Military parade in other countries. Parades around the world

Argentina, along with neighboring Uruguay, is one of the whitest (racially speaking) countries in Latin America. The number of descendants of Europeans in the country ranges, according to various sources, from 83 to 97 percent. At the same time, despite the fact that Argentina in the past was Spanish colony, the formation of the Argentine nation was more influenced not by the Spaniards, but by the Italians, who began to move en masse to Argentina at the end of the 19th century, and now 55% of the Argentine population have Italian origin(among them are worldwide famous people, like the current Pope Francis or football player Lionel Messi).

In addition to Italians and Spaniards, there are many descendants of the French (17%) and Germans (8%) in the country.

Indigenous Indian peoples (Araucanians, etc.) number no more than 600 thousand people (1.5%), however genetic research show that 18% of modern Argentines have Indian ancestors. Argentina ranks third in the South and fourth in Latin America by population (40 million people).

14th place - Brenda Asnicar / Brenda Asnicar(born October 17, 1991, Buenos Aires, Argentina) is an Argentine actress and singer.

13th place - Luisana Lopilato(born May 18, 1987, Buenos Aires) is an Argentine actress, singer and fashion model. The most famous acting work in Russia is Mia Colucci in the Argentine TV series “Rebel Spirit” (2002-2003).

12th place - Maria Eugenia Suarez / Maria Eugenia Suarez(born March 9, 1992, Buenos Aires) is an Argentine actress, singer and fashion model.

11th place - Julie Gonzalo / Julie Gonzalo is an Argentine-born American actress, best known for her role as Pamela Rebecca Barnes Ewing in the American television series Dallas. Born in Buenos Aires on September 9, 1981, she grew up in Miami (USA).

10th place - Lujan Fernandez / Luján Fernández(born 1979) - Argentine model. Height 178 cm, figure parameters: chest 84 cm, waist 61 cm, hips 89 cm.

9th place - Dora Noemi Kerchen / Dora Noemi Kerchen(born March 14, 1975, Buenos Aires), better known as Dorismar- Argentine and Mexican model, actress, TV presenter, singer. It has German roots. She posed completely naked (while in late stages of pregnancy) for the Mexican edition of Playboy magazine. In 2006, she and her husband were deported from Miami by US authorities because... they lived in the country illegally for 6 years.

8th place - (born February 19, 1979, San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina) - Argentine TV presenter, wife of former Real Madrid football player Guti.

7th place - Maria Soledad Rodriguez / Maria Soledad Rodríguez(born April 17, 1990, Buenos Aires), better known as Sol Rodriguez / Sol Rodriguez- Argentine actress, singer, model.

6th place - (born September 16, 1981, Houston, USA) - American actress. Her father is Argentinean with Danish roots, her mother is an American who grew up in Mexico.

5th place - Maria Eva Duarte, known as Eva Peron / Eva Peron(husband's last name) or simply Evita / Evita(diminutive of Eva) - wife of Argentine President Juan Peron, First Lady of Arentina from 1946 until her death in 1952. Born on May 7, 1919 in an Argentine village. In the 40s she became a famous radio actress. In 1945, she married Colonel Juan Peron, who a year later was elected president of Argentina. Eva, as the first lady, was actively involved in charity work, which she deserved great love people. In 1978, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice created the musical Evita, which was filmed in 1996 (the role of Eva Peron was played by singer Madonna).

4th place - Linda Cristal- American actress. Born in Argentina on February 23, 1934. Her real name - Marta Victoria Moya Burges. In the 50s she began acting in American films, at first not knowing in English, despite the fact that she spoke fluently three languages: Spanish, Italian (her father is Argentinean Italian) and French (her mother is Argentinean French).

3rd place - Mia Maestro / Mía Maestro(born June 19, 1978, Buenos Aires) is an Argentine actress and singer.

2nd place - Barbara Lennie- Spanish actress of Argentine origin. She was born on April 20, 1984 in Madrid (Spain) into an Argentinean family. Soon after her birth, the family returned to Buenos Aires, where Barbara spent 6 years, and then finally moved to Spain. Among her film works, it is worth noting the role of Queen Juana of Castile (in Spanish Juana) of Portugal (1439-1475) in the Spanish historical series"Isabella" (2012-2014).

