Read quickly, even faster: the pros and cons of Samara speed reading schools. Speed ​​reading is harmful! Suppression of internal speech

Marshalova Olga Andreevna
Job title: teacher primary classes
Educational institution: MBOU, Zvezdochninskaya secondary school"
Locality: Zvezdochka village, Ust-Maysky district, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Name of material: Article
Subject: Speed ​​reading: pros and cons.
Publication date: 07.02.2017
Chapter: elementary education

Zvezdochninskaya average comprehensive school Ust-Maisky district of the Republic of Yakutia Article:<<>>. Author: Marshalova Olga Andreevna primary school teacher 2017 1
The ability to read, which a child acquires while learning at school, is a multifaceted skill, and its fundamental basis is a strong reading skill. Without sufficiently developed reading skills, neither independent work with a book nor full comprehension of work of art. Therefore, in a modern school, along with the formation of knowledge and the development of skills in working with the text of a work great attention should be devoted to the development of reading skills. First of all, let's agree on terminology. We will not talk about speed reading, because speed reading is reading at a speed of more than 300 words per minute. We will talk about optimal reading, that is, reading at a pace colloquial speech, V
optimal pace
colloquial speech. This is a tempo of 120 to 150 words per minute. It is at this pace that students achieve their best understanding of the text. If the reading speed is increased, for example, if the student reads at the pace of a tongue twister (at a speed of 180 or more words per minute), then naturally the understanding of the text will deteriorate. Comprehension of text also deteriorates at reduced reading speed. With a reading speed of up to 120 words per minute, the student often needs to read the text twice, or even three times. The range of optimal reading (when the reading speed is in the range from 120 to 150 words per minute) is the range to which human thinking and articulatory apparatus have adapted over the centuries. A child who cannot read will have great difficulty doing homework. He will not be interested in class, he will be restless, he will not visit the library, because reading books with a low reading technique is not so much a pleasure as a torment. It should be noted that reading speed is the most important factor among those influencing academic performance. According to psychologists, more than 200 factors influence academic performance. Naturally, it is impossible to take them all into account in our work. True, there is a statement that everything is important in pedagogy. This is true, but everything is important to a different extent. 2
Based on the opinions of teachers, as well as on a number of studies, it was found that there is a number one factor, the impact of which on academic performance is much stronger than the impact of all other factors. This factor is reading speed. The argument presented above is not the only one in favor of the reading technique. Having become interested in this problem, I talked with my acquaintances, teachers who teach literature at the secondary level of school. I asked them to conduct a reading test in grades 7-9. It turned out to be 10 schools. This is 28 classes. Goal: to identify the weakest reading student. Meet... Denis N., 8th grade. Reading speed 38 words per minute. This is, of course, an isolated case. But there are also those who showed results not much higher than Denis. Students in the first grade usually have this reading speed. In 8th grade homework for one day the average is eight textbook pages, or 6,500 words. Let's divide 6500 by 38. It turns out to be approximately 170 minutes, i.e. Denis needs about 3 hours to read the homework texts once. But with such a low reading technique, naturally, Denis will not understand what is written in the textbook in one go. He needs to read the texts at least three times, and three times is already 9 hours; Let's also add the 6 hours that Denis spent at school - we get a 15-hour working day. Plus time for written work. The conclusion is obvious. Thus, Denis is doomed to academic failure... You can invite the most talented teachers, and, nevertheless, they will not be able to help him.<<Что делать?>> --- this is a classic question of the Russian intelligentsia. The weakest link is primary classes. Here we can say we are losing 60-70 percent of students. Then they cannot study<<4>> and<<5>>. Already in the 5th grade, the amount of information increases, and poor reading technique does not contribute to its assimilation. Therefore the question<<что делать?>> in relation to the problems of school education may first be limited to:<<Что делать в начальных классах?>> and then transferred to more than 3
specific plane:<<С какой скоростью чтения должны читать ученики, заканчивающие начальное обучение?>>. Let's consider three existing points view of the required reading speed of students at the end primary education. The first point of view belongs to the former Ministry of Education of the USSR. In the Program for the primary grades of secondary schools, it was determined that the reading speed by the end of primary school should be 80-90 words per minute. The second point of view belongs to N.A. Loshkareva, associate professor of Moscow Pedagogical University. She recommends that students who graduate from primary school should have a reading speed of 120 words per minute. And finally, the third point of view. It belongs to the prominent teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky. In his book<<Разговор с молодым директором школы>> he writes that fluent reading, normal reading, is reading at a pace of 150-300 words per minute. Even if we take the lower limit of this recommendation, that is, 150 words per minute, then even then the third point of view does not coincide with the first. How can practitioners get out of these conflicting recommendations? IN real conditions It is hardly possible in any school for all children to study at 5. But on the other hand, what teaching staff can be satisfied with the fact that the majority of students study at 3? This is the reason for the negative psychological contagion of schoolchildren in relation to their studies. Obviously, we would all be satisfied with such a situation that the majority of students study at 4. And for this we must strive so that at the end of primary education most of students had a reading speed of at least 120 words per minute. But is this real? Maybe these are just good wishes, but it’s impossible to reach this level? After all, many learning factors cannot be ignored. So, for example, different students have different temperaments. Cholerics, as a rule, speak and read 4
at a pace of at least 150 words per minute. Some choleric people even speak at a tongue twister pace - 180 words per minute or more. For sanguine people, the most typical range coincides with the optimal range of 120-150 words per minute. This means that sanguine and choleric people can reach the level of 120 words per minute. The situation is worse with phlegmatic and melancholic people. For these categories of students, a reading speed of 120 words per minute is unlikely to be achievable. But nature cannot do without gifts. She gave such a gift to us, teachers. The fact is that most of our students are choleric and sanguine. Phlegmatic and melancholic people make up less than 10 percent. So, most students can easily reach a reading speed of 120 words per minute. Then the following question arises: how to reach this level, how to achieve this speed - the optimal speed, what learning reserves can be used here? We can offer eight reserves for teaching reading; these are recommendations that can work in any conditions. Important


