A friendly person. Benevolence benevolent

Scenario for the event “Goodwill – what does it mean?”

Purpose and objectives of the event:

1. Give a general idea of ​​goodwill;

2. Educate good relations to the people around you;

3. Instill the skills of politely addressing friends and family;

4. Work on the concepts of “good - bad”, “good - evil”.

Methodological support:

Musical fragment"Song of Leopold the Cat"

Chamomile (situations written on petals)

Age, class : 1st – 3rd grade

Number of participants : 15 – 20 people


    Introductory conversation. Determining the topic of the lesson.

Guys, when you meet, what is the very first word you say when you meet? (Hello.)

What special topics did we tell each other?
Just "hello"
We didn't say anything more.
Why has there been a little more happiness in the world?
Why has life become a little more joyful?

What do we wish when we say the word “hello”?

( Health, good mood .)

What other words can you use to say hello? (Good afternoon.)

What do we wish when we say: good afternoon? (We wish you well.)

Now read the topic of our event on the board.

“Goodwill – what does it mean?”


Who saw what two words were hidden in this word? (Welcome, wish .)

So, goodwill is...(Desire for good.)

Every person, both an adult and a child, wants all his friends, neighbors and even strangers They would always treat us attentively, kindly, and with respect.

What do you think a person should be like to be treated like this?

Think about it, if a person is rude, insults and offends everyone, will others treat him kindly?

Yes, only a polite, well-mannered and kind person is treated kindly by others. Everyone loves and respects such a person, he has loyal, reliable friends.

    Game "On the contrary" ( The song of Leopold the cat sounds.)

What does Leopold the cat call us to? What should you be like? (Kind .)

What if it's the other way around? (Badly. )

Now we will play a game called “On the contrary.” I will tell you words, and you will tell me words with the opposite meaning.

Good bad);

Kind angry);

Cheerful – (sad);

Polite – (rude);

Laugh – (cry);

To be sad – (to be happy);

Good bad);

Good evil).

Well done!

    Working on proverbs

To the good - good glory.

A good deed has lived for two centuries.

- How do you understand the meaning of proverbs?

Is there a difference between the words “kind” and “kind”?

( Kind only seems kind. In fact, he will not do good deeds selflessly.)

    Is it easy to be kind?

Is it easy to be kind?

It’s not at all easy to be kind,
Kindness does not depend on height...
Kindness brings people joy
And in return it does not require a reward...

Do you think it’s easy to just be kind and benevolent? Why?

( If a person strives to help another, simply because a person needs help, if kindness is his inner, spiritual quality, then it is easy to be kind. And if a person is selfish, thinks only about himself, then it is difficult to be kind .)

- Kindness – this is empathy, compassion, a desire to help.

It is important to be attentive, polite, and helpful - to give up your seats to older people on public transport, to help older people without waiting for you to be asked to do so.

Help me, what else should I be? (Be neat, tidy, say the “magic” words: hello, thank you, excuse me, don’t be rude)

- How do you understand the words: “kindness does not depend on height”?

(Even a child can do a good deed. And adults do not always act decently.)

And the words: “does not require rewards in return”?

(You need to take actions from pure heart, do not expect anything in return.)

    Situation. Analysis of situations written on chamomile petals:

1. You accidentally pushed your friend. What will you do?

2. You need to find out what time it is, but you don’t have a watch. But a passerby comes towards me. What will you do?

3. You quarreled with a friend, and then realized that you were wrong. How will you proceed?

4. A friend invites you to visit, but you cannot go. Try to refuse without him being offended.

5. You are on the bus, sitting by the window. Included old man. How will you proceed?

    "Theatrical Excellence"

dramatization of a poem by A. L. Barto.

It was summer, the birds were singing...
Pavlik was traveling on the train.
Suddenly at Fili station
Two girls came through the door.

Girls don't push
They stood modestly in the corner
And they talk on the sidelines
In English.

Pavlik understood: foreigners!
You can see it in your posture!
Maybe they are tourists
First time in our country?

And with difficulty he speaks English
Said: - Let me
Invite you to the bench!
Well, I’ll stand there myself!

It was summer, the birds were singing...
Two girls on the train
We sat down near the window.
- By the way, we are Muscovites, -
Smiling alone.

Pavlik shouted:
- How so! So I...
Got into trouble?!
And now he doesn’t drink or eat!
Let's sympathize with him:
Gave way to the girls
It is unknown why.

Did Pavlik do a good deed? Why did he suffer? Will we sympathize with him? Why?

Good deeds are only truly good if they are done selflessly - nothing is required in return.

    Final word. Summing up.

