It’s hard in my heart what to do. I feel bad, how can I help myself? Video: When you're sad

We are all exposed to a lot of stress every day - this is especially true for residents of megacities, whose lifestyle is so fast that it is difficult for them to keep track of everything. Work, household chores, and everyday routine often lead to the fact that a person simply cannot rest properly.

Sometimes it even happens that, having come home from work as exhausted as a lemon, some people cannot sleep, despite being extremely tired. All this is a consequence of our lifestyle, which leads to a number of stresses and, ultimately, to insomnia. Sleep disturbances are very common nowadays, and in especially severe cases, even the intervention of doctors is required.

What can help if you can't sleep?

However, before you bring yourself to such a state, you can try to use the advice of psychologists who have helped more than one person restore normal sleep. These are the tips:

1 . Don't read or watch TV before bed. If a book or program is interesting and encourages you to think, then your brain will not be able to calm down for a long time, preventing you from falling asleep. If you suffer from chronic insomnia, then watching TV and reading before bed are generally contraindicated.

2. Go to bed not when it seems like it’s time to sleep, but when you feel like it. What's the point of going to bed at 9 pm if you'll still be tossing and turning until 12?

3. Try not to do anything particularly active in the second half of the evening. In general, try not to think about problems or plan activities for tomorrow before going to bed. Try to do all this an hour and a half before going to bed.

4. Some doctors, especially Eastern ones, recommend performing breathing exercises to help you relax.

5. Your bed is there for you to sleep in, not for you to roll around unable to fall asleep. If sleep doesn’t come after 15-20 minutes and you don’t feel like sleeping, get up and do relaxation auto-training or just find an activity that helps you relax.

6. It is better to keep your bedroom cool, and be sure to ventilate it before going to bed.

7. Don't count sheep or elephants or anything else while trying to fall asleep. Counting stimulates activity in certain areas of the brain, making it even more difficult to fall asleep.

8. It's not worth studying physical activity just before bed. It is advisable to finish everything training exercises 3 hours before going to bed.

9. Don't overeat, and in general, last appointment food should be 2-3 hours before bedtime.

10. Don't take naps during the day.

11. If you wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall asleep, don't force yourself - get up and do something else, and when you feel sleepy, go back to bed.

Painful insomnia, which forces a person to toss and turn all night and wake up in the morning exhausted and not at all rested, is a problem familiar to very, very many. It’s even more annoying when you need to sleep during the day, but you can’t, or when a tired person after a work shift feels that he needs healing rest, but sleep doesn’t come to him. However, it is possible to help a person suffering from sleep disorders - you just need to understand the reasons for its occurrence, understand how to restore healthy sleep and gain determination to defeat insomnia.

Causes of insomnia

To begin with, it would be nice to understand whether a person is ready to do something to get rid of insomnia? This is not a simple matter, and the entire success of the enterprise depends on how strong the motivation is.

Think about it - scientists have found that insomnia shortens a person’s life by 1.6 times! This means that if you planned to live 100 years, lack of sleep will reduce this figure to 62. Melatonin, produced during sleep, is also known to protect the body from cancer. It is also important that lack of sleep provokes obesity and many diseases, and also accelerates the aging of the body.

It is also known that after just one sleepless night, the body takes two weeks to recover. Is this sufficient motivation? You decide. Perhaps the fight against insomnia will be the turning point that will help you find a new quality of life.

As you know, in order to find a solution to a problem, you need to discover its cause and only then go through options for getting rid of it. The factors for sleep disturbance can be very different, but all of them can be attributed to several of the most common causes.

