Write questions about the fairy tale Puss in Boots. Abstract of the GCD for reading fiction “Fairy Tale Sh

Elena Lipina
Notes on reading fiction “The Tale of Charles Perrault “Puss in Boots” in the preparatory school group

Subject: Getting to know fairy tale by Charles Perrault"Cat in boots»


Introduce children to fairy tale by Charles Perrault"Cat in boots» ; pin down the names of friends fairy tales;

Develop monologue and dialogic speech;

Cultivate children's interest in reading fiction.

Equipment: text fairy tales. Perrault"Cat in boots» , "Magic Tree", cards depicting scenes from fairy tales.

GCD move

1. Organizational moment:

The teacher and children stand in a circle.

Greeting each other:

Hello sky (hands up).

Hello Earth (squats).

Hello my friends (hands forward).

1,2,3,4,5 (bend fingers).

Together we are in a circle again (hold hands).

We will play together.

IN fairy tale we'll go again(walk in a circle, sit down)

IN:Do you love fairy tales.

Tales are asked:

You are friends,

Get to know us!

Didactic game "Add a word"

IN: I will name one word in the title fairy tales, and you are second.

Tiny -

IN: Well done, you learned the name of the RNS. Why are they called RNS?

Boy with -

Red –

IN: Well done, you did it, these three fairy tales, there is an author - this fairy tales. Perrault. And if the fairy tale has an author, what is she like? (author's or literary)

IN:Fairy tales will stop everyone from being angry,

And they will teach you to have fun!

Be more modest and wiser

Be more patient and kinder!

2. Main part

IN:U Sh. Perrault has other tales, one of which you will listen to now?

Listening fairy tales. Perrault"Cat in boots»

Reading a fairy tale. Perrault"Cat in boots» , children listen.

IN: You listened fairy tale, let's warm up a little.


It will bend

It will arch its back,

The leg will be pulled forward -

It does exercise

Our Marquis -

Fluffy cat.

He scratches himself behind his ear,

He closes his eyes and purrs.

Marquis is fine:

Claws, fur and appetite.

IN: We've rested, now let's continue, let's talk about fairy tale and its main characters.

What is the name of fairy tale, which you listened to? Who is its author?

How many children did the miller have? (three)

How did the miller divide his farm among his sons?

(For the eldest - a mill, for the middle - a house, for the youngest - a cat)

How did the cat surprise its owner?

What did the cat ask the new owner? (Boots)

Who did the cat catch in the field? (A rabbit)

Who did the cat give the rabbit to? (To the King)

Who did the Cat catch on the second day? (Two partridges)

What did the king give to the cat? boots? (Bag of Gold)

What's the cat in boots told his master to do it? (Swim in the river)

What name did the cat come up with for his owner? (Marquis de Carabas)

Where were the king and the princess going? (For lunch with the Marquis de Carabas)

Like the cat in boots outwitted the Giant Ogre?

Why do you think the cat is boots defeated the Giant Ogre?

Describe the cat: what is he like? (cunning, smart, dexterous, fast, resourceful)

IN: Well done for remembering all the interesting moments fairy tales, we also talked about the main characters.

Tell, fairy tale"Cat in boots» magical? What kind of magic happens there? Here we are in group magic happened, grew "Magic Tree" (look)

Didactic exercise: "Magic Tree"

IN: There are cards on the tree. But the cards are not simple: Images are hidden. You need to go to the magic tree, choose a card, look and say, what pictures can be attributed to fairy tale"Cat in boots» , and which ones are not. And explain why you decided this?

IN:- Did you like it? fairy tale?

Which we listened to a fairy tale today?

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The purpose of the lesson:


1. Teach children to recognize a book with familiar content in different editions.
2. Expand the reader's horizons through familiarity with the literature of the peoples of the world, in particular with the works of Charles Perrault.


1. Develop the ability to navigate books.
2. Think about what you read.
H. Develop the ability to independently ask questions about the content of the text.
4. Highlight the characteristic features of the heroes.
5. Form creative imagination, interest in words and rhymes.


1. Cultivate interest in learning through a non-standard lesson form.
2. Foster a culture of communication in groups.
3. Develop moral character traits.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Positive attitude to class.

II. Working on the topic of the lesson.

Today, in an extracurricular reading lesson, we will visit the French writer and storyteller Charles Perrault.

Do you know the fairy tales of Charles Perrault? Name them.
- What fairy tale will we work on in class?

III. Ability to navigate through books.

On display are the books you read for the lesson. They are the same fairy tale. Explain why the books are different? (children’s answers: different publishers, year of publication, different artists).

Find an extra book. Justify your answer. (Among the books of Charles Perrault is P. Ershov’s book “The Little Humpbacked Horse”).

IV. Tournament conditions:

Our lesson will take the form of a literary tournament, in which three teams will participate - each row. Choose your team name.

Let me wish you a good attitude towards each other and, of course, victory. An honest and fair jury will monitor the game. For each correct answer you will receive one point. So let's begin...

First competition : “Come on, answer me!”

