Declaration project on the world around students. Your rights For students about the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” - presentation


Article 1. Students have the right to receive free general education (primary, basic, secondary (complete)) in accordance with state educational standards.

Article 2. Students have the right to choose the form of education:

2.1. Students can master general education programs both at school and in the form of family education, self-education and external studies.

2.2. Training within the framework of state standards according to an individual curriculum, accelerated course of study. The conditions for studying according to an individual plan are regulated by the School Charter and other acts adopted by the educational institution.

Article 3. Students have the right to free use of library and information resources of the school library and to receive additional (including paid) educational services.

Article 4. Education of students should be aimed at:

4.1. Development of the child's personality, talents and mental and physical abilities.

4.2. Fostering respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms.

4.3. Fostering respect for parents, introducing students to the national values ​​of the country and region in which the child lives.

4.4. Preparing the child for a conscious life in a free society in the spirit of understanding, peace, tolerance, equality of men and women, friendship between peoples, ethnic, national and religious groups.

4.5. Fostering respect and care for the environment.

Article 5. Students have the right to protection from all forms of physical or mental violence, insult, abuse or exploitation in school.

Article 6. Involvement of students in work not provided for by the general education program is carried out only with the consent of adult students and (or) parents (persons replacing them). The exception is work related to self-service of students in the educational process.

Article 7. Forcing students to join public, socio-political organizations, movements, parties, as well as their forced involvement in the activities of these organizations and in participating in campaigns and political actions is not allowed.

Article 8. Students have the right to health protection and medical care at school during the educational process.

Article 9. Students have the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.

Article 10. Students have the right to respect and preservation of their individuality within the framework of the educational process.

Article 11. Propaganda of social, racial, national, religious or linguistic superiority is prohibited in school.

Article 12. Discrimination against students on social, racial, national, religious, linguistic and gender grounds is prohibited.

Article 13. Students have the right to create self-government bodies and participate in the management of the school (within the framework determined by the school Charter).

Article 14. The student has the right (personally or through parents / persons replacing them) to contact the school management.

Article 15. The student has the right to enroll in one of the specialized classes of the school under the conditions determined by the school’s Charter.

Article 16. Every school student has the right to become familiar with this Declaration.

The declaration is based on the following documents:
1. Constitution of the Russian Federation.

2. Law on education of the Russian Federation and the Chuvash Republic.

3. Convention of the Rights of the Child.

4. Charter of the municipal educational institution "Secondary school".

Declaration of the Rights of the Child

Acceptedresolution 1386 (XIV) UN General Assembly of November 20, 1959


Pay attention to that the peoples of the United Nations have reaffirmed in the Charter their belief in fundamental human rights and in the dignity and worth of the human person and are determined to promote social progress and better living conditions in greater freedom,

pay attention to that the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed that every person should have all the rights and freedoms specified therein, without any distinction on such grounds as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property status , birth or other circumstance,

pay attention to, that the child, due to his physical and mental immaturity, requires special protection and care, including adequate legal protection, both before and after birth,

pay attention to that the need for such special protection was indicated in the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child of 1924 and recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as in the statutes of specialized agencies and international organizations concerned with the welfare of children,

pay attention to that humanity is obliged to give the child the best it has,

General Assembly

Proclaims this Declaration of the Rights of the Child with a view to ensuring that children have a happy childhood and enjoy, for their own benefit and the benefit of the community, the rights and freedoms herein provided, and calls on parents, men and women as individuals, and voluntary organizations, local authorities and national governments to recognize and endeavor to respect these rights through legislative and other measures progressively adopted in accordance with the following principles:

Principle 1

The child must have all the rights specified in this Declaration. These rights must be recognized to all children, without exception and without distinction or discrimination on account of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status relating to the child himself or herself or his family.

Principle 2

The child shall be provided, by law and other means, with special protection and with opportunities and favorable conditions to enable him to develop physically, mentally, morally, spiritually and socially in a healthy and normal manner and in conditions of freedom and dignity. In making laws for this purpose, the best interests of the child must be the primary consideration.

Principle 3

The child must have the right to a name and citizenship from birth.

