What to bring as a gift from Germany. What cosmetics to bring from Germany

Moscow is one of the most popular destinations in world tourism, so the selection of souvenirs is incredibly large. Everyone who comes to this amazing city will be able to find something special for themselves.


As a rule, most often tourists buy keychains, magnets, postcards - with the symbols of the city, this is due to the inexpensive cost of these souvenirs, as well as their lightness and compactness. Those who want something more can count on the most interesting gifts. Lovers of traditions and customs can choose truly Russian souvenirs - samovar, nesting dolls, boxes, Khokhloma toys and so on. Connoisseurs of beauty and grace will appreciate imperial porcelain tableware. If someone likes something new and non-standard, there is an opportunity to purchase creative products from A. Lebedev’s shop. For book lovers, Moscow is truly a book paradise, where you can buy almost any book you are interested in, including those about the history of the city and the formation of the Russian state.
Buying gifts is a very exciting and at the same time responsible business! Therefore, we are happy to tell you about each of the souvenirs available for sale, as well as give you a tour of the main “souvenir” places in the city.



"The smallest doll in the collection is made first, it is not disassembled"
The main souvenir brand in Russia. This famous Russian doll appeared at the end of the 19th century - during a period when there was intense economic and cultural growth in Russia. Due to the growing interest in Russian art and culture, artistic workshops began to appear for the production of painted items, where special attention was paid to traditional peasant toys. It was in one of these workshops that the idea of ​​creating such an interesting toy as a “matryoshka” was born. This wooden doll was given its name for a reason. the fact is that Matryona at that time was the most common name, the basis of which was the word “mother”. Yes, this is very symbolic, because everyone knows that usually there are several other nesting dolls sitting in one nesting doll.
The first Russian nesting doll is eight-seater, created by the talented master V. Zvezdochkin, according to sketches by the artist S. Milyutin. By the way, the decision to create a multi-seat detachable doll belonged to Milyutin, who was inspired by a Japanese toy he saw from the island of Honshu, brought by the wife of the famous Russian merchant and philanthropist Savva Mamontov.
The subject of the painting, along with chubby peasant girls, can be fairy-tale characters, monuments of ancient Russian architecture, copies of famous paintings, as well as famous politicians, athletes, musicians, and so on. The number of nesting dolls in one set may vary.
In Moscow, along with several other Russian cities, there is a Matryoshka Museum (Leontyevsky Lane, 7, free admission).


“It is known that samovar-like vessels have long been used in China and Iran and were used for preparing hot water.”
A symbol of Russian identity. According to legend, it is believed that the first samovar in Russia appeared during the reign of Peter the Great, who brought it from Holland. However, this is just a guess.
The birthplace of samovars is the city of Tula. It was here that the first samovars began to be produced in 1746. By 1850, 28 factories were operating in Tula, producing 120 thousand samovars per year. The samovar becomes the main attribute of tea drinking. Almost every Russian work mentions this “miracle technique”.
"It was getting dark; on the table, shining,
The evening samovar hissed..."
A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

There are several types of samovars:
- electric;
- coal (wood);
- combined.
Of course, now the electric one is in greatest demand, but in the villages of Russia they still use samovars powered by coals or wood. Like cooking over a fire, tea from a fire samovar is especially tasty and very aromatic.


A famous Russian folk craft, famous throughout the world. For the first time, Khokhloma painting appeared in the 17th century in the Nizhny Novgorod region in a village of the same name “Khokhloma”, which was then a large trading point. Today, the centers of Khokhloma production are the city of Semyonov and the village of Semino.
The peculiarities of such painting are in the beauty of its ornament, varnish coating, and most importantly, in the unique method of painting the wood “golden.” As a rule, the following colors are present in the painting: red, yellow, green, orange, blue and, of course, gold. Wooden spoons, cups, tea sets, saucers, trays, as well as vases, watches, chess and much more are painted. Thanks to their materials and special manufacturing secrets, all products, in addition to their unique beauty, are highly durable.

Pavloposad shawls

One of the most popular gifts - not only due to its beauty, but also practicality. After all, these are mainly woolen scarves - very warm, especially relevant in the Russian winter.
From history: Pavlovo Posad manufactory appeared at the end of the 18th century. Its founder is Ivan Labzin, a peasant from the village of Pavlova (hereinafter referred to as the city of PavloPosad). In the second half of the 19th century, the enterprise became one of the largest in the state, which was awarded the honorary title of supplier to the imperial court.
Today, Pavloposad shawls include about 450 types of shawls, including woolen and half-woolen shawls, silk scarves, wool stoles, and cotton scarves. Their drawings are exclusively original works, consisting of many ornaments and patterns, using several dozen shades of paint.

Dymkovo toy

One of the oldest folk crafts, which dates back more than 400 years. The place where these wonderful toys appeared is the Vyatka settlement of Dymkovo, located in the part of Kirov across the river.
The history of sculpting these clay toys begins with one very cheerful holiday, for which local women sculpted figures of people and animals and painted them in bright colors. Later the holiday was no longer celebrated, but the tradition remained and is still alive.
The most common subjects: rams with golden horns, ladies, young people, nannies with children, buffoons, roosters, turkeys, horses. Each product is an exclusive handmade product.


Traditional folk craft and type of painting that emerged in the 18th century. The word “Gzhel” itself is quite unusual and indicates a closeness to pottery production - “to burn clay.” Yes, this is true, because since ancient times Gzhel (Ramensky district in the Moscow region) was famous for its clay. This fact became decisive in the future fate of this place. Along with the production of bricks and pottery pipes, Gzhel produces pottery and toys, supplying them to Moscow. The pace of development is growing, and by the 19th century, 25 factories producing tableware were formed.
The traditional color of painting on products is deep blue. Today we can see a wide selection of Gzhel products: porcelain sets, vases, plates, spoons, cups, teapots, salad bowls, sugar bowls, ceramic vessels, watches, animal figurines, Easter eggs.

Zhostovo trays

An artistic craft known throughout Russia, dating back to 1825. The birthplace of the trays is the village of Zhostovo (Moscow region). The main design of the painting is garden and wildflowers collected in a bouquet. The main feature of Zhostovo painting is the realism of the image. Most often, the background for painting is black, but there are also green, beige, red, and blue colors. Depending on the purpose, trays can be used as decoration or used for household needs. They come in shape: round, oval, rectangular.


