used, which is noticeable in a number of finely painted watercolors, made with the same sepia paint.

1)1 2) 1, 2 3) 3 4) 1,2,3

14. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing?

1) kr_pysh, region_skat, od_britelny

2 explanation) look_like, dream_like

3) offer, claim, framed

4) r_mantic, organize, r_shape

15. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

1) un_gullible, p_road worker, unsightly

2) pr_meta, pr_red, pr_construction

3) and_take, and_yellow red, unknown

4) win, excellent (adjective), gamble

16. In which row in both words is the letter E written in place of the gap?

1) delay, attack


3) plain, disheveled
4) take a photo, foreseen

17.Which answer option contains all the words where the letter I is missing?

A . siren_vy

B. shake_off

IN . changeable

G. Dikov_nka

1) B, C, D 2) A, C, D 3) B, C 4) A, D

18. In which sentence is NOT written with the word apart?

1) This house is (not) big, but very cozy.

2) I (didn’t) have anything to say in response.

3) The computer is (not) connected to the network.

4) A dying garden and (un)fulfilled love are two internal related themes of the play.

19. In which sentence are both highlighted words written together?

1) (ON) HOW MUCH a person is accustomed to value his own and other people’s time, his future depends.

2) Werner had to insist that the matter be done as secretly as possible, (BECAUSE) I was not inclined to ruin my reputation in this world forever.

3) (B) IT was snowing thickly all night (IN) THE MORNING we had to clear the yard of snowdrifts.

4) Lomonosov (STILL) pays attention to seismic processes, suggesting ALSO the existence of long-term wave-like movements of the earth's surface.

20. Provide the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence in the sentence:

Outside the window grew a spreading century-old elm () and the shadows of its foliage walked along the walls in dark, shapeless streaks.

1) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction. And a comma is not needed.

2) A complex sentence, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.

3) Complex sentence, before the conjunction And there is no need for a comma.

4) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.

21.Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

A headwind (1) that suddenly flew at us (2) doused everyone with the (3) grass that had been mashed during the day (4).

1)1,3 2) 1,2 3)2,3 4) 1, 2, 3,4

22. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas (introductory words) in the sentences?

Observe your comrades during the debate. Some (1) for example (2) behave with dignity and respect towards each other, others (3) on the contrary (4) begin to behave as if in war.

1)1,2 2) 3,4 3)1,3,4 4) 1,2,3,4

23. Specify the sentence in which you need to put">one comma (No punctuation marks.)

1) The warriors are armed with swords and pikes and dressed in iron armor.

2) The gun needs to be looked at and cleaned thoroughly!

3) Science of the 16th century sought to synthesize observation and mathematical calculation and to determine the philosophical essence of things.

4) Often it is by the level of development of automobile structures in a particular country that its industry as a whole is judged.

24. How to explain the placement of the colon in the sentence below?

The significance of the Byzantine Empire in the history of mankind is difficult to overestimate: in the dark ages of barbarism and the early Middle Ages, it conveyed to its descendants the achievements of Hellas and Rome.

1) The first part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the time of commission of what is said in the second part.

2) The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part.

3) The second part of a non-union complex sentence is contrasted in content to the first part.

4) The generalizing word comes before homogeneous members of the sentence.

25. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

Especially often (1) the poet visited the Olenins (2) whose daughter (3) (4) was the subject of his hobby.

1) 1,2, 4 2) 2 3) 1,3 4) 2,4

26.Indicate the method of forming the word ICEBREAKER.

1) laying down the basics

2) addition of words

3) transition from one part of speech to another

4) suffixless

27. Among these sentences, find a one-part one:

1) We are very tired.

2) The north wind is cold.

3) Take care of each other.

4) Four is divided by two

28. Identify the sentence with a punctuation error:

1) Honey is an effective remedy that calms the nervous system.

2) YOU are driving along a green path dotted with shadows.

3) The willows, unsteadily reflected in the water, turned slightly pink, like the glass of a lantern from a warmed candle.

4) Approaching the edge of the forest, he looked back.

29.Indicate which sentence is complex?

1) Then he turned away and began to walk around the yard.

2) The lady took the drops and immediately began to complain about the dog again in a tearful voice.

3) Infantry regiments came out of the forest, companies went into divisions.

