Famous pirates of the Caribbean, next to whom the movie Jack Sparrow is just a boy. Sea Cutthroat Vessels: Nine Most Formidable

For a long time The Caribbean islands served as a bone of contention for the great maritime powers, since untold riches were hidden here. And where there is wealth, there are robbers. Piracy in the Caribbean has flourished and turned into serious problem. In reality, the sea robbers were much more cruel than we imagine.

In 1494 the Pope divided New World between Spain and Portugal. All the gold of the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans South America went to the ungrateful Spaniards. Other European sea ​​powers Naturally, they didn’t like this, and conflict was inevitable. And their fight for Spanish possessions in the New World (this mainly concerned England and France) and led to the emergence of piracy.

Famous corsairs

At the very beginning, piracy was even approved by the authorities and was called privateering. A privateer or corsair is Pirates' ship, nose national flag, designed to capture enemy ships.

Francis Drake

Being a corsair, Drake possessed not only the usual greed and cruelty, but was also extremely inquisitive, and, eager to visit new places, eagerly took on orders from Queen Elizabeth, mainly related to spanish colonies. In 1572, he was especially lucky - on the Isthmus of Panama, Drake intercepted the “Silver Caravan” en route to Spain, which was carrying 30 tons of silver.

Once he, carried away, even committed trip around the world. And he completed one of his campaigns with unprecedented profit, replenishing the royal treasury by 500 thousand pounds sterling, which was more than one and a half times its annual income. The Queen personally arrived on the ship to bestow a knighthood on Jack. In addition to treasures, Jack also brought potato tubers to Europe, for which in Germany, in the city of Offenburg, they even erected a monument to him, on the pedestal of which it is written: “To Sir Francis Drake, who spread potatoes in Europe.”

Henry Morgan

Morgan was a world-famous successor to Drake's work. The Spaniards considered him their most terrible enemy, for them he was even more terrible than Francis Drake. Having brought an entire army of pirates to the walls of the Spanish city of Panama at that time, he mercilessly plundered it, taking out huge treasures, after which he turned the city into ashes. Largely thanks to Morgan, Britain was able to seize control of the Caribbean from Spain for some time. King Charles II of England personally knighted Morgan and appointed him governor of Jamaica, where he spent his last years.

Golden Age of Piracy

Beginning in 1690, active trade was established between Europe, Africa and the Caribbean islands, which led to an extraordinary rise in piracy. Numerous ships of the leading European powers, transporting valuable goods, on the high seas became tasty prey for sea robbers, who multiplied in numbers. Real sea robbers, outlaws, who were engaged in outright robbery of all passing ships indiscriminately, in late XVII centuries they replaced the corsairs. Let's remember some of these legendary pirates.

Steed Bonnet was a completely prosperous man - a successful planter, worked in the municipal police, was married and suddenly decided to become a robber of the seas. And Steed was just very tired of the gray everyday life with his always grumpy wife and routine work. Having independently studied maritime affairs and become proficient in it, he bought himself a ten-gun ship called “Revenge,” recruited a crew of 70 people and set off towards the wind of change. And soon his raids became quite successful.

Steed Bonnet also became famous for not being afraid to argue with the most formidable pirate at that time - Edward Teach, Blackbeard. Teach, on his ship with 40 cannons, attacked Steed's ship and easily captured it. But Steed could not come to terms with this and constantly pestered Teach, repeating that real pirates do not act like that. And Teach set him free, but with only a few pirates and completely disarming his ship.

Then Bonnet went to North Carolina, where he had recently pirated, repented to the governor and offered to become their corsair. And, having received consent from the governor, a license and a fully equipped ship, he immediately set off in pursuit of Blackbeard, but to no avail. Steed, of course, did not return to Carolina, but continued to engage in robberies. At the end of 1718 he was caught and executed.

Edward Teach

An indomitable lover of rum and women, this famous pirate in his invariable wide-brimmed hat was nicknamed “Blackbeard.” He actually wore a long black beard, braided into pigtails with wicks woven into them. During the battle, he set them on fire, and at the sight of him, many sailors surrendered without a fight. But it is quite possible that the wicks are only fiction. Blackbeard, although he had a terrifying appearance, was not particularly cruel, and defeated the enemy only by intimidation.

