Tasks from 6 to 5 years old. Assignment: “Where is whose shadow?”

It’s time to start preparing children 5-6 years old for the transition to first graders. The key to successful schooling is laid at this age. Developmental activities will help provide high-quality training for the child, both in a preschool institution and at home.

From the age of 5, children learn with pleasure

Classes with children will increase interest in the learning process and school if they are organized in an interesting and high-quality manner. Primary school teachers note that children aged 5-6 years, who were taught using developmental methods, are distinguished by increased efficiency, positive attitude, accuracy and organization.

Features of the development of children at 5.6 years old

Activities aimed at developing thinking, logic, and knowledge of the world are varied. The knowledge and skills of a five-year-old child are already considerable. At five years old, a child speaks quite well, can analyze situations, gives explanations for certain phenomena and defends his opinion. The child has counting skills, he can compare and complete tasks according to instructions. During this period, children’s consciousness “matures” and responsibility increases.

At 5-6 years old, a child develops responsibility and an understanding of the need to learn.

Observations of children show that the child is increasingly showing independence, new interests arise, and inspiration from success in creativity.

But the child’s psyche has not yet fully formed. He is still impressionable, emotional, and compares himself to other children.

At 5-6 years old, the process of learning about the world is still ongoing. Developmental processes still take place through play and communication. But there is already a gradual transition to training sessions that involve an educational process with established rules and requirements and, of course, evaluation of the result.

What parents should know

At the age of five, parents need to evaluate how their baby is developing. It is necessary to trace how the relationship develops between the child and the world around him.

Pronunciation development game

Children should be monitored in the following areas:

  • the child’s behavior at home, on the street, in public places;
  • communication with people around you;
  • what kind of friends children have, understanding and perception of friendships;
  • How developed is the children’s speech, does the child have problems with pronunciation, how does he construct sentences.

An important point is comfort and harmony in the family, since preparation for school life must begin with instilling skills such as order and responsibility, which the child learns primarily in the family. , in addition to gaining new knowledge, will help set children up for a correct perception of the world and correct their behavior.

Target orientation of classes

Activities that are aimed at the development of children five to six years old are extremely diverse. Classes of this type will allow you to gradually transform gaming forms into educational ones. This transition is carried out without tension and without problems.

Educational game for children 5-6 years old

The tasks are presented in the form of solving riddles and coloring pictures. Then the child masters the copybooks. Children aged 5-6 years love to perform logical tasks.

In a children's education program that uses developmental forms, classes should achieve the following goals:

  • develop cognitive interest;
  • improve creative, physical and intellectual abilities;
  • assignments should promote a positive attitude towards future schooling.
Memory training game

The program for the specified age group should contain the following tasks:

  • on the basics of native speech, which lay the fundamental basis for teaching reading, the Russian language, and develop children’s speech.
  • mathematical direction - the beginnings of arithmetic and geometry, tasks aimed at developing attention, strengthening memory and logical thinking.
  • on developing an interest in nature, the ability to be sensitive to it, as well as first knowledge of ecology.
  • on the study of the physical component of the simplest everyday phenomena and astronomical knowledge.

Children 5-6 years old love to play with construction sets

Children of this age are interested in fine arts classes; they like to design and make some products.

At five or six years old, children can be occupied with various activities for up to two hours - they will not get tired. Moreover, concentration does not decrease during this time. Children can be involved in activities during this time. You just need to change tasks and take short breaks.

What to consider when organizing classes

Training should be organized in all types of children's activities. They must improve their modeling, design, and drawing skills. But at 5-6 years old, a gradual transition to a learning style begins, when children need to be taught to perform the required tasks. Children still feel the need for play activities. Based on this, the learning process, although it becomes more focused, also includes elements of the game.

A child's intelligence is determined by such cognitive processes as attention, imagination, perception and memory.

The attention of children 5-6 years old is characterized by involuntariness; The baby is not yet able to manage his emotions, concentrate and direct attention to important things. Because of this, he may be influenced by external impressions. These impressions are expressed in the fact that the child is quickly distracted, he cannot concentrate on any one object or action, and the activity must often change. Adult guidance is provided to gradually increase the level of concentration. A child with this attitude will develop responsibility for the results of his actions.

We need to teach the child to retell what he has read.

This direction of action assumes that the child will conscientiously and carefully complete any task, regardless of whether it is interesting or not.

