Captain rank corresponds to what. What shoulder straps did different ranks wear in the Tsarist Army of Russia?

Shoulder straps tsarist army 1914 is rarely mentioned in feature films And history books. Meanwhile this interesting object study: in the imperial age, during the reign of Tsar Nicholas II, uniforms were an object of art. Before the start of the First World War decals The Russian army was significantly different from those used now.

They were brighter and contained more information, but at the same time they did not have functionality: they were easily noticeable both in a field environment and in a forest or snow. For this reason, with the outbreak of major hostilities, the insignia was reformed.

The ranks in the tsarist army before 1917 also differed, which changed with the advent of the revolution. We’ll tell you in detail right now what the ranks of the Tsarist Army of Russia were, what the shoulder straps of the old Tsarist Army looked like.

The main differences between shoulder straps and ranks

In the pre-revolutionary years in Russia, instead of ranks, there were ranks - for both civilians and military personnel. They were introduced by decree of Peter the Great in 1722, who created the “Table of Ranks”. The lower ranks were followed by non-commissioned officers, then chief and staff officers. The ranks of generals were considered the highest. Read more about the ranks in the Tsarist Army of Russia in ascending order with shoulder straps below.

The first difference is in the name. Instead of title - rank. The second difference is in the specific names of the ranks. If now words such as corporal, private are used, then back then there were bombardier, volunteer.

The third difference is the information that is printed on the shoulder straps. Now on them you can find information about the height of a military rank. At the same time, Greek numerals were applied large-scale, almost to the full size, to the shoulder straps. They designated the regiment to which the soldier or officer belonged. The shoulder straps also had Roman numerals and letters; they already served to divide the “height” of the position.

The fact is that in the old days there were a lot of variations of shoulder straps, but despite this, they “intersected” between different ranks. An officer's shoulder straps could be the same as those of a private (by color, regiment number). Therefore, Roman numerals were additionally used, which helped to distinguish an officer from a subordinate. For the same purpose, cockades were used - small metal plaques that are attached to the front of the cap. The soldiers had them in one shape and color, while the higher structures had them in another.

The system of using colors is also different. Nowadays, military shoulder straps vary in color depending on the type of troops. The sailors had blue ones, the infantry had red and yellow ones, but back then the colors could vary even within the same division. So, each brigade within it had its own color of shoulder straps, and if within the brigade there was another division into regiments, then each regiment had its own color of caps or a picture on the cockade. Now the caps do not differ in color, only the highest ranks of sailors wear white hats.

Previously, epaulettes and monograms on them were used, but now the system, in which the main thing is a beautiful and noble picture, has been abolished in favor of the functional qualities of the uniform.

Why did the designations change?

From 1914 to 1917, several changes were quickly introduced regarding ranks and distinctive features in the army. First of all, with the beginning of the First World War, the colored covering of the shoulder straps was removed, which was noticeable at any time of the year and even in the off-season in November-April. They became a protective khaki color, which at that time was called “peas”.

As can be seen from the above, the Russian army before the revolution gave preference to beautiful uniforms, and a lot of attention was paid to the design component. With the beginning of serious hostilities, military leaders came to the conclusion that the colored elements of the uniform were not functional. They give the soldier away and make him an easy target for the enemy. Therefore, even before the revolution, colors were abolished.

The next change was associated with the coming to power of new people. Tsarism was overthrown, and with it the government wanted to consign into oblivion the Table of Ranks, as well as the titles that were introduced by Paul in the manner Prussian army. Therefore, many ranks were renamed. At the same time, shoulder straps and cockades went out of service. They returned to the army again only in 1943, and this gesture shows that not all developments of previous years were failures.

In general, the change in ranks and appearance uniforms was due to their inadequacy in the conditions of hostilities. There was constant confusion in ranks and shoulder straps strong minus uniform design of that time.

Correspondence of old ranks to modern ranks

A hundred years have passed since the First World War, but during this time the structure of the army has not changed much. Niches of soldiers, officers, and generals have been preserved in it. However, the old ranks received new, more convenient and general names.

Ranks in the old Tsarist army before 1917 with shoulder straps are given in accordance with the modern Russian ranking system:

  • Private, aka bombardier, Cossack, volunteer, sailor 2 articles, etc. The sailor of the second class was in the navy, the Cossack belonged to the Cossack army, the bombardier was classified as a sapper infantry. Only in the cavalry the lower ranks were called the same - private. Voluntary is an outdated concept that referred to people who voluntarily went to serve (analogous to modern contract soldiers). They were distinguished by their privileges in the service.
  • Corporal. Previously, only cavalry employees were called corporals, which is where the majority came from modern names. A corporal in the navy was called a sailor of the first class, among the Cossacks more high rank was called "orderly". IN artillery force and sapper divisions there was no division into corporals and privates, everyone was called “bombardiers”.

