Everyone who studies does not work. Nine common truths for those who study, teach and educate

For modern schoolchildren go through this stage of life, schooling, is a real test. Pressure from teachers, parents and classmates, constant stress- all this makes itself felt. The New York Times put together nine simple truths, knowledge of which is important for parents of children, for teachers, for students.

Primary School

1. Is your child angry with you? Or his classmates who bully him? Or is he just too shy to raise his hand in class? Talk to him. The child must understand that he has somewhere to throw out his emotions, because if he has nowhere, this will affect his health and academic abilities.

2. Thanks to Twitter, the attention cycles of children (and people in general) are getting shorter and shorter. If your child gets tired of a long reading assignment, it might be worth teaching poetry to him. Poetry is the most effective method increase lexicon, and at the same time a good filter for verbal “garbage”.

3. Children, like no other, love to follow the example of celebrities. In particular, they learn from them a basic set of values ​​(what is good and what is bad). In the era of Donald Trump and Olga Buzova, this, of course, a big problem. If you want to teach your child good things, but you cannot count on leaders and celebrities, you will have to work yourself, and with double diligence.

High school

1. B Lately The situation with sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies has improved greatly. Do you know why? Primarily due to the abundance of information. We often say that knowledge is power, but in the case of sex education this is especially important. However, do not shift responsibility to teachers or the Internet; talk to your child about the basic rules of safe sex life.

2. When students are kicked out of class or put bad marks for the slightest offense, everyone else thinks: am I really next? Naturally, under such pressure, a teenager is afraid to speak out and fail some important test. A teacher can influence the situation by turning himself from “the king and god of his office” into a living person, for example, by telling children what he is interested in. When a student knows that he has something in common with the teacher (a love of music, a similar sense of humor, whatever), the atmosphere of mutual trust is formed much better.

3. Already a year or two before entering university, parents and high school students begin to delve into the numbers: passing Unified State Examination points, quantity budget places, competitions... And teachers also press with their stories about the fact that “without higher education you are nothing.” We must remember that even after failing the exams, life does not end.


1. There is no place for impoliteness at the university. Even if you do not agree with a classmate’s opinion on some issue, listen to him. Perhaps you will learn something new or look at a familiar problem from a different angle. Remember: even tense conversations should remain civil.

2. Many students dream of changing the world. This is fine. But in the Internet era, there is a widespread belief that you can live a full life only if you have some outstanding quality. The extraordinary has become the norm, simply because the “normal” is simply not noticeable on the Internet. Don't build your life according to someone else's Instagram account, but focus on what makes you personally happy.

3. One professor at some point got tired of students calling her by name and writing emails as if from a drunken party. To everyone homework she began to attach etiquette requirements: how to address teachers and write polite, competent letters. You must understand: the teacher is, of course, closer to you than the teacher at school, but the rules of politeness must be observed.

Translation by Mikhail Lavrentiev

Modern students and schoolchildren cannot do without such a great invention of mankind as the Internet. But how to navigate the World Wide Web, not get lost among millions of sites for students and find truly useful educational resources?

To make life easier for our students and not be haunted by thoughts of loneliness, we decided to make. They will help today’s youth to significantly facilitate educational process and don't stop there.

All the necessary sites for students: come and study!


There is no person in the world who could confidently say that he has comprehended the grammar of the Russian language. Neither a Russian language teacher nor a university professor can do this.

What can we say about students and schoolchildren, who constantly have to perform a huge amount of work? verification work In Russian. So, this service will help you write in compliance with the most important rules: grammar and spelling.


A real find for those who study! Here you can find a huge collection:

  • books of various genres,
  • educational and methodological aids,
  • textbooks on subjects,
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alleng.ru useful for those who need to write a coursework or thesis or abstract. Collection educational material is constantly updated, so you don’t have to worry about the relevance and freshness of the information provided.


A free website for students that provides a huge number of educational video courses and lessons. With their help, you can not only have a pleasant and useful time free time, but also to receive a kind of addition to your own specialty.

If you have a desire for self-education and access to the Internet, then you don’t necessarily have to pay through the nose for college education and get a second higher education. After all, here you can adequately replenish your knowledge on any topic.


Learn English. Find friends. It's cool!

For students studying English (or any other foreign) language, this site will be one of the most useful resources. Here you can find friends with similar interests from all over the world, participate in conversations, get advice from specialists on grammar and spelling, and also solve other problems that arise in everyday language practice.


