What does shame mean in Spanish? The main causes of Spanish shame

At the Evening Politruk.

There is such an expression - “Spanish shame”. That feeling when you are painfully embarrassed to see someone do something shameful. Sensitive people Because of “Spanish shame,” they can’t watch reality shows: they’re so embarrassed for the characters.

The feeling of Spanish shame also causes propaganda campaign cover in Ukraine. Anyone who has ever thought about the standards and norms of news journalism in their life gets those same shameful goosebumps. All moral and professional rules imaginable for the media are brutally raped as part of this campaign.

Let's take one of the most important events the first days of June 2014.

20140602 The bombing of the center of Lugansk was met by a sudden, concerted silence from the world news feed. Everyone can see this for themselves by opening some world news aggregator.

World news agencies regularly report about the battle of “separatists” with Ukrainian border guards near Lugansk (morning 20140602),
- Almost immediately after the first images of victims of the air raid on Lugansk appeared, the focus of journalists in the English-language information community switched to any other topic except Ukraine.
- Naturally, you can’t completely erase Ukraine, which has stuck in your teeth, from the reports. There are reports of violent clashes Ukrainian troops with “pro-Russian militants”, about the continuing flow of foreigners and weapons into the territory of Ukraine, about statements in support of the Kyiv authorities, about gas contracts...
- 201406-02,03,04 in news releases, on the front pages of foreign newspapers, websites, where Ukraine was in the top 10 headlines for three months in a row, suddenly there was no mention of the battles in the Southeast. The maximum is “in the tail” of current news.

In Russia, the debate about what happened in the center of Lugansk was just flaring up, and the English-language information community and other associated communities of journalists simply fell silent!

When the media refused to notice people in Crimea and the South-East and distorted data on the expression of will, the cultural public was already raising the formulations of George Orwell - about “disfiguring the truth in ways designed to weaken its impact.”

This episode is a synchronous withdrawal of information, coordinated at the reflex level. It was produced in such a way, as if in the heads of editors of various media, in different countries, the same mechanism worked - intuitively, automatically, reflexively identifying a threat to the game of the West and isolating it.

Orwell again:

“Imagine that fascism or some hybrid of several varieties of fascism reigned everywhere in the world - then [it will be impossible] to prevent the phantasmagoria when a black tomorrow is declared white, and yesterday’s weather is changed according to the order... War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength."

The information matrix simulates reality. Covers Ukraine with an information cap, under which it launches a scheme of continuous reproduction civil war. Creates what is needed for war psychological basis- hatred, general distrust and disbelief, destroying the very fabric of peaceful life.

The media forms a picture of the world for future victims and murderers, from which it will be easier for them to fall into a fratricidal war, and vigilantly guards this mirage from destruction.

The notorious “version with air conditioning” is required not to convince anyone, but so that the mirage of the ATO is not destroyed in the Center and West of Ukraine.

And the episode is completely excluded from world news - after all, this is the very “red line” that Gaddafi “stood up” before the introduction of the “no-fly zone”...

At the same time, those who ordered the media symphony of destruction do not hide either the means or the goals in the name of which the confrontation is heating up in the heart of the Russian World.

Here they are in open access: both means (alliances, intelligence activities, surveillance, classified information) and goals (energy, technology):

The document at the link is a US Congress bill called the “Russian Aggression Prevention Act.” Like the RZVDK, American legislators indicate for their documents measurable “substances and effects” - a kind of tags associated with the bill, defining the general field of regulatory regulation.

Unlike other documents of the US Congress on the situation in Ukraine, the following tags are associated with the “Prevention of Russian Aggression Act”: “Alliances”, “Energy Storage, Supply, Demand [Energy]”, “Intelligence Activities”, “Surveillance”, " Secret information", "Oil and "gas, "Technology transfer and commercialization [of technologies]".

Everything is in sight. Everything is on display. The “Open Society” of cannibals does not hide their favorite recipes.

An important means of reproduction civil conflict the technologies for organizing rebellions remain in Ukraine. Thus, 20140513 in the USA a new guideline “RIBES AND COUNTERACTS” was adopted for conducting special operations in conditions of civil conflict.

This publication complements the collection of US documents on the conduct of “unconventional warfare”. Here is one such document, translated into Russian, with examples and methods:

The purpose of these instructions is to “organize effective control over the society of other states” by “exploiting distrust and divisions within the population and effectively controlling society.”