Thus, he captured his flagship ship, Queen Anne's Revenge, without firing a single shot - the enemy team surrendered only after seeing Teach. Teach landed all the prisoners on the island and left them a boat. Although, according to other sources, Teach was indeed very cruel and never left his prisoners alive. At the beginning of 1718, he had 40 captured ships under his command, and about three hundred pirates were under his command.

The British became seriously concerned about his capture; a hunt was announced for him, which ended in success at the end of the year. In a brutal duel with Lieutenant Robert Maynard, Teach, wounded by more than 20 shots, resisted to the last, killing many British in the process. And he died from a blow from a saber - when his head was cut off.

British, one of the most cruel and heartless pirates. Without feeling the slightest compassion for his victims, he also did not take into account the members of his team at all, constantly deceiving them, trying to appropriate as much profit as possible. Therefore, everyone dreamed of his death - both the authorities and the pirates themselves. During another mutiny, the pirates removed him from his captain's post and put him off the ship onto a boat, which the waves carried to the sea during a storm. desert island. After some time, a passing ship picked him up, but a person was found who identified him. Vane's fate was sealed; he was hanged at the entrance to the port.

He was nicknamed "Calico Jack" because he liked to wear wide trousers made of bright calico. Not being the most successful pirate, he glorified his name by being the first to allow women on the ship, contrary to all maritime customs.

In 1720, when Rackham's ship met at sea with the ship of the governor of Jamaica, to the surprise of the sailors, only two pirates fiercely resisted them; as it turned out later, they were women - the legendary Anne Bonny and Mary Read. And everyone else, including the captain, was completely drunk.

In addition, it was Rackham who came up with the same flag (skull and crossbones), the so-called “Jolly Roger”, which we all now associate with pirates, although many sea robbers flew under other flags.

A tall, handsome dandy, he was quite educated person, knew a lot about fashion, observed etiquette. And what is completely uncharacteristic of pirates is that he did not tolerate alcohol and punished others for drunkenness. Being a believer, he wore a cross on his chest, read the Bible and held services on the ship. The elusive Roberts was distinguished by extraordinary courage and, at the same time, was very successful in his campaigns. Therefore, the pirates loved their captain and were ready to follow him anywhere - after all, they would definitely be lucky!

In a short period, Roberts captured more than two hundred ships and about 50 million pounds sterling. But one day lady luck changed him. The crew of his ship, busy dividing up the spoils, was taken by surprise by an English ship under the command of Captain Ogle. At the first shot, Roberts was killed, the buckshot hit him in the neck. The pirates, having lowered his body overboard, resisted for a long time, but were still forced to surrender.

From an early age, spending his time among street criminals, he absorbed all the worst. And being a pirate, he turned into one of the most bloodthirsty sadistic fanatics. And although his time was already at the end of the Golden Age, Lowe a short time, showing extraordinary cruelty, captured more than 100 ships.

Decline of the "Golden Age"

By the end of 1730, the pirates were finished, they were all caught and executed. Over time, they began to be remembered with nostalgia and a certain touch of romanticism. Although in fact, for their contemporaries, pirates were a real disaster.

As for the well-known captain Jack Sparrow, such a pirate did not exist at all, there is no specific prototype of him, the image is entirely fictitious, a Hollywood parody of pirates, and many of the charismatic features of this colorful and charming character were invented on the fly by Johnny Depp.

These ships have been burning in the furnaces of the underworld for a long time. All because the most evil pirates carried out their most terrible plans on them.

“Adventure” (Adventure Galley)

William Kidd's favorite ship. This is a Scottish sailor and English privateer, famous for his loud trial— he was accused of crimes and pirate attacks. The results are still disputed to this day.

“Adventure” is an unusual frigate galley, equipped with straight sails and oars. Due to the latter, it was very maneuverable - both against the wind and in calm weather. Weight - 287 tons, armament - 34 guns. 160 crew members could easily fit on board. the main objective“Adventures” - destroying the ships of other pirates.

