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The monetary unit of Vietnam is the Dong. Designated or VND. Dong does not have much solvency and occupies a rather sad position in the world market.

So, due to the low value of the currency, in modern Vietnam, one dong usually means one thousand. Three zeros usually lose their meaning.

In addition to Vietnamese dong, the country readily accepts dollars (USD) - the most popular foreign currency in the country. Most often, the exchange rate to the dollar is favorable relative to other currencies. Rubles and euros are not accepted in the country and, as a result, we do not recommend exchanging it here.

Dong to ruble on average 1,000 VND = 2.6 RUB. Dollar to dong 1 USD = 22,485.46 VND.

Vietnamese currency exchange rate to ruble and dollar

*Select the required currencies and click the “Convert” button

Where can you exchange currency in Vietnam?

In Vietnam, currency is changed almost everywhere: in specialized exchange offices, in hotels, airports, jewelry stores. Many people recommend exchanging in jewelry stores, as they are considered to have the most favorable exchange rate of the Vietnamese dong to the dollar. Most Not A profitable way to receive dongs is by exchanging or withdrawing money from a bank, since the bank adds its 2% commission to the card bank’s commission.

Using plastic cards in Vietnam

We did not take currency to Vietnam; we went only with plastic cards. Be sure to notify your bank that you intend to use the card abroad, otherwise the card will not be valid.

Withdrawing money in Vietnam is not particularly difficult; there are ATMs marked ATM on almost every corner, especially in the resort area. Look at the commission of the bank you use, a good commission will not exceed VND 50-60,000. We tried to use bank ATMs Agribank and Vietcombank, since these banks have favorable commissions. The commission is also charged by the card bank. For example, Sberbank charges about 100 rubles for its services.

Step-by-step instructions for using ATMs:

  1. Insert card;
  2. Select language: ENGLISH;
  3. Enter PIN;
  4. Select the type of operation: CASH WITHDRAW;
  5. Select account - DEFAULT;
  6. Enter the amount in dong, press ENTER or OK;
  7. Then the ATM will ask whether to print a receipt - YES;
  8. Then the commission amount will be indicated, click YES ;
  9. We take the card and check and count the money.

The country's currency is the Vietnamese dong (VND), in active circulation there are bills from 500 to 500,000 dong, while theoretically there are also bills of 100 and 200 dong, as well as coins from 100 to 5,000 dong. It is no longer possible to get the smallest bills or coins, especially in major cities. Banknotes starting from 10,000 dong are made not of paper, but of thin plastic - so that they are wear-resistant in conditions of high humidity. At first after your arrival, be very careful about money and pay slowly until you get the hang of it. The fact is that a 20,000 dong bill is similar in color to a 500,000 dong bill, and 10,000 dong in a dim taxi can easily be confused with 200,000 dong. The Vietnamese take money very seriously, so don’t be afraid to look awkward, no one will rush you. Understanding local money is very easy, you just need to get used to it a little.

What currency to take

As elsewhere in Asia, cash dollars are preferred in Vietnam, and The exchange rate for 50 and 100 dollar bills will be slightly higher than the rest. Be sure to take small dollars if you have them - they can be useful at first (taxi, water, fruit) until you acquire local currency. You won’t be able to change euro cash everywhere., but in banks, for example, you can do this without any problems, so if you have European currency left over from a previous trip, feel free to take it with you.

Where to change

IN tourist places Dollars can be exchanged not only in banks, but also in jewelry stores and travel agencies, and the rate there can often be higher than the bank rate. This is explained by the restriction on the purchase of foreign currency by the local population. So “tourist” dollars are always held in high esteem by the Vietnamese. They often ask - is it possible to pay in dollars, as some are used to doing in other countries. Theoretically, it is possible, but there are two points. The first is that when calculating (for the sake of convenience, not deception), the price in dollars may be calculated for you at a reduced rate of 22,000 dong per dollar (while it is higher than 22,000). Secondly, in a number of cases (buses, street vendors, local food stores, supermarket checkouts) they simply will not accept dollars from you. So change it.