Principle 4

The child must benefit from social security. He must have the right to healthy growth and development; To this end, special care and protection must be provided to both him and his mother, including adequate prenatal and postnatal care. The child must have the right to adequate food, housing, entertainment and medical care.

Principle 5

A child who is physically, mentally or socially disabled must be provided with special treatment, education and care necessary due to his special condition.

Principle 6

For the full and harmonious development of his personality, a child needs love and understanding. He should, whenever possible, grow up under the care and responsibility of his parents and in any case in an atmosphere of love and moral and material security; A young child should not, except in exceptional circumstances, be separated from his mother. Society and public authorities must have a duty to provide special care for children without families and for children without sufficient means of subsistence. It is desirable that large families be provided with state or other child support benefits.

Principle 7

The child has the right to receive education, which should be free and compulsory, at least in the initial stages. He should be given an education which will contribute to his general cultural development and by which he may, on a basis of equality of opportunity, develop his abilities and personal judgment, as well as a sense of moral and social responsibility, and become a useful member of society.

The best interests of the child should be the guiding principle for those responsible for his education and learning; this responsibility lies primarily with his parents.

The child must be provided with full opportunity for games and entertainment that are aimed at the goals pursued by education; society and public authorities must make efforts to facilitate the implementation of this right.

Principle 8

The child must, under all circumstances, be among those who first receive protection and assistance.

Principle 9

The child must be protected from all forms of neglect, cruelty and exploitation. It must not be subject to trade in any form.

The child should not be employed before reaching the appropriate age minimum; he shall in no case be assigned or permitted work or occupation which would be harmful to his health or education or which would interfere with his physical, mental or moral development.

Principle 10

The child must be protected from practices that may encourage racial, religious or any other form of discrimination. He should be brought up in the spirit of mutual understanding, tolerance, friendship between peoples, peace and universal brotherhood, and in the full consciousness that his energies and abilities should be devoted to the service of the benefit of other people.

Our school is on the verge of change - for the umpteenth time! The Prime Minister and the President promise to preserve the best of what has been achieved. But here’s the problem: some of what the teachers dreamed of when they experienced the first school reform of 1917–1918 remains an unattainable dream even now, more than 80 years later. Read what worried the literature writers of that time, and you will see how little the work of a Russian language teacher has changed...

About the “Declaration of Rights of a Language Teacher in Secondary School”

The importance of congresses is great and undeniable, when thousands of teachers, overcoming various obstacles and difficulties, come from all over Russia to resolve their perplexing questions. And what a disaster if not all issues are considered and resolved: the cheerfulness, uplifting mood and new perspectives that remain from the congress are valuable, the moral refreshment that you receive and with which you return to the province is valuable.

I still have in my mind the picture of the solemn opening of the congress of literary scholars, this truly holiday of the Russian language, when for the first time in the entire history of the existence of native literature they finally received, having been silent for too long, and truly hungry for the living word, the opportunity to gather to exchange thoughts . I still remember the sincere and deeply truthful speech of P.N. Sakulin “Facts and Dreams”, which spoke about the impossible moral position of the Russian teacher, on the one hand, confused by all kinds of instructions and “state considerations”, on the other, absolutely not financially secure. And it felt terrible for the wordsmith, to whom the Russian language and Russian fiction were entrusted, giving us the indisputable right to respect from the whole world, and at the same time, he was denied the most essential: the freedom necessary for pedagogical creativity, and material security.

At the present time, when a renewal of all Russian life is taking place and school reform is being carried out from top to bottom, the “facts” of our school reality must, of course, change, and, without a doubt, the working conditions of those who “stand at the source, where the word is born and clothed in living flesh.” And it is not at all a “dream” that we imagine the bright picture of the future school that P.N. so talentedly and colorfully painted for us. Sakulin in the form of a school with a free teacher who loves his job, maintains a close relationship with students, and is not burdened beyond the norm with lessons and notebooks, endlessly improving , having an excellent library, their own “native language study”, going on business trips abroad in the summer, etc., etc.