What kind of person can be called benevolent?

How do each of you feel about your parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents? Friendly? What does this mean?

In business and games we are with you
Must remain friends.
Long live politeness and kindness!
Long live kind faces!
And let the one who is angry be ashamed.

Shows of kindness in Everyday life

Gestures of openness

It so happened that the open palm of the most different nations peace symbolizes friendliness, sincerity and lack of aggressive intentions.

When one person convinces another of something, he instinctively holds his palms open, turns them towards the interlocutor or extends them towards him, that is, he demonstrates honesty and vulnerability.

And, conversely, a person who wants to mislead his interlocutors unconsciously closes his palms, clenches his hands, fiddles with them, hides them under the table, in his pockets or behind his back.

Goodwill– a person’s desire to be open to other people.

Friendly– desiring good, ready to promote the well-being of others, benevolent.

· Kindness is the ability to give the best part of yourself to others.

· Kindness is a constant positive attitude to the surrounding world.

· Kindness is the talent of sincere, sincere communication with people, regardless of their views and beliefs.

· Benevolence is a quality of a strong and noble person.

· Bible. “Better is a piece of dry bread and peace with it, than a house full of slaughtered cattle with discord” - this is what they say about goodwill.

· Family education. Parents and children who treat each other warmly and respectfully are showing goodwill.

· Interpersonal communication. A person who is always ready to help his neighbors, attentive to all the people around him, and in no hurry to criticize their actions - shows goodwill.

· Public policy. Willingness to find compromises taking into account the interests of other states; material aid“third world countries” – a manifestation of goodwill at the international level.

· National traditions. In Japan, benevolence is not just a virtue, but part of national etiquette; the same is true for some others eastern countries. In the Caucasus, cordiality, hospitality and goodwill are features national character the peoples inhabiting it.

· Communication. Communicate! Communicating with people of different ages, different beliefs and interests, different professions and trying to find with everyone mutual language, you cultivate goodwill in yourself.

· Family education. Parents who show kindness, happily welcome guests, and are always ready to help those who find themselves in difficult situation, cultivate goodwill in their children.

· Reading. An invaluable source spiritual wealth is literature. Reading classic literature, books on philosophy and psychology, a person develops respect for people, and, as a result, goodwill.

We wish you happiness, happiness in this big world!
Like the sun in the morning, let it come into the house
We wish you happiness, and it should be like this -
When you are happy yourself, share your happiness with others

Benevolence as a personality quality is the tendency to wish people well, to act kindly, to show friendly disposition towards all people on a disinterested basis.

The composer Brahms was extremely popular and therefore a great many amateurs constantly besieged him with requests to listen to their works... Being a polite and friendly person, the composer, however, tried by all available means to get rid of these, as a rule, empty visits. One day, leaving his apartment on the third floor, Brahms encountered a certain young man on the stairs with a large bunch of notes in his hands... There was no doubt that this was another aspiring composer. Fortunately, the seeker of fame did not know Brahms by sight. - Sir, could you tell me where the famous composer Brahms lives here? - the young man turned to Brahms. “With great pleasure,” Brahms responded kindly, “you are on the right track, the composer Brahms lives on the third floor...” and, bowing, he went about his business.

Goodwill arises in purity of consciousness or sincerity, that is, when a person lives in harmony with himself and with outside world. A person's life becomes lawless if it is a nuisance to everyone around him. A person lives lawfully if he is not the cause of constant anxiety and suffering for everyone around him. You experience an external pleasant feeling of cleanliness after bathing or bathing procedures, but no sauna will give you a feeling of internal cleanliness. Once a person stops slandering, blaming and condemning people, he will experience a feeling similar to that experienced by a smoker who has gotten rid of his addiction, or a drug addict who has overcome withdrawal. This is a special, pleasant feeling, a feeling of purity. Purity of consciousness is the feeling of purity. Life becomes easier, a person experiences happiness.

Purity of consciousness means that a person is not a slave to his false ego, which permeates his mind, feelings and intelligence. It is the ego that makes him say: “My hand, my wife, my apartment, my car, my children. I need it, I’m interested in it, I want it for me.” He illusorily considers everything that a person comes into contact with as his own. I sat down in the bus seat, remembered about the ticket, while I went to the driver to get a ticket, the seat had already been occupied. Dissatisfaction arises, because this is my place. With an unfriendly look, he declares his rights to an unsuspecting passenger.