1. Name the main characters of the fairy tale?
2. What inheritance did the father leave to his sons after his death?
3. Why did the younger brother get the cat?
4. Why was he sad about his inheritance?
5. How did the cat react to the fact that mittens would be made from his skin?
6. Why did the cat decide to help the owner?
7. Why did the owner believe the cat?
8. Where did the cat go with the prey?
9. Why did the cat give his owner a new name?
10. Where was the king planning to go with his daughter?
11.What did the cat come up with about this?
12. Why did the king help the Marquis?
13. Why did the mowers and reapers tell lies to the king?
14. 0 what magical power of the Ogre did the cat discover?
15. Why did the Ogre begin to turn into different animals?
16. What trick did the cat come up with when he met the Ogre?
17. What proposal did the king make to the Marquis?
18. Why did the cat stop hunting mice?

Second competition: "Pantomime".

Depict the characters so that the opposing team guesses your character. It is necessary to highlight the characteristic features of this hero. (Teams choose cards with heroes written on them).

1. Ogre
2. Puss in Boots
3. Marquis de Carabas

(You can use props).

Third competition: “You give me - I give you!”

Teams must write two questions to their opponents about the content of the tale. Teams who asked and answered the question receive points.

Fourth competition: “Guess what!”

Name who owns the items shown:

1. Boots
2. Knife
3. Crown
4. Hat
5. Hay
6. Cabbage
7. Sickle
8. Bag
9. Sword

10. Mill

Fifth competition: “Answer - don’t yawn!”

In one minute, the team must give as many answers to the questions as possible. The jury records the time and counts the number of correct answers.

1. What did the father who had three sons do?
2. What inheritance did the elder brother get after the death of his father?
3. - to the middle brother?
4. - younger brother?
5. What did the younger brother want to do with the cat?
6. What would the skin be good for?
7. What did the cat ask the owner?
8. What did the cat put in the bag?
9. What was cabbage needed for?
10. What name did the cat give to its owner?
11. Where did he get this name from?
12. Who got the cat in the bag for the second time?
13. Did the owner know the cat’s intention when he sent him to bathe?
14. What kind of cry did the cat make on the shore?
15. Where did the owner’s clothes go?
16.What help did the king provide to the Marquis?
17. How did the king talk to the Marquis?
18. What feelings did the princess evoke in the Marquis?
19. Why wasn’t the cat taken into the carriage?
20. Who did the cat see in the meadow?
21. What did the cat order to the mowers?
22. Who else did the cat meet on the way?
23. What did the mowers and reapers answer to the king’s question?
24. Whose possessions were they really?
25. How did the king react to the Marquis’s wealth?
26. How did the Ogre receive the cat in the castle?
27. What animals did the Ogre turn into?
28. What did the cat become after the Marquis’s marriage?

Sixth competition: “Creative page”

2. Attempt at writing.

Exercise: Come up with a rhyme for the word cat

Children: rogue, baby, braggart, coward, monkey.

Exercise: I suggest one line. You have to find a rhyme for it.

Once upon a time, Puss in Boots...


- I caught a rabbit in the bushes...
- Ate the Ogre in his pants...

Exercise: Answer the question with rhyme:

Kitty, kitty, where have you been?


I went to the palace yesterday.
- I married the Marquis.

Exercise: Finish the question, based on this question, choose a rhyme for the answer.

Why does the cat...

Children: - Are there two boots on the paws?

To the cat's paws.

Children: - We were always dry.

V. Summing up. Awarding diplomas.

VI. Self-esteem.

I propose to give the Marquis and the Princess a bouquet of roses for their wedding. Imagine that we are flowers. Flowers may be in bloom or in buds. Look inside yourself. Give yourself self-evaluation: how you worked in class. If you were active, show with your hands that the flower has opened; if you were not working at full strength, the flower is in bud.

VII. Grades for the lesson - children discuss in groups.

VIII. Reflection.

What conclusion can we draw after reading this fairy tale? (children's answers)
- Good conquers evil. Friendship helps!
- Now rub your palms so that it becomes hot. Quickly convey the warmth of your soul to a friend by connecting your palm with his.

Let your warmth warm your friends and help them in difficult times.

The presentation contains questions and answers about the fairy tale "Puss in Boots" by Charles Perrault. The material can be used in extracurricular reading lessons. Additional fonts used in the presentation: Chinacyr, Aniron. Before viewing the presentation, I recommend downloading and installing these fonts on your computer.



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Slide captions:

Quiz based on the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” by Charles Perrault

How many sons did the miller have?

The miller had three sons

What did the eldest son inherit?

The eldest son got the mill

What did the middle son inherit?

The middle son got a donkey

What did the youngest son inherit?

The cat was inherited by the youngest son

What did the youngest son first want to do with the cat?

He first wanted to eat his cat and make a muff out of its skin.

What did the cat ask the owner for himself?

The cat asked for a hat and a pair of boots

What title did the cat's owner have?

The cat began to call his owner MARQUIS

What name did the cat give to its owner?

Marquis de Carabas

Who did the cat catch for the first time in the forest?

To some young, gullible simpleton, the rabbit immediately jumped into his bag

Who did the cat bring his gifts to?