“We, teachers of Russian language and literature in secondary educational institutions of Smolensk, taking into account the complexity of the work of a literature teacher, associated with a large expenditure of energy and time, the enormous responsibility that is caused by the requirements placed on a literature teacher, and bearing in mind that in the future free school literature teacher will have the most active participation in the life of the school, we express the following wishes aimed at improving the cultural and economic situation of the language teacher:

1) limit the number of language teacher lessons to 15 per week in both male and female educational institutions;

2) equate the indicated norm of lessons to the maximum number of lessons in other subjects;

3) for correction of written work, establish a special reward in the amount of 15% of the main content received;

4) all extracurricular activities, such as: literary conversations, essays, organizing evenings, concerts, supervising extracurricular reading, managing a library, etc., must be paid separately;

5) the linguistic specialist must be provided with the opportunity to update and refresh his knowledge, methods and techniques of work through business trips from school funds to congresses, courses, exhibitions organized by teachers and public organizations at least once every 3 years;

6) the language teacher must be given the opportunity to use year's leave at least once at 7 years old with preservation of content and to familiarize yourself with the organization of school work Abroad".

Let’s hope that the above declaration will find a response and support in various corners of our great Russia, and then the “path of life” of a literature teacher will change for the better: a literature teacher will then really be what he should be at school: unloaded from exorbitant work, he will begin to educate in children, according to the popular expression of S.A. Vengerov, “knights of the spirit” - citizens responsive to modern times.

Is it really not worthy of a better fate that our glorious contemporary writer-citizen V.G. Called Korolenko “a friend and ally of the writer”?

(Magazine “Native Language at School”. 1917–1918.
No. 2–3. pp. 92–93)

Material suggested T.M. GRIGORIEV,

1. Students have the right to receive free general education (primary, basic, secondary (complete)) in accordance with state educational standards.

Article 2. Students have the right to choose the form of education:

2.1. Students can master general education programs both at school and in the form of family education, self-education and external studies.

2.2. Training within the framework of state standards according to an individual curriculum, accelerated course of study. The conditions for studying according to an individual plan are regulated by the School Charter and other acts adopted by the educational institution.

Article 3. Students have the right to free use of library and information resources of the school library and to receive additional (including paid) educational services.

Article 4. Education of students should be aimed at:

4.1. Development of the child's personality, talents and mental and physical abilities.

4.2. Fostering respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms.

4.3. Fostering respect for parents, introducing students to the national values ​​of the country and region in which the child lives.

4.4. Preparing the child for a conscious life in a free society in the spirit of understanding, peace, tolerance, equality of men and women, friendship between peoples, ethnic, national and religious groups.

4.5. Fostering respect and care for the environment.

Article 5. Students have the right to protection from all forms of physical or mental violence, insult, abuse or exploitation in school.

Article 6. Involvement of students in work not provided for by the general education program is carried out only with the consent of adult students and (or) parents (persons replacing them). The exception is work related to self-service of students in the educational process.

Article 7. Forcing students to join public, socio-political organizations, movements, parties, as well as their forced involvement in the activities of these organizations and in participating in campaigns and political actions is not allowed.

Article 8. Students have the right to health protection and medical care at school during the educational process.

Article 9. Students have the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.

Article 10. Students have the right to respect and preservation of their individuality within the framework of the educational process.

Article 11. Propaganda of social, racial, national, religious or linguistic superiority is prohibited in school.

Article 12. Discrimination against students on social, racial, national, religious, linguistic and gender grounds is prohibited.

Article 13. Students have the right to create self-government bodies and participate in the management of the school (within the framework determined by the school Charter).

Article 14. The student has the right (personally or through parents / persons replacing them) to contact the school management.

Article 15. The student has the right to enroll in one of the specialized classes of the school under the conditions determined by the school’s Charter.

Article 16. Every school student has the right to become familiar with this Declaration.

The declaration is based on the following documents:

1. Constitution of the Russian Federation.

2. Law on education of the Russian Federation and the Chuvash Republic.

3. Convention of the Rights of the Child.

4. Charter of the municipal educational institution "Secondary school".

ARTICLE 1 All people are born free and equal in their rights. All people are endowed with reason and should treat each other as brothers. All people are born free and equal in their rights. All people are endowed with reason and should treat each other as brothers.