Consciousness cannot be pure if it is saturated with egoism, when its complete master is the false ego. When a person lives only exclusively for himself, he has a consciousness defiled by egoism. Expecting goodwill from such a person is the same as expecting charity from the miser Plyushkin. For example, a person in ignorance looks at everything around him with distrust and suspicion. IN underworld There is even a rule: “Don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask.” The godfather does not trust anyone; he expects danger from everywhere. Trusting and friendly people do not become godfathers; an unfriendly look is their calling card.

Let's remember the film "Gentlemen of Fortune". Evgeny Leonov had to play two roles at once - a notorious repeat offender with a memorable, unfriendly look and the sweetest, benevolent head of a kindergarten. One is in ignorance, the other is in goodness, one is the personification of malevolence, the other is a shining example of pure consciousness that generates goodwill. When a person wants to live for others (children, other family members, some high ideas and goals), he clears his consciousness and becomes able to be benevolent. When he doesn’t care about others, about laws, about morality, honor and dignity of those around him, like a person in ignorance, or when he lives only for himself, like a person in passion, such a person can only demonstrate goodwill by mentally saying the word “marmalade.”

The ego forces a person to become attached to things so that when he loses them, he experiences real pain in his mind, feelings and body. They scratched or hit the car, and he had the feeling that they hit him. A car was stolen, a person had a heart attack, and his dress was stained - ruined his mood for the whole day. It is foolish to count on the goodwill of an egoist, even if you make a hint of encroachment on his “Mine.” I. A. Krylov has a fable “A Lion on the Hunt,” which describes the unreasonable decision of a dog, a wolf and a fox to hunt together with a lion and divide the prey equally. They did not take into account the fact that an egoist, who has strength and power on his side, cannot be friendly towards the outside world. The fox caught the deer and, true to the agreements, invited her “friends” to share. This is where the “goodwill” of the selfish lion manifested itself in all its glory: “Now let’s share! Look, friends: This is my part under the contract; This one belongs to me, as Leo, without a doubt; This one is for me because I am stronger than everyone; And whoever stretches out his paw to this little one of you will not get up alive.”

Benevolence presupposes an undefiled mind and purified feelings. Feelings, like tentacles of the mind, connect him with the outside world; if this connection is pure, a person becomes friendly towards people. For example, when a person is in excellent physical fitness, he experiences muscular joy, enjoys his physical condition, he enjoys looking at himself in the mirror. When a person has peace in his soul, when his mind, feelings and reason live in complete harmony, he wants to fly. In such an inspired and inspired state, it is unnatural to be unkind to people. On the contrary, you want to kiss passers-by, wash the dishes for the entire entrance, fly as if on wings, and think about what is reasonable, good and eternal.

To become the owner of pure consciousness, which is equivalent to turning into goodwill, means to erase all bad thoughts in the subconscious. A benevolent person is not capable of, like the old woman Shapoklyak, humming a song: “Why do such a bad thing?” bad thoughts about people.

Pure mind and feelings first necessary condition to demonstrate benevolence as a personality quality. The second condition is to overcome selfishness in yourself, taking a position of serving people. Third, achieve steady state empathy and compassion for all people. Compassion gives happiness, which is not conditioned by anything - neither wealth nor success. It does not mean pity or shared suffering, which will make the sufferer feel even worse, but understanding and support. Fourth, be purposeful, conscientiously fulfill your duties as a man, father, husband, citizen. And fifth, a person must learn to love everyone around him. The five conditions for purifying consciousness, which is very important, are interchangeable. A person who fully realizes or specializes in at least one of these conditions always comes to the same goal.

The quality of personality will be manifested if it applies to everyone. If a person is friendly to those he needs and hostile to others, then this is not goodwill, but hypocrisy. If you want to become rich, don’t envy, be kind to the rich, if you want to keep wealth, don’t despise, be kind to the poor. In other words, kindness should always be shown to everyone.

Kindness is not an external adherence to etiquette, such as wishes good morning, day or evening, is not a style of behavior or duty, it is a person’s focus on good or preparedness for good, conditioned by the purity of consciousness. A kind person does good; a benevolent person, like a pioneer, is always ready to do good. If you think another person’s attitude towards you is insincere or feigned, it means that you are looking at an attempt to pretend to be goodwill, fabricating a fake of this undoubted human dignity. Both kindness and goodwill come from the heart and pure consciousness of a person.

People with professions such as psychotherapist, trade or bank worker, teacher in kindergarten, a teacher, if they want to succeed, they must be friendly to people. But not everyone is capable of this; callousness and dryness of heart and consciousness defiled by selfishness interfere. The fake smiles of their ego are more likely to frighten and repel than to attract and inspire communication.