External factors

For a full and comfortable sleep, a person needs a suitable environment: a warm, quiet and dark room, a comfortable bed and Fresh air. Check to see if you are making one or more of the following mistakes:

  • Sleeping in the light. You need to sleep in the dark. When exposed to light, the body stops the production of melatonin, which is responsible for sleep and awakening, and also protects the body from the formation of cancer cells. Therefore, it is very important to turn off all light sources and draw curtains so that nothing interferes with healthy sleep.
  • Sleeping with the TV, computer or music center on. By providing yourself with silence, you will not only fall asleep faster, but also avoid headaches in the morning. In addition, noise that interferes with sleep can make a person nervous and irritable. The same applies to the clock - if it interferes with your sleep by ticking or chiming, move it to another room. It is advisable to turn off mobile phone, not only so that no one wakes you up by calling, but also in order to reduce electromagnetic influence on the body and give it rest.
  • Tension in the neck. If you are suffering from overly tense neck muscles, try ditching the pillow and sleeping on a flat surface - this is very useful for relaxing the muscles of the body.
  • Stuffy and hot room. Don't forget that ventilation is not only very good for health, but also extremely important for falling asleep. You can also take evening walks in the fresh air to improve your sleep.
  • Cold in the room. Make sure your bedroom is warm and cozy. The ideal temperature is 18-20 °C. If necessary, purchase a convenient and safe heater.
  • Uncomfortable pillow. Use a moderately hard pillow, the height of which should be 10-16 cm - the smaller the better.

Improving bedroom hygiene

If you suspect that sleep disorders are not to blame comfortable conditions for him, or you just want to make your bedroom an oasis of peace and relaxation, think about how you can improve your bedroom:

  • An orthopedic mattress and cozy bed linen made of natural material are an excellent help for a good sleep.
  • Aromatherapy helps many people very well in the fight against insomnia. Essential oils of lavender, chamomile, frankincense, juniper, cedar or bergamot will save you from restless sleep and relieve nervous tension.
  • It is recommended to sleep on linen sheets in summer and dark wool sheets in winter.
  • If you are a believer, it is useful to place an icon in your bedroom and pray before going to bed.
  • Lovers of indoor plants will be pleased to know that the scent of geranium is very calming. If you like the smell of this plant, place a pot of flowering geraniums next to your bed.
  • Make a “dream catcher” - this is a monotonous activity for several evenings that will put you in a creative mood. Hang the “trap” above the bed and it will become another cute detail of home comfort. If you get involved in making such crafts, you can not only provide them to all your family and friends, but also get into the habit of leisurely evening crafts before bed.

The power of emotions and stress

Very often the cause of insomnia is stress or emotional overstrain. This has a particularly strong impact on business people who are forced to solve many problems every day. Here are some tips to help ease the power of stress:

  • Follow a clear work schedule and resolve business issues only at work. As soon as it comes free time, forget about work, and devote it to relaxation and pleasant things.
  • When changing into home clothes, imagine that together with your work suit you are removing all the worries and anxieties of your working day.
  • Never discuss work problems with your loved ones if you know for sure that they cannot help you in any way. This way you will avoid unnecessary stress for yourself and your family.
  • If intrusive thoughts about worries and concerns overwhelm you, give yourself little time think about them, weigh everything and draw conclusions. This “meeting” should take place 2-3 hours before bedtime. Now, whenever your thoughts try to get bogged down in worries and problems again, switch to something that makes you happy and calms you down. After a while, you will notice that you have unlearned to dwell on worries and worries and have acquired the habit of giving your head a rest.
  • Get rid of an overabundance of information, which is another cause of stress: watch on TV only what you really need, read only the most important - it’s still impossible to “embrace the immensity”.
  • Don't watch scary or overly exciting movies before bed, so as not to force your psyche to become overstimulated before going to bed.
  • It's better not to play computer games and do not surf the Internet before bed - this will “stir up” your brain, and you will not be able to fall asleep for a long time.
  • To learn to relate to problems more easily and create your own “ inner rod”, which will help you always feel confident and calm, try to master the technique of meditation, study auto-training or turn to religion. Life attitudes, affirming a positive and relaxed attitude towards life, as well as an understanding of how temporary everything in the world is, will help you find peace of mind, improve your health and get rid of insomnia.