A wonderful gift, especially for women. Mainly, a box is a place where you can put jewelry and precious items! At the same time, this is not only a beautiful accessory, but also a practical element of the interior where you can place various little things. In general, any fashionista will be able to find a worthy use for it. There would be a box, and it would always be possible to fill it.
The choice of boxes is wide: original, plot, Khokhloma, carved. The sizes also come in different sizes: small, medium, large. As a rule, boxes are made of wood. The subjects of the drawing are the symbols of Moscow, heroes of Russian fairy tales, nature, seasons, and so on.

Birch bark

"The materials for production are the top layer of birch bark, which is collected from late May to mid-June"
Decorative and applied art, famous in Russia for its products: birch bark baskets, cups, tea sets, boxes, bread bins, sugar bowls, pepper shakers, napkin holders, as well as souvenirs - bast shoes, magnets, jewelry and much more.
Separately, I would like to say about the artistic panels made from birch bark, known for their beauty and grace thanks to the Russian painter Evgeny Ushakov, the creator of birch bark mosaic paintings.

Vologda lace

"The first lace products appeared in Europe, namely in Italy"
The most interesting of the arts, which appeared at the beginning of the 19th century near the city of Vologda. It is a lace woven on special wooden sticks (bobbins). The main material of lace is linen.
In Russia, the first to start weaving lace were serf peasant women, who created trims for their dresses in the Western European style. This fact served as the beginning of the emergence of the first lace factories in Russia. By the beginning of the 20th century, more than 40 thousand craftswomen were involved in lace making in the Vologda province, supplying all Russian cities with beautiful products.
Lace making has become one of the most developed folk crafts. Today, Vologda factories produce a huge range of products: capes, collars, scarves, tunics, jewelry, gloves, ties, handbags, tablecloths, interior items, bed linen and more.

Faberge eggs

Symbol of wealth and luxury. Some of the most beautiful creations in the world, created by the famous Russian jeweler Carl Faberge. The first piece of jewelry was created in 1885 by order of Emperor Alexander III, which he presented to his wife as an Easter gift. After this, Karl turned into a court jeweler, receiving constant orders for making eggs. It took a whole year to create one such egg, but the result was truly a masterpiece.
Imperial eggs were so popular that Faberge and his company began producing products for private individuals, among whom were A. Kelch, F. Yusupov, the Rothschilds and other equally famous customers.
The eggs were made using gold, silver, precious stones, rare types of wood and even rock crystal. The authenticity of the product was confirmed by a company seal.
In total, 71 original copies of Faberge eggs are known, of which 54 belong to the imperial court. Only 62 have survived to this day, most of which are kept in state museums around the world. Today, similar products are produced as souvenirs - egg boxes, which are very popular among tourists.

Addresses of stores with all the souvenirs listed above:
- Arbat, 51/1. Opening hours: from 10:00 to 22:00, daily.
- Ilyinka, 4, "Gostiny Dvor". Opening hours: from 10:00 to 19:00.
- Arbat, 4/1. Open: from 9:30 to 20:30.
- Pyatnitskaya, 8. Opening hours: from 10:00 to 20:00.
- Myasnitskaya, 17/2. Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 10:00 to 20:00, Saturday and Sunday - from 10:00 to 19:00.
- Maly Palashevsky Lane, 6. The store is open: from 9:30 to 20:00.
- Petrovka, 17. Opening hours: Monday-Saturday from 12:00 to 19:00, Sunday - from 15:00 to 18:00.
- Arbat, 32. Opening hours: from 9:30 to 20:30.
- Lavrushinsky lane, 3/8. Open: from 11:00 to 22:00.
- Arbat, 12. Opening hours: from 9:00 to 22:00.
- Malaya Nikitskaya, 33. Opening hours: from 9:00 to 21:00.
- Dubininskaya, 70. Open: from 9:00 to 21:00.
- Bolshaya Pirogovskaya, 37/43. Opening hours: from 9:00 to 19:00.
- Saratovskaya, 14/1. The store is open: Monday-Friday from 9:00 to 17:00, Saturday and Sunday - days off.
- Sretenka, 26/1. Open: from 10:00 to 21:00.

Hat with ear flaps

Abroad, this headdress is associated specifically with Russia. This is especially noticeable in Hollywood films, when a Russian person appears before us wearing such a hat. Of course, this is a stereotypical image, but nevertheless, the hat with earflaps is truly one of the symbols of the country.
The appearance of such hats in Russia goes back far into history and is associated with the times of the Tatar-Mongol invasion of Rus'. The warriors of the Golden Horde had almost exactly the same hats called “malakhai”. They were made from sheep's wool in the form of a high cap with wide lapels. Also, the appearance of the modern “earflaps” may have been influenced by the hat worn in Kolchak’s army.
Similar headdresses are common in many countries around the world, but our earflap hat is something special! This hat will be an original gift not only for you, but also for your ears.
On sale are both men's and women's hats made of genuine leather and fur, suede, astrakhan, knitted, applique with fur trim and others - in various colors.
- Kovrov Lane, 8/1. Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 11:00 to 18:30, Saturday and Sunday - days off.
- Electric Lane, 12. Opening hours: from 11:00 to 21:00.
- Generala Belov, 43/2. The store is open: Monday-Friday from 11:00 to 20:00, Saturday-Sunday from 11:00 to 20:00.

Imperial porcelain

“The corporate style of porcelain tableware is “cobalt mesh”. Invented by artist Anna Yatskevich”
A well-known Russian brand that began its history in 1744. It was at this time that the imperial porcelain factory was founded in St. Petersburg, which today is one of the oldest and largest in Europe.
Porcelain products are real works of art, each of them is truly unique, has a special sophistication and luxury. The selection of products is incredibly large: tea sets, decorative plates, teapots and coffee pots, tableware, glassware, sculptural compositions, interior items and much more.
The idea of ​​​​creating porcelain belonged to Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, who showed strong interest in it. She entrusted the organization of production to Baron Ivan Cherkasov, who, in turn, entrusted this matter to the famous master Dmitry Vinogradov. The best artists of St. Petersburg and beyond were invited to create and embody the images - one of the invited artists was Kazimir Malevich himself. Thus, by the 20th century, porcelain production had become a real artistic endeavor. Products of imperial porcelain can be seen in the Historical Museum (Red Square, 1).
- Red Square, 3;
- Tverskaya, 27\1;
- Petrovka, 19;
- Kutuzovsky Avenue, 17;
- Pyatnitskaya, 6/1;
- Myasnitskaya, 40A;
- Maroseyka, 4/2;
- Leninsky Prospekt, 36.
Store opening hours are from 10:00 to 22:00, daily.

