Hitler's snipers. Sniper "elite" of the III Reich

THREE BESTSELLERS IN ONE VOLUME! Shocking memoirs of three German Scharfschutzen (snipers), who together accounted for more than 600 lives of our soldiers. Cynical revelations about the horrors of war on Eastern Front, where there was no place for either chivalry or compassion. Confession professional killers, who have seen death hundreds of times through the optics of their sniper rifles. They had to fight on various directions, and their fates turned out differently. They have one thing in common - they were all calculating and ruthless, possessing superhuman endurance that allowed them to spend hours tracking down targets and emerging victorious from sniper duels; they all survived the most terrible battles of the Eastern Front, paying a monstrous price for it - turning into complete executioners.

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THREE BESTSELLERS IN ONE VOLUME! The merciless “trench truth” of the Eastern Front. Revelations of German veterans who went through the most bloody battles Second World War. The first became alter Leute (literally: “old man”, “grandfather” - this is how old-timers were called in the Wehrmacht) at the age of less than 20, earning Eisernes Kreuz ( Iron Cross) and survived six wounds. Another fought in the elite tank corps"Gro?deutschland" (" Greater Germany"), which was used throughout the war as a “fire brigade”, thrown into the most dangerous and endangered areas. The third miraculously escaped from the Stalingrad cauldron, where his entire division was killed, and until the fall of the Reich he fought as a Nahter ("Swiss" - a front-line nickname for machine gunners). In terms of rate of fire, the famous German MG-42 machine gun was indeed comparable to a sewing machine, creating a monstrous density of fire and damaging attackers huge losses, - our infantry hated the Maschinengewehrschutzen (machine gunners) no less than the “tigers” and diving Ju-87s: the superiority of the MGs was too great until the very end of the war, too often the advancing chains were washed in blood under their hurricane fire... This book is a rare opportunity to see the Great Patriotic War “ from that side." Discover " trench truth" in German. Look into the soul of the enemy. Taste the salty, blood-red snow of the Eastern Front...

When it comes to the sniper business of the first half of the 20th century, the Soviet snipers of the Great Patriotic War are immediately remembered - Vasily Zaitsev, Mikhail Surkov, Lyudmila Pavlichenko and others. This is not surprising: the Soviet sniper movement at that time was the most extensive in the world, and the total count Soviet snipers during the war years amounts to several tens of thousands of enemy soldiers and officers. However, what do we know about the marksmen of the Third Reich?

IN Soviet time study of advantages and disadvantages armed forces Nazi Germany was strictly limited, and sometimes simply taboo. Who, however, were German snipers, which in our and foreign cinema, if they are depicted, are only as consumables, extras who are about to take a bullet from the main character from Anti-Hitler coalition? Is it true that they were that bad, or is this the winner's point of view?

Snipers of the German Empire

First world war It was the Kaiser’s army that was the first to use aimed rifle fire as a means of destroying enemy officers, signalmen, machine gunners and artillery personnel. According to the instructions of the German imperial army, weapon equipped optical sight, works great only at a distance of up to 300 meters. It should only be issued to trained shooters. As a rule, these were former hunters or those who had passed special training even before the start of hostilities. The soldiers who received such weapons became the first snipers. They were not assigned to any place or position; they had relative freedom of movement on the battlefield. According to the same instructions, the sniper had to take a suitable position at night or at dusk in order to begin to act with the onset of day. Such shooters were exempted from any additional duties or combined arms orders. Each sniper had a notebook in which he carefully recorded various observations, ammunition consumption and the effectiveness of his fire. They were also distinguished from ordinary soldiers by the right to wear special signs over the cockade of their headdress - crossed oak leaves.

By the end of the war, the German infantry had approximately six snipers per company. At that time Russian army, although it had seasoned hunters and experienced shooters in its ranks, it did not have rifles with optical sights. This imbalance in the equipment of the armies became noticeable quite quickly. Even in the absence of active hostilities, the Entente armies suffered losses in manpower: a soldier or officer only had to look slightly from behind a trench and a German sniper would immediately “picture” him. This had a strong demoralizing effect on the soldiers, so the Allies had no choice but to release their “super marksmanship” to the forefront of the attack. So by 1918, the concept of military sniping was formed, tactical techniques were worked out and defined combat missions for this kind of soldier.

