In and Vernadsky what he discovered. Vernadsky's philosophical views

A native of Central and South Africawatermelon spread to 96 countries of the world. Now more than 1,200 varieties of the planet's largest berry are grown.

What is watermelon rich in? Composition of watermelon

Watermelon pulp is rich in:

pectin substances – 0.68%

proteins – 0.7%

calcium – 14 mg/%

magnesium – 224 mg/%

sodium – 16 mg/%

potassium – 64 mg/%

phosphorus – 7 mg%

iron – 1 mg/%

vitamins B, PP, C (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin)

folic acid and provitamin A

carotene – 0.1-0.7 mg/%

ascorbic acid

alkaline substances

glucose, sucrose and fructose – 5.5 – 13% (fructose makes up ½ of all sugars)

in watermelon seeds – 25% vitamin D with fatty oil, the taste of which is reminiscent of olive oil, and the fat content is not inferior to almond oil

100 grams of watermelon contain 38 calories, so it is used for fasting days and quenching thirst.

What are the benefits of watermelon seeds?

The seeds are similar in properties to those of pumpkin seeds. They are used:

For adding to seasonings: fish and meat and to soups in dry and ground form.

To prepare “watermelon milk” from high temperature and febrile conditions: grind the seeds and crush them in cold water (1:10) with sugar or syrup for taste. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. every 2 hours.

To prepare the mask: powder from dry seeds is mixed with vegetable oil or water until sour cream forms. Apply a thin layer to the face and leave for 15-20 minutes, rinse off warm water. For variety, you can add egg yolk and/or any clay or honey.

What are the benefits of watermelon peel?

The peel is dried in the oven, then decoctions are prepared from it. When dried, the peels are stored for a long time and decoctions from them are used for rheumatism, heart and kidney diseases, and to get rid of edema.

For migraines and severe headaches a thick watermelon rind is tied to the temples.

For colitis: Add watermelon rinds (100 g) to boiling water (500 ml), let it brew, and drink 4-5 times a day.

Watermelon rind powder (dry or fresh) will help as a diuretic for chronic cystitis, nephritis, kidney stones, bladder and ureter: it is necessary to cut off the outer green layer thinly and finely chop, dry in the oven and dry at room temperature, grind in a blender. Take 3 times a day, 1 tsp. with water (50 ml) and honey (0.5 tsp). Store the powder in a paper bag.

A rejuvenating effect will be obtained from a decoction of watermelon rinds or juice if you apply a moistened napkin to a clean face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water and lubricate with nourishing cream. The same effect can be obtained from a mask made from watermelon pulp.

What are the benefits of watermelon pulp?

For eczema and psoriasis Apply watermelon pulp to problem areas.

Watermelon pulp is used:

To remove toxins and carcinogens from the body as a diuretic.

To cleanse the liver and kidneys, remove sand and stagnant bile.

To improve the digestive process.

For beneficial influence on the cardiovascular system.

To remove cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis.

For weight loss using watermelon fasting days and eating 1.5-2 kg of watermelon pulp per day (in 5-6 doses). When unloading for 2-3 days, the pulp can be eaten with black bread (50-100 g each).

Watermelon pulp is used as a medicinal product:

For the treatment and prevention of anemia, since the pulp contains organic iron, which is easily absorbed by the body.

For fever, as a diuretic, mild laxative, anti-inflammatory and choleretic agent.

For pyelonephritis, nephritis, cystitis, kidney stones: eat 2.5 kg of watermelon pulp when lazy. There will be no irritation in the kidneys or urinary tract. Salts will dissolve and be removed by alkaline substances.

In the treatment of diseases: acute and chronic, liver, obesity, endocrine system, poisoning: industrial and medicinal with the help of sugars and water from watermelon pulp.

For the treatment of blood diseases, since 1 kg of pulp contains 1 gram of iron.

For iron deficiency in pregnant women and breastfeeding.

For creating optimal conditions in the intestinal microflora with pectin substances and fiber from watermelon pulp, and alkaline compounds - to regulate acid-base balance and from acidoses of various natures.