ARTICLE 2 Every person should have all the rights proclaimed by this Declaration, regardless of: - Every person should have all the rights proclaimed by this Declaration, regardless of: - nationality, language, race, sex, religion; - nationality, language, race, gender, religion; - social origin, political beliefs, wealth or poverty; - social origin, political beliefs, wealth or poverty; - the size and global significance of his country. - the size and global significance of his country.

Think and answer There is a very old proverb: “Under the skin, we are all the same color.” Do you agree with this opinion? There is a very old proverb: “Under the skin, we are all the same color.” Do you agree with this opinion? Imagine that an extraterrestrial civilization has been discovered. People are ready to come into contact with her. What qualities will researchers need? What difficulties can hinder mutual understanding? How can they be overcome? Imagine that an extraterrestrial civilization has been discovered. People are ready to come into contact with her. What qualities will researchers need? What difficulties can hinder mutual understanding? How can they be overcome?

Think and answer Have you ever seen someone being teased, offended, beaten because “that’s the way it is,” or because he is a “stranger”? How do you usually behave in such a situation? Have you ever seen someone being teased, offended, beaten because “that’s the way it is,” or because he is a “stranger”? How do you usually behave in such a situation? Do you have friends of a different nationality (or from other countries)? What do you know about the customs and holidays of their national cultures? Do you have friends of a different nationality (or from other countries)? What do you know about the customs and holidays of their national cultures? What games do you know? Teach your friends to play them. What games do you know? Teach your friends to play them.

Think and answer The state guarantees the right to life. How does it ensure this right? The state guarantees the right to life. How does it ensure this right? The holy book of the Jewish religion, the Torah, states: “Whoever saved one life saved the whole world.” Do you agree with this statement? The holy book of the Jewish religion, the Torah, states: “Whoever saved one life saved the whole world.” Do you agree with this statement?

Safety rules: Rule 1. BE CAREFUL! Don't talk to strangers on the street. Don't talk to strangers on the street. Avoid dark alleys, garages and other deserted places. Nothing good awaits you there. Avoid dark alleys, garages and other deserted places. Nothing good awaits you there.

Safety rules: Rule 2. BE ABLE TO SAY “NO”! Don’t get into a car if strangers offer you a ride. Don’t get into a car if strangers offer you a ride. Do not go to unknown places with strangers or people you barely know. Do not go to unknown places with strangers or people you barely know. If you are treated to something suspicious, you must politely refuse, especially if it is done by a stranger. It’s good if it’s candy, but what if it’s a drug? If you are treated to something suspicious, you must politely refuse, especially if it is done by a stranger. It’s good if it’s candy, but what if it’s a drug?

Safety rules: Rule 4. TELL AN ADULT! Do not hide unpleasant encounters from parents and teachers. Adults will always help you. Do not hide unpleasant encounters from parents and teachers. Adults will always help you. Telling the truth about a dangerous meeting does not mean lying! Telling the truth about a dangerous meeting does not mean lying!

REMEMBER HOW TO SAY “NO!” IN RESPONSE TO DANGEROUS SUGGESTIONS: “Let’s go to our company”, “Let’s go have a smoke”, “Try this (or smell it, or eat it), you know how great it will be”, “Are you weak?” Choose the option that suits you best: I can’t, I’m waiting for my father, he’s already going down in the elevator (leaves the store, comes here). I can’t, I’m waiting for my father, he’s already going down in the elevator (leaves the store, comes here). I won't try this, I'm allergic (or: my stomach hurts, I don't feel well after this). I won't try this, I'm allergic (or: my stomach hurts, I don't feel well after this). I don't enjoy it (or: I don't like it). I don't enjoy it (or: I don't like it). This is not my plan. This is not my plan. I'll tell my parents about this. I'll tell my parents about this. I don't take anything from strangers. I don't take anything from strangers. I have a rule: I don't do this. I have a rule: I don't do this. This is not accepted in our family. This is not accepted in our family.

ARTICLE 8 In case of violation of his fundamental rights granted by the Constitution or law, every person has the right to protection of his rights and freedoms through the courts. In case of violation of his fundamental rights provided by the Constitution or law, every person has the right to protect his rights and freedoms through the courts.

ARTICLE 10 Every person has the right to a fair, impartial and public hearing by an independent court of the criminal charges brought against him. Every person has the right to a fair, impartial and public hearing by an independent court of the criminal charges brought against him.