  • Junior non-commissioned officer. This included Junior Fireworker, Jr. constable, quartermaster (in the navy).
  • Senior non-commissioned officer. This is a boatswain's mate in the navy, a senior sergeant in the Life Guards and among the Cossacks, and a senior fireworksman among sappers.
  • Feldwebel. This includes the sergeant among the Cossacks and cavalry, and the boatswain in the fleet.
  • Sub-ensign. Conductor in naval forces, in the infantry the name is the same as the modern one.
  • An ordinary ensign. Sub-sergeant, ordinary ensign of the cavalry and life guard are among the ranks associated with this rank.

Higher officer ranks

More serious officer recognition began with receiving the rank of chief officer. Then the lower ones began to address the military “Your Honor.” The officer's cap badge, starting from this rank, is gold. Among the ranks (in ascending order) are ensign, second lieutenant, staff captain, captain, all these ranks were associated with the Table of Ranks.

The officer rank of "ensign" was considered the 14th, lowest rank, the staff captain was already 9th in honor. Due to the fact that the title “captain” was previously used, confusion may arise in comparing modern and ancient military ranks. Until 1917, the “captain” ranks in the tsarist army were considered such ranks as captain, Cossack captain, and only in the guard the captain was called the same as now. Therefore, when answering the question “Captain – what is this rank now?”, you need to answer that captain. The captain was almost equal to the staff officers, wearing eye-catching blue shoulder straps.

"Elite" and general ranks

The last level, which preceded the catalog of generals, were staff officers, these are lieutenant colonels and colonels. In the navy they were called captains and captains of 2nd rank. The next highest ranking commander in the army was a general, and in the navy - an admiral.

Staff officers were called “High Nobility”, generals – “Your Excellency”. Among the generals there were divisions: major general, colonel general, engineer general, etc. The general rank was appointed by the royal council. The generals were distinguished by the most elaborate military cockade, white gloves, big amount awards, which is no different from the current state.

Military ranks in the tsarist army until 1917, and shoulder straps were very different from modern ones. This indicates a noticeable backwardness of the then system of names and uniforms. Now the uniforms and ranks of those times can be used as an example of history, but one should not use as an example the old imperfect shoulder straps that caused confusion among the military themselves.

Tables of ranks of the Russian Army

Russian army 1884-1917

The table shows the ranks of army ranks from 1884 to 1917. These are the years of reign Alexandra III(1881-1894), Nicholas II (1894-1917). During the period under review, the ranks in the guard were one class higher than in the army, i.e. The "old" and "young" guards are equal in rank. In 1891, Cossack ranks were established in the Cossack Life Guards and Ataman Life Guards Regiment (before that time, the ranks in these regiments were general cavalry). In 1884, the rank of “major” was finally abolished, and all officer ranks from second lieutenant to captain in the Table of Ranks were raised by one grade. The captain now has a staff officer VIII class, but is still listed in the chief officer ranks. Since 1884, the rank of warrant officer has been reserved only for wartime (assigned only during the war, and with its end, all warrant officers are subject to either retirement or the rank of second lieutenant). The rank of cornet in the cavalry is retained as the first officer rank. He is a grade lower than an infantry second lieutenant, but in the cavalry there is no rank of second lieutenant. This equalizes the ranks of infantry and cavalry. IN Cossack units officer classes are equivalent to cavalry classes, but have their own names. In this regard, the rank of military sergeant major, previously equal to a major, now becomes equal to a lieutenant colonel.

In 1912, the last Field Marshal General Milyutin dies Dmitry Alekseevich, who served as Minister of War from 1861 to 1881. This rank was not assigned to anyone else, but nominally this rank was retained ( in 1910, the rank of Russian field marshal was awarded to King Nicholas I of Montenegro, and in 1912 to King Carol I of Romania. Note by A Shisharin 10.10.2000).

After October revolution 1917 By the Decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars (the Bolshevik government) of December 16, 1917, all military ranks were abolished. At this time, the Russian army was disintegrating. From individual military personnel, from remnants of units imperial army the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was created simultaneously (Decree of the Central Executive Committee and Council of People's Commissars of January 15, 1918), armed formations White Movement(used throughout civil war presented here rank system), national armies Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Poland, Finland (created their own rank systems).

Army infantry

Code* Category Rank class Rank name
1a Lower ranks Private
2 Corporal
3 Non-commissioned officers Junior non-commissioned officer
4a Senior non-commissioned officer
4b Sergeant Major
5a Sub-ensign
5 B Ordinary ensign
7 Chief officers XIV Ensign
8a XI Second Lieutenant
8b X Lieutenant
9a IX Staff Captain
9b VIII Captain
11 Staff officers VII Lieutenant colonel
12 VI Colonel
14 Generals IV Major General
15 III Lieutenant General
16 II General of Infantry
18 I Field Marshal General

* Read more about rank encoding.