1 place - Olivia Hussey / Olivia Hussey is a British actress best known for her role as Juliet in Romeo and Juliet (1968), directed by Franco Zeffirelli. Olivia ( real name Osuna / Osuna) was born in the capital of Argentina on April 17, 1951. When she was 7 years old, the family moved to London.

Good afternoon friends.
We dedicate this story to the defenders of the Fatherland. There will be a lot of videos and some photos. No matter what country, even the smallest one, Galya and I travel through, we always pay attention to people in uniform. It could be a military man or a person from the king’s guard, not to mention the special spectacle of the changing of the guard. It is always interesting to find out whether there are people in this country who are ready to defend their homeland. What are they? How do they look? What can they do?

Thanks to travel, comparing and observing the traditions of other countries, we get to know our own culture better. So one day in San Marino, in front of the entrance to a government building, we saw young people in uniform awkwardly shifting from foot to foot, and we remembered our guys in the Alexander Garden.

We almost burst with pride. Since then, the eyes themselves have been looking for different military men.

A sentry in an almost Russian uniform was spotted near the royal palace in Bangkok. And it’s true - the prototype of their dress uniform (only from the palace) was borrowed from Russia.

In general, we decided to write an article about the defenders of the Fatherland in different countries- we have a travel blog) And you can compare and choose what you would like to see. If you hear someone else’s voice, don’t be alarmed: I picked up the video online.

What interesting things can you see in different countries?

  • Parades
  • Changing of the guard
  • Military bands
  • Flash mobs

Each of these actions has its own purpose. So the parade, including the drive-thru military equipment, speaks about the state of the army. About the country’s ambitions, about its readiness to repel the enemy on its territory. A marching step will tell about aggressiveness. The higher the leg, the more aggressive the soldier looks. But, if you don’t take into account coherence and precise steps, then something comical can turn out. True, in our opinion, this should always be taken into account. And of course, the form is important.


Everyone who visited Moscow on May 9 saw how many foreign tourists come to Russia just to watch our parade.


This long video is a recording live broadcast. Surely you saw him on television or were at that moment in Red Square. But I can’t help but put it down - everything is interesting in comparison.

I would like to note that the procession Immortal Regiment- a very special part of our culture. There is no such thing in any country in the world. It takes place on May 9 and is dedicated to our family and beloved defenders of the Fatherland.


There are no words. It both delights and alarms. Actually, that’s what needed to be proven)
Parade on Tiananmen Square in front of the Gate of Heavenly Peace. The video is long but interesting

And the video is shorter. Parade of women's troops in China. Yes, yes, Chinese women serve in the army.

North Korea

Here, too, women serve in the army. The parade is worthy. Pay attention to the step. According to experts, it is very aggressive.


Here is a combination of tradition and modernity plus pride in the national flag


Parade of Indian troops with the passage of equipment


In the USA, with a parade of troops, it’s not like everyone else. As I already said, the purpose of the parade is to show people the strength of the army and instill calm. Show others that it is better not to meddle with us.

The USA is a country in which there were no patriotic wars, and, in general, there were no liberation wars on their territory. Therefore, a demonstration of force, especially with the participation of armored vehicles, causes civilians panic: “Yeah, that means they might attack us!”

Apparently, for the same reason, it is in American films that the United States constantly fights with aliens.
In order not to create panic among the people, the United States holds parades, but without the participation of equipment. The gait of the military is also curious - a tiger on vacation.

Independence Day Parade

Changing of the Guard

When we travel, we most often see this ceremony. Its goal is to support and show tradition. Give a feeling of reliability and stability to your citizens. Organize a small show for guests of the country

Here is a video about the changing of the guard on the Indo-Pakistan border. Shouts, steps, uniforms - everything speaks of serious intentions border defenders. But this is our beloved India) Therefore, the closing and opening of the border is accompanied by music and dancing. The military are like the heroes of an Indian film, and the action itself is a real show with its fans and fans. Emotions are overwhelming) The ceremony takes place every day.

Indo-Pakistan border

For a long time this was the only communication route between India and Pakistan. The most qualified people are selected to participate in the ceremony. tall soldiers on both sides. Their goal is to intimidate the enemy. Since 1959, the closure of the Indo-Pakistan border can be seen every evening at sunset. The ceremony ends with a handshake and the lowering of flags.

Tensions remain between India and Pakistan. Therefore, soldiers try to outdo each other.



