What is life? Give your definition. What is life

What is life? It would seem a very simple question to which each of us knows the answer. After all, we all live, exist for a certain period of time, and then leave this world. Therefore, this concept is not new for us.

However, when you start to think about this question, the answer seems not nearly as obvious as previously thought. The fact is that, most likely, this concept cannot be deciphered only with the help of words. It is somewhere inside each of us, somewhere in the soul and heart.

If we turn to scientific interpretations, the definition of life sounds something like this: “This is a way of existence biological organisms the entire planet and an individual organism.” Biology gives us this decoding. If we summarize all the proposed explanations given by scientists in one field or another, it becomes clear that life is a form of active “presence” of an organism on Earth.

Let's think about what life is, relying only on our natural ideas, without involving theory. Many people believe that we live because we exist. But is it? who would argue with this.

Imagine a standard situation that can happen to anyone: problems at work, the family is falling apart, relationships with children are not working out... This simple circuit, which occurs very often. And that person who stands in its center believes that he does not LIVE at all, but simply EXISTS! So what is life in this case? Life is also in the soul. After all, for each of us there are certain concepts necessary for happiness, that is, for a harmonious existence. For some it is love, for others it is work, and for many it is family and children. The list can be continued indefinitely, but this is not what is important here: you just need to understand what you need so that your life does not turn into a miserable existence.

Now let's think about why the concept of “Life” is so difficult to decipher. All the words with which we appeal when analyzing our earthly existence were invented by us ourselves, that is, people. However, the meaning that is put into them cannot be put into simple human expressions. It is hidden somewhere deep, inside the concept, and we cannot fully explain it.

For example, many people simply do not trust those scientific explanations that scientists offer us. They rely only on their own internal sensations. Laws are made only for those who accept them. The rest live according to the dictates of their hearts and conscience. Maybe this would be completely correct if we knew how to carefully “listen” to ourselves, and, most importantly, “hear.” We do not always interpret the signals that the body gives us correctly.

Therefore, in order to understand what life is for you, first of all, turn to your inner “I”, ask it what you need for happiness and harmony. After all, if you receive the correct answers to your questions and are able to decipher them, then your earthly existence will be filled with meaning. If you really need to get an answer to this question, then you still don’t see the full meaning in your life. Otherwise, such thoughts would not occur to you.

The smile of a child, the joy of meeting a loved one, a promotion, the health of parents - this is what causes a storm in each of us positive emotions and a feeling of fullness of life. It is a full existence that turns us into a person who is able to appreciate the world and what happens to her. Know how to see happiness, enjoy it, feel it, because this is life as it is! After all, it is emotions that make us full-fledged residents of society and people in general. So let's match! Although it is very difficult!

It's not just children who are overly curious, asking why the grass is green and the sky is blue!? Children grow up, and questions begin that can confuse parents. But not only children’s questions can confuse, but also so-called adults.

Who among us has not tried to comprehend and give a concept or definition of life?! And oddly enough, complete and correct definition no, all of them, to one degree or another, become vulnerable, incomplete, and do not reflect certain aspects of life. But, despite this, even a child perfectly understands where the living is and where the dead is and can easily make this differentiation. The definition of the concept of “living” and “non-living” is based on genetic level, but even despite this, there is still no precise definition concepts of life.

Common beliefs about what life is

From a physics point of view, life is again constant movement, exchange with the environment, energy absorption, etc. The concept is suitable, and on the one hand almost ideal, but again “BUT” pops up. It’s hard to call crystals alive, right? But on physical definition, crystals turn out to be very alive, since they are able to absorb energy and constantly adapt to conditions environment, and metabolism also occurs.

It would seem that, greatest success philosophy has achieved in understanding and awareness of life. But even here, not everything is so simple. Famous saying Descartes “I think - therefore I exist”, it turns out that while we are thinking about the future, about the present, solving the difficulties that have arisen - we are alive, we are living. But can we say that life is the ability and desire to think? You can bet, for a person, higher intelligence, of course, the definition, or more precisely the statement, may be plausible, but far from complete. Animals that live on instincts and learned patterns, can this statement be applied to them? It’s a stretch, but they are alive, continue to hunt for food, have offspring, and so on.