Army cavalry

Code* Category Rank class Rank name
1 Lower ranks Private
2 Corporal
3 Non-commissioned officers Non-commissioned officer
4a Junior Sergeant
4b Senior Sergeant
7 Chief officers XII Cornet
8 X Lieutenant
9a IX Staff Captain
9b VIII Captain
11 Staff officers VII Lieutenant colonel
12 VI Colonel
14 Generals IV Major General
15 III Lieutenant General
16 II General of the Cavalry

Army Cossacks

Code* Category Rank class Rank name
1 Lower ranks Cossack
2 Orderly
3 Non-commissioned officers Junior constable
4a Senior constable
4b Sergeant
5 Podkhorunzhy
7 Chief officers XII Cornet
8 X Centurion
9a IX Podesaul
9b VIII Esaul
11 Staff officers VII Military foreman
12 VI Colonel

Army Artillery / Corps of Engineers

Code* Category Rank class Rank name
1 Lower ranks . Gunner
2 Bombardier
3 Non-commissioned officers Junior fireworks
4a Senior Fireworks Man
4b Sergeant Major
5a Sub-ensign
5 B Ordinary ensign
7 Chief officers XIV Ensign
8a XI Second Lieutenant
8b X Lieutenant
9a IX Staff Captain
9b VIII Captain
11 Staff officers VII Lieutenant colonel
12 VI Colonel
14 Generals IV Major General
15 III Lieutenant General
16 II General-feldtsechmeister

In class II in artillery and engineering troops there were three ranks: General of Artillery, General Engineer (General of Engineers) and General Feldzechmeister. The last rank was worn main boss artillery and engineering troops.

Very often in cinema and classical literature The rank of lieutenant is found. Now such a title in Russian army no, that's why a lot of people are interested in lieutenant, what is the rank according to modern realities. In order to understand this, you need to look at history.

History of the rank

Such a rank as lieutenant still exists in the armies of other states, but it does not exist in the Russian army. It was first adopted in the 17th century by regiments brought to the European standard. Contrary to the incorrect opinion of many, “lieutenant” has nothing to do with the word “entrust”; it has a completely different meaning.

The lieutenant, of course, had the authority to give orders, but only after agreement with the company commander. The main task This serviceman was accompanied by teams of privates, whom he took on bail, and this is where this rank came from.

His duties included escorting privates to a specific destination. The Streltsy army under Ivan the Terrible did not include such ranks, it operated mutual responsibility. In terms of status, such a rank was higher than a second lieutenant, but subordinate to the captain-lieutenant.

This rank was found in all ground forces ah, less often he was present in the guard. Since 1798, the rank of lieutenant was abolished in all branches of the military, but remained in the guard. According to historical information had such powers in Cossack troops centurion, and a headquarters captain was introduced into the cavalry, instead of a lieutenant. In tsarist times in the navy this position was occupied by a midshipman.

The rank of lieutenant was varying degrees class, depending on the type of troops. The ranks of the guard were two classes higher than the ground forces of the Russian army and one higher than in the navy.

IN Russian history There are three famous lieutenants that anyone knows.

  1. The first is the famous Lieutenant Rzhevsky, the hero of jokes. In the history of Russia, there really was a family of Rzhevskys, in which there was a family member serving in the tsarist army, but he did not take part in the War of 1812, since he was born later.
  2. One more for everyone famous person- this is the eternally sad and discouraged Golitsyn, the hero of the song.
  3. The third lieutenant is the poet Mikhail Lermontov, who died in a duel from Major Martynov’s bullet.

Lieutenant in the modern army

IN modern army this title is found in Poland and the Czech Republic. The lieutenant has the authority to lead the rank and file and carry out the orders of senior officers.

Until 1917, this rank was listed in the tsarist army and was part of the chief officer corps. After the revolution, this rank was abolished. Workers' and Peasants' Army rejected any manifestation of tsarism. Therefore, the officers were replaced with the ranks of commanders, but in 1943 the surviving officer ranks were returned in the corresponding ranks. The word “officer” with the corresponding shoulder straps has returned to the lexicon.

The system of insignia and ranks did not change until the collapse of the USSR. But even after the emergence Russian State the rank system remains the same. Currently, this rank is equal to the rank of senior lieutenant. This rank in the modern Russian army is given to servicemen belonging to the junior officers. If the service takes place as part of the Guards troops, then the word “Guards” is added to the rank. Depending on the available specialty, a senior lieutenant may be a lieutenant of justice or medical service.

In order to receive this title you must have a higher military education and at least a year of service without penalties. Senior lieutenant is assigned after receiving the rank of lieutenant and having the appropriate education. You can achieve this rank only by having vocational education after graduating from a military school or receiving the rank of lieutenant after training in civilian university on military department. After serving for a year, they can be awarded the rank of senior lieutenant.

