Fun counting for children 5 6 years old. Fun math skills practice

In order for a 6-year-old child to develop himself in the field of mathematics, it is necessary to correctly prepare the task for him. Here it would be good to know the child’s temperament and feel his character. You should also be prepared for the fact that you need to start teaching your child from the very basics. It is advisable that a 6-year-old child already learns to count to 20. And can solve simple math problems with numbers up to 10. The child also needs to develop an understanding of the calculations “addition”, “subtraction”, “more-less-equal”. By age 7, children can already count and compare tens. Test your child’s knowledge and expand it mathematical knowledge You can do it at home, here are examples of tasks in pictures for 6-year-old children in mathematics.

Learning to count

Exact score: Ask your child how many footballs, basketballs, handballs, and tennis balls there are in the picture. And if your son or daughter doesn’t know a certain sport, be sure to tell them and find pictures on this topic. Expand your horizons.

Count to 20: count from 1 to 20. Say each number out loud and point with your finger to find out where the magic path leads. Look, what number comes after 12? Which one comes before 17? What numbers are between 13 and 16, 17 and 19?

Explain: a number, when written, can have one digit ( single digit number), or maybe two digits (two-digit number). To learn how to count quickly, you need to learn the names of numbers from 1 to 20 and the names of tens. And in the future, simply add to the tens the numbers already familiar to you from 1 to 9.

It is important, when teaching a child to count to 30 and beyond, to pay attention and correctly name the previous and subsequent numbers in a series.

Counting to 30: count, moving your finger, from 1 to 30. Look, what number comes after 20? What number comes before 28?

Learning tens: when there are few objects, we can count them one by one 1-10. But if there are a lot of objects, it is more convenient to count by tens, which means combining them into groups of 10. If there are 10 apples in a pile, that’s 1 dozen, and if there are 2 times 10 apples, that is, 20 apples are 2 dozen.

More, less, equal

Look at the picture and answer the questions: how many girls are there in the class? how many boys? Who are more, boys or girls? How many people are in the class (including the teacher)? How many students hung their backpacks on the back of their chairs? How many chairs do you see in the picture? What more, chairs or backpacks?

Solving problems and examples

simple examples of addition in pictures

If your 6 summer child cope with these tasks easily, gradually complicate the tasks. Try subtracting.

Examples in mathematics for children 6 years old

We learn to create examples of addition and subtraction and develop logical thinking and graphic skills. Example cards can be printed.

Quests for smart people

Solve the examples, see where the boy Petya made a mistake, find the wrong answers

The first tasks for those children who have never encountered mathematical problems before in their lives must be given gradually. If your baby doesn’t even know numbers, start classes with tasks for children 3-5 years old. And you need to start with the most elementary examples. This can be addition and subtraction within 5. Great for this purpose counting sticks. It is necessary to present the principle of addition and subtraction in such a way that he can understand the basic essence of any mathematical operations.

However, before this, it is very important to teach your child to count to at least 10. If he has not mastered this yet, then it is too early to prepare any math assignments for him.
In order for children to learn to count well, as well as subtract and add, you can prepare thematic posters that colorfully depict any objects that are close to their perception. For boys, such objects can be cars, toy soldiers, airplanes, for girls - dolls, elements from dishes, dolls or other things that they often play with.

Tasks for children whose age does not exceed 6 years must be constructed very carefully. Here in addition to studying mathematical foundations The game form of mastering the material should also be traced. After all, if mathematics tasks are selected for them in a dry and uninteresting manner, it will be very difficult for young children, given their restlessness, to master the necessary information.

Creative approach from adults when compiling mathematical problems for the youngest family members there may be pictures depicting their children’s favorite cartoon characters. This is how you can interest a child in a math lesson and create an additional incentive for him to comprehend the basics of addition or subtraction. For example, if the picture shows the famous cartoon characters Chip and Dale. And so, through a poster, they set a task for the children: how much will it add up 2 apples that Chip has with 3 apples that Dale has? And children begin to think about how to help their favorite characters resolve their dilemma.

Of course, in order to correctly compose a task for children aged 6 years, you need to have not only ingenuity, but also be creative in this issue. But we should not forget that teaching the basics of mathematics to a child is not an easy task, requiring considerable diligence and patience from an adult!