Dong to dollar and ruble exchange rate

There is no point in writing the exact dong exchange rate here., as it fluctuates constantly (June 2017 - about 22,600 VND per dollar). Over the past six years, the dong has fallen slightly in price (it was 20,800 VND per dollar). When sudden changes we will publish immediately new course donga. As for rubles, now, unfortunately, the dollar in Russia is growing, and now, to find out how much certain goods or services cost in rubles, you need to multiply by 2.7. For example, if you gave the taxi driver 50,000 dong, then the trip cost you 135 rubles, and if you had dinner for 200,000 dong, then you paid 540 rubles for the meal. You will get an almost exact price in rubles. How to multiply any amount in your head by 2.7? It’s very simple - first multiply by 3 exactly, and then subtract a tenth and you’ll get exactly the exact amount.

Plastic cards

Vietnam is one of the countries with very big amount plastic card fraud. In August 2013, a number of Russian banks, without notifying their clients, closed the Pacific and South American regions for card transactions. Vietnam, as you understand, is part of Pacific region. Some cardholders found out about this at the most inconvenient moment - when trying to pay with a card on the spot. We advise you before your trip check whether transactions from Vietnam will be available on your card. If problems arise in Vietnam, you have the opportunity to call the phone number indicated on the map and call a codeword operator (if you remember him, of course), unlock your card.

In general, having a plastic card is not advisable from the point of view of daily practical use on vacation, but just in case (you didn’t have enough money or lost money, additional urgent expenses arose, or you didn’t have enough cash when purchasing, and you don’t want to waste time). Using the card every day is not very convenient because ATMs, as a rule, give out no more than 2-3 million dong (100-150 dollars) at a time, and you will most likely pay two commissions - both to a Vietnamese bank and to a Russian one (20 000-60,000 VND per transaction). In addition, many stores have an additional 3% surcharge if you pay by card. All this makes “plastic”, if not useless, then certainly not a popular means of payment in Vietnam.


Everything flows, everything changes. Once upon a time, Mui Ne and Nha Trang were predominantly visited by Vietnamese tourists. And tipping was almost prohibited on state level, because Vietnam is a socialist country. The Vietnamese did not give tips and, accordingly, did not take them. Then foreign tourists (very greedy, thrifty ones, by the way) began to leave small tips. And then Russian tourists appeared in Vietnam, open-hearted people who could give a waitress 100 thousand dong (her daily salary) simply for smiling at them. All this means that now in tourist places - in restaurants and spas, Tips are more likely to be expected from Russian clients than not. But still, tips are optional. Considering the fairly average service that the client receives in most establishments, we recommend tipping only those staff who actually deserve it with their attitude and attention to you. Standard size- from 10% of the invoice amount, as elsewhere.

Budget for a trip to Vietnam

Very often tourists ask how much money they need to have with them “to have enough.” The question, although very individual, is still not idle - taking into account the fact that in Vietnam cash dollars are held in high esteem, in Russia for this you will need to buy them, and not “how much”, but a certain amount. Buying both a little and a lot is more expensive for yourself. The most correct thing is to “assign” some amount to yourself in advance, which you don’t mind spending directly on vacation. Basic expenses at the resort- this includes food and alcohol, excursions and spa treatments, transport, and, of course, shopping. Let's roughly calculate the comfortable minimum. Daily purchase of fruit - 100,000 VND, two meals (lunch and dinner) 200,000 VND each (a couple of dishes and a drink), massage - from 200,000 VND, taxi from 50,000 VND per day. It’s clear, somewhere less, somewhere more, and for 12 full days vacation we get 9 million dong (430 dollars). We add 100 dollars for excursions (with a price of 35-50 dollars and an average of 2-3 excursions per person, according to statistics, this is what happens), and at least another 100 dollars for souvenirs. We get about 630 dollars. It's interesting that we almost fit in golden rule of tourism have a minimum of $50 a day in expenses (12 days of $50 is $600). Approximately this amount should be counted as irrevocably spent. If necessary, you can keep it to $300 without giving up almost anything on the list, simply choosing cheap places and reducing your purchases a little. And if possible, it’s easy to spend $300 a day, even in such a generally inexpensive country as Vietnam. In the vein of this and another golden rule of tourism finally: take half as many things, and twice as much money!

