Words with tested stressed vowels. Spelling vowels

Card No. 1.

Write test words in brackets.

P..stuff, mo..tub, st..x, p..los, d..leko, star..zda, st..foreheads, n..zina, d..wait, z..nty, d..brota.

In..to take, almost..thread, br..dit, h..dit, l..vit, grab..tit, bring, sit..dit, inspect..third.

2. Read the phrases. Next to it, write down a word that can replace this phrase.

Sample. Modeling - sculpting.

To harm -

Make a gift -

Make screams -

Feel pity -

Emit light -

Fire a shot -

In the selected words, underline the unstressed vowel.

3. Read and copy the proverbs.

1) Finished the job - go for a walk safely. The end is the crown of the whole thing.

2) Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him. The lazy spinner doesn't even have a shirt for herself.

3) good fame more valuable than wealth. Laziness does no good.

5) Shoot at a stone - only lose arrows.

Find the same root words in each proverb. Underline the one that is a test for the unstressed vowel in the root.



Topic: Unstressed vowels in the root, verified by stress.

1. Read. Write it down by inserting the missing letters. Explain how they can be checked.

Sacks of rice were lying around me, stocky figures were running. I, too, grabbed the bags, t..knuled, br..salted, again b..squeezed and grabbed..thal.hand the waves splashed with my mouth. Cool...it began to rain on the decks. The holy wind began to rise above the river. In the damp darkness of dawn, half-naked men ran swiftly and tirelessly wet people and screamed, chuckled, admiring their strength, their work.(M. Gorky.)

2. For these words, select cognates with the indicated meanings.

Blue is the word for the name of the bird.

Snow is the word for the name of the bird.

Red is the word for the name of the mushroom.

White is the word for part of the egg.

Write the resulting pairs of words. Emphasize the unstressed vowel of the root.

3. Write in five columns words with an unstressed vowel at the root

e and i a o

P..so, sportive, long..on, s..neva, sh..lun, p..sti, m..snoy, v..knowledge, m..rskoy, l..stva, b..yes, s..rinka, t..darkness, tr..va, l..nivy

Card No. 3 Topic: Unstressed vowels in the root, verified by stress.

1. The wind from the sea, daisies from the field, a flower from the garden, berries from the forest, a spruce cone, the smell of honey, beet borscht.

Write down the word combinations according to the example.

Sample. Herbal tea - herbal tea.

In adjectives, underline the unstressed vowels in the roots.

2. Write by inserting the missing letters.

Mitya sledded down the ice mountain and skated along the frozen river. My father arrived and said to his father: “What a weight it is! I’d like it if everything was ok.”

(According to K. Ushinsky)

3. Of the words with the same root, write down only those that are test words. Insert the missing letter in the word being checked.

1) Garter, knit, bundle, untie, tied - tie.

2) Gravy, pour, pour, pour - sub..pour.

3) To be aware, to know, recognition - to recognize.

4) Declare, announce, application - announcement.

5) Firefly, light, light, dawn, dawn - light.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Card No. 4 Topic: Unstressed vowels in the root, verified by stress.

1. Select test words for these words. Write. Fill in the missing letters.

Cold, cold - no good.

, ... – st..r..live.

... , ... – g..l..give.

... , ... - howls.

… , … – z..l..no

2. Write down the proverbs. Find words with two unstressed vowels at the root. Orally pick up test word for each vowel.

1) The native side is dear to the heart. 2) Speak boldly about a good deed. 3) An empty spikelet always turns its nose up. 4) The mind is not in the beard, but in the head. 5) Honor the old and the young

3. Read and determine which unstressed vowel is radically verified.

Trembling, ... - tr..p..tali.

Evening, ... - it roars.

Gatehouse, ... – st..r..lived.

Greens,... – green..l..neli.

He's fussing... – he's clapping.

Babbling, ... - l..p..tali.

Write it down, adding a test word for another unstressed vowel

Card No. 5 Topic: Unstressed vowels in the root, verified by stress.

1. Write it down, inserting the missing letters.

Th...yellow thunderclouds rolled across the sky from all sides; the sun disappeared; somehow I suddenly started sweating; there was a smell in the air...we're waiting.OLightning flashed like a dazzling snake, and thunder rolled over the city itself with deafening peals.(N. Garin-Mikhailovsky.)