An excellent selection of arithmetic tests and puzzles from the Quicksave portal - this is an effective educational material, which will help prepare children for entering school. Preschoolers will learn to count with interest, moving forward in their learning step by step, successfully coping with the tasks of educational online toys.

Fun math skills practice

All problems are solved in a game format - this promotes rapid memorization important information. Popular tutorials for the youngest gamers allow in full Unleash children's potential: form logical thinking, improve memory and concentration, improve creativity and perseverance.

Users will not need to purchase the product, activate it, or install it on Personal Computer– browser-based flash games without registration allow you to enjoy the process for free, without being distracted by unnecessary actions. The most sophisticated aesthetes will appreciate the unparalleled graphics of the latest new products from Quicksave.

Gameplay Features:

  • Extraordinary story line with the search for the correct answer from several proposed options to move to the next level, it allows the player to become as relaxed as possible and grasp the essence of the task with lightning speed;
  • The difficulty of missions increases depending on the student's progress;
  • Time limitation and the desire to find out the correct answer become the main motivational factor that contributes to further progress.

The ability to count correctly will help tomboys navigate correctly in any life situation. Numbers, numbers, geometric shapes are unknown world, which is just opening up to the young inquisitive minds. the main task parents - to show their child the right direction in which to develop. A collection of logical computer entertainment is the most accessible and understandable way to realize your plans.

We play and count with pleasure

Share your emotions from completing the next intellectual quest with your friends. You will receive an additional charge of positive energy by experimenting with figurative and logical thinking– very soon you will feel the amazing effect of mastering the material covered. If you regularly play exciting games from the category: , the result will not be long in coming.

Consultation for parents of kindergarten "Child learns to count"

Yazvenko Elena Anatolyevna, teacher of MBDOU DSKV No. 30 “Elephant”, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk.
The consultation is intended for parents and preschool teachers(senior preschool age)

You will probably be surprised, but the main thing when learning to count is not mastering computational skills, but understanding what numbers mean and what they are needed for. In addition, before school, it is worth teaching a child to distinguish the spatial arrangement of objects (above, below, right, left, under, above, etc.), to recognize basic geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle). It is also important that the baby distinguishes the size of objects, understands that it means more, less, part, whole. If the child attends kindergarten or a school for preschool children, he learns all this at special classes. But his knowledge will be stronger if you consolidate it at home.
Account on the way.
Small children get tired very quickly in transport if they are left to their own devices. This time can be spent usefully if you count together with your child. You can count the passing trams, the number of child passengers, shops, pharmacies. You can come up with an object for everyone to count: the child counts the big houses, and you count the small ones. Who has more?
How many cars are there around?
Draw your child's attention to what is happening around him while walking, on the way to the store, etc. Ask questions, for example: “are there more boys or girls here?”, “Let’s count how many benches there are in the park?”, “Show me which tree is tall and which is the shortest?”, “How many floors are there in this house?” etc.
Balls and buttons.
The concepts of spatial arrangement are easily acquired in the game with the ball: the ball is above the head (above), the ball is at the feet (below), throw to the right, throw to the left, forward - back. The task can be complicated: you throw the ball with your right hand towards mine right hand, and with his left hand - to my left. In action, the baby learns many important concepts much better.
It is much more difficult for him to correctly place objects on a plane. For this exercise, take any flat figures(for starters, for example, a square) and flat buttons. Place a square of thick paper on the table, give the baby a few buttons (five large and eight small). Let him, according to your instructions, put the buttons in in the right place. For example, “Put a large button in the middle, another one under the square in the middle, another one above the square in the middle, one on the right in the middle, one more on the left in the middle.”
If your child has completed this task, move on to next task. Now you need to arrange the small buttons. One - in the upper right corner (we explain what a corner on the right is, from above), the second - in the upper left corner, etc. If this task is completed without errors, we proceed to an even more difficult one. “Place the small button on top of the large button that lies above the card (under the card).” Options: to the right of the large button, which lies on the right side of the card; on the left of a large button, which lies on the left of a card, etc. The difficulty increases gradually from lesson to lesson, but in no case during one lesson! If the child begins to experience difficulties, return to a simpler task: this is a temporary situation.
How far is it?
While walking with your child, choose an object not far from you, such as a staircase, and count how many steps there are to it. Then select another object and count the steps in the same way. Compare the distances measured in steps - which is greater? Try to guess with your child how many steps it will take to get to some close object. You can walk to a certain place with normal steps, then turn around and see how far fewer steps you will need it if you take giant steps back.
Guess how many are in which hand.
The game can be played by two or more players. The presenter picks up a certain number of items, no more than 10 (this could be matches, candies, buttons, pebbles, etc.), and announces to the players how many items he has. After that, he puts them in both hands behind his back and asks the children to guess how many objects are in which hand. They take turns answering the question. The one who guesses becomes the leader.
Counting in the kitchen.
Kitchen - perfect place to understand the basics of mathematics. The child can count serving items while helping you set the table. Or, at your request, take three apples and one banana out of the refrigerator. You can diversify tasks endlessly.
How much in total?
Together with your child, choose something to count. You can show him a tree on the street, for example a rowan, and teach him to recognize it. And then give the task to count how many rowan trees are on the street you are walking along. You can count how many people wearing glasses have passed by, how many green cars are parked on your street, or how many shops are in your neighborhood.
What is this length?
This game will teach a preschooler to pay attention not only to total value object, but also on its individual parameters: length, width, height. You imagine some object (for example, a table) and make a narrow strip of paper equal to its width. To find the answer, the child will need to compare the width of different objects in the room with the length of the strip. Then you can guess another object by measuring its height, and the next one by measuring its length.
Make sure that the child measures exactly the parameter value that you set. While playing, you can change roles and make wishes in turns.
Fold it into a square.
Take thick paper different colors and cut out squares of the same size from it - say, 10x10 cm. Cut each square along pre-drawn lines into several parts. One of the squares can be cut into two parts, the other into three. Most difficult option for a baby – a set of 5-6 parts. Now give the child sets of parts one by one, let him try to reconstruct a whole figure from them.
Explain to your child who an architect is and why you first need to draw a future building, and only then can it be built. Suppose an architect decided to build a staircase. The material for it needs to be prepared in advance. These are 10 cardboard strips-steps from 2 to 20 cm long (the difference between them is 2 cm). Each strip has its own color (you can use cardboard or thick paper of different colors, or simply color the stripes). They are not in order. Invite your child to draw a staircase without touching the stripes: all the steps should be in order.