The revival of German snipers

During the interwar period, the popularity of sniper business in Germany, in fact, as in most other countries (with the exception of Soviet Union), began to fade away. Snipers began to be treated as interesting experience trench warfare, which has already lost its relevance - military theorists saw the coming wars solely as a battle of engines. According to their views, the infantry faded into the background, and the primacy lay with tanks and aviation.

The German blitzkrieg seemed to be the main proof of the advantages of the new method of warfare. European states one after another capitulated, unable to withstand the power of German engines. However, with the entry of the Soviet Union into the war, it became clear: you cannot win the war with tanks alone. Despite the retreat of the Red Army at the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Germans still often had to go on the defensive during this period. When in the winter of 1941 Soviet positions snipers began to appear, and the number of killed Germans began to grow, the Wehrmacht nevertheless realized that aimed rifle fire, for all its archaic nature, was effective method waging war. German sniper schools began to emerge and front-line courses were organized. After 1941, the number of optics in front-line units, as well as the people who used them professionally, began to gradually increase, although until the very end of the war the Wehrmacht did not manage to equal the number and quality of training of its snipers with the Red Army.

What and how were they shot from?

Since 1935, the Wehrmacht had Mauser 98k rifles in service, which were also used as sniper rifles - for this purpose, the ones with the most accurate combat were simply selected. Most of these rifles were equipped with a 1.5-fold ZF 41 sight, but there were also four-fold ZF 39 sights, as well as even rarer varieties. By 1942, the share of sniper rifles from total number of those produced was approximately 6, but by April 1944 this figure had dropped to 2% (3,276 units out of 164,525 produced). According to some experts, the reason for this reduction is that German snipers simply did not like their Mausers, and at the first opportunity they preferred to exchange them for Soviet ones. sniper rifles. The G43 rifle, which appeared in 1943 and was equipped with a four-fold ZF 4 sight, a copy of the Soviet PU sight, did not correct the situation.

Mauser 98k rifle with ZF41 scope (http://k98k.com)

According to the memoirs of Wehrmacht snipers, the maximum firing distance at which they could hit targets was as follows: head - up to 400 meters, human figure - from 600 to 800 meters, embrasure - up to 600 meters. Rare professionals or lucky ones who got hold of a ten-fold scope could kill an enemy soldier at a distance of up to 1000 meters, but everyone unanimously considers a distance of up to 600 meters to be the distance that guarantees hitting a target.

Defeat in the Eastvictory in the west

Wehrmacht snipers were mainly engaged in the so-called “free hunt” for commanders, signalmen, gun crews and machine gunners. Most often, snipers were team players: one shoots, the other observes. Contrary to conventional wisdom, German snipers were prohibited from engaging in combat at night. They were considered valuable personnel, and because of Bad quality According to German optics, such battles, as a rule, did not end in favor of the Wehrmacht. Therefore, at night they usually searched for and arranged an advantageous position for striking during daylight hours. When the enemy attacked, the task of the German snipers was to destroy the commanders. At successful completion This mission stopped the offensive. If a sniper of the Anti-Hitler Coalition began to operate in the rear, several “super sharp shooters” of the Wehrmacht could be sent to search for and eliminate him. On Soviet-German front This kind of duel most often ended in favor of the Red Army - there is no point in arguing with the facts that claim that the Germans lost the sniper war here almost completely.

At the same time, on the other side of Europe, German snipers felt at ease and struck fear into the hearts of the British and American soldiers. The British and Americans still viewed fighting as a sport and believed in gentlemanly rules of warfare. According to some researchers, approximately half of all losses in American units during the first days of hostilities were the direct result of Wehrmacht snipers.

If you see a mustache, shoot!

An American journalist who visited Normandy during the Allied landings there wrote: “Snipers are everywhere. They hide in trees, hedges, buildings and piles of rubble.” Researchers cite the unpreparedness of Anglo-American troops for the sniper threat as the main reasons for the success of snipers in Normandy. What the Germans themselves understood well during three years of fighting on the Eastern Front, the Allies had to master in short time. Officers now wore uniforms that were no different from soldiers' uniforms. All movements were carried out in short runs from cover to cover, bending as low as possible to the ground. The rank and file no longer gave military salute officers. However, these tricks sometimes did not save. Thus, some captured German snipers admitted that they distinguished English soldiers by rank thanks to their facial hair: a mustache was one of the most common attributes among sergeants and officers at that time. As soon as they saw a soldier with a mustache, they destroyed him.