ARTICLE Every person accused of committing a crime is considered innocent until his guilt is established by a lawful and fair court that ensures his right to defense. 1. Every person accused of committing a crime is considered innocent until his guilt is established by a lawful and fair court that ensures his right to defense. 2. No one can be convicted of crimes committed at a time when the law did not consider them crimes. The punishment for a crime cannot be more severe than that provided by law at the time it was committed. 2. No one can be convicted of crimes committed at a time when the law did not consider them crimes. The punishment for a crime cannot be more severe than that provided by law at the time it was committed.

Think and answer What reasons do you think people commit crimes? For what reasons do you think people commit crimes? How do you understand the expression: “The opportunity to steal makes a thief”? How do you understand the expression: “The opportunity to steal makes a thief”? Are you capable of committing an illegal act if you think that no one will find out about it? Are you capable of committing an illegal act if you think that no one will find out about it? What proverbs have in common: What proverbs have in common: steal and get into trouble; steal get into trouble; money is not made by theft, but by craft; money is not made by theft, but by craft; It’s easy to steal, but hard to answer; It’s easy to steal, but hard to answer; Even if you steal wisely, troubles cannot be avoided. Even if you steal wisely, troubles cannot be avoided.

ARTICLE 12 Every person has the right to inviolability of home, protection from interference in personal and family life, attacks on honor and reputation. Every person has the right to the inviolability of home, protection from interference in personal and family life, and attacks on honor and reputation.

Think and answer What is respect for the dignity of another person? What is respect for the dignity of another person? What does the popular proverb say: “Take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age”? What does the popular proverb say: “Take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age”? Do robbers and pirates have their own concepts of honor? Are these concepts comparable to the principles of an honest person? Do robbers and pirates have their own concepts of honor? Are these concepts comparable to the principles of an honest person?

ARTICLE Every person in his country has the right to move freely and choose his place of residence. 1. Every person in his country has the right to move freely and choose his place of residence. 2. Every person has the right to leave his country, as well as to return to his homeland. 2. Every person has the right to leave his country, as well as to return to his homeland.

ARTICLE Every person has the right to seek and find refuge in other countries from persecution. 1. Every person has the right to seek and find refuge in other countries from persecution. 2. This right cannot be used in the event of prosecution for actions contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. 2. This right cannot be used in the event of prosecution for actions contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

ARTICLE Every person has the right to citizenship. 1. Every person has the right to citizenship. 2. No one may be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality or the right to change it. 2. No one may be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality or the right to change it.

Think and answer How do you understand N.A. Nekrasov’s statement: “You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen”? How do you understand N.A. Nekrasov’s statement: “You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen”? What feelings are reflected in the statement of the French writer Victor Hugo: “Each of us feels the wound inflicted on the Motherland in the depths of our hearts”? What feelings are reflected in the statement of the French writer Victor Hugo: “Each of us feels the wound inflicted on the Motherland in the depths of our hearts”? Continue the sentence: “Children are the future of Russia, because...” Continue the sentence: “Children are the future of Russia, because...” How do you feel when you say: “I am a citizen of the Russian Federation”? How do you feel when you say: “I am a citizen of the Russian Federation”?

ARTICLE Men and women have the right to marry and found a family regardless of their race, nationality or religion. 1. Men and women have the right to marry and found a family regardless of their race, nationality or religion. 2. Marriage can only be concluded with the mutual and free consent of both parties. 2. Marriage can only be concluded with the mutual and free consent of both parties. 3. The state must protect the family. 3. The state must protect the family.

ARTICLE Everyone has the right to own property. 1. Everyone has the right to own property. 2. No one should be arbitrarily deprived of his property. 2. No one should be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

ARTICLE 18 Every person has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and also has the right to change his religion and beliefs and disseminate them to other people. Every person has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and also has the right to change his religion and beliefs and to spread them to other people.