Souvenirs with Moscow symbols

The selection of souvenirs with views of the capital is simply huge. By visiting the market stalls and kiosks of the city, you will see for yourself. Traditional images are Red Square, the Kremlin with the Moscow River flowing nearby, St. Basil's Cathedral, the Annunciation Cathedral, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Gostiny Dvor, the Arkhangelskoye museum-estate, the Russian flag, coat of arms and so on. They are applied to: keychains, magnets, souvenir plates, spoons, mugs, teapots, T-shirts, baseball caps, notepads, calendars, diaries, souvenir balls, passport covers, playing cards, paintings, boxes, tea, candy, bags, wallets, umbrellas and so on.
- kiosks in underground passages (central metro stations: "Okhotny Ryad", "Teatralnaya", "Kuznetsky Most", "Pushkinskaya", "Tretyakovskaya", "Kitai-Gorod" and others);
- souvenir tents (on the central streets - Red Square, Tverskaya, Manezhnaya Square);
- shops along the entire Arbat street;
- shopping pavilions near the metro exit ("Revolution Square", "Arbatskaya").

Folk musical instruments

Russia has always been and is famous for its folk art, which includes musical instruments. They are not just means of transmitting music, they are used to express feelings. They are closely intertwined with the traditions and customs of the ancient Russian people, performing special sacred functions, participating in certain rituals and ceremonies. Each instrument is unique in its own way, has a unique shape and sound.
The most famous instruments:
- strings - gusli, balalaika, accordion, domra, seven-string guitar, mandolin, dulcimer, jew's harp, kalimba;
- noise - bells, rattle, shepherd's drum, musical spoons, rattle, ruble, firecracker;
- wind instruments - pipe, horn, whistle, bagpipes, flute, pyzhatka.
- Ogorodny proezd, 20, building 1. Opening hours: from 10:00 to 20:00.
- Barclay, 8. Opening hours: from 10:00 to 21:00.
- D. Ulyanova, 24/1. Opening hours: from 10:00 to 21:00.

Book products

Moscow, along with St. Petersburg, represents a whole book world. Any city in Russia would envy such a number of bookstores. Here you can find any book you need. If it is not there, you can place an order. All books in stores are divided into departments: “Painting”, “Fiction”, “Architecture”, “Psychology”, “Medicine”, “Music” and so on.
Of course, there are many books, brochures, gift editions, which tell in detail about the capital, the history of its origin, the main attractions - all this is accompanied by bright, beautiful illustrations. For those who need brief information about the city, there are special reference books, which, in addition to the main text, tell about the infrastructure: entertainment, shopping centers, cafes, restaurants, transport - with addresses, city maps, metro maps.
Large bookstores:
- “Trading house of books “Moscow”, Tverskaya, 8, from 10:00 to 1:00, daily; Vozdvizhenka, 4/7, around the clock;
- "Moscow House of Books", Novy Arbat, 8, weekdays from 9:00 to 23:00, on weekends from 10:00 to 23:00;
- “Biblio-Globus”, Myasnitskaya, 6/3, Monday-Friday from 9:00 to 22:00, Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 to 21:00;
- "Bookbury", Nikitsky Boulevard, 17/1, Monday-Sunday from 8:00 to 00:00;
- “Young Guard”, Bolshaya Polyanka, 28, Monday-Saturday, from 9:00 to 21:00, Sunday from 10:00 to 20:00.


Fans of antiques will be delighted! This city provides you with an excellent opportunity to plunge into the wonderful, limitless world of antiques. Just think how wonderful it is - when purchasing antiques, you automatically touch history, continuing it in interaction with this item.
Believe me, here you can find everything you want. The subject matter of the products offered is very wide and varied - these can be: sculptures (bronze, cast iron, porcelain), graphics and paintings, interior items (lamps, furniture, floor/wall clocks), ancient coins, items of decorative and applied art, jewelry, dishes (samovars, silver spoons, porcelain sets), glassware, antique books and postcards, music players and much more.
- Arbat, 36/2. Opening hours: from 11:00 to 19:00.
- Bolshoi Afanasyevsky Lane. 36. Working hours: Monday-Saturday from 12:00 to 20:00.
- Skatertny Lane, 15. Open: Monday-Friday from 10:00 to 19:00, Saturday from 11:00 to 18:00, Sunday closed.
- Arbat, 9. Open: from 9:00 to 21:30, daily.
- Malaya Bronnaya, 38. Opening hours: from 11:00 to 20:00.
- Taganskaya Square, 86. Open: Tuesday-Friday from 10:00 to 18:30, Saturday from 11:00 to 17:00, Sunday and Monday - days off.
- Myasnitskaya, 13с3. Opening hours: from 11:00 to 19:00, Saturday and Sunday - days off.

Sweet souvenirs

Perhaps one of the most pleasant gifts that every sweet tooth dreams of! In the city you can find a huge number of shops with delicious confectionery products. After all, this is where the most famous factories in the country are located: “Red October”, “Rot Front”, “Udarnitsa”, “Korkunov”, “Babaevsky”, which produce chocolates, chocolate, marshmallows, marmalade and much more. A traditional delicacy is Bird's Milk cake. We bring to your attention a list of souvenirs that are most popular among tourists:
- chocolate "Alenka";
- marshmallows in chocolate, Charmel pastille;
- chocolates, dragees, Rot Front halva;
- cranberries in powdered sugar from the Udarnitsa factory;
- Tula gingerbread;
- sets of Korkunov chocolates;
- candies "Karakum", "Cancer necks", chocolate "Alenka" - from the factory "Red October";
- Belevskaya marshmallow;
- "Golden Step" candies, chocolate bars "Masha and the Bear" (factory "Slavyanka");
- chocolate candies "Inspiration", "Mishka" ("Babaevsky");
- grilled meat in chocolate;
- assorted chocolate from "Konfael".
Brand stores:
- “Rot Front”, 2nd Novokuznetsky Lane, 13/15, weekdays from 8:30 to 17:00;
- "Red October", Bersenevskaya embankment, Povarskaya, 29/36, Monday-Saturday from 10:00 to 21:00, Sunday - from 10:00 to 18:00;
- "Babaevsky", Malaya Krasnoselskaya, 7, on weekdays from 8:00 to 20:00;
- “Udarnitsa”, Mytninskaya, 40, Monday-Friday from 8:00 to 17:00, Saturday and Sunday - days off;
- “Slavyanka”, Komsomolskaya Square, 3; Izmailovsky Boulevard, 47; Planernaya, 7; Paveletskaya Square, 1. Opening hours: from 9:00 to 21:00.
- “Tula Gingerbread”, Mozhaisky Val, 1, from 9:00 to 21:00 Monday - Saturday, from 9:00 to 19:00 Sunday;
- "Confael", Andropov Avenue, 8, from 10:00 to 22:00, daily.


