Dictionary of phraseological units and their meaning. Phrasebook

To give words an emotional coloring, to embellish your speech, to increase lexicon Phraseological units help us. However, it is not always possible to remember the appropriate phrase that is literally on the tip of your tongue the first time, or it may not be in the lexicon at all. An indispensable assistant in this situation is an online dictionary of phraseological units. This small and intuitive, and most importantly free application will be a real Ariadne's thread for anyone who wants to increase their vocabulary. It will also be useful for those who are in one way or another involved in writing “live” texts: students, teachers, journalists, translators, etc. Using the application, you can quickly and easily special effort find the required phrase.

The dictionary is created in such a way that you can solve many problems at the same time, namely:

Use your full potential. The application contains hundreds of examples of set phrases and catchphrases: original Russian and foreign, ancient and Victorian, biblical and fairy tales. In addition to a concise and clear decoding of the meaning of a phraseological unit and examples of appropriate use, the program provides information about its origin (i.e., about those who used it famous people or characters).
Save time on searching. For user convenience, phraseological units can be displayed in the form full list or separate category, as well as search the built-in dictionaries by word or set of letters. Especially for those who do not want to lose an expression that resonates with them, the ability to place individual phrases in the “Favorites” category has been added.
Remember and learn. Another interesting feature to consider is the “Phrase of the Day”. We select the most interesting idioms from our dictionary and show it to the user 1 phrase per day. This not only allows the user to enrich their vocabulary with new phrases and expressions, but also inhales new life to the old and long forgotten.
The databases of our online dictionary are regularly updated and expanded. This is largely facilitated by the users themselves, who introduce new idioms on the official website of the application (http://frazbook.ru).

The application works online and supports features such as:

Voice, full-text and partial search (required noun, in nominative case and singular);
Scaling text and adjusting it to fit the screen;
Selecting text and copying it;
Maintaining search history;
Among other things, the application has a number of capabilities for transmitting and saving found information. With its help, you can import your favorite quote into Google Keep or save it to Google Drive, convert it to a PDF file, or send it to a friend within your means Email or Bluetooth, etc.

Install the Frasbook oline dictionary now, and very soon you will not recognize your speech. May good luck be with you!

The Russian language is beautiful and rich, they give it special imagery and emotionality phraseological expressions. They are used both in book vocabulary, and in conversation, helping to paint the story with new colors. The ability to use phraseological expressions in speech shows how well a person speaks the language. For those who want to learn how to include phraseological units in their speech in such a way that they are appropriate and in harmony with the main thrust of the narrative, “ Phrasebook Russian language".

The dictionary gives alphabetical list phraseological units, i.e. keyword, by which you can search for phraseological units. It also provides an interpretation of set expressions, offers options for changes, words that may or may not be included in circulation. For each expression, the scope of its use, emotional connotation, and expressiveness are indicated. It happens that a phraseological unit has several synonymous meanings; first they are explained, and then examples of their use are given. The dictionary also explains the origin of the phraseological phrase.

Thus, with the help of this dictionary you can learn to use correctly in speech set expressions, which can be quite complex in some cases, since they do not change and may contain words that come from active use. The manual is recommended for schoolchildren, students, teachers, as well as anyone who wants to improve their knowledge of the language and enrich their vocabulary.

The work belongs to the genre Dictionaries. It was published in 2015 by Drofa Publishing House. The book is part of the "Pocket Library of Dictionaries" series. On our website you can download the book "Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 2.9 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

The phraseological dictionary of the Russian language by A. I. Molotkov - for the first time, over 4000 developments of phraseological units of the Russian language are given - is of interest to people of all professions, for students, teachers of the Russian language, writers and journalists, philologists, as well as for everyone who studies the Russian language - the first edition was released in 1967

Plan 1. Message from the editors 2. Message from the authors 3. Phraseologisms of the Russian language and their principles lexicographic description 4. Lexicographical sources 5. Guide to using the dictionary 6. List of abbreviations 7. Dictionary entries

From the editor The purpose of creating the dictionary: 1. Increase speech culture 2. Assistance in learning the Russian language by foreigners 3. Further compilation of bilingual phraseological dictionaries Features: - contains over 4000 dictionary entries - for the first time an attempt has been made to show various shapes use of phraseological units - interpreted different meanings phraseological units - quotes from works of art Russian literature of the 19th -20th centuries.

From the authors - materials on Russian phraseology began to be collected back in pre-revolutionary Russia- is the first dictionary of this type Sources: 1. Dictionaries of the Russian language 2. Research on phraseology 3. Special selections of phraseological units from fiction and journalistic literature 19th -20th centuries

Compiled by A. I. Molotkov - theoretical basis books, practical instructions for writing it Compilation work: L. A. Voinova - letters G, I, P V. P. Zhukov - letters L, M, R, S A. I. Molotkov - letters V, K, T - Z A. I. Fedorov – letters A, B, D – Z, N, O Reviewers: E. I. Korotaeva K. A. Timofeev

Phraseological units of the Russian language and the principles of their lexicographic description Criteria for defining a phraseological unit: stability, integrity of meaning, separate design, possibility of structural variants (new formations), reproducibility, untranslatability Tasks of the phraseological dictionary: 1) Definition linguistic nature phraseological unit 2) Historical-temporal and stylistic characteristic phraseological units 3) Understanding the pattern of using phraseological units in speech

Categorical features of a phraseological unit - distinguish phraseological units into an independent unit of language - delimit it from other units of language lexical meaning component composition the presence of grammatical categories; comparison of a phraseological unit with a word as a unit of language, which has some common features with a phraseological unit; comparison of a phraseological unit with a phrase (less often a sentence), since the phrase is the genetic source of a phraseological unit

Phraseologism and word General signs: lexical meaning and grammatical categories Lexical meaning: - can be interpreted - can be correlated by lexical meaning Grammatical categories: - coordination - control - adjacency

Phraseologisms and phrases Phraseologisms are a genetic source - phraseological units arise by rethinking specific phrases or sentences

Form of the phraseological unit The actual form of the phraseological unit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Composition of the components of the phraseological unit Boundaries of the phraseological unit Component options Optional components Structural organization Paradigmatic forms of phraseological units are a feature of phraseological units in inflectional languages ​​- adverbial phraseological units do not have such forms at all - in adjectival ones they are limited to the forms of expressing gender and number, or are completely absent - they are found in verbal and nominal ones, they are strictly limited to a minimum of forms sufficient to express relations and connections in proposal

Lexical meaning of phraseological units Nominal phraseological units Verbal phraseological units Adverbial phraseological units Verb-propositional phraseological units Interjectional phraseological units Nominal descriptive phraseology: clawed goose, Achilles heel Infinitive descriptive phraseology: chase the slacker, give free rein to the tongue Descriptive attributive phraseology: not so hot, without a king in my head Descriptive adverbial phrase: at the top of his lungs, hand on heart Descriptive verb phrase: tongue gets twisted (for someone), hands drop (for someone) There is no single formula for interpretation