training exercises. Human memory is structured in such a way that what is remembered is not what is constantly before the eyes, but what flashes: that is, that is not. This is what creates irritation and is remembered. Therefore, if we want to help children master some skills and bring them to automatism, to the level of skill, we need to conduct small-scale exercises with them every day, at certain intervals. What can often be observed in many families? Mom sits her little son, who doesn’t read well, with a book and says the following:<<Прочитай вот эту сказку. Пока не прочитаешь, из-за стола не выходи.>>. With the low reading technique that a first-grader has, he needs an hour and a half. To read this short story. This is an hour and a half of very difficult work. The mother here makes a very serious pedagogical mistake, suppressing the child’s desire to read. It would be much better if home training was carried out in three portions of 5 minutes each. The child reads a short paragraph and retells its contents. After an hour or two, another portion. Before bed one more 5
a portion. The effectiveness of such training is much higher than training for an hour and a half at a time.
Buzzing Reading
was one of the main elements of teaching reading at the Pavlysh school, the school of V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Now, perhaps, there is not a single specialist who has not verified the effectiveness of buzz reading. In fact, with the usual methodology, the teacher will interview no more than ten students per lesson. In this case, each student exercises for no more than two minutes. Thus, the total training during the lesson will be 10 x 2 = 20 (person x min.) What is buzz reading? This is the kind of reading when all students read out loud at the same time, in a low voice, so as not to disturb their friends, each at their own speed, some faster, some slower. If there are, for example, forty people in the class, the training lasts for five minutes: 40x5 = 200 (person x min.) Two hundred minutes total training work. We got a 10-fold increase in training by purposefully allocating just five minutes of the lesson for this. It is hardly necessary to comment on these results.
Daily five-minute reading sessions.
Everything is very simple here. Each child has a book on his desk. And any lesson - be it reading, singing, mathematics, drawing - begins with that. That children open a book, read in buzz reading mode for five minutes, close the book and then go on with a regular lesson. What happens? If a teacher works in a class with 30 students, and 3 hours a week are allocated for reading, then during the week he will try to interview each child at least once. In this case, the student will have time to train only 1.5-2 minutes per week. It is unlikely that with this level of training it is possible to teach children to read normally. It’s good if the child is lucky with his family, he compensates for the school’s shortcomings at home. What if the child and his family are unlucky? 6
Then the message of the reading training comes down to these two minutes and it is natural that such a child will not learn to read. Very often we hear talk about genes, heredity, abilities... Most likely, it’s not about genes. It’s just that teaching reading in an organized manner is not rational. With two minutes of training a week, it is impossible to teach children to read, no matter what genes they have. What do daily five-minute lessons give for a week: 5x4x5 = 100 (min.) Even if we take five minutes per lesson, four lessons a day, five days a week. A weekly workout is 100 minutes. Obviously, if the training time has increased 50 times, from two minutes to 100 minutes, then without any methodological tricks something good will happen, there will undoubtedly be a positive effect. Very good results gives
reading before bed
. The fact is that the latest events of the day are recorded by emotional memory, and during those eight hours when a person sleeps, he is under their impression. The body gets used to this state. Two hundred years ago it was said:<<Студент, науками живущий, учи псалтырь на сон, грядущий>>, that is, teach in such a way that it is the last event of the day. If a child does not like to read, then it is necessary
gentle mode