- (from Polish porucznik) officer rank in the Russian army from the 17th century. In the Polish Army and some other armies, military rank junior officerBig Encyclopedic Dictionary

LIEUTENANT, lieutenant, husband. (pre-rev.). In the tsarist army the second chief officer rank, intermediate between second lieutenant and staff captain. Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

LIEUTENANT, huh, husband. 1. In the tsarist army: an officer rank higher than a second lieutenant and lower than a staff captain, as well as a person holding this rank. 2. In the armies of some countries: the military rank of junior officer, as well as the person holding this rank. | adj. lieutenant,... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Ah, m., shower. (Polish porucznik... Dictionary foreign words Russian language

A; m. 1. In the Russian army until 1917: officer rank the rank above second lieutenant and below staff captain, the person who bore this rank. Guards p. To be in the rank of lieutenant. 2. In the armies of some countries: military rank of junior officer; the face that wore... encyclopedic Dictionary

lieutenant- a, m. In the Russian army before 1917: junior officer rank above second lieutenant and below staff captain, as well as a person who had this rank. There is only one hope that some passing lieutenant or student will steal you and take you away... (Chekhov).... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

lieutenants- ova, ove, zast. Approx. to lieutenant; senior lieutenant... Ukrainian Tlumach Dictionary

Star. military rank, lieutenant, attested in 1701; see Christiani 32. Borrowed. from Polish porucznik – the same thing that, due to the presence of u, came from Czech. poručnik, tracing paper from Lat. locum tenens, literally – holding a place (Schulz-Basler 2, 21). Wed... ... Etymological dictionary Russian language by Max Vasmer

1) junior officer rank in the Russian army (highest after second lieutenant). existed since the 17th century. In the Cossack units, he corresponded to the rank of centurion. 2) In the Polish Army and in the Czechoslovak Army people's army military rank of junior officer (see... ... Big Soviet encyclopedia


  • Collection of regulations on artillery allowances and weapons and small arms in infantry and cavalry units. , Lieutenant I. A. Petrov. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. A manual for weapons managers in individual units. Reproduced in the original copyright...
  • Charter of the field aeronautical service. , Lieutenant Trofimov. The aeronautical team was compiled by Lieutenant Trofimov, edited by General Staff Lieutenant Colonel Orlova. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1888 edition...

During times Soviet Union Many films have been made that feature the rank of the Russian army - lieutenant. Today there is no such rank of military personnel, so many are interested in who in 2017 could be called a lieutenant, who is endowed with similar powers? To do this, it is worth looking into history.

Who is a lieutenant

The military rank of “lieutenant” is still used in some countries, but in Russia it is no longer used. This rank was first introduced in the 17th century, in the regiments of the “new order”. Lieutenant is a native Polish word; some confuse its meaning, believing that military rank allowed entrusting private soldiers with important tasks. In fact, of course, the serviceman had the right to give instructions, which were agreed upon with the assistant commanders of the companies (the latter, by the way, were called squadrons). But his main professional activity consisted of accompanying marches when the privates were given to him “on bail.”

Later, the lieutenant could be found in the artillery and engineering troops, even in the guard. In 1798, the rank was abolished everywhere except among the guards. According to historical records, a similar rank was assigned to the Cossacks, but it was called “centurion”; the cavalry also did not lag behind - here the lieutenant was replaced by a staff captain. During the reign of the Tsar in Russia, a lieutenant in the navy was a midshipman; in civilian life, the rank was equivalent to collegiate secretary.

In 2017, the lieutenant still remains in the ranks of the Czech and Polish army, he belongs to the junior officer corps, which means he can coordinate the actions of the rank and file and at the same time carry out the orders of senior officers.

Modern rank of lieutenant

Today, the lieutenant in the Russian army has been replaced by his equivalent - the lieutenant.

A lieutenant can be junior or senior, and he can also be retired or in reserve. IN the latter case The lieutenant is obliged to report for duty to defend the Motherland in the event of a confrontation between the Russian Federation and other states. If the service involves placement on a guards ship or a military unit of the guards type, the word “guards” is added to the rank.

Having received legal or medical education, the lieutenant becomes a lieutenant in the medical service or justice. You can determine that a senior lieutenant is next to you by looking at his shoulder straps:

  • in the longitudinal direction shoulder straps with bottom edge 2 stars are posted;
  • the third is fixed above the previous signs on the longitudinal axial strip;
  • the diameter of the stars is small - 14 mm, the higher the rank of the serviceman, the larger value insignia;
  • the stars are arranged to form a triangle;
  • if you measure the distance from the center of one star to the center of the other, it should be 29 mm;
  • A button is sewn along the upper edge of the shoulder strap.