Military school Arystan in Almaty diary. Lyceum Arystan: a confident step into the future

Found out what educational establishments They train military personnel for the Kazakh army, including the world's leading universities.

Let's start with the fact that in Kazakhstan there are several specialized secondary educational institutions that train military personnel from school. This is the Arystan Lyceum, the Zhas Ulan Republican School, the Almaty Republican military school named after Baurzhan Momyshuly, Shymkent Republican Military School named after Sabir Rakhimov, as well as Karaganda Republican Military School named after Talgat Begeldinov.

The specialized lyceum "Arystan", which is located in the Almaty region, graduated 80 people in 2014, 23 of whom entered foreign military universities. Among them are leading US universities - Naval Academy and the Air Force Academy; China - Medical Military University and Naval Academy; Russia - Military Space Academy named after Mozhaisky, Mikhailovsk Military Artillery Academy, Military-medical Academy, Krasnodar Higher Aviation military school, Military Aviation Engineering University and others; Belarus - State Military University; Turkey - Military schools of the ground forces, navy and the Air Force. All of them will be trained free of charge.

The Republican school "Zhas Ulan" graduated 67 lancers this year. In the period from 2002-2014, more than 500 lancers were produced. In 2014, 22 people entered military educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. To military educational institutions foreign countries 8 people arrived. Of these, two people went to the Russian Federation, one person to Belarus, and five people to China. 4 people entered educational institutions of other departments: the Ministry of Internal Affairs - one person, the Ministry of Emergency Situations - one person and the border service - two people. 34 people will study free of charge in the 2014-2015 academic year.

This year, 217 people graduated from the Almaty Republican Military School named after Baurzhan Momyshuly. 57 of them entered Kazakh military educational institutions, one school graduate entered the College Air Force Turkey. The Shymkent Republican Military School named after Sabir Rakhimov graduated 153 cadets in 2014. At the same time, 55 of them entered Kazakh military universities and 5 - into foreign ones, including the Academy of Ground Forces in Istanbul, Belarusian State University, Krasnodar higher aviation school, Baltic Naval Institute, Military Aviation engineering institute. The Karaganda Republican Military School named after Talgat Begeldinov graduated 187 people in 2014. Of these, 71 graduates entered Kazakh military universities and one entered a foreign military institute in Turkey.

In Kazakhstan, military personnel study at universities such as the Military Institute of Radio Electronics and Communications in Almaty, the Begeldinov Military Institute of Air Defense Forces in Aktobe, the Military Institute of Ground Forces in Almaty, Cadet Corps in the city of Shchuchinsk, Military Institute internal troops in Petropavlovsk, Military Institute national guard, Academy of Internal Affairs of Almaty, Kokshetau Technical University, Border Academy of the National Security Committee.

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, selection for military universities this year took place on a competitive basis, taking into account the points of the UNT or CT certificate, as well as medical, physical, psychological indicators. Competition for studying in Kazakh universities was 3 people per place, in foreign universities- 4 people per seat.