I wish you success!

Very often, parents, when trying to give their child a first idea of ​​mathematics, focus exclusively on ordinal counting or memorizing numbers. Naturally, both are useful activities, however, if you really want to teach your child to count, then you need to introduce him not to numbers, but quantities and not just memorize counting to ten with your child, but help him understand the spoken meanings, develop mathematical thinking. For a child, the words “Four apples” should not be an empty phrase; the child should clearly understand how many apples it is and understand that, for example, four is more than two.

Mathematics for kids. Basic principles

The math games that I want to talk about in this article are best suited for children 2-4 years old (and some even earlier). The main goal of these games is to teach the child to visually recognize a number, to understand which is larger, which is smaller, which are the same, which quantity corresponds to each number, and what will happen if you add one more to three apples. I would like to note that these are games, not lessons. Children at this age will not like it too much if you constantly torture them with questions like “Show me the number 3” “Tell me how many sticks are there?” They need to be interested and unobtrusively add math problems to their everyday ones. I notice the highest interest in my daughter when her favorite toy personally tells her about her problem and asks her for help (I’m talking about the toy, of course).

Don't try to play right away large numbers! It is enough to limit yourself to 4-5 games. Agree, it is much more attractive to help a child master various operations with numbers not exceeding the number 4 and develop mathematical thinking than to simply learn to count to ten without knowing how to operate with each of these numbers. A child who has mastered operations with small numbers will then easily transfer his skills to large numbers.

So, math games for babies:

1. Ordinal counting in everyday life

First of all, draw your child’s attention to the fact that everything around us can be counted and enter the count into your everyday life. Count the steps you climb, the cars in front of your house, the spoons before dinner, the pigs in a fairy tale, the stick candles on your sand cake, etc. So gradually the child will remember the sequence “one, two, three...” that you regularly pronounce and will slowly begin to relate it to the quantity he saw. This can be done as early as 1 year.