An equally widespread philosophical opinion is that there is a soul, which is inherent in every living organism. Most often, the expression “living organism” refers exclusively to humans, and this definition undeservedly bypasses lower living forms. But, despite this injustice, it is this point of view that deserves close attention. Perhaps it is this theory-definition that most fully reflects the essence of life as such. Moreover, on the one hand, the definition is vague, too voluminous, but “life” deserves such a definition, it is too voluminous knowledge.

Body-mental-spiritual formation

Life is a path that all living organisms must go through, and it is the physical-mental-spiritual formation that reflects this long path. By bodily formation is meant the birth of a child who is completely sterile in the literal sense. The born child fell into new world, full of information laws of life, and the only knowledge which a child has - instincts. Nature takes care of its charges and gives everything for survival. From the moment of birth, the child begins to grow and go through everything age periods- work is becoming established internal organs And so on.

From a certain period of time, the moral development of man is added to the physical development, we're talking about about so-called education. Here we can talk about understanding and observing the laws of life, what is “good” and what is “bad”. Patterns of behavior and so on. And the main role in the formation of moral development is played by parents, who by example and with the help of explanations they “mold” the child into a developing child as a person. In most cases, the word “morality” is synonymous with the word “morality” or “ethics”. The ability to absorb the rules and foundations of morality and ethics lies not only on the shoulders of those close to us, but also on society as a whole. Understanding and awareness of these laws lies with real examples behavioral patterns of people and society as a whole. Even the most insignificant aspects at first glance can give rise to serious consequences, both good and bad. negative meaning. In the upbringing and moral development of a person, it is necessary to pay attention to even the little things.

The third stage is spiritual formation. At birth, the spiritual side of the child is not perfect; one might say the spiritual side of the child is sterile. At the stages of earthly life, ideals gradually change, which will be influenced by many life factors, such as health status. Thus, people with disabilities and people without disabilities have completely different concepts of life, its normal course, and much more. Gradually, the child accepts or rejects the laws of higher reason, which to one degree or another can also be called the laws of morality (ethics). Spiritual development is also influenced by spiritual state, and the excellence of parents or educators. After all, it is impossible to instill a child’s spiritual education without having one’s own, and completely denying it.

All three stages of development must be completed in order to understand and comprehend life. Not only are these stages integral part life, so they can also be included in the understanding and definition of life as such.

Death as an integral part of life

Each of us, one day, is faced with the concept of “the end”, maybe not our own, but very loved one. Each of us understands that this end is inevitable, and sooner or later everything comes to an end, as they say: “Nothing lasts forever under the sun.” But this arrival always turns out to be unexpected.

Life can be measured by what a person achieved during this period, what he left behind, and death is an integral part of life. Religious interpretation says that death is a way of being, but it is in religion that death is presented as a transition from one form of life to another - the afterlife. Upon reflection, and making ends meet, there are practically no differences in the definition of both religious and scientific world. In both cases, death is the end of one life.

No matter how much discussion there is about these two concepts, on the one hand absolutely opposite, and at the same time inextricably linked, it is necessary to live and enjoy every day you live. And we must remember that every day we live should not be lived in vain.

The fear of death is practically at the genetic level, but at the same time it is not something to be afraid of. It is worth remembering about higher matter, and about our actions and deeds that will remain after us, and they will live forever. Moreover, it is worth remembering the soul, which, with religious point sight, death is not terrible. After the end of life physical body, the soul continues to exist. The soul can live many bodily lives. It turns out that death is not only the end of life, but also its new beginning at the same time.

What is life?

What is life and what's the point human life? Was man created only to live short life, die and what features our body indicate that man was created for eternal life?