Source: wikipedia.org

Queen Anne's Revenge

The flagship of the legendary captain Edward Teach. Teach, aka Blackbeard - English pirate, operating in the Caribbean Sea in 1703-1718.

Teach loved “Revenge” for its weapons - 40 guns. The frigate, by the way, was originally called “Concord” and belonged to Spain. Then he moved to France, and then he was captured by “Blackbeard”. So “Concord” became “Queen Anne’s Revenge”, which sank dozens of merchant and military ships that stood in the way of the famous pirate.

Source: wikipedia.org


“The Master” is the pirate Black Sam Bellamy, one of the most famous pirates of the Golden Age of sea robbery. The Ouida was a fast and maneuverable vessel capable of carrying a lot of treasure. But a year after the start of the pirate robbery, the ship was caught in a terrible storm and was thrown onto the sandbank. Result: the entire team (except for two people) died.

Source: wikipedia.org

“Royal Fortune”

It was listed in the possession of Bartholomew Roberts, the famous Welsh pirate (real name John Roberts), who traded in the Atlantic and the Caribbean. By the way, he captured more than 400 ships. He was distinguished by extravagant behavior.

So, Roberts was crazy about the 42-gun, 3-masted “Royal Fortune”. It was on board that he met his death - in a battle with the British warship Swallow in 1722.

Source: wikipedia.org


The owner is Henry Avery, aka Arch-Pirate and Long Ben, a pirate nicknamed “one of the most successful buccaneers and gentlemen of fortune.” Fantasia was originally the Spanish 30-gun frigate Charles II. Her team successfully robbed French ships. But then a riot broke out on it, and power passed to Avery, who served as the first mate. The pirate renamed the ship and continued to rampage on it (and with it) until death did them part.

Source: wikipedia.org

“Happy Delivery”

A small, but no less beloved ship of George Lowther, an English pirate of the 18th century who “worked” in the Caribbean and the Atlantic. Lowther's trick is to ram an enemy ship with a simultaneous lightning-fast boarding. Often the pirate did this on “Delivery”.

Rising Sun“ (Rising Sun)

The ship was part of the estate of Christopher Moody, one of the most ruthless thugs - on principle he did not take anyone prisoner, and quickly and efficiently released everyone to the next world. So, “Rising Sun” is a 35-gun frigate that terrified everyone, especially Moody’s enemies. True, this continued until the thug was hanged. The bright and then painfully recognizable Moody flag deserves special attention.

The Pirates of the Caribbean film series has become one of the most popular cinematic masterpieces of the new century. The incredible adventures of sea robbers will not leave anyone indifferent.

"Pirates of the Caribbean"

The idea of ​​creating a film about sea adventures came to the mind of director Gore Verbinski back in the late 90s of the 20th century. This happened when he visited the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction at Disneyland.

Bring to life the idea of ​​a film with sea robbers, incredible adventures, pirate treasures were recovered only in 2003.

From that moment on, the era of pirates began. To date, 4 films have been released. Release of the fifth part famous story scheduled for 2017.

The highlight of the film

The star of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is Johnny Depp's hero - pirate captain Jack Sparrow. His ship, the Black Pearl, became a real highlight and symbol of the film. The design of the frigate was developed on the basis of pirate sailing ships of the Middle Ages. The ship "Black Pearl" became integral part film script.

All the main scenes and exciting adventures were filmed on board the sailboat. It is not surprising that the Black Pearl is considered the standard of a pirate frigate.

How to draw the "Black Pearl" (ship)

Which boy hasn't dreamed of feeling real? sea ​​robber? The image of the brave captain Jack Sparrow is invariably associated with his sailboat. Therefore, everyone at least once would like to be a pirate on a real pirate frigate.

So, you can buy a New Year's carnival dress and apply makeup to your face. The image is ready. But a real captain needs a ship, the Black Pearl. It can be depicted on paper. This is quite easy to do.


So, to draw Jack Sparrow’s ship “Black Pearl” on our own, we will need the following items:

  • Paper.
  • Pencil.
  • An eraser.


Before you start drawing the Black Pearl ship, you need to plan out the main steps creative process. According to them, the main work will be carried out.

