Friendly people, as they call them. Lesson outline (grade 2) on the topic: Who is a “benevolent person”

We wish you happiness, happiness in this big world!
Like the sun in the morning, let it come into the house
We wish you happiness, and it should be like this -
When you are happy yourself, share your happiness with others

Benevolence as a personality quality is the tendency to wish people well, to act kindly, to show friendly disposition towards all people on a disinterested basis.

The composer Brahms was extremely popular and therefore a great many amateurs constantly besieged him with requests to listen to their works... Being a polite and friendly person, the composer, however, tried by all available means to get rid of these, as a rule, empty visits. One day, leaving his apartment on the third floor, Brahms encountered a certain young man on the stairs with a large bunch of notes in his hands... There was no doubt that this was another aspiring composer. Fortunately, the seeker of fame did not know Brahms by sight. - Sir, could you tell me where the famous composer Brahms lives here? - the young man turned to Brahms. “With great pleasure,” Brahms responded kindly, “you are on the right track, the composer Brahms lives on the third floor...” and, bowing, he went about his business.

Goodwill arises in purity of consciousness or sincerity, that is, when a person lives in harmony with himself and with the outside world. A person's life becomes lawless if it is a nuisance to everyone around him. A person lives lawfully if he is not the cause of constant anxiety and suffering for everyone around him. You experience an external pleasant feeling of cleanliness after bathing or bathing procedures, but no sauna will give you a feeling of internal cleanliness. Once a person stops slandering, blaming and condemning people, he will experience a feeling similar to that experienced by a smoker who has gotten rid of his addiction, or a drug addict who has overcome withdrawal. This is a special, pleasant feeling, a feeling of purity. Purity of consciousness is the feeling of purity. Life becomes easier, a person experiences happiness.

Purity of consciousness means that a person is not a slave to his false ego, which permeates his mind, feelings and intelligence. It is the ego that makes him say: “My hand, my wife, my apartment, my car, my children. I need it, I’m interested in it, I want it for me.” He illusorily considers everything that a person comes into contact with as his own. I sat down in the bus seat, remembered about the ticket, while I went to the driver to get a ticket, the seat had already been occupied. Dissatisfaction arises, because this is my place. With an unfriendly look, he declares his rights to an unsuspecting passenger.

Consciousness cannot be pure if it is saturated with egoism, when its complete master is the false ego. When a person lives only exclusively for himself, he has a consciousness defiled by egoism. Expecting goodwill from such a person is the same as expecting charity from the miser Plyushkin. For example, a person in ignorance looks at everything around him with distrust and suspicion. IN underworld There is even a rule: “Don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask.” The godfather does not trust anyone; he expects danger from everywhere. Trusting and friendly people do not become godfathers; an unfriendly look is their calling card.

Let's remember the film "Gentlemen of Fortune". Evgeny Leonov had to play two roles at once - a notorious repeat offender with a memorable, unfriendly look and the sweetest, benevolent head of a kindergarten. One is in ignorance, the other is in goodness, one is the personification of malevolence, the other is a shining example of pure consciousness that generates goodwill. When a person wants to live for others (children, other family members, some high ideas and goals), he clears his consciousness and becomes able to be benevolent. When he doesn’t care about others, about laws, about morality, honor and dignity of those around him, like a person in ignorance, or when he lives only for himself, like a person in passion, such a person can only demonstrate goodwill by mentally saying the word “marmalade.”

The ego forces a person to become attached to things so that when he loses them, he experiences real pain in his mind, feelings and body. They scratched or hit the car, and he had the feeling that they hit him. A car was stolen, a person had a heart attack, and his dress was stained - ruined his mood for the whole day. It is foolish to count on the goodwill of an egoist, even if you make a hint of encroachment on his “Mine”. I. A. Krylov has a fable “A Lion on the Hunt,” which describes the unreasonable decision of a dog, a wolf and a fox to hunt together with a lion and divide the prey equally. They did not take into account the fact that an egoist, who has strength and power on his side, cannot be friendly towards the outside world. The fox caught the deer and, true to the agreements, invited her “friends” to share. This is where the “goodwill” of the selfish lion manifested itself in all its glory: “Now let’s share! Look, friends: This is my part under the contract; This one belongs to me, as Leo, without a doubt; This one is for me because I am stronger than everyone; And whoever stretches out his paw to this little one of you will not get up alive.”