The documents detail how to act in the media space to promote and discourage insurrection. A step-by-step periodization of the rebellion and its planned duration are given:

“The only propaganda trick that the Nazis and Fascists could manage was to portray themselves as Christians and patriots saving Spain from the Russian dictatorship.
Of all the piles of lies... I will touch on only one point - the presence of Russian troops in Spain. All the devoted followers of Franco trumpeted this, and it was said that the number Soviet units almost half a million. But in fact, there was no Russian army in Spain. There were pilots and other technical specialists, maybe several hundred people, but there was no army. This can be confirmed by the thousands of foreigners who fought in Spain, not to mention the millions local residents. But such evidence meant absolutely nothing to the Francoist propagandists, not one of whom visited our side of the front.

Who can guarantee that this kind or similar lies will not eventually find their way into history? If Franco remains in power, history will be written by his henchmen, and the presence of a non-existent Russian army in Spain will become a fact, and schoolchildren will memorize this fact when more than one generation has passed.”

George Orwell. 1942


Runet claims that the expression “Spanish shame” came into Russian as a translation from English phrases Spanish shame, and that, in turn, is a translation of the Spanish vergüenza ajena, “shame for another.” This feeling in itself is not new, and geographic location does not affect the ability to experience it. However, the Spaniards were the first to come up with a separate name for this condition.

However, what is more interesting is not where the concept came from, but what makes you blush painfully while watching the mistakes of strangers. And, by the way, “to blush for others” is by no means a figurative expression.

Doctor, what's wrong with me?

“Shame “comes to life” not only in the psyche, but also in the body,” explains psychologist Arina Lipkina. - Once upon a time we ourselves could have found ourselves in unpleasant situation, and now this “revival” forces us to hide from ourselves: stop watching the movie, turn away, leave the room, cross to the other side of the street. Not to be, not to be present, not to see.

We have projected what is happening onto ourselves and now try to suppress these memories. Ultimately, we are ashamed of our own shame, which each of us has experienced.”

A man caught in awkward situation, we automatically consider guilty of violating the rules, public or private

Why do we even feel shame and embarrassment for the actions of another? Psychologist Nadezhda Pylaeva believes that this happens if we:

1. We forbid ourselves a lot- in particular, to look awkward or stupid. The power of internal prohibition is so great that we avoid even looking at what is happening. This is also a sign that we do not accept ourselves - as we are, with all our shortcomings.

We acquire these internal prohibitions and attitudes throughout our lives. And shame itself is not an innate emotion: we “learn” to be ashamed between the ages of 3 and 7 years, thus reacting to reproach from others. Gradually from the reaction to specific external events shame can turn into a habitual internal state.

2. Tend to take responsibility for the actions of others: We feel involved and believe that we can somehow influence the situation. We automatically consider a person who finds himself in an awkward situation to be “guilty” of violating the rules, public or unspoken.

“Shame, guilt and embarrassment belong to the triad of sociomoral emotions,” explains psychotherapist Alena Prikhidko. “They arise when our moral standards are affected and moral rules are violated.”

By expressing emotions out loud, we seem to be saying to others: “I would never do that, I’m not like them.”

3. We experience fear of rejection. Even in ancient times, expulsion from the tribe was the most terrible punishment, and we still experience horror at the thought that society could reject another (and perhaps ourselves) for ridiculous or inappropriate actions.

4. Identify ourselves with others, we consider ourselves part of the same group as the person who does the “wrong” things. And it’s us who are not good enough, and not this strange, awkward, awkward hero on the screen (or the stranger we met in real life).

“Shame and pride in another arise not only when this person belongs to the same small group what we do: family, school class, department at work,” explains Alena Prikhidko, “but also when we both belong to the same big social group, membership in which is significant for us. For example, one psychologist may feel shame for another psychologist he is unfamiliar with, with whom he is united by belonging to a professional community.”

By expressing emotions out loud, we seem to be saying to others: “I would never do that, I’m not like them.”

Close to heart

Becoming witnesses public mistakes those around us, we all experience different degrees discomfort. It turns out that the reason for this different levels empathy: the higher it is, the more likely that we will blush for others, even strangers.

“This is proven by the results of a study conducted by employees of the University of Lübeck (Germany), explains Nadezhda Pylaeva. - It turns out that the feeling of shame for others and empathy are closely interrelated. Our tendency to empathize with others is the reason why we want to protect a person who finds himself in an awkward situation from shame.”