It’s better to get rid of these habits:

  • Workaholism. Working late or overtime, the habit of overworking yourself and the inability to properly plan your day - all this leads to overwork and prevents you from getting ready for rest.
  • Fitness in the evening. If you exercise before bed, you get a boost of energy when you need to relax and unwind. Training should take place no later than two hours before bedtime.
  • The habit of sleeping in on weekends. This is very, very harmful! By staying in bed for too long, you not only disrupt your biorhythms, but also your high probability get a “weekend migraine.” What can you do if you want to learn how to get enough sleep, you will have to follow strict regime sleep even on weekends, and also do not forget to spend these very weekends as actively as possible. The reward will not be long in coming - your sleep will return to normal, and your life will sparkle with new colors!

Bad habits that lead to insomnia

Of course, alcohol, cigarettes and excessive coffee consumption have become habitual and integral part life. However, not every psyche can withstand such “pressure”, and sooner or later, almost every person suffering from bad habits will experience insomnia. Let's figure out why bad habits are dangerous:

  • Three cups of coffee or several glasses of cola a day can cause sleep problems. Depending on the person's sensitivity, the dangerous limit for consuming these drinks may be reduced to as little as one cup. Insomnia sufferers have to choose between coffee or healthy sleep.
  • Alcohol and smoking can completely destroy the ability to sleep healthy. Nicotine increases blood pressure, increases heart rate and activates brain activity. There's no time for sleep here!
  • Alcohol before bedtime is a guarantee that sleep will be interrupted and superficial, and your state in the morning will be painful and nervous.
  • Late dinners with an abundance of fatty and heavy foods can also cause insomnia. Try last time eat a few hours before bed and have dinner as light as possible, such as vegetables or dairy products.

Scary and disturbing dreams

From time to time, any of us can have a bad dream. Nightmares are exhausting, make you wake up in a cold sweat and prevent you from falling asleep again. However, they also have benefits - scientists believe that with the help scary dreams the brain adapts by replaying frightening and unpleasant events in dreams.

  • Don't be afraid of bad dreams - this can be another cause of insomnia.
  • Try to treat bad dreams as natural process release internal tension And negative thoughts. If such dreams recur frequently and darken your life, consult a somnologist or psychotherapist.

Effective ways to combat insomnia

  • A warm bath with the scent of lavender, valerian or rose will help you calm down and relax - just add a few drops essential oil one of these plants into the water.
  • Massage can also help promote calm. Someone close to you or you yourself can become a massage therapist for you.
  • A soothing drink - warm milk with honey or lemon balm decoction is another excellent remedy to relieve stress.
  • A milkshake with banana helps you sleep better. Grind a ripe banana and a glass of warm milk in a blender, adding a little honey if desired.
  • An hour before bedtime, you can enjoy a very tasty sleeping pill - a tablespoon of chopped almonds mixed with two teaspoons of honey. The mixture can be washed down warm water or herbal tea. Tryptophan in almonds and fructose in honey will help calm nervous system and get ready to relax.
  • If you are tormented by an acute feeling of hunger in the morning, be sure to eat a small amount of high-calorie food at night, for example, a glass of milk and a piece of bread or some fruits or vegetables.
  • A sachet with dry lavender (a fabric bag in which the herb is placed) next to your pillow will envelop you in a captivating aroma and ensure a sound and restful sleep.
  • It has long been known that fresh air improves sleep, so it is very useful to take a short walk before bed or even sleep with the window open. Of course, the time of year and weather should be taken into account.
  • For many people in a great way To relax before going to bed is to listen to soothing music or read a book with a leisurely plot. Spend the evening at home, calmly and comfortably - you will not only forget about your problems, but also fall asleep with a sound and healthy sleep.
  • If you decide to refuse bad habits, make sure that this change is pleasant. Replace harmful addictions with harmless interesting things, for example, hobbies or handicrafts that you have long dreamed of doing. It can also be a good idea to visit your doctor to prescribe multivitamins and mineral supplements to relieve stress and calm your mind.
  • Don't focus all your thoughts on trying to fall asleep as quickly as possible and don't be upset if sleep doesn't come to you. Often, such experiences exhaust a person more than the insomnia itself.
  • If possible, avoid daytime naps, which contribute to insomnia.
  • Counting sheep - no best method. Counting forces a person to concentrate. Better use your imagination to feel like you are somewhere pleasant. For example, imagine yourself on the shore of a lake, imagine a light pleasant breeze and the whisper of the waves - this will calm you down and help you fall asleep.
  • Try the paradoxical method - decide not to fall asleep under any circumstances, do not allow yourself to sleep. You will see that you will immediately be overcome by yawning and the desire to take a nap.
  • Create your own sleep ritual. For example, every evening dream about a trip to the sea, look at photos of your future vacation, listen to pleasant, relaxing music. You can also write down all the joyful events of the day in a notebook every evening, praise yourself and smile with satisfaction as you watch the sunset of such a wonderful day.
  • If you work shifts and have to sleep during the day, make sure the room is dark and quiet enough, ask your family not to disturb you, and make yourself comfortable. Using the above methods will help speed up the results.