Many tourists from all over the world come to Vietnam not only to relax on the beach or admire local attractions, but also to go shopping, take part in excursions and taste exotic cuisine. All these pleasures involve spending money.

What currency is in Vietnam, how much money to take with you on vacation, what is the exchange rate of the Vietnamese currency to the ruble - all these and other similar questions often puzzle travelers on the eve of a trip to Vietnam.

Vietnamese currency: what bills and coins are in use?

The official currency in Vietnam is the Vietnamese dong. It has a VND code. Change monetary unit is Hao - 1/10. Currently, bills and coins of various denominations are in use. Of the banknotes in circulation, banknotes in denominations of:

  • 1000,
  • 2000,
  • 5000,
  • 10000,
  • 20000,
  • 50000,
  • 100000,
  • 200000
  • and 500,000 Vietnamese dong.

Also in circulation are coins in denominations of 200, 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000 Vietnamese dong.

The most active currency in Vietnam is from 500 to 500,000 dong. In large cities today, difficulties arise with the smallest coins and banknotes - often it is not possible to obtain them. Interestingly enough, banknotes in denominations of 10,000 Vietnamese dong are made not from special paper, but from the thinnest plastic. So the country's authorities hope to extend the life of banknotes by a long period use.

This innovation is especially relevant for a country with humid climate, because seasonal downpours often occur in Vietnam. For tourists who visit this place for the first time unique country, experienced travelers give recommendations on how to use Vietnamese money. For example, you should not spend large amounts in the first days of rest. It’s better to first get comfortable at the resort, take a closer look at the prices, find a similar product that may be cheaper, and then start spending.

The Vietnamese currency, whose exchange rate is subject to frequent changes, is in great demand in the country along with the American dollar. You should be careful when paying for purchases - banknotes of 20,000 and 500,000 Vietnamese dong are very similar to each other, and banknotes of 10,000 and 200,000 dong are also similar. Because of this similarity, money can be easily confused. However, this is all a matter of time - after a few days you can quickly distinguish Vietnamese money from each other.

What money should I take to Vietnam?

The dollar is a currency that is in demand in all Asian countries, including Vietnam. It should be noted that when exchanging banknotes in denominations of 50 and 100 US dollars, the exchange rate will be slightly higher than when exchanging banknotes of other denominations. Small denomination dollars are used quite often - this money is used to pay taxi drivers, buy fruits, soft drinks, ice cream, etc.

Currency exchange in Vietnam, in particular euros, can only be changed at banks, so it is best to have dong or dollars with you when making purchases. By the way, dollars can be exchanged at the following institutions:

  • in banks,
  • in travel agencies,
  • in jewelry stores,
  • in hotels,
  • in restaurants.

The rate here is often much higher than in banks, since the purchase of foreign currency local residents very limited.

Paying for services and goods using dollars in Vietnam is theoretically possible, but there are a couple of nuances. Firstly, for the sake of convenience, sellers may calculate the price in dollars at 20,000 dong per dollar, although in reality it may cost more than 21,000 dong. Secondly, in some retail outlets, in public transport, American dollars are not accepted as payment at supermarket checkout counters. Therefore, it is important to always carry the official currency of Vietnam - at least some.

What is the Vietnamese dong to ruble exchange rate?

Vietnam currency against ruble has always interested travelers from Russia. The dong exchange rate changes very often, and due to the fact that the dollar in Russia is regularly growing, to calculate the cost of certain goods it is necessary to produce some arithmetic operations— multiply the cost of goods in Vietnam by 1.9. For example, if a service cost a tourist 20,000 dong, that means he spent 38 rubles in rubles. If the product costs 291,000 Vietnamese dong, then in rubles this amount will be equal to 855. For convenience of calculations, you can multiply not by 1.9, but by 2 - this is what most travelers do. Below you can see the Vietnamese dong (VND) to dollar (USD) exchange rate, as well as the Vietnamese dong to ruble exchange rate for today:

To calculate the currency exchange rate in Vietnam against the ruble, the calculator is an excellent assistant. With its help, you can quickly and accurately calculate the cost of any goods and services. Today you can use such calculators on various websites offering trips around Vietnam. For getting exact amount in rubles, you must enter the amount in dong in a special window. In the same way, you can find out the ratio of the dong to the dollar or euro.

