What does compound numerals mean? “Simple, complex and compound numerals

Has ten parts of speech. They can be divided into interjections and non-interjections, independent and auxiliary.

Independent non-interjective parts of speech are divided into names, verbs and adverbs. There are three names in Russian: adjective, noun, numeral. Based on some characteristics, pronouns can also be classified as such.

Numeral as a nominal part of speech

What words are numerals? What question does the numeral answer? How is the numeral declined? Far from it full list questions related to determining the name of a numeral.

Like everyone else nominal parts speech, the numeral is characterized by declension according to the case paradigm. The initial form is considered to be the form nominative case. There is no category of gender for numerals (the exception is numerals two,one, ordinal numbers and collective numbers both/both). The category of number is not defined for this part of speech, except for ordinal numbers.

Numerals can be all members of a sentence. They often perform subject, modifier, or object. Rarely are they predicates and circumstances. Phrases of numerals and nouns are indivisible and act as one member of the sentence.

Grammatical places of numerals

Leading scientists emphasize the insufficient development of this part of speech. There is a group of linguists who do not recognize the numeral as a separate part of speech. In this regard, there are different opinions by determining the composition of numerals. In the narrow sense, only quantitative numerals are classified as numerals: compound numerals, simple and complex numerals, and ordinal numerals are included in the category relative adjectives. IN broadly understood, numerals include quantitative and ordinal categories, as well as words that do not denote a specific quantity: as much, much, how much, little.

Sometimes it happens that a very simple question can confuse a person. So, to the usual question: what is a numeral, you can hear in response the words five, two, pair, or three, dozen, ten, etc. This is all interesting, although in fact these words are not numerals, since they have gender, can change according to cases and numbers, and they also cannot be written in numbers. It follows that the above words are nouns.

In linguistics, the question of which part of speech the words billion, trillion, billion, million and thousand should be attributed to is also ambiguously resolved. After all, they have both the signs of numerals and the signs of nouns.

What is a numeral name

In Russian, a numeral is a independent part speech denoting the number of objects, their quantity and order. The questions of a numeral name are: which? How many?

The nominative case form is represented initial form numeral name.

Taking into account the expressed value and grammatical features Numeral names are divided into two categories:

  1. Cardinal numbers (six, forty, thirty-eight).
  2. Ordinal numbers (seventh, thirteenth, twenty-fifth).

Cardinal numbers

Quantitative qualitative numerals are divided into three grammatical categories:

  1. Numerals expressing whole numbers.
  2. Numerals expressing fractional numbers.
  3. Collective numbers.

The cardinal numbers include:

  1. Definite cardinal numbers (denote specific number: three hundred, five, one and a half hundred).
  2. Indefinite quantitative numerals (denote an indefinite number of units: many, few, few, many).
  3. Pronominal numerals: as many, as, several, as many, as many.

From the point of view of word formation features, the following are distinguished:

  1. Simple numeral. Examples: seven, two, twelve.
  2. Complex number. Example: seventy, fiftieth.
  3. Compound numeral. Example: one hundred twelve, two hundred fifty-one, two sevenths.

Fractional numbers

Being a type of cardinal numbers, fractional numbers are necessary to indicate a fractional number. For example: five second trains, two thirds of the way.

If we consider a fractional number constructively, we can determine that in its structure the first part (numerator) is a cardinal number (five, two), while the second part (denominator) is the genitive form of an ordinal number (for example: second, tenth, sixth) .

Fractional numbers can also be denoted by mixed number. Example: five point two thirds, six point seven two.

It is necessary to decline a fractional number depending on its structure.

Numeral- one of the most simple parts speeches in Russian. Finding out a numeral is easy - just ask the question “how much” or “which”, and if the word answers it, then it is included in this group.

But inside large group Numerals are divided into several varieties. Let's look at the main ones and find out how to classify a part of speech to one type or another.

What numbers are called simple?

Main hallmark numeral is the ability to write a word in numerical form, that is, in numbers. But the records may differ greatly from each other appearance and by reading - for example, the words “ten”, “three hundred twelve” and “one thousand six hundred seventy eight”.

  • The group of simple numbers includes mainly prime numbers, which are written in just one word - “six”, “nine”, “four”.
  • It happens that a numeral consists of two or more digits - “twelve”, “one hundred”, “million”. It still remains simple, since there is only one word - and most importantly, only one root.

Complex numbers

But words like “sixty”, “eighty” or “seven hundred” are no longer simple. Although they are written in one word, there are more roots here. For example, the word “sixty” consists of the stems “six” and “ten”, the word “seven hundred” - from the stems “seven” and “hundred”. Such words are usually called complex, and it is very important not to confuse them with simple ones.

Compounds - numerals made up of several words

The main difference between compound numerals and the previous two groups is that they are written in several in separate words. Examples are “one thousand sixty eight”, “four hundred twenty three”, “eight hundred forty one”, “twenty two”. Almost all fractions also belong to this group - if you write them in words and not in numbers, you always get a whole phrase.

For example - “one point six”, “five ninths”, “two thirds”. The only exception- this is the word “one and a half” - with its help you can express the number “one point five”.