2. Write, changing the words denoting the action of the object, according to the model.

Sample . Kormit – to O rmil.

Cooks –…. Waving - ... . Knits –….

Moans –…. Plows - ... . Writes –….

Licks –…. He will say -... Hooks –….

Drags –…. Drowns –…. Mows –….

3. Guess the riddles. Write it down by inserting the missing letters. Write the test words in brackets.

1) Behind the iron cap there is a box with d..brom, and through the holey bottom the d..brom falls into the ground.

2) In the cold..nokos it’s g..rka, and in the frost it’s sweet..dka. What kind of berry?

3) You were screaming - it was silent. You were silent - it was screaming.

4) Who crawls so slowly and carries his own house?

5) Sweat..slowly I’m babbling, quench..shit in..doy h..chu.

6) Two s..strings are mothers, each other’s helpers.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Card No. 6 Topic: Unstressed vowels in the root, verified by stress.

1. Write it down, inserting the missing letters.

A thin willow tree bent over the lake. As if in a mirror, she looks into water as clear as glass. The cash..the body was..grated, and the lake..ro immediately burned..lo, burst..shoot.

Underline the words in which the unstressed vowel in the root is verified by the letter e .

2. Read.

T..kla through s..lo r..ka. She was...sad, g..eager. People decided to train the river to work. After all, she can help milk the cows, and plow the land, and weed the garden, and weed the logs, and harvest the grain.

Write it down. Fill in the missing letters.

3. Write down the phrases. Underline the words that sound the same. Select and write test papers for them.

Sitting on a bench means turning gray from old age.

Rinse the laundry - caress the puppy.

I’ll stab you with a pin and strengthen my health.

Trying on a dress means reconciling friends.

Sharp swords are soccer balls.

Taking the medicine means singing a song.

Living in the city means chewing food.

She made a nest and took it down the steps.

Write it off the board and hurry home.

Open the door and boil the potatoes.

Get off the roof and lick the sour cream.

Testable unstressed vowels

If in doubt, you need to change the word or choose a related one so that the stress falls on the suspicious vowel: n e b e sa(n e bo, sky e sleepy), zap e vat (write e t) – zap And vat (write And t), oz And m (z And mnium) – oz e m (o z e mlyu), priv e denie (adv. e dshiy) – priv And denition (in And children), approx. e rant (approx. e rit) – approx. And ryat (m And p), development e to get into (in e yat) – unless And to develop (develop And tie), st A gave birth (v. A ry resident) - st O gave birth (v. O rye).

Note 1. If the root is written е, then in unstressed position in single-root words you should write e: isp e sacred (p e stry), sound e fall (sound) e zdy), in e autumn (in e dreams), Mr. e zditsya (gn e here).

Note 2. You cannot check unstressed a - o in verb roots perfect form forms imperfect form to come (to live). Yes, in words zat O drink, oh O say, say O tit, spread O it, zat O bird etc. vowel o is checked by single-root words T O pete, p O great, ch O weaving, dv O e, t O beeps, although there are verbs zat A pour, oh A scream, swallow A stretch, spread A ive, zat A peek.

Note 3. Unstressed a - o in roots with not full-vowel combinations ra, la (b ra kind, good ra tit, in la read about la co) cannot be verified with the corresponding full-vowel combinations in the root oro, olo (b oro yes, uk oro tit, in olo ku, about olo chka). Partial combinations are characteristic of Old Church Slavonic roots, and they are always written a.

Note 4: This rule does not apply to foreign words, since in them the tested and test vowels can refer to morphemes of different origins. Thus, in the word accompaniment the suffix -ement is of French origin, and in the verb accompany suffix -irova- – German; compare: subscriber ement– subscriber Irova uh, engagement ement– engagement Irova t.