Using plastic cards in Vietnam

Tourists can use credit (plastic) cards in a country like Vietnam in large shopping centers, prestigious hotels, expensive restaurants and popular travel agencies. Also in major cities of the country there are a large number of ATMs where travelers can easily withdraw money.

ATMs are especially in demand in resort towns, but when cashing out money you need to be extremely careful - accidental substitution of the same similar bills is possible. Such fraud is not typical for ATMs located in banks themselves or in large shopping centers.

The official exchange rate of Vietnam is set at the top and is applied during non-cash payments. Despite the fact that in Vietnam you can find exchange offices, which allow you to receive Russian rubles instead of Vietnamese dongs, the rate will be excessively inflated. That is why it is best to exchange a certain amount of Russian currency for dollars before departure, and then, upon arrival in Vietnam, exchange dollars for dongs.

Tourists should also take into account the fact that they will be charged a fee when cashing out. In addition to the commission that the Russian bank will take, a certain percentage will be withheld at Vietnamese ATMs for completing the transaction. Some ATMs in Vietnam only allow you to withdraw a certain amount. Money, moreover, minus a fairly high commission.

What is the dong to ruble exchange rate today?

Vietnamese currency exchange rate to ruble for today this is the case in the following way: 1 Russian ruble is equal to approximately 340 Vietnamese dong. Every day there is a slight fluctuation in currencies, sharp jumps in Lately not yet recorded. From the point of view of the Vietnamese economy, it is important for the country that payments for services and goods occur in the official currency of the country - dong.

The reciprocal exchange rate to the ruble of the Vietnamese currency is as follows: 1 dong is equal to approximately 0.0029 Russian rubles. By the way, due to the low value of the national currency local population Vietnamese people usually call 1000 dong simply "dong". This may confuse an inexperienced tourist, but soon this “policy” of Vietnamese traders will become quite understandable.

What determines the Vietnamese currency exchange rate?

As a rule, when cashing out funds, the Vietnamese currency exchange rate depends on several factors, namely:

  • time of day;
  • ATM location;
  • features of the bank;
  • market trends.

The exchange rate of the Vietnamese currency against the ruble, however, remains more or less stable. When cashing out money, ATMs in Vietnam can only dispense 2-3 million dong per day - in conversion this is approximately 100-150 US dollars. A deduction for the commission of two banks is also added - Russian and Vietnamese. In such cases, having a plastic card in Vietnam is not always convenient and cost-effective - it is best to use it in the most extreme cases, for example, when there is not enough money to pay for a product or service or other urgent expenses arise.

In Vietnam, the currency against the ruble is important when calculating daily expenses for each family member among Russian tourists. So, the main money on vacation is spent on transport travel, breakfasts, lunches, dinners, massages and other spa treatments, the purchase of alcohol and fruits and, of course, on souvenirs for yourself and relatives. On average, about 600-650 US dollars are spent per person for 9 days in Vietnam.

According to the constant rule of tourism, every vacationer should expect to spend at least $50 per day on various entertainment, taxi rides and other purchases on vacation.

In Vietnam you can easily meet this amount. Moreover, in 9 days of staying in this amazing country you can spend almost 2 times less money, while buying everything the same and almost without limiting yourself in spending. How? It’s very simple: you just need to know the places where you can buy everything much cheaper and cross off less important purchases from the list.

Vietnamese currency in 2017 against the ruble

The currency of Vietnam - the exchange rate to the ruble 2017 for May is as follows: 1 Russian ruble is equal to approximately 340 Vietnamese dong. There are minor currency fluctuations daily, but in general the exchange rate is 340-344 dong to 1 ruble. For about 5 years now, there has been a stabilization in the ratio of the dong to the US dollar.

It is best to take American dollars on your trip - they are easier and cheaper to exchange at Vietnamese banks and travel agencies. It is recommended to have 50% in cash and the same amount on a bank card.