Benevolence presupposes an undefiled mind and purified feelings. Feelings, like tentacles of the mind, connect him with the outside world; if this connection is pure, a person becomes friendly towards people. For example, when a person is in excellent physical fitness, he experiences muscular joy, enjoys his physical condition, he enjoys looking at himself in the mirror. When a person has peace in his soul, when his mind, feelings and reason live in complete harmony, he wants to fly. In such an inspired and inspired state, it is unnatural to be unkind to people. On the contrary, you want to kiss passers-by, wash the dishes for the entire entrance, fly as if on wings, and think about what is reasonable, good and eternal.

To become the owner of pure consciousness, which is equivalent to turning into goodwill, means to erase all bad thoughts in the subconscious. A benevolent person is not capable of, like the old woman Shapoklyak, humming a song: “Why do such a bad thing?” bad thoughts about people.

Pure mind and feelings first necessary condition to demonstrate benevolence as a personality trait. The second condition is to overcome selfishness in yourself, taking a position of serving people. Third, achieve steady state empathy and compassion for all people. Compassion gives happiness, which is not conditioned by anything - neither wealth nor success. It does not mean pity or shared suffering, which will make the sufferer feel even worse, but understanding and support. Fourth, be purposeful, conscientiously fulfill your duties as a man, father, husband, citizen. And fifth, a person must learn to love everyone around him. The five conditions for purifying consciousness, which is very important, are interchangeable. A person who fully realizes or specializes in at least one of these conditions always comes to the same goal.

The quality of personality will be manifested if it applies to everyone. If a person is friendly to those he needs and hostile to others, then this is not goodwill, but hypocrisy. If you want to become rich, don’t envy, be kind to the rich, if you want to keep wealth, don’t despise, be kind to the poor. In other words, kindness should always be shown to everyone.

Kindness is not an external adherence to etiquette, such as wishes good morning, day or evening, is not a style of behavior or duty, it is a person’s focus on good or preparedness for good, conditioned by the purity of consciousness. A kind person does good; a benevolent person, like a pioneer, is always ready to do good. If you think another person’s attitude towards you is insincere or feigned, it means that you are looking at an attempt to pretend to be goodwill, fabricating a fake of this undoubted human dignity. Both kindness and goodwill come from the heart and pure consciousness of a person.

People with professions such as psychotherapist, trade or bank worker, teacher in kindergarten, a teacher, if they want to succeed, they must be friendly to people. But not everyone is capable of this; callousness and dryness of heart and consciousness defiled by selfishness interfere. The fake smiles of their ego are more likely to frighten and repel than to attract and inspire communication.

It is incorrect to label goodwill as “fake” or “counterfeit.” In front of you, one or a group from the gallery of numerous human vices is perverted in attempts to make a copy similar to it. An unscrupulous seller wants to sell you stale goods, radiating, as you think, goodwill. In fact, selfishness, greed, cunning and dishonesty are dancing in front of you. No dog can smell goodwill here. A bank employee with a 12/24 smile tells you about the advantages and competitiveness of his bank, knowing at the same time that his default period is a matter of several days. There is no need to say later that the reason for not returning your money was skillfully played out goodwill. She was never there. There were lies, meanness and hypocrisy on his part, and unreasonableness, rashness and gullibility on yours. When a person shows emotions, but his heart is empty, this is hypocrisy.

The great humanist teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky rightfully considered benevolence one of the main qualities of a real Man: « We often say to each other: “I wish you all the best,” “I wish you well and happiness,” these are not just expressions of politeness. In these words we express our human essence. You must have great strength of spirit to be able to wish good for others... Good, kind desires live in the soul of someone who knows how to give the strength of his soul to other people... If a feeling of joy stirs in your soul due to the fact that your friend is worse than you, it means you still need to study a lot, a lot, educate yourself, get rid of selfishness, vanity and cowardice... A sincere, sincere desire for good is inseparable from self-education. Truly a kind person today he becomes better than he was yesterday, and the feeling of good intentions brings him happiness.”

Peter Kovalev

  • Goodwill gives joy - from communication.
  • Kindness gives you the opportunity to show best features of your character.
  • Goodwill gives confidence in a better future.
  • Goodwill gives energy - for good deeds and noble endeavors.
  • Goodwill gives freedom - from destructive misanthropy.
  • Goodwill gives openness – to new people and new events.