Unverifiable unstressed vowels

The spelling of unstressed vowels that are not checked by stress is determined by spelling dictionary: ab O rigen, A br A To A dabra, af O rhism, b A Dminton, b And fsteak, b O rdur, in A rut, in A lidol, in A trash, in e ntilation, in e stibule, in And negrete, age A reap, in O yazh, money e n e rat, di A P A zones, d And range, d O sk O nal, independent And Venition, In And ts And ativa, int e ligent, k A b A la, k A Morka, to A R A Katitsa, k A T A Vasiya, cl e ptoman, k O borax, to O libri, to O mp O new, to O ngl O Merat, Comte And ngent, k O R And fairy, k O rowa, to O cabbage soup, l A sso, m A kaka, man And population, m e hera, m e ts e nat, m And l And tarist, nav A waiting, n And velate, n And G And lism, n O tation, O babble, O b O babysitting, n A liter, n A norama, p A nteon, p A R A pet, p e lycan, p e rifferia, p e skar, pl A stilin, p O ton, pr e zidium, priv And legia, r e zyume, sn e weights, with O tank, tr A f A ret, ut And l And tare, fuse e lie down, ek And feast, exp e riment, enz e falit, esp e ranto, est A when.

Note 1: Some words are allowed different spelling, this may depend on the meaning of the word, its origin, etc.: with And nyora (from Italian signora) – with e nyora (from Spanish señora), to O company (society) – to A company (event).

Note 2. The words zero and zero are adequate in meaning, but their spelling depends on the form of the word: in the nominative and accusative cases spellings with o and y are allowed, in other cases - writing only y: equal n at lyu, reduce to n at liu, stay on n at le. Derived words are formed from the stem zero’-: n at left temperature, n at left cycle, n at llify, n at llification. Only with about: n O l-n O l (at five zero-zero), n O l attention, n O or whole(although the word zero is in the nominative case here).

Unstressed vowels in personal verb endings

Verbs with unstressed personal endings are conjugated as follows:

  • all verbs in -it, as well as 6 verbs in -et: twirl, see, depend, offend, look, endure - and 4 verbs in -at: drive, hold, breathe, hear - belong to the II conjugation, and they are written in endings -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at (-yat);
  • all other verbs belong to the I conjugation, and the endings are written in them - eat, -et, -em, -ete, -ut (-ut).

Exception: the verbs shave and build - I conjugation (shave, shave; build, build).

Prefixed verbs follow the conjugation of the non-prefixed verbs from which they are formed, for example: drink, drink (cf. drink, drink) - I conjugation; get enough sleep, get enough sleep (cf. sleep, sleep) - II conjugation.

The verb to want in singular. h. has the endings of the first conjugation (you want, wants), and in plural. part of the end of the second conjugation (want, want, want).

Unstressed connecting vowels

1. In complex words, the connecting vowels between stems can only be o and e, for example: water supply, trade turnover, Moskvoretsky, centipede, agriculture, biography, blood, false witness, cook, stationery, sheep breeding, tea drinking, self-interested, plant growing. In a few compound words, the first part of which is formed from words with a soft base, a connecting vowel o is possible, for example: hitching post (cf. horse breeding), blood circulation (cf. circulatory), also fabulist, trapper.

2. It should be distinguished from the connecting vowel case ending first part compound word, for example: insane, crazy, five-alty, forty-ruble, forty-year-old, but: ninety-year-old, hundred-year-old.

Unstressed vowels in word roots

And about zar and zor, ras(t) and ros(t), equal and even, gar and mountains, plav and pilaf:

  • zar - written in the words zarya, zarnitsa, illuminate (under the stress - zareva, radiant) and in all words formed from them (illumination, etc.);
  • zor - written under the stress in in separate words and forms: zorka, zorenka, zoryushka, zori, zor, zorya (beat, play zorya).
  • race(t) - written in the verbs grow, grow, grow, increase, etc. and in all words formed from them, for example: plant, growth, rotation, fusion, age, etc., as well as in the word industry ;
  • grew (t) - written in the past tense and in the past participle of grow, for example: grew, grew, grew, grew, grew, grew, etc., as well as in the words thicket, shoots, algae, undergrowth, sprout and in words formed from them.
  • equal - is written mainly in words that are associated in meaning with equal ("identical"), for example: uniform, equivalent, compare, alignment, equate, equal, all the same;
  • level - written mainly in words related in meaning to equal (“smooth”, “straight”), for example: level, level, etc., level;

In the word plain it is written a:

  • gar - written under stress, for example: tan, soot, and also in the words dross, residue;
  • mountains - written in other cases, for example: tanned, burnt.
  • swim - written in all cases, except for the words swimmer, swimmer, quicksand.