. In fact: if a child does not like to read, this means that he has difficulties with reading. The gentle reading mode is a mode when the child reads one or two lines and then gets a short rest. This mode is automatically obtained if the child is viewing filmstrips: he read two lines under the frame, looked at the picture - he rested. The next shot - I read two lines again, looked at the picture again... I can fully recommend this teaching method to parents whose children are reluctant to read. 7
It would be good to combine the fourth and fifth recommendations, that is, watch filmstrips before bed. The development of reading technology is often hampered due to underdeveloped
random access memory
. What does it mean? For example, a child reads a sentence consisting of six to eight words. Having read to the third or fourth word, I forgot the first word. Therefore, he cannot grasp the meaning of the sentence in any way, cannot connect all the words together. In this case, it is necessary to work on RAM. This is done with the help of so-called visual dictations, the texts of which were developed by Professor I. T. Fedorenko. He headed the laboratory of experimental didactics. So, how are visual dictations conducted? Each of the eighteen sets proposed by Professor I. T. Fedorenko contains six proposals. The peculiarity of these sentences is this: if the first sentence contains only two words
- eight letters, then the last sentence of the eighteenth set already consists of forty-six letters, that is, eight to nine words. The length of sentences increases gradually, one or two letters at a time. The working time for all eighteen sets is approximately two months. Thus, in two months RAM develops so much that the child can already remember a sentence consisting of forty-six letters, that is, eight to nine words. Now he easily grasps the meaning of a sentence, now he becomes interested in reading, and therefore the process of learning to read goes much faster. What is the best way to conduct visual dictations? We write six sentences from one of the sets on the board and cover it with a sheet of paper. Then the sheet is moved down so that the first sentence is visible, and the children read to themselves for a certain time (it is indicated in the table below), trying to remember this sentence. Exposure time is usually not long: from four to seven seconds. After this time, the teacher erases the sentence and offers to write it down in notebooks... It is possible that one of the students in the process of writing will say:<<А я не запомнил предложение>>. How to be in this case? We must react very calmly. Without irritation, say kindly:<<Ну хорошо, перепиши у соседа, а в следующий раз постарайся сам запомнить>>. 8
This is followed by exposure, reading, and memorization of the second sentence. After the sentence is erased, it is also written down in the notebook. Six sentences of one set usually take from five to eight minutes of time in a Russian language lesson. If the teacher sees that many children often look into the notebook of their desk neighbor, that is, they do not have time to remember the sentences, the next day the work with this set of sentences must be repeated. And so on until almost all children write independently. Only after this can you move on to the next set. So, on average, each set takes three days. Eighteen sets are fifty-four days, about two months. In two months it is possible to develop RAM, but under one condition. This condition must be observed without fail. Visual dictations should be written daily. If you write visual dictations every other day, then such training hardly develops memory. If you write two days later on the third, then you don’t have to write at all - it doesn’t give anything. Usually, after a month of training, the first successes in learning to read appear: children learn the meaning of sentences more easily and read more willingly. I will give here slightly modified texts of eighteen sets developed by I.T. Fedorenko. (If the sentences do not correspond in content to the topic of the lesson, then they can be replaced with equivalent sentences with the same number of letters).
Texts of visual dictations
. 9
10 No. Sentences Number of letters Exposure time 1 2 3 4 5 6 Set No. 1 Snow is melting. It's raining. The wind blows. The sky is gloomy. The birds began to sing. The field is empty. 8 9 10 11 11 12 4 4 5 5 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Set No. 2 The frost is crackling. I'm looking for strawberries. A spruce tree grew in the forest. Autumn has come. The days have become shorter. There are many birches in the forest. 12 13 13 14 14 15 6 6 6 7 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 Set No. 3 The birds have flown. The sun shines brightly. Lida wiped the board. Streams run merrily. A sharp wind blew. Zoya studies diligently. 15 16 16 16 16 17 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 Set No. 4 A woodpecker is hollowing out a tree. I want to plant flowers. Frost decorated the trees. Without water, the flowers will wither. The hot summer has flown by. A spruce tree was planted near the house. 17 18 18 19 19 20 8 7 7 7 7 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 Set No. 5 The sun is shining and warming. Fedya was solving a problem at the blackboard. The dawn lit up in the sky. Frost sparkled on the trees. The city of Kyiv stands on the Dnieper. Strawberries are being picked in the forest. 20 21 21 21 22 22 6 6 6 6 6 6 Set No. 6