What is the currency in Vietnam, exchange rate to ruble currently will tell you, for example, an online calculator that can be quickly found on the Internet. Using the calculator you can calculate the cost of 1 dollar, 1 euro, 1 ruble or any other currency in relation to the dong.

How much money to take to Vietnam? You are planning a trip to a wonderful Asian country for the first time, you don’t really know anything, you need advice. Let's count.

The most extreme minimum is $100 for 10 days per person. This is if you eat nothing but Doshirak and go swimming at the same beach. Since rest for ascetics is unlikely to appeal to most, let’s consider more acceptable options.

300 dollars - and off to Vietnam!

How much money should you take per person just to survive in a wonderful Asian country? Thirty dollars a day or about 1900 rubles is the minimum that is enough for food in cheap cafes, a couple of excursions and a few budget souvenirs.

400 dollars for 10 days

If you add one hundred dollars per person, then from this calculation (2500 rubles per day for one) you can eat in normal establishments (2 times a day), rent an inexpensive scooter, spend about 150 dollars on excursions (9300 rubles).

500 dollars

How much money to take to Vietnam per person in order to breathe more or less freely? At the rate of $500 for 10 days (31,300 rubles), you can raid stores, spending about 6,000 rubles on purchases. Food will cost about 12,000 rubles including meals in normal restaurants; you can pay 12,000 rubles for 3 interesting excursions, and then - for small things, about 1,300 rubles will still be spent on other things. This is already more like a normal vacation, it’s just that each of you will redistribute budget money at your own discretion. Bring home real Vietnamese coffee - this is a great gift, your loved ones will be delighted (it costs about 8,000-9,000 rubles).


Golden Rule Everyone knows: in tourist areas prices are higher. Moreover, this applies to large supermarkets, and not only to food, but to all goods. When you are making a budget and thinking about how much money to take for two to Vietnam, consider following rules to pay less:

  1. Buy goods from small local shops and markets.
  2. Purchase products as far as possible from tourist areas and places where there are large concentrations of foreigners.

True, you need to be vigilant here, because it is not always clear whether the products are fresh in small shops, where the price can be two times lower than in a supermarket. If you are afraid of getting poisoned, it is better to go to a large, trusted store that has everything for food Required documents and certificates.

To make it easier to navigate, below is a table with prices for products in rubles and in Vietnamese dong. In each city, prices may vary slightly, it all depends on the distance from tourist spots.

What currency is best to take to Vietnam? In the tourist area you can exchange both dollars and euros. One Russian ruble is approximately equal to 369 Vietnamese dong (vnd), 1$ is approximately equal to 23,041.8 vnd, 1000 dong = 2.7 Russian rubles (approximately).


approximate price in rubles

approximate price in vnd

Milk, 1 liter

Chicken (quail) egg (10 pcs)

Cheese, 1 kg, regular

A pack of butter 260 g


Creamy, cheese 150 g

Sunflower/olive oil, 250 ml

Imported/local chocolate


Cookies - 1 pack

Peanuts in coconut shell


Chips - pack 30 grams

Chicken meat, 1 kg


Pork, 1 kg


Fresh fish, 1 kg


Crab, 1 kg

245 90 000

Shrimp, 1 kg


Approximately $50-60 per person - this is if your basket contains almost every item of the specified denomination. The quantities indicated in the table should be enough for 2, maximum 3 days. That is, per day it will be about 16-20 $ (900-1200 rubles).

Cost of fruits and vegetables

As for fruits growing in Vietnam, their price directly depends on the season. For example, a mango from December to May can be bought for 20,000 dong, jackfruit in July and August will cost from 15,000 vnd (40 rubles), and durian from May to September will cost 30,000 dong or 81 rubles (if unpeeled, then approximately 12,000 dong). Watermelons, pineapples, apples are sold here at the same price all year round. Their approximate cost, respectively, is 10,000 dong, 15,000 vnd and 45,000 Vietnamese dong. As you can see, apples are the most exotic and expensive fruit product.

Prices for vegetables are very affordable. Potatoes can be bought for 15,000 VND, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions - from 6,000 VND, broccoli - from 20,000 VND per 1 kilogram.