The rules for declension of compound numerals deserve special mention. They vary depending on the situation. Sometimes the expression is declined completely, for each word - for example, “pay for the purchase with three hundred and forty-three rubles.” But in some cases, only the last part of the compound numeral is transformed. For example, you can take “in one thousand nine hundred and forty-five.” As we see, here the case is changed only for the last part - all the rest remain in the nominative case.

Based on their composition, cardinal numbers are divided into simple, complex and composite. Simple numerals are words with a simple base - unmotivated and suffixed: two, five, ten, fourty, one hundred, How many, so many, fifteen, thirty; Complex numerals are words with a complex base: sixty, eight hundred(for details see § 1032, 1034). Compound numerals consist of several words (two or more), each of which is itself a simple or complex numeral: twenty five, eight hundred thirty eight. A compound numeral may include a noun with the meaning of number; For example: thousand nine hundred seventy six; (one) million five thousand one hundred ninety five. When denoting very large numbers or quantities ( billion, thousands billions) are used noun. billion(billion) trillion(a number equal to a thousand billion) quadrillion(conventional name for a number represented by a unit followed by fifteen or twenty zeros), which appear in different combinations with numerals or other nouns: one trillionfive billions eight millions one hundred thousand two hundred eighty one.


Numerals two, three, four form case forms according to the model of the mixed declension of adjectives (see § 1315). The system of their inflections in cosm. pad. is a slightly modified system of inflections of case forms of mixed cl. plural adjectives h. Number two, three, four have the following phonemic composition of inflections:












like them. or gen. P.

like them. or gen. P.




O dv-wow

O tr-eh

O four-eh

Numerals from five before ten and all numerals in - twenty And - ten form case forms in the third cl. nouns (see § 1187). A distinctive feature of the declension of numerals is - ten is the so-called double declension, i.e., the declination of both components: fifty, fifty, fifty. Numerals in - ten form case forms from variant stems: forms named after. and wine n. have a base on a hard consonant, and the forms of other indirect ones. pad. - for a soft consonant: fifty, But fifty.

















O heels-And

O fifteen-And

O fifty-And

Compound numerals change according to cases. When forming case forms, it is normal to change the cases of each word included in the compound numeral.


two hundred

eighty seven


two hundred

eighty seven


two hundred

eighty seven


two hundred

eighty seven


two hundred

eight ten seven

O thousand

O two hundred

O eighty seven


Collective numbers. both, two, three, four etc., as well as indefinite numbers a lot of, A little, How many, How many-someday, How many-That, some, so many,so many-That form cosm forms. pad. according to the adjective type of declension of adjectives. Collective numerals have case forms with a system of plural inflections. h. Numerals two, three, four have in them. n. inflection | 1 | (spelling - O And - e), and in the rest case forms inflections identical to inflections of the adjective declension of adjectives in its varieties hard (collective numbers with a stem on a hard consonant) or soft (collective numbers with a stem on |j|)

Number both, both forms case forms from different bases: in indirect forms. pad. husband. and Wednesday R. – basis |obj|-, in indirect forms. pad. wives R. – basis |about"ej|-.

The Russian language has a huge number of rules that are incomprehensible not only to foreigners, but also to people born in this country. Most often, schoolchildren and adults raise a lot of questions about the rules for using cardinal and ordinal numbers. However, everything is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. Having studied the most important rules using certain parts of speech, you can quickly understand all the intricacies of this issue.

general information

First of all, it is worth remembering that numerals are independent significant parts of speech in the Russian language. By and large this separate group words that are formed according to their own rules. Based on this, they are divided by:

  • Grammatical meaning. This means that these parts of speech can denote numbers, quantity, and can also be used in counting. IN in this case This group of words includes those that answer questions such as: “How much?” or "Which one?"
  • Characteristics of morphology. In this case, they are divided into cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers, as well as additional ones: simple and composite. In addition, there is a category modified words, in which the endings change in accordance with the case used, but there are exceptions.
  • Syntactic role. In this case, the cardinal number acts as a single whole with the noun used. For example: “There were two glasses in the kitchen.” In addition, cardinal numbers can play the role of a definition or be part of a compound predicate. For example: “Their place is in the third row.”

Category by value

These parts of speech are divided into quantitative ordinal and fractional numbers. However, by and large there are only two groups. Fractions are cardinal numbers. Therefore, it is worth considering this issue in more detail. The fact is that people often confuse cardinal collective and ordinal numbers. Although they belong to different categories.

Cardinal numbers

Based on the name, it is easy to guess that these parts of speech mean “number” and “quantity”. In turn, they are:

  • Whole. In this case we're talking about about such numbers that represent the number of integer values.
  • Fractional. Such numerals represent incomplete numbers.
  • Collective. In this case, a quantitative totality is expressed.

All these categories of numerals differ in their peculiarities of forming parts of speech. For example, integers can create a mixed appearance with fractions. Good example: two second and five ninth.


These parts of speech are words that determine order when counting. For example: second, twelfth, one hundred and first, etc.

In this case, there are no subcategories.