Alternation of a and o in verbs:

  • jump - jump out, bow - bow, touch - touch, offer - offer, set out - set out, etc. as well as dunk - wet and in words derived from them: jump - upstart, touch - touch, tax - tax, etc.

“In the roots ber - - bir -, der - - dir -, mer - - world -, per - - pir -, ter - - tyr -, shine - - blist -, burned - - zig -, stel - - style - , chet - - chit -, is written and, if followed by the suffix -a -... in otherwise spelled e...

Exceptions: combine, combination.

Alternation of i and e in verbs:

  • burn - burn, burn out - burn out, etc.;
  • spread - bed, spread - spread, etc.;
  • to tear apart - I will tear apart, to run away - to pull away, etc.;
  • unlock - unlock, lock - lock, etc.;
  • wash - erase, grind - grind, etc.;
  • die - die, die - die, freeze - freeze, etc.;
  • to elect - I will elect, to tidy - tidy up, etc.;
  • subtract - subtract, read - read, etc.;
  • sit - sit down, and also shine - shine.

Literature: Rosenthal D. E. et al., Handbook of Spelling, Pronunciation, literary editing. - M.: CheRo, 1999.

Unstressed vowels in suffixes

1. It is necessary to distinguish between the suffixes of nouns -ik, (-nik, -chik) and -ek. The first of them retains the vowel during declination, and in the second it is fluent, for example: table - table, janitor - janitor, glass - glass, but: knife - knife, ravine - ravine, lamb - lamb.

2. It is necessary to distinguish between the suffixes of nouns -ec- and -itz-:

  • in nouns male spelled -ets

- (with a fluent e), for example: Komsomol member - Komsomol member, European - European;

For example: cavalry, ladder;

  • Neuter nouns are written -ets

If the stress comes after the suffix, and -its- if the stress precedes the suffix, for example: coat, but: dress.

For neuter nouns, the suffix -ts is also known - with a fluent e, which appears in gender. pad. plural h., for example: saucer (saucer), tentacle (tentacles).

Note. The spellings of the words hare and month should be distinguished from the spellings of masculine nouns with the suffix -ets-.

3. It is necessary to distinguish between the suffixes -echk- and -ichk-.

The suffix -echk is written:

a) in feminine and neuter nouns, which are formed from words that have a gender. pad. plural h. suffix -ek

- with a fluent e, for example: nanny (nanny - nanny), leechka (leek - watering can), pechechka (pechek - stove), window (window - window); also in affectionate proper names of masculine and feminine gender, for example: Vanechka, Olechka, Anechka;

b) in neuter nouns formed from nouns ending in -mya, for example: time - time, seed - seed.

The suffix -ichk is written in feminine nouns formed from words with the suffix -its -, for example: staircase - staircase, button - button, scissors - scissors.

4. It is necessary to distinguish between the spellings -ink- and -enk- in nouns:

  • -ink- is written in nouns formed from words starting with -ina, for example: thawed patch - thawed patch, well - well, straw - straw;
  • -enk- is written in feminine diminutive nouns formed from words with a stem ending in -n- and having a gender. pad. plural h. fluent e, for example: bashenka (tower - towers), song (song - songs), cherry (cherry - cherries), sosenka (pine - pines).

It is also written -enk- in feminine nouns denoting female persons, for example: beggar woman, Frenchwoman, Circassian woman, nun; The word ladder is also spelled.

5. B pet names nouns na -nka can be before n only o or e, for example: birch, liponka, babonka, Veronka, Lizonka, fox (but not “Lisanka”, “fox”), polosonka (but not “polosynka”); Petenka, Olenka, Marfenka, Serezhenka, Zoenka (but not “Petinka”, “Zoinka”), darling, night; also hairs (but not “hairs”).

However, in the words zainka, good boy, bainki, -inka (-inki) is written, and in nouns formed from words starting with -ynya, it is written -ynka, for example: alms (from alms).

6. It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of diminutive (petitive) nouns and suffixes -ushk-, -yushk- and -yshk-, -ishk-, etc.:

  • in feminine nouns it is written -ushka (-yushka), for example: grandmother, mother, cow, Annushka, volushka;
  • in masculine nouns, animate names are written -ushka (-yushka), for example: grandfather, father, nightingale, Vanyushka, Nikolushka;
  • in neuter nouns it is written -ishko, for example: feather, sun, glass, nest.