Within the framework of implementation targets State program development of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, providing for modernization national system multilevel education, to improve the quality of training human resources To meet the needs of the individual and society, a project has been implemented to create a secondary general educational institution - the Specialized Lyceum "Arystan".
The project was carried out under the auspices of the Public Foundation “Nursultan Nazarbayev Educational Foundation”, whose director is Dr. pedagogical sciences Kulibaeva Dinara Nursultanovna. The Lyceum has the status of a branch of the Foundation.
The goal of the project is to create a specialized, non-state secondary educational institution, boarding type, with a military way of life, with a physics and mathematics direction of study, in-depth study computer science, English and Kazakh languages ​​for enrollment in higher educational institutions security forces Kazakhstan with talented youth who want to devote themselves to public service. The social orientation of the project also lies in the fact that the training and maintenance of lyceum students is carried out on a free (charitable) basis.
Children from low-income and large families enjoy preferential rights in admission to training. Excellent students have the opportunity to receive a scholarship in the amount of ten thousand tenge.
The main task of the Lyceum is to provide a high level of education for young men, to develop in them such traits as courage, endurance, perseverance, strong character, high culture, developed sense patriotism and civic duty. Graduates of the lyceum must be able to fulfill their constitutional and civil responsibilities while serving in the security forces of a sovereign Kazakhstan.
The lyceum began functioning in January 2011. It educates young men from all regions of Kazakhstan, from ninth to eleventh grade.
Young men of 7 nationalities study at the Lyceum.
Future lyceum students are accepted on a competitive basis, after passing entrance exams By specialized subjects, namely in mathematics and physics, as well as Kazakh, Russian and English languages, successful completion professional psychological selection (including IQ test), medical examination, as well as an examination physical training.
For training and accommodation of lyceum students, a modern educational complex in the picturesque foothills of the Trans-Ili Alatau in the vicinity of the city of Almaty, in the village of Beskainar, Talgar district, on the territory of the former pioneer camp “Iskorka”.
Lyceum students are provided with equipment in accordance with modern requirements classrooms, laboratories, auditoriums, a rich library collection of more than 20 thousand copies of books, Internet services to the required extent.
High level teaching at the lyceum is ensured through the use of modern technologies training and highly qualified teaching staff. Today the Lyceum teaches: one Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, two Candidates of Sciences, one PhD Doctor, 10 teachers with highest category, 11 teachers with the 1st category, as well as 5 military specialists with higher military education.
To organize classes at the Lyceum there are the required quantities interactive whiteboards, multimedia projectors, computers (one computer for two people), which provide the use modern forms and teaching methods.
With the aim of comprehensive development personality of students at the lyceum there is a complex educational activities, conditions have been created for have an interesting time cultural leisure on the basis of a cultural and leisure center. There is a wonderful auditorium with 240 seats with modern equipment, a full brass band and a vocal and instrumental ensemble. Over the years, the Lyceum was visited by: world-famous mega star, world-famous violinist M. Bisengaliev (twice), folk artists RK N. Nusipzhanov, M. Ilyasova, chamber orchestra of Akim of Almaty, generals and officers who stood at the origins of the creation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, headed by the first Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Army General S.K. Nurmagambetov, CSTO delegation, military delegation led by the Commander-in-Chief Air Force Russian Federation Lieutenant General Bondarev S.V., the delegation of the US Military Academy (West Point), military attaches of near and far abroad countries and many others. Numerous meetings were held with students of creative universities and colleges in Almaty, working and creative contacts were established with them.
For a complete physical development students at the Lyceum have a multifunctional modern gym for all sports, a 25-meter swimming pool, halls for boxing, wrestling, barbells, GYM's and others. No less opportunities are provided by the summer sports base, which includes a football field with artificial turf, a tennis court, volleyball and basketball courts, a magnificent gymnastics town, and a military obstacle course.
The military way of life, the presence of a specialized training program and a modern base for basic military training, which allows one to more deeply master the basics of military affairs, provide students with an education leadership qualities, high discipline, organization and a sense of self-confidence. They are helped in this by experienced educators - mentors from among reserve officers who have extensive life and military experience. In total, 21 military specialists work at the Lyceum.
Important feature basic military training program is its practical orientation: Lyceum students have the opportunity to study at training center Military Institute Ground Forces Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, acquire practical military skills in the field. These skills help them when studying at higher educational institutions of law enforcement agencies.
At the Lyceum great attention is devoted to the formation and development of rituals and traditions. Thus, the Lyceum has its own Flag, like a military unit, an emblem, an oath of lyceum students, a Code of Honor for lyceum students, an anthem and other elements and attributes that determine the moral content of the studies and life of lyceum students.
Special place The life of the Lyceum is occupied by the ritual of taking the Oath by the Lyceum students. It is held annually on the Saturday of the fourth week of April. 9th grade lyceum students take the oath. This day is declared Lyceum Day.
Significant support in the formation and functioning of the Lyceum is provided by the Lyceum Board of Trustees, headed by Timur Askarovich Kulibayev.
In April 2013, the Specialized Lyceum “Arystan” was visited by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev, who gave highly appreciated educational institution and noted that this innovative and charitable project is illustrative example participation of private capital in expanding the availability of quality education for young people through public-private partnership mechanisms.
During its existence, the Lyceum produced five graduates. Our graduates entered military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Academy of the Border Service of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, military educational institutions of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine, the USA and Turkey.
Some of the graduates entered Nazarbayev University, KBTU, KazNTU, MIIT and Eurasian University.
Education at the Specialized Lyceum "Arystan" shows that students receive necessary knowledge and worthily represent the Lyceum in the highest military educational institutions countries and abroad.