1. Repeated reading. 2. Reading at the pace of a tongue twister. 3. expressive reading with transition to an unfamiliar part of the text. All of these exercises are carried out not individually, but collectively, that is, all students read at the same time (each at their own pace), but in a low voice, so as not to disturb their comrades. When carrying out repeated reading, it should be taken into account that the reading speed of children is different. Therefore, you should not assign a passage of the same length; it is better to focus on the same period of time. It is done practically this way. After the beginning of a new story has been read and comprehended by the students, the teacher suggests that everyone begin reading at the same time and continue it for one minute. After a minute has passed, each student notes which word he managed to read. This is then followed by a re-reading of this passage of text. At the same time, the student again notes which word he has read and compares it with the results of the first reading. Naturally, the second time he read a few words more (some two, some three, some ten). Increasing the pace of reading causes positive emotions in students, they want to read again. However, you should not read the same passage more than three times. It is better to change the task and train the articulatory apparatus on the same passage of text, i.e. reading at the pace of a tongue twister. When reading at the pace of a tongue twister, you should not pay attention to the expressiveness of reading; you cannot set two mutually exclusive tasks at the same time. This exercise is intended only for the development of the articulatory apparatus, therefore the requirements for expressive reading here the requirements for the clarity of reading the endings of words are lowered, but increased. The endings of words should not be “swallowed” by students, they should be clearly pronounced. The exercise lasts no more than thirty seconds. Then the teacher begins the third exercise, addressing the children like this: “Now, please, read the text again, but a little slower, but beautifully, expressively.” Children read a familiar part of the text to the end, and the teacher does not stop them. They move on to an unfamiliar part of the text. And here happens 11
small miracle. This miracle lies in the fact that a child who has read the same passage of text several times at an increased reading pace, when moving to an unfamiliar part of the text, continues to read it at the same increased pace. Its capabilities are not enough for long (half a line, a line), but if you carry out such exercises every day, then eventually the duration of reading at an increased pace will increase. After some time, two to three weeks, the child’s reading will noticeably improve. Summarizing the above, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that changes in school education can go from above and below. On the upper levels of education, goals, objectives, programs, and textbooks are revised. On the lower floors, teachers must take care of the quality of teaching. The first step in improving the quality of instruction is to teach optimal reading. Used literature: 1. Loshkareva N.A. Recommendations for the development of general educational skills. – Kyiv, 1984 2. Sukhomlinsky V.A. Conversation with a young school principal. – M., 1982 3. Fedorenko I.T. Preparing students to master knowledge. – Kyiv, 1980 4. Zaitsev V.N. Reserves for learning to read. – M., Prosv., 1991. 5. Nikitina L.V. Improving the effectiveness of reading lessons. – Primary school, 2001, No. 5 6. Yashina N.P. Teaching children is difficult, but interesting. - Elementary School. 2001, No. 6 12
7. Zaidman I.N. Speech development and psychological and pedagogical correction of younger schoolchildren. - Elementary School. 2003, No. 6 8. Palchenko I.G. A system of exercises for developing speed reading skills in children. – Lugansk, 2013 13

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Speed ​​reading - fashionable or useful?

An article about the pros and cons of speed reading - whether it is worth learning to read quickly and how this speed will help a student master the material while studying at a university.

Studying at universities is always associated with mastering large quantity materials in various disciplines. It is absolutely not enough to simply find them. It is always necessary to study and process what is found. If searching for material may not take much time at all (for example, when using electronic libraries), then much more effort is spent on familiarization and processing.