Moscow has a large selection of creative souvenirs designed for lovers of something new, unusual and at the same time modern. It can be anything - from a custom T-shirt to food - the main thing is that such a gift can become truly memorable.

Chocolate from "Konfael"

The most famous brand of premium chocolate souvenirs made from delicious Belgian chocolate. "Konfael" offers you more than 5 thousand types of products, including exclusive handmade products. The company is also pleased to offer you chocolates for a specific occasion: birthday, New Year, wedding, graduation party, and so on. We accept orders for the production of individual and corporate gifts. As you can see, the choice is huge: chocolate paintings, sculptures, books, postcards, medals, cosmetics, handbags, fountains.
- New Arbat, 11. Opening hours: Monday - Friday from 10:00 to 22:00, Saturday and Sunday - from 11:00 to 21:00.
- Nikitsky Boulevard, 12. Opening hours: weekdays from 10:00 to 22:00, Saturday from 11:00 to 21:00, Sunday from 11:00 to 20:00.
- Kutuzovsky Avenue, 33. The store is open from 10:00 to 22:00 on weekdays, from 11:00 to 20:00 on Saturday and Sunday.
- Lomonosovsky Avenue, 29/1. Open: from 10:00 to 20:00, daily.

Artemy Lebedev studio shop

She is famous throughout the country for her creative gifts, each of which is unique in its own way, distinguished by its special form and content. When you enter the store, you will understand that our world is much more interesting and diverse than it seems. The products of A. Lebedev's studio are a completely new approach to product design.
Microfiber Metropolitanus: a napkin made of a special material - microfiber, used for surfaces that require careful care (for glasses, lenses, glasses).
Postcards about Moscow: a set of 12 postcards depicting unusual views of the capital.
T-shirts, mugs, bags with Moscow logos: the inscription and badges indicate belonging to the city and a special love for it.
In addition to gifts with symbols, you can buy a lot of interesting things in the store: various books, toys, posters, paintings, stationery, interior items, dishes, clothes, accessories, as well as food and sweets.
- Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 35. Every day from 8:30 to 23:00;
- Bankovsky Lane, 5. from 9:00 to 23:00, daily.

"Heart of Moscow"

The country's main souvenir brand, whose products are imbued with endless love for their city (the famous "I Love Moscow" logo). The goal of the project is to tell about the features of Moscow, its rich historical past and incredible beauty. Most of the products are dominated by the company's corporate style - red and white ornament. "Heart of Moscow" shows us Moscow from a completely different perspective.
Store collection: postcards, magnets, badges, clothes, bags, stationery, model cars and more.
- Red Square, 2. Monday-Sunday from 11:00 to 17:00;
- New Arbat, 19. From 10:00 to 22:00, daily;
- Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 15. Monday-Saturday from 10:00 to 22:00, Sunday from 11:00 to 22:00;
- Petrovka, 25. Monday-Wednesday from 12:00 to 20:00, Thursday from 13:00 to 21:00, Friday-Sunday from 12:00 to 20:00;
- Okhotny Ryad, 2. Monday-Sunday from 10:00 to 22:00.


Another brand of Moscow souvenirs that reflect the culture and character of the city. Russian designers participated in the creation of souvenir collections, together with the Department of Culture. Each product corresponds to a specific theme: “Old Moscow”, “Russian patterns”, “Garden Ring”, “St. Basil’s Cathedral”, “City Parks”. The company's products are designed for both adults and children: original magnets, mugs, plates, badges, Christmas tree toys, stationery (diaries, notepads), clothing (T-shirts with streets and landmarks and even city traffic jams), accessories (decorations, scarves, umbrellas, phone cases and more - with images of famous cultural and historical monuments, parks, houses, symbols of the city), for children - T-shirts, construction sets, notebooks, badges.
- Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 5/1 (in the Planetarium building). Opening hours: from 10:00 to 21:00, every day except Tuesday.
- Zubovsky Boulevard, 2/7 (in the building of the Museum of Moscow). Opening hours: all days except Thursday from 10:00 to 20:00, Thursday from 11:00 to 21:00.

Vintage items

If you are a collector, or you just want to buy something special, exclusive, we suggest you go to flea markets and specialized fairs in Moscow, where you can find antiques, old books, knives, accessories, unusual clothes and shoes from the 60-70s. XX years, retro equipment (gramophones with records, or record players, telephone sets from the times of the USSR), kerosene lamps and much more. Yes, you definitely won’t find this in stores!

Flea markets in the city
Market in Izmailovsky Vernissage
Metro “Partizanskaya”, Izmailovskoe highway, 73Zh, from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Sunday.

The main fair of antiques, where you can find antique leather, fur, wood, buy stylish vintage clothes, bags, wallets, hats, retro furniture, electronics and much more. You can also just take a walk here, diversifying your holiday by getting to know the most interesting objects of past years.
You can get there by bus No. 873 from the Skhodnenskaya metro station to the Vereskino stop or by train from the Leningradsky station (Komsomolskaya metro station).

The most popular market due to the wide variety of products and relatively low prices. They sell literally everything here - from 20th-century samovars to banana jeans and so on. At the same time, you will be very pleased with the prices.
Tishinskaya Square, 1, from 10:00 to 21:00, daily.

The market sells various vintage items, but not in large quantities. But several times a season fairs are held here, where the range of goods is very wide.
Market on Shkolnaya
Located between the Ploshchad Ilyicha and Rimskaya metro stations, it is open from 10:00 to 17:00 on the first and third Saturday of the month.

A place where exclusively pensioners trade (city government project). Visitors will be able to purchase the most interesting retro items: books, dishes, records.
Flea market next to Preobrazhensky market
Preobrazhensky Val, 17, from 8:00 to 19:00, daily.

Not a very large market, but here you can successfully find some rare thing, such as a phonograph, an antique watch, or paintings.