Individual masculine nouns are used with the suffixes -yshek-, -ushek-, -eshe, for example: peg, sparrow and sparrow, bread (also bread), pebble and pebble, edge. Some neuter nouns are used with the suffix -yushk-, for example: goryushko, polyushko, moryushko.

In addition, masculine, neuter and feminine nouns can use the suffix -ishk - (-ishka, -ishko), which introduces a diminutive and disparaging meaning, for example: fanfaronishka, shedishko, dress, imenishko, overcoat (cf. rogue, thief, little yard , coat).

7. It is necessary to distinguish nouns with the suffix -atay, inflected as masculine nouns, from nouns with the suffix -at- and the ending -y, inflected as full adjectives, for example: intercessor - intercessor, intercessors, intercessors, but: counselor - counselor, counselors, counselors.

8. The suffix -iv- should be distinguished from the suffix of adjectives -ev- (soy, edge, key; cf. ruble)(merciful, cf. lazy) with its derivatives -liv- and -chiv-, for example: picky, arrogant, caring, talkative.

9. In adjectives formed from nouns, the suffix -yan- is written(after hissing -an-), if the stress comes after the suffix, for example: earthen, herbal, tin, bone, oil, waxed, cloth, wood.

If the stress is before the suffix, then in some adjectives it is written -yan- (after hissing -an-), in others - -enn- (which is established in dictionary order), for example: clay, leather, silver, windy (chicken pox, mill), oil (oil paint) with cranberry, straw. In adjectives formed with the help of the suffix -n- from stems ending in -men- (named for the fallen singular units in -mya), it is written -enn-, for example: temporary (time, time), fiery, tribal, seed, stirrup (The stirrup form is also known in the literature.)

10. In passive participles of the past tense, as well as in adjectives and nouns formed from these participles, the suffix -an(n)-, -yan(n)- is written if the corresponding verb ends in -at (-yat), and the suffix -en(n)-, if the corresponding verb ends in -et, -it, in -ti (-т) after consonants, in -ch, for example: tied, knitted (participle), knitted (adj.), seen, wounded , wounded (participle), wounded (adj.), oiled, brought out, shorn, infused, picked apart, shot (from shoot), shot (from shoot), hung (from hang, for example: a lot of laundry has been hung), hung (from hang , for example: the door is hung), mixed, hodgepodge (from interfere), kneaded (from knead), winnowed, winnowed, dyed, dyed (fabric), frozen (participle), ice cream (noun), felted (but: felt boots).

Passive participles from the verbs equal and level with prefixes end in -en: leveled (“made equal”) and leveled (“made equal”), etc.; from torment, torment passive participles end, as in measure, torment, on - measured: measured, tormented (cf. measured, tormented, etc.).

11. Suffixes are written in present participles:

-) (actual), -em

- (str.), if the verbs from which they are formed are I conjugations, for example: writing, struggling, reading, being read;

-) (actual), -im

- (str.), if the verbs from which they are formed are II conjugation, for example: meaning, breathing, seeing, standing, visible.

Note 1. The participle movable is written with the suffix -im-.

Note 2. From the verb to disdain active participle spelled fastidious.

12. Adjectives ending in n are written in the short masculine form with e before n, for example: calm - calm, sultry - sultry, violent - violent, straightforward - straightforward.

But from worthy short form- worthy (dignity), but the participle - honored, honored (from honour).

13. Adjectives ending in unstressed -insky or -ensky are grouped according to spelling as follows:

1) Adjectives end in -Inskiy:

a) if used from the corresponding nouns possessive adjective in -in, for example: sister (sister - sisters), Mariinsky (Maria - Mariin), Anninsky (Anna - Annin), Savvinsky (Savva - Savvin);

b) if they are formed from geographical names(declinable and indeclinable), ending in -i (-s), for example: Gryazinsky (Gryazi), Mytishchi (Mytishchi), Khimki (Khimki), Sochi (Sochi), Topkinsky (Topki), Talsi (Tulsy);

c) if they are formed from geographical names ending in -а (-я), for example: Zhizdrinsky (Zhizdra), Yalta (Yalta), Okhtinsky (Ohta), Ronginsky (Ronga), Balashikhinsky (Balashikha), Elninsky (Yelnya).