Since April 2011, the specialized military lyceum "Arystan" has been operating in the foothills of the Almaty region - without exaggeration, the pride of our country and the domestic educational system. The lyceum trains the future elite of the armed forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professional patriotic officers, free of charge. "Arystan" was opened under the auspices Educational Foundation Nursultan Nazarbayev, headed by Dinara Nursultanovna Kulibayeva, and today can already provide evidence of the success of the project. This summer The first graduation took place at the Lyceum.
Located near the village of Besqaynar, the lyceum has no analogues not only in Kazakhstan, similar educational institutions– a rarity on a global scale. Very few countries can claim that, on the basis of private initiative and free training, they train specialists from the Ministry of Defense, national security structures, border service and other law enforcement agencies. One more distinctive feature"Arystana" has the highest level of personnel teaching staff, latest innovative developments in the field of technology and teaching methodology, as well as truly elite living and learning conditions for students.
It is no coincidence that the authors of the project carefully chose the location for the lyceum, and after long search We stopped at a picturesque corner of the Almaty region. At the disposal of lyceum students huge territory, beautiful nature, Fresh air and almost all types of sports grounds, swimming pools and exercise equipment. Also, equipped equipment has been prepared for the "Arystan residents" last word technology classrooms, laboratories, auditoriums, a rich library collection, computer classes, and of course, comfortable residential buildings and recreation centers. Many young men dream of being among the lucky owners of the Arystan uniform, but becoming a lyceum student is not easy. When recruiting, preference is given to winners of Olympiads, domestic and international competitions, excellent students in studies and physical training. The selection, according to the leadership of the lyceum, is extremely strict; the same stringent requirements are imposed on teaching staff, among whom experienced military specialists predominate. When teaching, the emphasis is on exact disciplines, Kazakh, Russian and English languages, and physical education. Of course vital role In teaching, preparation for the future service of lyceum students plays a role. Having conceived the project as a “training ground” for law enforcement agencies and the army, the organizers made sure in advance that graduates had the opportunity to enter the specialized universities Kazakhstan and other countries, and also found work in their specialty. For this purpose, the lyceum has concluded a number of agreements with the Ministry of Defense, the National Security Committee, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the border service; it is important to note that where the lyceum students will serve, they are very welcome. A talented, trained, professional and patriotic replacement is the best that the Kazakh army could wish for. Today, practicing officers conduct classes with students that allow them not only to gain knowledge, but also to imagine in detail the features of a particular service to the country.
It must be added that in the lyceum great value indulges in the general cultural development Guys. Lyceum students are regularly taken to concerts classical music, to museums and art galleries, famous performers and lecturers also visit Arystan.
To date, "Arystan" has passed big way and is already summing up the first results. The first students sat down at their desks in the winter of 2011 - they were students in grades 9-11 of secondary schools. Now the number of “Arystan students” has been increased to what was initially planned; 240 people are studying at the lyceum. It is noteworthy that a fairly large proportion of students are children from low-income families, residents of villages, district and regional centers. Free education gives everyone the same opportunities. In the spring of 2011, the lyceum acquired its first traditions, which have always served as the basis patriotic education. The students were solemnly presented with a flag, and on the same day the lyceum students took their first oath. The flag of "Arystan" was presented to the head of the lyceum, Major General Sabit Taulanov, by the director of the Public Fund "Nursultan Nazarbayev Education Fund", Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Dinara Kulibaeva. In front of a line of lyceum students dressed in dress uniform, Dinara Nursultanovna congratulated the future officers of the Kazakh army and the team of "Arystan", noting the origin new tradition: From now on, the date April 24 became Lyceum Day. IN next year The chairman was present at the celebration of Lyceum Day board of trustees"Arystana", head of the KAZENERGY Association, elected leader National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Timur Kulibayev. In their speeches, the Kulibayevs emphasized that the main objective work of "Arystan" - in the training of highly professional military personnel, combining harmonious development individuals with a desire to serve for the benefit of Kazakhstan.