For 2-3 days, vegetables and fruits will free your wallet from 80,000-100,000 dong, that is, you will spend about 30,000 dong per day (approximately 80-100 rubles).

You can't not drink

You should always have a bottle of fresh water with you - they don’t live any other way in Asia. Vietnam's famous local coffee is the pride of the country. A cup of an invigorating drink will cost only a ridiculous 12,000 vnd ($0.5) or 32 rubles, if you want plain water, then a 1.5 liter bottle costs 13,000 dong, and soda or iced tea will cost 8,000 dong for 0 .5 l (21 rubles). A portion of a refreshing fruit cocktail will lighten your wallet by 30,000 vnd. A liter of packaged juice costs 50,000 (135 rubles) dong. You can allocate 200 rubles per day for drinking.


Local rum is highly valued by those who like to relax with a sparkle. The drink costs about $8 per 0.7 liter bottle, Dalat wine costs from $3 (186 rubles) per 0.7 liter, and whiskey costs about $30 (1860 rubles). This is all for 0.7 liters. You can indulge in local beer for 0.5 US dollars or 31 rubles (0.33 l can).

If you hope that you don’t drink every day, but 2-3 times a week, then you can budget 70 rubles for alcohol - this is the minimum. If you buy rum, then another plus 200 rubles per day.

So, how much money should you take for food for two people in Vietnam if you eat on your own? A complete diet with drinks and sweets will take away about 2000-3000 rubles a day.

Cafes and restaurants

How much can you spend in Vietnamese cafes and restaurants? For a budget option for lunch, unpretentious people can go to local cafes with plastic furniture. For lunch you will pay about 90 rubles. In more fashionable restaurants, the check will be about 750 rubles; these will be dishes of European and Thai cuisine.

A hamburger at a fast food establishment costs about 150 rubles, and French fries cost 78 rubles. A serving of rice with chicken will cost about 90-120 rubles. Ice cream - about 30 rubles per serving.

Therefore, having calculated how much money to take with you to Vietnam for two to go to cafes and restaurants at least once a day, focus on the amount from 200 (simple cafe) to 1400 rubles (restaurant good level) per day. Sometimes local cafes do not have a menu: the prices for foreigners are the same, and for locals - different. Try to dine where the Vietnamese eat, tell the owner of the establishment that you have been living here for more than two years, and you will most likely be treated like one of their own. And don't forget to smile.

Transport in Vietnam

How much money should I take to Vietnam for transport? There are regular buses around the city, which are convenient, except that they are designed for the short local population, about 170 cm tall. All buses are air conditioned. The fare costs about 25 rubles. If you - A tall man, you may not be very comfortable on such a bus. Take a taxi!

Using a taxi, you will pay about 150 rubles around the city. This is the average price according to the counter. Drivers often agree to fixed price, it’s better to write it on paper so as not to be deceived. A taxi ride from Cam Ranh Airport to Nha Trang starts from 1,500 rubles and depends on the distance and class of car. It doesn’t matter how many passengers there will be, and to what address you need to be delivered.

A good way to save on transport is to rent a bike. How much money should I take to Vietnam to rent a motorcycle? In Nha Trang, a daily rental of a scooter will cost about 220 rubles, and you will also need to leave a deposit of about $100 (it is strongly recommended not to leave your passport as a deposit to strangers).

If you want to take a train and get to another city, the fare depends on the type of train and the level of comfort (with or without air conditioning). The category of the place also plays a role - sleeping or sitting, hard or soft. As an example: the cost of a train ticket from Ho Chi Minh City to Nha Trang or vice versa is from 950 rubles per person.


Simple rules valid in all countries. If you are traveling during the high season and are calculating how much money you need to take to Vietnam to pay for housing, remember that it will cost you about 25% more, and during the peak period the overpayment can be half the actual rental price. If you want to save money, then the most low prices the south of Vietnam will enjoy housing from April to October, and the north of the country from December to February.

If you are traveling to Vietnam on your own, then when planning a trip to New Year, book accommodation in advance, as usually all decent accommodation is already booked several months in advance. It’s cheaper to rent for a long time than, say, for a week.

