Affirmations to love yourself and your life. Affirmations for women: how to compose and apply, audio affirmations

In this article we will talk about how to accept yourself and what attitudes and affirmations will allow you to love yourself.

Before starting this work, it is again important to select new settings. They are simple: “I am beautiful,” “I am a very beautiful woman,” “I am a beautiful, beloved, desired woman.” Choose a setting, the very utterance of which with a soft intonation of the phrase - “I am beautiful” - can already set up a new wave within you.

Just explain to your brain that from now on you are a beauty. And let all the other old beliefs about your appearance just hide. Decide that you will be a beautiful woman from now on and support this in every possible way. How to love yourself?

All my life I thought I was ugly

I will share my personal experience. All my life, until I was 40, I considered myself ugly, I thought that I would be a beautiful woman in my next life. And then somehow I thought: why not try this one? And I began to implant within myself the idea that I was a beautiful woman.

I pronounced it in different ways, let it into my heart, I filled myself with this intonation and played beautiful woman. At first it really was a game, I pretended that I was beautiful, every day I convinced myself of this. And then I saw that some parts of my body were really beautiful.

And I started with what I really really liked about my appearance, I said: well, this is certainly beautiful. I gradually began to believe in it and realized that I simply had a special beauty. Every woman has her own special beauty.

And this is very noticeable when a woman walks along who does not believe that she is beautiful, she simply chose to think that she is ugly. And here comes another woman, of the same build, maybe the same imperfect appearance, but an inner wave is felt in her, she believes that she is beautiful.

Why do women treat themselves differently?

At one training I had two students, both overweight, and it was clear how differently they treated themselves. One fat woman she was somehow flexible, soft, sparkling, very pleasant, charming. And she was really attractive in this plumpness, and all these roundness, and her clothes - they seemed simple, but they created some kind of feeling of admiration, you look at her and think: “Wow, how beautiful.”

And the second woman was about the same build, similar appearance, but with the thought that she was ugly because she was fat - and this was immediately reflected in her behavior, in the way she moved, in the way she dressed, and in general in her facial expression.

Therefore, of course, it is important to implement this first simple thought- “I’m beautiful.” And then start creating this beauty. It is important to use the services of professionals. At one time I realized that I don’t see myself from the outside at all, I don’t have this ability.

There are women who have taste, who see themselves, their proportions, see what suits them - but there are few of them, unfortunately. Still, from the outside, a specialist can work much more and more effectively with your image, with your appearance. Moreover, now this is very common, you can easily find a good stylist with whom you will understand each other.

The image of a woman who wants to create a family relationship

Choose someone you like, how he dresses, what he looks like. There are many schools now that can work with you. It's actually not very expensive, but it's very effective and really helps. I strongly recommend that you contact a stylist, and it is important to clearly state your goal: “My goal is to create the image of a woman who wants to create a long-term family relationship.”

Because what is expressed in your clothes, in your appearance, also determines what kind of man you will attract. If your clothes are sexy and provocative, then you will attract a man only for sexual relations. I was surprised myself when my stylist friend explained that a woman who wants long-term family relations, there must be certain qualities of style, certain clothes, shoes, bags, hairstyle.

These are subtle, hidden moments, they are not immediately visible, but all this has been developed a long time ago. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel, but it’s important to simply contact a specialist who will help create such an image. And when everything works towards our goal, it will definitely be achieved.

She found herself!

It is, in fact, a great pleasure to decorate yourself, to find an image of your femininity. There are women about whom they say: “She found herself,” her style, her image. And she remains in this image and supports it, because she hit the mark, in accordance with her energy, her inner being, personal traits began to appear externally. And this harmony of internal and external is always visible.

And, of course, very important quality in the image and style of a woman - well-groomed. It is immediately noticeable when a woman takes care of herself, takes care of herself. When I studied with a famous style specialist, she said the following phrase: “The first thing a man looks at is his eyes, manicure and shoes.”

Whether this is true or not, we don’t need to prove it, it’s just important to know that everything should be well-groomed, because when you put your self-care and energy into yourself, you feel that a woman is full.

Self-care can be simple: a regular manicure, pedicure, hairstyle, but all this can be done with desire and warmth towards yourself. In this way, you gradually create your own style, appearance, which would connect the internal and external into one harmonious whole.