Products of football clubs

If you are a football fan, or better yet, a fan of one of the Russian football clubs, then first of all we go to their branded stores, where in addition to souvenirs, you can buy sports uniforms, accessories, dishes, household items - with the symbols of the club. Also on sale are gifts for children (T-shirts, scarves, baseball caps) and VIP souvenirs (soccer ball with team autographs, badges, various sculptural compositions, figurines, emblems, and so on).
Souvenirs: masks with players' faces, badges, magnets, keychains, balls, bracelets, souvenir playing cards, stationery (notepads, pens, calendars), books, postcards, stickers.
Clothing: T-shirts, jackets, vests, sweatshirts, T-shirts, polos, shorts.
Accessories: scarves, baseball caps, hats, wrist and wall clocks, alarm clocks, bags, backpacks, umbrellas.
Leather goods: wallets, purses, key holders, money clips, bags, passport covers, women's cosmetic bags, cases.
Dishes: mugs, glasses, decanters, water flasks.
For the home: towels, bed linen, pillows, bathrobes, slippers, blankets, hygiene products.
Champions League symbols: T-shirts, baseball caps, pens, magnets, keychains, badges, hats, gloves, backpacks.
Addresses of FC "Spartak" stores:
- Komsomolskaya square, 2, from 10:00 to 21:00 daily;
- st. Krasnaya Presnya, 21. The store is open every day, seven days a week, from 10:00 to 21:00.
- Volokolamskoye sh., 69, Otkritie Arena stadium, merchandise store at the Spartak FC museum, daily 10:00-20:00.
Addresses of FC "CSK" stores:
- Zemlyanoy Val, 8, Monday-Sunday from 10:00 to 21:00;
- Leningradsky Prospekt, 37B, from 10:00 to 20:00, daily;

Thus, having familiarized yourself with most of the popular gifts that you can bring from our beautiful capital, you already have a good idea of ​​what exactly you can give to your surroundings - relatives, friends, colleagues at work. Then, as they say, the choice is yours!
Happy shopping and good mood!

Moscow is an amazing city with interesting sights at almost every step. People come here from all over the country, and for foreigners a trip to mysterious Moscow turns into an incredible adventure. What can you bring from the Russian capital besides vivid impressions and a bunch of photographs? The choice is very large!

Perfume “Red Moscow”

For men, of course, the main question arises - what to bring to their wife from Moscow. A gift in retro style will be a bottle of “Red Moscow” perfume, which at one time was a real brand. This fragrance with floral, orange and jasmine notes dates back to 1925 and is known far beyond the capital. Most likely, such a gift will not be used for its intended purpose, but as a souvenir it will look excellent.

Zhostovo trays

A tray with Zhostovo painting would be a great gift. This craft originated in the 19th century in the Moscow region and became famous throughout the world. Once upon a time, craftsmen from Zhostovo painted a variety of objects with their amazing patterns, but recently they have been producing only tin trays for tourists. The ways of using them can be very different - from direct purposes to decorating premises in the Provence style. You can purchase trays in classic rectangular shapes, oval or octagonal models.

Cosmetics from the Rassvet factory

When looking for gifts of exceptional metropolitan origin, you should pay attention to the products of the Rassvet cosmetics factory, which are almost impossible to find in other cities. The factory has existed since 1876 and produces face and body skin care products, cosmetics for men and children, as well as products for problem skin and sun protection. Gift sets can also be purchased.


The best gift for women will be beautiful scarves, which are sold in shops and souvenir shops in Moscow. You can choose from traditional Russian scarves with patterns, fringes, knitted and others.

Pavlovo Posad

The famous Pavlovsky Posad shawls have been produced in the town of Pavlovsky Posad near Moscow at the shawl manufactory for more than a hundred years. The unique design of these scarves amazes with the highest quality of workmanship and brightness of colors and has several dozen different shades. It is no coincidence that many famous fashion designers around the world try to include Pavlovo Posad scarves in their collections and draw inspiration from them.


Orenburg shawls are one of the brightest symbols of Russia, immortalized in songs. This is a great gift that will appeal to beautiful ladies and fans of Russian culture. An Orenburg down scarf is a piece of home warmth and comfort.


In the Russian capital there are several confectionery factories that produce delicious sweets. Moscow enterprises are widely known, and in many cities of Russia you can find candies produced by the Babaevskaya factory, the Red October and Rot Front factories.


The list of traditional souvenirs from Moscow includes many items: keychains and postcards with views of the city, samovars, painted boxes, toys and much more. For connoisseurs of beauty, elegant porcelain dishes or original products from Artemy Lebedev’s designer shop are of great interest.

And, of course, Moscow is a real paradise for book lovers, where you can buy almost any book, including rare ones.

With teddy bear Misha

A nice gift for both children and adults will be souvenirs with the image of the Olympic bear cub Misha, who went down in history as a symbol of the 1980 Summer Olympics. For three decades now it has not lost popularity; the image of the Olympic bear can be found on clothes, mugs, and magnets. If you're lucky, you can even find a Misha figurine in souvenir shops, released back in 1980.

With Khokhloma painting

Souvenirs with Khokhloma painting will decorate any space; this luxurious ornament is famous far beyond the borders of Russia. Unique lacquer coating and gold coloring decorate dishes, spoons, boxes, trays, vases and many other items. The technology, proven over centuries, is so reliable that even during operation the products do not lose their unique beauty.

Matryoshka dolls

How can you leave Moscow without matryoshka dolls, which are especially popular among foreigners. Classic original nesting dolls are presented on the shelves of souvenir shops in large quantities, and recently it has become fashionable to put portraits of world famous personalities and politicians on them. Some craftsmen are engaged in the production of completely exclusive nesting dolls that cannot be repeated.

Tin soldiers

Collectible tin soldiers are the best thing you can bring to a child from Moscow. Among Moscow gifts, they are among the most popular, and will delight both children and adult fans of military-historical miniatures.

Palekh boxes

The unique and amazingly elegant art of Palekh lacquer miniatures combines elements of ancient Russian art and folk art. Bright painted boxes that fit perfectly into any interior will be a great gift for both foreigners and Russians. Palekh artists even today use in their work ancient methods of preparing paints, preserved from the distant times of Ancient Rus' and the Byzantine Empire.

Tyrolean pies

When talking about Moscow sweets, it is impossible not to mention the famous Tyrolean pies. Incredibly tasty, made from the most delicate sponge cake with fruit and berry filling, they are produced at the small Krug confectionery factory. The only difficulty is the delivery of such a souvenir, since it will hardly survive a flight to the other end of the country, but will easily reach the regions neighboring Moscow.

Jewelry from the Moscow Jewelry Factory

The Moscow Jewelry Factory is one of the oldest jewelry factories in our country, and is also a leader in the production of diamond jewelry. The company produces jewelry from precious metals inlaid with natural stones. As a gift to your loved ones, you can buy rings, earrings, pendants, watches or bracelets with emeralds, rubies, diamonds, sapphires. Pearl lovers will also find jewelry to suit their taste.