By the way, not only students, but also schoolchildren and adults are faced with reading a large number of books. Schoolchildren need to read literature according to the program and prepare for exams. Among adults, reading self-development books is now considered fashionable. And some people just love books. It turns out that simply learning to read is not enough. Often you need to read a lot and efficiently, with the assimilation of the material.

In this regard, in Lately are gaining popularity modern courses speed reading, which allow you to increase the speed of learning the material with an understanding of the meaning. And the first ones simple courses quick reading appeared in the USA in the 20s of the last century.

The technology is based on the peculiarity of our visual perception. It consists in the fact that the eye does not stop at every character, but 3-4 times when reading one line. It should be noted that the reading speed of an adult varies between 120-180 words per minute. Whereas with speed reading, this figure can increase to 600-800, and sometimes more than 1000 words per minute. In addition, speed reading is closely related to memory development.

Do students need to develop such a skill? How should this be done: independently or through courses?

First, let's define what the essence of this process is.

Speed ​​reading is an ability quick perception text information using various techniques. As mentioned above, reading speed in this process increases many times over. The degree of understanding of the text, when used correctly, does not decrease, but, on the contrary, increases.

You can use speed reading techniques on your own, without involving a specialist. Only in this case is it better to use elements of speed reading for this type of literature, which includes a fairly large amount of information for study, but does not imply the assimilation of important details.

Moreover, there are people who quite successfully use the methods and techniques of quick reading on an intuitive level.

So, let us remind you that when reading, our eye is not able to stop at every character, but only 3-4 times while reading a line. This is why we have the opportunity to understand the meaning of what is written, even if the letters in the word change places (provided that the first and last remain in place).

What techniques are used to speed up reading?

Suppression of internal speech

This technique allows you to perceive words by their spelling. This process does not involve auditory word recognition.

Eliminating rereading

Expanding the perception of the visual field

When mastering this technique, beginners use newspapers in which the text is written in several columns. You need to practice stopping your gaze on a line once.

Increasing attention to reading

This requires the absence internal dialogue, as well as complete disconnection from exposure external stimuli and reactions to them.


The essence of the technique is to search keywords and abstracts of the text. This is perhaps the most difficult thing in mastering speed reading.

We can safely say that speed reading is a useful skill. Mastering it yourself makes sense only if you clearly understand your tasks. To ensure that high reading speed does not negatively affect the perception of text, it is necessary to use more subtle techniques, which are trained with the help of a competent speed reading specialist. Anyway - The skill of speed reading is acquired during training, you just need to hone it correctly!

Olga, PR manager at InPro

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Usually towards the end primary school Children develop a stable basic skill of reading one word at a time. Most people do not further increase their reading speed, leaving it at the 4th-6th grade level. Before the advent of the Internet and the subsequent information explosion, this situation suited many, but now this is no longer enough to achieve success. Why?

The first disadvantage of slow reading: I look at the book and see nothing

Try to answer the question that I always ask during speed reading classes: “Does it ever happen to you that, while reading some text, you are distracted by extraneous thoughts?” The answer “yes” is chosen by 99% of people, because reading at first speed (when a person pronounces every word) is too slow compared to the speed at which the brain perceives information. Therefore, when reading this way, the brain automatically occupies itself with something else.

In other words, the average person's speed of thinking and perceiving information is usually three or four times faster than the speed of reading one word at a time. Our thinking is too developed to not be distracted during slow reading. Let me give you an example from life.

An ordinary person reads page 1 of an A5 book at speed in two minutes, and his brain is able to understand what is written in 30 seconds, which is what happens most often. As a result, a person is left with a minute and a half, which the brain tries to occupy with at least something more or less useful and is distracted from reading.

Is this bad? In principle, this indicates your desire for efficiency and time optimization and at the same time your inability to achieve this efficiency without compromising the quality of reading. Let me give you another example.

If you drive a car, remember how you feel when you get stuck in a traffic jam. While the car was moving, you were completely focused on the road. Once stuck in a traffic jam, you can no longer use the horsepower and potential of your car. full power, and therefore you start switching to something else: listening to the radio, calling your mom, finding something else to do.