To be continued...

Irina Petrova

Leading trainer of GRC-Relationship Centers.

For more than 15 years she has been conducting trainings on creating personal relationships and leadership.

Affirmations for love will help you attract happy and harmonious relationships. They tune their consciousness to a positive wave and send the right requests to the Universe. Let's talk about how to use affirmations so that they work and your desires come true.

It is impossible to attract personal happiness into your life if love does not live within you. Remember: love always begins with ourselves. Therefore, affirmations, first of all, will be aimed at increasing your self-esteem.

Everything that happens in your soul is certainly reflected in outside world. You must know and remember the basic principle of the Universe: the world is mirrored. Therefore, in order to receive love, you must learn to experience and give it.

Before you start working with the construction happy relationship, figure out whether you love yourself? And only after that, use affirmations to attract love.

8 steps to self-love

In order for affirmations to start working to attract a loved one and happy events, learn to love yourself. This mandatory stage, without which not a single request to the Universe will work.

How to proceed:

  1. Recognize your uniqueness. Remember: you are no better or worse than anyone, you are an individual and a unique person. Stop comparing yourself to others, compare only yourself in the past with yourself in the present.
  2. Allow yourself to make mistakes and be imperfect. Take every mistake as an experience life lesson which you need to develop and improve yourself
  3. Radiate only what you would like to attract. Do you want love? Give it to those who need it. Start simple: with parents, children, friends. More " high level" - helping those who do not receive love. For example, you can take a lonely old lady neighbor under your patronage. It is important to act sincerely and not expect anything in return.
  4. Always start your morning with kind words in relation to herself. A great practice is to wake up and write down 5 compliments to yourself on a voice recorder or notepad. Make it a habit
  5. Take time for yourself. Don't forget to treat yourself to delicious food, new outfits, beauty salons or pleasant treatments. If you want men to take care of you, learn to take care of yourself first
  6. Praise yourself. This also needs to be done every day. Praise yourself for everything, even the little things
  7. Get rid of the burden of grievances. Negativity from the past kills all attempts to find happiness in life. personal life, but you can’t count on getting married soon. Write letters of grievances and then burn them, try meditation and various spiritual practices
  8. And finally, work with positive affirmations - affirmations that work to attract happy events, love and well-being

This complex work with the subconscious, which will definitely bear fruit. Remember: dislike for yourself leads to health problems, problems in relationships, instability, and provokes groundless jealousy.

It doesn't matter if you're alone this moment, or in a marriage, but in which there is no love - tune yourself to the line energy radiation where you are surrounded by love.

Examples of affirmations to get you started

It's worth starting with general phrases. Repeat them daily for at least 15 minutes a day. Remember: a single thought has no power. Repeated many times - powerful tool working with the subconscious.

Examples of positive statements that are a good place to start:

  • My life is getting better and better every day
  • Every day I become better as a person
  • I love and I am loved
  • Everyone always helps me
  • I am always in harmony with myself
  • I only attract positive people
  • I attract only positive events to myself
  • The world smiles at me
  • The world helps me

It’s worth starting with such general phrases, and you will already notice how the surrounding space gradually begins to change. And only then you can move on to more specific formulations.

Techniques for attracting the ideal partner

Now let’s talk about how to work with affirmations that will help attract the ideal chosen one into your life.

The sequence of your actions should be like this:

  1. Formulate as clearly as possible the image of the partner who is close to you
  2. Focus more on qualities than appearance
  3. Write down on a piece of paper all the qualities that you would like to see in this person.
  4. Consider others important points(free, leads healthy image life, have your own home - if this is important to you)
  5. Don't limit yourself to the appearance of your chosen one
  6. Avoid violating the law of balance (phrases like “just don’t..”, “I’ll never marry...”)
  7. Do not use negations or descriptions in your formulations. negative qualities(doesn't drink, doesn't hit, doesn't cheat). Choose opposite descriptions

And then start working with affirmations. Examples of positive statements:

  • I am always surrounded by love and care
  • My relationship is based on love and trust for each other
  • I love and I am loved
  • I have a happy and harmonious relationship
  • Every day our relationship gets better and better
  • I attract love and happiness

Watch a video with examples of affirmations to attract love:

How to strengthen the effect of affirmations

There is a little trick that will help speed up desired result. Create a loving environment at home:

  1. Free up space from everything old and unnecessary
  2. Remove all pictures that depict loneliness. Instead, place pictures that reflect love.
  3. Get as many paired items as possible (a pair of slippers, a pair of towels, a pair of teaspoons, a pair of toothbrushes, paired candles, etc.)
  4. Find a place for talismans and symbols of love (pictures of peonies, roses, hearts)

You will be surprised how quickly your life will begin to change when you learn to use positive affirmations and begin to work with them regularly.