The video was filmed from Pakistan. It looks no less exciting


And here are the famous Greek Evzones. Changing of the guard at the monument to the heroes who died in the battles for Greece. We have such a ceremony at Eternal Flame in the Kremlin.

By the way, in the summer, when it’s hot, a special soldier comes up to the guards and wipes the sweat from their faces. Very dramatic.

The shape of the Evzones is amazing and, of course, everyone is interested in the purpose of the pumpons on their legs.


The changing of the guard in Taiwan is very similar to the American "games" with weapons. Apparently the point of the action is to show mastery of weapons.


This is, of course, a show, but once upon a time the Topkapi Palace was guarded quite seriously. This changing of the guard of honor can be seen as a tribute to tradition and fantasized. Crescents sparkle on the peaks, festive plumes sway, musicians blow trumpets, and you immediately understand that three guards are not enough here.

Istanbul Changing of the Guard at Tapkapi Palace

Don’t think that only in Asian and Eastern countries do the military have such exotic uniforms and such original changing of the guard ceremonies. Europe is not inferior in eccentricities. But this, again, is our view of culture and traditions.

Great Britain

Changing of the guard at the Tower of London


Spectacular, clear and very similar to Darth Vader's army.
Changing of the guard at the Royal Palace in Stockholm


Dwarf states, as a rule, do not have their own army. In the same San Marino... from whom should they defend the territory in our time? It is clear that guard of honor This is a tribute to tradition and an attraction for tourists.
It would seem that this should be the case in other small states.

But no! Each army talks not only about traditions, but also about its ambitions. The Vatican State is a tiny 41-hectare state, and what an army! Known for their loyalty and courage, true Swiss mercenaries! By big holidays The Pope enters the square in front of St. Peter's Basilica along with his army.

This video features not only a changing of the guard, but also a story about traditions and a display of armor.

Military bands

The parade of military bands can be seen in every country. In Russia in Moscow at the city day festival there were orchestras from many countries: Russia, Slovenia, France, Sweden, Korea, United United Arab Emirates and even a bagpipe band from Scotland.

But then it’s worth keeping an eye on not only parades, but also festivals.

I don’t know what’s cooler - opening or closing.

Closing of the Spasskaya Tower festival recording of a live broadcast. It’s a long video, but there are so many absolutely incredible numbers in it!

Flash mobs and demonstration performances

This is a well-prepared and thought-out action by the participants. We can learn about it from social networks or find ourselves in the center of events by accident, as in this video.

Flash mob of the Royal Orchestra British Army! England, Birmingham. 2013


Our Russian Honor Guard Company performs in Qatar


This is a drill! Japanese "Honor Guard Company". How should soldiers march?!


Historical reconstructions take place in different countries. There are also military men. In Russia they are becoming increasingly popular.

Reconstruction of the Battle of Kulikovo

Reconstruction of the Battle of Borodino

Reconstruction of the Battle of Austerlitz

I told you what parades, changing of the guards, reconstructions and flash mobs happen in different countries. I really like all these actions. As you can see, there were a lot of videos, but I couldn’t tear myself away, I wanted you to watch it too. You might want to see all this in reality. So look, choose and go see with your own eyes. Don't forget to tell me what happens in different countries. I like it all. It turned out to be long but I couldn’t put it down. From these countries you can choose what to see and where to go. video camera)