Peculiarities of information perception at 5-6 years old

The most important characteristics of attention to be developed in a child are:

  • manifestation of stability of attention, that is, the ability to maintain concentration for a long period;
  • the ability to switch attention, develop quick orientation in different situations and change from one type of activity to another;
  • distribution of attention to two or more objects.

For the development of the attention function, the influence of emotional factors, the development of interests in the actions performed, the acceleration of thought processes and the formation of volitional qualities are very important. These properties are perfectly developed in the process of performing developmental exercises.

Game to understand the situation

The development of perception in a child is present from the first months. But at 5-6 years old the level of perception is at its peak. The child absorbs new things and perceives information from the world around him. But what interests him most fully enters into consciousness. Therefore, the main goal of adults is to interest children in the knowledge that they should receive.

What forms of classes are most suitable?

Using toys and various games for developmental learning. The big advantage is that children play and learn at the same time on a completely voluntary basis. They are interested in results and are not overworked. Thus, the development of logic progresses well in Nikitin’s games. Board games gradually teach mathematics, rules of movement,... During the game, children develop perseverance, patience and skills of decent behavior.

Artistic creativity is a great way to develop abilities

Creativity at this age is best expressed in designing and making crafts. Moreover, the tasks should gradually become more complex, including elements of independent modeling. The child learns to create. He learns to think and think logically, develops fine motor skills.

Developmental learning at 5-6 years old is best accomplished through play activities. The child must, in the process of development, prepare for the traditional school system of education.

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Despite the fact that at the age of 6–7, modern children are studying in preparatory or first grade, there is no point in giving up homeschooling. In order for your child to better understand what is happening in the world around him and stand out among his peers with knowledge, we advise you to pay attention to educational tasks for children 6-7 years old in pictures. You can print any image you like directly from this page.

At 6 years old, a child should be able to accurately sort out necessary objects from unnecessary ones and correlate words with images. If your child is still having difficulty with this task, print out a training sheet in which he will be directed to the corresponding inscription in the middle of the field.

If a preschooler identifies objects accurately, this is not a reason to bypass the lesson. As the saying goes: repetition is the mother of learning.

Match the picture

The developmental task consists of correlating individual squares with parts of the picture. Before giving it to your baby, prepare: print out the sheet and cut out squares with individual fragments of the whole image. After this, cut the finished image into squares. You will succeed 2 identical fragment. The task is simple: collect a solid image the first time. Additional fragments are needed to confuse the child.

After the lesson has been brilliantly completed, ask the preschooler to tell why does he think, which identified the correct double fragment.


A simple task to identify objects. Print the image in A4 format and provide it to the preschooler along with colored pencils.

In fact, you don't need to guess anything: ready word hidden in scattered letters in the top margin. The answer must be written in the bottom field. Each field is accompanied by an image of an animal: it is needed if the child does not read well and connect letters in a single word is difficult for him.

This magic wand The task presented will be for parents. Do it every day for a month until your child learns to read a clock with a dial accurately.

Development of thinking

It is recommended to print out a sheet with this task for a child who is already went to school. Try not to help the student complete this task, as it will aimed at independent reflection and the development of logic. If the child does not cope with the problem the first time, reschedule the lesson to the next day and invite the preschooler to try to solve the problem again.

A very interesting lesson that has a purpose discipline preschooler through a simple example about a forgetful girl. The puzzle is also designed to develop interest in hidden details. Print out an educational activity for your child and ask him to tell you what the forgetful first-grader forgot to put it into the washing machine. To give the correct answer, the child will have to color the woven ball with dots. Coloring small parts- one of the ways to develop hand motor skills.

Classic problem for children 6–7 years old in pictures. Print it out to make it easier for your preschooler to spot the differences. The pictures are suitable for later coloring.

Repeat the count

It is very important that a child entering first grade could count and write passably. Repeat the count according to the picture. Ask your seven-year-old to list the numbers in ascending order.

Match the numbers and pictures

Print out the assignment sheet. Don't explain to your baby, what needs to be done: in addition to counting, the task is aimed at developing observation and thinking.

Another educational puzzle for children 6–7 years old in pictures. Parents, well, did you understand what needs to be done?

Development of observation skills

Someone got it all wrong! Help the animals find the right items. A 6-7 year old child should complete this lesson in no more than 2 minutes.