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases with the help of folic acid in watermelon pulp, since it helps synthesize amino acids and the process of hematopoiesis, regulates fat metabolism, and has an anti-sclerotic effect in combination with choline and vitamins P and C.

For the treatment of sore throat (rinsing the mouth with watermelon juice) and tuberculosis.

For treatment: skin diseases, non-healing and festering wounds with watermelon lotions from the pulp of ripe red watermelon pulp; skin burns and relief of the general condition of the patient with fermented juice.

Recipe: The pulp and juice are placed in a jar, closed with a lid and allowed to ferment for 3-4 months at room temperature. Then the contents of the jar are filtered and the skin burns are washed and lotions are made, having previously treated them with saline solution or boiled water.

Watermelon helps during the rehabilitation period after long and serious illnesses and surgical operations, especially under long-term anesthesia. Watermelon juice is necessary to restore liver function after jaundice, improve male potency, peace of mind and from insomnia.

Delicious watermelon food. Recipes with watermelon

Watermelon honey (nardek) obtained by evaporating watermelon juice and will contain 90% sugars. We rub the pulp through a sieve, filter through 2 layers of gauze, bring to a boil, remove the foam and filter again, then simmer over low heat, stirring so as not to burn. There should be 1/5 or 1/6 of the original volume left.

Candied watermelon rinds . You will need: watermelon rinds – 2 kg, sugar – 700 g, water – 1 kg, powdered sugar – 100 g.

Cut the peeled peels into cubes and dip into sugar syrup - 70%. Cook until the cubes are translucent and place them in a sieve, allowing the syrup to drain. Dry the cubes at room temperature for 12-24 hours, sprinkle powdered sugar, place in jars and close with airtight lids.

Watermelon rind jam. You will need: watermelon rinds – 1 kg, citric acid – 3 g, vanillin – 1 g.

You need to boil syrup from 1 liter of water and 1.9 kg of sugar. Peel the peels, cut them and put them in boiling water for 5 minutes, then in cold water. Afterwards, place in syrup and cook until transparent, leave overnight and bring to a boil again, leave again for 6-8 hours and then boil for 1 minute with citric acid (to taste). Then last time Infuse and cook until tender with vanilla.

Salted small watermelons . You will need a brine of water (1 l) and sea salt (2 tbsp) - for 1 kg of watermelons. Clean watermelons need to be pricked in several places and filled with brine, left for 30-40 days in a cool place. Before this, the brine is kept for 1-2 days at room temperature.

Watermelon lemonade. Cut off the top of the watermelon, chop the pulp and pour into the watermelon a mixture of orange juice (2 tbsp), sparkling water (1 l), lemon zest, lemon juice, sugar to taste. Place in the refrigerator for an hour, then pour into glasses along with the pulp and serve. You can add soda.

Watermelon-mango cocktail. You will need frozen and chopped seedless watermelon pulp - 500 g, mango - 1 pc.

Mango is crushed in a mixer with the addition of orange juice (750 ml) and pulp cubes. Ice is added to the drink.

Harm of watermelon. Can watermelon be given to children?

Nitrates that get into the pulp of a watermelon are harmful, especially in cloudy and humid weather. Nitrates themselves are low-toxic, but when they enter the gastrointestinal microflora they are converted into harmful nitrates and N-nitro compounds that cause cancer. When watermelons are stored for a long time, nitrates begin to transform directly in it.

Nitrates disrupt the transport function of the blood, negatively affect hemoglobin and lead to hypoxia - a lack of oxygen in the tissues. This is especially difficult for children and patients suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels, excretory and respiratory systems.

You should not eat watermelon if you have:

Disorders of urine outflow;

Intestinal disorders: diarrhea and;

Large size kidney stones: they will move out of place and cause renal colic;

In the presence of chronic intestinal diseases You should not eat a lot of watermelon to avoid bloating.

After eating a large amount of watermelon, you should not eat highly salted foods for 2-3 hours: chips, roach, nuts. Salt retains fluid in the body, so juicy watermelon can unnecessarily burden a sick heart and provoke swelling.

Can watermelon be served to pregnant women and people with diabetes?

In the presence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, edema in the last trimester of pregnancy You should avoid eating watermelon.