It is incorrect to label goodwill as “fake” or “counterfeit.” In front of you, one or a group from the gallery of numerous human vices is perverted in attempts to make a copy similar to it. An unscrupulous seller wants to sell you stale goods, radiating, as you think, goodwill. In fact, selfishness, greed, cunning and dishonesty are dancing in front of you. No dog can smell goodwill here. A bank employee with a 12/24 smile tells you about the advantages and competitiveness of his bank, knowing at the same time that his default period is a matter of several days. There is no need to say later that the reason for not returning your money was skillfully played out goodwill. She was never there. There were lies, meanness and hypocrisy on his part, and unreasonableness, rashness and gullibility on yours. When a person shows emotions, but his heart is empty, this is hypocrisy.

The great humanist teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky rightfully considered benevolence one of the main qualities of a real Man: « We often say to each other: “I wish you all the best,” “I wish you well and happiness,” these are not just expressions of politeness. In these words we express our human essence. You must have great strength of spirit to be able to wish good for others... Good, kind desires live in the soul of someone who knows how to give the strength of his soul to other people... If a feeling of joy stirs in your soul due to the fact that your friend is worse than you, it means you still need to study a lot, a lot, educate yourself, get rid of selfishness, vanity and cowardice... A sincere, sincere desire for good is inseparable from self-education. Truly a kind person today he becomes better than he was yesterday, and the feeling of good intentions brings him happiness.”

Peter Kovalev

“Know how to think well! Learn to be kind in your feelings and thoughts!”- this is how the great Soviet and Ukrainian humanist teacher Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky instructed his students. He rightfully considered benevolence one of the main qualities of a Real Man.

Vasily Aleksandrovich in his work “How to Raise a Person” writes the following: “We often say to each other: “I wish you all the best,” “I wish you well and happiness,” - these are not just expressions of politeness. In these words we express our human essence. You must have great fortitude to be able to wish good for others.” .

“Why is there great strength of spirit here?” – a question may arise. It is known that friendly person- this is someone who is always ready to help his neighbors, shows attention to the people around him, and is in no hurry to criticize their actions. And it seems that there is nothing complicated in this, because wishing the best for others is natural and should not require any special effort. It is true, but at the same time, is it so easy to be positively disposed towards people whom we are accustomed to treat negatively? Indeed, in situations where our ego is touched to the quick, it can be quite difficult to remain in a position of goodwill. Why don't we always remember kindness in moments like these? Because at this time the ego is trying to impose its rules on us, and we weakly obey it, although in reality we have enough strength and opportunity to get rid of such influence. And the surest way to do this is to develop the noble and required quality- goodwill.

To be open and attentive to others, ready to help and support, to sincerely rejoice in other people’s victories means to be friendly. And at the same time, real benevolence lies precisely in sincerely wishing good to people, regardless of the experience of communicating with them. Vasily Aleksandrovich wrote about the positive perception of others: “The ability to feel and see kindly the people around you is the result of a huge internal work spirit". Indeed, in order to be able to change your attitude towards a person, you must first understand yourself, analyze and reevaluate your own thoughts and experiences regarding him. By doing this we do conscious choice towards your good intentions. Thus, inner kindness truly strengthens our ability to control our emotions and consciously manage our thoughts, and this, in turn, contributes to the establishment of kindness in the outside world.

Agree, it is often much easier to avoid quarrels or conflicts with a friendly attitude towards the person who is trying to start this conflict. Thus, refraining from an outburst of anger, not allowing thoughts of condemnation to take root, turning attention to positive emotions, we allow the seed of kindness to sprout in ourselves and in those around us. Similar situations are a shining example that sincerely desiring good, we do good. And to do good is the most urgent need of a Real Man, the formation of which, as Vasily Alexandrovich argued, should begin as early as possible.

It becomes obvious how important it is to lay the foundations of goodwill from childhood. Sukhomlinsky called on parents to be extremely attentive and sensitive in order to prevent the seed of ignorance and rudeness from germinating in a child’s heart. Even if subjectively it seems to the parent that the child is right in his negative position to some person or event - you cannot allow this negative emotion became dominant in the child even for a minute. After all, any situation that happened in childhood and seems trivial can become the foundation for the formation of a certain quality of a future adult.

Exit from similar situation there may be a question along the following lines: “What makes you think that this person is bad? Just because you're upset with him doesn't mean he's bad. He must be good, you just haven’t noticed it yet. Wish people only the best and they will definitely answer you in kind!” Such words seem naive only at first glance. V. A. Sukhomlinsky, believed that true kindness is expressed in the desire to see best man with whom you come into contact. It is obvious that not only wishing good to people, but also seeing good in them is the ability of a Real Man.