Note. Some adjectives formed from nouns ending in -а (-я), in accordance with a well-established tradition, retain the spelling with -ensky, for example: Presnensky (Presnya), Penzensky (Penza).

2) Adjectives end in -ensky if they belong to other word-formation types, for example: Grozny (Grozny), Gorodishchensky (Gorodishche), Zarechensky (Zarechye), Frunzensky (Frunze), Kolomna (Kolomna), Pesochensky (Pesochnya), Gorshechensky ( Potted).

14. In adjectives -chiy, formed from the nouns nashka, e is written before h in a position not under stress, for example: old woman, cuckoo, cat, frog, turkey, but formations of na with stressed a are also known, for example: cat, frog, turkey.

15. In collective numerals there are four, five, etc., as well as in the adjectives formed from them, quaternary, fivefold, etc., e is written before r.

16. In suffixes of degrees of comparison, e is always written in the unstressed position, for example: louder, older, prettier (beautiful), most beautiful.

17. In verbs ending in indefinite form na -vat, necessary for correct spelling of the unstressed vowel before in, distinguish the following types:

1) verbs ending in the 1st person singular. h. on -y (-yu), and in an indefinite form on -ova (-evat), for example: I’m talking - to talk, I’m in charge - to manage, I’m grieving - to grieve;

2) verbs ending in the 1st person singular. h. for unstruck -yat, -iv, and in an indefinite form for 1 unstressed -yat, -iv, for example: unfold - unfold, twist - twist;

3) verbs ending in the 1st person singular. h. on the struck -vayu, and in an indefinite form on the struck -vat; in these verbs, the same vowel is written before v as in the indefinite form of the corresponding verbs without the suffix -va- (i.e. immediately before -t), for example: overcome - overcome (overcome), zapavayu - wash down (wash down), freeze - freeze (freeze). This also includes verbs ending in the 1st person in -y (without -va-): zastavat - zastava (to catch), get -dosta' (to get).

In addition, it is necessary to keep in mind the following verbs ending in -eva - -eva (with emphasis on -va):

  • eclipse - eclipse,
  • I'm stuck - stuck,
  • intend - intend,
  • overwhelms - overwhelms,
  • extend - extend,
  • corrupt - corrupt,
  • exhort - exhort.

18. In the suffixes of one-time verbs ending in -anut, a is written, for example: fuck, whip, hurt.

In the verbs kolonut (cf. prick), zaholonut (cf. cold), stripe it is written about.

19. In verbs denoting a change in some state, it is written -net, for example: freeze, ossify, grow stiff, become frenzied, dumbfounded, numb; Transitive verbs of this type end in -enit, respectively, for example: chill, bloody, etc.

20. It is necessary to distinguish between intransitive verbs with stems in -e, for example: become weak, become weak (become powerless, lose strength), become disgusted, become disgusted (become hateful), recover, recover (become healthy) from the corresponding ones transitive verbs with a stem in -i, for example: weaken, weaken (make someone powerless, deprive someone of strength), weaken, weaken.

Unstressed final vowels in adverbs and prepositions

1. It is necessary to distinguish between -о, -е, -у, -а (-я) at the end of adverbs formed by combining prepositions with pronouns and short adjectives:

  • adverbs with prefixes for-, end in -o, for example: dead, easily, to the left, as much, as much;
  • adverbs with the prefix v- end in -o or -e, for example: left, right, but: briefly, alienly, soon;
  • adverbs with the prefix end in -y, for example: equally, little by little, since, insofar as;
  • adverbs with the prefixes do-, iz- (is-), s- (co-) end in -a or -ya, for example: dosatita, long ago, on the left, as well as issinya, izzhelta (as part of complex adjectives).

Note. Along with formations in -a (again, etc.), there are parallel formations in -u (from a young age, blindly, etc.).

2. Adverb subsequently, as formed from the preposition in and the noun in the sentence. pad., written with and at the end.

3. They are written with an e at the end, as formed from the preposition в and the noun в він. fall., prepositions as a result of, during (some time), during (some time).

Unstressed vowels in prefixes

1. In a prefix, if there is no emphasis on it, it is always written raz-, ras-, and not roz-, ros-. For example: distribute (when distributed), schedule, receipt (when signed).

2. It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of the prefixes pri- and pre-.

  • The prefix has the following basic meanings:

a) proximity, for example: seaside, coastal, Ural;

b) approximation, addition, for example: move, attach, attribute, attach;

c) incomplete action, for example: open, lift, sit down.