We decided to compare army marches in different countries of the world and find out where they still show military equipment and modern weapons, and where parades have long turned into a theatrical show. Since armies appeared in the history of mankind, parades have also appeared. Most often, processions of military units were carried out by the winners. Who and how prints the step for marches today? How common are displays of military equipment during military processions in the world and how Russian experience in this area looks against the background of the world? In an exclusive interview for the website of the Zvezda TV channel, military expert Mikhail Timoshenko compared military parades around the world. “A parade should show the military power of the state, and I would say that if not ambitions, then claims to this power, that’s why we have parades in Russia continuous formation and printed pitch, so we also show the technique. Who opens our parade - Suvorovites, this is the education of soldiers with youth", the expert noted. He also especially emphasized that the printed step of parade boxes in Russia has German roots and differs significantly from the way they march in other countries. “When they write about our parade in the West, they often say that they march at a Prussian step. Yes, this is a step with a high extension of the leg and placing it on the sole. The British do not take such a step at all, they have such a mincing and strolling step, it was inherited by the Americans. “North Korea demonstrates ostentatious ferocity at parades, and there the leg is carried out, perhaps, higher than our guys from the honor guard company,” said Tymoshenko. According to the expert, most European military parades are a kind of costume shows, which sometimes take place even in in the form of a military band festival. “More or less, the Russian parade is reminiscent of the French procession on the Champs Elysees. But it is still very similar to a theatrical performance. So, their sappers come with axes, as they used to do, they were supposed to use these axes to knock down the gates of the fortresses,” said the military expert. Tymoshenko noted that the demonstration of military equipment at Western parades is not as common as in the USSR, and now in Russia. “Our first serious parade in equipment was the Victory Parade of 1945, then there was military equipment. It is a tradition to demonstrate military vehicles, we show a lot. Since Soviet times, we especially loved to show rocket technology, but in the West they don’t carry this,” the expert continued. According to him, there is a version that the Americans do not show their heavy equipment at parades in the United States, so as not to make the average person think that the army will have to fight on its territory. One way or another, Tymoshenko sums up, Russia and the United States have different ideologies. Overseas they prefer to hold gay parades rather than army parades, but in our country military parades show that there are people in the state who are ready to defend their country in any conditions. Photo: Grigory Sysoev/RIA Novosti

Last month, Donald Trump, inspired by the Bastille Day military parade on the Champs-Élysées, asked the Pentagon to plan a grand parade in Washington to celebrate " military power" countries. “The orders were: I want a parade like in France,” one of the sources said Washington Post at the White House. So far, preparations for the parade are proceeding in the form of “ brainstorming", these 16 photographs could inspire US Department of Defense officials who are responsible for organizational issues.

Pyongyang, North Korea

Soldiers march to Kim Il Sung Square in honor of the 70th anniversary of the ruling Workers' Party. Photo: ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images.

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Special forces soldiers at the parade dedicated to the 70th Independence Day. Photo: Dinuka Liyanawatte/Reuters.

Tehran, Iran

Disguised soldiers Iranian army at the annual parade marking the start of the Iran-Iraq War, which began in 1980. Photo: Abedin Taherkenareh/EPA.

Baghdad, Iraq

Soldiers celebrate anniversary coup d'etat 1958, which ended in execution royal family and the establishment of a republic in Iraq. Photo: Karim Kadim/AP.

Moscow, Russia

Military parade on Red Square in honor of Victory Day. Photo: Kirill Kudryavtsev/AFP/Getty Images.

New Delhi, India

Colorful procession celebrating Republic Day. Photo: Adnan Abidi/Reuters.

Mexico City, Mexico

The annual parade dedicated to Mexican Independence Day. Photo: Images by Ronaldo Schemidt/AFP/Getty Images.

Doha, Qatar

Armed forces take part in the celebration national day Katara. Photo: AFP/Getty Images.

Bucharest, Romania

Soldiers on the march in honor national holiday in Romania. Photo: Daniel Mihailescu/AFP/Getty Images.

Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire

Special forces soldiers take part in a parade near presidential palace in honor of the country's Independence Day. Photo: Luc Gnago/Reuters.


Civilians and military personnel in a march dedicated to the creation of the Bolivian Armed Forces. Photo: David Mercado/Reuters.

Cap-Haitien, Haiti

March armed forces in the fourth largest city in Haiti. Photo: Andres Martinez Casares/Reuters.

Sandhurst, UK

Troops attend a meeting between French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Theresa May at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Photo: Hannah Mackay/Reuters.

Bangkok, Thailand

March of the Royal Guard during the parade dedicated to the 88th birthday of King Bhumibol. Photo: Pacific Press/Getty Images.

Inner Mongolia, China

Soldiers of the People's Liberation Army of China are celebrating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the PRC armed forces. Photo: China Daily/Reuters.

Rome, Italy

A still from the military parade on Republic Day. Photo: Alessandro Bianchi/Reuters.

Traditionally called a parade ceremonial passage various social movements or political parties. However, the parade may also take place in honor of significant dates in the history of the state.

The grand procession fascinates with its spectacle - tens of thousands of people take to the streets of the city, military personnel march in full dress uniform, and demonstrates modern Combat vehicles land, sea and air forces. We have prepared for you a list of the largest military parades in the world.