Hello, dear readers. A couple of years ago I came across Louise Hay’s book “Heal your life, your body, the power within us” and since then it has become a reference book. After all, everyone has probably heard about this method of getting rid of self-doubt as self-hypnosis. Yes, at first glance, it looks like a fairy tale and does not inspire much confidence. But if you treat everything with such skepticism, then you can miss a lot in life. Therefore, in order to be convinced of the power of self-hypnosis, you just need to check it on yourself. After all, success in any area of ​​life depends primarily on a person’s attitude. If he goes deeper into his problems every day, while thinking that nothing will work out, then all subsequent attempts to solve them are unlikely to be successful. It all depends on how a person programs himself for a day, a month or even a year.

It is very important to think positively in difficult times. life situations, but it is not so simple, although it is possible. You need to develop a habit so that in case of some failure, you can quickly navigate and find correct solution Problems.

Positive thinking allows you to think soberly, while negative thinking, the problem may seem even more complex than it actually is.

You may even think that it is completely unsolvable.

An example of the effectiveness of self-hypnosis is personal experience Louise Hay, with the help of which she was able to create self-hypnosis formulas that have already been tested by millions of people.

Moreover, they are aimed not only at gaining self-confidence, but also at getting rid of health problems.

In the writer's book you can find ways to solve exactly your problem. She talks about how to get rid of complexes and accept ourselves as we are.

Every person sooner or later realizes that the situation can always be controlled with the help of self-hypnosis. All reasons serious illnesses lie, first of all, in our heads. That is, the root cause of all our physical ailments is precisely psychological condition person.

Very often people who for a long time They live with some problem, and over time they come to terms with it, and soon they get sick.

You can prevent all this, right? Well, if the disease still overtakes you, then you should not give up, but you need to fight and tune in to the positive.

Louise developed so-called “orders”, using which you can gradually get rid of a serious illness. Why not just try? Trying is always better than doing nothing.

Laws of psychological and physical health by Louise Hay

Louise's life prepared many challenges for her, starting from childhood. The poor girl was raped at the age of five, and even then she received no love or sympathy from her mother.

Her family lived poorly, so Louise's childhood can be called half-starved. But this was not enough.

Already in mature age Oncology overtook her, but she did not give up, because all the previous adversities only made her stronger and taught her to get out of any situation.

Louise was cured of cancer without surgery, which is why this woman can confidently talk about self-hypnosis. At the time of her illness, she was already developing a miraculous formula, which she was able to test on herself.

As shown by the many years of experience of our grandmothers, who always insisted that all diseases are from nerves. In general, they were right, because Louise Hay also talks about this.

Each subtype is aimed at solving certain type problems, which means these formulas can actually help.

It is important to remember that we ourselves are responsible for own life. This does not mean that you should not accept any outside help; others can only help you make your life easier, but not solve your problems. After all, it lies in your head, which means only you can cope with it.

All the people of the world are one family!

Our heroine encourages us to love ourselves and our neighbors. We must look at the world positively and have the same attitude towards life, but this is impossible if there are any grievances hidden in our soul.

If you want to heal and change your life, then you need to overcome yourself and admit your mistakes, and this is the most difficult task.

You must forgive everyone who has hurt you in the past. Getting rid of complexes, admitting you were wrong and forgiving old grievances means letting go of what is gnawing at you long years. You will not only feel significant relief, you will feel joy.

“Learn to love yourself, then others will be able to love you” - we have heard this phrase more than once, but we have not really delved into it. After all, loving and accepting yourself is already a big step towards healing and liberation from problems. It leads to inner harmony, which is capable of overcoming any ailment.

Many people cannot understand how you can forgive a person, much less love him, if he does evil?