And again we are preparing our child for school. Already familiar task correlation presented in fish. The child’s task is to help each fish swim to the correct answer.

Find identical objects

Print the image and give it to your preschooler. The essence of the educational picture is described right on it. If the child cannot read, help him, voicing the task out loud.

Explain to your child that he can color the picture, as soon as he finishes drawing it. The task is aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands and training the smooth drawing of lines.

At 6–7 years old, a child should ideally know what colors are present in the rainbow. If there is still a gap in this area, learn simple sayings with your child: Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits. If a preschooler is familiar with the eternal work “The Kid and Carlson,” tell the following tutorial: Carlson Again Cheerfully Planned Something Nasty With Meatballs. After the basics have been learned, allow us to color the sheet with the picture. It is important to check how well the preschooler remembers the location of the colors of the rainbow, and to praise if the result is correct the first time.

Charge your battery

A task for strong and independent seven-year-old men: ask your child to charge the battery for his father’s car. It would be interesting if my father would supervise the task and, after completing it correctly, tell me how the car works and what the battery does.

We hope that educational tasks for children 6–7 years old in pictures helped you. Let us remind you that you can print absolutely any of the images presented.

Classes for children 5-6 years old to develop logical thinking, mathematical abilities, and writing. This is also the best time to learn to read.

Working with five-year-old children is a pleasure. And if until the age of 5 the child still resisted preparing for school, then from this age he dreams of growing up as quickly as possible and becoming a student. Now new knowledge and skills have been discovered, and the maturity of mental functions allows one to concentrate on a task for quite a long time.

In developmental classes, children aged 5-6 years master writing, arithmetic operations, and learn to recognize all the sounds in words. This is also the best time for learning to read; preschoolers study letters with interest and quickly grasp the principle of merging them into syllables.

However, the entire learning process should still be built on gaming activities, and the classes themselves should be distinguished by the variety of tools used. Otherwise, “tedious” lessons will only bring irritation, and the baby will lose interest.

Tasks for classes with children 5-6 years old

By the age of 5-6, children have already accumulated quite a large amount of knowledge and skills. Along with increased intellectual capabilities, tasks also become more complex.

Mathematical exercises and assignments

By this age, the child most likely already counts to 10, knows the basic figures and knows how to compare them.

Now the future first-grader needs to learn to operate with numbers up to 10 (subtract and add, comprehend the composition of the first ten), solve puzzles and problems in one step, compare sets (greater than, equal to, less). In addition, before school you need to strengthen the ability to navigate in space, learn forward/reverse order of the number series. Older preschoolers divide a circle or square into several equal parts, learn to write numbers and arithmetic signs.

Try to involve your baby in learning unobtrusively. For example, let him himself pour 5 tablespoons of sugar into the pie according to the recipe and break 3 eggs. Or ask to count out money for travel, change, divide the pie between family members, etc.

Walking board games, in which the number of moves depends on the value of the rolled dice, will also help. The best of them are described in the article “”.

Logic tasks

When preparing for school, parents need to understand that their main task is not to count and write beautifully. They will be taught this at school too. The main goal should be the development of mental processes. With well-developed memory, attention and thinking, a little student will always have success in learning. In addition, the development of these same intellectual abilities is most effective while the child is small.

As for logical thinking, in the sixth year children master the following skills:

  • divide objects into groups, naming some characteristic;
  • compose a story based on a picture or make up a story from the beginning;
  • find an extra item;
  • identify a pattern and continue it.

Logical tasks for children 5 years old can be graphic (find something similar, color according to a pattern, go through a labyrinth, complete a drawing, solve a puzzle), verbal (ingenuity problems, riddles), puzzles. All this can be found in printed developmental manuals and programs.

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Several examples of logical tasks.

Frog Zhu sat down on a pink leaf. The IA frog is not on pink or blue. Place the frogs correctly.

Or, a problem about patterns. You need to think about what might be missed. (In this case, living and inanimate objects alternate.)

Testing spatial thinking. Which napkin is not pinned?

Children, like adults, have different abilities to remember. One thing is certain, memory can be trained. Therefore, when organizing games to develop memory, start small - first offer to remember three objects, then more. As a rule, at the age of 5 years, a child can reproduce 5-6 visual images, 4-5 unrelated words, 3-4 numbers, and repeat 5-6 actions after an adult.