Think and answer “Freedom of conscience” as freedom of belief and disbelief is enshrined in the constitutions of 30 countries around the world. Why do you think not all countries accept this freedom? “Freedom of conscience” as freedom of belief and non-belief is enshrined in the constitutions of 30 countries around the world. Why do you think not all countries accept this freedom? What paintings based on biblical scenes do you know? What paintings based on biblical scenes do you know? Compare the basic commandments of different religions. What do they have in common and what are the differences? Compare the basic commandments of different religions. What do they have in common and what are the differences? Christianity: Love your neighbor as yourself. Christianity: Love your neighbor as yourself. Buddhism: Do not do to others what you yourself consider evil. Buddhism: Do not do to others what you yourself consider evil. Hinduism: Do not do to others what would cause you pain. Hinduism: Do not do to others what would cause you pain. Judaism: What is hateful to you, do not do to another. Judaism: What is hateful to you, do not do to another. Taoism: Consider your neighbor's gain as your gain and his loss as your loss. Taoism: Consider your neighbor's gain as your gain and his loss as your loss. Islam: One cannot be called a believer who does not wish for his sister and brother what he wishes for himself. Islam: One cannot be called a believer who does not wish for his sister and brother what he wishes for himself.

ARTICLE 19 Every person has the right to freedom of opinion and expression. He is free to seek and disseminate information and ideas by any means and regardless of national boundaries. Every person has the right to freedom of opinion and expression. He is free to seek and disseminate information and ideas by any means and regardless of national boundaries.

ARTICLE Every person has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. 1. Every person has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. 2. No one should be forced to join any group or organization. 2. No one should be forced to join any group or organization.

Think and answer Do schoolchildren have the right to hold rallies and meetings at school? Do schoolchildren have the right to hold rallies and meetings at school? For what purpose do people go to rallies and demonstrations? For what purpose do people go to rallies and demonstrations? Why do you think citizens of the state need freedom of assembly? Why do you think citizens of the state need freedom of assembly? Do you know what children's and youth organizations operate in our city, district, region? Do you know what children's and youth organizations operate in our city, district, region? Are you a member of any children's organization or association? If yes, then tell your classmates about it. Are you a member of any children's organization or association? If yes, then tell your classmates about it.

ARTICLE Every person has the right to take part in the government of his country. 1. Every person has the right to take part in the government of his country. 2. Every person has the right of equal access to public service in his or her country. 2. Every person has the right of equal access to public service in his or her country. 3. The will of the people must be the basis of government authority. The government must be regularly elected by secret ballot in free and fair elections. 3. The will of the people must be the basis of government authority. The government must be regularly elected by secret ballot in free and fair elections.

Think and answer. Why are elections needed? Why is this so important? Why are elections needed? Why is this so important? Do you know the rules of secret voting? Why is voting secret? Do you know the rules of secret voting? Why is voting secret? At what age is a person eligible to be selected for public office? At what age is a person eligible to be selected for public office?

ARTICLE 22 Every person has the right to social security and the support necessary for the development of his personality in the economic, social and cultural fields. Every person has the right to social security and the support necessary for the development of his personality in the economic, social and cultural fields.

ARTICLE 23 (1,2) 1. Every person has the right to work, free choice of work, fair working conditions and protection from unemployment. 1. Every person has the right to work, free choice of work, fair working conditions and protection from unemployment. 2. Every person has the right to equal pay for equal work. 2. Every person has the right to equal pay for equal work.

ARTICLE 23 (3,4) 3. Every worker has the right to fair remuneration that ensures a decent existence for himself and his family. 3. Every worker has the right to fair remuneration that ensures a decent existence for himself and his family. 4. To protect their interests, every person has the right to create trade unions and be their member. 4. To protect their interests, every person has the right to create trade unions and be their member.

ARTICLE 25 (1,2) 1. Every person has the right to a standard of living adequate to maintain the health and well-being of himself and the members of his family. 1. Every person has the right to a standard of living sufficient to maintain the health and well-being of himself and the members of his family. 2. Maternity and infancy give the right to special assistance. All children, without exception, should enjoy the same social protection. 2. Maternity and infancy give the right to special assistance. All children, without exception, should enjoy the same social protection.