Yes, you just need to try to understand this person, because he does this for a reason. Most often, people become angry from a lack of love, and sometimes from an inability to love.

Each of us can become like this. All this depends on the life situation, so it is very important when there is a problem not to get angry at the whole world with the question “Why me?”, but to start solving it.

Remember how, when we were little, we said that we would never, ever be like those evil adults? So what's the result?

Faced with the same obstacles as our parents, we became just as irritable. Now our children suffer the same way we once did.

Don't forget that we are all one friendly family. Most of people of the same nationality have common roots and there is no escape from this. This means that we must support and understand each other, then we ourselves will become happier, right?

Constant repetition of affirmations as a way to love yourself

When an avalanche of problems rushes towards us at breakneck speed, we promise ourselves every time that we will not allow this to happen again. We can make ourselves another empty promise, but it won’t give us anything, will it? And such a promise or statement alone is not enough.

You need to repeat them several times a day so that these statements stick in your head and eventually become a reality.

This method is somewhat similar to programming. Only, if we can enter the code into the computer just once and save it, then with our brain things are a little different. In order to believe what we say, we need to repeat the same words, for example, in the morning and in the evening.

The duration of one session can be about 10 minutes and this will be quite enough for these formulas to be “recorded into your system.”

If you do not have enough personal space, both at home and at work, then it would be best to record these formulas on a voice recorder and listen to them periodically. When you have problems at work or at home, your husband is again dissatisfied with dinner - turn on your recording and keep your mood normal.

You can use ready-made affirmations or create your own, depending on what excites your soul.

How can you create a custom affirmation?

- Each new sentence must begin with the pronoun “I”, and also contain several more such pronouns. You can also tilt it as you please.

— It is important to use exactly your desires in the sentence, and not what you are running from. For example: “I don’t want to live in poverty anymore” and “I want to live in abundance.” The second statement is correct, and only it will tune you into the right wave.

— The particle “not” has no place in the sentence. That is, there should be no negativity at all. This should be a statement of your desire.

— It’s best not to generalize your desire, but to say specifically what you want. Would you like a million dollars? Just say, “I want a million dollars!”

- Another one important thing. All words should be pronounced with noticeable joy and enthusiasm. If you record sentences on a voice recorder that are spoken with notes of pessimism, it is unlikely that this will help you in any way.

— Write affirmations only in the present tense. The words “soon” and “tomorrow” will not help you in such a matter.

And here are the long-awaited examples - Louise Hay's affirmations

I am safe because the Lord protects me.

To live means to rejoice and love.

I feel healthy and strong.

I am successful no matter what I do.

I feel and radiate harmony.

I learn all the time and discover new talents in myself!

I love my reflection in the mirror!

I am a strong personality!

I have a wonderful strong family!

I am one of a kind!

I am developing every day!

I am free and belong only to myself!

I am loved and respected!

I'm happy with the way I live!

I give love to others!

I feel needed by my family!

I am able to provide for myself!

In my future I am strong and independent!

I have a mission and I am fulfilling it!

The body is like a durable shell of a crystal soul.

If you are unhappy with yourself when you look in the mirror, then simply start doing something about it or accept it!

You must either fall in love with an existing reflection, or do everything to ensure that a new, perfect reflection appears that you will definitely love.

Affirmations for every day - health and a beautiful body

You should not waste your energy on eternal frustration and dissatisfaction with yourself. Send this negative energy to get rid of problems, as a result of which it will take on a completely different, positive character.

So what's the problem? Why can't we get the perfect body? Yes, because we don’t put enough effort into building a new body, but we always want to get good and fast results.

All we need is not to stop halfway! Affirmations will only reinforce our desire to improve and will not allow us to stop.

My body is perfect!

I love my figure!

There is harmony between my soul and body!

My body works like a clock!

I am healthy both physically and spiritually!

I appreciate every bite of food I eat!

Water gives me vitality!

I love being on the move!

I can run with ease!

My body is perfect and there is nothing superfluous in it!

I'm full of energy and I can play sports!

I only eat healthy food and I feel great!

I sleep soundly and relax!

The body is my friend, which means I must take care of it!

In harmony with the world around you!

If your loved one left you, then maybe he is not so loved after all? Maybe it’s good that he left for someone else. Why do you need a person who is capable of doing this to you? You don't need to hold on to it, but just let it go. After all, as they say, “you can’t be nice by force.”