  • The prefix has two main meanings:

a) meaning highest degree qualities or actions, kind, most lovely, most unpleasant, extol, succeed;

b) a meaning similar to the meaning of the prefix re-, for example: interrupt, refract, block.

In some words, the meaning of the prefixes pre- and prine is not entirely clear. For example: despise, teach, persecute, fit. You should consult a spelling dictionary about the spelling of such words.

Vowels in some unstressed case endings

1. Nouns with the suffix -ish, if they are masculine or neuter, end in them. pad. units h. on -e, for example: house, camel, prison, swamp. If they are feminine, then they end in them. pad. units h. on -a, for example: cows, hands, dirt.

2. Masculine nouns with the suffixes -ushk -, -yushk-, -ishk-, -yshk-, denoting animate objects, as well as all feminine nouns with the same suffixes end in them. pad. units h. on -a, for example: grandfather, father, boy, old man, little man, nightingale, nanny, little hand.

Masculine nouns denoting inanimate objects, as well as all neuter nouns, have them in them. pad. units h. after these suffixes the ending is -o, for example: bread, little yard, feather, coat.

At the end of them. pad. units h. animate nouns the masculine gender after the suffixes -k - and -l - is written -a-, for example: reveler, began to sing, grew big, ate; colloquial ones are also written proper names type Gavrilo, Kiril, Mikhail (used along with Gabriel, Kirill, Mikhail).

The exception is Old Russian and Ukrainian names and surnames in -ko, for example: Mikhalko, Shevchenko, as well as ancient and regional

proper names in -lo, for example: Yarilo, Mikhailo Lomonosov.

3. In masculine and neuter nouns in the sentence. pad. and in feminine nouns starting with -а (-я) in dates. and sentence pad. units h. is written in an unstressed position and only if it is also preceded by, for example: about genius, about Kiya, in “Viya”, along the Biya River, in the department, upon returning, with the assistance, to Mary, about Mary; in other cases, e is written in an unstressed position, for example: about glue, in a dress, in a gorge, at the mouth, in Transcaucasia, at the seaside, at a crossroads, to Marya, about Marya, about happiness.

4. In genus. plural case h from nouns ending in singular. h. for unstressed -ya and -ye, it is written -i, and from nouns ending in -ya and -ё under stress, it is written -ey, for example: shalunya - naughty, gorge - gorge, but: bench - benches, gun - guns.

5. In surnames with -in (-yn) and -ov (-ev) it is written in tvor. pad. units h. -th (according to the declension of adjectives), for example: Pavel Lisitsyn - Pavel Lisitsyn, Ivan Turgenev - Ivan Turgenev.

Note. IN foreign names on -in and -ov it is written in creative work. pad. units h. -om (according to the declension of nouns), for example: Green -

Green, Darwin - Darwin, Bülow - Bülow.

6. In the titles settlements on -in (-yn), -ov (-ev), -ino (-yno), -ovo (-evo) is written in creative. pad. units part, for example: the city of Pskov - the city of Pskov, the city of Lvov - the city of Lvov, the city of Saratov - the city of Saratov, the city of Kanev - the city of Kanev, the city of Kalinin - the city of Kalinin, the city of Kirov - the city of Kirov, the village of Maryino - the village of Maryino, the village of Lisitsyno - the village of Lisitsyn, the village of Kryukovo - the village of Kryukov.

Search for flights and hotels

A scandal occurred in the country of Grammar: the vowels A, O, E, I, I quarreled with the sounds [A], [I]. Princess Bukovka said that these sounds poke their nose where it is not needed: “Just look: the sounds a and try to insert themselves when necessary and when not necessary: ​​vada, rika, plisat. And because of this, unfortunate schoolchildren make a lot of mistakes and get bad marks in Russian.”

It is not known what would have happened in the country of Grammar. Most likely, all the residents in it would have quarreled. But Accent also came to the aid of vowels and all schoolchildren. It moved smoothly between the letters and said: “Was it worth quarreling over such trifles? After all, these sounds give our speech melody, melodiousness, and colorfulness. Just imagine for a second what would happen if we pronounced [o] in all words: the cow gave milk. You and I would shout, as the residents of the Lower Volga do. I, Accent, will help all schoolchildren, and you will never make mistakes in words.