Showing kindness in everyday life

  • Bible. “Better is a piece of dry bread and peace with it, than a house full of slaughtered cattle with discord” - this is what they say about goodwill.
  • Family education. Parents and children who treat each other warmly and respectfully are showing goodwill.
  • Interpersonal communication. A person who is always ready to help his neighbors, attentive to all the people around him, and in no hurry to criticize their actions - shows goodwill.
  • Public policy. Willingness to find compromises taking into account the interests of other states; material aid“third world countries” – a manifestation of goodwill at the international level.
  • National traditions. In Japan, benevolence is not just a virtue, but part of national etiquette; the same is true for some other eastern countries.

How to achieve goodwill

  • Communication. Communicate! Communicating with people of different ages, different beliefs and interests, different professions and trying to find with everyone mutual language– you cultivate goodwill in yourself.
  • Family education. Parents who show kindness, happily welcome guests, and are always ready to help those who find themselves in difficult situation– cultivate goodwill in their children.
  • Reading. An invaluable source spiritual wealth is literature. Reading classic literature, books on philosophy and psychology, a person develops respect for people, and, as a result, goodwill.
  • Work on yourself. Wanting to achieve goodwill, a person needs to suppress aggressiveness in himself, as well as overcome indifference and apathy.

Golden mean

Malice, hostility


Forgiveness, non-resistance to evil

Catchphrases about goodwill

A good word heals, an evil word kills. - Russian proverb - Like a mother, even at risk own life, protects his only son, so let the one who has realized the truth develop boundless benevolence towards all beings. - Buddha - In whom there is no good, there is little truth. - Russian proverb - Crawford Vernon / Three pillars of success. Kindness, wisdom, courage Kindness is beneficial, the author believes. This powerful force, allowing you to achieve reciprocity from the world, and therefore success. Philokalia The book includes significant works Christian thinkers. Among them are Macarius the Great, Maximus the Confessor, Gregory Palamas.

Benevolence is the spiritual and moral qualities of a person aimed at good deeds.

Benevolence is a character trait of a person who has good intentions and is ready to contribute to this.

Agreeableness is a positive state of a person with an open inner world to create benefits for others.

Examples of goodwill

A friendly person is easily identified. He is friendly, smiling, and easy to get along with. Besides:

People who are characterized by goodwill are pleasant to talk to and have a large circle of acquaintances and comrades. They are sympathetic by nature. By providing assistance, such a person will receive a return return. His favorable behavior promotes good good health. The advantages also include:

  • sincerity and absence of bad thoughts;
  • less risk of committing illegal actions;
  • balance of internal and outside world;
  • gaining the joy of communicating with others;
  • doing good deeds;
  • mastering unknown heights, self-development.


Excessive initiative of this kind of people is sometimes not welcomed, and even bothers and angers. Sometimes well-meaning people don't get the attention they deserve even though they don't ask for it. In addition to the above points, gaps in goodwill are characteristic of career stagnation. Trying to advise and assist colleagues, friendly person remains in place, promoting the behavior of colleagues.

Such people are endowed with an abundance of conscience and a lack of cunning, which classifies them among the list of fools or persons inclined to be gullible about what is happening. Thus, it is not uncommon to fall under the influence of scammers. And most importantly, in currently The majority of the population is busy with personal problems and the benefits received by well-wishers are soon forgotten.

We often take advantage of goodwill, although everyone enjoys communicating with such a person. Look at yourself from the outside, are you friendly? This can be learned....

Concept in simple words for children

A friendly person is sincerely happy for the successes of others and is happy about the victories and successes of strangers. He never envyes, but on the contrary, he wishes for good. He is patient with people and their mistakes, he will help and advise. Forgives insults, does not harbor grudges, does not take revenge. He worries about grief, defeats of both loved ones and strangers, and therefore lacks indifference.

  • Scientists from the California College of the USA, having conducted surveys and observations, found that friendly people, on average, live longer than ill-wishers by 6-8 years.
  • They have a happy and strong family, while the “evil brothers” end their lives alone.
  • All the undertakings of people who bring goodness end in a positive result.
  • In the human benevolent body, the hormone of happiness and endorphin increases, which lowers the pain threshold and increases the level of mood.