Symptoms of watermelon poisoning:

Watermelon poisoning manifests itself:

an increase in temperature after 1-2 hours (1-2 days);


nausea and vomiting;

cutting pain in the abdomen;

diarrhea and dehydration.

In case of watermelon poisoning, the following measures should be taken:

1. You need to drink a lot of water often and add Regidron or Gastrolit to your drink. This will restore lost fluid and salts.

2. Accept sorbents that attract toxic substances and removing them from the body: Enterosgel and Smecta.

3. If there is pain, take No-shpu and Papaverine. It is forbidden to take analgesics!

4. You need to call ambulance to provide assistance and exclude appendicitis with similar symptoms.

Watermelon is a treasure trove needed by a person vitamins such as A, E, C, B1, B2, B6, B9, PP. Despite the fact that it is sweet, people with diabetes can also eat watermelon, as it contains fructose, but this should be done in small portions. Still, there are some contraindications. What to do if you overeat?

Who shouldn't eat watermelon?

First of all, you should use it with caution:

  1. People with urinary outflow disorders.
  2. For diarrhea and colitis.
  3. If there are stones in the body large sizes, since watermelon has a diuretic effect, which can cause renal colic.
  4. For inflammatory disease of the renal pelvis.
  5. In the presence of severe pathologies of the prostate and pancreas.

In addition, pregnant women should be careful, especially in the later stages. It is also not recommended to mix it with big amount food.


How much watermelon should you eat at a time? In fact, there are no restrictions on this. Usually they eat as much watermelon as they can, without particularly limiting themselves.

How much watermelon should you eat per day? You can eat it all day long, it’s true. Moreover, there is a special one that has a positive effect on the body.

Watermelon diet

Many people like this diet, because you don’t have to force yourself to eat watermelon; on the contrary, it’s even fun. This takes place calmly and without disruption and brings with it a lot of advantages, such as normalizing metabolism and cleansing the body of various toxins. During this diet, fluid is actively released, due to which some cleansing of the stomach occurs. General state During this period, a person is light and without feelings of hunger. But if you have kidney-related diseases, then the watermelon diet is contraindicated for you!

It may seem that during this time you have lost a lot of extra pounds, but this is not entirely true, because this does not mean getting rid of fat deposits. This diet will not lead to the achievement of the goal of losing weight. Only thorough cleaning occurs, which, by the way, is very useful. There is no clearly established menu here; everyone is guided by their own personal feelings.


There are many antioxidants that prevent aging and prolong the life of the body. They also protect the body from age-related damage, and carotene improves vision.

But this is not the most important advantage of watermelon. What is really valuable is folic acid. It is also called differently, which helps the body develop normally. In addition to processes that are invisible to us, but important for the body, it also improves skin color, digestion, and is also useful for expectant mothers.

If you are looking for foods that contain magnesium, then watermelon is just for you. This microelement is useful because it helps to absorb other useful substances. 60% can be found in 100 grams of watermelon. In addition, magnesium helps muscle and nerve function. Its deficiency is caused by weakness and fatigue. It is recommended that people with blood pressure and kidney problems pay attention to the magnesium content in their diet. And finally, magnesium is an excellent antidepressant. If you are faced with the problem of poor concentration, blues and poor sleep, then a watermelon diet can help you gain vigor and strength.

Watermelon can be an excellent alternative to cooling drinks during the hot season, as it contains about 90% water. This berry will not harm the body in any way, unlike chemical sodas, and will also provide benefits.

Note to girls: watermelon can be used to make excellent masks for all types of facial skin. The recipe is extremely simple. All you need to do is turn the watermelon pulp into a paste and apply a light layer on your face for 10-15 minutes. And if you want to enhance the effect, then use before the procedure olive oil, if you have dry skin, or honey if you are prone to oily skin.


In addition to the numerous beneficial components that watermelon includes, unfortunately, it can also cause harm. What you should first of all beware of is low-quality fruits. They may be so because harmful products life activity of the modern world.