There are five unstressed vowels.

We will check them

We will remember them, friends:

A, O, E, I, Z.

If the letter is a vowel

Raised doubts

You immediately

Put the emphasis on it!

Know: vowel sounds love to joke in unstressed syllables.

The vowel in the word jokes:

- I'm completely unclear

I'm unstressed

And I will be grateful

If you pick a pair -

You will find the right word.

And for this you tell me

Call the accent:

WATER - water, one,

VIDEO – view, visible,

BAKES - oven, flows - flows -

Our speech will be correct.

Thanks to stress, we will correctly write the unstressed vowel in related words.

Unstressed is a tricky vowel!

We hear him perfectly.

What letter is in the letter?

Science can help us here:

Place the vowel under stress

And you will dispel all doubts!

PINE, WATER, deeds, grass -

You need to check all the words.

We don't trust rumors

We check with emphasis:

PINE trees, water, grass, business,

Now let’s write boldly.

Unstressed - weak vowel,

The weak must be helped:

The sound is fuzzy, the sound is unclear -

Check with emphasis!

Here is a river, check - a river.

What, a familiar word?

Here is the mountain, check - the mountain,

Here is the hole, check - the hole! S. Sokolovskaya, N. Pikuleva

Unstressed vowel sound

Causes a lot of pain.

How to write g...ra, tr...va

And the words f...rya, d...la?

So that there is no doubt,

I put emphasis on the sound:

mountains, grass, sea, business!

Now let’s write boldly!

Families made of words live on Earth.

By root you learn about close kinship.

There is no need to disturb their similarities, friends.

And the twin roots are misspelled.

Spelling "Vowel at the root"

We must know everything firmly

And for this, remember,

The word needs to be checked.

For example, water and water,

And also relatives and childbirth.

Let's check the city,

Let's check the cold.

Well, if you don’t check

Vowel in the root: calendar,

Veteran, hero, radiance -

Then look in the dictionary!

We cannot count the words in the world,

Every word has a root.

To write correctly,

It is necessary to isolate the roots.

Explain words clearly

The root of the word will help us.

The root can tell

How to write a word?

Finding the root of a word means finding its inner, hidden meaning - the same as lighting a light inside a lantern.

REMEMBER: the root in all forms of words and in related words

It's spelled the same.

Letter A and letter O

They have been offended for a long time:

- Us, innocent of anything,

Guys often get confused.

Stress on vowel

You can make the letter clear!

It is very interesting,

Know how words are written.

Fedot doesn’t know

How do you spell tr...va?

He doesn't know, for example,

What is the letter after r?

But it's like fun!

Just change the word - herbs.

And you will hear the answer:

Write! There is no doubt!


One of the vowels is not clear.

Don't believe such words when you hear them,

If they have an unstressed sound.

Just change the number in them,

They will prompt the vowel:

Villages, nests, springs

And, of course, the waves.

COUNTRY, EARTH, arrow, pine,

Ridge, Needle, WALL, Spring.

dew, grain, traces, leaf,

Feeder, lake, flower...

Our dictation is over.

Well done to those who didn't make a mistake!


A hollow in the golden sand

Made a stream for myself -

And he runs along a path in the forest,

Full of sounds and lights.

A month in it - with a stern smile.

The sun shines brighter...

And the anxiety in my soul will fall asleep

To the tune of his speeches. Priest Vladimir Shamonin


“Yes, it’s not an easy dictation,”

Vovka scratched the back of his head,

And in Korolev’s notebook

Karova suddenly appeared.

Misha looked into the notebook:

- All clear! Let's write it like that.

And then the agile Pavel

Corrected the letter O to A.

And his neighbor Mila

I caught it right away.

And from Mila for friendship's sake

The letter A got to Nadya.

Lev rose from his desk,

He quickly handed over to Petya...

And Carova went for a walk

Across all desks and rows.

You look in your neighbor’s notebook -

You will bring the mistake to yourself.

With the letter G its top

Stony and white,

With the letter N - inexplicable

Down to earth and small.









A rose bloomed in the grove,

The dew fell on her,

But the goat came there

And immediately she licked off the dew.

  • Place the words in squares to make the word “goat”. What word is missing in this humorous poem?