Another key to success was the landscape of Normandy: by the time the Allies landed, it was a real paradise for a sniper, with big amount hedgerows stretching for kilometers, drainage ditches and embankments. Due to frequent rains, the roads became muddy and became an impassable obstacle for both soldiers and equipment, and soldiers trying to push out another stuck car became a tasty morsel for the “cuckoo”. The allies had to advance extremely carefully, looking under every stone. An incident that occurred in the city of Cambrai speaks about the incredibly large scale of the actions of German snipers in Normandy. Deciding that there would be little resistance in this area, one of the British companies moved too close and fell victim to heavy rifle fire. Then almost all the orderlies of the medical department died, trying to carry the wounded from the battlefield. When the battalion command tried to stop the offensive, about 15 more people died, including the company commander, 12 soldiers and officers received various injuries, and four more went missing. When the village was finally taken, many corpses were discovered German soldiers with rifles that had an optical sight.

An American sergeant looks at a dead German sniper on the street of the French village of Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer

German snipersmythical and real

When mentioning German snipers, many will probably remember the famous opponent of the Red Army soldier Vasily Zaitsev, Major Erwin Koenig. In fact, many historians are inclined to believe that there was no Koenig. Presumably, he is a figment of the imagination of William Craig, author of the book Enemy at the Gates. There is a version that ace sniper Heinz Thorwald was passed off as Koenig. According to this theory, the Germans were extremely annoyed by the death of the head of their sniper school at the hands of some village hunter, so they hid his death by saying that Zaitsev killed a certain Erwin Koenig. Some researchers of the life of Thorvald and his sniper school in Zossen consider this to be nothing more than a myth. What is true in this and what is fiction is unlikely to become clear.

Nevertheless, the Germans had sniping aces. The most successful of them is the Austrian Matthias Hetzenauer. He served in the 144th Mountain Rangers Regiment of the 3rd mountain rifle division, and on his account there are about 345 enemy soldiers and officers. Oddly enough, No. 2 in the ranking, Joseph Allerberger, served in the same regiment with him, and by the end of the war there were 257 casualties. The third most number of victories is the German sniper of Lithuanian origin Bruno Sutkus, who destroyed 209 Soviet soldiers and officers.

Perhaps if the Germans, in their pursuit of the idea of ​​lightning war, had paid due attention not only to engines, but also to the training of snipers, as well as the development of decent weapons for them, we would now have a slightly different history of German sniping, and for this article we would have to piece together collect material about little-known Soviet snipers.

September, 1937

That day, as always, I was in the bakery that belonged to our family. My mother Anna and my pregnant wife Ingrid worked there with me. Ingrid and I were both eighteen years old. We got married just two months earlier.

I had been helping my mother run the bakery business for several years, and as I grew older, it became something we had in common. family business. Mother was glad that I shifted some of her worries onto my shoulders.

Two elderly women entered the bakery. They looked at different cakes and cookies for a long time, quietly discussing among themselves what was best for them to buy. In the end, they made their choice and made a purchase. On the way out, the postman, who was heading towards us, helpfully held the door for them.

“I brought you a draft notice, Gunther,” he said as he entered.

Hearing these words, I felt that in an instant my life had changed dramatically. I knew that two years ago general rule had been restored in Germany. military duty, but I treated it somehow detachedly, not imagining that it would affect me.

The postman handed me a small yellow envelope with my name and address printed on it.

“Thank you, Walter,” I said and handed him the cake: “Help yourself.”

Taking the cake, the postman smiled:

“Thank you, Gunther,” raising his hat, he bowed to my mother and Ingrid and left the bakery.

My mother's face immediately became very concerned, she looked at me with concern.

“Mom, everything will be fine,” I tried to reassure her and forced myself to smile.

“Your father died in the war,” she sighed.

“But we’re not at war with anyone now,” I objected.