Watching the “shame” of the participants, some experience painful awkwardness, others mock

This is most clearly manifested when watching comedy and reality shows: watching the “shame” of the participants, some experience painful awkwardness, others mock (other people’s humiliations serve as fuel for their self-esteem).

Bridget and me

As an experiment, I force myself to rewatch Bridget Jones's Diary - a fragment where the heroine comes to a party dressed as a Playboy bunny. Everything fits: identification (we are both women of about the same age, social status and even one profession), and the fear of being ridiculed and rejected (one of the most frequent nightmares: I find myself naked in a public place), and quite high level empathy.

Do you know the feeling of awkwardness and inconvenience for another person? Has it ever happened that you were ready to fall into the ground for the behavior of a loved one? How to describe this emotion and what is it called? Why it occurs and how to deal with it. The most neglected forms, reaching the point of absurdity, from which “the hair on my head moves.”

This unusual and indescribable, at first glance, feeling is called Spanish shame. Surprisingly, the name has not yet taken root in our language. It is extremely rarely used in colloquial speech.

Spanish shame- this is an extraordinary feeling of shame and embarrassment for the behavior, actions or actions of another person. Most often, it spreads towards close and dear people: husband and children. In more advanced forms, emotion is born towards unknown, passers-by people.

Why is it called “Spanish shame” and what preceded it

The name speaks for itself - it indicates the country of origin of this colorful emotion. Of course, “Spanish shame” did not come to us directly from a native speaker. Everything happened a little more confusingly.

Etymologists suggest that in the course of natural language exchange, Spain conveyed such a funny popular expression to the USA. For those, in turn, the original Spanish “verguenza ajena” did not take root. Too hard to pronounce. Thus, the Americans transformed the phrase to simple “Spanish shame”. After a literal translation, it appeared with us.

Why do you feel embarrassed for another person?

This emotion, which is familiar to many people and not very pleasant, can “emerge” from childhood or be acquired.

I'm the problem, I'm the problem

According to psychologists, most often the root of the problem lies in one’s own psychological vulnerability. As such, uncertainty, to some extent dissatisfaction with oneself.

During the appearance of Spanish shame, uncertainty in one’s words and actions seems to be transferred to loved one. One becomes ashamed of his behavior, although it is quite possible that the partner is not doing anything prejudiced. The result is quarrels, even more soul-searching and “rewinding” of the situation where this unpleasant emotion arose.

The will of chance

Alternatively, Spanish shame can also occur among accomplished individuals. This emotion may be the result of one wrong choice. Very often this manifests itself in love relationships. He is drawn to his partner, but “everything inside” pushes him away. Awkwardness and Spanish shame arise for his behavior, any kind of behavior.

Spanish shame is most often experienced by girls who are perfectionists and pedants. They are the ones who care most about what they say and how they look from the outside. They pay more attention to the actions of their partner/loved one.

You can determine the root cause of Spanish shame by asking yourself a few questions.

Has it ever happened that you were ashamed of your friend at a disco? Or maybe in your youth you couldn’t get over the embarrassment of your jokes? young man? Do you ever feel ashamed of your choices or decisions?

Regardless of the answer, it is possible to overcome Spanish shame, and forever. Read below!

Neglected forms of Spanish shame are a catastrophic absurdity

The most painful, at the same time, absurd form of Spanish shame is embarrassment for a film actor, show business star, or simply a media person.

“I just couldn’t look at it anymore. He acted like complete fool, who was in the studio for the first time. Why is he making such stupid jokes, it’s not funny at all. I’m so ashamed of his behavior that I want to apologize to the whole room.”

Excerpt from a popular online diary of a British socialite prompted psychologists to think. After lengthy research, a direct pattern was identified between the “stupidity” of the host of an entertainment show and his ratings. Of course, the more ridiculous and funnier the presenter tried to seem, the more often people switched the channel. They were simply embarrassed by his actions.

After this, global opinion polls were conducted, in which it was found that just over 20% of respondents feel Spanish shame for others. Only, they are afraid to admit it even to themselves. Therefore, they automatically filter out “shameful” people from themselves.

How to deal with Spanish shame

Without a grain of doubt, we can safely assume that this emotion is not the most rosy and positive for a person. Perhaps those who experienced Spanish shame probably wondered: “how to get rid of it”?

We offer several tips that can minimize or completely eliminate this awkward feeling for another person.