4) The people who appeared in these places arrived recently

30.Indicate a sentence that contains a phraseological unit:

1) The day was cloudy.

2) Autumn is coming

3) Our team is the winner.

4) We picked berries and the cat cried.

Assignments in test form for administrative control

In the discipline ODb.01 Russian language. Speciality">060501 Nursing

Course 1 Semester 2

Option No. 5


Choose one correct answer from the 4 options offered. For the correct answer, write down its number

1.Indicate ">erroneous judgment.

1) In the word DISCHARGE, the final voiced consonant sound is deafened.

2) In the word otboynaya there is a voicing of the consonant sound (t).

3) In the word OESHIL, the number of letters and sounds coincides.

4) In the word LOGGED, all consonant sounds are hard.

2. Indicate the word ">with alternating vowel unstressed vowel at the root.

1) silent

3) reeds

4) flooded

3. In which word does the spelling of the consonant in the prefix not depend on the subsequent consonant sound?

1) knocked down

2) exhausted

3) looked

4) boiling

4. In which word is the spelling of the suffix determined by the rule: “Two N are written in adjectives formed with the suffix Н- from nouns with the stem Н-?”

1) staring

2) stone

3) slow

4) uncertain

5.Read the text. Indicate the sentence that contains the appeal;

1. The boy swam poorly and wore glasses.

2) Guys, Bully is drowning..

3) They were confused by the fact that he did not shout: “Help!” or something like that.

4) The bull drowned silently and, if I may say so, with dignity

1) 2 2)4 3)1 4) 3

6. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?


3) deepen

7.In which answer option is the highlighted word used?">wrong?

1) He greeted a tall man in an ENGINEER'S cap.

2) The explosive nature of the boss frightened his subordinates.

3) A letter came to the radio, AJRESAT of which described himself as follows: “I have no friends, and I love loneliness.”

4) He was given the opportunity to improve his qualifications

8.Indicate in which">meaning The word “transfer” is used in this sentence.

Timofey could not endure such humiliation.

1) move from one place to another

2) mentally, in the imagination, find yourself somewhere

3) reschedule for another time

4) endure, endure

9. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

1) five fir 2) lighter

3) more than two thousand people 4) bake a pie

10.Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

When making a proposal,

1) a remark was made to me.

2) its structure is considered.

3) take into account both the lexical and grammatical meaning of the word

4) speech style must be taken into account

11.Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Everyone who read the stories and stories of K. Paustovsky was convinced of the writer’s keen interest in the word, in its figurative basis.

2) V. Astafiev recalled that he had never seen such snowdrops as wind-cut hills.

3) According to ancient Russian chronicles, the Suzdal prince Yuri Dolgoruky fortified Moscow in 1156.

4) The speaker provided new data, some of which had already been published.

12. In which sentence is the subordinate part of a complex sentence cannot be replaced

1) Happy moments that allow us to feel like children again are rare.

2) Here on the bookshelves are collected rare, very necessary books, behind which the writer sat for hours in the dim light of the window on the roof.

3) Cell surfaces that separate the cell from the external environment consist of

water-insoluble compounds.

4) Light sparingly and slowly made its way through the continuous cloud that shrouded the sky over the sea.

13. Read the text:

1) ... (2) It was from it that the most ancient verbal writing originated. (3) It is interesting that many peoples, having created pictography, were never able to invent writing. (4) The fact is that real writing arises only when the image becomes not a drawing, but a sign, an abstraction. (5) Such a sign begins to be used in a figurative meaning, to designate other words that sound the same or similar. (6)...scientists are still arguing about the tablets from Easter Island, about the Aztec script, trying to determine whether it is pre-writing or already writing.

Tell me, which of the sentences below should be the first in this text?

1) Pictography extra-linguistic sign system that directly expresses thoughts.

2) In China, as is known, hieroglyphic writing is preserved.

3) The symbolic connection between spoken speech and writing is the basis of any writing.

4) There are two main writing systems: ideographic and phonetic.

14.Which answer option correctly indicates the numbers in whose place NN is written?

The house stood somewhat away from the forest; its walls here and there were renovated (1) with fresh wood, the windows were painted (2) white, a small porch on the side, carved (3) with carvings, still smelled of resin.

1)1 2) 1,2 3)3 4) 1,2,3

15. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing?