The cat went straight to the palace and asked to see the king

What else did the cat give to the king?

The cat took the partridges to the king

How long did the cat bring his hunting catch to the king?

So two or three months passed

Where was the king going with his daughter?

The king and his daughter were going to take a carriage ride along the river bank

Where did the Marquis de Carabas need to swim?

The Marquis de Carabas had to swim in the river

Where were the clothes of the Marquis de Carabas hidden?

The old man hid his master's dress under a large stone with his own paws

Where did the cat run while his owner was in the carriage with the king?

The cat ran merrily in front of the carriage through the meadows and fields

Who did the cat meet in the meadow?

On the way, he saw peasants mowing hay in the meadow (mowers)

Who did the cannibal turn into for the second time?

And at the same moment the ogre turned into a mouse

Who became Puss in Boots?

K from became a noble nobleman

What did the King agree to at the end of the fairy tale?

The king agreed to marry his daughter to the Marquis de Carabas

Charles Perrault

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Subject: Lesson – quiz based on the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” by Charles Perrault
To consolidate students’ knowledge of the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” by Charles Perrault
. Develop the ability to answer questions clearly and clearly. Learn to work in a team. Develop imaginative thinking, speech, memory.


Providing students with organization of their educational activities.

An emotionally positive attitude towards the lesson, creating a situation of success and trust.Identification and awareness by students of what has been learned in the lesson, awareness of the quality and level of what has been learned.


Analysis of objects in order to identify features that characterize a given sound.


Cooperation with the teacher and children, expressing your opinion, discussion.


meaning making , i.e. the student asks the question: what meaning and what meaning does the teaching have for me? What a lesson it taught.

- moral - ethical orientation , including assessment of assimilated content that ensures personal social choice.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

2. Setting lesson goals .

Listen to a piece of music and say which fairy tale it is taken from. ( Marquise of Karabas )

- What do you think will be discussed in our lesson?
Guys, we have been studying the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” by Charles Perrault for several lessons. Today I propose to remember and consolidate it by conducting our lesson in the form of a quiz.
3. Quiz rules:
- You will be divided into two teams.

Choose your team captain.

- “Team Emblems”("Kings" and "Princesses")

For each correct answer you will receive a token. At the end, we count the number of tokens the teams have and choose a winner.

You cannot shout out; a penalty for shouting will result in the token being taken away from the team.

4. Quiz tasks.

1 competition “Warm-up”
So, let's start with a warm-up.

(Children are invited to find a portrait of the author of the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” among the portraits of famous writers.)

On your tables are sheets of paper with the writer’s biography. Read it.
Warm-up questions :
1.Where was Charles Perrault born? (
In Paris.)
2.When was he born? (
January 12, 1628.)

3.How many children were there in the Perrault family? (7 )
4.At what age was he sent to
Beauvais College? ( At 8 years old)
5.How did Charles study in college? (
He was an excellent student)
6.What private lesson did Perrault study? (

7.What license did Charles Perrault buy? (Lawyer)

8.At what age did he start his legal career? (23 years old)

9.What genre of works brought fame to Charles Perrault? (fairy tales)

10. In what year did Ch. Perrault die? (May 16, 1703)

Counting tokens .

2 competition « Fairytale order" (The tasks are given to each team the same)

Pictures depicting fragments of a fairy tale are laid out on the tables. You must arrange them in a “fairytale” sequence, i.e. according to the content of the tale. The team that completes them faster wins.Counting tokens .

3 competition "Fairy tale experts"

The competition is held in the form of a relay race. A slide with questions and answers appears on the board. Each team member in turn must answer 1 question.

Counting tokens .

Physical education minute - “Where is it rustling?”

I suggest you play the game. Stand in a circle and hold hands.

We will go in a circle saying the words:

One night the mice

went out for a walk for an hour

here and there they walked

rustle, afraid no, no.

When the words are spoken, you put your hands behind your back, and I put paper in the hands of one of the players. The cat must guess where the rustling is and say the player's name. The game is repeated several times.

4th competition “Fairytale puzzles”

On the tables of each team there are sheets of tasks, in the form of puzzles. WhoIf he solves the puzzles correctly and quickly, he will receive a token.

Counting tokens .

5th competition "Crossword"

You must solve the crossword puzzle. Whoever completes this task faster receives a token.

Counting tokens .

5. Lesson summary:

Well done guys, you know the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” by C. Perrault very well. Now you need to count how many tokens you have collected and find out which team won.(Presentation of certificates)

6. Reflection:

Guess the riddles:

    What kind of animal walks in a fairy tale?His mustache bristles, his eyes narrow,In a hat, with a saber in his handsAnd in huge boots? Puss in Boots

    Ate a lot of people

He cooked them for lunch.This man is a villain!Because …. cannibalWhat hero is this? (positive or negative)

I liked how you worked in the lesson, now show your attitude to our lesson. Evaluate your work. Take your tokens and approach the drawings like this:

- Puss in Boots– I liked the lesson, it was interesting;

Ogre - worked well, but you have to try.