It’s also no secret that large watermelons are pumped with nitrates to speed up their growth. As a result, many people were poisoned. But no one can protect themselves from this, since it is impossible to tell a normal watermelon from a watermelon with nitrates by eye. A lot will enter the body harmful substances- this is what happens if you overeat a watermelon full of nitrates.

Danger may await you in the form of microbes, the appearance of which could result from improper storage, transportation or cultivation. So before using prerequisite is a thorough cleansing.

Colocynth is one of the varieties of watermelon that you should be careful with. What happens if you overeat watermelon colocynth? Intestinal pain and inflammation are observed.

Not the best for some pleasant property is also the fact that watermelon awakens the appetite. Although it is low in calories, it has high glycemic index.

What happens if you overeat watermelon?

If you get too carried away with eating this sweet and juicy berry, trouble may arise. Firstly, with very frequent consumption of watermelon in unlimited quantities, there is a possibility that an allergy may occur, which is not good for the body. Summer is the ideal time to eat large watermelons, since this is not possible during other seasons. And in the warm season, everyone wants to enjoy delicious berries as much as possible, but if you have allergies, this will be difficult.

What happens if you overeat watermelon? Since watermelon contains a huge amount of water, the load on the kidneys is quite large; if you overeat, it can increase so much that the organs may not be able to cope.

So what should you do if you've eaten too much watermelon? This is quite rare, but if you feel unwell, consult a doctor!

Watermelon is a large, juicy berry, because of which most people wait for the onset of summer, but nutritionists have a lot of doubts about its inclusion in the regular diet. If you start studying the menus that are offered for proper nutrition and even medical diets, you may notice that watermelon is not on the list of recommended products. This begs the question - is there any benefit from watermelon, can it harm the body?

General characteristics of watermelon

The healers and cooks of Ancient China began to appreciate this product - it was they who began to treat a whole list of diseases (mainly heart and kidney) with the help of watermelon, and also use it for food. But it reached Russia not so long ago - only in the 17th century, but it quickly gained popularity both due to its taste and healing properties.

IN chemical composition In watermelon you can find a lot of B vitamins, ascorbic, folic and niacin acids, carotene, potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium.

As for the calorie content of watermelon, the numbers are very pleasant - a 100 g serving contains only 25 kcal. At the same time, this berry saturates well, but more than half consists of water. However, it is too early to talk about the benefits of watermelon for the body of a person losing weight, since against the backdrop of a relatively low energy value (and even only 5.8 g of carbohydrates), this product contains a large number of sugars Some varieties of watermelons can reach 38 kcal due to their sugar content. In addition, this product has a high glycemic index of 75 units, which makes it an undesirable ingredient in the menu of diabetics and anyone watching their figure. True, sometimes watermelon is included in diet menus for weight loss, but you can understand why only after studying all its properties.

Health benefits and harms of watermelon

The most important quality of this berry, which everyone has experienced at least once, is its ability to stimulate kidney function. Of all plant products Watermelon is the most diuretic, which is why it is recommended to use it in short-term diets. The weight will actively fall, but there will be no fat burning - only water is lost. This property can be useful when you urgently need to get rid of swelling, or cleanse the kidneys and bladder. Some experts recommend consuming watermelon on an ongoing basis to prevent urolithiasis or remove sand from the kidneys.

A few more points that speak about the obvious benefits of watermelon for the body:

  • Fiber activates intestinal motility.
  • Fructose is absorbed better than other types of sugar, so it provokes insulin spikes to a lesser extent.
  • Watermelon juice helps remove toxins from the liver, so it is recommended after long-term drug treatment.
  • Despite its low calorie content, watermelon gives a lot of energy and satisfies both hunger and thirst well.

Keep in mind that there is a certain norm for daily consumption of watermelon - in order not to harm your health, try not to eat more than 2.5 kg of pulp per day. Moreover, if you intend to regularly eat this product, it is better not to eat more than 1 kg per day. And be sure to divide the specified volume into several meals, otherwise there is a risk of overloading the kidneys. And do not forget that watermelon is not mixed with any products, as this can trigger the fermentation process in the body.

In the diuretic property of watermelon, harm and benefit are intertwined, since increased activation of the urinary system can become dangerous if a person has kidney stones. If they are present in the gallbladder, eating watermelon is also undesirable, but not as dangerous as with urolithiasis, since its choleretic quality is less pronounced.