1)f_sticulate, examiner, dil_vlyat

2) av_ngardny, z_rnitsa, morning

3) the darkest, get lost, come to sleep

4) balloon, lay, president

16.Indicate the word ">with alternating vowel in the root.

1) grew up

2) tracked down

3) dropped

4) held

17.Which of these words has a prefix">by and zero ending?

1) heating (water)

2) waited

3) gift

4 watching

18. The meaning of which word is defined incorrectly?

1) reasoner - a person who likes to talk at length in a moralizing manner;

2) priority - superior position;

3) optional optional, irregular

4) furor - failure, complete failure

19.Indicate the error in determining the category of pronouns:

1) yourself - index

2) no one - negative

3) all - attribute

4) several indefinite

1) ra_determine, un_guessed, un_mown

2) pr-tension, pr_visual, pr_enlarge

3) drive, climb, cloudy

4) without_bite, without_initiative. interested

21. In which row in both words is the letter E written in place of the gap?

1) stuck, offended

2) delay, hesitate

3) struggling, pulled out

4) spinning, positioned

22. Which answer option contains all the words where the letter E is missing?

A. doctor_vat

B. raw materials

V. double

G. unpretentious

1) A, B 2) A, C 3) B, C, D 4) B, D

23. In which sentence is NOT written with the word apart?

1) There was (no) hope for a miracle, which is why we prepared so hard for the competition.

2) This problem was never (not) solved by the students.

3) The (not) bright flame in the fireplace illuminated the desk and the paintings on the walls.

4) And all around in the fields there is (un)awake silence.

24. In what variant are both highlighted words written? apart?

1) (IN) IN THE DISTANCE the slender sails of the fishing boats rose, and (FROM) BECAUSE they were illuminated by the setting sun, they seemed pink.

2) Prince Vasily (WALKING) said a few words to the doctor and (ON) tiptoe went into the bedroom.

3) (AT) AT THE BEGINNING it seemed that Kirill’s words at the meeting did not make any impression on those around him, but (S) SOON it turned out that the entire department was discussing his speech.

4) (NOT) DESPITE the small number of confirmations, (IN) WITHIN several years the general theory of relativity has received wide acceptance.

The wind turned into a hurricane () and the kingdom of silence turned into utter hell.

1) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction. And a comma is not needed.

2) Complex sentence, before the conjunction And no comma is needed.

3) A complex sentence, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.

4) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.

Hidden in a black cloud (1) resting on the ridge of the western mountains (2) was the (3) sun, tired during the day (4).

1) 1,3 2) 2,3 3) 1,2 4) 1,2,3,4

26. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas (introductory words) in the sentences?

On a hot June afternoon (1) it was as if (2) everything stood still in the city. Even the trees (3) seemed (4) to stand dejected and motionless, as if exhausted from the unbearable heat.

1) 1,2,3,4 2)2 3)3,4 4)1,3

27.Indicate the sentence in which you need to put">one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) Literature needs both talented writers and talented readers.

2) On the first snow in aspen and birch groves, you come across hare and squirrel tracks.

3) During a test lesson or oral exam, they tried to construct their answer in the form of a coherent statement.

4) The forest and field and flowering meadow are flooded with sun.

28. Indicate which sentence is complex?

1) Some of the paintings hung in the hall, and guests could look at them.

2) Some of the paintings hung in the hall, guests could look at them.

3) Some of the paintings hung in the hall so that guests could look at them.

4) Guests could look at the paintings hanging in the hall.

29.Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

It was difficult to guess (1) what day it would be (2) and for a long time the climbers could not decide (3) when to start climbing.

1) 1, 3 2) 2 3) 1,2 4) 1,2,3

30. Read the text:

How some substances expand when heated can be seen in the operation of a thermometer. In a thin tube in the middle of the thermometer there is mercury, a metal that already at room temperature turns into a liquid state. The more the thermometer heats up, for example, due to body temperature, the more the mercury expands and rises through the glass tube.

Which of the following sentences">the main one was passed correctly information contained in the text?

1) Mercury, a metal that turns into a liquid at room temperature, rises through the thermometer tube, showing body temperature.

2) The operation of a thermometer illustrates the process of expansion of some substances when heated.

3) Mercury is a metal that already at room temperature turns into a liquid state.

4) Mercury is in a thin tube in the middle of the thermometer.