To be less distracted while reading, you need to increase its speed at least twice and bring it at least to the speed of your thinking. However, some people, trying to equalize the speed of reading and thinking, make mistakes that cause the second disadvantage of slow reading.

The second disadvantage of slow reading is fatigue.

Let me ask you the second question (which I ask my listeners): “Do you ever get tired quickly while reading? Or that you get bored working, for example, with contracts, documentation, textbooks and similar materials? About 60% of our class participants note that they regularly encounter the second disadvantage of slow reading - fatigue and boredom. Very often, children do not want to pick up a book because they are simply bored with reading texts slowly, and they do not yet know another speed.

When does fatigue occur? When a person tries to keep all the power of his mind at a low speed of perception, adapting it to slow reading. A huge amount of energy is spent on slowly perceiving the text and not allowing the mind to be distracted by other important thoughts, and it is because of this that a person gets tired very quickly.

Remember the example of a driver stuck in a traffic jam. Imagine that he is trying to occupy himself with something, and concentrates all his attention on the road: his car stands in one place for ten minutes, and all this time the man is sweating, carefully watching the back of the car standing in front of him. It would seem great - such an attentive driver! But after such a trip, a person most often gets out of the car, squeezed like a lemon, he will have no strength left for anything.

The biggest benefit of slow reading at Speed ​​I is that you can read. Perhaps sometimes the text is read slowly, boringly, its content is difficult to understand and remember. But if you can, in principle, read what is written, understand its essence and even remember it, then you are 99.9% able to work with texts meaningfully.

The third disadvantage of slow reading is the consequences of the information explosion

And now I will ask the third question: “Did you know that, according to statistics, the volume digital information doubles every 18 months, the number of information blogs on the Internet doubles every six months? Do you feel like you're missing everything more time to learn everything you need to know?”

Since the end of the 20th century, a global information explosion has begun in the world. More and more new technologies are appearing. A person acquires one profession, and after 5-10 years it ceases to exist. For example, in the 1980s and 1990s, a Polaroid camera expert thrived, but with the advent of digital cameras, he urgently needed to retrain.

The processing speed of computer data is increasing: five thousand operations per second in 1944 for the first ENIAC computer, one quadrillion for the IBM Roadrunner in 2008, 20 quadrillion operations per second for the Titan in 2012 - and the race continues!

Do people increase their ability to process the resulting flow of information faster? Do you train your thinking to work faster and better? Remember the first phrase that the boss says to a university graduate on his first day at work: “Now forget everything you learned at the institute. The first task is to master this direction.” If a person cannot quickly learn and get involved in a process that is new to him, then he will continue to hang around in lower positions.

The strategy of the last century was to learn one thing in some area and then spend your whole life doing just that, without really learning anything else. Just as you learned to knit bast shoes, you use the same acquired skills. This is hardly possible to achieve success in our time. Even if you opened your own store and learned to keep records on paper, modern retail chains will push you out of business. big cities their modern systems, cost optimization, resulting in lower prices and many other modern tools used.

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Comment on the article "3 reasons to learn to read quickly. For adults and children over 13 years old"

The disadvantages of slow reading - and one advantage. Most people do not further increase their reading speed, leaving it at the 4th-6th grade level.


At one time I downloaded from the Internet the computer simulator “Checking reading speed”
Cool thing: it offers texts of different complexity with an indication of the number of words and automatically shows at what time the baby finished. And he submitted the assessment to the magazine with various pleasant tips.
Mine really enjoyed training on it!

Download - I don’t know where, I bought these:
Nefedova, Uzorova: Educational texts with questions and assignments for counter. and tests on reading techniques. 1 class


How do you read? Are you standing over your child's soul? Then it is not surprising that he reads slowly. The child must be oriented towards EFFORTS, but not intimidated. Gradually learn. Currently, grades are not given until the second half of the second grade, the program is in regular schools very easy, for six-year-olds.

05/26/2010 12:34:28, Marina Ivanova

Our teacher does not check reading technique. As she said, according to modern methodological instructions such control measurement shouldn't exist at all. When parents asked how to assess the level then children's reading, she replied that she could hear children reading perfectly well and if anyone had any problems, she herself would tell the right parents about it. Therefore, I don’t know exactly at what speed my child reads.

11/27/2009 12:08:50, AlArt

Reading volume in first grade? School. Child from 7 to 10. Cons of slow reading - and one plus. What can speed reading do? Print version.