You shouldn’t tolerate betrayal and try to improve your relationship if your significant other doesn’t want it.

Unlucky in love? So maybe you haven’t loved at all yet. After a failed relationship, everyone probably thinks about what she did wrong?

She did everything right, even too much. This is where the main mistake lies.

After all, not everything revolves around your young man, take time for yourself too, and you should do this much more often.

Affirmations from Louise for every day about relationships

I love myself and I like it!

I live on this earth in order to find out what love is!

I'm open to love and I'm waiting for it!

I'm not afraid to show my feelings to others!

I live in harmony with other people!

I am able to create and maintain relationships!

I radiate joy and good mood!

I love life, and it gives me everything I want!

The love that I give to the people around me comes back to me in an increased form!

Affirmations for successful activities and work

With your head at work))) All worries always fall on fragile women’s shoulders, but we cannot carry everything on ourselves. If a man, when he is depressed, can withdraw into himself and not think about anything else except his problems.

He doesn’t think about what to feed his children or how to make it to payday. And we don’t have the right to even a little respite. In order to find a balance between work and rest, you need to adhere to certain affirmations.

I am engaged in beneficial activities that bring me joy, pleasure and income!

At my job I am loved and respected!

I have a good relationship with my colleagues, so we work in harmony!

I love my desktop!

I love the area I work in!

There is an ideal job for me, and I will find it!

I can easily cope with even the most difficult tasks!

I work in full force, and for this they appreciate me!

My income grows depending on the level of my efforts!

I enjoy the work I do!

The talent to forgive no matter what

Each of us is able to forgive, and he does it because he loves. This means that all is not lost. Anyone who is capable of love can cope with any problems and overcome any obstacles.

We must feel harmony and unity of the outside world and ourselves. The proposed affirmations will help you find harmony.

I am able to comprehend love and give it to others!

I completely trust fate!

Only with the help of forgiveness can you begin to love!

The past no longer plays any role. My faith guides me into the future!

I have the power to overcome all obstacles!

If I'm wrong, it means I'm getting wiser!

I am able to forgive because I am happy with my life!

Mistakes cannot stop me on the path to happiness!

I make mistakes, but they are the ones that save me from big troubles!

Program yourself - affirmations for health

And now specifically about how to recover from the disease or prevent its occurrence. Louise Hay offers affirmations that will help you heal from illness.

Every cell of my body is healthy!

I love eating healthy!

I replenish my body with the necessary elements!

I fit harmoniously into my rhythm of life!

I am healed and can live for many years!

My body radiates health, which means I can enjoy life!

I found a balance between work, rest and fun!

I have found harmony between soul and body!

I think only about good things, which means I’m healthy!

I can always give up junk food whenever I want!

My body is the home of my soul, and I must take care of it!

Very often our grievances about life or certain people take their origins from childhood. So it's important to heal that little scared child inside of you.

You cannot live in the past, no matter what it is, good or bad.

We must free ourselves from negative emotions in order to find a place for goodness.

Remember that only you are responsible for your life and your health.

Affirmations for love will help you attract happy and harmonious relationships. They tune their consciousness to a positive wave and send the right requests to the Universe. Let's talk about how to use affirmations so that they work and your desires come true.

Mirror principle

It is impossible to attract personal happiness into your life if love does not live within you. Remember: love always begins with ourselves. Therefore, affirmations, first of all, will be aimed at increasing your self-esteem.

Everything that happens in your soul is certainly reflected in the outside world. You must know and remember the basic principle of the Universe: the world is mirrored. Therefore, in order to receive love, you must learn to experience and give it.

Before you start working on building a happy relationship, figure out whether you love yourself? And only after that, use affirmations to attract love.

8 steps to self-love

In order for affirmations to start working to attract a loved one and happy events, learn to love yourself. This is a mandatory stage, without which not a single request to the Universe will work.