Letter memorization tasks

At school, literacy is taught from sounds to letters. Therefore, before you start learning the alphabet, you need to make sure that the baby can distinguish sounds in a word well and can build a sound diagram of the word.

To help your child quickly remember the graphic image of a letter, you can sculpt it, figure out what it looks like, and hang cards with letters around the room.

If you have magnetic or wooden letters, you can put them in a bag and take them out by touch. You can also make “relief” letters using cereals, rhinestones and beads.

If the child has already learned letters and knows how to add syllables, you can play with words.

For example, read the word by its first letters.

Or think about such a task.

Diversify home literacy lessons and puzzles with letters.

Developing speech

By the age of 5, a preschooler should clearly state not only his first and last name, but also his address, telephone number, and know the details of his parents. In general, the speech of a 5-year-old child is no different from that of an adult. The preschooler correctly uses grammatical norms, can conduct a conversation, build reasoning, and ask questions.

The formation of the sound side of speech is carried out through tongue twisters and articulatory gymnastics. Games for determining the positions of sounds in a word and putting words together from sounds will also help.

For example, a parent pronounces words, and the child, having heard a pre-agreed sound, “catches” them by clapping or jumping.

Thematic material:

In another exercise, the parent throws a ball and names a syllable. The child needs to come up with a word for this syllable and throw the ball back.

Development of children 5-6 years old online

A computer will also help you develop and study at home. Today, there are many educational websites and online platforms available that offer a variety of puzzles and game-based exercises for children for free.

Tasks for them are usually differentiated into categories according to age and topics - logic, literacy, mathematical material, broadening one's horizons, etc. Therefore, choosing the necessary exercises is not difficult.

For example, the following problem with Euler circles can be included in the logic section for 5 years.

If the answer is correct (in this example, “sun”), the child will be praised by the announcer. In case of an error, you can find out the correct answer and explanation. (The lantern is not warm, the chicken is dim).

Using educational online exercises for children 5–6 years old, measure the amount of time spent at the computer. If it is noticeable that the student’s attention is scattered or the decision is delayed, change the type of activity.

5-year-old children feel their failures very deeply. Therefore, if something doesn’t work out, encourage, offer to cope with difficulties together! This way the child will not lose faith in himself and will be open to new knowledge!

A frequent question that arises among parents of future first-graders: is their 6-7 year old child ready for school? And if you’re not ready, then how can you adjust the necessary knowledge, abilities, skills, and what developmental tasks should you work on with your son or daughter at home? Some parents will entrust the solution to this problem to a kindergarten or preparatory group at school, while others will take on this difficult work on their own. And, of course, the latter will win. Neither a school nor a kindergarten will be able to take into account the individual characteristics of each child. And nowhere, except at home, will the most comfortable, relaxed environment, so necessary for the development of the baby, be created.

How to print task cards

On any image you like, right-click and in the window that opens, select “save picture as”, then select where you want to save the card, for example, the desktop of your computer. The card is saved, you can open it as a regular image on your PC and print it to make it more convenient for you to study with your child.

Continuing the topic of the development of children 6-7 years old. Experts have identified three components of a 6-7 year old child’s readiness for school: physiological, psychological and cognitive.

  1. Physiological aspect. The developmental characteristics and readiness of the child to attend school are determined by the doctor. Of course, in case of severe health problems, nothing can be done; you will have to study in correctional classes or schools. If a child is prone to frequent colds, then parents can try to correct this with the help of hardening.
  2. Psychological aspect. Age-appropriate memory, speech, thinking. A child must be able to communicate with peers, calmly respond to comments, respect adults, know what is bad and what is good, and strive to acquire new knowledge.
  3. Cognitive aspect. There are several groups of knowledge and skills that a future first-grader should have.
  • Attention. The child must be able to work according to a model, perform tasks for attentiveness, as well as search for similarities and differences.

Attention is one of the most significant ways of understanding the world. By the age of 7, voluntary attention is formed. If this does not happen, then the child needs help, otherwise problems may arise with concentration in lessons.

Tasks for the development of attention in children 6-7 years old

Task 1. “Parts of the body”. Parent and child sit opposite each other. The parent points to his body part and pronounces its name, the child repeats. Next, the adult does a trick: he shows, for example, an eye, and says that it is an elbow. The child must notice the catch and correctly indicate the part of the body.