My child reads like this, although she is still 6 years old, but she only reads individual words. For example, MASK, the first syllable is read as CAM, and the second is completely thrown away, the letters are rearranged by AM, read by MA, etc. The speech therapist says it's dyslexia. It’s true that she didn’t get any worse - there was no room for her to get any worse.

I agree with hanhi It looks like medical-physiological problems. But the letters are not lost in the letter, has the handwriting become worse? . The child does not suffer from logoneurosis; it can be hidden. Before you ask your child, go to a speech therapist and pediatrician.

Before the upcoming entry into school, I decided to check my child’s reading speed. I took reading tests and made Natasha read. the first text is 79 words per minute, the second is 81 words.


By the time my son got to school, he read almost any text like an adult. If the text was within the limits of interest, then it is quite with expression, but the expression is in the style artistic reading something literary - it’s not his thing even now (he’s already a student), well, it’s not interesting to a person, period. Judging by the teacher's reaction, it happens differently. But in our house speech is fast and slow talking people the son communicates with tension. I didn’t specifically encourage reading. Yes, there were a lot of children's books, interesting ones, with pictures. I rarely read, because... worked. And the mother (the child’s grandmother), due to the properties of her voice, could not read for more than half an hour. Therefore, at the age of 5, the boy began to actively read on his own.

It is possible that your child reads quickly, or perhaps you thought something wrong.

The ability to read quickly (speed reading) is advertised in a certain environment of humanity that wants to receive a lot of information very quickly. It would seem - learn this business using training - and it’s in the bag. Now, having speed reading skills, you can become the owner of encyclopedic knowledge, and simply intellectual developed person. All this will happen in a short period of time. But not everything is so simple...

A person’s reading abilities have certain limitations, and the reading process itself is the same for all people. It all happens something like this: you look at a word or a couple of words. It is called fixation and requires approximately 0.25 seconds. Next you move your eyes to next word or a group of words. It is called abruptly and takes on average 0.1 seconds. After a few repetitions of this, you pause to understand the phrase you just read. This takes approximately 0.3–0.5 seconds. And so on in a circle. Thus, in the process of normal reading, several types of necessary delays As a result, we find that the average reader can master about 200 words per minute.

Features of speed reading technique

The whole point of squealing is that it reduces the duration of delays and their number, due to which the overall reading speed increases.

Among the main speed reading techniques, there are usually four most common ones.

  1. With the method fluent sliding a person evaluates areas of text and identifies important parts from them. Despite the fact that this approach is considered a speed reading method, you do not learn to read faster, but rather practice finding sections of text that you can skip over.
  2. With the method eliminating regressions a person leads his eyes along the lines with a certain rhythm with the help of a pen (or without it), thereby eliminating the involuntary return and re-reading of phrases.
  3. With the method extensions peripheral vision a person covers a larger amount of text in one eye contact, reducing the number of gaze shifts. An additional benefit of this technique is that it reduces eye strain.
  4. With the method quick visual sequence the entire text is split into separate words, which flash one after another at high speed in the middle of the screen of any electronic device. There is no eye movement at all.

Why speed reading doesn't provide the benefits you expect

Blame it all human capabilities. Anatomical and brain capabilities. The perception of information when reading depends on the anatomical capabilities of the eyes. So, visual acuity and level of concentration are noticeably reduced if you try to immediately cover a large swath of sign information. Letters and words simply begin to blur together when vision is too strained.

You can train yourself and see at least 1000 words in one minute, but the RAM of the human brain also has a limit: when scribbling, you simply will not assimilate, much less remember, the material you read well. Alas. And this is confirmed by scientific research. For example, this is stated by researchers from a group of cognitive psychologists from the United States led by Keith Rayner, one of the most respected scientists in the field of studying eye movements, visual perception and reading.

Should you use speed reading methods and when?

Despite the disadvantages of speed reading, it has positive sides. It can be used when studying materials that do not require deep mental activity and carefully memorizing the content of the text. For example, news from almost (newspaper or electronic) - you know the proposed material well and want to clarify only a few details.

Constant reading practice allows us to absorb and remember new words - increase lexicon. In turn, this reserve allows, without compromising reading comprehension, to quickly study the material, thereby increasing reading speed.

Do you practice speed reading? Can you refute (or confirm) the results of scientific research?