Queen's Birthday Parade in England

This state of the United Kingdom adheres to strict traditions in holding military parades. The national celebration is held in honor of the Birthday of the Queen of Great Britain - April 21. The monarch, surrounded by family members, rides in an ancient luxury car and greets her subjects. 90th anniversary british queen in 2016, it aroused unprecedented interest from local residents and tourists - for the first time, the entire royal family came out onto the balcony of Buckingham Palace to celebrate the birthday of Elizabeth II.

Celebration of Queen Elizabeth II

The 1,600-strong Royal Guard marches in national military uniform- red uniforms and tall black fur hats. 1,300 Horse Guards also take part in the parade. In honor of the 90th anniversary of Elizabeth II, more than 5,000 military personnel marched through the streets of the city. The ceremonial column is accompanied by the Royal Orchestra, which plays the national anthem of the state.

Parade in honor of the Founding Day of the People's Republic of China

The main difference between military parades in China is that they are held once every 10 years. The reason for the celebration is the Founding Day of the People's Republic of China - October 1. Only once was the parade held “out of turn” and was timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of victory in the Second World War. The procession did not take place on May 9, but on September 3, 2015, since preparations for the celebration took longer than planned.

Military parade in China in honor of the 70th anniversary of victory in World War II

During the parade, hundreds of factories stopped production so that workers could see the solemn procession, in which more than 10 thousand military personnel took part and about 1000 units of ground and air technology. The most memorable event of the parade in honor of the seventieth anniversary of the victory was the procession of girls in military uniforms of the land, sea and air forces. In addition, troops from 16 countries took part in the parade, including Russia.

Two official parades in North Korea

There are two official parades in this state - September 9 in honor of the Day of the DPRK and April 15 in honor of the birthday of the country's first president Kim Il Sung, grandfather of the current head of state Kim Jong-un. Despite the fact that the population of North Korea is much smaller than in China, the parades are in no way inferior in their pomp.

Procession in North Korea in honor of the country's first president

The solemn procession is attended by sea, air and ground troops. Total number of all military personnel at the parade is more than 15 thousand people. As in China, the procession is attended by women's battalion. The celebration becomes even more luxurious when fireworks light up in the sky and local residents releasing thousands of balloons.

Indian Republic Day Parade

Day Indian Republic, January 26, is usually celebrated with a military parade. Military personnel and civilians take part in the procession total number about 18 thousand people. In the capital of India - New Delhi - each state is even allowed to build festive floats that will travel along the main street of the city on the day of the parade. Here you will see riders on elephants and camels, decorated with colorful harnesses; the image of the riders is complemented by colored headdresses.

Indian Republic Day Celebration

The parade ends 2 weeks later with the All Clear ceremony. This event in celebration of the Indian Republic Day looks especially picturesque and attracts up to 10 thousand spectators: the President's guards, dressed in uniforms that were military uniform 200 years ago, passes in a solemn column.

Parade in honor of the storming of the Bastille in France

Every year on July 14 in France, Bastille Day is celebrated with a large military parade, in which foot troops, cavalry, navy, gendarmes and even firefighters. Military equipment passes along the main street of the city, and about 25 thousand military personnel march. The first celebration took place in 1789, when the inhabitants of Paris stormed the Bastille, a fortress built for imprisonment. state criminals. This event marked the beginning of the Great French Revolution, which lasted until November 9, 1799.

Parade in honor of the storming of the Bastille in France

The day before the start of the military parade, balls are held in French residences, thus Parisians honor the traditions of celebrating the victory adopted in the 18th and 19th centuries. The next day, July 14, the procession begins from the Champs-Elysees at 10 am. The ceremonial military parade is opened by the President of France.

The largest military parade in the world

The most big parade In the world, the procession on May 9 in honor of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War in the capital of Russia, Moscow, is considered in the world in terms of the number of military equipment demonstrated and the number of participants. The festive procession begins with welcome speech Russian President Vladimir Putin. Every year, more than 110 thousand people, more than 100 units of ground equipment and more than 70 aircraft take part in the parade. The number of parade participants in Russia far exceeds their number in other countries, since veterans of the Great Patriotic War take part in the procession. Patriotic War And social movement"Immortal Regiment".

Parade on Red Square in honor of the Great Victory

In 2017, for the first time, it was decided to include a procession of the military-patriotic movement “Youth Army”, as well as to demonstrate combat vehicles created for combat in natural conditions Far North. The editors of the site invite you to find out what the best weapons in the world are.
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