Agreeableness is a priority character trait, one of the five dominant types of nature. But it also has a list of underlying reasons. People with this nature need to be careful and find the right balance between the pros and cons. At the same time, this is a wonderful form of expressing love for life, which charges others with goodness, teaches them to be open, sympathetic and supportive. If we were all like this, there would be no conflicts, disputes and evil.


Korobeynikova Alla Alexandrovna


2 B

Extracurricular activities

The path to your Self




Who is a benevolent person


Expand your idea of ​​a friendly and responsive person.


  • Develop an understanding of kindness as important moral quality person;
  • Explain the meaning of the concept “benevolent person”;
  • Develop the desire to do good and be generous;
  • Cultivate a sensitive and friendly attitude towards yourself and others;
  • Develop communication skills, speech;
  • Help build the ability to give own assessment facts, events and situations of life;

Universal learning activities


  • development of curiosity and intelligence when performing various tasks problematic nature, creativity;
  • development of attentiveness, perseverance, determination, and the ability to overcome difficulties;
  • fostering a sense of justice and responsibility;
  • development of independent judgment, independence and non-standard thinking.
  • evaluation of one's actions.

Regulatory (to be able to):

  • accept and maintain the assigned task, evaluate the result of one’s activities, adequately perceive the assessment of one’s activities by the teacher and comrades;
  • interact with peers in extracurricular activities;
  • plan and organize your activities

Cognitive (be able to):

  • perform logical actions (choose grounds for comparison, classify objects, establish cause-and-effect relationships, build logic circuit reasoning);
  • answer teacher's questions;
  • independently and collectively find solutions and methods of action to the problem that has arisen


Ability to answer the question posed;

- ability to implementmutual control and mutual assistanceduring the task; the ability to use questions to obtain necessary information from a friend (when working in groups);

Ability to enter into dialogue and participate in collective discussion problems;

Give reasons for your statements;

Express your thoughts clearly;

The ability to listen to the interlocutor and recognize the possibility of existence various points view and the right of everyone to have their own.

Forms and methods of work

Forms: frontal, individual, group

Methods: verbal, visual, practical

Educational Resources

Presentation “Goodwill”, parable, poems about kindness

Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activities

Formed UUD



Dear students, I am glad to see your kind faces and radiant eyes at the “Path to Your Self” lesson. Today we have guests. Greet them.

- We are pleased to welcome you to our class

Perhaps there is a better and more beautiful place.

But let it be light for you in our class,

Let it be cozy and very easy!Let's give a piece of ours Have a good mood each other. Look at each other and smile.

Friends, I have a request to you: please close your eyes for a few seconds, smile (necessarily from the heart), open your eyes, look: our class has become brighter. It was from your good-natured smiles that the sun shone and warmed us with its warmth. When you smile, you have a happy and kind face. This means that good people have gathered here.

Children, did you enjoy giving each other a smile? What else, very valuable and expensive, can people give to each other? What you cannot see with your eyes, but can only be felt with your heart.

What is this?

Emotional response to greeting and mood for the lesson



This is tenderness, affection, faith, hope, love, sensitivity, conscience, peace, mercy, forgiveness, smile, dream, honesty, kindness

Communication, personal

II. Motivation for learning activities

Reading poems by prepared students

Before we determine the topic of our lesson, please listen to the guys who prepared the poems.

Reading poems by children


Hurry to do good, my friend,

For both friends and girlfriends,

Sometimes they feel bad

Your goodness will be a miracle to them.

Good as God's grace

Life's salvation can be

Friend, do not spare the fire of the soul,

Always be in a hurry to give good things.

Both a kind word and a deed

You can use it skillfully,

Don’t hesitate to give them to anyone,

It is good to heal their souls.

Student 2

There is such a truth:

Do not do good - there will be no evil,

It's hard to live with resentment in your heart,

Know how to pay good for evil.

The one who knows how to do good,

He no longer dares to do evil,

Give, my friend, give goodness,

Thank you for everything good.

Good and Evil walk side by side in life.

It is known that every cloud has a silver lining.

How good it is when anger is replaced

Smile and kindness come to us.

Student 3

When in the eyes of people, in their kind words

You will feel that divine light,

Then you are filled with great happiness,

Capable of protecting from various troubles.

O people, smile more often,

Give warmth of soul every moment

And never drain

That pure, fabulous spring!