Sleeping pills against insomnia

When all methods have been tried and there is no longer any strength to endure insomnia, the hand itself reaches out for a life-saving remedy - a sleeping pill. But are anti-insomnia medications really that harmless?

  • Most of them cause addiction and “withdrawal” after stopping their use, and quitting sleeping pills can cause nightmares, neuroses or worsening insomnia.
  • In some cases, memory loss, suffocation, and dizziness are possible.
  • It has also been proven that all sleeping pills negatively affect work internal organs, provoking their diseases.
  • It should be remembered that you can use sleeping pills only if your doctor has prescribed them. Prescribing them to yourself is self-medication, which is always dangerous.

Treatment of insomnia by a doctor

Modern doctors strive to avoid drug treatment sleep disorders. Sleeping pills are used only as a last resort, because these medications provide only temporary relief. They do not restore normal healthy sleep, but depress consciousness and inhibit reactions.

Surprisingly, sleeping pills that can be bought without a doctor’s prescription are most often “dummy”, i.e. create a placebo effect. You can fall asleep with the help of such means only thanks to your belief that the sleeping pill will help you fall asleep.

As a rule, the doctor tries to determine the cause of insomnia and prescribes appropriate measures. In some cases, the patient is referred to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

Prevention of insomnia

As you know, the most reliable method of combating insomnia is to prevent it. Doctors recommend the following preventive measures:

  • Strict adherence to a daily routine that is as comfortable as possible for you. Compose it individually for yourself and ask your loved ones to respect your daily routine and not disturb you during your vacation.
  • Alternation physical activity and rest. Don't overwork yourself!
  • Physical activity and short walks as much as possible and with pleasure. For many people, just this point is enough to get rid of sleep problems.
  • A nutritious and varied diet that will balance proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Remember that protein foods tones the body, while plant foods soothe and help you fall asleep better.
  • Avoid sleepless nights that disrupt your sleep pattern.

Insomnia is an extremely unpleasant and exhausting condition that can deprive a person of vigor, energy and taste for life. However, sleep disturbance can and should be dealt with. By analyzing your life and identifying the factors that cause sleep disturbances, you can not only get rid of insomnia, but also take your life to a new quality level, form the correct daily routine and make life sparkle with new colors.

Everyone is familiar with this situation - I want to sleep, but I can’t sleep. You lie on the bed and look into the darkness. But tomorrow is a new working day, I have no strength, no energy, and my eyes are sticking together. What is the way out of this situation? But first let's find out...