Opening the envelope, I began to read the summons. It informed me that I had to report to the recruiting station within three days and that if I did not do this, I would face arrest. In addition, the summons indicated the address of my recruiting station, which, as it turned out, was located several kilometers from our bakery.

Three next days flew by very quickly. All this time, my mother endlessly gave me all kinds of advice, which, as she thought, could help me avoid army service:

- Tell them you just got married. Tell them that your baby is about to be born...

However, she herself was very afraid that none of these arguments would change anything. And my mother repeated to me several times during these three days:

“Gunther, I beg you, don’t try to act like a daredevil if you ever find yourself in a war.” Your father was a brave man, and he is no longer with us. And you must return home safe and sound.

Ingrid transmitted my mother's worries. One evening, when we were alone, her face became very serious and sad. She said, barely holding back tears:

– Promise me that you will return, Gunther.

– Of course I’ll be back! – I answered with feigned cheerfulness. “But then you, too, promise that you will wait for me.”

She promised and brought my hand to her stomach:

– Tell our child that you will definitely return.

I kissed Ingrid on the stomach and, smiling, said, turning to the one who was inside:

“Baby, your dad is telling you this.” I promise you and mom that I will come back. We will be together again, and everything will be fine with us!

Ingrid accompanied me to the recruiting station. When I got there, I saw a long line of young people. Some of them stood with their wives, girlfriends and mothers. There were even a few small children in the crowd who were brought to see their fathers off.

I got in line. Ingrid did not want to leave and squeezed my hand.

“Don’t worry, we’ll most likely just be sent to guard the border,” I said, not fully believing the veracity of my words.

In those days, many had a presentiment that difficult trials awaited Germany. Life in the country has changed dramatically in just a few recent years. With Hitler's rise to power in 1933, the inculcation of Nazi ideology began. Disagreement with the ruling regime was gradually suppressed more and more harshly. Eventually it got to the point where even an innocent joke about Hitler or his party could lead to arrest. However, I myself was too young then to think about such things. The only thing that caught my eye was that about two years before I received my draft notice, several Jews who had previously been regular customers stopped visiting our bakery. But at that time I didn’t give it any thought special significance. Perhaps these people managed to escape the country, or they suffered a much worse fate.

I myself was never a Nazi. But I remember well that by the mid-thirties German people divided into their supporters and those who could only remain silent and afraid. The Nazis were everywhere. Even near the recruiting station, several of them walked around in black shirts with a swastika on the sleeve and handed out propaganda leaflets. When one of them was handed to me, I took it, smiling politely. I didn't need any extra problems.

Soon it was my turn. I hugged my wife tightly:

– Ingrid, everything will be fine. I'll be back soon, trust me!

She almost burst into tears and once again said that she loved me very much and would wait. We kissed and I entered the corridor of the recruiting station. Ingrid looked after me, but the door was on a spring and slammed shut as soon as I entered.

There was also a line in the hallway that led to a massive table. A portly sergeant towered over the table. He took the summons from the conscripts and asked each of them a series of formal questions.

When I finally got to the desk, the sergeant asked me my name, address, age, weight, and the like. When asking questions, he did not pause. His voice sounded monotonous, and his face expressed nothing. He even seemed to me not like a person, but like some kind of machine.

Everything that happened next also resembled a conveyor belt. In the next huge room we went through a medical examination, taking turns moving from one doctor to another. After that, another sergeant handed me a document to sign, according to which I was drafted into the army for four years. I had no choice but to sign.

Soon after this, each of us was given personal soldier's books, which we had to carry with us at all times. In addition, we received special forms on which each of us had to indicate names and addresses immediate family, and also write what he did in previous years and what skills he has. Based on this, our military specialty was subsequently determined.

I couldn’t think of anything better than to write that I worked in a bakery, and also that I have marksmanship skills. I learned to shoot a rifle in a school club. The teacher said that I was the most accurate boy he ever taught. And this was indeed the case.

When we filled out all the papers, we were lined up in the courtyard behind the recruiting station. There were already army trucks there. We loaded into them and were taken to the station. Soon we were already sitting on the train, which was taking us away from our native Hamburg. However, our journey lasted only a few hours. And then we unloaded at the station, where army trucks were again waiting for us.