The earflap hat has long been firmly established in the consciousness of many people as one of the symbols of Russia. Despite the fact that similar headdresses exist in many countries, Russian earflaps are still distinguished by some originality. The gift may seem banal, but in the cold season your ears will thank you for your care. In Moscow you can buy men's and women's earflaps made from a variety of materials: leather, fur, astrakhan fur, wool. They come with trimmings, embroidery, appliqué and a variety of colors.


Among other capital crafts and craft souvenirs, it is impossible not to recall the dishes produced by the Gzhel Porcelain Factory. It has existed for almost four centuries and produces ceramic tableware with beautiful blue-and-white flowers and floral patterns that are familiar to every Russian. Porcelain dishes from the factory in Dulevo are not inferior to Gzhel in beauty. This largest enterprise in Russia has existed for more than a century and a half and produces porcelain of the highest quality.

When traveling around Germany, be sure to plan a budget for souvenirs for your family and friends. After all, from this strange country you can bring a huge number of interesting and not trivial gifts. Which ones? Now we will tell you about it.

Even typical souvenirs associated with history and bearing the imprint of the place of origin turn out to be very suitable for modern life, be it a bottle of local wine, a porcelain figurine or a bottle of fragrance from an old factory.

Typical gifts from Germany

Most often, beer mugs are brought from Germany. It’s hard to call such things ordinary tableware: some examples are very impressive ceramic products, richly decorated with three-dimensional patterns and paintings. These mugs are more often used for interior decoration than for drinking beer. Initial cost – from?5.

After Oktoberfest, many people bring elements of the national Bavarian wardrobe from Munich: hats with feathers, shorts with suspenders, and even entire suits. In general, in the cities of Bavaria such things are sold all year round. You can buy a traditional Bavarian costume in souvenir shops, shopping centers and even in a C&A store.

November and December are the most colorful months in Germany. At this time, Christmas markets are held, where you can not only have a good rest, try freshly brewed beer and hearty German cuisine, but also buy incomparable souvenirs. It is impossible to calmly pass by counters with handcrafted Christmas tree decorations. Such souvenirs will become not just beautiful decorations, but also a pleasant reminder of the magical pre-Christmas atmosphere of old Europe.

Tableware made from real Meissen porcelain is something that is pleasant to bring from Germany and is not a shame to give as a gift. Seeing such beauty makes you want to buy the entire counter. The only sobering thing is the high prices, which not everyone can afford.

Good to know! You can buy souvenirs both in specialized shops and in shopping centers. Naturally, supermarkets are the cheapest place to buy. The most interesting things are usually found at street holiday fairs.

What cosmetics to bring from Germany

A trip to Germany is also a long-awaited chance to finally buy real German cosmetics. First of all, girls rush to departments with natural products from Lavera, Weleda, Logona, Dr. Haushka and other factories less known to our consumers. In Germany, eco-cosmetics are usually sold in pharmacies, but can also be found in branches of the Douglas chain.

Any supermarket like Aldi, Rewe or DM sells good and very inexpensive German brands Alverde and Balea. Fashionistas will especially be pleased with the range of the Essence brand: this manufacturer unconditionally breaks sales records thanks to its amazingly low prices and remarkable product characteristics.

By the way, even an ordinary mass market product purchased in Germany is radically different from similar goods sold here. And this is far from self-hypnosis. Buyers have noticed that the care properties of original products are an order of magnitude higher than those of analogues exported to our stores.

Another fact in favor of buying cosmetics in Germany, in addition to the undeniably high quality, will be affordable prices. Even luxury goods are 25-30% cheaper here.

We should also talk about perfumes. For example, in Douglas the range of scents is unusually wide. Here you can find both popular brands and products from the niche segment. Needless to say, most of the new products are in stock. This variety will especially please those who are not residents of the capital, since many of our brands can be found only in some large cities.

Buying perfume in Germany is one of the most exciting activities for a girl. And the famous cologne from Cologne Kölnwasser has every right to be called a real souvenir.

If you happen to visit this city, you should definitely pay attention to the sets from the factories “4711” and “Farina 1709”. Such things may not be cheap (from £4 for a tiny sample), but they are great as a gift.

What to bring a girl from Germany

Girls, as a rule, buy something beautiful or something tasty and sweet. The first group of gifts can easily include jewelry. In Germany, purchases of this kind are very justified; the savings are noticeable, up to a quarter of the cost, not counting taxes free. Not everyone has the opportunity to buy an Omega watch or a Chopard necklace as a souvenir.

But almost everyone can buy an interesting thing from Pandora or Swarovski, especially since there are departments of these brands in almost every major German city (Berlin, Munich, Dusseldorf, Cologne, Dresden, Hannover, etc.) You can see the exact addresses of Pandora stores on the official site.

Buying Swarovski products in Germany will also be a very good decision: for some reason in this country the prices for such jewelry are even lower than in the Czech Republic. It is especially profitable to purchase Swarovski in Dresden. Pandora and Swarovski stores are found in the form of independent boutiques or departments in shopping centers.

Let's celebrate! Elite jewelry, however, as well as more serious things, can be found without much difficulty in any branch of the Christ jewelry chain. It is also worth purchasing branded chronometers there without the risk of running into an expensive fake.

What tasty things to bring from a trip to Germany

Many people bring chocolate and sweets with marzipan as a cute and non-binding souvenir. The quality of German chocolate is legendary, and mouth-watering sets of chocolates and gift shaped delicacies leave no chance for wallets.

From Germany they bring both the familiar Ritter tiles (in the branded confectionery in Berlin you can even create an exclusive tile for yourself), as well as hand-made piece products. The most successful purchase will be candies with marzipan - tasty, colorful and inexpensive. Bars of the traditional German sweet delicacy can be bought in any supermarket for prices ranging from just £1.

Local wine is often brought from cities on the Rhine coast (for example, from Cologne or Dresden). Such a purchase is completely justified: these drinks constantly receive very high ratings, and the prices are quite reasonable, from £4-5 per bottle.

Note! Also in Germany, the herbal medicinal liqueur Jägermeister is sold everywhere. In general, people here treat this type of alcoholic beverages very respectfully. For example, Dusseldorf also produces a similar drink called Killepitsch. These tinctures are quite strong and are usually consumed with tea. Estimated cost: £5.

The Germans are a people known for their passion for good beer. And if you consider that almost every city is famous for its original variety of this drink, then a few bottles for friends can be considered souvenirs from Germany. So, in Cologne they buy Kölsch, in Hamburg - Astra, in all others - Spaten, Augustiner, etc. It's worth trying at least for comparison.

German sausages just beg to be paired with beer. Specially packaged products are quite suitable for transportation in luggage. What could be more traditional than this typically German treat?