What is insomnia

Insomnia falls into the category of neurological diseases that affect a person's emotions, energy, performance and health. If the condition when you want to sleep, but cannot fall asleep, is repeated constantly, you can talk about a serious illness. There is no need to worry in advance, a little effort and everything can be fixed. To do this you need to change your life. Will help get rid of the disease special exercises.

What are the signs of insomnia? You should not assume that the only symptom of this problem is that you cannot sleep, although you want to sleep. Other signs that should include the following:

  • you wake up very early;
  • During the day, a state of irritability, drowsiness, and fatigue appears;
  • waking up at night;
  • Without alcohol or sleeping pills it is difficult to fall asleep.

Insomnia is the absence good rest, which provokes fatigue and irritability the next day. The degree of the disease is determined by the quality of sleep, how you feel in the morning and the time it takes to fall asleep.

Causes of insomnia

There are several categories of reasons that contribute to the appearance of a condition where you want to sleep, but cannot sleep.

  1. External: cold or hot in the bedroom; uncomfortable bed and pillow; noise; illumination
  2. Related to the body: age (young children sleep more, and older people sleep less); inattention to biorhythms; thirst and hunger; physical fatigue; ENT diseases or physiological structure nose; illness or painful sensations; disorders of the nervous system, endocrine systems.
  3. Psychological reasons: anxious thoughts, conflict, stress, trouble. They “run” after each other and don’t let you sleep; depression, apathy, overwork. This condition makes you wake up in the middle of the night and prevents you from falling asleep until the morning; at the same time - depression and anxiety; joy, anticipation and other emotions.

Poor baby sleep

Not only adults suffer from insomnia, sometimes even babies want to sleep, but cannot fall asleep. Young parents are very worried, but they don’t always know why this happens. There are many reasons that cause this condition, the main ones include the following:

  • the daily routine is disrupted;
  • sleep is associated with negativity;
  • colic;
  • lack of care and affection;
  • putting your baby to bed late;
  • the room is not ventilated, there is loud noise, extraneous sounds. The temperature in the nursery is no more than 19 degrees;
  • comfortable spot for sleep. The crib should not be very soft, the pillow should be abandoned altogether, the blanket should be light;
  • they “moved” the baby to a big bed too early;
  • feeding before bedtime. The child must be fed; hungry babies may not sleep. The child should be fed twenty minutes before bedtime.

If your child wants to sleep but can't fall asleep, try these simple tips. Adjust your daily routine, walk more with your baby, bathe him before bed, talk to him, sing a lullaby.

Methods for treating insomnia

Before you start getting rid of the problem of “I really want to sleep, but I can’t sleep” using pills, try changing your habits first.

  • Do not drink alcohol or strong sleeping pills. They will only make the situation worse.
  • Less coffee consumed during the day.

  • Ventilate the room where you sleep. It should be cool, dark and quiet. To help create such an environment: a sleep mask, earplugs, blackout curtains and a fan.
  • Maintain a sleep schedule. Go to bed at the same time.
  • Avoid taking short naps during the day.
  • Try to avoid stress and anxiety before bed. None physical exercise, watching TV and working on the computer.
  • Gadgets with bright backlight are also prohibited.

When to contact a specialist

There is a situation when it is impossible to do without the intervention of a specialist. So what are these situations? When should you go to the doctor? If you have used all the methods of self-medication, but there are no results, you still really want to sleep, but you cannot sleep, it’s time to make an appointment with a psychologist or another doctor. He will definitely help solve the problem.

Now about each reason separately.

  • All the measures listed in the previous section do not help.
  • Poor sleep is a factor that provokes problems at work, in the family, and at school.
  • Insomnia causes shortness of breath and chest pain.
  • Every night between " open eyes"increases.

In order to help yourself, you need to undergo an examination. Only after this the doctor will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment. After all, the problem may be organic or nervous in nature.


Treatment begins with the use of psychotherapy and relaxation techniques. In parallel, mild medicines, which can be obtained without a prescription.