Cardinal and ordinal numbers: examples

If education different types If it’s not clear the first time, it’s worth considering their features in more detail. Examples will help you better understand the education system of these categories.

So, in order to understand the spelling of cardinal and ordinal numbers, the easiest way is to consider them in the categories described above:

  • If we are talking about integers, then they are formed according to the example: two, twelve, fifty, etc.
  • During education fractional numbers they are used in the form: two fourths, three sixths.
  • If we are talking about a collective category, then the parts of speech will look like: three, five, six.

In addition, ordinal numbers have their own characteristics in word formation. If we are talking about words denoting integers, then the change occurs due to suffixes. This means that one group of parts of speech can be made into another. For example, in order to convert cardinal numbers into ordinal numbers, you only need to modify last part words: six - sixth, seven - seventh, thirty - thirtieth.

However, it is worth considering that ordinal numbers such as “first” and “second” are exceptions. So you just have to remember this.

Declension of cardinal and ordinal numbers

As you know, cases are widely used in the Russian language, of which there are six. When declining ordinal numbers, only the last digit changes (if there are several of them). For example:

  • Nominative case: twenty-fifth, one thousand six hundred and thirteen.
  • Genitive: twenty-fifth, one thousand six hundred and thirteen.
  • Dative: twenty-fifth, one thousand six hundred and thirteen.
  • Accusative: twenty-fifth, one thousand six hundred and thirteen.
  • Instrumental: twenty-fifth, one thousand six hundred and thirteen.
  • Prepositional: (about) twenty-fifth, (about) one thousand six hundred and thirteen.

If we are talking about cases, then cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers really differ greatly in formation. In the case of the first category, every word will change. Let's consider case endings cardinal numbers:

  • Nominative case: eight, twenty-six.
  • Genitive: eight, twenty-six.
  • Dative: eight, twenty-six.
  • Accusative: eight, twenty-six.
  • Creative: eight, twenty-six.
  • Prepositional: (about) eight, (about) twenty-six.

Important to remember

When considering numeral names (cardinal and ordinal), it is worth paying attention to some exceptions. You just need to remember these exceptions to the rules:

  • If you need to use words such as "one hundred", "forty" and "ninety", they will have the same form in the nominative and genitive cases. In all other cases, "one hundred", "forty" and "ninety" are used. For example, it would be more correct to say: “he walked with a hundred rubles in his pocket,” and not: “he walked with hundreds.”
  • If we are talking about the numeral “one and a half,” then the word can only change depending on the gender. That is, it would be correct to say: one and a half apples (male and neuter gender) and one and a half plums (feminine).

Rules you should know

There are many nuances in grammar. Therefore, it will also be useful to learn the rules about cardinal and ordinal numbers:

  • It would be more correct to say: “until what (hours) is the store open.” In this case, the emphasis is placed on the letter “o”.
  • Today you can often hear “year two thousand”. Actually this is wrong. The same applies to the expression “two thousand and seventeen.” It is only correct to say: “two thousand and seventeen.”
  • The endings of ordinal numbers change in the same way as in the case of ordinary adjectives.

How numerals combine syntactically with nouns

If we are talking about quantitative parts of speech, then in the nominative and genitive cases they are placed only in the form of R. p. That is: seven letters, sixteen cups, thirty people.

It is worth noting that words such as “three”, “one and a half”, “four” and “two” are used only with nouns that must be placed in singular, and all others - with plural. For example: three glasses - five glasses, two pillars - fifteen pillars, four girls - fifty girls.

In all other situations, when connecting a noun and a numeral, everything depends on the case.

The only exception is the numeral "one", since it, regardless, must agree only with the noun.

If we are talking about fractional “one and a half hundred” or “one and a half”, then they agree with the noun in the same way as whole numbers. For example: one and a half apples. Other fractional numbers must be used in genitive case. Nouns can be singular. h. or plural. h. For example: three-fifths of an apple (if we are talking about specific object) and two-fifths of apples (if we mean the total number of certain items).

Also, do not forget about When using them with nouns, the same rules apply as in the use of quantitative parts of speech. This means that in the nominative and accusative cases they change the form of the noun to R. p. In other cases, standard agreement occurs.

In addition, it is worth considering that when we use the collective numeral “both”, the noun can only have the singular form. h. For example: both dogs, both starlings. In all other cases they are used in plural. For example: seven students.

Ordinal numbers, as noted earlier, when agreed with nouns, are formed in the same way as words answering the question “which”. For example: first semester, eighth cup, ninth lesson.

Also, many are interested in whether the word “thousand” refers to numerals or is it still a noun. According to modern dictionaries, 1000 can refer to many parts of speech.

This means that the word can be used both as a numeral and as a noun. Therefore, in both cases it will be used correctly. However, everything depends on the word following the “thousand”. For example: “with every thousand rubles.” In this case it takes the form of a noun. But if we say “a thousand people,” then a numeral is implied.

Knowing why cardinal and ordinal numbers are used in one form or another, you can begin to speak more competently. The main thing is to remember the basic rules. Of course, there are some nuances in this issue, but a student can figure them out high school, and an adult.