2. We study the concept of “The same amount”

Here are a few examples of our very first games with quantities (we played them at the age of about 2 years):

    We place 2-3 toys at the table, inform the child that today is one of them’s birthday, so all the guests need to be fed. To begin with, we count together how many guests there are and with the words “So, there are only 3 guests, which means we will need 3 plates too,” we count out three plates with the baby. We place them for the guests, check that there is enough for everyone, which means that there are as many , how many toys. Similarly, you can give tasks for distributing spoons or chairs for toys.

    Then, in the voice of the doll Masha, we say, “Can I please have 3 mushrooms?” We count out 3 mushrooms for Masha. Then we reason that the frog should be given the same amount so as not to offend him. We count out 3 mushrooms for him too. The concept of “ as many ».

In the game you can use any available counting material (pine cones, buttons, counting sticks) or purchased ones (various mushrooms, carrots, tomatoes; here's another example chic set).

  • You don’t have to limit yourself to just the topic of tea drinking; mathematics can be added to any theme. For example, put the same number of houses as there are animals, draw the same number of berries as there are hedgehogs in the picture, etc. The main thing is to harmoniously weave the task into the plot of the game, telling the story that the animals were left without housing, etc.

3. Compare “More-less”

  • Continuing the theme of the birthday toy, we lay out 2 mushrooms for one of the guests, and 4 for the other, together we think about who has more and who has less. First, we let the child try to determine by eye; if he makes a mistake, we recalculate together.

  • If the child is already good at comparison homogeneous objects, you can offer him a more difficult task : let's put 2 in front of him different quantities items different sizes, for example, buttons. For example, we put 3 large buttons and 5 small ones and ask which one has more. At first, kids usually get confused, pointing to large buttons. Your task is to explain that in this problem you are not comparing the size, but the number of buttons.

4. We study the concept of “Zero”

Even the smallest, one-year-old children can easily notice the fact that objects were and ended, and also grasp the moment when this happened. Therefore, having distributed candies, mushrooms and other joys to the toys, spread your hands in bewilderment and say, “We have nothing left - zero candies.” The concept of “zero”, as a rule, is learned very easily by children.

5. Board games

Board games with dice and chips are one of the best and interesting ways Practice ordinal counting with your child. In addition, by constantly counting the same number of dots on a cube, the baby learns to recognize the number without counting, which is also very useful and will help in the future to easily operate numbers in the mind.

Taisiya and I started playing Board games at 2.5 years old, at this age she could already understand that she needed to play by the rules, there was a sequence of moves, etc. I wrote in detail about all our first board games. Or you can download a walking game made especially for kids.

6. Countdown

Show your child not only forward counting, but also backward counting. So, for example, when putting rings on a pyramid, count as usual, and when dismantling the pyramid, count in reverse order, thereby showing that the number of rings is decreasing. The same can be done by folding/unfolding something from a box, assembling/disassembling a path (turret) from cubes. This is very useful game, it prepares the child well for the subtraction operation.

7. Simple operations with objects: addition and subtraction

No, of course, I won’t write here that it’s time to solve the examples. We will simply unobtrusively, during the game, give the child an elementary and very simplified idea of ​​such mathematical operations like addition and subtraction. Everything is just in game form! If a child finds it difficult or does not want to count, we simply pronounce the conclusion from the game situation ourselves. “There were three candies, they ate one, there were two left.” Here are some examples of games that can be used to train a child’s mathematical thinking (let me remind you that so far we only use the smallest numbers in our games - within 4-5):

    We take some toy and go with it into the forest in search of berries. For example, we played with a cat. Walking around the room, we found berries and pebbles of two colors under chairs and tables. Well, at the end they counted: “How many orange berries did the cat find? Three. How many yellow ones? Two. Now let's count how many berries he found. Five. It turns out that we collected 2 yellow berries and 3 orange ones, for a total of 5!”

  • The fixies gathered to repair the chair. They have 3 bolts. Let's calculate whether each fixie has enough bolts. How many more bolts do I need to find?

  • We transport the cubes in the car to the construction site (let's say 3 pieces). During transportation, one cube falls out. We count how many cubes are left.
  • We give the bear three candies, he eats two. We count how much he has left.
  • It is very interesting to play the so-called “hide and seek” game. For example, we draw four apples, then cover one with our palm, how many are left? Then we close two, etc.