Also, the list of contraindications to the frequent inclusion of watermelon in the menu includes diabetes - due to the high glycemic index of this product. Some doctors believe that it can also be dangerous if:

  • heart diseases;
  • colitis;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • diarrhea;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • atherosclerosis.

Speaking about the benefits and harms of watermelon for the human body, one cannot fail to mention one more point that has been relevant in the last few years: it concerns the conditions for growing this product. Agricultural companies are trying to make large deliveries of products even before the season of berries and fruits begins, as well as to maximize the aesthetic qualities of each fruit, as a result of which they use harmful products during cultivation. chemical compounds. In particular, nitrates deserve attention, which watermelon easily absorbs and then releases to the human body. This, firstly, leads to the development of allergic reactions. Secondly, doctors believe that the accumulation of nitrates in the intestines provokes the formation dangerous compounds which can cause cancer.

Remember about seasonality - under natural conditions, these berries ripen closer to autumn. If you see a watermelon on the counter in June, you should be wary: there is clearly some “chemistry” involved. There are also a few other important points:

  • The optimal weight of a good watermelon is about 5 kg, unless it is a small variety.
  • Ripeness is determined by the dry tail and the presence of a light spot on the shell: it should be yellowish.
  • Try to pick at the surface of the watermelon with your fingernail: if it is strong and shiny and does not pierce, you have a ripe product.
  • Do not try to buy watermelon at roadside stands: such trade is officially prohibited in Russia, so you will not receive any guarantee of quality.

As watermelon ripens, interest in this product increases. Despite the fact that many people consider watermelon to be a large berry (due to its structure), it is actually a large pumpkin, as it belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. But in fact it is an annual herbaceous plant.

Watermelon grows on melons and can have oval, spherical, cylindrical shape. The color of watermelon pulp is also varied; it comes not only in all shades of red, but also yellow and even white. The color of the watermelon peel can also be not only green, but also white or yellow. The pattern of stripes on the skin of a watermelon also varies; these can be stripes, spots or a mesh pattern.

About the composition of watermelon

At the time of ripening, the pulp of a watermelon contains a sufficiently large amount of easily digestible sugars, such as fructose and glucose, but the amount of sucrose in a watermelon increases during storage.

Watermelon is rich in pectin substances; it also contains vitamins and microelements useful for the body: magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, folic acid, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin and others. On average, 100 grams of watermelon pulp contains about 30 kcal.

Interestingly, a quarter of watermelon seeds consist of fatty oil containing linolenic, linoleic and palmitic acids. In its properties, watermelon seed fatty oil resembles almond oil.

Of course, the water content in watermelon is high, amounting to almost 90% of the weight of the fruit itself.

The healing composition of watermelon

Those trying to lose weight should know that watermelon can be an excellent way to lose weight. Moreover, with the help of watermelon you can get rid of not only extra pounds, but also of waste and toxins accumulated in the body.

The vitamin composition of this fruit is no less important, since it contains B vitamins that normalize activity. nervous system and help maintain skin good condition. The vitamin C contained in watermelon will help in the fight against premature aging of the body; it will also strengthen the body’s defenses. And vitamin PP will improve your mood, normalize sleep and help fight fatigue. Watermelon contains a substance that even improves intellectual abilities and memory, involved in the process of hematopoiesis, and also necessary for women during pregnancy, is folic acid.

Magnesium from watermelon helps eliminate cholesterol, helps keep muscles toned, gives elasticity to the skin, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and liver, and also normalizes blood pressure. No less important for the health of the body is potassium, which promotes good functioning of the heart and blood vessels. And despite the fact that watermelon contains vitamins and microelements in small quantities, they will definitely bring only benefits.

The healing properties of watermelon

Interestingly, not only watermelon pulp can be used as medicine, but also the peels and seeds of this fruit.

Watermelon is good for digestion. It is included in the therapeutic diet for diseases of the cardiovascular system, in case of anemia, and in cases of impaired functioning of the kidneys and excretory tract. Watermelon juice perfectly quenches thirst, which is why it is often recommended for feverish conditions.