Task 2. “Find the differences.” One of the most popular games. You should discuss in advance how many differences there are in the selected picture. It is convenient to use a pencil to mark the found elements. If the child cannot find all the differences, you need to tell him what to pay attention to.

For example, in the following picture you need to find at least 10 differences.

Task 3. “Find the way”. The child is asked to answer a question, for example: “Which path should the bus take for the children to get to school?”

  • Mathematics and logical thinking. The child must be able to count from 1 to 10 in forward and reverse order, know the arithmetic signs “+”, “-”, “=”. Also find patterns, group objects according to one characteristic, continue logical series, compose a story with a logical conclusion, find an extra object, that is, analyze, synthesize, compare, classify and prove.

Child's assignment: count the tens

Child's assignment: compare numbers, put “greater than”, “less than”, “equal” signs

Mathematics is a fundamental factor in intellectual development. Logical thinking is at its core. It, in turn, develops the ability to use logical techniques, as well as build cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions based on them. That’s why it’s so important to start developing logic in preschool age.

Quests for smart people

Tasks and games to develop logic for children 6-7 years old

Developmental task No. 1. Draw numbers up to 10 on a blank sheet of paper, draw the number “7” three times and draw the number “2” three times. Invite your child to color all the numbers 7 blue and the numbers 2 green. After completion, ask the question: “Which numbers are greater? How long?" Such tasks develop the ability to analyze, generalize and compare. Similarly, you can ask your child to count tennis, handball, basketball and soccer balls, and name which ones are larger or smaller.

Developing logical thinking task No. 2. Find an extra vehicle. The child classifies objects according to one criterion: a bus, a scooter and a car run on fuel. But, of course, you first need to introduce a 6-7 year old child to the topic “transport”, tell and show what types of transport there are and who drives them.

Developmental task No. 3 . The children are given the task: “There are as many red notebooks on the shelf as there are blue ones. The number of green and red notebooks is the same. How many notebooks are there on the shelf if there are 3 green ones? This task develops the ability to analyze, synthesize, compare and organize one’s actions.

Developmental task No. 4. You can invite your child to answer trick questions. Children really like these kinds of puzzles. They help develop imagination.

On 1 leg Masha weighs 20 kg, how much will she weigh on 2 legs?

What is lighter: a kilogram of fluff or stones?

How many candies are in an empty bag?

What kind of dishes won't you eat anything from?

There were 5 apples and 3 bananas growing on a birch tree. How many apples are left if all the bananas fell?

At this age, children easily solve problems with hidden meaning, for example: “The wolf invited piglets, little goats and little red riding hood to his birthday party. Count how many delicious guests the wolf invited to his birthday party? (you will be surprised how a 6-7 year old child will quickly answer “11 guests” to this problem).

  • Memory. You need to be able to recite a poem by heart, retell a short text, and memorize 10 pictures.

At the age of 6-7 years, voluntary memory is formed, which is necessary for acquiring a large amount of new knowledge at school. Together with figurative memory, verbal-logical memory develops, that is, what was understood is well remembered. Parents can help develop memory and prepare for school with the help of properly selected tasks.

Tasks for the development of memory in children 6-7 years old

Exercise 1. “Remember and repeat.” An adult says any words and asks them to repeat them. The number of words gradually increases.

Task 2. The child is asked to remember what is shown in the picture. Next, the picture is turned over and questions are asked: “How many people are shown in the picture? What do children play with? What is grandma doing? What's hanging on the wall? What is mom holding? Does daddy have a mustache or a beard?”

Task 3. Playing with objects. Arrange toys and objects in a chaotic order. After the child remembers their location, ask them to turn away. At this point, remove something and ask: “What has changed?” This game involves not only memory, but also attention.

  • Fine motor skills. The child must be able to hold a pen correctly, paint over objects without going beyond the contours, use scissors and make appliqués. The development of fine motor skills is directly related to the development of speech and thinking.

To develop fine motor skills, you can use finger exercises. The child is asked to repeat the actions of the adult. The parent puts his fists on the table, thumbs out to the sides.

“Two friends met at the old well” - the thumbs “hug” each other in turn.

“Suddenly there’s a loud noise somewhere” - fingers tapping on the table.

“Friends fled to their homes” - the fingers hid in a fist.