8. Number composition

It is very useful to break down numbers into their components with your child (for example, 3 is 2+1, 1+1+1, 3+0). This will help the child with counting in the future. Game options:

  • Look, you and I have three apples, let's divide them between the bear and the bunny. We will give one apple to the bunny, and two to the bear. Try redistributing apples between toys in different ways, showing different variants number decompositions.
  • You can attach several clothespins to a hanger, place small toys along the edges and redistribute the clothespins between them, imagining that they are, for example, candies. It turned out to be an excellent replacement for the usual boring accounts. Another option: you can put the bagels on a ribbon and redistribute them in the same way, saying who got how much.

9. Get to know the numbers, establish the relationship between numbers and quantities

When the child has some idea of ​​the quantities, you can begin to introduce numbers. Now, having calculated something, you not only name the number, but also show the corresponding figure. Here are some more options for math games:

    We build towers from construction sets or cubes of the appropriate size;

  • We attach a suitable number of clothespins-hair ( YOU CAN DOWNLOAD HERE our head templates);

  • We select dominoes with the required number of dots (to diversify the game, you can invite your child to transport dominoes to numbered houses on a typewriter);

  • We lay out tracks from counting sticks and select suitable numbers - the length of the resulting tracks will help the child understand which number is larger;

  • We put the required number of matches into the numbered boxes;
  • We put the required number of cubes into the cars with numbers (the cars can be drawn on paper);
  • You can also use ready-made solutions, like this games "Numbers" (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

or insert frame (Ozon, My-shop,Read)

10. Repeat numbers

To consolidate numbers, games will be useful in which the child needs to find same numbers and combine them. For example, you can match houses to toys by numbers, place cars in numbered garages, etc.

Or play in the mathematical game "Train Engine" . To do this, draw a steam locomotive on paper or build a steam locomotive from a construction set, numbering the cars. Each passenger, as they approach, will call out the number of their carriage, and let the child seat everyone in their seats.

Books with poems about numbers like “Happy Counting” by Marshak (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop). We were lucky and the numbers in the book were exactly the size of our soft numbers, so we overlapped them as we read.

I also really like it “Merry Count” by N. Vladimirova (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop), I wrote about him before.

11. Sequence of numbers

In my opinion, before the age of 3, there is no need to focus the child’s attention on the order in which the numbers appear. number series so as not to confuse the baby while he is forming his idea of ​​quantities. Well, after three children may already be interested in the following mathematical games:

  • « Baba Yaga mixed up the numbers" The child must put the mixed up numbers in order.
  • . In essence, this is the same game as the previous one, only more interesting, in my opinion, because by arranging the numbers, the baby can see a beautiful picture. Some examples of puzzles can be found DOWNLOAD HERE.

  • “Name the neighbors of the number.” Having added up the numbers by number, you can ask your child what kind of neighbors, for example, the number 4 has.
  • Connect the dots by numbers. The easiest number mazes, which are ideal as first ones, in my opinion, are presented in workbook KUMON “Learning to count from 1 to 30” (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

Well, in conclusion I would like to give a few more useful books that will help you teach your child to count.

  • Zemtsov “Numbers and counting”. Sticker books (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

The books contain simple tasks for counting and memorizing numbers. The tasks are quite varied; the presence of stickers in the books definitely increases the child’s interest in them. The manuals will be a wonderful help in mastering mathematics.

  • Magnetic book-toy “Counting” (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

  • Photobook “Learning colors and numbers” (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

In this book, the child is encouraged to look for various items, while counting them. An excellent book for practicing conscious counting and attention skills. We didn’t develop an interest in her right away, after about 2.5 years.

So if you enter simple mathematics in your everyday game situations with a child from an early age, then this science will be easy for the child. I wish you interesting and intense games!

Taisiya and I continue to slowly expand the repertoire of our mathematical games, so I think there will be a continuation of this article soon. Subscribe to blog updates so you don't miss out ( Email, Instagram, In contact with, Facebook). Oh, and by the way, don’t forget to read the article about studying geometric shapes, because the development of spatial thinking also an integral part of maths for kids:

Children, like tiny sponges, absorb information about the world around them. However, if one-year-old babies can only observe what is happening, then preschoolers are distinguished by their ability to analyze and reflect. They are already beginning to compare objects by quantity, establish connections between them, and decide logic problems. All these skills will certainly be useful to children at school. This means that parents must devote all their efforts to their development and maintenance. Mathematics for children 5-6 years old will help to cope with this task. Let's talk about the intricacies of teaching children this difficult but very exciting science.