Assignments in test form for administrative control

In the discipline ODb.01 Russian language. Speciality">060501 Nursing

Course 1 Semester 2

Option No. 6


Choose one correct answer from the 4 options offered. For the correct answer, write down its number

1.Indicate which answer option contains the information necessary for">justification answer to the question: “Why didn’t the guys notice Nina’s external ugliness?”

1) The guys in the games had no time to pay attention to Ninka’s appearance.

2) Ninka blossomed in the games and became a beauty.

3) The guys delicately tried not to notice her ugliness.

4) Ninka was a “good girl”, the guys loved to play with her.

2.Indicate the meaning in which the word is used in this sentence">"satin":

You have satin skin... sable eyebrows... pearl teeth...

1) shiny

2) fluffy

3.Indicate ">erroneous judgment.

1) In the word FRIEND, all consonant sounds are voiced.

2) In the word CELLOPHANE, the letter Yu conveys two sounds (yu)

3) The word JOYFULLY has 7 sounds

4) In the word WINGS, the number of letters and sounds is the same.

4.Indicate the word ">with alternating vowel in the root.

1) persuaded

2) came closer

3) going on

4) crumbled

5. In which word the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by the rule: “If after the prefix with">Z and - ">S - follows a voiced consonant, then at the end of it is written a letter denoting a voiced consonant?”

1) blossomed

2) play

3) ruthless

4) crumbled

6. In which word the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “In adverbs with О and-Ё as many N are written as in the adjectives and participles from which they are formed.”

1) trashy

2) subtracted

3) strange

4) surprised

7.Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is">comparison .

1) You will be the only one for me in the whole world.

2) But your walk will call me like music, and I will come out and leave my hiding place.

3).But, of course, there are no such stores where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends.

4) “My life is boring, but if you tame me, my life will change, it will be illuminated by the sun,” continued the Fox.

8.Indicate which word has the spelling of the consonant">in the console does not depend on the subsequent consonant?

1) distinguish 2) gave 3) will change 4) sighed

9.Which word is spelled?">suffix is determined by the rule: “In short passive past participles, one N is written”?

1) sad 2) painful 3) main 4) tamed

10.Indicate how the word DARKEN is formed.

1) prefix

2) prefix-suffixal

3) suffixless

4) addition of words

11. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?

1) acquired

3) plum

4) dowry

12.Indicate in which answer option the highlighted word is used">wrong?

1)SWAMP silt is an excellent fertilizer.

2) Her report was INFORMATIVE and educational.

3) A WOODED mountain attracted the attention of tourists.

4) ARTISTIC by nature, he imitated the behavior of other people with unusual accuracy

13.Give an example">with an error in the formation of the form of a word.

1) best 2) achieved

3) nursery 4) to both neighbors 4

14.Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Trying to convince readers

2) a lot depends on what examples you give.

4) the opposite result is often achieved.

15.Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Levitan’s painting “Rain” conveys all the charm of rainy twilight in a Volga town.

2) Whoever studied the history of the Russian fleet, everyone admired the brilliant military art of Admiral Fyodor Ushakov.

3) Thanks to its unusual architecture, the Pokrovsky Collection is one of the outstanding monuments of Russian architecture.

4) None of the poets who sang the beauty of Russian nature did it with such lyricism as Tyutchev.

16. In which sentence is the subordinate part of a complex sentence cannot be replaced a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) The surface layer of the comet contains a lot of ice, which has not yet evaporated.

2) For each organism there is the most suitable combination of growth and development factors, which is called the biological optimum.

1) The coast was cluttered with flat, rather thick ice floes, which glowed at the site of the wreckage with the green-blue glass of the Black Sea water.

4) The guide did not say anything and only indicated the direction that was to be expected.

17.Read the text:

(1)… (2) One method of an ant, which drags into its anthill everything that comes across it along the way. (3) This is “creeping” empiricism. (4) Second method of the spider, which draws a thread from itself. (5) This is rationalistic scholasticism. (6) ... the method of the bee, which collects nectar from different flowers in its hive and turns them into honey, is Bacon’s own method, the method of induction.

Which of the following sentences should come first in this text?

1) The induction method differs significantly from the “trial and error” method.

2) The functional method primarily involves the analysis of units at different levels of language.

3) Francis Bacon believed that there are three methods of scientific knowledge.