It was already getting dark when we arrived at the training camp. We were lined up on the parade ground in front of the barracks. Sergeant Krauss, who was later in charge of our training, gave a speech, general meaning which boiled down to the fact that he would make real fighters out of us who would guard the interests of Germany, the Fuhrer and the people. After this, we were placed in barracks, where we were to live for the next three months.

Book "Sniper Elite" III Reich. Revelations of Murderers" includes memoirs three people– Bauer Gunther, Sytkus Bruno, Ollerberg Joseph. They all lived during the Second World War and were excellent snipers. They were able to survive where no one could. The best German snipers remember their lives and talk about how it all began and how they became those who bring death.

Each of them was once a simple boy, With whole life ahead. They wanted to live with their family and raise children, but the war came. They had to become brutal killers, because war knows no compassion. The one who shoots first survives.

Three professional killers speak candidly about the horrors of war. They killed hundreds of Soviet soldiers. Although snipers fought in different directions, each of them had their own fate, their stories differ in many ways, but they have one thing in common - ruthlessness. Each of these men could spend hours watching and tracking their prey, their actions were precisely calibrated and every step was calculated. They themselves were on the verge of death more than once, but survived in monstrous conditions. These men were able to go through the war and return home, becoming brutal killers who have no equal.

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Josef Ollerberg

Sniper "elite" of the III Reich. Revelations of killers

Gunter Bauer. Death through a telescopic sight

Chapter first. Recruitment notice

September, 1937

That day, as always, I was in the bakery that belonged to our family. My mother Anna and my pregnant wife Ingrid worked there with me. Ingrid and I were both eighteen years old. We got married just two months earlier.

I helped my mother run the bakery business for several years, and as I grew older, it became our family business. Mother was glad that I shifted some of her worries onto my shoulders.

Two elderly women entered the bakery. They looked at different cakes and cookies for a long time, quietly discussing among themselves what was best for them to buy. In the end, they made their choice and made a purchase. On the way out, the postman, who was heading towards us, helpfully held the door for them.

“I brought you a draft notice, Gunther,” he said as he entered.

Hearing these words, I felt that in an instant my life had changed dramatically. I knew that two years ago universal conscription had been restored in Germany, but I treated it somehow with detachment, not imagining that it would affect me.

The postman handed me a small yellow envelope with my name and address printed on it.

“Thank you, Walter,” I said and handed him the cake: “Help yourself.”

Taking the cake, the postman smiled:

“Thank you, Gunther,” raising his hat, he bowed to my mother and Ingrid and left the bakery.

My mother's face immediately became very concerned, she looked at me with concern.

“Mom, everything will be fine,” I tried to reassure her and forced myself to smile.

“Your father died in the war,” she sighed.

“But we’re not at war with anyone now,” I objected.

Opening the envelope, I began to read the summons. It informed me that I had to report to the recruiting station within three days and that if I did not do this, I would face arrest. In addition, the summons indicated the address of my recruiting station, which, as it turned out, was located several kilometers from our bakery.

The next three days passed very quickly. All this time, my mother endlessly gave me various pieces of advice that, as she thought, could help me avoid army service:

- Tell them you just got married. Tell them that your baby is about to be born...

However, she herself was very afraid that none of these arguments would change anything. And my mother repeated to me several times during these three days:

“Gunther, I beg you, don’t try to act like a daredevil if you ever find yourself in a war.” Your father was a brave man, and he is no longer with us. And you must return home safe and sound.

Ingrid transmitted my mother's worries. One evening, when we were alone, her face became very serious and sad. She said, barely holding back tears:

– Promise me that you will return, Gunther.

– Of course I’ll be back! – I answered with feigned cheerfulness. “But then you, too, promise that you will wait for me.”

She promised and brought my hand to her stomach:

– Tell our child that you will definitely return.

I kissed Ingrid on the stomach and, smiling, said, turning to the one who was inside:

“Baby, your dad is telling you this.” I promise you and mom that I will come back. We will be together again, and everything will be fine with us!

Ingrid accompanied me to the recruiting station. When I got there, I saw a long line of young people. Some of them stood with their wives, girlfriends and mothers. There were even a few small children in the crowd who were brought to see their fathers off.