Definition. A form of existence characteristic of plants, animals, humans and spiritual beings. Alive physical objects differ from
non-living metabolism, as well as the ability to grow, reproduce and respond to external stimuli.

Animals and people, unlikeplants that do not have consciousness are souls. They have vitality, which supports life in them and which itselfsupported by breathing.

For intelligent creatures, life in in every sense words are perfect life with full right to it. Human soul not immortal. However, there is hope for God's faithful servants that they will achieve perfection and be able to live forever, many on earth, and the "little flock" in heaven as heirs of God's Kingdom.

Those who are resurrected to spiritual life and become rulers in heavenly kingdom, receive immortality, or life that does not need to be supported by anything from the outside.

What is the meaning of human life?

For life to have meaning, it is important to recognize that there is One who is the Source of life. If life arose by chance, without the intervention of reason, then our existence would be aimless and the future would be uncertain.

But Acts 17:24, 25, 28 says, “God, who created the world and all that is in it... himself gives to all life and breath and all things. ...We live by it, and move, and exist.”

And Revelation 4:11 records these words addressed to God: “You are worthy, O Jehovah our God, to receive glory, honor and power, because you created all things and
everything exists and was created by your will.”

If people do not live according to God's laws and follow his guidance, then this leads to disappointment. Galatians 6:7, 8 contains these thought-provoking words: “Make no mistake, God is not one to be mocked. Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap; he who sows in his own flesh will reap corruption from the flesh.” (See Galatians 5:19-2)

Because of the sin inherited from Adam, people today cannot enjoy life to the fullest. However, this situation does not correspond
God's original plan. Adam's sin was followed by God's punishment, which, according to Romans 8:20, resulted in “the creation [humanity] being subjected to futility.”

Reflecting on his sinful condition, the Apostle Paul wrote: “I am of the flesh, sold under sin. I don’t do the good that I want, but I do the evil that I don’t want over and over again. By to the inner man I find pleasure in the law of God, but in my members I see another law, warring against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin, which is in my members. I'm an unhappy person! (Rom. 7:14, 19, 22-24).

If we apply biblical principles and give the will of God first place in our lives, then our lives become as happy as they can be today and fulfilled. deep meaning. God gains nothing from us serving him; he teaches us for our own benefit (Isa. 48:17).

The Bible encourages, “Be strong, immovable, always working hard in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Cor. 15:58).

If we believe in what Jehovah has done for our salvation and walk in God's ways, then, according to the Bible, we have the opportunity to live
forever in perfection. This hope has a solid foundation; those who are confident in it will never be disappointed. If we live in accordance with this hope, our lives are already fulfilled true meaning(John 3:16; Titus 1:2; 1 Pet. 2:6).

Was man created only to die after living a short life?

Life 2:15-17: “Jehovah God took the man [Adam] and placed him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and care for it. And Jehovah God commanded man: “You can eat your fill from all the trees in the garden. But you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day that you eat from it you will certainly die."

(God spoke of death not as inevitable, but as a consequence of sin, and warned Adam to beware of wrongdoing. Compare Romans 6:23.)

Life 2:8, 9: “Jehovah God planted a garden in Eden in the east, and there he placed the man whom he formed. And Jehovah God made every tree grow out of the ground,
pleasant to the sight and good for food, and also a tree of life in the midst of the garden.” (After Adam sinned, he and his wife were expelled from Eden.

According to Genesis 3:22, 23, this was to prevent them from eating from the tree of life. From this we can conclude that if Adam had been obedient to his Creator, God would have later allowed him to eat fruit from the tree of life, thereby deeming him worthy to live forever. The very presence of the tree of life in Eden pointed to this possibility.)

Ps. 37:29: “The righteous will inherit the earth and will live in it forever.”

This promise clearly shows that God's purpose for the earth and
humanity has not changed.

If we talk about us, then should our life really be just a fleeting existence, full of suffering?

Rome. 5:12: “Through one man [Adam] sin entered the world, and through sin death, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned.”

(We all die because of Adam's sin, not because it is God's will.)