4) The source of knowledge, according to Bacon, is not only experience, but also reflection.

18.Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers, in the place of which one letter N is written?

The model of the new palace was delivered (1) to St. Petersburg, approved (2) by the empress, after which the ceremony (3) of laying the first stone took place.

1)1,2 2)2,3 3) 3 4) 1,2,3

19. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing?

1) enlightening, repairing, medicine

2) reanimate, unite, charge

3) unique, calm, brilliant

4) charming, inventive, compensate

20. In which row is the same letter missing in all three words?

2) extremely, painfully, unrestrained

3) pr_education, pr_follow, pr_giver

4) without_initiative, climb, climb

21. In which row in both words is the letter written in place of the gap?">E ?

1) wander, added

2) learn, approved

3) disappeared, engulfed

4) see you, missed

22. Which answer option contains all the words where a letter is missing?">E ?

A. flannel

B. calculated

B. equip

G. undergoing

1) A, B, D 2) A, B, C 3) C, D 4) A, D

23. In which sentence is it written separately without a word?

1) There was (NOT) anyone to ask for directions to the concert hall.

2) In recent years, our knowledge about Atlantis has increased (im)measurably.

3) In the distance a (not) tall house and a yard surrounded by a fence appeared.

4) (NOT) happiness ensures success in the exam, but good knowledge of the subject.

24. In which sentence are both highlighted words written together?

1) (C) FOR many days, a strong volcanic eruption continued, clouds of fire, above which swirled (Like a whirlwind), increasing in size.

2) We visited famous places of the Pushkin Nature Reserve, and (ALSO) the Svyatogorsk Monastery; (THERE) is the grave of A.S. Pushkin, on which there are always fresh flowers.

3) WHATEVER she does, everything (BECAUSE) it turns out beautifully because nature has awarded this craftswoman with talent, love for life, for people.

4) Lake Beloye (THIS) is charming because (ALL) AROUND there is not dense, varied vegetation.

25.Indicate the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence in the sentence:

The sailor with energetic jerks pulls out the end of the rope holding the bag together () a stream of fish rushes into the gap formed.

1) Complex sentence, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.

2) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction. And a comma is not needed.

3) Complex sentence, before the conjunction And there is no need for a comma.

4) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.

26.Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

The garden (1) thinned out more and more and turned into a real meadow (2) descended to (3) a river overgrown with green reeds and willows (4).

1)1,2 2)1,2,3 3) 3,4 4) 1,2,3,4

27.Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas (introductory words) in the sentence?

Lermontov's novel (1) is undoubtedly (2) imbued with unity of thought, and therefore its parts cannot be read in a manner other than the order in which the author himself arranged them: otherwise you will read two excellent (3) in my opinion (4) stories and several short stories, but not a novel.

1)1,2 2)3,4 3)1,2,3 4)1,2,3,4

28.Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)

1) Your inner world is finely and truly tuned and responds to the most imperceptible sounds of life.

2) For festive illumination, both electric garlands and lanterns were used.

3) At night the wind gets angry and knocks on the window.

4) The fellow traveler did not hear what was said or ignored my hint.

29.Indicate which sentence is complex?

1) Everything was useless: things weren’t going well.

2) Everything was useless, because things weren’t going well.

3) Everything was useless, and things weren’t going well

4) Things weren’t going well for me.

30. Read the text:

Bacteria are truly ubiquitous. Thousands, or even millions, of bacteria live in the air and water, in any lump of soil and in every living organism. They can be detected in the upper layers of the atmosphere at an altitude of several tens of kilometers and in deep underground wells; in boiling volcanic springs and in the thickness of Antarctic glaciers.

Which of the following sentences correctly conveys home information contained in the text?

1) Bacteria live everywhere.

2) Bacteria can live in the harshest conditions.

3) Every living organism contains thousands, or even millions, of bacteria.

4) Bacteria live in every living organism.