I got in line. Ingrid did not want to leave and squeezed my hand.

“Don’t worry, we’ll most likely just be sent to guard the border,” I said, not fully believing the veracity of my words.

In those days, many had a presentiment that difficult trials awaited Germany. Life in the country has changed dramatically in just the last few years. With Hitler's rise to power in 1933, the inculcation of Nazi ideology began. Disagreement with the ruling regime was gradually suppressed more and more harshly. Eventually it got to the point where even an innocent joke about Hitler or his party could lead to arrest. However, I myself was too young then to think about such things. The only thing that caught my eye was that about two years before I received my draft notice, several Jews who had previously been regular customers stopped visiting our bakery. But at that time I didn’t attach much importance to it. Perhaps these people managed to escape the country, or they suffered a much worse fate.

I myself was never a Nazi. But I remember well that by the mid-thirties the German people were divided into their supporters and those who could only remain silent and afraid. The Nazis were everywhere. Even near the recruiting station, several of them walked around in black shirts with a swastika on the sleeve and handed out propaganda leaflets. When one of them was handed to me, I took it, smiling politely. I didn't need any extra problems.

Soon it was my turn. I hugged my wife tightly:

– Ingrid, everything will be fine. I'll be back soon, trust me!

She almost burst into tears and once again said that she loved me very much and would wait. We kissed and I entered the corridor of the recruiting station. Ingrid looked after me, but the door was on a spring and slammed shut as soon as I entered.

There was also a line in the hallway that led to a massive table. A portly sergeant towered over the table. He took the summons from the conscripts and asked each of them a series of formal questions.

When I finally got to the desk, the sergeant asked me my name, address, age, weight, and the like. When asking questions, he did not pause. His voice sounded monotonous, and his face expressed nothing. He even seemed to me not like a person, but like some kind of machine.

Everything that happened next also resembled a conveyor belt. In the next huge room we went through a medical examination, taking turns moving from one doctor to another. After that, another sergeant handed me a document to sign, according to which I was drafted into the army for four years. I had no choice but to sign.

Soon after this, each of us was given personal soldier's books, which we had to carry with us at all times. In addition, we received special forms in which each of us had to indicate the names and addresses of our closest relatives, as well as write down what he had done in previous years and what skills he had. Based on this, our military specialty was subsequently determined.

I couldn’t think of anything better than to write that I worked in a bakery, and also that I have marksmanship skills. I learned to shoot a rifle in a school club. The teacher said that I was the most accurate boy he ever taught. And this was indeed the case.

When we filled out all the papers, we were lined up in the courtyard behind the recruiting station. There were already army trucks there. We loaded into them and were taken to the station. Soon we were already sitting on the train, which was taking us away from our native Hamburg. However, our journey lasted only a few hours. And then we unloaded at the station, where army trucks were again waiting for us.

It was already getting dark when we arrived at the training camp. We were lined up on the parade ground in front of the barracks. Sergeant Krauss, who was later responsible for our training, made a speech, the general meaning of which was that he would make real fighters out of us who would guard the interests of Germany, the Fuhrer and the people. After this, we were placed in barracks, where we were to live for the next three months.

...The next day we were given a uniform. It included a gray-green field jacket, gray trousers, high knee-length boots and an oval soldier's medallion, which consisted of two halves. The medallion had to be worn on a chain around the neck. In addition, we received belts and helmets.

The shoulder straps on my field jacket were clean, without stripes, as it should be for privates. The jacket had two outer pockets and one inner one, made specifically so that each of us could put our personal soldier’s book in it, which I immediately did.

The inscription on my belt badge read: “God is with us!” In addition, three cartridge bags were placed on the belt, each of which held ten cartridges. Also on my belt, on the left side of my back, I had to wear the folding infantry shoulder blade that was issued to me. They also gave me a duffel bag, a flask and a tin mug. In general, everything is as it should be. But among the things there was also something that at first seemed completely useless to me - a gas mask, filters for it and pills that needed to be taken in case of gas attack. Why is all this needed? Peaceful time? For a second I was reminded of my mother's fears. But after a few more moments everything bad thoughts flew out of my head. Youth is youth.