  • Valerian tincture. The drug belongs to the sedative sleeping pills. Used for irritability, excitability, and difficulty falling asleep. The effect develops slowly.
  • Tablets "Valerian forte". Prescribed if insomnia is caused by overexcitation.
  • "Persen Night", capsules. Used for nervous excitability, which causes difficulty falling asleep.
  • Insomnia caused by increased excitability and irritability can be “relieved” with passionflower extract.
  • Melaxen tablets. The drug will speed up falling asleep and ensure sleep without waking up. Often used to adapt to time zone changes.
  • The drug "Doppelgerts Melissa" is drunk before bedtime. Used for insomnia.

With more serious problems The following medications are prescribed. They are issued only by prescription.

  1. Periodic disorders - "Reslip"
  2. Presomnia insomnia - “Andante”, “Ivadal”, “Somnol”, “Zolsan”.
  3. Frequent awakenings - Phenobarbital, Zolpidem.
  4. Early awakenings - "Nitrazepam", "Bilobil", "Cavinton".
  5. Insomnia and depression - "Trittico".

No drugs are used long time. They can call side effects. They are not prescribed to people whose professions require increased attention.


If you want to sleep, but cannot fall asleep, honey, a steam bath with an oak broom will help. Several recipes with this delicacy.

  • Honey, lemon, Borjomi. Take one tablespoon of Borjomi water, honey and half a spoon of lemon. It is chopped and mixed with other ingredients. Taken every morning for thirty days.
  • Honey, water. A tablespoon is mixed in one glass of warm water. Drink the drug before bedtime.
  • Honey and kefir. Take one glass of kefir, add one tablespoon of honey. You should drink it before bed for seven days.
  • Honey and Apple vinegar. Mix three teaspoons of vinegar in a cup of honey. The mixture is taken before bed, two teaspoons.

Herbal infusions are also used. They also cope well with insomnia.

  • You will need thirty grams of mint leaves, motherwort herb, twenty grams of valerian officinalis roots and common hop cones. Mix all. Ten grams of the mixture are poured into a glass of boiling water and heated for fifteen minutes in a water bath. The broth is cooled and filtered. Added boiled water, the total volume must be equal to the original volume. Take half a glass three times a day.
  • Ten grams of oregano herb, five grams of valerian root. Mix everything, take ten grams of the mixture, add one hundred milliliters of water. The mixture is infused for sixty minutes. Take one hundred milliliters at night.

Why can’t I sleep even though I want to sleep? Millions of people ask themselves this question while suffering in bed in the evenings. What affects us, why is it so difficult to fall asleep?

Let's try to figure out the problem before our health deteriorates, because sleep is the most important thing in a person's life. You probably know what will happen to you during the day if you didn’t sleep well. What if this happens every day?

I can’t sleep even though I want to sleep - causes and treatment:

  • Many people dream of a virtual button on the human body - press it and go to sleep.


  • Have you noticed that when you have a very eventful and important day ahead of you, you have no idea how to fall asleep?
  • Then fear sets in - “How will I act tomorrow, because I haven’t slept at all.”
  • It's completely impossible to fall asleep here.
  • Do you understand the reason? This is nervous tension - anticipation of some event, good or bad. In short – nerves.
  • Why are they tight in the evening? We were tired and probably drank strong tea and coffee.

Solution that will help:

  • Let's try to count sheep or elephants, but pronounce the number to yourself in order and completely.
  • It helps, but not often, it’s better to close your eyes and imagine yourself on the ocean shore, seagulls are screaming, waves are slowly rolling over your feet and sand. Then they quietly go back and again...
  • You will soon fall asleep dreaming of such a place. Tomorrow this image will come to you very quickly, you just have to close your eyes. Try to discard all other thoughts, just the ocean, you, waves and sand.