A1. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?
1) taps 2) accepted 3) taps 4) started
A2. In which sentence should we use EVIL instead of the word EVIL?
1) The reader, of course, will think that I spoke to Efim in an EVIL tone, but he will be wrong.
2) Katerina Petrovna was a very quarrelsome person with a EVIL character.
3) The dogs greeted the travelers with EVIL barking.
4) For VICIOUS violations of traffic rules, pedestrians will suffer a well-deserved punishment.
A3. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.
1) five firs
2) easier
3) more than two thousand people
4) bake a pie
A4. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Borrowing the Greek writing system,
1) from the Romans it passed to the peoples of Western Europe.
2) the Romans did not adopt the Greek names of letters.
3) the Romans had several variants of the alphabet.
4) the styles of letters in the Latin alphabet were significantly changed.
A5. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).
1) In the speech, I drew attention to a number of details that aroused genuine interest.
2) These events were written about in Izvestia.
3) Most works of Russian classical literature are devoted to the history of the human soul.
4) One of the cases indicating the correctness of the decision was our departure from the team.

(1). . . (2) Nevertheless, interesting examples can be given that refute the widespread position: a lecture read from a previously prepared text is not perceived by the audience. (3) There is evidence from contemporaries that Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky sometimes began a lecture by reading a handwritten text. (4) Why did the listeners not lose interest in the presentation? (5) The point is not only in the uniqueness of the information that the prominent scientist conveyed to the audience. (6). . . From time to time, Vernadsky, leaving a handwritten text, explained some ideas in more detail, as if thinking out loud; the reading was not continuous, it was interrupted by free speech.
A6. Which of the following sentences should come first in this text?
1) The impact on the audience of speeches delivered is usually higher than speeches read.
2) The art of free speech is not acquired immediately, but through a process of long work and necessary training.
3) A public speaker needs to control his voice and be able to make it correspond to the content of the speech.
4) Good speech is not only correct, but also figurative.
A7. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place
omissions in the sixth sentence of the text?
1) A
2) As a result of this
3) The point is that
4) Except that
A8. What combination of words is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences or in one of the parts of a complex sentence in the text?
1) the lecture is (not) perceived (sentence 2)
2) reading the text (sentence 3)
3) explained the text (sentence 6)
4) interrupted by speech (sentence 6)
A9. Indicate the correct characteristic of the fifth (5) sentence of the text.
1) simple complicated
2) complex non-union 3) complex 4) complex
A10. Indicate the correct morphological characteristics of the word READING
(sentence 3).
1) adverb 2) participle 3) gerund 4) adjective
A11 Indicate the meaning of the word AUDIENCE in sentence 5,
1) a room intended for giving lectures and reports
2) listeners of a lecture, report
3) an official reception with a person occupying a high position sings
4) association of persons of the same political views
A12 Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers, in the place of which one letter N is written?
Amazing fact: I became interested in the revolutionary (1) Marseillaise
first of all Catherine II, although, as many argued, the empress
was completely (2) deprived of (3) a musical ear.
1) 1, 2, 3 2) 2 3) 3 4) 1, 3

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Text content of presentation slides:
Russian language 4th grade A minute of penmanship Praz. nickname, st. faces, gray tse, ur. Goodbye, stars. ny, k. rzina.dododo

Vocabulary and spelling work Situation, case, travel, repair, cornice, reeds, address, charm, sweater.prestigiousstyle.color Beehive - beekennel - dogpath - pedestrian - transport? road
A road is a strip of land with or without a special surface, such as asphalt, intended for the movement of various types of transport. Read the proverbs: Good glory sits behind the stove, but thin glory runs along the paths. The conversation of the roads _ whiles away, but the song works. Every road _ – two are more a

Lesson topic: Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns In order to check the spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns: I put the noun in the initial form and determine which declension it belongs to. I select an assistant word and put it in the same form. I write such an ending. , what is the helper word. I check what I have written.

Helper words: 1 cl. – moon, earth; 2 cl. – horse, window; 3 cl. - oven, steppe. Jumped from the branches _, an incident from life _, ate a branch _, a stain on the cover _, walked along the platform _, water from the roofs _, took from the plates _, a story about sirens _, cleared of dust_. Perform a morphological analysis: Option 1 - (from) branches Option 2 - (from) life Game “True”: Writing an unstressed vowel in the case ending of a noun is an orthogram. The words horse, window are helper words for the 2nd declension. All nouns in P.p. the letter e is written at the end. When in doubt which letter i or e to write at the unstressed ending of a noun of the 3rd declension, write and and you will never be mistaken. nouns in the grove, on the branch the ending is written e. -++++

Homework: Come up with any 3 nouns and perform morphological analysis.

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