No less common purchases among tourists are jars of mustard. Beautifully designed sets with the most incredible tastes are sold in any city. It is most profitable to buy mustard in supermarkets. The smallest package costs approximately?1.

If you are lucky enough to visit Germany during the Christmas events in November-December, then it would be a shame not to bring back a few festive gingerbread cookies intricately decorated with icing and ribbons. Such delicacies are not very suitable as a snack for tea, but as typical souvenirs from Germany they are very suitable. These gingerbread cookies are more of a decoration than a treat.

By the way, more modest options from the supermarket are much tastier and cheaper, they can be used for their intended purpose.

Original souvenirs

The most sophisticated tourists usually head to non-tourist areas in search of antique shops and flea markets. This is where you can find a truly exclusive souvenir. After all, street fairs sell not only unnecessary used items and unusable junk.

Sometimes you come across some worthwhile items here: porcelain, jewelry, rare publications, rare records, artistic forging. Sometimes even the owners themselves have no idea about the true value of an item, giving it away for next to nothing.

ABOUT Let's celebrate! At the markets you can also buy handmade goods: household items, crafts, cute souvenirs and interior items. In such places, local artists and designers often offer their creations. Visiting art galleries is no less exciting.

Souvenirs for children from Germany

Hand-painted wooden crafts make wonderful gifts from Germany for children. Such products do not at all look like faceless, boring toys, as it might seem at first. There are simply cute doll figures and very complex mechanisms. It turns out that the appearance of the familiar Nutcracker can be very diverse and unexpected.

Children who are old enough can also buy the famous German doll with a porcelain face. Such things are not cheap and require extremely careful handling. But such a gift will be an excellent decoration for a girl’s room.

More predictable and modern toys can be found in the ToysЯUs chain stores. The most complete and new collections of Lego, Barbie, Playmobil and other famous brands are sold there. This is the most profitable store for such purchases. There is a branch in almost every German city.

Note! Obviously, you can buy souvenirs in Germany in any, even the most unexpected place. Therefore, you should not limit yourself to the standard “plate-magnet” set, but ask what a particular city is famous for, be it Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Cologne or Nuremberg.

In each place there are several gift options that can delight friends and family.

When a loved one goes on a business trip, you want to give him a pleasant surprise. It is necessary to clearly mark this temporary separation, so that it is remembered for the entire trip. How to do it?

You need to arrange a romantic evening, the more colorful and unexpected it is, the better. The evening should end. Find out further how to arrange all this and what could serve as a gift.


A romantic evening is the first thing you need to take care of. First you need to prepare the apartment - create the atmosphere. Romantic music and dim lighting will help with this. Afterwards, create a menu, if you are confident in your abilities, then do it yourself.

Food from the hands of a beloved woman is the best gift for her husband. But, in any case, he will not know who cooked, so you can safely order dishes in a restaurant (only in a trusted place).

Another important factor is your appearance. You must be truly flawless. Visit a beauty salon the day before and perfect every part of your body.

When everything is ready, think about clothes. In addition to a dress and stilettos, you need to buy beautiful lingerie. For example, a corset. It’s best to stick to classic black or red – these are win-win options.

Do you want to make the evening a little more fun and mysterious? Then arrange it. Let your gift not just be presented at dinner, but hidden in a secret place.

Draw a small map. Let every answer to the riddle bring your husband closer to a long-awaited surprise.

Choosing a present

What can serve as a gift to your loved one? Yes, anything, the main thing is that it is not a present - a joke or a massive thing that he cannot take with him. Let's consider the possible options:

  • heated. A great thing, with its help your husband will always have a warm drink at hand. Here are great options for such a gift:
  • Sweater (if the trip is planned during the cold season). His warmth will remind your husband of your care;
  • Book. During breaks between work, it is always nice to read an interesting book;
  • . So that your favorite music makes the trip more fun;
  • . Photos of family are always pleasing to the eye, especially when away from home.

If your dad or brother is going on a business trip, then give him a mini-TV for the car.
Instead of the latter, you can buy a tablet.

If you have settled on technology, then remember that you cannot save money here; a cheap option may be short-lived, inconvenient to use, or have poor screen quality.

Men, in turn, should think about what gift to bring to their wife from a business trip. After all, a long separation should end in pleasant surprises. Let's consider a few ideas:

  • Decorations. This can be either jewelry or regular jewelry. The main thing is that it has an interesting spring appearance;
  • Accessories. Wallets, bags, clutches and everything like that will please your wife, because girls believe that there are never too many such things;
  • . If you are traveling abroad or just to a resort town in your country, be sure to buy your wife a few souvenirs.

Well, and, of course, don’t forget to run into a flower kiosk before going to your wife. There, choose a large bouquet of flowers, ideally her favorite ones, and if they are not available, then meter-long roses will always do.

You don’t have to buy a postcard, it’s better to say everything yourself, it will be much nicer and more romantic. After arrival, arrange a mini vacation for yourself and your beloved; you can go to the sea or to nature for a few days.

In addition to a gift for your loved one, do not forget to bring small souvenirs for friends from your business trip, especially if you were in a resort town. Never forget about your loved ones, even if you are thousands of kilometers from home.

The natural desire to bring souvenirs from a trip abroad for friends and relatives receives a powerful impetus. The tourism business here is on a grand scale, and the making of souvenirs is an essential part of it. The Germans are trying not only to sell ordinary small things, but also to invent souvenirs in local national traditions, bearing the imprint of the area, history and folk character.

For example, beer mugs are a thing typical for many regions of Germany. You can buy an ordinary beer mug, from which it will be pleasant to drink beer at home, or you can buy a souvenir option. Such an artistic mug, usually ceramic, heavy, decorated with three-dimensional elements and paintings, is rather regarded as a decorative element - put on a shelf and admired every day. They cost from 5 euros.

After participating in the Oktoberfest festivities in Munich, tourists start buying Bavarian-style souvenirs: entire costumes or individual elements, such as shorts with suspenders or hats with feathers. All this is sold in souvenir shops, shopping centers, stores, including inexpensive C&A.

The most colorful months in Germany are November and December, when fairs, Christmas markets, festivities and all sorts of entertainment events are held everywhere. Tourists visit them with enthusiasm, try freshly brewed beer and eat it with incomparable fried sausages. Here, on numerous counters, tempting souvenirs, often designed by the author, are laid out for tourists. This applies to handmade Christmas tree decorations, they are simply magically beautiful and graceful. They can well be used as gifts, non-standard and causing joyful surprise.