This educational resource is the leading IT blog on Runet, reveals the mysteries and secrets of the modern computer world, introduces its features, subtleties and other information (new hardware, programming, new technologies, tips and lessons for novice programmers).

TopTalent.ru, fut.ru, superjob.ru, career.ru, professionali.ru

These resources help students find their dream job. If you want to work in the best companies in the world, undergo internships only with selected employers, earn many times more than your fellow students, enjoy your work, and also successfully combine it with your studies, we strongly recommend that you get acquainted with these sites.


Can not imagine modern student without electronic devices and devices. At the same time, only a select few truly understand technology and understand the intricacies of it. software. This site contains the most popular, well-known and necessary drivers. It’s quite convenient when any software package can be found on one resource, isn’t it?


Well, here the student can simply relax, read interesting and relevant news for students, get advice or just have fun. Tips for comfortable life in the hostel, studying abroad, notes from applicants - all this and much more is designed to inform, entertain and recommend. And if studying distracts you from learning and entertainment, it’s high time to assign it to

Good day, dear reader! Today we bring to your attention a selection of 5 useful sites for studying, which will allow you to both broaden your horizons and make your studies at school or university easier.

Why do I suggest you familiarize yourself with this collection? There are countless websites, portals, blogs, etc. on the Internet. Every day, millions of people search for information on the most various issues. Schoolchildren and students are no exception, for whom the Internet is a lifesaver.

At the same time, with regard to information related to your studies, here, in principle, the situations are almost always the same, regardless of your specialty or class at school. What tasks are most often asked to schoolchildren and students? As a rule, this is either writing an essay, a report, a term paper or a project. There may be other types of tasks, but the principle of writing them is almost always the same.

No matter what report/essay/coursework you are assigned, you will always need information that is given by professionals in their field. Where can you find such information? There may be several options here, but the simplest of them is a textbook in a discipline related to the topic of your report/essay/course work.

In this regard, I considered that this review It's best to include sites where you can find tutorials on a variety of topics. And not just textbooks written 20-30 years ago, but new editions that meet modern realities.

You can say that there are plenty of textbooks in the library. However, as practice shows, due to lack of time, many students simply physically cannot visit the library. The result is a completely downloaded work from the Internet, i.e. clean water plagiarism.

However, if you still want to write Good work and at the same time use verified sources, then textbooks in electronic form are The best decision for busy people.

True, one thing. Almost all the textbooks that you will find on the sites that will be described further in this review have been translated into electronic view with copyright infringement. In fact, when you use these textbooks, you will, as it were, “not give” money to the authors of these works.

So see for yourself, if your conscience does not torment you, then use electronic textbooks for your health, but if you fair man who is not used to stealing a crust of bread from someone else, then you can do 2 things: either you completely refuse to use such pirated electronic textbooks, or you use them and at the same time thank the author in some way for his work.

In almost every textbook you can find the author’s contact information and then agree with him on how you can thank the creator of the textbook that you used while writing your academic work.

In addition to sites where you can find good selection textbooks, the review of useful sites for studying also includes sites that will help expand your horizons and competence. It's always good to know more than the average person. Therefore, I thought that a review of such sites aimed at your self-development would be interesting to readers.

So, we are finally done with the introductory part. It’s time to get down to business, namely, a review of useful sites for studying.

Review of useful sites for studying

1. alleng.ru - To everyone who studies

This site is a real treasure trove of books. Here you will find huge collection textbooks, teaching aids, various manuals, as well as a good selection of sites on topics that interest you. In short, if you need to write a term paper or essay, you can start searching for information from here. Most likely, here you will find everything you need and even more.

In addition to the fact that this site contains a large collection of textbooks on a variety of topics, on top of everything else, this collection is constantly updated with new publications. Therefore, if suddenly you are required to use only modern literature(over the last 5 years), then you don’t have to worry about alleng.ru you will find the latest textbooks.

This site also contains tutorials on foreign languages. They cover the main points of grammar, punctuation, etc. A good addition to the more than useful information that is on the site.

If you have only recently started using the Internet and are not yet very well informed about good and high-quality online resources where you can find useful literature, then we recommend you the site alleng.ru.

2. aup.ru — Business portal AUP.Ru: management and marketing in business.

If it is difficult for you to select and copy text from books in .pdf or .djvu format into your works, or you simply do not know how to do this, then the site aup.ru will make your life easier.