So, the drawing of the ship "Black Pearl" consists of the following parts:

  • Masts.
  • Sail.
  • Ropes.
  • Frame.
  • Additional details of the drawing.

Drawing masts

"Black Pearl" is one of the most spectacular and beautiful sailing ships. Drawing it on paper will be interesting for both children and adults.

We begin the drawing process by designating the masts of the ship. To do this, place a landscape sheet in front of you. Orientation - vertical. Draw 3 straight lines in the center. They should be at some distance from each other.

On the lines of the masts, draw 4 perpendicular lines. They will become the basis for the sail.

From bottom edge of the left mast, draw a small horizontal line. She will become the bow of the ship.


The main decoration of the "Black Pearl". They are located along the masts. Draw them in the form of curved quadrangles. Thus, the first and second will have 4 small sails.

On third vertical line draw a triangle on top and a curved square below. These will be the sails of the last mast.

You should start drawing from the bottom edge. Excess and irregular lines can be removed with an eraser.


For now, our sails are located on their own, separate from the main part of the ship. They need to be connected. To do this, let's draw ropes.

We connect the very first mast with a thin line to the bow of the ship. We draw black on it. We also connect the sails to the bowsprit using thin curved lines.

On the bottom of the first and second masts, draw several ropes connecting the sails to the ship. Trace the drawn lines with a pencil, giving the image clarity.

We connect the third mast to the hull of the “Black Pearl” also using a drawn vertical rope.


All we have to do is depict the ship itself. You can draw with light and fuzzy movements without pressing the pencil. This way our ship will be perceived as hidden by the waves.

Draw a water line. Above and below it we mark the edges of the ship's hull. Top line connect to the frigate's bow. Bottom part make it hidden by waves.

Remove excess parts using an eraser. We increase the clarity of the image by tracing the main lines with a hard pencil.

Additional details

Our drawing is almost ready. All that remains is to add some personality to it. To do this, we depict the following small details:

  • Waves.
  • Horizon line.
  • Clouds.
  • Soaring birds.
  • Sun.

On the ship itself we draw the steering wheel, guns, sides. You can depict Captain Jack Sparrow looking through binoculars.

We did great pirate sailboat"Black Pearl". Any child can draw a ship with his own hands, even those who do not know the art of painting at all. You just need to turn on your own imagination. If the drawing doesn't work out the first time, don't be upset. After all, you can always re-image a pirate frigate with a brave captain on board.

Making a model of a sailboat

In order to make the Black Pearl ship yourself, you will need the following materials:

  • Foam pieces of various sizes.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.
  • Scotch.
  • Velvet or corrugated paper.
  • Thin wooden sticks (you can take special long sticks for sandwiches or kebabs).
  • Thick thread (you can use wool).
  • Toothpicks.
  • Black beads.
  • Cardboard.
  • Pirate flag drawing.


  1. First you need to print out an image of the Black Pearl ship. The drawing will serve as the main guide for work.
  2. We form the main part of the ship from various pieces of foam plastic. We glue the parts together using tape.
  3. Using a knife, align the sides and give the frigate its final shape.
  4. Add small details to the base of the sailboat.
  5. Using a glue stick, we apply dark-colored corrugated or velvet paper to the body.
  6. Wooden skewers are used to make masts. We install 3 sticks in the middle of the base and 2 at the edges.
  7. We cover the perimeter of the ship with thick thread.
  8. We attach black beads to toothpicks, attach them to the frame of the frigate and stretch a rope between them. The result is a fence.
  9. Glue sails cut from corrugated paper onto wooden skewers.
  10. Using cardboard and toothpicks we form observation deck. Glue it to the central mast.
  11. We attach the image of a pirate flag to the sails. Our frigate is ready!

So, we learned how to draw and make the “Black Pearl” ourselves. Now everyone can feel like a real sea robber.

The editors of the site today decided to remember and prepare for you a selection of the symbolic works of some of the most famous pirate captains.