Job 14:1: “A man born of a woman is short-lived and full of worry.” (These words are suitable to describe life in this imperfect

Despite all this, we can live full, meaningful lives.

Is life on earth only meant to determine who is worthy to go to heaven?

Do we have an immortal soul that continues to live after the death of the body?

What is necessary for us to have hope for something greater than our present short-lived life?

Matt. 20:28: “The Son of man [Jesus Christ] came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

John 3:16: “God loves the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who exercises faith in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

Heb. 5:9: “He [Jesus Christ] became responsible for eternal salvation for all who obey him.” (See also John 3:36.)

How will the hope for a future life be realized?

Acts 24:15: “I have hope in God, which they themselves also have, that there will be a resurrection of the dead, of the just and of the unjust.”

Those who served God faithfully in the past will be resurrected, as well as many who did not have enough knowledge of the true God and who therefore could not accept or reject his ways.

John 11:25, 26: “Jesus said to her [the sister of the man he later resurrected], “I am the resurrection and the life.” Who shows faith in me, even if
He will die, he will come to life, and everyone who lives and shows faith in me will never die.

Do you believe this?’” Jesus wasn't just talking about the hope of resurrection. He also spoke of the hope provided for those who would live when this wicked world was ended. Those who become earthly subjects of God's Kingdom will survive the end of this world and never taste death.

What features of our body indicate that man was created for eternal life?

It is generally accepted that over the course of a lifetime - 70 or even 100 years - a person uses only a small part of the capabilities of his brain. IN " Encyclopedia Britannica"it was noted that the brain "has such great potential that it cannot be realized during a person’s life” (Encyclopædia Britannica. 1976. Vol. 12. P. 998).

According to astrophysicist Carl Sagan, our brains can store information that would fill “twenty million volumes—roughly the amount contained in largest libraries world" (Sagan K. Cosmos. St. Petersburg, 2005. P. 407).

Biochemist Isaac Asimov wrote that the human brain “can withstand any load of learning and memory processes to which it is exposed, and could handle even a billion times more” (The New York Times Magazine. 1966. Oct. 9, p. 146).

For what human brain such potential if we do not have the opportunity to realize it? Isn't it logical to conclude that humans, with their ability to endlessly learn new things, were created for eternal life?

Is there life on other planets?

The magazine “Science and Life” wrote: “The general rise of interest in the search for extraterrestrial life, which reigned in the minds of people in the 60-70s, was reflected in
plans of science.

Radio telescopes were aimed at picking up meaningful signals from space. […] But earthly radio telescopes never caught any reasonable signals.

Scientists’ thoughts on this topic took the form of articles preaching the uniqueness of life on Earth, asserting that people are alone in this boundless world of stars...” (1999. No. 2. P. 10).

IN " American Encyclopedia" says: "[Beyond our solar system] no other planets have been discovered yet. But if outside
There are planets in the solar system, then there is a possibility that life arose on one of them and appeared advanced civilization"(The Encyclopedia Americana. 1977. Vol. 22. P. 176).

Since then, many other planets have been discovered outside our solar system, but there is no evidence that any
they have life.

Why do people spend huge amounts of money searching for life in the Universe? Are they not trying in this way, as can be seen from the above quote, to find confirmation of the theory of evolution - confirmation that man was not created by God, and therefore does not bear any responsibility before Him?

Life is the most wonderful gift

Every person in this life has a chance to embody themselves, to show the world that you are worthy of respect and love, recognition and understanding. But this is not given just like that, you need to fight for it and you need to prove it. In our age competition It is becoming increasingly difficult to prove and prove oneself, but it is necessary, because Life itself sets high standards and sometimes dictates very difficult ones.

How else? After all, we, too, would not want to accept life at half its strength, to accept life as a surrogate. Sometimes we want everything or nothing. This is normal for everyone young man. After all, a young young organism full of strength requires maximum dedication and, as a result, immediate receipt of merit and recognition of its merits. It's so easy and obviously !