How? The thing is that here all the books are presented in the form of ordinary articles, consisting of plain text, which is easy to copy and paste into your work (you can also do it on our website website). Agree, this is much easier than struggling with selecting text in e-books, where it is not always possible to highlight it.

On the portal aup.ru, same as on the website alleng.ru, a large collection of books has been collected, although only of an economic nature. Here you will find books on finance, management, marketing and other business disciplines. On the one hand, this limits interest in the site from potential users.

However, if you look from the other side, you will find that this site presents a more extensive collection of books and various works on an economic topic. This site is a kind of “mecca” for economics lovers. If you are one of these people, then the aup.ru website was created especially for you.

3. membrana.ru – MEMBRANA: People. Ideas. Technologies.

If you are interested in science, if you are interested in learning something new and unknown to most inhabitants of planet Earth, then I advise you to visit the site membraneru. Here you will find many popular science articles on the most different topics. By the way, they can also be included in your term papers, which will certainly improve the quality of your work, because... you will refer to innovate experience leading scientists of the world.

By the way, the site membraneru - this is one of the most popular science-related sites on the Russian-language Internet. This suggests that useful articles on scientific topics that are of interest to readers have already been collected and are constantly published here.

In general, if you want to connect your life with scientific activity or you are just interested in learning about all sorts of new things, then the site membraneru created especially for you.

4. gramota.ru - GRAMOTA.RU - reference and information Internet portal “Russian language”.

Almost all people are imperfect in terms of the Russian language. Some write with errors, some have problems with punctuation, some put the emphasis on words incorrectly. Even Russian language teachers with many years of experience sometimes find it difficult to understand some difficult language issues. What can we say about a schoolchild or student for whom the Russian language is just one of the subjects that is on the schedule...

And I, the author of all the articles on the site you are currently on, sometimes make mistakes. I admit honestly, sometimes mistakes occur due to simple inattention to typing on a computer. Still, in addition to the fact that I write articles, I also answer everything else, including programming and design of this site. Please forgive me for my mistakes

Here you go. What am I talking about? I wrote all this so that you understand that none of us are perfect. IN in this example, almost no one is perfect in Russian. Therefore, there is no harm in turning to professional sources who will help you in solving your problems. language problems. One of these virtual assistants is the site gramota.ru

How is this site useful to you? Firstly, here you can find everything you need about the meaning of the word, its spelling, pronunciation, etc. Secondly, there is a huge database of dictionaries of various types that will help you choose, for example, a synonym or antonym for a word. Also presented on this site are various kinds textbooks.

In general, the site gramota.ru is a source of knowledge about the Russian language and everything connected with it. Improve your literacy, because as L.N. Tolstoy wrote: “A person’s morality is visible in his attitude to the word.” Good words.

5. teachvideo.ru - Computer video courses | Educational videos and video tutorials | TeachVideo.

If you want to receive useful information in video format, then the site teachvideo.ru will help you use a computer confidently, learn different programs, become a more competent person in the most different areas knowledge.

This site has already collected a large collection of video materials on a wide variety of topics. In short, if you are not fluent in a program or don’t know something well, and you have a desire to study things that are unclear to you, then look for answers to your questions on this site. Most likely, you will be able to find for yourself exactly the material that you need to solve your problem.

In addition, such a pastime (watching video tutorials) is good opportunity for self-education at home. To put it bluntly, today you can get a first-class education at home without resorting to the services of a university or college. All that is required of you is access to the Internet, the ability to think at least a little and the desire to learn. Yes, with this method of training you will not be given a diploma. However, is this the main thing now? The main thing is that you become a competent specialist in your chosen field, and everything else is secondary.

Therefore, remember that on the site teachvideo.ru you can always replenish your knowledge in a convenient way (by watching video lessons on various topics).

Conclusion: Within the framework of this article, I examined 5 useful sites for learning, which can help schoolchildren and students, and all people who like to study. In addition to these sites, of course, there are a large number of other projects that were not included in this review.

If you are interested in learning about other interesting sites, then write in the comments about the topic that interests you, and I will select appropriate material and make a selection of sites on the topic that interests you. All in your hands

And, of course, do not forget that there is also such a modest site as website where you can always read useful materials on a student theme.

Now you know about 5 useful sites for schoolchildren and students.

Best regards, site team website

P.S. Finally - interesting video about artificial intelligence.