You can buy souvenirs anywhere, but after analyzing the prices, it is firmly established that buying souvenirs and gift products will cost less if you do it in supermarkets. But the most interesting examples of souvenirs are still found at fairs.

If we talk about gifts more seriously, then this is, first of all, . This is truly a wonderful gift, and the only thing that keeps you from being tempted to buy more porcelain items is their high price.

What cosmetics to bring from Germany

Women use a trip to Germany as a good opportunity to get acquainted with truly high-quality cosmetics. There are different types of natural cosmetics: from Logona, Dr. Haushka, Lavera, Weleda, as well as many local manufacturers who have not received international promotion, but are quite reputable at home. Fans of eco-cosmetics should visit pharmacies and check out the Douglas chain stores.

Brands such as Balea or Alverde are inexpensive and good quality and are sold in DM, Aldi, Rewe and the like supermarkets. And the Essence brand has recently become extremely popular, combining excellent product quality with incredibly low prices.

Our customers are happy to buy cosmetic products for the mass market, without doubting their excellent quality. The same names that flash on the shelves of our stores are for some reason not comparable in quality to those purchased in Germany.

All this variety of cosmetic products is accompanied by the pleasant fact of low prices, so even luxury products are 25-30% cheaper if bought in German stores.

About perfumery. It’s even more worth buying here, if only because of the breadth of assortment, which we don’t have even close to. And new products appear in Germany immediately, but they may not reach us, especially in provincial cities. And here you can buy a popular brand of perfume or eau de toilette, and cologne from Cologne Kölnwasser, and you can join in the delights of niche fragrances. By the way, if you are, pay attention to the perfume sets from “Farina 1709” and “4711”, although they are not cheap, from 4 euros for a miniature sample. But it is impossible to overestimate the importance of such a gift, especially for those who really understand such things.

What to bring a girl from Germany

What are they bringing to the girls? Something intricate, always beautiful and preferably tasty - all girls love sweets. But a chocolate bar is a nice addition, but you need to give something substantial, from the category of “a girl’s best friend.” Moreover, it is more economical to buy jewelry in Germany than at home. The savings can amount to about ¼ of the cost of the gift, and this does not take into account taxes free. If you can't afford a necklace from Chopard or a watch from Omega, then you can limit yourself to Swarovski jewelry or buying an elegant souvenir from Pandora. Their branches and stores are in all tourist cities of Germany - Cologne, Dresden, Munich, Dusseldorf, Hannover and, of course, Berlin. You can, after all, go to the Pandora website and see all the details of store locations and product availability.

What tasty things to bring from a trip to Germany

We have already mentioned chocolate, especially since German chocolate has long been famous for its quality. This can be the famous Ritter sport, which can also be brought in a specially ordered configuration; this service is offered in the company’s confectionery. You can buy one of the many individual chocolate products, or marzipan candies, which are inexpensive and tasty. These bars are sold in supermarkets for about 1 euro. There are also various sets of chocolate figurines and sweets on the shelves, so there will be no difficulties with sweet treats.

This also includes gingerbread, which in Germany is no less popular than marzipan and sweets. There is only one caveat: if you want to buy gingerbread for tea, then you need to buy ordinary ones in supermarkets, without any fancy, they are the most delicious. And elegant ones, decorated with ribbons, icing and inscriptions, are a souvenir option that has a secondary relationship with the treat. But as a gift or a festive, purely German souvenir, it is perfect.

The wine is brought from Cologne or, that’s where you need to buy Rhine wines. They are constantly highly certified, and the cost of a bottle does not exceed 4-5 euros.

Alcohol products in Germany are also represented by herbal liqueurs, such as Killepitsch, which is produced in, or the medicinal herbal liqueur Jägermeister. The Germans like to add such drinks of sufficient strength to tea. The approximate cost of a bottle is from 5 euros.

And beer is the main thing that German residents are addicted to. They love it so much that every city has its own brand of beer. this is “Astra”, in Cologne - “Kolsch”, in other cities - “Augustiner”, “Spaten” and others. You can buy a bottle of local beer in each city, and as a result you will be able to bring home a whole collection, which you can then drink with friends, comparing one type of beer with another.

To accompany the beer, you should also bring several special packages of German sausages, intended for long-term storage and transportation.

And complete perfection - German mustard in beautifully designed jars, collected in various sets. The flavors of this mustard are the most unexpected, and such sets are sold everywhere. They are cheapest in supermarkets, and there is a good selection there. This German mustard is inexpensive, ranging from less than one euro for the smallest package.

Original souvenirs

Connoisseurs look for the most original souvenirs at flea markets and in antique shops and shops. Where else can you look for something exclusive if not in such non-standard places. True, you have to search among all sorts of old stuff and rubbish, but researchers are incredibly happy if, among all this junk, they suddenly discover an old piece of jewelry, or a valuable porcelain trinket, or a piece of artistic forging, or a rare publication. After all, it happens that the owner, not feeling the value of a thing, sells it for next to nothing. In addition to antiques, such markets often offer handmade items, brand new ones, produced for sale. These can be interior items, souvenirs and interesting crafts. You can often see local designers or artists exhibiting their work in such places. You should also go to art galleries for artistic objects; lovers of modern art do not forget about them.

Souvenirs for children from Germany

Here, in German stores for children, you can see a large selection of wooden toys, which may be unexpected for our tourist. Interesting hand-painted crafts can be of varying degrees of complexity and are quite functional. Such things are wonderful gifts for children. They somehow immediately understand how to play with them. These can be simple figurine dolls or complex mechanisms. The same Nutcracker, it turns out, can have a variety of guises.

For older girls, you can buy a famous German doll with a charming porcelain face. It is quite expensive, and the doll is more of a piece of furniture than a toy, but for older girls it will be a wonderful gift. At this age, a girl already appreciates beauty, knows how to take care of expensive things, and she will be pleased to see such an exquisite thing in her room.
Regular toys are bought in the ToysRUs chain of stores, which offer Barbie, Playmobil, new collections of Lego construction sets and other well-known brands. There are branches of such a network everywhere, and it is recommended to buy toys here not only because of the good assortment, but also because of the reasonable prices.

After such a review, it becomes clear that when buying souvenirs you should not immediately overstock with magnets and key rings. In Germany there are quite a few products that are specific to it, which perfectly fit the definition of a souvenir or gift. You just need to look around more carefully and take an interest in the traditions and characteristics of the city in which you find yourself. You will find many things that will suit both you as a buyer and your friends to whom they are addressed. Everyone will be pleased with the gifts, be it a bottle of fragrance from a famous factory, or a bottle of local wine, or a porcelain figurine.