What preschoolers should know and be able to do

As a rule, children master counting to ten at the age of three or four. Closer to school, parents introduce them to double digit numbers and simple mathematical operations. So that the children do not lose the knowledge they have acquired, it is necessary to repeat the material they have covered, increasing its complexity over time.

According to teachers, children prepared for school should have the following skills:

  • solve simple puzzles and problems;
  • master the concepts of “back and forth, up and down, right and left”;
  • subtract and add prime numbers;
  • conduct comparative numerical analysis using the words “more, less, equal”;
  • independently count to ten and back;
  • answer the questions: “what is the score?” and how many?";
  • divide a circle and a square into equal parts;
  • know geometric shapes items.

Children should master the listed skills at the age of 5-7 years. How quickly this will happen depends mainly on the parents of preschool children, the children’s desire to learn and the form of organization of lessons. Fortunately, today there are many manuals and workbooks for older children preschool age. Take, for example, educational books from “School of the Seven Dwarfs” or “Learning to Count” from Toru Kumon. Working with children specialized literature, parents will very soon notice the first successes. But how to properly teach mathematics to a 5- and 6-year-old child in order to avoid mistakes and not instill an aversion to the exact sciences?

Let's start with the fact that mathematics classes for children 5-6 years old should be held in a playful way. This method of learning material is optimal for preschoolers. If you just sit your child down in front of his textbooks, he may quickly get bored and switch his attention to something more interesting (the landscape outside the window, fancy patterns on the wall, etc.). As a result, such “burdensome” and “tiring” lessons will only cause him irritation. And every invitation from parents to study mathematics will be met with hostility. Here are other tips for organizing lessons:

  • Exercise only when the child is in a good mood. Attempts to force a preschooler to study without his desire can lead to absent-mindedness and poor concentration. Since children 5-6 years old have predominantly involuntary memory, it is much easier for them to remember information that evokes positive emotions.
  • Study regularly, periodically adding something new to your lessons. It's no secret that young children become bored with monotony very quickly. And if they lose interest, the information is unlikely to stick in the heads of young students. In addition, lessons should be conducted systematically so that preschoolers can constantly update their knowledge and develop acquired skills and abilities.
  • If a child fails at something or cannot understand the essence of a task, do not be nervous and irritated. You need to methodically explain the task to the preschooler until he has no questions left. Excessive parental demands and negative assessments of a child’s actions can once and for all discourage him from studying mathematics.
  • And finally, You cannot “stand” over children, forcing them to solve one problem after another. Although this method of teaching will lead to the assimilation of the material, it will discourage the preschooler from learning. Therefore, all classes should be held in an easy and interesting form. Developmental mathematics for children 5-6 years old requires the child’s involvement in the process, his direct participation in the development and solution of problems, personal initiative, and the use of fantasy and imagination. The combination of all these components is the key to effective learning.

L.G. Peterson, initial developer math course“Igralochka”: “Often, the preparation of preschoolers comes down to teaching them reading, writing and counting. According to studies, with serious difficulties in primary school It is not those children who have a meager amount of skills and knowledge that are faced, but those who demonstrate passivity and do not want to think and learn something new. In this regard, the main goal of primary training should be the diversified development of the child: his creative and intellectual abilities, personality traits, motivational factors. Wherein Special attention it is necessary to devote attention to connecting fantasy and imagination. It is creativity, along with the ability to create and invent something new, that contributes to the formation of a preschooler’s personality, the development of his independence and cognitive interest.”

Lessons with cards

Let's look at a few exercises that will help your child develop mathematical abilities. To conduct them, you will need cards with numbers from 1 to 10. Of course, parents can quickly and easily make them. However, it is much better to involve the child in this process, entrusting him with the most interesting and responsible work. So, let's prepare training cards. We invite the preschooler to independently divide the landscape sheet into four equal parts and cut out cards along the lines. Having counted out 10 pieces, we give them to the child and ask them to write a number on each and draw the corresponding number of pictures. These can be circles, flowers, hearts, etc. If a child has difficulty writing any numbers, you should help him with this. After the cards are ready, you can start studying:

"Place it in order"

This exercise will help your child remember numeric values and the concept of “more is less”. We ask the preschooler to arrange the cards in order, starting with the smallest and ending the largest figure. The exercise not only helps to consolidate the studied material, but also perfectly trains memory and imagination.