“They won’t walk in the mountains anymore” - you need to press the thumb of one hand on the joints of the other hand.

This hand exercise is mainly aimed at the thumb, and as you know, massaging it has a positive effect on brain function. Therefore, this gymnastics can be performed before classes.

  • Speech. The child must make sentences from the given words and a story based on the picture, distinguish sounds and letters.

Speech development tasks.

Task 1. Game “Opposites”. The parent names the words, the child needs to come up with a word that has the opposite meaning, for example, good - bad, open - close, high - low.

Task 2. Game “If we were artists.” A parent and a child draw a small village house. Then he invites him to complete the drawing of objects that have the sounds “r” or “r” in the word.

  • The world. The child needs to know basic facts about surrounding objects and phenomena. For example, know colors, animals, birds, seasons, names and place of work of parents, address. Children gain such knowledge by reading books, while walking, during classes with their parents and in kindergarten.

Before you start classes, you need to remember a few rules. Firstly, you should not force your child to study, you need to interest him and then he himself will call you to the table. Secondly, classes should not last long, since a 6-7 year old child cannot maintain attention for longer than 25 minutes. And thirdly, at this age the main activity is still play. A child learns by playing. Therefore, most tasks should be presented in a playful way.

Video “Logic tests for children”

Assignment: “There is a mistake in one of these pictures. Which one? Explain why"

Assignment: “On which plate does the pear lie in front of the apple?”

Assignment: “Where is whose shadow?”

Assignment: “What will happen if you cut out a figure drawn on a folded sheet?”

Assignment: “What should be drawn in the empty cell?”

Assignment: “One of these towers must fall. Which?"

Assignment: “In which picture does the pose of the bear and the bunny coincide with the top picture?”

Assignment: “How many black cells does this plump dinosaur cover? Count only whole cells."

Assignment: “Choose the missing small cube so that each face of the large cube is the same color.”

Assignment: “The trainer’s whip is tangled. How many nodes does it have?”

Assignment: “What color is the lowest stick?”

Assignment: “One mouse is about to fall. Which?"

Assignment: “What is close to the girl, what is far?”

Assignment: “In which pictures will the ropes tie in a knot if you pull their ends?”

Assignment: “How many animals does the girl see, how many does the boy see, and how many does the father see?”

Assignment: “Divide each chocolate bar into 4 equal parts”

Assignment: “Switch the places of two dancers so that the boys and girls stand next to one.”

Assignment: “The travelers decided to take a picture of the house. Who got what photo?”

Assignment: “What parts is this boat built from?”

Assignment: “The robot decided to clean up. What did he do wrong? Find eight "irregularities"

Thinking in children's lives

When a child approaches the age of 5-6 years, parents should pay attention to the level of his thinking. Because the ability to analyze and systematize the information received will improve school performance. Games with geometric shapes help systematize knowledge about the concepts: shape, color and size.

Is it possible to carry a bulky wardrobe along a narrow corridor? What to sew, what to wear to prom? How to stand in such a way that each person is clearly visible in the resulting photograph? All these tasks are set for imaginative thinking. The images themselves come in several categories depending on which sense organs are perceived.

Concepts are also included in the category of thinking and together represent irreplaceable elements. With the help of images, you can very quickly make a decision about the production and arrangement of this object. Of course, it is necessary to have the internal ability to manipulate images (mentally rotate objects), transform them and combine them. This kind of thinking is vital, but it doesn’t happen right away.

Small children should not cross the street alone, as they are not yet able to correctly assess the correct distance between them and the car. Such an ability will be formed only by the age of 15. The received information about images is perceived instantly, in a few milliseconds.

Retelling what you saw or read will take much longer than the fleeting run of a cat, and, moreover, it will not always be complete, because for many phenomena there are simply no suitable names or words. Those properties of an object that are reflected in images can be placed within a narrow conceptual framework. They cannot be divided into essential and non-essential. This ability of images is very valuable when solving problems.

With the help of figurative thinking, you can see various properties of an object (including those that are usually considered unimportant in concepts) and, already using these properties, identify connections between objects.

At the end of the 20th century, photography, film, and television significantly simplified the creation and transformation of images compared to traditional drawing techniques. Now it has become much easier to clearly show the subject under discussion, show the dynamics of change, and identify various possible outcomes of an event. This greatly helps to carry out quality work, making a person’s life easier.