  • Work on your self-esteem

As described earlier, low self-esteem directly influences the onset and attenuation of Spanish shame. The more vulnerable you feel, the more colorful the experience. Try to see something positive and bright in yourself. Use the tips from the article on how to increase self-esteem.

  • Eliminate factor

Again, if the problem of Spanish shame is acquired, eliminate from your life the irritant that gives rise to this emotion. No matter how hard it may be.

  • Awareness

During times of worry and shame, try to ask yourself the question: what changes because I worry about the behavior of another person? How does my psychological suffering help him? Clear answers to this question will help you overcome the situation. Systematically “getting yourself back on track” will, over time, allow you to completely forget about this problem.

Are you experiencing something similar? How often does Spanish shame come into your life? Who makes you feel these feelings most often? Share your opinion in the comments!

News and society

Spanish shame - what is it? Where did the expression come from?

November 5, 2017

The feeling of shame most often arises in the face of the public, which condemns for what has been done or said. This feeling originates and is fueled by the presence in society of a generally accepted moral code and set of rules. But are we always ashamed only of ourselves?

A Kind of Shame

Usually you have to blush for your behavior. But the interesting fact is that the feeling of shame also comes for what you didn’t do. For example, for bad behavior your child or when a stranger kisses a girl on the public transport, and you are ashamed of them. The reasons for such discomfort may be your internal taboo on such manners or the desire to take responsibility for someone.

The first signal that will inform about this is embarrassment. He says that the event that is taking place goes beyond convention. And the feeling of embarrassment for a stranger is called Spanish shame. We will talk about it further.

History of the expression

In Russian, the expression “Spanish shame” appeared after 2000; it came to us from English, where it sounds like spanish shame. And the ancestor of the phraseological unit was the Spanish term verguenza ajena, which, precisely, meant “shame for another.” True, there is another interpretation of the origin of the term, in which Spain is out of place, since it supposedly came to us from Hebrew, where “ispa” is translated as “aspen”.

In popular apocryphal version Judas, who betrayed Christ, hanged himself on an aspen tree. The tree felt ashamed of its choice, although it was not to blame. But, according to popular belief, the tree is punished, because ancient myths associate the trembling of its branches with God’s curse imposed for making a cross from it for the crucifixion of Christ.

Thus, one must understand that “Spanish shame” is not a scientific formulation psychological state, but a well-established opinion, namely a meme.

Video on the topic

Semantic meaning

We have figured out the history of the origin of phraseological units. Now we will decipher the semantic load of the expression. "Spanish shame" means that someone feels embarrassed for the wrong actions of others. Psychologists claim that a feeling of shame for others arises when a person recognizes himself as part of a people who commit unseemly acts.

The criteria for membership can be varied: gender, age, position, external similarity. But if this general thing affects you, you will feel uncomfortable. It becomes so obvious different attitude to one event different people. For example, at a banquet an unknown woman gets drunk and dances on the table - you may feel awkward or funny. If it was your friend, then you will probably feel a sense of shame.

Showing tact

The expression “Spanish shame” is determined by the emergence of a painful emotion that arose due to the awareness of the absurdity of the behavior of fellow citizens, which offends the concepts of decency and modesty. Psychologist Elliot Aronson wrote in his book that we often compare ourselves with the people around us, and this, in turn, increases our self-esteem. Looking at a person committing stupidity, we are satisfied with the humiliation of the poor fellow, mentally saying that we would never find ourselves in the role of a loser.

I don’t want to believe that it’s fun for us to watch others suffer and be humiliated. Meanwhile, television ratings and the number of video views on the Internet prove this hypothesis. If in life the mistakes of others do not always bring pleasure to those who witness them, then when in a movie an actor falls face first into a cake, this causes genuine laughter from many viewers. The survey revealed that the laughing subject experiences internal embarrassment, but it is accompanied by the consolation that someone else is worse off than he is.

What conclusions can be drawn?

Not only beauty will save the world, but also a society of self-sufficient and harmonious faces. You should be wary of individuals with an atrophied sense of conscience. Decency must be regulated in the process of socialization and education of the child in order to avoid negative consequences. Decency is a positive symptom of the essence, if it is expressed in moderation. Confusion serves as a marker that something is wrong. We avert our eyes to “save face” of the one who got into difficult situation, is empathy, emotional sympathy, an excellent spiritual impulse that makes us better. This means that it should be understood that Spanish shame is a positive personality trait.