How to proceed:

  1. Recognize your uniqueness. Remember: you are no better or worse than anyone, you are an individual and a unique person. Stop comparing yourself to others, compare only yourself in the past with yourself in the present.
  2. Allow yourself to make mistakes and be imperfect. Take every mistake as an experience, a life lesson that you need to develop and improve yourself
  3. Radiate only what you would like to attract. Do you want love? Give it to those who need it. Start simple: with parents, children, friends. A higher level is helping those who do not receive love. For example, you can take a lonely old lady neighbor under your patronage. It is important to act sincerely and not expect anything in return.
  4. Always start your morning with kind words towards yourself. A great practice is to wake up and write down 5 compliments to yourself on a voice recorder or notepad. Make it a habit
  5. Take time for yourself. Don't forget to treat yourself to delicious food, new outfits, beauty salons or pleasant treatments. If you want men to take care of you, learn to take care of yourself first
  6. Praise yourself. This also needs to be done every day. Praise yourself for everything, even the little things
  7. Get rid of the burden of grievances. Negativity from the past kills all attempts to find happiness in your personal life, and you can’t count on a quick marriage. Write letters of grievances and then burn them, try meditation and various spiritual practices
  8. And finally, work with positive affirmations - affirmations that work to attract happy events, love and well-being

This is complex work with the subconscious, which will definitely bear fruit. Remember: dislike for yourself leads to health problems, problems in relationships, instability, and provokes groundless jealousy.

It doesn’t matter whether you are single at the moment, or married, but in which there is no love, tune yourself to the line of energy radiation where you are surrounded by love.

Examples of affirmations to get you started

It's worth starting with general phrases. Repeat them daily for at least 15 minutes a day. Remember: a single thought has no power. Repeated many times is a powerful tool for working with the subconscious.

Examples of positive statements that are a good place to start:

  • My life is getting better and better every day
  • Every day I become better as a person
  • I love and I am loved
  • Everyone always helps me
  • I am always in harmony with myself
  • I only attract positive people
  • I attract only positive events to myself
  • The world smiles at me
  • The world helps me

It’s worth starting with such general phrases, and you will already notice how the surrounding space gradually begins to change. And only then you can move on to more specific formulations.

Techniques for attracting the ideal partner

Now let’s talk about how to work with affirmations that will help attract the ideal chosen one into your life.

The sequence of your actions should be like this:

  1. Formulate as clearly as possible the image of the partner who is close to you
  2. Focus more on qualities than appearance
  3. Write down on a piece of paper all the qualities that you would like to see in this person.
  4. Consider other important points (free, leads a healthy lifestyle, has your own home - if this is important to you)
  5. Don't limit yourself to the appearance of your chosen one
  6. Avoid violating the law of balance (phrases like just don’t..., I’ll never go beyond)
  7. Do not use denials or descriptions of negative qualities in your formulations (does not drink, does not hit, does not cheat). Choose opposite descriptions

And then start working with affirmations. Examples of positive statements:

  • I am always surrounded by love and care
  • My relationship is based on love and trust for each other
  • I love and I am loved
  • I have a happy and harmonious relationship
  • Every day our relationship gets better and better
  • I attract love and happiness

Watch a video with examples of affirmations to attract love:

How to strengthen the effect of affirmations

There is a little trick that will help speed up the desired result. Create a loving environment at home:

  1. Free up space from everything old and unnecessary
  2. Remove all pictures that depict loneliness. Instead, place pictures that reflect love.
  3. Get as many paired items as possible (a pair of slippers, a pair of towels, a pair of teaspoons, a pair of toothbrushes, paired candles, etc.)
  4. Find a place for talismans and symbols of love (pictures of peonies, roses, hearts)

You will be surprised how quickly your life will begin to change when you learn to use positive affirmations and begin to work with them regularly.

Everything good in life begins with self-love. These affirmations will help you remember your true, Divine nature, change your attitude towards yourself, and therefore improve your life in all its manifestations! Lack of self-love is the cause of many failures, illnesses, poverty and tragedies. Learn to love yourself in in true sense- means to fulfill what we are born on Earth for. And if you think we have a different task, think again. Only through self-love will you open a channel of love for everything that is in the Universe. Only by forgiving yourself will you accept others. Only by loving yourself will you learn to remain in joy, in harmony, in nirvana without conditions... And only then will you be able to serve the world in the true sense. By loving ourselves we become an inexhaustible source love, we are enriched by love, which we can spread in every word, in every thought, in every action. Affirmations can be practiced in different periods life, because every time life will reveal new blocks, fears and claims to ourselves, since we are masters of creating them. You can do this again at least once a year, in difficult life situations. It will always help you, try it! Enjoy mastering the true, pristine, fundamental feeling - the feeling of acceptance and love for yourself Here and Now!