And in 2013, “Arystan residents” per day official birth"alma mater" received the highest guest - President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Congratulating the students, the head of state noted the colossal work carried out by the creators of the lyceum and the future demand for graduates. “This is one of the best military educational institutions. You know, in Kazakhstan, over the years of independence, we have created many military educational institutions, including for children. And this is a special school. Future leaders are trained in such institutions. We need this. The country is coming forward and after 20 years of independence they created a state. Now we need quality. We need innovation, we need a new direction to achieve the goals set in the 2050 program. For this we need educated people", said the Leader of the Nation. Nursultan Abishevich especially emphasized the fact that the activities of "Arystan" do not put a burden on the budget. "Moreover, it (the lyceum - ed.) was created not with public funds - with private funds. I am grateful to Timur and Dinara Kulibayev. Successful businessmen should invest their money for the good of their homeland,” the president said.
This summer hopes for quality education and the training of the "Arystan residents" were fully justified. Thus, on June 11, 2013, the first graduation of students was held, and the data from the results of the Unified National Test clearly proved both the advantage in knowledge and the usefulness of the principle of selecting only best students. 79 lyceum students took the UNT, the average score was 92.57 points, 23 lyceum students scored from 100 to 125 points; from 70 to 100 – 45 guys. Compared to graduates regular schools The achievements of the Almaty region look even more impressive. For example, if the “Altyn Belgi” sign was confirmed by only about 30% of ordinary school students, then among lyceum students this figure was 100%. Also, more than a third of children from educational institutions in the region did not overcome the threshold of 50 points; among the “Arystan residents” there were only 1%. After UNT, most graduates entered military or civilian domestic universities, including the Military Institute of the Forces Air defense named after twice Hero of the USSR pilot Talgat Begeldinov, Military Institute of the Ground Forces, Border Academy KNB RK, Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Nazarbayev University, KBTU, KazNTU, KazNU named after. al-Farabi and others. About 20 guys chose to study in the military and civilian universities Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, USA and Turkey. The number of Arystan students who entered the university was 100%, which means that the tasks assigned to the lyceum administration are being fully accomplished.
Today lyceum students live extremely rich life, actively study, engage in physical training, trying to justify the trust placed in them. In the summer, when their peers from regular schools have a rest, the “Arystan residents” are busy with military training. For example, from June 11 to June 27, field training sessions (FTC) were held at the Lyceum. The fees were carried out in accordance with curriculum Initial military training and organizational instructions of the Ministry of Education and Science. The purpose of the UPS is to improve theoretical and acquire practical skills and abilities in Primary military training, instilling in young men pride in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, readiness to serve in their ranks and defend the homeland. During the exercises we worked out practical questions on tactical, fire, engineering training, defense against weapons mass destruction, military topography. And in early August, on the basis of a serious competition, “Arystan” accepted a new addition to the lyceum students - 80 young Kazakhstanis will carry on with honor the glorious traditions of the lyceum and in the future adhere to them in the service of the fatherland.