Communication, regulatory,


III. Determination of the topic and purpose of the lesson

On the good earth, every person, big and small, has his own path to kindness.

The path to kindness is not easy, long haul, in which a person expects ups and downs, descents and ascents, alternation of good and evil. Learn to be for real kind - difficult. A person should stop more often and reflect on his committed actions.

Read the quote for our lesson.

A good intention is half of happiness.

Folk wisdom

How do you understand these words?

Is it easy to do good deeds? Does a person expect something in return when he does good deeds?

What do you think we will talk about in today's lesson?

You said correctly, today you and I will learn to be kind and benevolent.

They are listening.

They are reading.

Answer questions.




IV.Introduction to new topic classes



What is good?

What about kindness?

In Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov’s dictionary the word “ kindness " is defined as follows: "Kindness - responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, desire to do good to others" What is kindness needed for?

Is it difficult to be kind?

What is goodwill? How does it manifest itself? Goodwill – natural property person. The word "benevolence" means "to wish for good." Kindness shows itself in a smile, kind words, friendly participation. Kindness promotes mutual understanding.

What kind of person can be called benevolent?

It is important to be friendly not only towards loved ones, relatives, friends, classmates, but also towards strangers.

I suggest you guys listen to one parable.

Parable is a genre of literature that is similar in its main features to a fable. These are not just texts, not just stories. Each parable can give something, teach something. There is some truth in it, some specific lesson, small or big law the world in which we live. The parable that I will read to you now is called “In the Hospital”

Who in this parable can be called kind and sensitive? Why? Why did he do this?

How often in life we ​​are like this roommate who is absolutely indifferent to everything that happens and thinks only of himself! It happens that a person lived a day without doing any good to anyone, without helping, without sympathizing, without supporting anyone in trouble. This day passed without a trace, because it was not warmed by the warmth of friendly participation.

This is all good, kind, beautiful. For example, spring, sun, smile, mother.

Students' answers

Complete task 2 on p. 27 in the notebook.

Children listen to a parable.

The children answer.

Cognitive, regulatory

V.Primary consolidation

  1. Continue the thought
  1. “Help us come to an agreement”

Children, while we were talking with you, a particle NOT ran into your notebooks and turned goodwill into ill will!! There are unfriendly people? What kind of person can be called that? Complete the phrase:

“An unkind person is someone who...”

Look at the illustration for task 4. Help the boys come to an agreement and resolve the conflict. What can each of them do in this situation?

Complete task 3 on p. 28 in the notebook.

Complete task 4 on p. 28 in your notebook.

Cognitive, regulatory

Physical education minute

Game "Good or Evil".

Game “Clap, Stomp”

And now you and I will relax and play. Guys, you know a lot of fairy tales. They contain good and evil heroes. Now let's see if you can distinguish between good people fairy-tale heroes from the evil ones. I will name you a fairy-tale hero. If he is kind, clap your hands; if he is evil, cover your face with your palms. (Ivan Tsarevich, Koschey the Immortal, gold fish, Thumbelina, Little Red Riding Hood, Karabas-Barabas, Crocodile Gena, Snow White, Winnie-the-Pooh, Geese-Swans, Baba Yaga, Cinderella, Pinocchio, Morozko, Malvina).

Amazing! You completed the task correctly.

There are many good people in the world and everyone tries to do good deeds, therefore there is a lot of goodness on earth.

I suggest you play the game:“Let's clap, stomp”

I'll call different situations, and when you hear a good deed, you clap your hands, when you hear an unkind deed, you stomp.

1. After completing his homework, Kolya helps his mother around the house.

2. The older brother Vasya constantly offends his younger brother.

3. The boys helped the old lady cross the road.

4. The children were building a slide in the yard, and Misha watched from the window; when everyone went home, the boy came out and broke the slide.

5. Dad lay down to rest after work, and his daughter began singing karaoke songs loudly.

6. Kolya gave up his seat on the bus to his grandfather.

You were able to correctly determine which deeds could be called good.

Name fairy-tale characters and determine whether they are good or evil

Children perform the necessary movements.

VI. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition

1. “Good deeds”

2.Say the word “Magic words”

  1. “Ball of Joy” (in rows)
  1. Working in pairs

Guys, what good deeds do you do in everyday life?