It seems to all of us that the world was created only for us, and there is nothing outside of us, and therefore has no meaning. But that's not true. This is a person's subjective position. Although for almost everyone personally this is in many ways the main guideline. How to understand that no matter who you are, you are only a part of our big human world, everything that is concentrated and collected in you, thoughts and dreams, even pain and fear, and complexes, is only a product of certain social relations.

If in the recent past it was enough for our ancestors to have a few sheep and a yurt, now it is certainly a penthouse, own business, belonging to an elite group, etc. All this, of course, is good to have, but if you don’t have it, then you can strive for it and work hard. Work tirelessly.

There has never been a time in the history of mankind when labor did not bring real and tangible benefits. This applies not only to career, but also studies , friendship, love especially and literally everything that surrounds us. Today richest man on the planet Bill Gates, the creator of Microsoft, once came to the United States with just a few tens of dollars in his pocket. But, thanks to hard work and self-confidence, he achieved what not many people can achieve: he achieved success and wealth, love and recognition!

What is personality? Ultimately real personality- this is tireless work and will, undivided faith in yourself, in your principles and ideals, faith in those who walk with you. This is the only way today that a young man can realize himself, achieve success, respect, love!

It’s still more difficult for the new generation; changes happen so quickly that sometimes you don’t have time to get used to them and realize them. After all, our Time does not stand still and increasingly requires strength and dedication from you. It is called Evolution . We want more, and the demands placed on us are also great. This is the Law. Whoever understands this will understand everything that follows. And knowledge will come to the rescue, because it is everywhere - whoever wants to hear will hear, whoever wants to see will see and find. And he will gain knowledge for the benefit of himself and others. This is also common knowledge.

But the trouble is, as soon as we don’t master something somewhere, don’t have time to overtake, we’re already lagging behind at the end columns, and we often hear offensive words addressed to us: losers, losers, brakes, sucks and many others offensive words, which our language is very rich in. For everyone personally, this is difficult to bear; it is a test of his psyche, character, will and vitality.

Is suicide a solution? What is a sense of life? Is my life worth living?

It seems to you that the world does nothing but beat, humiliate, insult, hate and dislike you. Not everyone can stand it and someone begins to take it for granted that he really is a loser, an outcast, unloved and despised by everyone. And everything he does is useless, there is no light in relationships , in love and friendship, at work and in school, and most importantly in life itself. And as a result, only one thing comes to mind - to end it all at once and forever.

Is this the way out? You are only showing your lack of viability, your complete defeat. By committing suicide, you are committing a sin that is not accepted by any religions of the world, any philosophy, any social formations, be it wild Aboriginal tribes in Australia or developed European civilization. And for loved ones and relatives this will be a real shock and a wound for life.

Is this why father and mother raised you. Is this why God gave you life? Of course not. No matter how bitter your life may be from your point of view, there is nothing more valuable than your life. After all, your life is a chance. A new chance to change everything around. Make the world and yourself your own unique initiative.

It’s difficult, yes, it’s hard, yes, but nothing is impossible. And the world only changes before your eyes if you continue to cling to it, fight and hope. But hope works wonders if you are faithful to it to the end. Believe, hope, work! Here are three magic words which should become for you rule all my life. And then life will open to you in all its fullness and diversity.

And you will see that you were endlessly, blindly mistaken when you wanted to commit suicide. After all, life cannot be ended. Life on its own beautiful , and it doesn’t matter who you are in it, or master, loved or not loved. What matters is that you are human, you are alive and you are looking for your own path, unique, untrodden and Great in its own way.

After all, you are the only one in the world and not one of the seven billion people is absolutely like you. Not a single one... Which means you must live and sometimes bear the heavy burden of life until the bitter end. The only way Nature manifests itself, only in this way does one who is worthy of life survive. And life in this knows no boundaries and definitions, life requires only one thing from you - life! Therefore, believe, hope and work! Blessing will come, recognition will come, love will come. It has always been so, and so it will be... After all, this is Life!