"Compare the numbers"

After showing the child two cards, we invite you to compare them. To begin with, the preschooler names the meanings of the numbers, then answers the question which one is greater and by how many units. Then you should replace one of the cards and repeat the same questions. This activity can continue for quite a long time until the child loses interest in it.

"Count the objects"

Since, in addition to numbers, various images are printed on the cards, it is worth inviting the child to count them. You can also complicate the task by preparing sheets with drawings of various animals and number series from 1 to 10. Having counted the number of animals, the preschooler must circle the corresponding number. As a rule, children really like this exercise and do not cause them any particular difficulties.

"Missing Numbers"

The child holds the cards in his hands. An adult tells him two numbers, for example, 1 and 4. The young student finds these cards and places them on the table at some distance from each other. Now he must fill in the gaps between the numbers and find the two missing links. Accordingly, these will be cards with numbers 2 and 3.

Entertaining mathematics

Parents of preschoolers should use their imagination when developing activities. It is not at all necessary to conduct lessons sitting at the table when there are so many exciting things and phenomena around. So why not use them for arithmetic purposes? For example, you can involve children in preparing their favorite dishes, be it pizza or apple pie. Ask your child to count out two cups of flour and allow them to pour it into a prepared bowl themselves. Give your preschooler the task of fetching five eggs from the refrigerator, carefully placing them in a bowl. Let the child independently add three tablespoons of sugar, etc., to the dough. Such entertaining mathematics It will not only give the child great pleasure, but will also be etched in his memory for a long time.

Most likely, he himself will not understand that he is involved in the learning process. For example, when getting ready for kindergarten in the morning, ask your preschooler to count the number of buttons on his shirt. And when you arrive at the hospital, determine the number of patients sitting in the queue. And how many objects to count can you find while walking down the street! Cars near the house, people at the bus stop, birds flying in the sky, floors of buildings - and this list is almost inexhaustible.

Alexandra, mother of eight-year-old Andrey: “My son and I learned to add and subtract at the age of 5. And they did it immediately in their minds, without using sticks or bending their fingers. Let's go somewhere, count the objects, and then add 1 to them. For example, three cars are parked near the store and then another one drives up to it. The son adds up in his mind and gives the answer. Later they began to add 2, 3, and so on in increasing order. Then they changed the order of calculations. Started adding to fewer more. This, of course, was more difficult, but over time we got used to it. We walk a lot. At a minimum, a daily “walk” to the garden and back. Now we are already visiting the school, the journey to which takes 20 minutes in one direction. So there's plenty of time. We’re done with counting, now we’ve started learning English words using the same method.”

Math games

Many children with humanitarian warehouse minds, tend to consider mathematics a rather boring science. However, it is enough to show the guys reverse side of this subject, as their opinion changes dramatically. Mathematical games for children 5-6 years old will help adults with this. Let's list some of them:

"Count the Claps"

This game contributes to the development of not only mathematical abilities, but also auditory perception. Clapping your hands with varying strength and frequency, you need to ask the child to count the number of beats. You can complicate the task by asking your child to reproduce what he heard.

"Hocus Pocus"

Having taken several small objects (sweets, buttons), the adult clenches them in his fists and hides them behind his back. Next, the child is given a simple math problem. For example: “I only have seven buttons. I hold four in my right hand, how many are held in my left fist?” If the preschooler answered correctly, you can invite him to switch roles. Let him come up with the problem himself and calculate its solution in his mind. If the child gave the wrong answer, you should hide the objects behind your back again, but in a different quantity.

"Find the odd one out"

An adult cuts out several dozen pictures of various categories from magazines: transport, food, plants, furniture, etc. Next, you should lay out images of the same theme on the table, adding a few extra objects to them. The child is given the task to count all the pictures, find “foreign” objects and name their number. Finally, the remaining images of the same category are counted.

"Say the number"

This game is a group game. The adult leader stands in the center of the circle formed by the children and one by one throws a ball to the kids, calling any number. Each child, having waited his turn, throws the object back, saying the next number in order. It is advisable to avoid repetition.