(I clean the room, wash the floor, wipe the dust, tidy up the yard, water the garden, bring water to grandma, go to the store, play with my sister, read a book to my brother)

Well, you do a lot of useful and good deeds every day.

Draw in your notebook a situation in which you or your friends showed kindness.

Children, what magic words do they help us to do good deeds and deeds?

You need to know how twice is two

All the magic words

Perhaps up to 100 times a day

Please speak!

Dad broke a precious vase

Grandmother and mother were immediately upset.

But dad was found, looked them in the eyes

And quietly and timidly he said this:

Please don't look at me like that

Please, if possible, me Sorry .

If you respect your friends,

When meeting, ask: how are you doing ?

Don't forget that goodbye

We need to tell you: “ Goodbye !"

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word Thank you !

The old stump will turn green,

When he hears good afternoon!

The boy is polite and developed

He says while meeting Hello .

Well done!

We remembered the magic words. What do you think their strength depends on?

Passing along the rows balloon, thank your neighbor for something good he once did to you, or simply say kind words to him.

There are many kind and sympathetic children among you. I suggest you now take the heart in your hands. Write a good wish on it and give your heart to your desk neighbor. How do you feel about this?

They say the magic words: thank you, please, good afternoon, Good evening, please say bon appetit, etc.


Excuse me, please

How are you doing?


Thank you!

Good afternoon


Name good deeds

Doing a good deed is very pleasant and joyful.





VII. Consolidating knowledge on the topic of the lesson

You and I now know what kindness is. Kindness has many facets: this and polite words, and good deeds, and help, and a smile, respect. All this and much more that we talked about today is kindness. There is kindness in each of you. What do we need to do to make kindness settle in our classroom forever? Do you think there are any rules of kindness?

Kindness Tips

*Speak only (kind words).

*Always stand up for (the little ones).

*Don't be (greedy, evil).

*Treat your elders (with respect).

*If a friend is in trouble (help him).

*Treat others with kindness and (they will answer you in kind).

*Always listen to (elders).

1.Be friendly and polite.

2. Be attentive to people.

3.Do good deeds.

4. Do not return evil for evil.

Guys, what did we talk about in class today?

What is more good or evil on earth? Why do you think so?

What can we conclude?

About good and evil

Of good

More good and kind deeds are being done on earth.

Good conquers evil, etc.

The teacher reads the beginning of the advice from a piece of paper, and the students continue it themselves.


VIII. Reflection on extracurricular activities


You are still children, but many glorious deeds await you ahead. You will make our planet Earth beautiful. But first you must grow up to be real people. And this means that you must be brave, kind, hardworking.

Thanks for the work! Continue the sentence

Today in class I learned...

Today in class I realized...

Today in class I decided...

After all, doing good is great!

Ahead of you long road life. And let it be on yours life path friends meet whose hearts are filled with kindness, mutual respect, and selflessness.

Self-assessment own work at the lesson




In the hospital room

There were two seriously ill people in the same room in the hospital. One lay by the window, and the other's bed was located by the door.

What can you see in the window? - the one who was lying at the door once asked.

ABOUT! - the first one perked up. - I see the sky, clouds that resemble animals, a lake and a forest in the distance.

Every day, lying by the window, he told his neighbor about what was happening outside the window. He saw a boat, fishermen with a huge catch, children playing on the shore, young lovers holding hands and staring at each other with shining eyes.

While he was watching all these amazing events outside the window, his neighbor was tormented by dull anger. “This is unfair,” he thought. “For what merit was he laid at the window, and not me, and I can only see the door with peeling paint, while he admires the view from the window?”

One day, the person lying by the window coughed violently and began to choke. He tried to reach the nurse call button, but he didn't have the strength because he was shaking from coughing. A neighbor watched what was happening. It didn't cost him anything to press his button, but he didn't.

After a while, the first one calmed down and stretched out on his bed.

When he was carried away, the neighbor asked the nurse to move him to the window. The nurse complied with the patient's request, remade his bed, helped him lie down on the opposite bed and, making sure that the patient was comfortable, headed to the door. Suddenly she was stopped by the surprised exclamation of the patient:

How so! This window faces a blank gray wall! But the one who died told me that he saw a forest, a lake, clouds, people... How could he see all this from this window?

The nurse smiled sadly:

He couldn't see anything at all; your late neighbor was blind.