Watermelon has a pronounced diuretic and choleretic effect; it also has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, tonic and mild laxative properties.

Speaking about the benefits of watermelon for female beauty and attractiveness, it should be noted that this is a valuable product in the matter of keeping a figure in shape, since watermelon is indicated even for obesity. The value of this product also lies in its careful attitude to the urinary tract and kidneys. Watermelon is a source of fiber, which also promotes digestion and eliminates harmful substances from the body, including “bad” cholesterol.

Watermelon is indicated for people with kidney and liver diseases, hypertension and atherosclerosis, and intestinal dysfunction. The ability of watermelon to rid the body of toxins is considered especially valuable for those who are engaged in hazardous industries or suffers from bad habits, such as alcohol abuse.

How to lose weight with watermelon

Have you heard about watermelon diet? If you are serious and ready to eat exclusively watermelon during the day, then one and a half kilograms of pulp eaten per day will help you get rid of extra pounds. However, to bring the body maximum benefit and not deprive him of valuables nutrients It is better to make such dietary days as fasting days, and not to use them more than 1-2 times a week.

If your goal is to cleanse the intestines and normalize its functioning, then using watermelon rinds, which need to be prepared in a special way, will help. For this purpose, you should thoroughly wash the watermelon using sharp knife peel (scrape) the zest from it, dry it, chop it and store it in a paper bag. You can use the resulting watermelon powder three times a day, before meals, with one teaspoon of the product with clean water.

A decoction of fresh or dried watermelon rinds is used as a diuretic, which can also be drunk half a glass three times a day.

Can watermelon be harmful?

When wanting to buy a watermelon, each of us is faced with the question of choice. Of course, it is clear that a ripe watermelon should be quite large, but a fruit that is too large can contain more than just mass useful substances, but also a large amount of nitrates. Eating such a “nitrate” watermelon can be fraught not only with an upset stomach, but also with vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain, which is especially dangerous for children and the elderly.

It is interesting to know that nitrates themselves are low-toxic substances. However, in the intestine, under the influence of microflora, nitrates become nitrites, and then nitrosamines, toxic substances, causing severe poisoning. The toxic effect of nitrates is based on the fact that they disrupt the ability of the blood to carry oxygen throughout the body and disrupt metabolism in tissues. As a result of poisoning with products containing nitrates, not only serious food poisoning, but also suffocation.

How to recognize watermelon poisoning

Usually, the first signs of watermelon poisoning are observed within an hour after you eat it. A person feels cutting pain in the abdomen, nausea, weakness, pain in the back of the head, vomiting, diarrhea, blue lips, mucous membranes, nails and facial skin. Of course, if you find such signs in yourself, you should immediately call a doctor and induce vomiting while washing the stomach.

How to identify a low-quality watermelon

I would like to immediately remind you that everything is good in moderation, therefore, excluding overeating, try to eat a moderate amount of watermelon as a dessert. It is also important to remember that the watermelon should be thoroughly washed before eating and the cut fruit should be stored only in the refrigerator.

According to research, it was found that the accumulation of nitrates in watermelon occurs unevenly, most of them accumulate under the peel, approximately three centimeters thick in the pulp.

You can test for the nitrate content in a watermelon; to do this, you need to put a piece of pulp into water and carefully examine whether the liquid colors the fruit or not. A high-quality watermelon will make the water cloudy, but will not change its color to red or pink. You can also visually evaluate the pulp of the watermelon; it should not be smooth, grains of sugar should appear on the cut, and the veins of the fruit should ideally be thin and white. You can check a watermelon for ripeness “by force”; if you squeeze it, a ripe watermelon should crack.

It should be understood that the risk of purchasing a “nitrate” watermelon is noticeably reduced at the end of summer, when melons are already ripening in natural conditions, and there is no need to use chemical ripening agents.

By choosing the right watermelon, you can not only increase your immunity and vitality, but also help your body effectively fight stress modern life, improving health. And some studies by American specialists have revealed the ability of watermelon to increase male potency. It turns out that watermelon season is a great time to take care of your health and beauty.