The price depends on the location of the property; the most expensive are the first line of the sea and the city center. Take into account the returnable insurance deposit of about 6,000 rubles, which prudent owners will take from you in case you damage something in the house.

Nha Trang

How much and what kind of money should you take to Vietnam if you are going to Nha Trang and renting a house on your own? The average rental price in this region is 1300-1400 rubles from September to November. Then prices start to rise. In December, the daily rental cost will be 1,600 rubles, in January - 3,000 rubles, then prices will decline, February rent will be about 2,300 rubles per day. In April from 5 to 13, as well as on April 30 - 2500 rubles per day, in the first week of May - the same. During the rest of April and May, the daily price of housing will not exceed 1600-1800 rubles.

Ho Chi Minh City

This is a more stable city in terms of housing prices. The average rental cost does not exceed 23-30 dollars per day (1400 - 1900 rubles) depending on the season.

Phu Quoc Island

How much money to take to Vietnam if you are going to Phu Quoc Island? In September average cost rental housing will be about 1600-1850 rubles per day, at the end of September it can reach up to 2000 rubles. October stays at around 1850 rubles, then prices begin to rise, November is already characterized by rent of 2000 rubles per day, and December - 2500 rubles per day. In January and February, housing can be rented for 31-37 US dollars (1900-2400 rubles), March is cheaper by 200 rubles per day, April costs about 26-29 dollars (1600-1800 rubles per day).

Prices for excursions in Vietnam in 2018

To get to know a country, you need to visit its main excursion routes. If you are traveling together and don’t know how much to take for excursions to Vietnam, make yourself a travel plan in advance. Be sure to visit Dalat and Ho Chi Minh City. The cost of standard excursions to these cities is approximately 1000 rubles and 3100 rubles, respectively. Trips to the islands will lighten your wallet by about 1000-2000 rubles.

Getting to know the natural splendor of an Asian country is mandatory part your journey. But how much money to take per person to Vietnam for sea excursions? Fishing costs about 550 rubles, trips to the entertainment island VINPEARL - 1800 rubles (on this excursion a photo with a python will cost 140 rubles, all sorts of ointments and potions - about 1500 rubles). A quad bike safari will cost about 2,500 rubles, and diving costs about the same for one person.

In general, the cost of 3-4 excursions, taking into account the discount, can be about 7,500 rubles.


Upon arrival, everyone is given a visa at the airport. For Russian citizens it is free, for representatives of other CIS countries its cost starts from $45, it all depends on the length of stay in the country. This is not a costly item for our compatriots.

Rubles or dollars?

There is no point in taking Russian rubles to Vietnam. Bring with you American dollars and (if you happen to have any left over from previous trips) Vietnamese dongs.

Before your trip, be sure to find out information from your bank regarding your card: will there be any problems with withdrawing money from it and paying in stores in Vietnam.

The Vietnamese operate in terms of “thousand”, and if, for example, they told you the price or the number “25”, then most likely they mean thousands of dong. In Vietnamese language thousands are designated by the word "nghin" (this is how the inhabitants pronounce this word northern Vietnam) or "nghan" (as a thousand is called in the southern part of the country).

But it’s not just the question of how much money to take to Vietnam that should concern you. The denomination of the banknotes also plays a role. Take large $100 bills with you, they are cheaper (the exchange rate is better) and easier to exchange. Be careful, as people like to steal money here (motorcyclists often snatch bags while moving), so it’s often not worth the risk for a 1-2% profit at an obscure exchange office on the outskirts. Vietnam boasts an abundance of banks international level. However, be careful: a credit institution called Agribank will not help you; it is a local bank that serves only those who have an account there.

Traveler's checks can be cashed without commission at Vietcom Bank, we're talking about about American Express checks.

As for ATMs, Vietnam is simply replete with them, but again, not all accept foreign cards. You only need Incom, BIDV, Sacom, Techcom, Vietcom ATMs marked with the Plus System logo.

Now that you know approximately how much money to take on vacation to Vietnam, all that remains is to find inexpensive air tickets. Good luck and be careful!