Remember - it is basic, it is like a primary source. Try to feel each affirmation most thoroughly, to imbue it with deep meaning and the forces and energies that it emits. Happy practicing!

1. I am HERE and NOW!
2. I am Love!
3. I am always in the Space of Love!
4. I am a unique Creation of the Creator!
5. I love myself in all my true manifestations!
6. My Divine and humanity manifest themselves harmoniously in my life!
7. I am Divine and human!
8. I realize that I and my ego are different, and I easily manage my ego!
9. I love my true nature, I always show only my true Self!
10. I control my ego easily and consciously!
11. My ego is subordinate to my Higher and true Self, my true nature!
12. I easily distinguish between the voice of the heart and the voice of the ego in myself and in people!
13. My thoughts, feelings, actions, my experience and knowledge, my property and desires are only my manifestations on Earth, but I am free from the influence of all this on my existing beginning!
14. I am free from attachments and live on earth easily and joyfully!
15. I always have and receive everything I need for creative and joyful life on earth HERE and NOW!
16. I am one with Life and the Creator HERE and NOW!
17. I love myself and people as they are!
18. I know that all people make mistakes, and I easily forgive them! Every person is Divine and human!
19. I consciously accept myself as I am HERE and NOW!
20. I easily recognize the manifestation of my true Higher Self and ego!
21. My Higher Self easily controls my ego!
22. I am aware of my abilities to witness a situation and make wise choices!
23. I manifest my Higher Self more and more every day!
24. I love learning everything new!
25. Love for yourself and others is joy, this is happiness, this is pleasure!
26. I am always and fully responsible for my reaction to a situation, event or behavior of other people!
27. I consciously choose a wise and positive response - witnessing!
28. My Higher Self more and more often controls the choice of my reaction to an event, situation or people’s behavior!
29. I know my true Self through everything that life gives me!
30. I can show the best in myself easily and sincerely!
31. I am a gifted, talented person!
32. I radiate light, love, kindness and understanding in every thought, every word and every action!
33. By loving others, I love myself! By loving myself, I love others!
34. I take care of myself, I develop, I love to learn and explore my inner world!
35. I make decisions by taking care of myself in the truest sense!
36. I am always and in everything open to the energy of love!
37. I think positively about myself!
38. I am aware of my Higher Self! Every moment my level of awareness grows.
39. I let people think whatever they want about me.
40. I allow people to have opinions different from mine.
41. I forgive myself for past mistakes, but I always use my experience wisely.
42. For the mistakes and blunders I have made, I apologize consciously and sincerely.
43. I easily forgive people for their mistakes!
44. I can be aware of my true needs behind every thought and every feeling that I experience now.
45. I know that I can satisfy all my true needs HERE and NOW in collaboration with the Universe.
46. ​​I and the Supreme Spirit are one!
47. My life is abundant, joyful and happy HERE and NOW!
48. I know that forgiveness is the path to freedom! I forgive easily!
49. I know that gratitude is the path to abundance! I thank you sincerely!
50. I know that my essence is love! I love HERE and NOW!
51. True faith and love grow in me every day!
52. My will is strengthening every day!
53. My level of acceptance of myself, life, people and situations with love and gratitude is growing every day!
54. I radiate true love, and this is reflected in people’s love for me!
55. I eat healthy and enjoy exercising!
56. I wisely listen to the desires of my body!
57. I express my emotions easily and openly in a positive manner!
58. I am easily aware of my emotions and manage them!
59. I am easily aware of my feelings and the source of their origin!
60. I easily recognize thoughts, feelings and emotions generated by my Higher Self and my ego. I follow my Higher Self.
61. I exist outside of time, outside of space, regardless of situations and events! I am whole and self-sufficient!
62. I satisfy my spiritual needs HERE and NOW!
63. I trust my true feelings coming from my heart!
64. I take care of my health wisely and effectively!
65. I love and are loved Divinely, generously, joyfully, wisely and truly!
66. Every moment I know my true Self!
67. My intuition and wisdom are growing every day!

Affirmations were created by Alla Pogonina.

Practice affirmations and be happy!