  • Let's forget about tea and coffee by lunchtime.
  • If you are tired, do stretching exercises very calmly before going to bed. No need to run and jump, it will only get worse, just stretch all the muscles you can. You will feel relaxation immediately.
  • Keep a little schedule for when to go to bed and get up. Agree, if you sleep during the day, it is impossible to sleep soundly at night. Or if you go to bed in the morning, what should you expect from your body?
  • Read a book, any book; people often fall asleep on the second page.

  • Perhaps you have relaxing music on a disk or flash drive. Turn it on very quietly and listen without being distracted by anything. You'll fall asleep soon.
  • Try to sleep on the same bed and in the same place, although you are not a child, changing your place of rest has a bad effect.
  • Let the room be dark, so the sleep hormone melatonin is better produced. If you love warmth, let it always be warm. Many people, on the contrary, ventilate the bedroom until it becomes noticeably cold. It's like someone. Doctors unanimously say that the norm for sleep is no higher than 20 degrees.
  • Turn off all TVs, computers and phones. If you have just dozed off and the phone rings at that moment, you will have the symptom of expecting it the next day. Turn everything off and see how your nerves immediately go away.

I want to sleep but I can’t sleep:

  • It’s good to take a walk before going to bed, only at a calm pace, otherwise it will turn out the opposite - you’ll walk around and not fall asleep.
  • Do not sit late in front of the TV or computer. Give your body a little break from civilization.
  • Don't sleep for days on weekends - it's harmful. The whole regime breaks down - the body is in shock. And from Monday you will again begin to demand that he go to sleep and wake up at certain time which he had already forgotten.
  • No matter how hungry you are, don’t overeat on heavy food at night. A piece of protein (meat) with vegetables is just right. Eat 3 hours before bedtime

  • Try to get up, do any work at a calm pace, and perhaps you will be able to relax.
  • Then, while lying in bed, strain and relax alternately the muscles of your arms, legs, and butt. After a while you will notice languor. Turn over on your side and fall asleep.
  • Always wear pajamas or a nightgown that you like. Lately Doctors say in unison that sleeping naked is very useful.
  • Some people can easily sleep in front of the TV screen. Is not the best option, but when you’re exhausted, this will do.
  • best medicine for relaxation. After this you will definitely fall asleep.
  • Try massaging your stomach; you’ve probably noticed that your stomach hurts from fear, from joy and anxiety. So, the massage will relax the tight muscles, and you will fall asleep.

Why do you want to sleep but can't sleep?

  • Drink a glass of cherry juice at night; it contains a lot of melatonin, which is necessary for sleep.
  • Exercises to unload the spine will help. While lying in bed, pull both legs towards your stomach. Hold this pose - relax. If you can’t pull up both legs at once, do it alternately. Do it 5 times.

  • Don't forget to soak in a hot bath with relaxing herbs: valerian, lavender, mint. Or just take a hot shower if you don't have a bath.
  • The muscles relax, you will definitely be drawn to sleep. Follow up with a cup of tea with chamomile, oregano, valerian or motherwort.
  • Don't like herbs? Make a glass of warm milk with honey. Milk contains tryptophan, a precursor to serotonin (the hormone of happiness).
  • At severe stress splash it onto paper. Just write down your bad thoughts on a piece of paper. Read it and burn it. See how much easier it has become for you.

  • Try to get ready for bed about an hour in advance. Bath, tea, making bed and finally sleep. Lie down, spread your legs and arms to the sides and throw all thoughts out of your head. Let your body and body relax, it will leave you.

Choose for yourself a suitable way to quickly fall asleep and the topic - I can’t sleep although I want to sleep will not arise in your life again.

Have a good sleep in your own bed!

The most accurate indicator that you are carrying the burden of the past with you is the emotions that you experience day after day. Do you go to bed happy, despite all sorts of worries and troubles - or do you feel depressed, angry, resisting and endlessly tired? If your heart is light, then you are traveling without excess baggage. Chronic heaviness in your soul indicates that you must get rid of unnecessary things. The beauty is that you, and only you, decide how you continue to move forward. Most quick way to free yourself is to simply let go. Say out loud, “I'm letting go of this.” Here are some signs that it's time to let go of the extra baggage: You want life to be predictable and really suffer when it's not. ..