Thus, calling on his child to find the good and kind in a person whom he considered “bad,” the parent forms in him the irreplaceable quality of “Goodwill,” which will repeatedly help him and the people around him in his life. By the way, regarding communication between parents and children, a great example is a social video "DobroYou Family". It clearly demonstrates wise parental answers to the child’s questions about abstract concepts, such as thoughts and desires. From this video it is clear that a sincere and kind answer based on deep conviction can touch the soul of a child.

Returning to the work of V. A. Sukhomlinsky, I would like to draw attention to the following words: “Good, kind desires live in the soul of someone who knows how to give the strength of his soul to other people” . The teacher rightly believed that being happy because you give a piece of your soul to others is one of the main sciences that we should all learn and teach our children. Although it may be in the process of their training that we ourselves will become a little closer to understanding the essence of this deep phrase.

How did Vasily Alexandrovich cultivate this amazing feeling in his students? First of all, Sukhomlinsky turned the hearts of children to people who needed help. Having made sure that the children’s attention was completely focused on the person, and they were imbued with his need, Vasily Aleksandrovich directed them to action, showing by his example how to offer and provide help, how to support the person. In other words, the great teacher taught children how to do good to people. And with that educational process didn't end. After Sukhomlinsky’s students completed their good deeds, Vasily Alexandrovich asked them to pay attention to their own internal state. The sensitive teacher asked about how the children felt inside, in their souls, after the work done for the benefit of others, after helping their neighbors. The guys answered him, shared their joy, light, and trembling of their souls. At such moments, according to Sukhomlinsky, one of the most important abilities of a Real Man was formed in children - the ability to feel joy from deeds done for the benefit of people.

The wisdom of Sukhomlinsky’s words, which are addressed not only to children, but also to educators, is striking: “If a feeling of joy stirs in your soul due to the fact that your friend is worse than you, it means that you still need to study a lot, a lot, educate yourself, drive out selfishness, vanity and cowardice from yourself.”.

As a result, thanks to the works of the genius of the spirit, the Man with capital letters V. A. Sukhomlinsky, we find a comprehensive answer to the question of what “goodwill” is. First of all, it is a person’s way of thinking, the ability to think well, the ability to be kind in thoughts and feelings. To be friendly means to rejoice in the successes of others in your thoughts, not to judge their actions, to believe in human kindness and, most importantly, to strive to do more good things that are useful for people!

V. A. Sukhomlinsky noted: “A sincere, sincere desire for good is inseparable from self-education. A truly good person becomes better today than he was yesterday, and the feeling of good intentions brings him happiness.” .

Anna Dubrovskaya,
participant of the International public organization"LAGODA"

Let's talk about goodwill, that's our topic today. We'll talk about the meaning, synonyms, and why it's better for people to believe first.


To understand the noun "benevolence", you need to turn to the corresponding adjective. The dictionary tells us that the meaning of the latter is: “Desiring good, willing to promote the welfare of others, benevolent.”

Accordingly, the noun “goodwill” is a certain quality of personality or communication with a certain person. There are people in the world who are initially well-disposed towards everyone until a person disappoints them. This happens quite often. And it also happens that a person does not disappoint, then goodwill is a quality that remains long years. One could even say that this is a measure of relationships: if a person manages to get along with some people, in other words, maintain goodwill towards them, then such friends should be valued, because friendship is rare bird, especially in adulthood.


Of course, an analysis of the meaning of the word “benevolence” will not be complete without linguistic analogues. We can't miss them, so here they are:

  • location;
  • favor;
  • benevolence;
  • friendliness;
  • courtesy;
  • friendliness;
  • friendliness.

There are many wonderful words in the Russian language to replace our object of study on occasion, and all of them will express a favorable attitude towards a person or people.

For example, it is not bad if a young teacher has a favorable attitude towards his first class. Of course, being a teacher means working hard, and when the time comes, he may be very tired of the work and its routine, but as long as he has enthusiasm, there will be goodwill, this is quite obvious.

Why do you need to be kinder?

Benevolence - valuable quality when it comes to communication. Both animals and people love affection. There's nothing wrong with being kinder friend to friend. Another thing is that people are going crazy from lack of money, endless race and competition. Let's put it bluntly: modern world- this is not the best soil for politeness and goodwill. But you still need to be tactful, although it can be difficult.

But it’s okay, because difficulties strengthen you. It’s easy to push a person away, but then to convince him that you are a good person is difficult. Therefore, it is better to start with goodwill - it is a win-win option. If something goes wrong, you can always avoid communicating with this or that person, but people need to be given at least one chance.