Blackbeard Flag

Edward Teach (Blackbeard) was an English pirate who operated in the Caribbean from 1716 to 1718. The shrewd and calculating captain avoided the use of force, relying on his formidable image. Not a single evidence of the killing or torture of prisoners on his ship has survived. After his death, Teach was romanticized and served as the prototype for many works about pirates in various genres

Its flag depicts a skeleton holding hourglass(a symbol of the inevitability of death) and preparing to pierce a human heart with a spear. The flag was supposed to warn oncoming ships about the danger of resisting pirates - in this case, all prisoners would face a cruel death. For some time, instead of a skeleton, the flag depicted a pirate.

One of Black Bart's flags

Bartholomew Roberts was a Welsh pirate whose real name was John Roberts, also known as Black Bart. Fished in the Atlantic and Caribbean Sea. Captured more than four hundred ships. He was distinguished by extravagant behavior. One of the most famous pirates in the history of piracy.

Roberts is credited with being the first to call the pirate flag the "Jolly Roger." How true this is is unknown. His own flag was not the usual skull and crossbones design. It showed a pirate with a drawn saber, standing on the heads of defeated enemies, the Governor of Barbados (AVN, “A Barbados Head”) and the Governor of Martinique (AMN, “A Martinique’s Head”). Roberts hanged the governor of Martinique by a yardarm when he captured a warship with the governor on board.

Flag of the "Gentleman of Pirates"

Exist different variants this flag. Heart and spear mean danger and violence

Steed Bonnet is an English pirate, sometimes called a "gentleman of pirates", mainly because of his origin - he is a nobleman, received a good education. Before he took up robbery, he served as a major in the colonial militia on the island of Barbados. The reasons that forced him to take up piracy are not entirely clear. Quite popular in the 18th century were rumors about mild insanity as a result of an unsuccessful marriage to Mary Allambi, which allegedly caused former officer become a pirate. Another version was the scandalous nature of his wife, which he could not stand and decided to take up piracy. It is also worth noting that Bonnet was the only pirate who paid wages to sailors.

Calico Jack Flag

Jack Rackham, nicknamed Calico Jack - famous pirate early XVIII century. Rackham was called Calico Jack (for smuggling Calico fabric, which was imported from Calicut during the ban on its import, and also because he constantly wore wide trousers made from this fabric). He was not known as a cruel or successful pirate. He became famous due to the fact that his team included two women dressed in men's clothing, - Anne Bonny and Mary Read. Both were the captain's partners. Their courage and bravery made the team famous.

It was his flag that served as the prototype for one of the classic types of pirate flags, known to everyone from pirate novels and films. Flags with a skull and crossbones could have either black or red cloth. Again, there were several variations of the flag, the most popular theme being a pirate drinking wine with death. This flag truly turned out to be prophetic. Rekem and his pirates were drunk when they were captured.

Flag of Edward England

Edward England was a famous pirate of the African coast and the Indian Ocean from 1717 to 1720. He sailed on the ships Pearl (renamed Royal James by England) and Fancy, for which he exchanged Pearl in 1720. His flag was classic Jolly Roger with a skull above two crossed femurs on a black background. The flag was made famous in Robert Louis Stevenson's novel Treasure Island. This flag is now considered the main type of pirate flag, although, as you already understand, it was only one of many variants.

The alleged flag of Tew

Thomas Tew, also known as the Rhode Island Pirate, was an English privateer and pirate. Based in Newport, where he was extremely popular. Although he made only two major voyages and died during the second of them, he was the first to sail the route known later as the Pirate Circle. Many famous pirates, including Henry Every and William Kidd, sailed this way after Tew.

Tew's personal flag reportedly depicted white hand holding a sword on a black field. According to general opinion, this meant “we are ready to kill you.” There is no contemporary evidence of this flag.

Archpirate Flag

Henry Avery, nicknamed Arch-Pirate and Long Ben, is a pirate dubbed "one of the most successful buccaneers and gentlemen of fortune." Was one of the most successful pirates Indian Ocean, however, according to some sources, he lost everything towards the end of his life and died a beggar, and according to others, he went broke, returned to Britain, bought new documents and soon set off on new voyages, where he died.

Presumably served as a prototype for Daniel Defoe's book "The Life and Adventures of the Glorious Captain Singleton", on the basis of which Charles Johnson later wrote the comedy "The Lucky Pirate".