Drawing by points

When the child can easily cope with the above exercises, then you can offer him drawing by dots. This is very exciting activity, since in most cases, it is not known what kind of picture will turn out in the end. Therefore, children enjoy connecting the dots by drawing lines in order from one number to another.

Walking games

Many people remember such games from childhood. Their essence is that the path along which you need to get from one place to another is marked on the playing field. And the players take turns throwing dice, count the number of dropped points and make a move, again counting. Counting is limited to numbers from 1 to 12, but the child learns to add. For example, 3 and 6 points fell on the dice. And the player’s task is to calculate how much 3+6 is. He can make a move only after he receives correct result. You can involve the whole family in the game process, it will be an exciting pastime.


This role-playing game familiar to many adults. After all, little inventors periodically involve their parents in their fun. So they become sellers and offer customers to buy products from them. Or they themselves come to the store to buy toys. Usually, various pieces of paper act as money. But it would be much more useful to take a few real coins or buttons and make very real payments with customers. Over time, the concept of “surrender” can be introduced. If cheese costs 3 rubles, and the buyer gives one five-ruble coin, you need to return the extra money to him. A child involved in the game will learn counting and simple mathematical operations much faster.

Eva, mother of seventh-grader Varya: “I taught my daughter to count in her head before school. We started with the simplest numbers, then introduced two-digit and three digit numbers. Now Varya is 12, she counts faster than her dad and me. And the secret is very simple: the main thing is that the child is involved in the learning process. We introduced our daughter to money very early. When I picked her up from kindergarten, I first gave Varya 5 rubles for candy or chewing gum. She herself calculated whether she had enough money, how much should be left, etc. Gradually the amount increased to 20 rubles. My daughter managed to divide it into several purchases, making the necessary calculations in her head. Now math is her favorite school subject, she consistently takes part in all Olympiads.”

If a child refuses to count

Some children categorically refuse to learn counting skills even through play. Often the reason for this is the wrong approach of parents to conducting classes. Having tried to work with a preschooler a couple of times using the “sit and decide” scheme, many adults discourage their desire for mathematics for a long time. However, a dislike for counting may be explained by the child being overloaded with various developmental activities or sections. Or maybe the preschooler simply doesn’t like his parents’ reaction to incorrect answers. AND similar reasons May be huge variety. How should parents behave if their children refuse to learn to count?

Be patient

Perhaps the child does not understand mathematics due to his young age. After all, not all five-year-old children have the ability to calculate. In addition, preschoolers with a humanitarian mindset can ignore numbers until they go to first grade. On the other hand, many of them by this time already read quite fluently and even know how to write. Therefore, you should not overreact to your child’s reluctance to count. After all, being successful “on all fronts” is simply unrealistic.

Use the method of “coercion by persuasion”

If a preschooler has an aptitude for mathematics, but simply does not want to learn, you need to convey to him the need this process. After all, you can’t do without counting skills. This needs to be talked about as often as possible, demonstrating this fact on life examples. So, while moving around the city on a bus with a child, a mother can say to him, “Please help me, my hands are full. Take some change from my jacket pocket, count out fifteen rubles and pay for the fare. Oh, I completely forgot, you can’t count. You'll have to deal with it yourself." Periodically creating similar situations, you can gradually convince your child that it’s time to learn to count.

Perform “number attacks”

If a child does not want to perceive numbers, you need to surround him with them. To do this, you should prepare a lot of cards with numbers and pictures. By hanging sheets of paper around the perimeter of the apartment and focusing attention on them from time to time, it will be much easier to teach your child to count. It is also necessary to include numbers in speech as often as possible when communicating with a child. You can play hide and seek with him, loudly counting down the time, teach poems like “one, two, three, four, five, the bunny went for a walk,” show unobtrusive educational cartoons with numbers, etc. Over time, the preschooler will certainly become interested in mathematics.

Conduct “sweet activities”

If a preschooler does not want to perceive either classical or gaming methods learning to count, you can use a win-win technique. Perhaps not a single child will refuse sweets. So why not set the condition for children that they will receive candy only when they can name it? correct amount. This will spur in preschoolers the desire to quickly master the skill of counting.

Thus, mathematics for preschoolers is incredibly interesting and exciting science. The main thing is to choose correct form learning that will be as enjoyable and unburdensome as possible for the child. Ideas for entertaining lessons are around us, we just need to use our imagination and look at familiar things from a new angle.

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