ARTICLE 26 (1,2) 1. Every person has the right to education. Primary and general education should be free. Primary education should be compulsory, and technical and vocational education should be accessible to all. 1. Every person has the right to education. Primary and general education should be free. Primary education should be compulsory, and technical and vocational education should be accessible to all. 2. Education should promote the full development of the individual, as well as mutual understanding and friendship between peoples. 2. Education should promote the full development of the individual, as well as mutual understanding and friendship between peoples.

Think and answer: Do you think a TV or computer can replace schooling? Do you think a TV or computer can replace schooling? How do you see the future of books? Will people read books in 10, 50, 100 years? How do you see the future of books? Will people read books in 10, 50, 100 years? What proverbs, sayings about books, teaching, wisdom do you know? What proverbs, sayings about books, teaching, wisdom do you know?

ARTICLE 27 1. Every person has the right to enjoy art, participate in scientific progress and enjoy its benefits. 1.Every person has the right to enjoy art, participate in scientific progress and benefit from it. 2. Every person who is the author of scientific, literary and artistic works has the right to decent remuneration. 2. Every person who is the author of scientific, literary and artistic works has the right to decent remuneration.

Think and answer Why do many people think that a change of activity is a vacation? Why do many people think that a change of activity is a vacation? How do you usually spend your free time? How do you usually spend your free time? What games do you know? What games do you know?

ARTICLE 28 Every person has the right to a social and international order that ensures full protection of his rights and freedoms. Every person has the right to a social and international order that ensures full protection of his rights and freedoms.

ARTICLE 29 Every person has responsibilities to society. Every person has responsibilities to society. The rights and freedoms of each person can be limited only to the extent necessary to ensure the rights and freedoms of other people. The rights and freedoms of each person can be limited only to the extent necessary to ensure the rights and freedoms of other people. The exercise of these rights and freedoms must not be contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. The exercise of these rights and freedoms must not be contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Think and answer 1. There is an opinion: “Rights and responsibilities are inseparable.” Do you agree with this opinion? How do you understand this? 1. There is an opinion: “Rights and responsibilities are inseparable.” Do you agree with this opinion? How do you understand this? Tell us about your personal responsibilities and how you approach them and how you fulfill them. Tell us about your personal responsibilities and how you approach them and how you fulfill them. There are responsibilities towards parents, friends, neighbors. Do they differ from the responsibilities written in the Constitution of the Russian Federation? There are responsibilities towards parents, friends, neighbors. Do they differ from the responsibilities written in the Constitution of the Russian Federation?

ARTICLE 30 Nothing in this Declaration shall be construed as granting to any individual, group of people or any State the right to engage in acts that violate the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration. Nothing in this Declaration shall be construed as granting any individual, group of individuals, or State the right to engage in acts that violate the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration.

Literature: 1. Shabelnik E.S., Kashirtseva E.G. Your rights. – M.: Vita-Press, Shabelnik E.S., Kashirtseva E.G. Your rights. – M.: Vita-Press, Lavrova S.A. etc. First-class stories about rights. - Ekaterinburg. Publishing House "Socrates". Center "Educational Book" Lavrova S.A. etc. First-class stories about rights. - Ekaterinburg. Publishing House "Socrates". Center "Educational Book" Lavrova S.A. etc. Fascinating stories about rights. - Ekaterinburg. Publishing House "Socrates". Center "Educational Book" Lavrova S.A. etc. Fascinating stories about rights. - Ekaterinburg. Publishing House "Socrates". Center "Educational Book" Lavrova S.A. and others. True stories about rights and rules. - Ekaterinburg. Publishing House "Socrates". Center "Educational Book" Lavrova S.A. and others. True stories about rights and rules. - Ekaterinburg. Publishing House "Socrates". Center "Educational Book" Lavrova S.A. and others. Stories about rights and rules. - Ekaterinburg. Publishing House "Socrates". Center "Educational Book" Lavrova S.A. and others. Stories about rights and rules. - Ekaterinburg. Publishing House "Socrates". Center "Educational Book"

The presentation is intended for legal education classes in elementary schools. The presentation is intended for legal education classes in elementary schools. Prepared by: head. library of the IMC of the Zheleznodorozhny district Trikina G.V. Prepared by: head. library of the IMC of the Zheleznodorozhny district Trikina G.V. st. Yerevanskaya, 2, tel. Yekaterinburg