You perceive any changes in plans, disappointments, unexpected upsets, unpleasant surprises, traffic jams, interference from someone else, or the bad mood of others as a personal insult.
♦ Insist that everyone do what you want, and get offended if this does not happen.
♦ Do not stop activities, even when you feel tired, hungry or stressed, while blaming others for your problems.
♦ You whine, complain, cling, criticize, gossip, sulk, grumble, play “silence”, and become clenched.
♦ Don’t talk about your desires, making others guess about them.
♦ You remember the past with bitterness, you are wary of the present and the people around you, fearing that you will suffer again.
♦ You adapt extremely quickly, “bend in”, while resisting internally
♦ Completely refuse to adapt to circumstances.
♦ Acting as if everyone else doesn't matter.
♦ Constantly “hold the line.”
Of course, from time to time we all behave In a similar way. There are moments and even days when we feel insecure, we are missing something - we look for salvation in old habits and memories. But if this happens every day, then extra weight became poisonous.
You are tired, exhausted, anxious, you are carrying an extra burden on your shoulders that you need to get rid of as quickly as possible. Realizing this is already half the battle.
All you have to do is throw it, like throwing a heavy suitcase full of things you don’t need onto the ground. That's all. You can put a small but significant pebble in your pocket, and whenever you want to feel relief, put your hand in your pocket and take out the pebble. Throw it to the ground - as you would to get rid of a problem, anxiety, heaviness, stress, need to control, fear, resentment - whatever is pulling you down. You choose what to carry with you through life, and should not take on extra burden. There is nothing noble or spiritual about carrying unnecessary weight on your shoulders. This only bothers you and your loved ones.
Getting rid of excess luggage is one of the components mental work which should be carried out by everyone without exception. We can do this in several ways. Take a course of therapy, methodically go through all your “suitcases” together with a qualified specialist, choose what you need to take on your further journey, and discard the rest. I've done this several times in my life and highly recommend it.
Feel the relief
On Kauai, one of the Hawaiian islands, I visited a Hindu monastery, where the monks hand out pens and sheets of paper to visitors, offering to write down everything that bothers and interferes in life, and then burn their notes. The monks believe that this practice frees the subconscious mind from negative patterns and problems and, by doing it daily, you throw off everything unnecessary.
Many of my spiritual teachers advised me to use this method to feel inner relief, and I repeated it many times with success. this technique. And after that I felt how everything that had previously weighed me down magically dissolved in the cleansing flame.

Since life force, the Divine spirit, comes to a person with breathing, which means that you can also get rid of old psychological baggage with the help of breathing. Go to the nearest store or supermarket, to the department where they sell holiday decorations, buy some balloons. Go outside, try to feel how much energy your psychological baggage absorbs. To no longer carry unnecessary things on you, take one balloon and visualize the burden that you would like to free yourself from. Inflate the balloon, imagining how you exhale all your problems and sorrows into this balloon along with the air. Release the ball into the air. Keep the remaining balls on hand to repeat the exercise as needed.
Say a prayer
Prayer helps to free yourself from excess baggage. When a person prays, he breaks the connection with the heaviness of the past and turns to God. Prayer opens a channel for entry Divine power, neutralizes and transforms psychological burden into something new, fresh and bright. My favorite prayer when I need to release an emotional burden is: “I let go, with God.” To use this prayer in stressful situation, say out loud: “I’m letting go of this - everything else is God’s will.” Then spread your arms to the sides and spread your fingers as wide as possible, letting go of unnecessary things. Shake your fingers as if shaking off something that bothers you. The effect is quick if the prayer is sincere.

Sonia Choquette - Traveling at the Speed ​​of Love